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D. Vokrouhlický  D. ?apek 《Icarus》2005,179(1):128-138
We consider the possibility of detecting the Yarkovsky orbital perturbation acting on binary systems among the near-Earth asteroids. This task is significantly more difficult than for solitary asteroids because the Yarkovsky force affects both the heliocentric orbit of the system's center of mass and the relative orbit of the two components. Nevertheless, we argue these are sufficiently well decoupled so that the major Yarkovsky perturbation is in the simpler heliocentric motion and is observable with the current means of radar astrometry. Over the long term, the Yarkovsky perturbation in the relative motion of the two components is also detectable for the best observed systems. However, here we consider a simplified version of the problem by ignoring mutual non-spherical gravitational perturbations between the two asteroids. With the orbital plane constant in space and the components' rotation poles fixed (and assumed perpendicular to the orbital plane), we do not examine the coupling between Yarkovsky and gravitational effects. While radar observations remain an essential element of Yarkovsky detections, lightcurve observations, with their ability to track occultation and eclipse phenomena, are also very important in the case of binaries. The nearest possible future detection of the Yarkovsky effect for a binary system occurs for (66063) 1998 RO1 in September 2006. Farther out, even more statistically significant detections are possible for several other systems including 2000 DP107, (66391) 1999 KW4 and 1996 FG3.  相似文献   

The nucleus of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) split several times during its recent apparition, presenting an unusual opportunity to search for chemical differences in freshly exposed material. We conducted this search using NIRSPEC at the W.M. Keck Observatory on four dates in 2001: 9.5 and 10.5 July and 4.4 and 10.5 August. We detected the R0 and R1 lines of the ν3 vibrational band of CH4 near 3.3 μm on all dates. The R2 line was detected on 4.4 and 10.5 August. When we compare production rates of CH4 to H2O, we find evidence of a significant enhancement in August relative to that found in July. H2CO was securely detected via its ν1 and ν5 bands on 9.5 July. On 10.5 July, H2CO emission was much weaker, and its mixing ratio had dropped by a factor of about four. The mixing ratios for other detected volatile species did not change significantly over the course of the observations. We discuss the implications of this evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the nucleus of Comet C/2001 A2.  相似文献   

In a previous publication (Dominik and Nübold, 2002, Icarus 157, 173-186), we presented analytical expressions and theoretical considerations concerning preplanetary dust aggregation with magnetized grains in the solar nebula. The present work is dedicated to the experimental study of magnetic aggregation in a ground-based laboratory as well as under microgravity conditions on parabolic flights. We conducted aggregation experiments with dust analogues in order to study the temporal evolution and the structural outcome of grain growth processes dominated by or comprising exclusively magnetic grains. Within aggregation times ranging from a couple of seconds to a few minutes only, formation of huge chain-like and/or web-like dust aggregates was observed. After aggregate retrieval we were able to study the sizes and structures of the aggregates in great detail. We established the fractal dimension of the aggregates as Dfs=1.20±0.05 for single chains and Dfc=1.50±0.21 for inter-connected web-like structures. This is considerably lower than for non-magnetic grain growth. The dynamic exponent z for the mass increase with time according to tz was found to be z=2.7 from in-situ video images of the microgravity aggregation runs. The results are compared with the theoretical considerations presented earlier as well as with previous experimental work on the same and on related topics, respectively.  相似文献   

We present visible-wavelength (0.435-0.925 μm) spectroscopic measurements for 1341 main-belt asteroids observed during the second phase of the Small Main-belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (SMASSII). The purpose of this survey is to provide a new basis for studying the compositional structure of the asteroid belt. Through the large sample size and the relatively high spectral resolution (R∼100) of the SMASSII data, we find that values of the spectral parameters describing these data form more of a continuum than previously realized. Objects with intermediate spectral characteristics are bridging gaps that once separated distinct spectral classes. In some cases, newly revealed small-scale spectral features may be indicative of previously unrecognized mineral constituents. Here we present the data and principal component analyses that describe the SMASSII spectra. A companion paper utilizes these principal component scores, along with other measures of the spectral features, to develop a new taxonomy that takes advantage of the information contained within charge-coupled device spectra.  相似文献   

