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The spatial structure of intensive Pc5 pulsations of the geomagnetic field and riometer absorption during the recovery phase of a strong magnetic storm that occurred on October 31, 2003, have been considered in detail. The global structure of disturbances has been analyzed based on a global network of magnetometers and riometers supplemented by the data of magnotometers and particle detectors on geostationary satellites GOES and LANL. The local spatial structure was studied by the data of a regional network of Finland vertical riometers and the stations at the IMAGE magnetic network. Quasiperiodic variations in the magnetic field and riometer absorption are generally similar and have a close frequency composition; nevertheless, their local spatial structures are different, as a result of which the concept that riometer absorption pulsations represent a purely modulation process is doubtful. It is assumed that the observed variations are oscillations of two related systems: the magnetospheric MHD waveguide/resonator and systems including cyclotron noise and electrons. Geomagnetic Pc5 oscillations during the recovery phase of a strong magnetic storm supposedly result from the generation of the magnetospheric waveguide on magnetospheric flanks. An analysis of azimuthal propagation phase velocities indicates that these oscillations depend on intramagnetospheric parameters rather than on the solar wind velocity. The magnetospheric waveguide is in a metastable state when solar wind velocities are high, and the quasiperiodic fluctuations of the solar wind pressure stimulate the excitation of the waveguide.  相似文献   

An analysis of sampled 1-s observational data on geomagnetic pulsations within the Pc3 range on the INTERMAGNET network of near-equatorial and low-latitude observatories spaced over longitude during the initial phase of a moderate magnetic storm (April 5–7, 2010) was carried out for the first time. The obtained results were compared with magnetic observations at the low-latitude Chambon-la-Foret (CLF) and subauroral Kerguelen (PAF) observatories, as well as with observations at six Australian observatories located at low and middle latitudes. Two time intervals were studied in detail: the sudden commencement (SC) of the storm and the onset of the great global substorm. In the first interval, maximal amplitudes of near-equatorial pulsations were observed in the near-noon sector; in the second interval, in the near-midnight sector. The dynamics of the spectral structure of Pc3 pulsations in the considered events was shown to be different in spite of the fact that in both cases an amplification of waves was observed in two close spectral bands of the Pc3 spectrum: ~20–30 and ~30–40 mHz. The considered Pc3 pulsations were characterized by very small azimuthal wavenumbers (0.5 and less). Possible generation mechanisms for the observed Pc3 pulsations are discussed.  相似文献   

Intense quasimonchromatic geomagnetic pulsations with a period of ~15 min, observed on the Earth’s surface in the near-noon sector at the beginning of the recovery phase of a very strong (Dst min = ?260 nT) magnetic storm of May 15, 2005, are analyzed. The variations were registered at auroral latitudes only in the X field component, and wave activity shifted into the postnoon sector of the polar cap an hour later; in this case pulsations were observed in the X and Y field components. Within the magnetosphere the source of magnetic pulsations could be the surface waves on the magnetopause caused by the pulse of the solar wind magnetic pressure. Geomagnetic pulsations in the polar cap, observed in phase at different latitudes, could apparently reflect quasiperiodic variations in the NBZ system of field-aligned currents. Such variations can originate due to the series of pulsed reconnections in the postnoon outer cusp at large (~20 nT) positive B z values and large (about ?40 nT) negative values of IMF B x .  相似文献   

