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以安徽铜陵凤凰山矿田为例,通过综合地质研究,构建了矿体定位预测概念模型。在地质勘探数据和物化探数据集成的基础上,采用三维地质建模技术,对地层、构造、岩浆岩、矿体等地质体进行了推断和圈定,构建了地质体的线框模型与块体模型。基于定位预测概念模型和地质体三维块体模型,通过地质空间定义和立体单元划分,建立了岩体及其表面形态起伏、接触带、地层、褶皱、断层等控矿地质因素的三维栅格场模型。在定量分析控矿地质因素与矿化分布的关系的基础上,建立了反应这种关联关系的矿体立体定量预测模型。预测模型提供矿田深部(-1000m标高以上)所有50m×50m×50m立体单元的铜品位、铜金属量和含矿概率的预测结果。基于预测结果圈定了4个深部找矿立体靶区,为深部找矿工程的设计、布置提供尚未发现的隐伏矿体的位置、品位、金属量等信息的指导。  相似文献   

以安徽铜陵凤凰山矿田为例,通过综合地质研究,构建了矿体定位预测概念模型。在地质勘探数据和物化探数据集成的基础上,采用三维地质建模技术,对地层、构造、岩浆岩、矿体等地质体进行了推断和圈定,构建了地质体的线框模型与块体模型。基于定位预测概念模型和地质体三维块体模型,通过地质空间定义和立体单元划分,建立了岩体及其表面形态起伏、接触带、地层、褶皱、断层等控矿地质因素的三维栅格场模型。在定量分析控矿地质因素与矿化分布的关系的基础上,建立了反应这种关联关系的矿体立体定量预测模型。预测模型提供矿田深部(-1000m标高以上)所有50m×50m×50m立体单元的铜品位、铜金属量和含矿概率的预测结果。基于预测结果圈定了4个深部找矿立体靶区,为深部找矿工程的设计、布置提供尚未发现的隐伏矿体的位置、品位、金属量等信息的指导。  相似文献   

安徽铜陵矿集区斑岩型铜钼金矿床地质特征及成矿背景   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
铜陵矿集区以发育大型和为数众多的矽卡岩型矿床而闻名于世,而近年来作为该区找矿的重要成果和突破则是斑岩型矿床和矿化的陆续发现。本文以铜陵矿集区3个代表性斑岩型矿床为研究对象,在详细的野外地质调查和室内显微观察研究的基础上,开展了较为系统的矿床地质和地球化学研究,阐述了斑岩型矿床的地质特征,确定了含矿侵入岩体的地质和地球化学特征,分析了矿床蚀变特征和流体包裹体特征,探讨了成岩成矿的大地构造背景,并与世界典型斑岩型矿床进行了对比。研究表明,铜陵矿集区斑岩型铜钼金矿床通常发育于含矿岩体的围岩或盖层为砂岩、砂页岩或硅质岩的条件下,含矿岩体为富碱低镁高钾准铝质钙碱性系列中浅成侵入岩体,具有与埃达克岩一致的地球化学特征;与世界典型斑岩型矿床含矿岩体对比,岩体侵位较深,有些矿区多期多相特征不明显;含矿岩体发育钾硅酸盐化、黄铁绢英岩化、青磐岩化等热液蚀变且有一定的分带性,但各矿床蚀变特征略有不同;矿床矿石矿物中富气相、富液相和含子晶多相包裹体共生,流体包裹体均一温度和盐度演化特征显示具有岩浆作用控制的高温热液型矿床特征。结合区域构造演化,作者确定铜陵矿集区斑岩型矿床属大陆环境斑岩型矿床,成矿作用发生于陆内造山作用由挤压向拉张转化的动力学背景之下,斑岩型矿床与矽卡岩型矿床及热液脉状矿床共同构成受统一的岩浆热液系统控制的矿床系列。  相似文献   

