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High-resolution measurements of thermodynamic, microphysical, and turbulence properties inside a turbulent inversion layer above a marine stratocumulus cloud layer are presented. The measurements are performed with the helicopter-towed measurement payload Airborne Cloud Turbulence Observation System (ACTOS), which allows for sampling with low true air speeds and steep profiles through cloud top. Vertical profiles show that the turbulent inversion layer consists of clear air above the cloud top, with nearly linear profiles of potential temperature, horizontal wind speed, absolute humidity, and concentration of interstitial aerosol. The layer is turbulent, with an energy dissipation rate nearly the same as that in the lower cloud, suggesting that the two are actively coupled, but with significant anisotropic turbulence at the large scales within the turbulent inversion layer. The turbulent inversion layer is traversed six times and the layer thickness is observed to vary between 37 and 85 m, whereas the potential temperature and horizontal wind speed differences at the top and bottom of the layer remain essentially constant. The Richardson number therefore increases with increasing layer thickness, from approximately 0.2 to 0.7, suggesting that the layer develops to the point where shear production of turbulence is sufficiently weak to be balanced by buoyancy suppression. This picture is consistent with prior numerical simulations of the evolution of turbulence in localized stratified shear layers. It is observed that the large eddy scale is suppressed by buoyancy and is on the order of the Ozmidov scale, much less than the thickness of the turbulent inversion layer, such that direct mixing between the cloud top and the free troposphere is inhibited, and the entrainment velocity tends to decrease with increasing turbulent inversion-layer thickness. Qualitatively, the turbulent inversion layer likely grows through nibbling rather than engulfment.  相似文献   

The characteristics of low-level jets (LLJ) observed at the “Centro de Investigacion de la Baja Atmósfera” (CIBA) site in Spain are analysed, focussing on the turbulence generated in the upper part of the jet, a feature that is still to be thoroughly understood. During the Stable Boundary Layer Experiment in Spain (SABLES) 1998, captive balloon soundings were taken intensively, and their analyses have highlighted the main characteristics of the jet’s wind and temperature structure, leading to a composite profile. There are indications that the turbulence has a minimum at the level of the wind maximum, with elevated turbulence in a layer at a height between two and three times that of the LLJ maximum, but no direct measurements of turbulence were available at these heights. In September 2001, a 100-m tower at the same site was re-instrumented to give turbulence measurements up to 96.6 m above ground level. All occurrences of LLJ below this height between September 2002 and June 2003 have been selected and significant turbulence above the LLJ has been found. Simulations with a single-column turbulence kinetic energy model have been made in order to further investigate the generation of elevated turbulence. The results correlate well with the measurements, showing that in the layer above the LLJ, where there is significant shear and weakly stable stratification, conditions are conducive to the development of turbulence.  相似文献   

强风天气下边界层结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近地层观测的强风运动表明,叠加在平均流动之上的脉动通常有两种,一种是随机的湍流脉动,还有一种具有相干结构的阵风扰动。分析表明,上层强风的剪切运动产生阵风,并向下传递能量,对近地层的通量传输起到重要作用。本文利用北京325 m气象塔、位于海拔1257 m的妙峰山测风塔和位于海拔1688 m的灵山测风塔的资料,分析了强风天气下,边界层上层出现阵风并向下传递的过程,进一步证实无论在近地层还是边界层上层,强风期间,叠加在平均流动上除了高频湍流脉动之外,还有周期为1~10分钟的阵风,即相干结构。阵风峰期有下沉运动,阵风谷期有上升运动。这些相干结构在边界层上层产生,向下运动和传播过程中受到平均气流梯度的切变作用和地面摩擦,破碎为湍流结构。边界层上层的阵风和湍流产生的动量通量向下传递,使得强风期间,边界层中阵风和湍流对通量具有同样的输送能力,对边界层中沙尘、污染物等气溶胶的传输具有重要作用。本研究为模式中进行通量输送参数化方案的修正提供了观测和理论依据。  相似文献   

