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Some 40 papers among a larger number presented at the First All-Union Conference analyzing the results of the I. G. Y., held in Moscow from January 24 to February 5, 1963 are reviewed in this article. A summary points out the cumulative weight of evidence favoring a close connection between processes in the mantle and crust and arguing against continental drift. The significance of continental-type composition of Icelandic lavas, which contrast with the magmas known in other parts of the Atlantic Ocean, is expressed as an indication that suboceanic mantle can be converted from continental type to oceanic type in the time interval which has elapsed since the beginning of the Cretaceous.—B. N. Cooper  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1513-1536
New data on velocities of elastic waves in rocks and minerals under pressures, anisotropism of elastic properties of monocrysts, oceanic volcanism, deep seismic profiles, isotopic composition of strontium and distribution-abundance of Sr87 in ancient and in young rocks, and others, tend to show that the "M" discontinuity is but an expression of the state of compaction of the rocks, devoid of any petrographic or geochemical connotations, that the sialitic shell of the Earth, with its heterogeneities, extends to depths exceeding 100 km (i.e. deeper than the "M"), and that the two types of the crust, "oceanic" and "continental," created by geophysicists, are actually one and the same type. Tentatively drawn analogies between the terrestrial and the lunar crust, on the assumption of a lunar origin of tektites, and the.crust of Mars, with regard to densities and planetary size relationships, are used as illustrations of the re-evaluated ratios between the crust and the upper mantle of the earth. — IGR Staff.  相似文献   

In 1998–1999, a large-scale seismic array was deployed in Finland as a part of the EUROPROBE/SVEKALAPKO subproject, involving 14 European universities and research institutes. The objective of the project was to map the deep lithosphere structure and thickness beneath the Fennoscandian Shield by means of teleseismic events. In addition, about 580 local seismic events were registered during the data acquisition period. Among them, only eight local earthquakes were recorded, the rest being quarry blasts from mining sites in Russia, Finland, Estonia and Sweden. In this study, we present the analysis of the seismic wave field from the strongest local events registered by the majority of the stations of the SVEcofennian–KArelian–LAPland–KOla Transect (SVEKALAPKO) array with the aim of mapping the structure of the upper mantle beneath the array. For this purpose, we selected the events corresponding to a single source type and compared these recordings with those from wide-angle reflection and refraction experiments in the area to identify the regional phases. The record sections of selected events demonstrate strong reflections (PmP) from the Moho boundary. The refracted Pn phases can be seen as first arrivals at distances of about 200–400 km from the source. At offsets of about 400–800 km, phases reflected from inhomogeneities in the uppermost mantle (P1) and double reflections from the Moho boundary (PmPPmP) were recorded.Results from 2D forward ray trace modeling of reflected and refracted P-waves along four profile swathes from SVEKALAPKO stations demonstrate that the mantle reflections originate from two different groups of boundaries beneath the array: one group of phases arrive from subhorizontal and gently dipping reflectors below the Moho boundary at a depth of 70–90 km, while the other group are phases originating from a depth of 100 to 130 km. Based on the irregular character of the first group of reflections, their different spatial orientation and correlation with the Moho offsets, we interpret the boundaries of this group as relicts of ancient subduction and collision processes. The second group of reflections can be explained by a transition from mechanically strong to mechanically weak lithosphere.  相似文献   