西藏墨竹工卡县甲玛矿区筒状矿体的发现及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
甲玛铜多金属矿床是冈底斯成矿带内与斑岩成矿作用有关的斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床。通过对甲玛矿区16号、32号勘探线剖面上主成矿元素以及其他常微量元素矿化分布规律的分析,指出在16线ZK1620~ZK1618之间存在筒状钼铜矿体,其角岩中矿体最大厚度491.38 m,铜平均品位0.21%,钼平均品位0.046%,矿化中心位于ZK1616附近;同时,在林布宗组与多底沟组层间构造带中产出巨厚的矽卡岩型铜钼(金银)多金属矿体,矿体厚度最大达252.2 m,铜平均品位0.75%,钼平均品位0.10%,金平均品位0.24 g/t,银平均品位12.26 g/t。在32线ZK3212~ZK3220范围内也存在筒状钼铜矿体,角岩型矿体最大厚度826 m,铜平均品位0.24%,钼平均品位0.054%,矿化中心位于ZK3216附近;角岩矿体下部为矽卡岩型铜钼(金银)多金属矿体,矿体最厚处超过127.9 m,铜平均品位0.72%,钼平均品位0.053%,金平均品位0.11g/t,银平均品位7.02 g/t。研究表明,甲玛铜多金属矿存在一个以ZK1616~ZK3216一带为矿化中心的筒状矿体(角岩+矽卡岩型矿体),在筒状矿体的深部可能存在隐伏含矿斑岩体。  相似文献   

Abstract. Facilitating more predictive ore discovery is becoming an increasingly challenging task for the resources geology research and exploration industry. The numerical geodynamic modeling, which uses numerical code to reproduce feedback coupling of geodynamic processes in the computer, is one of endeavors for forming sound predictive exploration strategy by thoroughly understanding the mineralization system and its controlling factors. The FLAC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua) is a two-dimensional finite-difference code for studying the mechano-thermo-hydrological behavior of a continuous porous medium after it reached equilibrium or steady plastic flow. We used the FLAC to simulate the syn-deformation cooling and fluid flowing after the intrusion was emplaced and solidified in the Fenghuangshan ore field, Tongling Cu district for guiding analysis of ore-controlling factors and selection of the exploration target area. The results of numerical computation demonstrate that the dilatant deformation zones along the contact of the intrusion control the fluid focus and the location and scale of ore bodies. Further more, the simulation results suggest a most prospective exploration area in the south high dilation zone, where the subsequent exploration supported the prediction and the test bore hole disclosed the high quality copper ore bodies in the target. This example has demonstrated the positive role of the numerical geodynamic modeling in facilitating predictive ore discovery.  相似文献   

陈一秀  杨丹 《矿床地质》2021,40(1):128-142
安徽铜陵矿集区是长江中下游成矿带内重要的多金属成矿区,该矿集区具有大规模的成矿作用和多种类型的复杂成矿系统演化,找矿潜力大,研究程度较高.区内广泛发育一系列层状硫化物矿床,其成因问题一直是中国矿床学界争议的焦点之一.文章从成矿年代学、成矿流体来源以及成矿物质来源等方面,对近半个世纪以来国内外学者对该矿集区内层控硫化物矿...  相似文献   

以安徽铜陵凤凰山矿田为例.通过综合地质研究,构建了矿体定位预测概念模型.在地质勘探数据和物化探数据集成的基础上,采用三维地质建模技术,对地层、构造、岩浆岩、矿体等地质体进行了推断和圈定,构建了地质体的线框模型与块体模型.基于定位预测概念模型和地质体三维块体模型,通过地质空间定义和立体单元划分,建立了岩体及其表面形态起伏、接触带、地层、褶皱、断层等控矿地质因素的三维栅格场模型.在定量分析控矿地质因素与矿化分布的关系的基础上,建立了反应这种关联关系的矿体立体定量预测模型.预测模型提供矿田深部(-1000m标高以上)所有50m×50m×50m立体单元的铜品位、铜金属量和含矿概率的预测结果.基于预测结果圈定了4个深部找矿立体靶区,为深部找矿工程的设计、布置提供尚未发现的臆伏矿体的位置、品位、金属量等信息的指导.  相似文献   