We investigate the features of the planetary distribution of wave phenomena (geomagnetic pulsations) in the Earth’s magnetic shell (the magnetosphere) during a strong geomagnetic storm on December 14–15, 2006, which is untypical of the minimum phase of solar activity. The storm was caused by the approach of the interplanetary magnetic cloud towards the Earth’s magnetosphere. The study is based on the analysis of 1-min data of global digital geomagnetic observations at a few latitudinal profiles of the global network of ground-based magnetic stations. The analysis is focused on the Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations, whose frequencies fall in the band of 1.5–7 mHz (T ~ 2–10 min), on the fluctuations in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and in the solar wind density in this frequency band. It is shown that during the initial phase of the storm with positive IMF Bz, most intense geomagnetic pulsations were recorded in the dayside polar regions. It was supposed that these pulsations could probably be caused by the injection of the fluctuating streams of solar wind into the Earth’s ionosphere in the dayside polar cusp region. The fluctuations arising in the ionospheric electric currents due to this process are recorded as the geomagnetic pulsations by the ground-based magnetometers. Under negative IMF Bz, substorms develop in the nightside magnetosphere, and the enhancement of geomagnetic pulsations was observed in this latitudinal region on the Earth’s surface. The generation of these pulsations is probably caused by the fluctuations in the field-aligned magnetospheric electric currents flowing along the geomagnetic field lines from the substorm source region. These geomagnetic pulsations are not related to the fluctuations in the interplanetary medium. During the main phase of the magnetic storm, when fluctuations in the interplanetary medium are almost absent, the most intense geomagnetic pulsations were observed in the dawn sector in the region corresponding to the closed magnetosphere. The generation of these pulsations is likely to be associated with the resonance of the geomagnetic field lines. Thus, it is shown that the Pc5 pulsations observed on the ground during the magnetic storm have a different origin and a different planetary distribution.  相似文献   

The contribution of global magnetospheric oscillations to magnetic disturbance during magnetospheric storms is studied. The bases of magnetic data from the INTERMAGNET global network in combination with the interplanetary and intramagnetospheric measurements of the magnetic field and plasma and the sets of the Kp, Dst, and AE indices are used for this purpose. The most favorable conditions in the solar wind and magnetosphere for generation of global Pc5 have been revealed. The contribution of these oscillations to the variations in the magnetic disturbance level, characterized by the AE index, has been estimated. The findings confirm that magnetospheric MHD oscillations participate in the processes of energy income from the solar wind and energy dissipation in the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The substorm characteristics during the main phase of a large magnetic storm of November 20, 2003, are studied based on the data of TV observations of auroras and auroral absorption at Tixie Bay station and at the global network of magnetic stations. The contribution of auroral particles, responsible for the emission of discrete auroras, has been estimated based on an analysis of the spatial-time variations in the auroral luminosity intensity. This contribution accounted for ~40% of the total luminous flux, which is approximately twice as large as was previously observed in substorm disturbances. Responses of the solar wind and IMF parameters in substorms and variations in the magnetic indices, characterizing geomagnetic activity in the northern polar cap and ring current (PCN, ASY-H and SYM-H), have been detected. The spatial-time distribution of the equivalent ionospheric currents has been constructed, and the total value of these currents along the meridian has been determined based on the [Popov et al., 2001] method and using the IMAGE magnetic data. It has been obtained that the maximal total equivalent ionospheric current in the premidnight sector (~2000 MLT) leads the minimal value of the SYM-H index by ~1.5 h.  相似文献   

A very strong magnetic storm of May 15, 2005, was caused by an interplanetary magnetic cloud that approached the Earths’ orbit. The sheath region of this cloud was characterized by a high solar wind density (~25–30 cm?3) and velocity (~850 km/s) and strong variations (to ~20 nT) in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). It has been indicated that an atypical bay-like geomagnetic disturbance was observed during the initial phase of this storm in a large longitudinal region at high latitudes: from the morning to evening sectors of the geomagnetic local time. Increasing in amplitude, the magnetic bay rapidly propagated to the polar cap latitudes up to the geomagnetic pole. An analysis of the global space-temporal dynamics of geomagnetic pulsations in the frequency band 1–6 mHz indicated that most intense oscillations were observed in the morning sector in the region of the equivalent ionospheric current at latitudes of about 72°–76°. The wavelet structure of magnetic pulsations in the polar cap and fluctuations in IMF was generally similar to the maximum at frequencies lower than 4 mHz. This can indicate that waves directly penetrated into the polar cap from the solar wind.  相似文献   