We present a new set of contour maps of the seismic structure of South America and the surrounding ocean basins. These maps include new data, helping to constrain crustal thickness, whole-crustal average P-wave and S-wave velocity, and the seismic velocity of the uppermost mantle (Pn and Sn). We find that: (1) The weighted average thickness of the crust under South America is 38.17 km (standard deviation, s.d. ±8.7 km), which is ∼1 km thinner than the global average of 39.2 km (s.d. ±8.5 km) for continental crust. (2) Histograms of whole-crustal P-wave velocities for the South American crust are bi-modal, with the lower peak occurring for crust that appears to be missing a high-velocity (6.9–7.3 km/s) lower crustal layer. (3) The average P-wave velocity of the crystalline crust (Pcc) is 6.47 km/s (s.d. ±0.25 km/s). This is essentially identical to the global average of 6.45 km/s. (4) The average Pn velocity beneath South America is 8.00 km/s (s.d. ±0.23 km/s), slightly lower than the global average of 8.07 km/s. (5) A region across northern Chile and northeast Argentina has anomalously low P- and S-wave velocities in the crust. Geographically, this corresponds to the shallowly-subducted portion of the Nazca plate (the Pampean flat slab first described by Isacks et al., 1968), which is also a region of crustal extension. (6) The thick crust of the Brazilian craton appears to extend into Venezuela and Colombia. (7) The crust in the Amazon basin and along the western edge of the Brazilian craton may be thinned by extension. (8) The average crustal P-wave velocity under the eastern Pacific seafloor is higher than under the western Atlantic seafloor, most likely due to the thicker sediment layer on the older Atlantic seafloor.  相似文献   

