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Quantifying long-term rates of chemical weathering and physical erosion is important for understanding the long-term evolution of soils, landscapes, and Earth's climate. Here we describe how long-term chemical weathering rates can be measured for actively eroding landscapes using cosmogenic nuclides together with a geochemical mass balance of weathered soil and parent rock. We tested this approach in the Rio Icacos watershed, Puerto Rico, where independent studies have estimated weathering rates over both short and long timescales. Results from the cosmogenic/mass balance method are consistent with three independent sets of weathering rate estimates, thus confirming that this approach yields realistic measurements of long-term weathering rates. This approach can separately quantify weathering rates from saprolite and from overlying soil as components of the total. At Rio Icacos, nearly 50% of Si weathering occurs as rock is converted to saprolite; in contrast, nearly 100% of Al weathering occurs in the soil. Physical erosion rates are measured as part of our mass balance approach, making it particularly useful for studying interrelationships between chemical weathering and physical erosion. Our data show that chemical weathering rates are tightly coupled with physical erosion rates, such that the relationship between climate and chemical weathering rates may be obscured by site-to-site differences in the rate that minerals are supplied to soil by physical erosion of rock. One can normalize for variations in physical erosion rates using the “chemical depletion fraction,” which measures the fraction of total denudation that is accounted for by chemical weathering. This measure of chemical weathering intensity increases with increasing average temperature and precipitation in data from climatically diverse granitic sites, including tropical Rio Icacos and six temperate sites in the Sierra Nevada, California. Hence, across a wide range of climate regimes, analysis of chemical depletion fractions appears to effectively account for site-to-site differences in physical erosion rates, which would otherwise obscure climatic effects on chemical weathering rates. Our results show that by quantifying rates of physical erosion and chemical weathering together, our mass balance approach can be used to determine the relative importance of climatic and nonclimatic factors in regulating long-term chemical weathering rates.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the denudation rates in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais State (Brazil). The aim is to compare chemical weathering rates from measurements of solute fluxes in rivers and long-term mean erosion rates deduced from in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be concentrations measured in fluvial sediments. Both water samples and sediments were collected in fifteen stations (checkpoints) located in four hydrographic basins with low anthropogenic perturbations.Depending of the type of substratum, three degrees of chemical denudation rates from water samples are observed: (i) high rates in marbles; (ii) medium rates in schists, phyllites, granites, gneisses and migmatites; (iii) low rates in quartzites and itabirites. Preliminary results of long-term erosion rates deduced from in situ-produced 10Be are comparable with those of chemical rates.  相似文献   

Silicate weathering of soil-mantled slopes in an active Alpine landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite being located on high, steep, actively uplifting, and formerly glaciated slopes of the Swiss Central Alps, soils in the upper Rhone Valley are depleted by up to 50% in cations relative to their parent bedrock. This depletion was determined by a mass loss balance based on Zr as a refractory element. Both Holocene weathering rates and physical erosion rates of these slopes are unexpectedly low, as measured by cosmogenic 10Be-derived denudation rates. Chemical depletion fractions, CDF, range from 0.12 to 0.48, while the average soil chemical weathering rate is 33 ± 15 t km−2 yr−1. Both the cosmogenic nuclide-derived denudation rates and model calculations suggest that these soils have reached a weathering steady-state since deglaciation 15 ky ago. The weathering signal varies with elevation and hillslope morphology. In addition, the chemical weathering rates decrease with elevation indicating that temperature may be a dominant controlling factor on weathering in these high Alpine basins. Model calculations suggest that chemical weathering rates are limited by reaction kinetics and not the supply rate of fresh material. We compare hillslope and catchment-wide weathering fluxes with modern stream cation flux, and show that high relief, bare-rock slopes exhibit much lower chemical weathering rates despite higher physical erosion rates. The low weathering fluxes from rocky, rapidly eroding slopes allow for the broader implication that mountain building, while elevating overall denudation rates, may not cause increased chemical weathering rates on hillslopes. In order for this sediment to be weathered, intermediate storage, for instance in floodplains, is required.  相似文献   