The Shizishan ore field is the largest gold–copper ore field in the Tongling ore district of Anhui Province, China. Copper and gold deposits in the district are present as one-commodity deposits or as deposits with both commodities. Copper and gold mineralization are either cogenetic or are temporally and spatially distinct. We present the results of systematic geochemical analysis of fluid inclusions from typical Au–Cu deposits in the Shizishan ore field; these data are used to determine the solubility of Cu and Au in the ore-forming fluids and to ascertain the mechanisms and factors that controlled variations in the association and separation of copper and gold mineralization. Our results indicate that copper in the ore-forming fluids was transported as CuCl2 and CuCl0 complexes and that the solubility of copper was controlled by variations in Cl concentration. In addition, the precipitation of copper was controlled by changes in temperature, pH, fO2, and fO2. In comparison, gold in the ore-forming fluids was transported as Au(HS)2 and Au2S(HS)22− complexes, and the solubility of gold was controlled by variations in total sulfur concentration; the precipitation of gold was controlled by temperature, pH, fO2, and fO2. These differences between the two elements meant that copper and gold in the ore-forming fluids responded in different ways to changes in physicochemical conditions. Copper precipitated under relatively acidic conditions at high temperatures, while gold precipitated under weakly alkaline conditions at relatively low temperatures; this dissociation resulted in the temporal and spatial separation and zonation of copper and gold mineralization in the Shizishan ore field.  相似文献   

对栗木矿田3个花岗岩体进行了岩石主量元素、微量元素的地球化学研究和分析,岩石化学成分具高铝高硅碱特征,属于高钾钙碱性岩系列;微量元素总量明显偏低,Eu强烈亏损,以富含Li、Rb贫Sr、Ba为特征,花岗岩浆分异度高或岩浆发生过充分的结晶分异作用;推断花岗质岩浆熔出后源区残留相为石榴石+斜长石+钾长石±角闪石±黑云母等组成的麻粒岩相,具深源的特征,在中高—高压条件下部分熔融形成的,同时,受氧逸度(f O 2)较低、水活度(αH 2 O)较低、水逸度(f H 2 O)较高的制约因素影响.通过对华南地区岩石圈深部动力学背景分析,认为岩石圈减薄合理地解释了本区栗木花岗岩体的形成机制.  相似文献   

东昆仑五龙沟金矿田地质特征与成矿地质体厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈柏林 《地质学报》2019,93(1):179-196
五龙沟金矿田位于东昆仑造山带中段,矿田内金矿床主要沿岩金沟、萤石沟-红旗沟、三道梁-苦水泉三条NWW向构造破碎带发育。本文通过金矿床地质特征的综合分析,认为金矿床类型属于中—低温热液型,矿化类型为构造破碎带蚀变岩型,金成矿作用的温度为195~319℃,成矿物质具有壳源为主,部分幔源混合特征,成矿流体为岩浆水和大气降水的混合,矿物组合以微细黄铁矿、微细针状毒砂和不可见金为特征。同时通过地质体与矿床的空间关系、地质体与矿床物质成分的相关性、地质体形成时代与矿床形成时代及其时间差的对比研究,确认红旗沟脑片麻状花岗闪长岩体是五龙沟金矿田成矿地质体,也是金元素重要提供者。岩体含有大量被拉长的闪长岩包体,矿物发生明显的韧性变形,具有壳源为主的壳幔同熔作用形成、在定向应力作用下同构造侵位的特点,成岩年龄239~244Ma。壳幔同熔作用过程中幔源物质的加入带来了更多的金元素,定向应力作用下同构造侵位使金元素更容易活化迁移,进入成矿作用过程。金矿床主成矿期为印支早期,成矿年龄237Ma左右;后期被210Ma含浸染状黄铁矿的中酸性杂岩体侵位吞噬破坏。金矿床受成矿地质体和NWW向构造破碎带联合控制,矿化主要发育于距成矿地质体1.0~3.0km范围内的NWW向构造破碎带中;如果在成矿地质体影响范围内,没有NWW向构造破碎带,金矿体就没有赋存空间;而虽有NWW向构造破碎带,但离开成矿地质体的影响范围,金矿化则迅速减弱。进一步找矿方向是红旗沟脑片麻状花岗闪长岩成矿地质体影响范围之内有NWW向偏脆性构造破碎带发育的部位,或者是有隐伏成矿地质体的附近。  相似文献   