We present the first detailed seismic velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle around the Mirnyi kimberlite field in Yakutia, Siberia. We have digitized vintage seismograms that were acquired in 1981 and 1983 by use of Taiga analogue seismographs along two perpendicular seismic profiles. The 370-km long, northwest striking profile I across the kimberlite pipe was covered by 41 seismographs, which recorded seismic signals from 21 chemical shots along the line, including one off-end shot. The perpendicular, 340-km long profile II across profile I ca. 30 km to the south of the Mirnyi kimberlite field was covered by 45 seismographs, which recorded seismic signals from 22 chemical shots, including four off-end shots. Each shot involved detonation of between 1.5 and 6.0 tons of TNT, distributed in individual charges of 100–200 kg in shallow water (< 2 m deep). The data is of high quality with high signal/noise ratio to the farthest offsets. We present the results from two-dimensional ray tracing, forward modelling.Both velocity models show normal cratonic structure of the ca. 45-km-thick crust with only slight undulation of the Moho. However, relatively small seismic velocity is detected to 25-km depth in a ca. 60-km wide zone around the kimberlite pipe, surrounded by elevated velocity (> 6.3 km/s) in the upper crust. The lower crust has a relatively constant velocity of 6.8–6.9 km/s. It appears relatively unaffected by the presence of the kimberlite field. Extremely large P-wave velocity (> 8.7 km/s) of the sub-Moho mantle is interpreted along profile I, except for a 70-km wide zone with a “normal” Pn velocity of 8.1 km/s below the kimberlite. Profile II mainly shows Pn velocities of 8.0–8.2 km/s, with unusually large velocity (> 8.5 km/s) in two, ca. 100-km wide zones, at its southwestern end, one zone being close to the kimberlite field. The nature of these exceptionally large, sub-Moho mantle velocities is not yet understood. The difference in velocity in the two profile directions indicates anisotropy, but the effect of unusual rock composition, e.g. from a high concentration of garnet, cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model of the crust and uppermost mantle for the western Siberian craton and the adjoining areas of the Pur-Gedan basin to the north and Baikal Rift zone to the south is determined from travel time data from recordings of 30 chemical explosions and three nuclear explosions along the RIFT deep seismic sounding profile. This velocity model shows strong lateral variations in the crust and sub-Moho structure both within the craton and between the craton and the surrounding region. The Pur-Gedan basin has a 15-km thick, low-velocity sediment layer overlying a 25-km thick, high-velocity crystalline crustal layer. A paleo-rift zone with a graben-like structure in the basement and a high-velocity crustal intrusion or mantle upward exists beneath the southern part of the Pur-Gedan basin. The sedimentary layer is thin or non-existent and there is a velocity reversal in the upper crust beneath the Yenisey Zone. The Siberian craton has nearly uniform crustal thickness of 40–43 km but the average velocity in the lower crust in the north is higher (6.8–6.9 km/s) than in the south (6.6 km/s). The crust beneath the Baikal Rift zone is 35 km thick and has an average crustal velocity similar to that observed beneath the southern part of craton. The uppermost mantle velocity varies from 8.0 to 8.1 km/s beneath the young West Siberian platform and Baikal Rift zone to 8.1–8.5 km/s beneath the Siberian craton. Anomalous high Pn velocities (8.4–8.5 km/s) are observed beneath the western Tunguss basin in the northern part of the craton and beneath the southern part of the Siberian craton, but lower Pn velocities (8.1 km/s) are observed beneath the Low Angara basin in the central part of the craton. At about 100 km depth beneath the craton, there is a velocity inversion with a strong reflecting interface at its base. Some reflectors are also distinguished within the upper mantle at depth between 230 and 350 km.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection profiles from three different surveys of the Cascadia forearc are interpreted using P wave velocities and relocated hypocentres, which were both derived from the first arrival travel time inversion of wide-angle seismic data and local earthquakes. The subduction decollement, which is characterized beneath the continental shelf by a reflection of 0.5 s duration, can be traced landward into a large duplex structure in the lower forearc crust near southern Vancouver Island. Beneath Vancouver Island, the roof thrust of the duplex is revealed by a 5–12 km thick zone, identified previously as the E reflectors, and the floor thrust is defined by a short duration reflection from a < 2-km-thick interface at the top of the subducting plate. We show that another zone of reflectors exists east of Vancouver Island that is approximately 8 km thick, and identified as the D reflectors. These overlie the E reflectors; together the two zones define the landward part of the duplex. The combined zones reach depths as great as 50 km. The duplex structure extends for more than 120 km perpendicular to the margin, has an along-strike extent of 80 km, and at depths between 30 km and 50 km the duplex structure correlates with a region of anomalously deep seismicity, where velocities are less than 7000 m s− 1. We suggest that these relatively low velocities indicate the presence of either crustal rocks from the oceanic plate that have been underplated to the continent or crustal rocks from the forearc that have been transported downward by subduction erosion. The absence of seismicity from within the E reflectors implies that they are significantly weaker than the overlying crust, and the reflectors may be a zone of active ductile shear. In contrast, seismicity in parts of the D reflectors can be interpreted to mean that ductile shearing no longer occurs in the landward part of the duplex. Merging of the D and E reflectors at 42–46 km depth creates reflectivity in the uppermost mantle with a vertical thickness of at least 15 km. We suggest that pervasive reflectivity in the upper mantle elsewhere beneath Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia arises from similar shear zones.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some controversial petrological ideas, expressed in the geonomic literature of our time.Origin and evolution of the crust: According to classical magmatism the sialic crust is segregated from the mantle in the course of the Earth's evolution, causing a growth of the continental crust. Arguments against this concept are advanced.According to neo-huttonism the sialic crust developed from the outside in an early phase of the Earth's history. This might have occurred according to the hot-Earth theory on the origin of our planet (Rittmann), or according to the cold-Earth theory of cosmogenesis (Urey; Berlage).The matter of this envelop of proto-sial has then been geochemically recycled countless times during the major part of the Earth's history (neo-huttonism), transforming it into the sialic crust as we know it (Nieuwenkamp). During the later part of the evolution, in post-Algonkian times, a new process came to the fore. Extensive parts of the sialic crust were incorporated and digested by the mantle; in these areas an oceanic crust came into being. This physicochemical process of burning holes in the sialic crust has been called the Mediterranean type of oceanization (van Bemmelen).Origin and evolution of the magmas: Distinction is made between basaltic magmas segregated from the upper mantle, and the calcalkaline suite of magma derived from the sialic crust and its sedimentary cover. This classification corresponds withRittmann's bimodality concept, andNieuwenkamp's distinction between an oceanic and a continental metabolism. Moreover, transitions are found between the two fundamental types of crust (continental and oceanic) and the corresponding suites of magma. These transitions occur especially in small ocean basins with a foundering, intermediary type of crust and thick piles of sediments (Menard). In these areas the process of Mediterranean oceanization is active.The final chapter discusses the synthetic model of the origin and evolution of the Earth's crust and magmas according to the undation theory.
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit bespricht einige umstrittene petrologische Gedanken, welche in letzter Zeit in der geonomischen Literatur publiziert wurden.Herkunft und Entwicklung der Kruste. Nach dem Konzept des klassischen Magmatismus wurde die sialische Kruste im Laufe der Erdentwicklung vom Mantel ausgeschieden, was von einem Wachstum der sialischen Kruste begleitet wurde. Argumente gegen diese Auffassung werden angeführt.Nach den neo-huttonischen Vorstellungen wurde die Kruste von außen her in einer frühen Phase der Erdgeschichte gebildet. Die Bildung einer protosialischen Hülle könnte entweder ganz im Anfang stattfinden (nach der Theorie einer heißen Urerde vonRittmann), oder kurz nach der Agglomeration einer kalten Urerde (nach den Vorstellungen vonUrey undBerlage).Die Umwandlung dieser Protosialhülle in eine sialische Kruste geschah während den zahllosen geochemischen Zyklen der Erdgeschichte (Neo-huttonismus nachNieuwenkamp). Im letzten Teil der Erdgeschichte wurde eine neue Phase der planetarischen Entwicklung erreicht. Ausgedehnte Teile der sialischen Kruste wurden vom Mantel angefressen, verschluckt und verdaut, wobei die Ozeane mit basaltischer Kruste entstanden. Diese relativ jungen physischchemischen Prozesse der Aufnahme der Sialkruste im Mantel wird Mediterraner Typus der Ozeanisation genannt (van Bemmelen).Herkunft und Entwicklung der Magmen. Ein Unterschied wird gemacht zwischen basaltischen Magmen, die ihre Herkunft im oberen Mantel haben, und der kalk-alkalischen (Pazifischen) Magmenreihe, die von der sialischen Kruste und ihrer Sedimenthülle abgeleitet wird. Diese Unterscheidung stimmt überein mitRittmanns Auffassung der Bimodalität der Magmen, undNieuwenkamps Einteilung in ozeanischen und kontinentalen Metabolismus.Außerdem treten auch Übergänge auf zwischen diesen zwei Grundtypen der Kruste und den sie begleitenden Magmen. Diese Übergänge können beobachtet werden in den kleinen ozeanischen Becken der Gegenwart, mit absinkender Kruste intermediärer Art und mächtiger Sedimentfüllung (Menard). In diesen Gebieten ist der Prozeß der Mediterranen Ozeanisation im Gange.Das Schlußkapitel bespricht das synthetische Modell der Herkunft und Entwicklung der Erdkruste und der Magmen nach der Undations-Theorie.