The analysis of 85,800 events (1979–1981) of Moscow ambulance calls, related to the myocardial infarction (MI), demonstrates a seasonal variation with the profound summer minima and winter maxima. Similar results were obtained by analyzing the 25-year (1970–1995) statistical monthly data on the death from infarction in Bulgaria. The estimated high correlation coefficient (0.84) between Moscow and Bulgarian data suggests a common reason. There is a great number of clinical and statistical studies confirming that the MI number rises during geomagnetic disturbances, which have a maximum of occurrence near equinox, not in winter. In order to explain this contradiction we suggest that one of the critical additional factors, which affect a human cardiovascular system, could be geomagnetic Pc1 pulsations at frequencies comparable with the human heart beat rate. The MI variations as well as the Pc1 pulsations exhibit a summer minimum. The comparative analysis of the Moscow ambulance MI data and Pc1 pulsations recorded at the geophysical observatory in Borok is presented. It is shown that in about 70% of the days when an anomalously great number of ambulance calls (AMI) has been registered Pc1 pulsations have been recorded. In the winter season the probability of the simultaneous AMI and Pc1 occurrence was 1.5 times larger than their accidental coincidence. Moreover, it was found that the effects of magnetic storms and Pc1 in AMI were much higher in winter than in summer. We suggest that the seasonal variation of the production of the pineal hormone melatonin leads to a winter instability in the human organisms and increases the sensitivity of the patient to the “negative” influence of Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations in winter.  相似文献   

The diumal variations in the parameters of Pc3 (20–60 mHz) and Pc4 (10–19 mHz) pulsations at latitudes of the dayside cusp and polar cap have been studied using data of the magnetic stations of the trans-Antarctic meridional profile for the time interval from January to March 1997 (local summer) under weakly disturbed geomagnetic conditions (AE ≤ 250 nT). The technique for estimating pulsation parameters is based on the separation of the wave packets and noise. The diumal variations in the hourly average parameters of the wave packets in the Pc3 and Pc4 bands and noise in the Pc3-4 band (10–60 mHz)—the average number of wave packets, energy of wave packets and noise, and energy of a single wave packet—turned out to be different for the stations located deep in the polar cap (Φ ~ 87°) and at the latitudes of the dayside polar cusp (Φ ~ 70°) and auroral oval (Φ ~ 66°). Several sources of pulsations caused by different channels of wave energy penetration into the magnetosphere through the dayside cusp, dayside magnetopause, and dawn flank of the magnetotail apparently exist at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Spatial-temporal and spectral features of ground geomagnetic pulsations in the frequency range of 1–5 mHz at the initial phase of a strong magnetic storm of the 24th cycle of solar activity (August 5–6, 2011, with a Dst-variation in the storm maximum of ?110 nT) are analyzed. Large opposite in sign amplitudes of variations in IMF parameters (from ?20 to +20 nT) at a high velocity of the solar wind (~650 km/s) accompanied by intense bursts in solar-wind density (up to ~50 cm?3) were distinctive feature of interplanetary medium conditions causing the storm. Geomagnetic Pi3 pulsations global in longitude and latitude and in-phase in the middle and equatorial latitudes were found. The onset of pulsation generation was caused by a pulse of dynamic pressure of the solar wind (~20 nPa), i.e., by a considerable compression of the magnetosphere. The maximum (2–3 mHz) in the amplitude spectrum of near-equatorial pulsations coincided with the maximum of pulsations in the daytime polar cap. After the next jump of the dynamic pressure of the solar wind (~35 nPa), an additional maximum appeared in the pulsation spectrum in the frequency band of ~3.5–4.5 mHz. Global pulsations suddenly stopped after a sharp decrease in the solar-wind dynamic pressure and corresponding extension of the magnetosphere. The obtained results are compared with the time dynamics of the position and shape of the plasmapause.  相似文献   


