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Four organic-rich shale units of the Proterozoic Vindhyan sedimentary succession have been scanned to reveal their origin and hydrocarbon potential. The wavy-crinkly nature of the carbonaceous laminae is suggestive of a microbial mat origin of the shales. These shales are thus different from Phanerozoic black shales which typically exhibit planar laminae. The hydrocarbon potential of the black shale units has been evaluated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Total organic carbon content of many of the shales exceeds 1%. The meanT max for the black shales translate to a vitrinite reflectance range of 2.05-2.40% Rm based on standard conversion techniques. These shales have reached the catagenetic stage near the beginning of anthracite formation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses macroscopic signatures of microbial mat-related structures within the 1.6Ga-old Chorhat Sandstone of the Semri Group — the basal stratigraphic unit of the Vindhyan succession in Son valley. The Chorhat Sandstone broadly represents a prograding succession of three depositional facies ranging from shallow shelf to coastal margin with aeolian sandsheet. The mat-mediated structures were generated because of plastic or brittle deformation of sand, turned cohesive and even thixotropic because of microbial mat growth. Mat growth also favoured abundant preservation of structures that usually have low preservation potential. Prolific growth of microbial mat in the subtidal to intertidal zone of the Chorhat sea was facilitated due to lack of grazing and burrowing activities of organisms in the Precambrian. It further indicates low rate of sedimentation between the storms, as also attested by frequent superposition of storm-beds, even near the storm wave base. It also reduces erosion and that, in turn, would imply low sediment concentration in flows leading to development of bedforms that are likely to be smaller in size and isolated from each other in a single train in contrast to those that form in mat-free sands.  相似文献   

Recently, a paleosurface with microbially-induced sedimentary wrinkle structures that are associated with abundant, well-preserved, iguanodon-type, tridactyl tracks has been documented at the Lotus tracksite near Qijiang (Chongqing, China) in fluvial deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation. Two different wrinkle structure types are identified and described from a macroscopic point of view and also by applying microstructure analysis with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and other high-resolution instruments, that detected sheath-like and globular organic matter and thus confirm the microbial origin of the observed wrinkle structures. A model for the formation of the two microbial mat induced wrinkle structure types and associated preservation of dinosaur tracks is proposed. Finally, some human footprints were left in comparable modern environments covered with a thin microbial mat, and they are used as a modern analog in order to better understand the track formation and preservation mechanisms of the dinosaur tracks of the Lotus tracksite.  相似文献   

The Borra caves, Vishakapatnam, India, can be described as a speleothem cave with significant amounts of unexplored microbial mats in spring waters. Here, we present the first observations and hypotheses on the possible impact of the microorganisms in these mats on the cave formation, focusing on their role on iron mineral precipitation. The spring waters (pH neutral 7.5–7.7) contained dissolved metals like iron and the organic mat sludge (pH 7.0–7.3) had a TOC content of approximately 5.4 wt%. Geochemically, the spring waters deep below the microbial mats contained Fe 369 ppb, Sr 198 ppb; and the organic mat sludge contained Mg 9 ppm, Fe 427 ppb, Zn 149 ppb, Sr 190 ppb. XRD observations displayed Fe minerals (dominantly hematite), minor amounts of zinc gallium sulfide and nitrofuryl compounds. At least four groups of bacteria identified by direct microscopy and SEM-EDX on the basis of morphology could be observed in all samples: Leptothrix-like organisms, entombed bacterial mineral sheaths, a few stalks of Gallionella-like organisms and some additional bacteria that could not be further identified. Leptothrix-like organisms contained 43.22–60.08 wt % Fe and the mineral precipitated near and around these bacteria (in the actual unaltered samples on site) contained 30.76–45.22 wt% Fe as identified and quantified by SEM-EDX. This study indicates that the precipitation of these iron-rich mats in the spring waters could be linked to the presence of abundant active communities of iron precipitating bacteria at Borra caves, Vishakapatanam.  相似文献   