Résumé Cette contribution analyse quelques idées controversables, sur les problèmes fondamentaux du volcanisme publiées récemment dans la littérature géonomique.Origine et développement de l'écorce terrestre. Selon la théorie classique du magmatisme, la croûte sialique est le produit du manteau (supérieur). Elle s'est dégagée pendant l'évolution de notre planète et ce processus résultait dans un accroissement en volume de l'écorce sialique. Des arguments contre cette théorie sont étalés.Selon la théorie « neo-huttonique », l'écorce sialique se formait de l'extérieur de notre planète au commencement de son évolution.Rittmann suppose une proto-planète chaude, tandis queUrey etBerlage supposent une agglomération relativement froide. Cette enveloppe proto-sialique fut formée immédiatement ou peu de temps après cette agglomération planétaire. Puis le matériel de cette enveloppe fut soumis aux cycles géochimiques qui produisaient l'écorce continentale que les géologues de terrain peuvent étudier (Nieuwenkamp).Dans la dernière phase de l'évolution terrestre un nouveau phénomène géochimique devient de plus en plus important. Des parties de la croûte sialique sont corrodées et englouties par le manteau. Dans ces régions l'écorce continentale est transformée en écorce océanique. Ce processus de transformation de la croûte continentale est nommé le type méditerranéen de l'océanisation (van Bemmelen).Origine et développement des magmes. On peut distinguer entre les magmes basaltiques, qui sont dégagés par le manteau et les magmes calco-alkalins (suite Pacifique) qui sont dérivés de la croûte sialique et son épiderme sédimentaire. Cette distinction correspond à l'idée deRittmann sur la » bimodalité « des magmes et l'idée deNieuwenkamp sur deux types de « métabolisme » (continental et océanique) de la terre. En outre, on peut observer des transitions entre ces deux types fondamenteaux de l'écorce (continentale et océanique) et de magmes (basaltiques et granodioritiques). Ces transitions sont actives dans de petits bassins océaniques (récemment décrits parMenard) dans lesquels l'écorce continentale est en train de transformation et descente. Cette écorce intermédiaire est couverte par des piles de sédiments d'une épaisseur énorme.Dans le chapitre dernier l'auteur avance un modèle synthétique sur ces problèmes fondamentaux de l'évolution de notre planète selon la théorie des ondations de la surface terrestre.