We present a weathering mass balance of the presently glaciated Rhône and Oberaar catchments, located within the crystalline Aar massif (central Switzerland). Annual chemical and physical weathering fluxes are calculated from the monthly weighted means of meltwater samples taken from July, 1999 to May, 2001 and are corrected for precipitation inputs. The meltwater composition issuing from the Oberaar and Rhône catchments is dominated by calcium, which represents 81% and 55% of the total cation flux respectively (i.e. 555 and 82-96 keq km−2 yr−1). The six to seven times higher Ca2+ denudation flux from the Oberaar catchment is attributed to the presence of a strongly foliated gneissic zone. The gneissic zone has an elevated calcite content (as reflected by the 4.6 times higher calcite content of the suspended sediments from Oberaar compared to Rhône) and a higher mechanical erosion rate (resulting in a higher flux of suspended sediment). The mean flux of suspended calcite of the Oberaar meltwaters during the ablation period is 7 times greater than that of the Rhône meltwaters. Taking the suspended calcite as a proxy for the total (including sub-glacial sediments) weathering calcite surface area, it appears that the available surface area is an important factor in controlling weathering rates. However, we also observe an increased supply of protons for carbonate dissolution in the Oberaar catchment, where the sulphate denudation flux is six times greater. Carbonic acid is the second important source of protons, and we calculate that three times as much atmospheric CO2 is drawn down (short term) in the Oberaar catchment. Silica fluxes from the two catchments are comparable with each other, but are 100 kmol km2 yr−1 lower than fluxes from physically comparable, non-glaciated basins.  相似文献   

How and how fast do hillslope soils form as the landscape’s morphology changes over time? Here results are shown from an ongoing study that simultaneously examines the morphologic and geochemical evolution of soil mantled hillslopes that have been exposed to distinctively different denudation history. In Northern Sierra Nevada, California, the authors are investigating a tributary basin to the Middle Fork Feather River. A major incision signal from the river is well marked in a knickpoint within the tributary basin which stretches from its mouth to the Feather River at an elevation of ~700 m to the plateau at an elevation of ~1500 m. Hillslopes are significantly steeper below the knickpoint. The area’s total denudation rates are currently being constrained using cosmogenic radio nuclides, but a previous study suggested an order of magnitude difference in total denudation rates below and above the knickpoint. When compared with topographic attributes calculated from LIDAR data, physical erosion rates can be modeled as a linear function of ridge top curvature. Surprisingly, over the wide range of total denudation rates, soil thicknesses do not vary significantly until a threshold point where soil mantled landscapes abruptly shift to bedrock dominated landscapes. Bioturbation by tree falls appear to buffer soil thickness over the wide range of physical soil erosion rates. From three hillslopes with different physical erosion rates, the concentrations of Zr, which were considered conserved during dissolution and leaching, were determined and used as a proxy for the degree of mass losses via chemical denudation. There is a general trend that colluvial soils along the hillslopes with lower physical erosion rates are enriched in fine size fractions, Zr, and pedogenic crystalline Fe oxides. Likewise, the saprolites show greater degrees of chemical denudation at the sites above the knickpoint, presumably because of the saprolites’ longer turnover time in the slowly eroding landscapes. In the two steep hillslopes below the knickpoint, no significant or systematic topgraphic trends were found for soil geochemistry. However, soils show increasing Zr enrichment in the downslope direction in the hillslope above the knickpoint, which suggests a critical denudation rate beyond which soils’ turnover time is too short to develop a geochemical catena. As detailed CRN-based soil production rates and catchment scale denudation rates are acquired, the data will be combined with a mass balance model to calculate the rates of chemical denudation and weathering in soils and saprolites along the denudation gradient.  相似文献   

Sr isotope data from soils, water, and atmospheric inputs in a small tropical granitoid watershed in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico constrain soil mineral development, weathering fluxes, and atmospheric deposition. This study provides new information on pedogenic processes and geochemical fluxes that is not apparent in watershed mass balances based on major elements alone. 87Sr/86Sr data reveal that Saharan mineral aerosol dust contributes significantly to atmospheric inputs. Watershed-scale Sr isotope mass balance calculations indicate that the dust deposition flux for the watershed is 2100 ± 700 mg cm−2 ka−1. Nd isotope analyses of soil and saprolite samples provide independent evidence for the presence of Saharan dust in the regolith. Watershed-scale Sr isotope mass balance calculations are used to calculate the overall short-term chemical denudation velocity for the watershed, which agrees well with previous denudation rate estimates based on major element chemistry and cosmogenic nuclides. The dissolved streamwater Sr flux is dominated by weathering of plagioclase and hornblende and partial weathering of biotite in the saprock zone. A steep gradient in regolith porewater 87Sr/86Sr ratio with depth, from 0.70635 to as high as 0.71395, reflects the transition from primary mineral-derived Sr to a combination of residual biotite-derived Sr and atmospherically-derived Sr near the surface, and allows multiple origins of kaolinite to be identified.  相似文献   

