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langmuir波与Ⅲ型爆发的因果关系的质疑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄光力 《天文学报》1992,33(1):101-108

怀柔观测基地的多通道太阳望远镜是通过数十个电机调节晶体偏转角度实现多波带同时观测的自动控制。原有的计算机是通过一个串行接口控制若干个调波带的电机,响应时间长,速度慢且技术比较落后。本文利用当今流行的USB2.0芯片CYPRESS EZ-USB改造原有的串口通信控制系统,大大提高了响应的速度,同时,为解决一个USB应用程序控制多个电机转动的问题,提出了一种"编号"的方法。这样每个USB设备不论其插入顺序,PC主机都能通过识别其固定编号而加以区分,PC主机可以通过4个USB接口(16个电机)控制多通道太阳望远镜滤光嚣的调制角度,实现自动控制。这为大规模改造其他计算机接口提供了研制基础。  相似文献   

我国1 m新真空太阳望远镜(New Vacuum Solar Telescope, NVST)能够实现优于0.2″的高分辨成像观测,但还不具备高分辨磁场的常规观测能力。很多磁结构和太阳活动都存在于较小的尺度,需要进行高分辨磁场测量。1 m新真空太阳望远镜的台址具备优良的视宁度,若磁像仪具备快速调制能力,并配合高分辨统计重建技术,有望实现亚角秒分辨率的太阳磁场测量。1 m新真空太阳望远镜测量磁场面临的主要问题包括折轴光路带来的时变偏振、望远镜姿态变化和风载带来的光轴偏移以及湍流的影响等多种问题。针对太阳磁场高分辨观测的需求及1 m新真空太阳望远镜面临的太阳磁场测量问题,详细分析了1 m新真空太阳望远镜太阳光球磁场的测量需求,制定了磁像仪的基本参数,提出了偏振分析器需求,设计了光球磁场的高分辨观测方案。最后利用ZEMAX光学设计软件为磁像仪设计了光路,结果显示光学设计能够满足高分辨成像的需求。  相似文献   

日冕电流片是日冕磁重联发生的主要区域, 这一过程将磁能转化为等离子体的热能和动能. 通过选取大角度光谱日冕仪(Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph, LASCO)的白光与远紫外日冕成像光谱仪(Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer, UVCS)的紫外观测, 研究了2003年1月3日观测到的冕流电流片. LASCO C2白光数据显示电流片中的等离子体团在视场中可从60km·s-1加速至340km·s-1, 加速度为 60m·s-2; 假设视向深度为0.3--1.5R, 得到所研究电流片在UVCS狭缝高度处的平均电子数密度约为(1.52--7.60)×107cm-3. 对沿UVCS视场狭缝分布的[Fe xviii ] 974 ? A和Lyα谱线强度进行研究, 发现电流片处的[Fe xviii ]谱线强度比周围明显增大, 计算得到所研究时段内电流片的电子温度范围为(2.94–4.04)×106K; 而在电流片处的Lyα谱线强度相对周围变化不大, 在电流片内部两侧强度比中心略高, 可能的主要原因是电流片内部中心处等离子体的运动速度要比两侧快, 这使得中心比两侧有更强的多普勒暗化作用. 以UVCS观测的Lyα和[Fe xviii ]谱线的辐射强度比和计算的电子温度为约束条件, 发现当狭缝电流片处等离子体运动速度约为237–254 km·s ?1 时, 通过理论计算的Lyα和[Fe xviii ]谱线的辐射发射率比值和观测谱线强度比值相当. 在该速度范围内, 电流片内部Lyα辐射的碰撞项约为辐射项的42%–57%. 此事件中的冕流电流片比通常情形下的冕流电流片中等离子体温度更高、运动速度更大, 可能的原因在于其南侧爆发的两个日冕物质抛射促进了电流片中的磁重联过程, 更多的磁能释放用于等离子体的加热和加速. 所得研究结果可以为我国将要发射的先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)未来的资料处理提供重要参考.  相似文献   

