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Accurate crystal structure determination of complex phosphate Mg-fillowite.—Na2Ca(Mn4Mg2Fe)7[PO4]6 has been finished. Mg-fillowite occurs in muscovite-pegmatite in the Altay area, Xinjiang, China. It is of the trigonal lattice, with space group R-3, unit cell a=1.5143(3)nm, c=4.3191(2) nm, V=8.5736 nm3, Z = 18. The R-factor of the determination accuracy is R (I<2 σ(I)) = 0.0776. The cationic polyhedra consist of two kinds of structural units: compound column and screw column. In three-dimensional space, they are linked with each other through corner sharing or edge sharing to build the entire structure. There are 45 atoms in an asymmetric unit and 720 atoms in a unit cell. In terms of types and connection manners of the coordination polyhedra, the degree of complicity is rarely seen in all mineral crystal structures. Study of such a structure is significant for the classification of phosphate and the building rule of coordination polyhedra in a complex crystal structure.  相似文献   

基于断层形变协调比的断层形变分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
李文静 《中国地震》2014,30(3):454-461
基于唐山台跨断层短基线和短水准观测结果,综合应用不同测段的数据组合,分析断层运动状态和测段组合之间的关系,进而计算断层形变协调比参数序列,分析其与区域中等以上地震之间的动力学关系,最后获得两点认识:(1)与断层走向呈不同夹角的测段组合会对认识断层活动特征状态产生影响,因此在台站资料许可的情况下,要尽可能选择不同的组合进行对比分析;同时也表明在建立跨断层观测时,要布置和断层走向呈不同夹角的测段,以便对断层状态做准确的判断.对唐山台的资料而言,据与断层走向夹角较小的两个测段所得结果相对更好,这可能和该断层以走滑为主、该区域应力状态以水平运动为主相关.(2)4个序列断层形变协调比的变化幅度虽然有较大差异,但其趋势特征基本一致,与正常背景有显著偏离的变化,且这种变化和唐山区域中等以上(M≥4.5)地震活动交替出现,且其间隔时间在2000年后逐渐加长.这可能反映了在20世纪80~90年代区域应力场还处于1976年唐山大地震后的恢复阶段,局部应力场状态在不断地调整和变化之中,而在2000年之后,区域应力状态逐步稳定.  相似文献   

依据断层活动位移协调比的概念,对鲜水河断裂带上流动跨断层形变观测场地资料进行精细化处理,计算2008年汶川MS 8.0地震后各场地的协调比序列,并计算同期发生在四川域内的3次、南北地震带北部甘肃南部的1次6级以上强震的协调比异常,发现临震前均在鲜水河断裂带上捕捉到显著或普遍的协调比异常.可见,几次强震的发生与鲜水河断裂...  相似文献   

通过电位滴定研究了从洞庭湖沉积物中分离得到的腐殖酸(HA)的酸碱性和配位性,采用修正格兰函数进行了数据拟合。表征了六类可滴官能团含量和分布,pKa数值在2.35~10.50之间,羧基占可电离中心总数的62%,利用铜离子选择电极和汞齐电极(Pb、Cd和Zn)研究了腐殖酸与Cu^2+、Pb^2+、Cd^2+和Zn^2+配位性质,借助Scatchard方法对数据进行了处理,显示铜和铅为二配体,镉和锌为单配体。平均稳定常数顺序为:logKHA-Pb〉logKHA-Cd〉logKHAtZn,配位能力顺序为:Pb〉Cu〉Cd≈Zn。  相似文献   