Occurrences of intermittent turbulence in very stable conditions during theCASES-99 field study near Leon, Kansas were detected at several sites separatedby horizontal distances from 1 km to 25 km using sonic anemometers, minisodarsand a laser scintillometer. Periods with significant turbulent heat fluxes wereseparated by extended quiescent periods with little or no flux, and most of theflux during a night was realized in relatively small fractions (<20%) of thetotal time. There appeared to be no relationship between this intermittencyfraction and the median z/L (z being height and L the Obukhov length)value for the night, although overall sensible heat flux values on very stablenights were significantly less than those on less stable nights. The intermittencyfraction at 7 m was found to increase with mean wind speed at 20 m and, to alesser extent, with wind shear between 20 m and 30 m. While correspondenceof turbulent episodes at two sites separated by 1 km was common, it was less common at separations on the order of 20 km. There were time periods, however, during which enhanced turbulence levels were seen nearly simultaneously at large separation distances. Turbulence episodes were found to propagate upward or downward at different times with no readily defined large-scale controlling mechanism.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel experiments were carried out to study turbulence statistics in the wake of a model wind turbine placed in a boundary-layer flow under both neutral and stably stratified conditions. High-resolution velocity and temperature measurements, obtained using a customized triple wire (cross-wire and cold wire) anemometer, were used to characterize the mean velocity, turbulence intensity, turbulent fluxes, and spectra at different locations in the wake. The effect of the wake on the turbulence statistics is found to extend as far as 20 rotor diameters downwind of the turbine. The velocity deficit has a nearly axisymmetric shape, which can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution and a power-law decay with distance. This decay in the near-wake region is found to be faster in the stable case. Turbulence intensity distribution is clearly non-axisymmetric due to the non-uniform distribution of the incoming velocity in the boundary layer. In the neutral case, the maximum turbulence intensity is located above the hub height, around the rotor tip location and at a distance of about 4–5.5 rotor diameters, which are common separations between wind turbines in wind farms. The enhancement of turbulence intensity is associated with strong shear and turbulent kinetic energy production in that region. In the stable case, the stronger shear in the incoming flow leads to a slightly stronger and larger region of enhanced turbulence intensity, which extends between 3 and 6 rotor diameters downwind of the turbine location. Power spectra of the streamwise and vertical velocities show a strong signature of the turbine blade tip vortices at the top tip height up to a distance of about 1–2 rotor diameters. This spectral signature is stronger in the vertical velocity component. At longer downwind distances, tip vortices are not evident and the von Kármán formulation agrees well with the measured velocity spectra.  相似文献   

We analyse single-point velocity statistics obtained in a wind tunnel within and above a model of a waving wheat crop, consisting of nylon stalks 47 mm high and 0.25 mm wide in a square array with frontal area index 0.47. The variability of turbulence measurements in the wind tunnel is illustrated by using a set of 71 vertical traverses made in different locations, all in the horizontally-homogeneous (above-canopy) part of the boundary layer. Ensemble-averaged profiles of the statistical moments up to the fourth order and profiles of Eulerian length scales are presented and discussed. They are consistent with other similar experiments and reveal the existence of large-scale turbulent coherent structures in the flow. The drag coefficient in this canopy as well as in other reported experiments is shown to exhibit a characteristic height-dependency, for which we propose an interpretation. The velocity spectra are analysed in detail; within and just above the canopy, a scaling based on fixed length and velocity scales (canopy height and mean horizontal wind speed at canopy top) is proposed. Examination of the turbulent kinetic energy and shear stress budgets confirms the role of turbulent transport in the region around the canopy top, and indicates that pressure transport may be significant in both cases. The results obtained here show that near the top of the canopy, the turbulence properties are more reminiscent of a plane mixing layer than a wall boundary layer.  相似文献   