老厂矿床是昌宁-孟连缝合带内唯一大型矿床,本文报道了老厂矿床Ag-Pb-Zn矿体中Ⅰ号矿体群下部块状矿体和上部网脉状矿体的方解石C-O同位素组成,以及Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ三个矿体群内闪锌矿的Zn同位素组成。Ⅰ号矿体群下部块状矿体和上部网脉状矿体方解石δ13CPDB的范围分别为-6.17‰~2.71‰和-2.18‰~3.87‰,δ18OPDB的范围分别为-19.57‰~-17.23‰和-22.10‰~-16.21‰;计算获得对应成矿流体的δ13CCO2为-6.16‰~1.53‰和-2.39‰~6.43‰,δ18OH2O分别为1.62‰~7.62‰和4.36‰~16.92‰,通过与岩浆CO213C=-2‰~-8‰)和围岩灰岩(δ13C=-1.6‰~4.0‰)的δ13C值相比较,指示块状矿体成矿流体中的碳主要来自岩浆,网脉状矿体成矿流体中...  相似文献   

The local singularity model involved in the context of multifractal theory calculates an index which indicates the local elemental enrichment or depletion and can be used to delineate the weak anomalies. The index, called singularity exponent can be calculated using the total amount model and density model, respectively. The former is based on the power–law relationship between the cumulative concentrations of the neighboring samples in variable cell sizes and cell size, while the latter is between the average concentration and cell size. The influence of the two models on the calculation of the local singularity was estimated in this paper. The total amount model was thought to be preferable in calculating the singularity exponent, which was applied to stream sediment data from the Xiong'ershan gold and molybdenum ore district, Western Henan province, China, and an algorithm based on the window-based method was advanced to map the local singularity distributions of Au and Mo. The thresholds of Au and Mo calculated on the singularity map were used to delineate anomalies which were associated not only with known gold and molybdenum ore deposits in the northern part of EW-trending Machaoying fault, but also with the areas south of Machaoying fault where no gold deposits have yet been discovered. Neither were they clearly identified by the Concentration–Area model and mean + standard deviation of Au concentrations. The results show that weak anomalies hidden within the strong variance of background can be well identified by the local singularity model, and the delineated anomalies should be considered as favorable target areas.  相似文献   