本文指出了太阳射电快速记录系统中方波隔离放大器研制的必要性,并简要介绍了设计出发点,工作原理,设计和主主要技术指标的测试。  相似文献   

通过Mueller矩阵运算,推导出采用接收光强的方法计算波片相位延迟的唯一表达式,并由此总结归纳出4种测试波片延迟的方法,发现目前发表的多种光强测量法都可归纳为该4种中的一种.文中给出了这4种方法的测试原理,并对各方法中方位角误差带来的测量误差进行了分析及比对,给出不同方法所适宜的测试对象.  相似文献   

艾国祥 《天文学进展》1994,12(3):163-168
对过去三年来(1990.9-1993.8),太阳物理光学仪器的进展作了简要的综述。它主要包括高空间分辨率设备,磁像仪和偏振器,两维光谱仪,大型望远镜和大型观测网,以及空间系统等五个方面。这些进展表明,太阳物理的观测技术和方法正外在具有历史意义的重大转变之中,即运用并推动现代光学,现代接收与处理系统,以及空间技术的重大发展的历史阶段。  相似文献   

本文探讨了可调双折射滤光器中确定晶体等元件晶轴排列方向的几个普遍规律。利用这些规律,几乎不用任何数学推导,就可简单、准确地确定双折射晶体、波片及调节波长用旋转波片方向之间的关系。  相似文献   

We applied a Monte Carlo method-simulated annealing algorithm-to carry out the design of multilayer achromatic waveplate. We present solutions for three-, six-and ten-layer achromatic waveplates. The optimized retardance settings are found to be 89°51'39"±0°33'37" and 89°54'46"±0°22'4" for the six-and ten-layer waveplates, respectively, for a wavelength range from 1000nm to 1800nm. The polarimetric properties of multilayer waveplates are investigated based on several numerical experiments. In contrast to previously proposed three-layer achromatic waveplate, the fast axes of the new six-and ten-layer achromatic waveplate remain at fixed angles, independent of the wavelength. Two applications of multilayer achromatic waveplate are discussed, the general-purpose phase shifter and the birefringent filter in the Infrared Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM) system of the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). We also checked an experimental method to measure the retardance of waveplates.  相似文献   

回顾了自1979年以来云南天文台太阳射电天文仪器、技术和方法以及研究方面的进展。  相似文献   

The DynaMICCS mission is designed to probe and understand the dynamics of crucial regions of the Sun that determine solar variability, including the previously unexplored inner core, the radiative/convective zone interface layers, the photosphere/chromosphere layers and the low corona. The mission delivers data and knowledge that no other known mission provides for understanding space weather and space climate and for advancing stellar physics (internal dynamics) and fundamental physics (neutrino properties, atomic physics, gravitational moments...). The science objectives are achieved using Doppler and magnetic measurements of the solar surface, helioseismic and coronographic measurements, solar irradiance at different wavelengths and in-situ measurements of plasma/energetic particles/magnetic fields. The DynaMICCS payload uses an original concept studied by Thalès Alenia Space in the framework of the CNES call for formation flying missions: an external occultation of the solar light is obtained by putting an occulter spacecraft 150 m (or more) in front of a second spacecraft. The occulter spacecraft, a LEO platform of the mini sat class, e.g. PROTEUS, type carries the helioseismic and irradiance instruments and the formation flying technologies. The latter spacecraft of the same type carries a visible and infrared coronagraph for a unique observation of the solar corona and instrumentation for the study of the solar wind and imagers. This mission must guarantee long (one 11-year solar cycle) and continuous observations (duty cycle > 94%) of signals that can be very weak (the gravity mode detection supposes the measurement of velocity smaller than 1 mm/s). This assumes no interruption in observation and very stable thermal conditions. The preferred orbit therefore is the L1 orbit, which fits these requirements very well and is also an attractive environment for the spacecraft due to its low radiation and low perturbation (solar pressure) environment. This mission is secured by instrumental R and D activities during the present and coming years. Some prototypes of different instruments are already built (GOLFNG, SDM) and the performances will be checked before launch on the ground or in space through planned missions of CNES and PROBA ESA missions (PICARD, LYRA, maybe ASPIICS).  相似文献   