High-resolution siliciclastic grain size and bulk mineralogy combined with clay mineralogy, rubidium, strontium, and neodymium isotopes of Core MD01-2393 collected off the Mekong River estuary in the southwestern South China Sea reveals a monsoon-controlled chemical weathering and physical erosion history during the last 190,000 yr in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Mekong Basin. The ranges of isotopic composition are limited throughout sedimentary records: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7206–0.7240 and εNd(0) = −11.1 to −12.1. These values match well to those of Mekong River sediments and they are considered to reflect this source region. Smectites/(illite + chlorite) and smectites/kaolinite ratios are used as indices of chemical weathering rates, whereas the bulk kaolinite/quartz ratio is used as an index of physical erosion rates in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Mekong Basin. Furthermore, the 2.5–6.5 μm/15–55 μm siliciclastic grain size population ratio represents the intensity of sediment discharge of the Mekong River and, in turn, the East Asian summer monsoon intensity. Strengthened chemical weathering corresponds to increased sediment discharge and weakened physical erosion during interglacial periods. In contrast, weakened chemical weathering associated with reduced sediment discharge and intensified physical erosion during glacial periods. Such strong glacial–interglacial correlations between chemical weathering/erosion and sediment discharge imply the monsoon-controlled weathering and erosion.  相似文献   

We evaluate whether the global weathering budget is near steady state for the pre-anthropogenic modern environment by assessing the magnitude of acidity-generating volcanic exhalations. The weathering rate induced by volcanic acid fluxes, of which the CO2 flux is the most important, can be expressed as an average release rate of dissolved silica, based on a model feldspar-weathering scheme, and the ratio of carbonate-to-silicate rock weathering. The theoretically predicted flux of silica from chemical weathering is slightly smaller than the estimated global riverine silica flux. After adjustment for carbonate weathering, the riverine dissolved bicarbonate flux is larger than the volcanic carbon degassing rate by a factor of about three. There are substantial uncertainties associated with the calculated and observed flux values, but the modern system may either not be in steady state, or additional, “unknown” carbon sources may exist. The closure errors in the predicted budgets and observed riverine fluxes suggest that continental weathering rates might have had an impact on atmospheric CO2 levels at a time scale of 103-104 years, and that enhanced weathering rates during glacial periods might have been a factor in the reduced glacial atmospheric CO2 levels. Recent anthropogenic emissions of carbon and sulfur have a much larger acid-generating capacity than the natural fluxes. Estimated potential weathering budgets to neutralize these fluxes are far in excess of observed values. A theoretical scenario for a return to steady state at the current anthropogenic acidity emissions (disregarding the temporary buffering action of the ocean reservoir) requires either significantly lower pH values in continental surface waters as a result of storage of strong acids, and/or higher temperatures as a result of enhanced atmospheric CO2 levels in order to create weathering rates that can neutralize the total flux of anthropogenic and natural background acidity.  相似文献   

We determined erosion rates on timescales of 101–104 years for two catchments in the northeastern Rhenish Massif, in order to unravel the Quaternary landscape evolution in a Variscan mountain range typical of central Europe. Spatially averaged erosion rates derived from in situ produced 10Be concentrations in stream sediment of the Aabach and M?hne watersheds range from 47 ± 6 to 65 ± 14 mm/ka and integrate over the last 9–13 ka. These erosion rates are similar to local rates of river incision and rock uplift in the Quaternary and to average denudation rates since the Mesozoic derived from fission track data. This suggests that rock uplift is balanced by denudation, i.e., the landscape is in a steady state. Short-term erosion rates were derived from suspended and dissolved river loads subsequent to (1) correcting for atmospheric and anthropogenic inputs, (2) establishing calibration curves that relate the amount of suspended load to discharge, and (3) estimating the amount of bedload. The resulting solid mass fluxes (suspended and bedload) agree with those derived from the sediment volume trapped in three reservoirs. However, resulting geogenic short-term erosion rates range from 9 to 25 mm/ka and are only about one-third of the rates derived from 10Be. Model simulations in combination with published sediment yield data suggest that this discrepancy is caused by at least three factors: (1) phases with higher precipitation and/or lower evapotranspiration, (2) rare flood events not captured in the short-term records, and (3) prolonged periods of climatic deterioration with increased erosion and sediment transport on hillslopes.  相似文献   