The Kuoerzhenkuola gold deposit is located in the Sawur gold belt in Xinjiang, China. An integrated geological, geochemical and geophysical investigation was carried out in the Kuoerzhenkuola gold deposit, to determine the extension of the principal mineralized system, in the search for new resources. Re‐examination of the rocks and structures in the Kuoerzhenkuola area showed that the study area features an elliptical caldera where the gold deposit lies. A re‐investigation of the mine geology found that the mineralization at the Kuoerzhenkuola gold deposit is not controlled by the EW‐striking regional fault as previously assumed, but by a caldera fracture system locally superimposed by regional faults; the host rocks are andesites and dacites of the Carboniferous Heishantou Group rather than the crypto‐explosive breccia of the Devonian Sawurshan Group. Gas components of fluid inclusions from quartz, trace element chemistry of pyrite and fluid inclusions in pyrite, Pb isotopes of pyrite, and whole‐rock geochemistry and Pb isotopes of the country rocks are used to study the source of fluids at Kuoerzhenkuola gold deposit. The ore‐forming fluids are characterized by low–moderate temperatures and low salinities estimated from fluid inclusion microthermometry. Quadrupole mass spectrometry indicated a CO2‐bearing fluid. Inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry of the fluid inclusions indicated high Cu (average 70 ppm) for the Au mineralization, whereas the host rocks have low Cu (average 33 ppm), indicating that Cu of the ore‐forming fluids originated from magmatic fluid rather than the volcanic rocks. Pb isotopes of ores and host volcanic rocks indicate a similar, mixed source and some Pb could be sourced from the volcanism. This implied that magmatic fluids could play an important role in the Au mineralization process. These new geological findings and the fluids derived mainly from the magmatic fluids suggest that the ore‐forming fluids originate at depth, and are transported and precipitated within the caldera fracture system. Thus, we proposed a conceptual target area at depth. A detailed Stratagem EH4 measurement was carried out to test the validity of the conceptual target. Stratagem EH4 soundings over six parallel traverses perpendicular to the mineralized trend showed that the caldera fracture system could extend for approximately 900 m in the dip direction at the center of the caldera, an indication of the presence of potential deep mineralization under the surveyed area. Detailed modeling of the Stratagem EH4 sounding images provided well‐defined targets for test drilling. Subsequent test drilling on one of these targets, which extends down 850 m at an angle of 87°, returned encouraging results because four core‐intercepts of gold ore bodies at down‐hole depths of 40.5–42.0 m, 70.5–73.5 m, 357.0–358.5 m, and 384.5–385.5 m and a long interval gold mineralized body (0–720 m) were encountered.  相似文献   

安徽庐枞火山岩盆地中的罗河-泥河铁矿田产有与燕山期岩浆活动有关的大型铁矿床,是长江中下游玢岩型铁矿的一个重要组成部分。对矿田的含矿岩体进行了薄片鉴定和化学分析,结果表明该类岩浆岩为超浅成的中偏基性辉石粗安玢岩。运用锆石LA—ICP—MSU-Pb定年方法进行年龄测定.测得的^206Pb/^238U平均年龄分别为133.3Ma±0.6Ma(LJ23)、133.2Ma±1.1Ma(L137)、132.8Ma±2.6Ma(NHK1—2),3个年龄在误差范围内基本一致,表明矿田内辉石粗安玢岩的形成年龄约为133Ma。这一时间正好位于区内龙门院-砖桥和双庙-浮山两大火山喷发旋回的间歇期,为砖桥火山喷发旋回后期潜火山作用的产物。结合基础地质、矿床地质分析和含矿岩体、磁铁矿单矿物化学分析结果,推测矿田的成矿时间为133-131Ma。表明成岩成矿作用与发生于中国东部140Ma左右的构造体制大转折和130Ma左右的大规模岩石圈拆沉两大地质事件相吻合。  相似文献   

The Laoangou Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic ore deposit (LAG) is a hydrothermal vein-type deposit in the East Qinling polymetallic metallogenic belt, which is controlled by NW-, NE- and nearly SN-trending faults and mainly hosted in the dolomite marble of Meiyaogou and Baishugou formations within the Luanchuan ore district (LOD). Although district-scale metallogenic prediction related to the Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the LOD has been attempted, there have been no studies to formulate a detailed deposit-scale metallogenic prediction of the Pb-Zn-Ag deposit in 3D space. Here we selected the LAG to formulate a metallogenic prediction model for Pb-Zn-Ag deposit based on data from 1:10,000 scale geological map, and 66 boreholes and 39 sections of exploration lines on 1:1000 scale, to extract the salient spatial features of the deposit. We apply ordinary weights and weighted weights of evidence, followed by boosted weights of evidence, logistic regression and information entropy for integrating the features of the ore deposit for exploration targeting. The C–V fractal method is applied to classify the probabilities. Accordingly, three levels of exploration targets are delineated: the first level targets are mainly distributed in the periphery of known orebodies (M2, M3, II-3 and VI), which are also located in the ore-controlling strata and fault zones; the second level targets are located in the region of known orebodies, indirectly confirming that the prediction result is reliable; and the third level targets, which are mainly located at the contact between ore-controlling strata and metagabbro bodies, offer new targets for exploration in this ore district. Combining our results obtained in this study with those in previous studies, we provide some guidelines for exploration targets in the Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the LOD, which might help in more effectively delineating the target zones.  相似文献   