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Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday  相似文献   

According to the hypothesis of global plate tectonics the surface motions of the earth are now known in considerable detail, but very little is known about the three-dimensional flow in the earth and about the forces which maintain the motions. The motions at depth are difficult to study because they produce few surface effects. For instance, there is now no reason to believe that ridges are the surface evidence for rising convection currents at depth. Only the plate motions themselves and the gravity field observed by satellites must be consequences of three-dimensional flow beneath the plates. Other observations, such as the high heat flow near ridges or deep earthquakes beneath trenches, now appear to be explained by the production and destruction of plates.  相似文献   

Summary Variations in density in the basaltic layer and the upper mantle are postulated as being due to mineral conversions as result of high temperature and pressure variations. This theory has been developed in order to explain the elevation of mountain chains, median ocean rises and deep sea trenches as being caused by compressional and tensional stressfields.
Zusammenfassung Es wird angenommen, daß Dichte-Änderungen in der Basalt-Schale und dem oberen Teile des Erdmantels von Mineralumwandlungen infolge hoher Temperatur- und Druck-Änderungen herrühren. Diese Theorie wird ausgebaut, um die Hebung von Kettengebirgen und ozeanischen Rücken und die Bildung von Tiefseegräben auf Grund von Zug- und Druckspannungs-Feldem zu erklären.

The sialitic layer is visualized as a gigantic weathered crust which has developed over the primordial basaltic crust of the planet, under the influence of climatic processes motivated by solar energy. – V.P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

The crustal structure has been determined in the area between the Lorraine, the Bohemian massif and the northern Alps with considerable detail in recent years. But up to now little has been known about the velocity—depth structure of the uppermost mantle in this area. The situation changed recently when two recent seismic events near the northern and southern end of the Rhinegraben rift system were recorded to distances of 400 km. The explosions at the westernmost shotpoint of the international alpine refraction profile in 1975 were also observed in the Rhinegraben area up to the same distance. Earlier refraction seismic experiments between Steinbrunn near Basle and Boehmischbruck at the western border of the Bohemian massif also reach distances of 400 km. All these data lead to the rather high P-wave velocities of 8.5–8.6 km/s at depths between 40 and 50 km. These velocities are considerably higher than the average velocities of 8.2 km/s under other areas of western and central Europe, as for example the Bretagne in northwestern France and the North German Plain. There are indications of a minor velocity inversion in the uppermost mantle between Steinbrunn and Boehmischbruck. From the dispersion of surface waves there is good evidence that the regional high P-wave velocities are limited to a certain depth range only. This indicates rather pronounced lateral variations of the velocity—depth structure in the uppermost mantle of central Europe.  相似文献   