Chuaria circularis (Walcott 1899) from the Suket Shale of the Vindhyan Supergroup (central India) has been reinvestigated for its morphology and chemical composition using biostatistics, electron microscopy and pyrolysis-gas chromatography. Morphology and microscopic investigations provide little clues on the specific biological affinity ofChuaria as numerous preservational artifacts seem to be incorporated. On the contrary, the predominance of η aliphatic pyrolysates of presently studiedChuaria from India rather supports an algal affinity. Moreover, the reflectance ofC circularis can be used to obtain a comparative maturity parameter of the Precambrian sediments. The review of the age and geographical distribution ofC circularis constrains that this species cannot be considered as an index fossil for the Proterozoic time.  相似文献   

A polymetallic layer is usually developed at the bottom of the early Cambrian black shale in Guizhou Province. The mineral that makes up the polymetallic layer is related to the sedimentary facies. To analyze the differentiation mechanism between polymetallic deposits (Ni-Mo and V), the Zhijin Gezhongwu profile located in the outer shelf and the Sansui Haishan V deposit located in the lower slope are selected to study the in situ sulfur isotopes and trace elements of pyrite. The results show that δ34S values of pyrite vary widely from ?7.8 ‰ to 28 ‰ in the Gezhongwu profile, while the δ34S values are relatively uniform (from 27.8 ‰ to 38.4 ‰) in the Haishan profile. The isotopic S composition is consistent with the transition that occurs in the sedimentary phase from the shelf to the deep sea on the transgressive Yangtze platform; this indicates that the δ34SO42? values in seawater must be differently distributed in depositional environments. The sulfur in the Ni-Mo layer is produced after the mixing of seawater and hydrothermal fluid, while the V layer mainly originates from seawater. Overall, the Ni-Mo and V deposits have been differentiated primarily on the basis of the combined effect of continental weathering and hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

Variations of carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios in response to cyclical sea level fluctuations have been documented from a Paleoproterozoic peritidal stromatolite succession. The upper division of the Kajrahat Limestone, Vindhyan Supergroup of central India consists of several shallowing upward stromatolite cycles identified by regular and systematic changes in stromatolite size. Normally, larger stromatolites are followed upward in the succession by smaller stromatolites and microbial laminites that occupy the top of the cycle. Desiccation cracks are found in all the facies indicating subaerial exposure. We investigated the stable isotope compositional variations across nine complete stromatolite cycles showing frequent subaerial emergence. Carbon and oxygen isotopic values of the limestones, in general, are comparable to contemporary marine values available from earlier studies but show regular depletion in response to shallowing of the water level. The δ13C and δ18O values of the limestones vary within an individual stromatolite cycle; depleted values characterize the topmost part of the cycles. The isotope pattern is explained by micritic carbonate deposition in different sub environments of the shallow marine domain having different salinity and variable duration of exposure. These variations also probably caused the observed scatter in δ13C and δ18O values of supratidal microbial laminites.  相似文献   

富硒土地是生产富硒农产品的宝贵资源,黑色岩系形成的土壤通常富含硒和重金属元素。为了指导这类富硒土地资源的安全开发利用,选择浙江中部典型黑色岩系分布区,通过调查土壤-作物中硒和重金属的浓度及生物有效性,评价农产品富硒率,识别作物重金属超标风险。结果显示:研究区富硒土壤占38%,足硒土壤占62%,水稻和莲子富硒率分别为85.71%和100%;受黑色岩系风化成土影响,研究区土壤镉含量介于污染筛选值和风险管控值之间的样品比例为26%,且Cd活动态和潜在活动态所占比例分别为57%和40%,水稻籽实中Cd超标率为31%,莲子Cd含量均不超标。基于土壤重金属总量和形态的风险评价表明,富硒土壤开发利用的风险区主要位于西皮山岗和腰塘边一带,建议禁止种植农产品,其他黑色岩系发育的富硒丘陵地区,虽然土壤镉含量较高,但因土壤Cd的生物有效性和水稻中Cd的超标率较低,应加以保护和合理开发利用。  相似文献   