在发生于2020年4月20日的地磁暴恢复相阶段, GOLD(Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk)成像仪在第112天(day of year, DOY 112)中低纬地区观测到氧原子(O)和氮气分子(N2)的柱密度比(ΣO/N2)的舌状中性结构(TON).TON结构一般指发生于中高纬且形成于两个ΣO/N2暴时衰减结构之间的ΣO/N2增强结构.热层-电离层电动力学大气环流模式(Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model, TIEGCM)定性地模拟再现了在本次磁暴恢复相期间观测到的ΣO/N2增强结构, 并且发现这个结构在前一天(DOY 111)当地下午形成, 通过中性风的输运被逐渐耗散.模拟结果呈现了不同高度O/N2的TON结构的垂直变化, 其强度和纬度范围有明显的高度依赖性, 并且随磁暴演化不断变化.诊断分析表明: 下沉流(downwelling)驱动的垂直输运首先导致较低纬(约30°N—70°N)O/N2的增强, 然后通过极向风驱动的水平输运将其向更高纬地区输运.在中低热层(约120~300 km高度), 主导O/N2的TON结构演化的中低纬极向风主要是由气压梯度力导致的, 同时科里奥利力对极向风也有一定的正贡献.而在约300 km高度以上的高热层, 极向风主要由气压梯度力和与其作用相反的垂直黏性力两项控制.


Based on the observations in six pairs of almost conjugate high-latitude stations in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, the spectral and spatial-temporal structures of long-period geomagnetic pulsations (f = 2–5 mHz) during the magnetic storm of April 16–17, 1999, which is characterized by a high (up to 20 nPa) solar wind dynamic pressure, have been studied. It has been indicated that the magnetic storm sudden commencement is accompanied by a symmetrical excitation of np pulsations near the dayside polar cusps with close amplitudes. Under the conditions when IMF B z > 0 and B y < 0, strong magnetic field variations with the periods longer than 15–20 min were observed only in the northern polar cap. When IMF B z and B y became close to zero, geomagnetic pulsation bursts in both hemispheres were registered simultaneously but differed in the spectral composition and spatial distribution. In the Northern Hemisphere, pulsations were as a rule observed in a more extensive latitude region than in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, the oscillation amplitude maximum was observed at higher latitudes than in the Southern Hemisphere. The pulsation amplitude at geomagnetic latitude lower than 74° was larger in the Arctic Regions than in the Antarctic Regions. This can be explained by sharply different geographic longitudes in the polar cap and latitudes in the auroral zone, which results in a different ionospheric conductivity affecting the amplitude of geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   

A complex of geophysical phenomena (geomagnetic pulsations in different frequency ranges, VLF emissions, riometer absorption, and auroras) during the initial phase of a small recurrent magnetic storm that occurred on February 27–March 2, 2008, at a solar activity minimum has been analyzed. The difference between this storm and other typical magnetic storms consisted in that its initial phase developed under a prolonged period of negative IMF B z values, and the most intense wave-like disturbances during the storm initial phase were observed in the dusk and nighttime magnetospheric sectors rather than in the daytime sector as is observed in the majority of cases. The passage of a dense transient (with N p reaching 30 cm−3) in the solar wind under the southward IMF in the sheath region of the high-speed solar wind stream responsible for the discussed storm caused a great (the AE index is ∼1250 nT) magnetospheric substorm. The appearance of VLF chorus, accompanied by riometer absorption bursts and Pc5 pulsations, in a very long longitudinal interval of auroral latitudes (L ∼ 5) from premidnight to dawn MLT hours has been detected. It has been concluded that a sharp increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure under prolonged negative values of IMF B z resulted in the global (in longitude) development of electron cyclotron instability in the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The level of wave geomagnetic activity in the morning, afternoon, and nighttime sectors during strong magnetic storms with Dst varying from ?100 to ?150 nT has been statistically studied based on a new ULF wave index. It has been found out that the intensity of geomagnetic pulsations at frequencies of 2–7 mHz during the magnetic storm initial phase is maximal in the morning and nighttime sectors at polar and auroral latitudes, respectively. During the magnetic storm main phase, wave activity is maximal in the morning sector of the auroral zone, and the pulsation intensity in the nighttime sector is twice as low as in the morning sector. It has been indicated that geomagnetic pulsations excited after substorms mainly contribute to a morning wave disturbance during the magnetic storm main phase. During the storm recovery phase, wave activity develops in the morning and nighttime sectors of the auroral zone; in this case nighttime activity is also observed in the subauroral zone.  相似文献   

