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马欣  吴绍洪  李玉娥  张雪艳  高清竹  伍洋 《地理学报》2012,67(11):1451-1460
研究我国水稻主产区季节性干旱受未来气候变化的影响, 对调整水稻种植布局、提高水稻生产适应气候变化能力具有重要意义。本文通过对比时间跨度为1981-2030 年水稻生产可用水量和季节性干旱的时空分布和干旱程度, 得出气候变化对未来我国水稻主产区季节性干旱有显著影响。主要结论有:2001-2030 年(对照期) 与1980-2000 年(基准期) 对比, (1) 早稻和晚稻生长季可用水量均值增加了10%以上, 中稻生长季可用水量保持不变。同时, 中稻和晚稻的生长季可用水量的空间分布更加均匀, 表明由于气候变化的影响, 水稻主产区水稻生长季可用水量从整体上会更加充沛、空间分布会更加均匀, 有利于缓解季节性干旱的发生。(2)水稻的季节性干旱均呈下降趋势, 早稻季节性干旱减少1.25 万km2, 中稻季节性干旱减少8.00万km2, 特别是晚稻季节性干旱减少25 万km2, 几乎占晚稻种植面积的20%。表明由于气候变化的影响, 水稻主产区水稻季节性干旱总体趋于缓解, 特别是晚稻季节性干旱问题有明显改善。(3) 通过建立水文循环过程中可用水量与作物生长季需水量之间的关系, 构建的基于分布式水文模型的水分供需指数(WSDI) 适用于评估未来气候对水稻主产区季节性干旱的影响。  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate the relationships between ENSO and rice production of Jiangxi province in order to identify the reason that ENSO might have little effect on Chinese rice production. Using a data set with measures of Jiangxi's climate and rice production,we find the reason that during 1985 and 2004 ENSO's well correlated with rainfall did not promote Chinese rice production. First,the largest effects of ENSO mostly occur in the months when there is no rice in the field. Second,there is almost ...  相似文献   

气候变化对山东省潘庄灌区冬小麦生长的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Global climate change has significant impacts on agricultural production.Future climate change will bring important influences to the food security.The CERES-Wheat model was used to simulate the winter wheat growing process and production in Panzhuang Irrigation District(PID) during 2011-2040 under B2 climate scenario based on the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios(SRES) assumptions with the result of RCMs(Regional Climate Models) projections by PRECIS(Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) system introduced to China from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research.The CERES-Wheat model was calibrated and validated with independent field-measured growth data in 2002-2003 and 2007-2008 growing season under current climatic conditions at Yucheng Comprehensive Experimental Station(YCES),Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS).The results show that a significant impact of climate change on crop growth and yield was noted in the PID study area.Average temperature at Yucheng Station rose by 0.86℃ for 1961-2008 in general.Under the B2 climate scenario,average temperature rose by 0.55℃ for 2011-2040 compared with the baseline period(1998-2008),which drastically shortened the growth period of winter-wheat.However,as the temperature keep increasing after 2030,the top-weight and yield of the winter wheat will turn to decrease.The simulated evapotranspiration shows an increasing trend,although it is not very significant,during 2011-2040.Water use efficiency will increase during 2011-2031,but decrease during 2031-2040.The results indicate that climate change enhances agricultural production in the short-term,whereas continuous increase in temperature limits crop production in the long-term.  相似文献   

中国耕地利用变化驱动下的粮食生产:安全格局分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
自从1978年改革开放以来,随着经济的迅速发展,中国的耕地利用格局发生了很大的变化。耕地数量和质量的变化直接导致粮食生产的变动。本文利用来自政府部门的农业统计数据,分析了1978-2004年间中国耕地利用水平的时空动态格局,并通过构建"粮耕弹性系数"来反映耕地利用变化与粮食生产的互动关系。研究结果表明:耕地投入的增加和质量的提升在一定程度上缓解了1978年以来我国耕地资源严重流失给粮食生产安全带来的压力;自改革开放以来,中国耕地利用水平呈现由经济快速发展带来的普遍性提升局面,并随着经济发展程度由东南沿海向内陆递减,耕地利用水平的提升速率也呈现由东南沿海向内陆梯级递减态势。然而,耕地集约利用程度的不断提升,并不一定会带来粮食产量的持续稳定增长。耕地集约利用增长的边际效用递减特性,使得中国粮食生产安全的保障已逐步由耕地集约利用水平的提升转向了耕地面积的保护,由此导致耕地资源的数量成为了左右粮食生产安全的关键,这也为当今中国制定严格的耕地保护目标和战略提供了现实的科学依据。  相似文献   