梅冥相 《古地理学报》2021,23(2):335-358
作为一种缺乏沉积构造的隐晶质块状泥晶所表征的非纹层状微生物碳酸盐岩类型,均一石自从命名之后就很少被描述或自古老的地层记录之中被识别出来,再加上缺乏现代实例,造成了对这种微生物碳酸盐岩类型研究的困难。来自于山东省泗水县圣水峪剖面寒武系苗岭统崮山组中的均一石,以厚层块状、缺乏沉积构造的泥晶灰岩为主,表现为生物层状的微生物礁,与相对较深水的中厚层中至深缓坡相的条带状泥晶灰岩和泥灰岩一起,构成较为典型的潮下型碳酸盐岩米级旋回,集中发育在淹没不整合型三级沉积层序顶部的强迫型海退体系域之中,代表着相对海平面下降阶段的沉积记录。在这些主导着生物层状微生物礁灰岩的均一石中,不均匀地高密度保存着致密缠绕以及较薄的泥晶壁所成型的丝状葛万菌物质体是其最为基本的特征,表明均一石形成于光合作用微生物席复杂的钙化作用。另外,在均一石的致密泥晶组构中,局部发育毫米级至厘米级大小而且形态极端不规则的亮晶显微管状组构。基于其特别的组构特征,将这样的组构解释为具有公共鞘的丝状蓝细菌即念珠菌菌落的钙化作用残余物,其致密泥晶组构可能代表着蓝细菌公共鞘的钙化作用残余物,其中的亮晶显微管则可能为蓝细菌丝状体的钙化作用残余物,而且在这样的组构之中还发育和共生着丝状葛万菌菌落,从而延伸了对蓝细菌菌落钙化作用残余物的认识和解释,并对具这种组构的海绵木乃伊解释提供了另外一种重要的研究镜像。因此,山东省泗水县圣水峪剖面寒武系苗岭统崮山组上部生物层状微生物礁体中的均一石,不仅提供了一个较为典型的寒武纪苗岭世不借助于二氧化碳浓缩作用机制(CCM机制)的蓝细菌钙化作用的实例,而且提供了一个在丝状蓝细菌主导的微生物席之中发育着念珠菌菌落的多重状微生物席的典型实例,从而拓宽了对显生宙最高的大气圈CO2含量以及较高的大气圈O2含量条件下的较为典型的方解石海中与寒武纪后生动物大爆发相平行的蓝细菌繁荣和钙化作用的了解。  相似文献   

Despite extensive research, the environmental and temporal significance of microbial lamination is still ambiguous because of the complexity of the parameters that control its development. A 13 year monitored record of modern fast‐accreting calcite stromatolites (mean 14 mm year?1) from artificial substrates installed in rapid flow in the River Piedra (north‐east Spain) allows comparison of the sedimentological attributes of successive six‐month depositional packages with the known climatic, hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters of the depositional system. The stromatolites are formed of dense, porous and macrocrystalline composite laminae. The dense and porous composite laminae, which are composed of two to eight laminae consisting largely of calcified cyanobacteria, are characterized by: (i) dense composite laminae, up to 15 mm thick, mostly with successive dense laminae and minor alternating dense and porous laminae; and (ii) porous composite laminae, up to 12 mm thick, consisting mainly of porous laminae alternating with thinner dense laminae. Most of the dense composite laminae formed during the warm periods (April to September), whereas most of the porous composite laminae developed in the cool periods (October to March). Each dense and porous composite lamina represents up to or slightly longer than six months. The alternation of these two types of composite laminae parallels seasonal changes in temperature. The dense and porous laminae result from shorter (for example, intraseasonal) variations in temperature, insolation and hydrological conditions. The macrocrystalline laminae, with crystals >100 μm long, occur isolated and grouped into composite laminae up to 1·7 mm thick. Their occurrence suggests the absence or poor development of microbial mats over periods of weeks to several months. Thus, stromatolite lamination can record different‐order, periodic and non‐periodic changes in the magnitude of environmental parameters over a single year. These results hold important implications for the temporal and environmental interpretation of lamination in microbial structures.  相似文献   