The wake characteristics of a wind turbine for different regimes occurring throughout the diurnal cycle are investigated systematically by means of large-eddy simulation. Idealized diurnal cycle simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer are performed with the geophysical flow solver EULAG over both homogeneous and heterogeneous terrain. Under homogeneous conditions, the diurnal cycle significantly affects the low-level wind shear and atmospheric turbulence. A strong vertical wind shear and veering with height occur in the nocturnal stable boundary layer and in the morning boundary layer, whereas atmospheric turbulence is much larger in the convective boundary layer and in the evening boundary layer. The increased shear under heterogeneous conditions changes these wind characteristics, counteracting the formation of the night-time Ekman spiral. The convective, stable, evening, and morning regimes of the atmospheric boundary layer over a homogeneous surface as well as the convective and stable regimes over a heterogeneous surface are used to study the flow in a wind-turbine wake. Synchronized turbulent inflow data from the idealized atmospheric boundary-layer simulations with periodic horizontal boundary conditions are applied to the wind-turbine simulations with open streamwise boundary conditions. The resulting wake is strongly influenced by the stability of the atmosphere. In both cases, the flow in the wake recovers more rapidly under convective conditions during the day than under stable conditions at night. The simulated wakes produced for the night-time situation completely differ between heterogeneous and homogeneous surface conditions. The wake characteristics of the transitional periods are influenced by the flow regime prior to the transition. Furthermore, there are different wake deflections over the height of the rotor, which reflect the incoming wind direction.  相似文献   

A flow situation over coastal waters of the Baltic Sea is studied. The boundary layer was characterized by stable stratification and the presence of a pronounced low level jet at very low height, 30–150 m, above the surface of the sea. The atmospheric surface layer was apparently extremely shallow; thus the non-dimensional wind gradients and temperature gradients derived from measurements at 8 m do not show adherence to Monin-Obukhov similarity, in sharp contrast to findings from the same site at similar stability conditions but with no low level jet. Instead these quantities are shown to be governed by scales characteristic of stable shear flow away from the surface. The height to the jet centre appears to be an important quantity. Thus, for the cases with the lowest jet height values (30–50 m), some turbulent characteristics of the flow (non-dimensional velocity standard deviations and the correlation between the longitudinal and vertical velocity) have values similar to those found for the zero pressure-gradient laboratory boundary layer over a flat plate (the so called canonical boundary layer) rather than the typical values found in atmospheric boundary-layer flow. It was inferred that the large scale fluctuations known as inactive turbulence, as well as gravity waves, were suppressed in this case.  相似文献   


Dawn‐to‐dusk evolution of air turbulence, sensible heat and latent heat above a forest during cloud‐free or near‐cloud‐free summer conditions is modelled by way of a system of differential equations. Temperatures in and above the canopy, near canopy‐top wind velocities, early morning leaf moisture (dew) and afternoon canopy ventilation (i.e. heat released from the canopy and from below the canopy) are included in the mathematical treatment. Computed results are compared with field data for atmospheric temperature and wind speed profiles up to 1200 m, within‐canopy temperature, and canopy‐level radiation, turbulent fluxes and wind speeds. Data were collected at a central New Brunswick mixed‐wood forest site dominated by spruce (Picea spp. ) and shade‐tolerant hardwoods for four representative summer days. It was found that the effective canopy temperature was not only affected by insolation, but also by the extent of canopy ventilation and the amount of dew on the foliage. The growth of the mixing layer was affected by canopy ventilation and by above‐canopy wind speeds. Model calculations closely simulated the meteorological observations.  相似文献   