Soil hydraulic parameter values for large‐scale modelling cannot be obtained by direct methods. Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) that relate soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) to generally available soil texture data may provide an alternative. A considerable number of PTF models has been developed, the application of three recent PTFs is evaluated. As a first step sets of SHPs derived from the PTFs are compared with measured sets of SHPs for three sites. No good agreement was found statistically between measured and PTF results or between PTF results. As a second step and from a practical point of view results for three hydrologically functional variables were compared and evaluated. The three selected functional variables are saturated hydraulic conductivity, k0, in relation to infiltration excess runoff, available soil water amounts for evapotranspiration and water table depth for a specified upward flux or capillary rise. Derived k0 distributions from PTFs show substantially less variance than from the measured data at all three sites. This can have a considerable impact on infiltration excess runoff, depending on the actual rainfall regime. Simulated available soil water amounts for evapotranspiration for some combinations of PTFs and sites are close to those obtained for measured SHPs, however, no consistency in results can be detected. Water table depths for specified upward flux densities using PTF derived SHPs are generally deeper than those based on measured SHPs and means a potentially higher water availability. Overall, differences in capillary rise among the selected PTFs and between measured and PTF based results are again inconsistent and show no clear relationship with soil texture. Finally, as a third step, effective SHPs were calculated by using spatially averaged texture as PTF input representing areal average behaviour. For these effective SHPs the calculated effective values for the three selected functional variables appear to be close to the areally averaged values obtained with step 2. The selected functional variables thus appear to depend linearly on the PTFs over the range for which the data are representative. This suggests that for our specific PTFs areal mean or effective values for the three functional variables can be obtained fairly accurately from a single measurement of a bulk collection of soil samples as input. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对山东半岛城市群地区地质生态环境与经济发展要素分析,构建了两者协调性评价的指标体系;在此基础上,根据协调性测度算法原理,对"十五"期间山东半岛城市群地区地质生态环境与经济发展协调度及其协调发展状态进行了分析评价。结论是为了实现山东半岛城市群地区地质生态环境与经济之间的协调、持续发展,应合理调整两者之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

水资源、经济、生态是我国社会高质量发展的重要组成部分,为助力水资源、经济、生态高质量协调发展,以河南省黄河流域为例,收集了3个子系统27个指标的长系列资料,阐明了指标现状值与目标值的关系,探究了 27个指标的时空分布特征,采用组合权重法确定27个指标权重,建立河南省黄河流域水资源—经济—生态系统耦合协调度评价模型,并应...  相似文献   

肺癌是临床常见的恶性肿瘤,有较高的发病率及死亡率。评估肺癌的生物学行为对选择治疗方案、判断疗效及预后具有重要意义,但病理组织标本的获取依赖有创操作且存在诸多问题。目前,应用较先进的功能CT成像技术在术前无创性地评估肺癌的生物学行为已成为当下研究的热点,本文就功能CT成像的一般原理及在评估肺癌生物学行为方面的应用予以综述。  相似文献   

The application of fiber reinforced plastic(FRP),including carbon FRP and glass FRP,for structural repair and strengthening has grown due to their numerous advantages over conventional materials such as externally bonded reinforcement(EBR) and near-surface mounted(NSM) strengthening techniques.This paper summarizes the results from 21 reinforced concrete beams strengthened with different methods,including externally-bonded and near-surface mounted FRP,to study the strain coordination of the FRP and steel rebar of the RC beam.Since there is relative slipping between the RC beam and the FRP,the strain of the FRP and steel rebar of the RC beam satisfy the quasi-plane-hypothesis;that is,the strain of the longitudinal fiber that parallels the neutral axis of the plated beam within the scope of the effective height(h 0) of the cross section is in direct proportion to the distance from the fiber to the neutral axis.The strain of the FRP and steel rebar satisfies the equation:ε FRP =βε steel,and the value of β is equal to 1.1-1.3 according to the test results.  相似文献   

1988-2016年洞庭湖大型底栖动物群落变化及驱动因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洞庭湖是我国第二大淡水湖泊,其水文条件对湖泊湿地生态系统健康的维系发挥着不可替代的作用.近年来,水环境恶化日益威胁湖区水生态系统健康.然而,有关底栖动物水生态健康评价的研究仍然停留在物种群落结构方面,缺乏底栖动物群落功能对水污染响应的研究,尤其在较长时间尺度上.因而,本研究分析了19882016年近30 a来洞庭湖的水质和底栖动物群落数据,探寻底栖动物群落功能对水环境恶化的响应规律.结果表明,洞庭湖水体总氮浓度是威胁底栖动物物种和功能群落变动的主要因素.此外,不断恶化的水环境驱动底栖动物物种和功能群落结构改变,表现为敏感水生昆虫的比例下降,寡毛类、小型软体动物比例的上升,并伴随着体长为1.00~1.99 cm、背扁型、侧扁型、不移动等功能性状类别比例的下降.同时,水环境恶化降低物种丰富度、功能丰富度和劳氏二次熵多样性.基于距离的冗余分析结果显示,水体氮营养盐、重金属离子和有机污染物共同驱动底栖动物物种群落结构的变异,而营养盐类与无/有机污染物决定着其功能群落结构的变异.鉴于洞庭湖水质不断恶化的状况,本研究建议采取一系列措施,包括合理管控湖区周边废水直排入湖、取缔湖区内的非法采砂以及调控枯水季洞庭湖水位等.生物监测和评价方面,建议将底栖动物物种和功能群落一并纳入评价体系,且优先选用物种丰富度、功能丰富度和劳氏二次熵指数评估换水周期较短的大型浅水湖泊水质变化对底栖动物物种和功能多样性的影响.  相似文献   