Consideration of the Voronezh Crystalline Massif shows that three-layered seismic models and velocity profiles with a characteristic distribution of layer velocities and their gradients in each layer, reflect a crystalline crust and uppermost mantle structure formed through regional metamorphism and magmatism processes.Velocity and seismic parameter vertical gradients from the lithosphere profile are several times higher than those for homogeneous compression of minerals and rocks.For the identified layers the contribution of different factors for each seismic parameter gradient value is estimated. Anomalously high rates of increase with depth for Vp, Vs and ø are shown to be caused by the combined effects of structure-phase transformations and substance composition variations in lithospheric complex mineral parageneses.  相似文献   

We present initial 176Hf/177 Hf ratios for many samples of continental crust 3.7-0.3 Gy old. Results are based chiefly on zircons (1% Hf) and whole rocks: zircons are shown to be reliable carriers of essentially the initial Hf itself when properly chosen on the basis of U-Pb studies. Pre-3.0 Gy gneisses were apparently derived from an unfractionated mantle, but both depleted and undepleted mantle are evident as magma sources from 2.9 Gy to present. This mantle was sampled mainly from major crustal growth episodes 2.8, 1.8 and 0.7 Gy ago, all of which show gross heterogeneity of 176Hf/177Hf in magma sources from Hf=0 to +14, or about 60% of the variability of the present mantle.The approximate Hf=2Nd relationship in ancient and modern igneous rocks shows that 176Lu/177Hf fractionates in general twice as much as 147Sm/144Nd in mantle melting processes. This allows an estimation of the relative value of the unknown bulk solid/liquid distribution coefficient for Hf. DLu/DHf= 2.3 holds for most mantle source regions. For garnet to be an important residual mantle phase, it must hold Hf strongly in order to preserve Hf-Nd isotopic relationships.The ancient Hf initials are consistent with only a small proportion of recycled older cratons in new continental crust, and with quasi-continuous, episodic growth of the continental crust with time. However, recycling of crust less than 150 My old cannot realistically be detected using Hf initials. The mantle shows clearly the general positive Hf resulting from a residual geochemical state at least back to 2.9 Gy ago, and seems to have repeatedly possessed a similar degree of heterogeneity, rather than a continuously-developing depletion. This is consistent with a complex dynamic disequilibrium model for the creation, maintenance and destruction of heterogeneity in the mantle.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1245-1258
Technogenic movements, caused by Man's activities, are subdivided on the basis of their causative factors, which are: changes in hydrodynamic and hydrostatic conditions at depth during the process of withdrawal and injection of fluids, the effect of static pressure during mining operations, the redistribution of static loads on the surface, and dynamic interactions during explosions. During the removal of fluids and solid rocks from below, downwarping of near-surface portions of the sedimentary shell and crust takes place, which cannot for the most part be regarded as tectonic.

The creation of additional loads during the construction of large cities and the building of large reservoirs cause downwarping of the crust on the order of a few tens of centimeters with a velocity on the order of 1 cm/yr, and also earthquakes of magnitude up to 5-6. The patterns of manifestation of this type of movement are considered on the basis of three major dams: North America (Lake Mead), Africa (Kariba), and India (Koyna).

During underground nuclear explosions in Nevada, substantial faults were engendered over an extent of hundreds of meters up to kilometers for a distance of up to 6 km from the point of detonation.

Technogenic movements may embrace not only the sedimentary shell, but also the consolidated crust. In their characteristics, and also the areas and depths of the sectors of the crust involved, the technogenic movements in a number of cases cannot be distinguished from present-day natural tectonic movements, in every case local. —Authors.  相似文献   

A tectonic interpretation of data on the mechanism of earthquake foci enables us to clarify the mechanism of deformation of the earth's crust and upper mantle. The association between the stressed state and the physicomechanical properties of the deformed material ts emphasized. The source of the tectonic deformations is considered to be gravitational differentiation of material of the deep parts of the mantle. —Authors.  相似文献   