The development and characteristics of coastal internal boundary layers were investigated in 28 tests. These were made at all seasons and in both gradient and sea-breeze flows but only during mid-day periods. Measurements of turbulence and temperature were taken from a light aircraft which flew traverses across Long Island at successive altitudes parallel to the wind direction. These were used to locate the boundary between modified and unmodified air as a function of height and distance from the coast. The same measurements plus tower measurements of wind, turbulence and temperature, pilot balloon soundings and measurements of land and water surface temperatures by a remote sensing IR thermometer were used to quantify the characteristics of the modified and unmodified air. The boundary layer slope was steep close to the land-water interface and became shallower with downwind distance. Growth of the boundary layer was initially slower with stable lapse rates upwind than with neutral or unstable conditions over the water. An equilibrium height was found in many tests except under conditions of free convection when the internal boundary layer merged into the mixed layer inland and with sea-breeze conditions. The equilibrium height depended on downwind conditions and was greater with low wind speeds and strong land surface heating than with stronger winds and small land-water temperature differences. Current theoretical models are not adequate to predict the height of the boundary layer at the altitudes and distances studied but reasonably good predictions were given by an empirical model developed earlier. Wind speed in the modified air averaged about 70% of that at the coast but turbulence levels were several times higher both near the surface and aloft. These findings have important implications for diffusion from coastal sites.  相似文献   

The development and characteristics of coastal internal boundary layers were investigated in 28 tests. These were made at all seasons and in both gradient and sea-breeze flows but only during mid-day periods. Measurements of turbulence and temperature were taken from a light aircraft which flew traverses across Long Island at successive altitudes parallel to the wind direction. These were used to locate the boundary between modified and unmodified air as a function of height and distance from the coast. The same measurements plus tower measurements of wind, turbulence and temperature, pilot balloon soundings and measurements of land and water surface temperatures by a remote sensing IR thermometer were used to quantify the characteristics of the modified and unmodified air. The boundary layer slope was steep close to the land-water interface and became shallower with downwind distance. Growth of the boundary layer was initially slower with stable lapse rates upwind than with neutral or unstable conditions over the water. An equilibrium height was found in many tests except under conditions of free convection when the internal boundary layer merged into the mixed layer inland and with sea-breeze conditions. The equilibrium height depended on downwind conditions and was greater with low wind speeds and strong land surface heating than with stronger winds and small land-water temperature differences. Current theoretical models are not adequate to predict the height of the boundary layer at the altitudes and distances studied but reasonably good predictions were given by an empirical model developed earlier. Wind speed in the modified air averaged about 70% of that at the coast but turbulence levels were several times higher both near the surface and aloft. These findings have important implications for diffusion from coastal sites.  相似文献   

Models of the diabatic wind profile over homogeneous terrain for the entire atmospheric boundary layer are developed using mixing-length theory and are compared to wind speed observations up to 300 m at the National Test Station for Wind Turbines at Høvsøre, Denmark. The measurements are performed within a wide range of atmospheric stability conditions, which allows a comparison of the models with the average wind profile computed in seven stability classes, showing a better agreement than compared to the traditional surface-layer wind profile. The wind profile is measured by combining cup anemometer and lidar observations, showing good agreement at the overlapping heights. The height of the boundary layer, a parameter required for the wind profile models, is estimated under neutral and stable conditions using surface-layer turbulence measurements, and under unstable conditions based on the aerosol backscatter profile from ceilometer observations.  相似文献   

利用北京中国科学院大气物理研究所325 m气象观测塔的气象梯度资料和湍流资料,分析了2014年11月29日至12月5日北京两次大风过程中气象要素和湍流输送特征的变化。第一次大风过程的强度和持续时间均高于第二次大风过程。强烈的风速垂直切变主要集中在距地面100 m高度范围内,最强风速垂直切变达到0.31 s~(-1)。大风过程中,阵风系数呈现随高度减小的趋势,越接近地面,阵风系数愈大。阵风强度的变化与阵风系数相似,100 m以下高度时,阵风强度随高度增大而减小。大风过程自上而下改变边界层结构,平均动能、湍流动能和摩擦速度最先从上层(280 m)发生变化且迅速增加。近地层由于风速垂直梯度的显著差异,近地层垂直方向的湍流强度最大。大风时各功率谱在低频区(0.01 s~(-1))达到峰值,大风过后各高度的能量都有所下降。  相似文献   