Located in the uplands of the Valley and Ridge physiographic province of Pennsylvania, the Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SSHO) is a tectonically quiescent, first-order catchment developed on shales of the Silurian Rose Hill Formation. We used soil cores augered at the highest point of the watershed and along a subsurface water flowline on a planar hillslope to investigate mineral transformations and physical/chemical weathering fluxes. About 25 m of bedrock was also drilled to estimate parent composition. Depletion of carbonate at tens of meters of depth in bedrock may delineate a deep carbonate-weathering front. Overlying this, extending from ∼6 m below the bedrock-soil interface up into the soil, is the feldspar dissolution front. In the soils, depletion profiles for K, Mg, Si, Fe, and Al relative to the bedrock define the illite and chlorite reaction fronts. When combined with a cosmogenic nuclide-derived erosion rate on watershed sediments, these depletion profiles are consistent with dissolution rates that are several orders of magnitudes slower for chlorite (1-5 × 10−17 mol m−2 s−1) and illite (2-9 × 10−17 mol m−2 s−1) than observed in the laboratory. Mineral reactions result in formation of vermiculite, hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite, and minor kaolinite. During weathering, exchangeable divalent cations are replaced by Al as soil pH decreases.The losses of Mg and K in the soils occur largely as solute fluxes; in contrast, losses of Al and Fe are mostly as downslope transport of fine particles. Physical erosion of bulk soils also occurs: results from a steady-state model demonstrate that physical erosion accounts for about half of the total denudation at the ridgetop and midslope positions. Chemical weathering losses of Mg, Na, and K are higher in the upslope positions likely because of the higher degree of chemical undersaturation in porewaters. Chemical weathering slows down in the valley floor and Al and Si even show net accumulation. The simplest model for the hillslope that is consistent with all observations is a steady-state, clay weathering-limited system where soil production rates decrease with increasing soil thickness.  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra river drains a large portion of the Himalaya and southern Tibetan plateau, including the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, one of the most tectonically active regions on the globe. We measured the solute chemistry of 161 streams and major tributaries of the Tsangpo-Brahmaputra to examine the effect of tectonic, climatic, and geologic factors on chemical weathering rates. Specifically, we quantify chemical weathering fluxes and CO2 consumption by silicate weathering in southern Tibet and the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya, examine the major chemical weathering reactions in the tributaries of the Tsangpo-Brahmaputra, and determine the total weathering flux from carbonate and silicate weathering processes in this region. We show that high precipitation, rapid tectonic uplift, steep channel slopes, and high stream power generate high rates of chemical weathering in the eastern syntaxis. The total dissolved solids (TDS) flux from the this area is greater than 520 tons km−2 yr−1 and the silicate cation flux more than 34 tons km−2 yr−1. In total, chemical weathering in this area consumes 15.2 × 105 mol CO2 km−2 yr−1, which is twice the Brahmaputra average. These data show that 15-20% of the total CO2 consumption by silicate weathering in the Brahmaputra catchment is derived from only 4% of the total land area of the basin. Hot springs and evaporite weathering provide significant contributions to dissolved Na+ and Cl fluxes throughout southern Tibet, comprising more than 50% of all Na+ in some stream systems. Carbonate weathering generates 80-90% of all dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations in much of the Yarlung Tsangpo catchment.  相似文献   

流域盆地的风化作用与全球气候变化   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
介绍了岩石风化作用与流域盆地的物质输送对于研究全球海-陆物质循环和全球气候变化的重要意义。讨论了运用河流的颗粒相和溶解相载荷分别去估算机械剥蚀率和化学风化率的科学性及各种计算方法。从全球的观点对岩性、径流、地势、气候、植被以及人为活动 6个因素对于岩石风化作用及河流颗粒相和溶解相物质输送的影响进行了详细的讨论,得到岩性是决定机械剥蚀率和化学风化率的主导因素,径流和地势是影响河流颗粒物输送的重要因素,而径流和气候则对河流溶解离子的输送影响较大,此外植被和人为活动对河流化学及颗粒物输送的影响也越来越受到人们的关注。探讨了岩石化学风化作用消耗的CO2量及其对全球气候变化的影响,在此基础上,归纳了岩石化学风化作用与气候变化的模式。  相似文献   