Summary The author proves that theDirac-Gilbert equation serving as a basis for the expansion theory has the consequence that the Earth's mantle must be, excepting the uppermost 200 kilometres, similar in constitution to a magma of intermediary composition rich in volatiles. A basic or ultrabasic composition characterizes exclusively the volatile-poor shells situated immediately beneath the acidic crust.Density does not increase monotonously with depth: on the contrary, after a local maximum between 50 and 100 kilometres, it has a slight local minimum. Consequently, theGutenberg-channel is due to changes in material composition rather than to thermal effects. The hydrosphere and most of the atmosphere must have come to exist simultaneously with the crust, in the first phases of the Earth's life. The evolution of the surface of the Moon is in a close parallelism with the evolution of the Earth's mantle.
Zusammenfassung Verfasser weist nach, daß dieDirac-Gilbertsche Gleichung, die die physikalische Grundlage der Erdexpansionstheorie bildet, betreffs der stofflichen Zusammensetzung des Erdmantels die Folge hat, daß diese, von der obersten etwa 200 km mächtigen Schicht abgesehen, einem intermediären Magma von hohem Leichtflüchtigengehalt nahestehen muß. Durch eine basische oder ultrabasische Zusammensetzung werden lediglich die an Leichtflüchtigen armen Schalen unmittelbar unter der sauren Kruste gekennzeichnet.Die Dichte nimmt mit der Tiefe nicht monoton zu, sondern besitzt zwischen 50 und 100 km Tiefe ein lokales Maximum, wonach sie ein schwaches lokales Minimum aufweist. DerGutenbergsche Kanal wird folglich nicht durch thermische Effekte, sondern durch Unterschiede der stofflichen Zusammensetzung bedingt. Die Hydrosphäre und der größte Teil der Atmosphäre muß zugleich mit der Kruste in den ersten Phasen der Erdentwicklung entstanden sein. Die Entwicklung der Mondoberfläche weist eine enge Parallelität mit der Entwicklung des Erdmantels auf.

The great importance of super-deep drilling to the advancement of the total field of geoscience and mineral and energy production is outlined, with anticipated problems. Variations in thickness, lateral extent, temperature, velocity, and material are summarized. Super-deep drilling should pay for itself in a short time, by providing theoretically and practically valuable data and insight regarding 1) origin and distribution of minerals, oil, gas, and water; 2) energy potential of deep crustal and upper mantle regions; 3) greatly improved drilling techniques, and downhole geophysical and geochemical testing techniques; and 4) basic geologic constitution and structure in contrasting regions. The following regions in Russia have been given priority for super-deep drilling: 1) North Caspian trough, Azerbaijan, and South Caspian trough — deep oil-bearing troughs of the platform provinces; 2) Urals and Central Kazakhstan — Paleozoic geosyncline and basement; 3) Karelia and Ukraine — ancient Archean not later reworked; 4) Trans-Caucasus and the Black Sea — basaltic layer near or in direct contact with the sedimentary veneer; and 5) South Kuriles and south part of Sakhalin Island arc complex and relatively shallow M-surface and upper mantle. Super-deep drilling, a state project requiring coordinated efforts of numerous scientific and technical personnel and organizations, got underway in 1963 and will continue as an urgent task. — L.T. Grose.  相似文献   

地球物理深部探测研究表明,上地幔顶部个别地区具有显著的电导率异常,表现为高电导率和各向异性。造成上地幔顶部电导率异常的机理,一直以来是地球科学中极具争议的问题之一。目前比较流行的解释是由部分熔融产生的熔体和橄榄石中耦合的结构水所致,其它的解释包括由颗粒边界的石墨或硫化物以及其它一些导电性强的矿物所致。这些不同的模型,对于认识上地幔的结构、组成和性质有直接的影响。综合评述了近年来基于岩石学、地球化学、地球物理学、数值模拟和高温高压实验研究等方面的进展,对已有模型伴随的各种问题进行了探讨。局部地区的电导率异常可能主要由固态导电机制造成,但其主要载体可能不是构成地幔主体的橄榄岩,而很可能与上地幔岩石学组成上的宏观不均一性有关。不同地区上地幔顶部的电导率异常,可能由不同的因素造成,可能并不存在所谓的"单一"导电机制。  相似文献   

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