We present measurements from 2006 of the marine wind speed profile at a site located 18 km from the west coast of Denmark in the North Sea. Measurements from mast-mounted cup anemometers up to a height of 45 m are extended to 161 m using LiDAR observations. Atmospheric turbulent flux measurements performed in 2004 with a sonic anemometer are compared to a bulk Richardson number formulation of the atmospheric stability. This is used to classify the LiDAR/cup wind speed profiles into atmospheric stability classes. The observations are compared to a simplified model for the wind speed profile that accounts for the effect of the boundary-layer height. For unstable and neutral atmospheric conditions the boundary-layer height could be neglected, whereas for stable conditions it is comparable to the measuring heights and therefore essential to include. It is interesting to note that, although it is derived from a different physical approach, the simplified wind speed profile conforms to the traditional expressions of the surface layer when the effect of the boundary-layer height is neglected.  相似文献   

The structure of turbulence in an inversion layer and in an homogeneous convective field of the planetary boundary layer is described. In the first part of the paper, we validate the sodar estimates of turbulent dissipation, by using measurements with an hot-wire anemometric system in situ. Limitations of an ε measurement technique using structure function calculations are given, taking account of atmospheric properties and acoustic Doppler instrumental effects. By comparison between isopleths of backscattering intensity and of turbulent dissipation rates, we observe that in the early morning, turbulence is advected by mechanical turbulence generated by wind shear. The same mechanism seems to be operating in the case of an inversion layer capping thermal instability, when the convective activity is not too greatly developed. A turbulent kinetic energy budget is examined using aircraft, sodar, and tower measurements. This indicates a constant turbulent dissipation profile through a deep convective layer.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所北京325 m气象塔的风速和温度平均场观测资料和湍流资料,以及北京市气象台地面常规气象资料和逐日08:00和20:00(北京时间)的探空资料,分析了2002年3月18~22日沙尘暴过境前后北京城市边界层结构特征和湍流输送特征,结果表明:1)在沙尘暴爆发前,边界层中水平风速一直较小;气温较高,大气层结稳定,在边界层上部有强大的逆温层.随着冷锋过境,沙尘暴爆发,边界层中水平风速和平均湍流速度急剧增强;温度也突然变化,先迅速增强后又持续下降,逆温层迅速被破坏.2)沙尘暴初期,280 m上为系统性上升气流,而47和120 m则为系统性的下沉气流.随着沙尘暴爆发,湍流动能、向下传输的动量以及向上传输的感热也迅速增大,并且120 m高度的湍能、动量通量以及感热通量明显高于47和280 m,这与北京的局地环流有关.3)本次沙尘暴过程中,120和47 m层的摩擦速度都明显超过了北京的临界摩擦速度,表明局地起沙也是本次沙尘暴过程中北京沙尘的一个重要沙源.  相似文献   

To investigate the processes of development and maintenance of low-level clouds during major synoptic events, the cloudy boundary layer under stormy conditions during the summertime Arctic has been studied using observations from the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) experiment and large-eddy simulations (LES). On 29 July 1998, a stable Arctic cloudy boundary-layer event was observed after the passage of a synoptic low pressure system. The local dynamic and thermodynamic structure of the boundary layer was determined from aircraft measurements including the analysis of turbulence, cloud microphysics and radiative properties. After the upper cloud layer advected over the existing cloud layer, the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget indicated that the cloud layer below 200 m was maintained predominantly by shear production. Observations of longwave radiation showed that cloud-top cooling at the lower cloud top has been suppressed by radiative effects of the upper cloud layer. Our LES results demonstrate the importance of the combination of shear mixing near the surface and radiative cooling at the cloud top in the storm-driven cloudy boundary layer. Once the low-level cloud reaches a certain height, depending on the amount of cloud-top cooling, the two sources of TKE production begin to separate in space under continuous stormy conditions, suggesting one possible mechanism for the cloud layering. The sensitivity tests suggest that the storm-driven cloudy boundary layer is possibly switched to the shear-driven system due to the advection of upper clouds or to the buoyantly driven system due to the lack of wind shear. A comparison is made of this storm-driven boundary layer with the buoyantly driven boundary layer previously described in the literature.  相似文献   