A well preserved assemblage of compressed, straight, circular to sinuously coiled megascopic and helical carbonaceous fossils and other varied megascopic morphoforms are known from the Early Mesoproterozoic Rohtas Formation, Semri Group within Vindhyan Supergroup exposed in Katni district of central India. These megascopic remains are preserved as impressions, compressions, partially mineralized remains, and/or epi-relief. Some of the forms are typical filamentous empty sheaths and others are trichomes, with cell like entities under various stages of degradation. This study, based on fresh collections and also of the topotype material of the helically coiled megascopic fossils, straight forms and related fossilized remains occurring as epi-relief from Katni indicate that the two morphotaxa are distinct entities and possibly appear to be prokaryotes. Grypania spiralis and Katnia singhii are most likely of cyanobacterial origin. Spirally coiled and circular fossils, with epi-relief, and which probably represents a tissue grade organism, are considered as Spiroichnus beerii Mathur, 1983. Linear sheet-like carbonaceous solitary form has been placed in the morphotaxon Proterotainia and described as P. katniensis n. sp. Certain rare circular, carbonaceous forms are considered as Chuaria sp. A few circular disc-like forms found in the assemblage are treated as dubiofossils.  相似文献   


Black opal (opal-AG) owes its dark coloration to a fine-grained pigment commonly inferred to be mainly carbon, yet chemical compositions for black opals suggest there may be additional components. Here we search for such components in pigment concentrates prepared by dissolving black opal nodules (nobbies) from Lightning Ridge (NSW) in hydrofluoric acid, using electron microscopy (scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy), X-ray diffraction and laser-ablation ICP-MS. The results demonstrate the presence of sulfides—predominantly pyrite and chalcopyrite, with minor galena and Ti-oxide phases, as additional components of the pigment. ATR-FTIR analysis indicates the presence of C=O and C–H groups, consistent with an organic origin. Transmission electron microscopy images of pigment show variously deformed, originally spherical ~100?nm particles rich in sulfide and carbon, which are interpreted as thin coatings of pigment on now dissolved opaline silica spheres. Laser-ablation ICP-MS analysis identifies remnant silica in pigment concentrates, which may be interpreted as opaline silica surviving HF treatment protected as inclusions in sulfides. When examined within the context of petrographic observations from more than 1000 opal nodules (nobbies) at Lightning Ridge, these new results suggest that pigment carbon and sulfides in the nodules formed microbially under initially anoxic groundwater conditions, within pre-existing cavities concurrently being filled with silica sol ultimately derived from chemical weathering of feldspar-rich volcaniclastic sediment. Intensely black pigment layers observed at the floor of many nodules indicate settling of dark, high-density (sulfide–Ti-oxide-rich) pigment within cavities, with the implication that sulfate-reducing bacterial (SRB) activity commences early during the silica sol-gel ripening process. Microbial activity may persist until after the cavity has completely filled with the silica sol, as illustrated by abundant black opals with uniformly distributed pigment. Pigment formed at this stage may no longer be able to settle out within the ripening and increasingly viscous silica gel, thus forming pigmentation throughout the opal cavity. The existence of ‘amber’, pigment-poor opal with intensely black basal pigment layers is interpreted as signalling a lack of sulfate to sustain further SRB activity, or a change to more oxidising conditions, possibly related to interaction with surface waters within a downward-penetrating weathering front. A change in redox conditions would shut off activity of SRB and thus sulfide pigment production and allow development of aerobic microbial activity as described by others.  相似文献   

The influence of metals, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, on the microbial biomass and enzyme activities of an amended acid lateritic soil were investigated under field conditions receiving a one-time application of 52 t ha–1 of sludge, coal ash and their mixtures at 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 proportions, and including control and chemical fertilizer treatment at crop-specific recommended doses. Paddies and peanuts were grown in the experimental plots and soil was sampled twice after 6 months and 1 year after amendment application. The heavy metals in the soil were fractionated using sequential extraction and the increments in their concentrations in amended soil with respect to the control were determined. Concentrations of Cd, Ni and Zn were determined to have increased in their mobile fractions and were more pronounced in soil collected during the second sampling, which was associated with a decrease in soil organic carbon. The size of the microbial biomass carbon and the soil enzyme activities increased with the addition of an amendment and was highest at equal proportions of coal ash and sludge. Further increase in the proportion of sludge resulted in a significant decrease in biomass carbon. Simple correlation revealed significant and strong negative relations of mobile fractions of Cd and Ni with the ratio between microbial biomass C and organic carbon in soil, while the organic carbon content and the pH were positively correlated. The microbial activities were determined to be sensitive to the concentrations of some heavy metals in mobile fractions and therefore indicated possibilities of being useful as indicators for evaluation of toxic effects of sludge-borne metals on soil organisms.  相似文献   