长江中游城市群是实施生态优先绿色发展战略的重点区域,从水资源承载系统内的水资源、社会、经济、生态环境4个子系统中选取24项指标构建水资源承载力评价体系,综合运用改进熵权TOPSIS模型、空间自相关分析和耦合协调发展模型定量评价2012-2018年长江中游城市群水资源承载力时空变化过程及子系统间的耦合协调性.结果表明,(1)长江中游城市群整体水资源承载力水平表现为:缓慢上升(2012-2015年)、下降(2015-2017年)、再上升的趋势(2017-2018年);(2)水资源承载力的空间差异不明显(仅2016年差异显著),武汉城市圈水资源承载力的空间差异相对较大且呈现低值包围高值的空间分布特征;(3)各城市生态环境子系统承载力得分较为均衡,但其他子系统的承载力均差异较大;(4)影响水资源承载力的主要因素依次为城市污水处理厂日处理能力、人均GDP、城镇化率、第三产业比重和人均水资源量;(5)长江中游城市群水资源承载系统的耦合协调度总体处于中等水平,且水资源承载力与耦合协调度有极强的正相关关系.研究结果可为长江中游城市群水资源承载力改善及水资源优化配置提供依据.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of (Fe_4Cr_4Ni)_9C_4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Luobusha podiform chromite deposit occursin the Luobusha ophiolite exposed at the In-dus-Yarlung Zangbo suture[1]. The wall rocks of chro-mitites are harzburgites. Many mantle minerals werefound in chromitites and harzburgites. Among of them,there are 120 grains of diamond[2], many elementalmetals (mainly Au, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Al, W, Zn, Pb, Sn,Os, Ir, Ru, C, etc.) and their intermetallic compounds.Besides diamond and graphite, the element C isalso combined with Fe, Cr, Ni, Ti and …  相似文献   

Fluid-undersaturated experiments were conducted to determine the phase relations in the simplified peridotite system MgO-SiO2-H2O (MSH) at 11.0-14.5 GPa and 800-1400 °C. Stability relations of dense hydrous magnesium silicates (DHMSs) under fluid-undersaturated conditions were experimentally examined. From the fluid-absent experimental results, we retrieved thermodynamic data for clinohumite, phase A, phase E, and hydrous wadsleyite, consistent with the published data set for dry mantle minerals. With this new data set, we have calculated phase equilibria in the MSH system including dehydration reactions. The dehydration reactions calculated with lower water activities of 0.68-0.60 match the fluid-present experiments of this study above 11.0 GPa and 1000 °C, indicating that considerable amounts of silicate component were dissolved into the fluid phase. The calculated phase equilibria illustrate the stability of the post-antigorite phase A-bearing assemblages. In the cold subducting slab peridotite, phase A + enstatite assemblage survives into the transition zone, whereas phase A + forsterite + enstatite assemblage forms hydrous wadsleyite at a much shallower depth of about 360-km. The slab is subducted with no dehydration reactions occurring when entering the transition zone. The phase equilibria also show the high temperature stability of phase E. Phase E is stable up to 1200 °C at 13.5 GPa, a plausible condition in the mantle of relatively low temperature, i.e., beneath subduction zones. Phase E is a possible water reservoir in the mantle as well as wadsleyite and ringwoodite.  相似文献   