Salt exposures and weathering residuum on several salt diapirs in different geographic/climatic settings were studied. Anhydrite, gypsum, hematite, calcite, dolomite, quartz, and clay minerals are the main constituents of the weathering residuum covering the salt diapirs in various thicknesses. Erosion rates of residuum as well as of rock salt exposures were measured at selected sites for a period of 5 years by plastic pegs as benchmarks. Recorded data were standardized to a horizontal surface and to long-term mean precipitation. For the rock salt exposures the following long-term denudation rates were determined of 30–40 mm a−1 for coastal diapirs and up to 120 mm a−1 for mountain salt diapirs. Long-term mean superficial denudation rate measured on weathering residuum of low thickness reached 3.5 mm a−1 on coastal diapirs. The total denudation rate estimated for the thin residuum is close to 4–7 mm a−1 based on apparent correlation with the uplift rate on Hormoz and Namakdan diapirs. Denudation of rock salt exposures is much faster compared to parts of diapirs covered by weathering residuum. The extent of salt exposures is an important factor in the morphological evolution of salt diapirs as it can inhibit further expansion of the diapir. Salt exposures produce huge amounts of dissolved and clastic load, thus affecting the surrounding of the diapir.  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical study on river waters of the Australian Victorian Alps was carried out to determine: (i) the relative significance of silicate, carbonate, evaporite and sulfide weathering in controlling the major ion composition and; (ii) the factors regulating seasonal and spatial variations of CO2 consumption via silicate weathering in the catchments. Major ion chemistry implies that solutes are largely derived from evaporation of precipitation and chemical weathering of carbonate and silicate lithologies. The input of solutes from rock weathering was determined by calculating the contribution of halite dissolution and atmospheric inputs using local rain and snow samples. Despite the lack of carbonate outcrops in the study area and waters being undersaturated with respect to calcite, the dissolution of vein calcite accounts for up to 67% of the total dissolved cations, generating up to 90% of dissolved Ca and 97% of Mg. Dissolved sulfate has δ34S values of 16 to 20‰CDT, indicating that it is derived predominantly from atmospheric deposition and minor gypsum weathering and not from bacterial reduction of FeS2. This militates against sulphuric acid weathering in Victorian rivers. Ratios of Si vs. the atmospheric corrected Na and K concentrations range from ~ 1.1 to ~ 4.3, suggesting incongruent weathering from plagioclase to smectite, kaolinite and gibbsite.Estimated long-term average CO2 fluxes from silicate weathering range from ~ 0.012 × 106 to 0.039 × 106 mol/km2/yr with the highest values in rivers draining the basement outcrops rather than sedimentary rocks. This is about one order of magnitude below the global average which is due to low relief, and the arid climate in that region. Time series measurements show that exposure to lithology, high physical erosion and long water–rock contact times dominate CO2 consumption fluxes via silicate weathering, while variations in water temperature are not overriding parameters controlling chemical weathering. Because the atmospheric corrected concentrations of Na, K and Mg act non-conservative in Victorian rivers the parameterizations of weathering processes, and net CO2 consumption rates in particular, based on major ion abundances, should be treated with skepticism.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclide-based denudation rates and published erosion rates from recent river gauging in the Napo River basin (Peruvian Amazonia) are used to decipher erosion and sedimentation processes along a 600 km long transect from the headwaters to the lowlands. The sediment-producing headwaters to the Napo floodplain are the volcanically active Ecuadorian Andes, which discharge sediment at a cosmogenic nuclide-based denudation rate of 0.49 ± 0.12 mm/yr. This denudation rate was calculated from an average 10Be nuclide concentration of 2.2 ± 0.5 × 104 at/g(Qz) that was measured in bedload-derived quartz. Within the Napo lowlands, a significant drop in trunk stream 10Be nuclide concentrations relative to the Andean hinterland is recorded, with an average concentration of 1.2 ± 0.5 × 104 at/g(Qz). This nuclide concentration represents a mixture between the 10Be nuclide concentration of eroded floodplain deposits, and that of sediment eroded from the Andean hinterland that is now carried in the trunk stream. Evidence for addition of sediment from the floodplain to the trunk stream is provided by published decadal-scale sediment flux measurements from gauging stations operated in the Napo basin, from which an increase from 12 × 106 t/yr at the outflow of the Andes to ~47 × 106 t/yr at the confluence with the Solimões (upper Amazon River) is recorded. Therefore, approximately 35 × 106 t of floodplain sediment are added annually to the active Napo trunk stream. Combined with our nuclide concentration measurements, we can estimate that the eroded floodplain deposits yield a nuclide concentration of ~0.9 × 104 at/g(Qz) only. Under steady state surface erosion conditions, this nuclide concentration would translate to a denudation rate of the floodplain of ~0.47 mm/yr. However, we have no geomorphologic explanation for this high denudation rate within the low relief floodplain and thus suggest that this low-nuclide concentrated sediment is Andean-derived and would have been deposited in the floodplain at a time when erosion rates of the Andes were elevated. Therefore, the recently eroded floodplain sediment provides an Andean “paleo denudation rate” of 1.2 mm/yr that was calculated for high Andean production rates. A likely period for elevated erosion rates is the LGM, where climate and vegetation cover of the Andes differed from that of the Holocene. A possible cause for the erosion of the floodplain is the tectonic uplift of the Eastern Andes, which progressively shifts the Napo River northwards. Hence, the river cuts into ancient lowland sediment, which is admixed to the Andean sediment carried in the main Napo River.  相似文献   