Land pressure and adaptation are the main factors determining environmental degradation in most of China’s mountainous regions. Little attention so far has been paid to the adaptation strategies based on evaluation of land pressure in these regions. We evaluated the grain production pressure and economic development pressure for 21 small watersheds undergoing soil conservation measures in the northern mountainous region of China, compared the evaluation results with actual production for each of the watersheds, and analyzed the adaptation strategies. The results imply that land pressure was spatially heterogeneous among the sample watersheds, but there was a balancing trend between land pressure and productive capacity for each watershed. Under rising pressure, these watersheds developed a variety of adaptation strategies such as labor migration, increasing fruit and nut production, and expanding rural tourism if possible. These strategies result from evolution of the market economy in China, and persistent development of the national economy determines the variation of environment in these mountainous regions.  相似文献   

气候变化对东北地区玉米生产的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
利用气象观测数据、玉米产量及面积资料,分析了东北地区气候变化事实及对玉米生产的影响。研究表明:1971年以来,东北地区≥10℃积温增加了262.8℃,≥10℃积温带(以2700℃为例)平原区向北推进了约200~300km左右,向东扩展50~150km。1991年开始玉米生长季(4~9月)降水量持续减少,年平均水分亏缺量达391.5mm,湿润区缩小,有变干趋势。初霜日推后7~9天,无霜期延长了14~21天,霜冻灾害几率降低。20世纪90年代后,玉米延迟型冷害进入低发期。随着热量资源的增加,玉米可种植区范围不断扩大,种植北界北移东扩,玉米适播起始时间提前。玉米总产、播种面积增加趋势分别为967万t/10a、72万hm2/10a。未来40年东北地区玉米产量以减产为主,与过去30年(1961~1990年)相比平均减产9.5%左右。调整玉米种植布局和品种搭配,依靠水利工程和推广旱作农业技术,选种耐旱、抗病、抗逆性强的玉米品种,是实现东北玉米生产可持续发展的主要措施。  相似文献   

农户生计对气候变化的恢复力研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊思鸿  阎建忠  吴雅 《地理研究》2020,39(8):1934-1946
随着气候变化对自然生态环境和社会经济可持续发展影响的不断加剧,恢复力逐渐成为应对气候变化的一种新理念。首先梳理了不同领域恢复力概念,进而阐述了农户生计对气候变化的恢复力的科学内涵及研究框架。然后重点分析了农户生计对气候变化的恢复力在资本、政府机构、自组织能力和学习能力四方面的具体表现。最后从定性和定量两方面归纳了生计恢复力的度量方法。定性评价方法主要包括农户问卷调查、关键线人访谈、重点小组讨论、生计轨迹方法和案例分析等,定量评价方法包括指标替代法、结构动力学分析法、贝叶斯网络模型法、基准线对比法等。未来研究应注重完善农户生计对气候变化的恢复力评价方法、加强农户生计对气候变化的恢复力动态研究并且开展区域间农户生计对气候变化的恢复力对比研究。  相似文献   

Being resilient in the face of climate change seems especially important for island societies, which face the effects of rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, changing wind patterns and sea level rise. To date, most studies of adaptation and resilience among Pacific island communities have used indicators and methods rooted in Western science and neo-classical economics. These have been criticized as being locally irrelevant and inadequate to appreciate the dynamic nature and social structures of island communities and their capacity to adapt. This paper challenges the paradigm that defines resilience as a return to equilibrium, by using a non-equilibrium, cultural ecological lens. The non-equilibrium view of resilience sees the social systems of island nations as highly dynamic and undergoing persistent adaptation in the face of changing environmental factors. Field-based research undertaken in eight villages in Samoa found that, through constant exposure to environmental change over extended periods of time, communities have become resilient and are in a position to adapt to future changes. In developing future policy in relation to climate change, Pacific island governments need to develop a more nuanced understanding of islanders’ perceptions and historical actions in the context of both their physical locations and their dynamic socio-cultural systems.  相似文献   