勘查区找矿预测理论与方法体系是基于全国129个典型矿床的深入研究,以及在勘查项目实践验证基础上总结而形成的一种特别适合生产找矿第一线使用的有效方法。该方法以成矿作用内因(元素的地球化学特征)和外因(地质作用类型)相结合的思路,构建以成矿地质体、成矿构造与成矿结构面和成矿作用特征标志为主要内容的找矿预测地质模型。四川会理地区位于扬子板块西缘,区域成矿地质条件优越,经历多期构造事件叠加,形成了一系列独具特色的铁铜矿床。近年来,在拉拉铜矿的深部及外围已取得了重大找矿突破和进展。本文以会理拉拉铜矿为典型实例及深部找矿预测成果示范,阐述该方法在深部找矿预测中的具体应用过程,得出了如下认识:早期成矿地质体为赋矿火山岩(河口群钠长岩类),成矿构造与成矿结构面主要为基(中)性火山岩与沉积岩的界面及可能的喷溢口;热液叠加期成矿地质体推测为深部隐伏岩体,成矿构造与成矿结构面主要为褶皱、断裂和裂隙。在总结成矿作用特征标志基础上,建立了拉拉铜矿勘查区找矿预测地质模型。通过与地质和物探方法相结合,圈定红泥坡南部为找矿靶区,经钻探验证,发现厚大矿体,打开了区域找矿空间。  相似文献   

我国锂铍钽矿床调查研究进展及相关问题简述   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
稀有金属是极重要的战略性矿产资源,尤其是高端装备制造业、新能源汽车等新兴产业的发展对其需要量的日益增加,带动了该领域找矿工作取得了一系列新进展。锂、铍、钽是当前最受关注的稀有金属,迄今,我国对于锂等稀有金属成矿机制的研究还不够深入且争论不断。在多年实践的基础上,该文对于锂矿的成矿机制提出了“多旋回深循环内外生一体化”的新认识,并以此拓展了“五层楼+地下室”的勘查模型,进而指导四川可尔因伟晶岩矿田、甲基卡矿田及湘鄂赣交界地区的幕阜山-九岭矿集区、中央造山带的秦巴山区等地在寻找伟晶岩型锂辉石矿床、花岗岩体型锂铍铌钽矿床及层控热液型铍矿床等方面取得新进展,指出了新方向,有助于打开稀有金属找矿的新局面。  相似文献   

陈涛亮  任志  冷成彪  王安东 《地质学报》2023,97(6):1900-1916
铜厂和富家坞矿床是德兴矿田中两个典型的斑岩铜矿床,二者成矿时代、成矿背景和致矿斑岩均较一致,但前者中辉钼矿的Re含量明显高于后者。为探究成矿流体演化过程对辉钼矿中Re含量差异的影响,本文对铜厂和富家坞不同成矿阶段的石英开展LA- ICP- MS微区原位分析以及流体包裹体测温研究。结果显示,二者流体均具有由高温向低温,中低盐度高盐度共存向低盐度演化的趋势,且温度下降、流体沸腾以及pH值的变化可能是导致Cu、Mo沉淀的主要原因;但就同一成矿阶段而言,铜厂比富家坞成矿温度更低,并且在主成矿阶段,铜厂具有更高的流体盐度;因此,推测温度和盐度可能是导致二者中辉钼矿Re含量差异的主导因素。  相似文献   

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