10Be和26Al在地表形成和演化研究中的应用   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
地球表面丰富多样的地形、地貌是地球内外动力相互作用的结果。宇宙射线辐射地表岩石、沉积物等产生的10Be和26Al放射性核素(半衰期分别为1.5Ma和0.71Ma),它们的浓度主要取决于由地理位置和地形、地貌条件所决定的宇宙射线辐射的通量和时间,从而能够记录地表的形成和演化历史。因此,宇宙成因核素是研究地表形成历史和作用过程的有力工具。  相似文献   

The bioturbated zone of marine sediments is a region having a complex, time-dependent geometry of diffusion and chemical reactions. It is possible to simplify this geometry by postulating an average sediment microenvironment and modelling it as representative of the sediment body as a whole. The microenvironment is assumed to correspond to a single, tube-dwelling animal together with its surrounding sediment and can be represented by a finite hollow cylinder. A transport-reaction model derived from this postulate produces good agreement between observed and predicted pore water profiles using realistic physical constants. The average vertical distributions of pore water solutes and their sediment-water fluxes are influenced by the presence of irrigated burrows to varying degrees depending on the kind of reactions governing their behavior. Pore water profiles of solutes, such as NH+4, subject to zero order reaction rates are highly sensitive to the abundance and sizes of burrows while the net flux of the constituent across the sediment-water interface is not. In contrast, profiles of solutes such as Si that are subject to first order reaction rates are less sensitive to the presence of irrigated burrows but net fluxes are greatly affected. Average pore water concentrations, fluxes of solutes like Si and the apparent one-dimensional diffusion coefficients required to match vertical gradients with measured solute fluxes, are influenced by both the size and spacing of burrows. Because of the range of solute concentrations within the microenvironment at any given depth it is not strictly valid to make detailed solubility calculations on the basis of average pore water concentrations within the bioturbated zone.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluate the dynamics of the biophile element phosphorus (P) in the catchment and proglacial areas of the Rhône and Oberaar glaciers (central Switzerland). We analysed erosion and dissolution rates of P-containing minerals in the subglacial environment by sampling water and suspended sediment in glacier outlets during three ablation and two accumulation seasons. We also quantified biogeochemical weathering rates of detrital P in proglacial sedimentary deposits using two chronosequences of samples of fresh, suspended, material obtained from the Oberaar and Rhône water outlets, Little-Ice-Age (LIA) moraines and Younger Dryas (YD) tills in each catchment. Subglacial P weathering is mainly a physical process and detrital P represents more than 99% of the precipitation-corrected total P denudation flux (234 and 540 kg km−2 yr−1 for the Rhône and Oberaar catchments, respectively). The calculated detrital P flux rates are three to almost five times higher than the world average flux. The precipitation-corrected soluble reactive P (SRP) flux corresponds to 1.88-1.99 kg km−2 yr−1 (Rhône) and 2.12-2.44 kg km−2 yr−1 (Oberaar), respectively. These fluxes are comparable to those of tropical rivers draining transport-limited, tectonically inactive weathering areas.In order to evaluate the efficiency of detrital P weathering in the Rhône and Oberaar proglacial areas, we systematically graded apatite grains extracted from the chronosequence in each catchment relative to weathering-induced changes in their surface morphologies (grades 1-4). Fresh apatite grains are heavily indented and dissolution rounded (grade 1). LIA grains from two 0-10 cm deep moraine samples show extensive dissolution etching, similar to surface grains from the YD profile (mean grades 2.7, 3.5 and 3.5, respectively). In these proglacial deposits, the weathering front deepens progressively as a function of time due to biocorrosion in the evolving acidic pedosphere, with mechanical indentations on grains acting as sites of preferential dissolution. We also measured iron-bound, organic and detrital P concentrations in the chronosequence and show that organic and iron-bound P has almost completely replaced detrital P in the top layers of the YD profiles. Detrital P weathering rates are calculated as 310 and 280 kg km−2 yr−1 for LIA moraines and 10 kg km−2 yr−1 for YD tills. During the first 300 years of glacial sediment exposure P dissolution rates are shown to be approximately 70 times higher than the mean global dissolved P flux from ice-free continents. After 11.6 kyr the flux is 2.5 times the global mean. These data strengthen the argument for substantial changes in the global dissolved P flux on glacial-interglacial timescales. A crude extrapolation from the data described here suggests that the global dissolved P flux may increase by 40-45% during the first few hundred years of a deglaciation phase.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2007,236(3-4):199-216