统计分析了云南天文台声光频谱仪在22周峰年期间记录到的米波尖锋事件与光学活动及相关事件的关系。从它们的观测特征:短寿命,窄频带,频率快速漂移,及尖峰事件与磁结构复杂的大黑子活动区密切相关等,认为这些事件的辐射机制可能是电子回旋脉泽不稳定直接放大电磁波所致。  相似文献   

在柱坐标下将黑子周围的环形区域(黑子除外)内的振荡分解为朝向黑子传播的(入射的)波和离开黑子传播的(出射的)波。对无黑子的环形区域内的振荡也进行了同样的分解。将黑子周围的入射波看成是被黑子磁流管磁化了的介质(介质内的磁场基本是水平的)中的波。而无黑子区的入射波看成是非磁化介质中的波。比较这两种波在固定波数下功率随频率的分布发现,在磁化介质中不同径向除n的声波(p模)频率系统降低,同时功率也降低,降低的功率最高达非磁化介质中波的功率的30%。而比较在固定频率下功率随波数的分布发现,磁场中f模及n=1,2,3的p模的脊向高波数方向位移,功率的降低受频率调制,即声波在某些有限的频带中被吸收。这些观测表明,在磁场中p模与磁声重力波(MAG)产生了模式混合或耦合。模式混合的存在支持了模式转换作为p模式被黑子吸收的机制的解释。此外,本文还分析了转换的MAG波进入黑子磁流管(其中的磁场基本上是垂直的)后进一步被吸收,吸收的功率最高达MAG波的20%。在磁流管内没有进一步观测到模式的转换  相似文献   

During the few days centered about new Moon, the lunar surface is optically hidden from Earth-based observers. However, the Moon still offers an observable: an extended sodium tail. The lunar sodium tail is the escaping “hot” component of a coma-like exosphere of sodium generated by photon-stimulated desorption, solar wind sputtering and meteoroid impact. Neutral sodium atoms escaping lunar gravity experience solar radiation pressure that drives them into the anti-solar direction forming a comet-like tail. During new Moon time, the geometry of the Sun, Moon and Earth is such that the anti-sunward sodium flux is perturbed by the terrestrial gravitational field resulting in its focusing into a dense core that extends beyond the Earth. An all-sky camera situated at the El Leoncito Observatory (CASLEO) in Argentina has been successfully imaging this tail through a sodium filter at each lunation since April 2006. This paper reports on the results of the brightness of the lunar sodium tail spanning 31 lunations between April 2006 and September 2008. Brightness variability trends are compared with both sporadic and shower meteor activity, solar wind proton energy flux and solar near ultra violet (NUV) patterns for possible correlations. Results suggest minimal variability in the brightness of the observed lunar sodium tail, generally uncorrelated with any single source, yet consistent with a multi-year period of minimal solar activity and non-intense meteoric fluxes.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to the fact that the term “post-flare loops” is incorrect and should be avoided, because the loops are parts of the flare itself. Two other names for these loop systems are suggested. Originally this was the sixth of a series of essays, published in Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union on terms used in solar – terrestrial physics that are thought to be in need of clarification. The topics and writers were selected by an IAU Division II Terminology Committee. However, because of a change in EOS ’s publication policy, this contribution could no longer be published there. Therefore, following the advice of the Committee, it has been submitted to Solar Physics.  相似文献   

The Shape of The Sunspot Cycle: A One-Parameter Fit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We analyze the Wolf number daily series WN (1849 to present) as well as two other related series characterizing solar activity. Our analysis consists in computing the amplitude of a given Fourier component in a sliding time window and examining its long-term evolution. We start with the well-known 27.03- and 27.6-day periods and observe strong decadal variations of this amplitude as well as a sharp increase of the average value starting around 1905. We then consider a packet of 31 lines with periods from 25.743 to 28.453 days, which is shown to be a better representation of the synodic solar rotation. We first examine the temporal evolution of individual lines, then the energy of the packet. The energy of the packet increases sharply at the beginning of the 20th century, leading by more than two decades the well-known increase of the Wolf number. The nonaxisymmetry of sunspots increases before the total increase of activity and may be considered as a precursor. We discuss briefly and tentatively this observation in terms of solar dynamo theory.  相似文献   

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