鲍思敏  张凯  丁城志  陶捐  王军 《湖泊科学》2024,36(2):536-547
自然流淌的支流在维持建坝河流水生生物多样性中起着重要作用。补远江是澜沧江下游的重要一级支流,保持了较为天然的河流状态,人类活动干扰相对较少,是流域土著鱼类保护区和水生生物重要栖息地。在澜沧江流域水电开发的背景下,掌握补远江大型底栖动物群落结构的时空分布及其影响因素,对澜沧江乃至西南河流的水生生物多样性保护和恢复具有重要参考意义。于2019年4月(旱季)和2019年10月(雨季)对补远江的大型底栖动物进行了详细调查,共检出大型底栖动物150个分类单元,隶属于5门7纲68科,其中水生昆虫121种,软体动物20种,蛭类3种,寡毛类2种,甲壳类2种,涡虫、线虫各1种。毛翅目和蜉蝣目为全流域优势类群。补远江底栖动物密度和生物量在旱季和雨季均表现为上游大于中下游,物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在雨季显著高于旱季。功能摄食类群中,滤食者(41.09%)和收集者(31.81%)占绝对优势,其次为刮食者(11.00%)、捕食者(11.21%),撕食者(4.89%)较少。Mantel检验分析表明,河宽(RW)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、化学需氧量(CODMn)是影响补远江大型底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子;不同功能摄食类群所受到的环境影响因素不同。生物指数(BI)和生物监测工作组记分(BMWP)系统评价显示,补远江大部分样点处于良好及以上水平,少数样点处于中等及以下水平,总体水生态状况良好。  相似文献   


Mapping soil hydraulic parameters with traditional scaling methods that use laboratory-determined hydraulic characteristics (the LAB method) is not always feasible as it involves expensive, time-consuming and sophisticated measurements on soil samples collected in several locations of the study area. An alternative scaling method (the AP method) has been recently proposed to indirectly retrieve the soil hydraulic properties following the Arya-Paris physico-empirical pedotransfer function, which makes use of particle-size distribution and bulk density values. In this synthetic study we verify the performance of the AP method from a functional perspective, by evaluating the differences in the simulated soil water budget through a Monte Carlo approach. Notwithstanding that the AP method can provide soil hydraulic property patterns with faster experimental procedures and minor costs, we observe significant bias in the predicted spatially-averaged soil water budget due to a poor parametric calibration of the AP method and an imprecise identification of the spatial correlation structure of the AP-estimated scaling factors.

Citation Nasta, P., Romano, N., and Chirico, G.B., 2013. Functional evaluation of a simplified scaling method for assessing the spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties at the hillslope scale. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1059–1071.  相似文献   

以三峡库区重要支流汝溪河为研究区域,分析汝溪河中底栖硅藻功能群季节演替特征,并探讨影响其季节演替的驱动因子.结果表明,3个水情期(平水期、枯水期及丰水期)共鉴定出底栖硅藻168种,隶属8科27属,共划分为B、C、D、L_O、MP、P、X3和T_B8个功能群,其中MP在3个水情期中均占主导地位.通过冗余分析(RDA)发现,汝溪河中底栖硅藻功能群季节演替的主要驱动环境因子为亚硝酸盐浓度、电导率、溶解性磷酸盐浓度、高锰酸钾指数和温度.  相似文献   

The non‐stationary Functional Series time‐dependent autoregressive moving average (TARMA) modelling and simulation of earthquake ground motion is considered. Full Functional Series TARMA models, capable of modelling both resonances and antiresonances, are examined for the first time via a novel mixed parametric/non‐parametric estimation scheme, and critical comparisons with pure TAR and recursive ARMA (RARMA)‐recursive maximum likelihood (RML) adaptive filtering type modelling are made. The study is based upon two California ground motion signals: a 1979 El Centro accelerogram and a 1994 Pacoima Dam accelerogram. A systematic analysis, employing various functional subspaces and model orders, leads to two Haar function based models: a TARMA(2,4)8 model for the El Centro case and a TARMA(6,2)10 model for the Pacoima Dam case. Both models are formally validated and their simulation (synthesis) capabilities are demonstrated via Monte Carlo experiments focusing on important time domain signal characteristics. The Functional Series TAR/TARMA models are shown to achieve parsimony, as well as superior accuracy and simulation capabilities, over their RARMA counterparts. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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