Impact of climate change on Tibet tourism based on tourism climate index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhong  Linsheng  Yu  Hu  Zeng  Yuxi 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(12):2085-2100
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Climate change is an important factor affecting the sustainable development of tourist destinations. Based on the monthly observation data of the main...  相似文献   

IntroductionBecauseoftherapidindustrialiZation,eSPeciallytheuseoffossilfijels,atmosphericconcentrahonofgreenhousegases,suchascabindioxide(CO2)andotherradiahvelyachvetracegases,haveincreasedconsiderablyinthepastcentury,thatwouldinducetoagradualw~ngoftheplanetthroughgreenhouseeffectS[l'2].TheincreaseofCOZconcenhationintheatmosphereanditSinducedclimatechangewouldimpactonagricultUlalproduchonbothdireehyandindirectly'"1.faceisoneofthemostimportantcropsforfoodproduchonintheworld.faceproduchoninC…  相似文献   

Dealing with the potential consequences of climate change on society requires scenarios that accurately project future climate. Uncertainties about future greenhouse gas emissions, climate sensitivity to radiative forcing, and limits to simulating a complex system constrain this objective. This paper reviews literature outlining the inherent challenges of creating future climate scenarios from general circulation models; it examines methods used to improve their interpretation and use; and it explores approaches taken to recognize and address uncertainty when investigating interactions between climate and society.  相似文献   

气候变化情景下中国自然生态系统脆弱性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
赵东升  吴绍洪 《地理学报》2013,68(5):602-610
本研究以动态植被模型LPJ 为主要工具,以区域气候模式工具PRECIS 产生的A2、B2和A1B情景气候数据为输入,模拟了未来气候变化下中国自然生态系统的变化状况,应用脆弱性评价模型,评估中国自然生态系统响应未来气候变化的脆弱性。结果表明:未来气候变化情景下中国东部地区脆弱程度呈上升趋势,西部地区呈下降趋势,但总体上,中国自然生态系统的脆弱性格局没有大的变化,仍呈现西高东低、北高南低的特点。受气候变化影响严重的地区是东北和华北地区,而青藏高原区南部和西北干旱区受气候变化影响,脆弱程度明显减轻。气候变化情景下的近期气候变化对我国生态系统的影响不大,但中、远期气候变化对生态系统的负面影响较大,特别是在自然条件相对较好的东部地区,脆弱区面积增加较多。  相似文献   

Global climate change has evolved from a scientific problem into an economic and political problem oI worlOwloe rater- est. National perspectives play a crucial role in addressing climate change. Mutual understanding of perspectives is nec- essary to result in rational policies and a consensus among stakeholders with divergent interests. Conceptual frameworks for understanding the problem of climate change in China, the largest developing country and the largest greenhouse gas emitter, are of great significance to national and international efforts to address the problems of climate change. Chinese perceptions of climate change as a sustainable development problem have recently been in tension with an emerging Western perspective that frames climate change as a security issue. This paper explores Chinese perceptions of climate change as expressed in recent governmental policy statements, public opinion surveys, and academic scholarship with a focus on publications in Chinese-language journals, often unfamiliar in the West. It looks at the relationship between Chinese research and policy and finds that the Chinese policy frame of climate change as a sustainable development problem draws from the body of domestic research and is reflective of the perspectives and multidisciplinary approach of Chinese researchers in areas of climate change.  相似文献   

Using NDVI data of NOAA-AVHRR in recent 20 years and the temperature and precipitation data of West China, the vegetation activity is discussed by adopting the EOF and REOF decomposed functions. Results show that the overall increasing trend of vegetation activity in different seasons reflects an advanced and prolonged growth period of vegetation under the circumstance of climate warming, but the vegetation evolvement has much inconsistency between different regions and seasons. There are four notable regions, eight sub-areas for vegetation evolvement in spring and summer, and nine sub-areas in autumn. The vegetation activity in most sub-areas is increasing. The most notable region is represented by Lhaze station on the Tibetan Plateau. Two other marked stations are represented by Altay station in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Pengshui station in Sichuan Province. But the time series analysis of NDVI makes clear that the trends of the other two sub-areas, Turpan station in Xinjiang and Huashan station in Shaanxi Province, are descending. It is an important reason for vegetation evolvement that temperature ascends in most of the regions and descends in the east region in some seasons. But another important reason for vegetation evolvement is that precipitation is ascending in the west and descending in the east of the region.  相似文献   

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