A new index of wave activity (ULF index) is applied to analyze daytime magnetic pulsations in the Pc5 range (f = 2–7 mHz) during ten successive recurrent magnetic storms (CIR (corotating interaction region) storms) of 2006. The most intense daytime geomagnetic Pc5 pulsations on the Earth’s surface in all phases of CIR storms are predominantly observed in the pre-noon sector at latitudes higher than 70°, while those in CME storms (storms initiated by coronal mass ejection (CME)) are observed at latitudes lower than 70°. A comparison of wave activity during CIR and CME storms has shown that the amplitude of Pc5 pulsations in CIR storms is much smaller than that in CME storms and the spectrum maximum is observed at lower frequencies and higher latitudes. At the same time, the mechanism of ULF wave generation during both types of magnetic storms seems to be similar, namely, resonance of magnetic field lines due to the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability caused by an approach of a high-velocity solar wind stream to the Earth’s magnetosphere. Since resonance oscillations are excited only in the closed magnetosphere, the higher-latitude position of the Pc5 pulsation intensity maximum in CIR storms points to larger dimensions of the daytime magnetosphere during CIR storms as compared to CME storms.  相似文献   

The X17 solar flare occurred on October 28, 2003, and was followed by the X10 flare on October 29. These flares caused very strong geomagnetic storms (Halloween storms). The aim of the present study is to compare the variations in two main ionospheric parameters (foF2 and hmF2) at two chains of ionosondes located in Europe and North America for the period October 23–28, 2003. This interval began immediately before the storm of October 28 and includes its commencement. Another task of the work is to detect ionospheric precursors of the storm or substorm expansion phase. An analysis is based on SPIDR data. The main results are as follows. The positive peak of δfoF2 (where δ is the difference between disturbed and quiet values) is observed several hours before the magnetic storm or substorm commencement. This peak can serve as a disturbance precursor. The amplitude of δfoF2 values varies from 20 to 100% of the foF2 values. The elements of similarity in the variations in the δfoF2 values at two chains are as follows: (a) the above δfoF2 peak is as a rule observed simultaneously at two chains before the disturbance; (b) the δfoF2 variations are similar at all midlatitude (or, correspondingly, high-latitude) ionosondes of the chain. The differences in the δfoF2 values are as follows: (a) the effect of the main phase and the phase of strong storm recovery at one chain differs from such an effect at another chain; (b) the manifestation of disturbances at high-latitude stations of the chain differ from the manifestations at midlatitude stations. The δhmF2 variations are approximately opposite to the δfoF2 variations, and the δhmF2 values lie in the interval 15–25% of the hmF2 values. The performed study is useful and significant in studying the problems of the space weather, especially in a short-term prediction of ionospheric disturbances caused by magnetospheric storms or substorms.  相似文献   

The negative and positive fronts of the IMF B z component arrived at intervals of 3 h during a strong magnetic storm of May 15, 2005. The occurrence of Pc5 pulsations at these three characteristic instants has been considered based on the WIND satellite magnetic data. Pulsations originated not only during sudden compression SC of the magnetosphere but also during the B z sign reversal from positive to negative. The IMF B z sign reversal from negative to positive did not affect the development of pulsations. It is assumed that Pc5 pulsations observed after the negative IMF B z front are related to the development of surface waves at the magnetopause as a result of impulsive reconnection of field lines.  相似文献   

We examine the geomagnetic field and space plasma disturbances developing simultaneously in the solar wind, in the inner and outer magnetosphere, and on the ground from 0730 to 2030 UT on April 11, 1997 during the recovery phase of a moderate magnetic storm. The fluctuations of the solar wind density, H-component of the geomagnetic field, and power of Pc1–2 (0.1–5 Hz) waves at middle and low latitudes evolve nearly simultaneously. These fluctuations also match very well with variations of density and flux of the magnetospheric plasma at the geosynchronous orbit, and of the geomagnetic field at the geosynchronous orbit and northern polar cap. The time delay between the occurrence of disturbances in different magnetosphere regions matches the time of fast mode propagation. These disturbances are accompanied by the generation of Pc1–2 waves at mid- and high-latitude observatories in nearly the same frequency range. A scenario of the evolution of wave phenomena in different magnetospheric domains is proposed.  相似文献   

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