The chemical characteristics of freshwaters draining the silicate rocks in the northern part of Okinawa Island were studied to understand solute generation processes, and to determine rates of chemical weathering and CO2 consumption. It was observed that the water chemistry is highly influenced by marine aerosols, contributing more than 60% of total solute. Significant positive correlations observed for chloride versus dissolved silica and chloride versus bicarbonate suggest a strong influence of evapotranspiration on the seasonality of solute concentration. It was also found that chemical weathering has been highly advanced in which the dominant kaolinite minerals are being gibbsitized. Carbonic acid was found to be the major chemical weathering agent, releasing greater than 80% of weathering-derived dissolved cations and silica while the remaining portion was attributed to weathering by sulfuric acid generated via oxidation of pyrite contained in the rocks. The flux of basic cations, weathering-derived silica and CO2 consumption were relatively high due to favourable climatic condition, topography and high rate of mechanical erosion. Silicate weathering rates for basic cations were estimated to be 6.7–9.7 ton km 2 y 1. Carbon dioxide consumed by silicate weathering was 334–471 kmol km 2 y 1 which was slightly higher than that consumed by carbonate weathering. In general, divalent cations (Mg and Ca) and bicarbonate alkalinity derived from carbonate dissolution were higher than those from silicate weathering. As a consequence, the evolution of chemical species in the freshwaters of northern area of Okinawa Island to a large extent could be explained by mixing of two components, characterized by waters with Na+ and Cl as predominant species and waters enriched with Ca2+ and HCO3.  相似文献   

We investigated chemical weathering in a high elevation granitic environment in three selected watersheds located in the Pyrenees (France). The sites were located on glacial deposits derived from similar Hercynian (∼300 Ma) granites characterized by the occurrence of zoned plagioclases and trace calcic phases (epidote, prehnite, sphene, apatite). The surface waters at those sites show high Ca/Na molar ratios (>1) which could not be explained by the dissolution of the major plagioclase (oligoclase) present in the rocks. The coupled approach of investigating stream water chemistry and the mineralogy and chemistry of rocks and soils allowed us to explore the role of the weathering of trace calcic minerals in calcium export at the watershed scale. The weathering of the trace calcic minerals which represent ∼ 1% of the total rock volume are responsible for more than 90% of the calcium export at the sites. Annual cationic fluxes (∼ 23.104 eq/km2/yr) calculated for the Estibère watershed are among the highest reported for high elevation systems draining granitic rocks and ∼ 80% of this annual cationic flux can be attributed to the weathering of trace calcic phases. Calculations based on isotopic values (87Sr/86Sr) go in the same direction. Except apatite, the trace calcic phases appear to be mainly silicates, thus the type of chemical weathering observed in the Estibère watershed may have an influence on atmospheric CO2 consumption by granite weathering. However, comparison with other watersheds draining granitic environments worldwide, and with the two other sites in the Pyrenees, indicate that the role of trace calcic phases is important in most young environments exposed to chemical weathering (e.g., high elevation catchments on glacial deposits). Other factors such as the date of glacial retreat, the physical denudation rate, the hydrological functioning of the watershed and the nature and structure of the soil cover are also important.  相似文献   

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