Chemico-mineralogical attributes of authigenic clays associated with the altered volcanic tuffs that occur in the Palaeoproterozoic Porcellanite Formation contain evidences of hydrothermal alteration and diagenetic processes in a marine environment. Previous sedimentological and geochemical studies on Porcellanite Formation were restricted to the Chopan area, but, the details related to provenance, nature and source of volcanism archived in these clays have not been ascertained. In order to understand these aspects, present study on these authigenic clays were carried out. Clay minerals represent dominance of illite with subordinate amount of montmorillonite. Moreover, low abundance of kaolinite is also noticed. The illite fibers and plates associated with the kaolinite indicate illitization. The kaolinite to illite transformation is favoured by incorporation of K+ ions, derived from the K-feldspar dissolution and its overgrowth. Major oxide contents of these clays and their ratios when plotted over diagrams marked with standard illite, kaolinite, smectite and chlorite compositional fields show clustering within or close to the illite field. Thermodynamic components calculated for these clays when plotted over AR23+AlSi3O10(OH)2 − R23+Si4O10(OH)2 − AR2+R3+Si4O10(OH)2 ternary diagram, data plots lie within the illite, mixed layer I/S and smectite fields. Binary major oxide data plots between bulk rock and authigenic clay compositions showed felsic affinity. Montmorillonite and illite predominated in the eastern and western marginal areas of the Vindhyan Basin, respectively. However, former resulted from the hydrothermal alteration of volcanic glass associated with the ferruginous breccia and altered tuffs and remnants of the volcanic vents, whereas, later is associated with the tuffaceous beds. Owing to the adsorption, Ba, Rb and Sr is enriched in clays comparing to the bulk rock composition. Low (< 15 ppm) Sc values suggested major contribution from the felsic component. Also, low Rb/Sr and Th/U values revealed moderate insitu weathering. The dominance of K-feldspar alteration and insitu weathering is also evident from clustering of clay data plots in the A-CN-K ternary diagram. Pronounced negative Eu anomaly together with higher LREE/HREE values associated with these clay minerals implied proximity to source and their possible derivation from the silicified felsic tuffs available in the provenance.  相似文献   

贵州遵义黑色页岩铂族金属富集特点及富集模式   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
文章通过贵州遵义下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色页岩剖面和矿石的PGE分析以及矿石物相分析,研究了PGE在黑色页岩中的富集特点和富集模式。发现:(1)PGE只在黑色页岩底部Mo-Ni金属层中富集;(2)金属层中PGE富集与Mo、Ni硫化物和黄铁矿呈正相关关系,与总碳(C总)代表的有机质和炭质无关,矿石PGE含量随硫化物总量呈增高的趋势;(3)Mo-Ni-PGE矿石PGE原始地鳗标准化配分曲线呈“W”型,富集高熔点元素Os、Rh和低熔点元素Pt、Pd;黑色页岩和条带状黄铁矿夹层配分曲线略呈Pt、Pd富集型,两者有较明显的差别。因此,Mo-Ni-PGE金属硫化物富集层是黑色页岩沉积早期迅速叠加的一次海底热水喷流沉积作用的结果。  相似文献   

黄铁矿是富有机质沉积的特征矿物。根据TOC/S、TOC/DOP、S/Fe关系以及S TOC Fe多重线性回归分析结果对三水盆地古近系〖HT5”,6”〗土〖KG-*3〗布〖HT5”SS〗心组红岗段黑色页岩中沉积黄铁矿的形成及其控制因素进行了分析。土布心组红岗段黑色页岩的黄铁矿有成岩黄铁矿和同生黄铁矿两种成因组分。红岗段下部(亚段A)有机碳含量普遍较低,底部水体以弱氧化条件为主,硫酸盐还原作用发生于沉积物/水界面以下,黄铁矿为成岩成因,其形成主要受有机质的限制。红岗段中上部(亚段B和C)的沉积条件变化频繁,其有机碳含量变化幅度大。富有机质(TOC>4%)岩层形成于缺氧的底部水体条件下。水体中可含H2S,碎屑铁矿物在埋藏之前即与之在水体中反应形成同生黄铁矿。这一过程不受有机质的限制,而是受活性铁与H2S接触时间的限制。同时,由于大量淡水输入导致硫酸盐浓度的降低,从而对硫化物形成有一定的限制作用。对于低有机质(TOC<4%)样品,黄铁矿由同生和成岩组分组成。其中以成岩黄铁矿为主,其形成过程主要受有机质限制,而同生黄铁矿受铁矿物与H2S接触时间的限制。  相似文献   