Turbulent characteristics of a 50 to 100 m deep convective internal boundary layer (I.B.L.) have been studied. The data were gathered at a flat coastal site (Näsudden on the island of Gotland, Sweden) during three consecutive days in May 1980 which were characterized by a steady, very stable stratified marine approach flow. The site is situated on a flat area ca. 1500 m from the shoreline. Only daytime runs have been analysed in the present paper. The sensible heat flux at the ground was typically 200 W m-2 and was found to decrease more or less linearly with height throughout the I.B.L., being slightly negative at greater heights. The momentum flux was also found to decrease with height, but nevertheless shear production of turbulent kinetic energy was found to be large throughout the entire I.B.L. The analysis shows that the turbulent regime has a mixed character. Certain characteristics, such as the rate of growth of the I.B.L., appear to be almost entirely controlled by mechanical turbulence, while others, notably temperature variance and the spectrum of vertical velocity, scale remarkably well with w * and z i, in accordance with the results found in fully convective conditions during the experiments at Minnesota and Aschurch. Other turbulent characteristics, such as spectra of the horizontal wind components measured near the top of the I.B.L. tend to adhere to mixed-layer scaling in the high frequency range, exhibiting much increased energy in the lower (reduced) frequency range. Spectra of the velocity components from 10 m are shown to be in general agreement with findings from ‘ideal’, homogeneous sites (Kansas) when properly normalized, although the low frequency part of u- and v-spectra are slightly reduced compared to the case with deep convection.  相似文献   

Two formulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer are proposed for use in weather forecasting or climate models. They feature the log-linear profile near the surface, but are free from the associated critical Richardson number. The diffusion coefficients in the Ekman layer are a natural extension of the surface layer. They are locally determined using wind shear in one case and turbulent kinetic energy in the other. The parameterizations are tested in a one-dimensional model simulating the evolution of the nocturnal boundary layer with and without radiative cooling. Both formulations give very similar results, except near the top of the boundary layer where the transition to the free atmosphere is smoother with the wind shear formulation. A distinctive feature of these schemes is that they retain their simulating skill when resolution is reduced. This is verified for a wide range of situations. In practice, this means that there is no need for a large-scale model to have a level below 50 m or so.  相似文献   

Contrasting vertical structures of nocturnal boundary layers   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This study analyzes eight levels of sonic anemometerdata collected on a 60-m towerduring CASES-99, toward the goal of understanding thevertical structure of thenocturnal boundary layer. Several different regimesare found. Thin boundarylayers are often observed where fluxes decrease with height and approximately vanish between 20 and 30 m aboveground. The flow above the thin boundary layeraccelerates and increasing shear oftengenerates significant turbulence in the middle ofthe night. Thisshear-generated turbulence is often stronger thanthat near the surface corresponding to an upside-downboundary layer. During these conditions,the turbulent transport of turbulence is downwardtoward the surface. The turbulence in this regimeshows features of z-less turbulence to the extentthat neither the height above groundnor the boundary-layer depth are primary scalingvariables. This layer isdifferent from a `residual layer' in thatturbulence is actively generated byshear associated with nocturnal accelerationsand often is stronger than that inthe surface-based boundary layer.In many cases, the turbulence does not varysignificantly across the towerlayer, implying that the boundary layer ismuch deeper than the 60-m towerlayer. Several case studies are presentedto illustrate the largevariation of vertical structure betweennights.  相似文献   

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