The molecular structure of an Eocene fossil resin (Vastan, Cambay basin, Western India) has been investigated with complimentary spectroscopic techniques. The FTIR spectrum shows strong aliphatic CH x (3000–2800 and 1460–1450 cm−1) and CH3 (1377 cm−1) absorptions and less intense aromatic C=C (1560–1610 cm−1) absorptions. The major products from analytical pyrolysis are cadalene based bicyclic sesquiterpenoids including some bicadinenes and bicadinanes. The polycadinane products confirm the fossil material as an Angiosperm dammar resin, associated with inputs of tropical rain forests supported by past climates.  相似文献   

中国南方扬子地区下寒武统黑色页岩分布广泛,主要由黑色页岩、黑色白云质页岩,黑色粉砂质页岩和黑色硅质页岩等组成;并伴生有较厚的磷块岩矿床、钒矿床和镍、钼多元素硫化物矿床。对黑色页岩岩石学特征、元素地球化学特征进行系统研究,并详细分析微量元素的富集成因,结果表明:黑色页岩主要形成于静水还原的浅海-半深海缓坡环境,层状元素富集带为沉积成因,海底热流体提供了丰富物质来源。总体上,Co、Be、Mn、Ga等元素含量较低;Cu、V、Ni、Mo等元素的含量较高,多数超过北美页岩平均值;以Ni、Mo为主的多元素富集层通常位于磷块岩之上,以黑色页岩、黑色白云质页岩中的硫化物和硫酸盐矿物为主要载体,其中有机碳(TOC)含量可达12.2%以上,远高于其他元素富集层,随着页岩内硅质成分增加,Ni、Mo、Fe、Co等元素含量明显降低;以V为主的多元素主要赋存于黑色硅质页岩中的水云母,与页岩内硅质成分具有较好的正相关关系;黑色页岩中稀土元素含量为(76.22~290.67)×10-6,轻重稀土比值LREE/HREE介于1.21~4.22,说明轻稀土更为富集,Sr/Ba值为0.04~0.34,δEu正异常,且北美页岩标准化配分曲线呈现平缓左倾,为沉积过程中存在海底热水流体提供了进一步证据。  相似文献   

李娟  于炳松  刘策  孙梦迪 《现代地质》2012,26(4):732-740
为探索渝东南地区下志留统龙马溪组黑色页岩中粘土矿物特征及其与储层物性的关系,在综合前人对含油气盆地粘土矿物分析的基础上,以重庆市彭水县鹿角剖面为例,深入分析了鹿角剖面黑色页岩粘土矿物组合与分布特征、粘土矿物的形成机理及其控制因素以及粘土矿物对孔隙度和渗透率的影响。结果表明,一方面根据古盐度的计算,龙马溪组上部古水介质含盐度较低,下部较高,具有上淡下咸的特点;另一方面该套黑色页岩属于晚成岩阶段B期。储层中粘土矿物的类型、数量及其分布特征等对储层孔渗条件具有一定的控制作用。伊利石(含伊/蒙有序混层矿物)含量与孔隙度有弱正相关关系,与渗透率呈负相关关系,原因可能是成岩伊利石不断生长,一方面由于其体积减小使得显微孔隙体积有所增加,但另一方面,由于自生伊利石晶体细小,使得页岩粒间孔隙遭到不同程度的破坏,致使平均孔隙半径变小,渗透率变差。绿泥石含量与孔隙度呈现微弱的正相关关系,而与渗透率呈现较好的正相关关系。这是由于成岩绿泥石主要来源于长石溶解或蚀变形成的高岭石的转化,因此,绿泥石与孔隙度和渗透率的关系可能反映其与页岩中长石矿物的含量有关。  相似文献   

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