When the observational data are not enough to compute a meaningful orbit for an asteroid/comet we can represent the data with an attributable, i.e., two angles and their time derivatives. The undetermined variables range and range rate span an admissible region of Solar System orbits, which can be sampled by a set of Virtual Asteroids (VAs) selected by means of an optimal triangulation [Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., de' Michieli Vitturi, M., Kne?evi?, Z., 2004. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 90, 59-87]. The attributable 4 coordinates are the result of a fit and they have an uncertainty, represented by a covariance matrix. Two short arcs of observations, represented by two attributables, can be linked by considering for each VA (in the admissible region of the first arc) the covariance matrix for the prediction at the time of the second arc, and by comparing it with the attributable of the second arc with its own covariance. By defining an identification penalty we can select the VAs allowing to fit together both arcs and compute a preliminary orbit. Two attributables may not be enough to compute an orbit with convergent differential corrections. Thus the preliminary orbit is used in a constrained differential correction, providing solutions along the Line Of Variation which can be used as second generation VAs to further predict the observations at the time of a third arc. In general the identification with a third arc will ensure a well determined orbit, to which additional sets of observations can be attributed. To test these algorithms we use a large scale simulation and measure the completeness, the reliability and the efficiency of the overall procedure to build up orbits by accumulating identifications. Under the conditions expected for the next generation asteroid surveys, the methods developed in this and in the preceding papers are efficient enough to be used as primary identification methods, with very good results. One important property is that the completeness in finding the possible identifications is as good for comparatively rare orbits, such as the ones of Near-Earth Objects, as for main belt orbits.  相似文献   

Amit Levi 《Icarus》2009,203(2):610-625
In Levi and Podolak (Levi, A., Podolak, M. [in press] Icarus) we applied the theory of coronal expansion to gas escape from a small, cold, object such as those found in the Kuiper belt. Here we extend the theory to include aerosols that are lifted off the surface by the escaping gas. Aerosols carried by the gas but still gravitationally bound, tend to be lifted to a height above the surface that is dependent on the aerosol radius, so that in steady state the variation of aerosol radius with height is well-defined. We develop an extension of Parker’s coronal flow theory to include the effect of aerosols carried along by the gas and use this to estimate the optical depth of such an atmosphere. For KBOs with CO evaporation from the surface and with radii in the range 245-334 km, line-of-site optical depths through the atmosphere can exceed one at heights of a few hundred kilometers above the surface. Such aerosol layers should be observable, and might be used to infer the flow proprieties of the escaping gas.  相似文献   

We present here the numerical application of the theoretical results derived in Correia et al. (2003, Icarus 163, 1-23) for the spin evolution of Venus since its formation. We explore a large variety of initial conditions to cover the possible formation and evolutionary scenarios. In particular, we pay special attention to the evolutions which cross the chaotic zone resulting from secular planetary perturbations (Laskar and Robutel, 1993, Nature 361, 608-612). We demonstrate that Venus’ axis can be temporarily trapped in a secular resonance with the node of Neptune’s orbit, which can prevent it from being tilted to 180° and will drive it toward 0°. We test several dissipation models and parameters to evaluate their contribution to the planet’s spin history. We confirm that despite the variations in the models, only three of the four final spin states of Venus are possible (Correia and Laskar, 2001, Nature 411, 767-770) and that the present observed retrograde spin state of Venus can be attained by two different processes. In the first scenario (π−), the axis is tilted toward 180° while its rotation rate slows down, while in the second one, the axis is driven toward 0° obliquity and the rotation rate decreases, stops, and increases again in the reverse direction to a final equilibrium value (0−).  相似文献   

In this second part of our study of the large jovian anticyclone BA we present detailed measurements of its internal circulation and numerical models of its interaction with the zonal jets and nearby cyclonic regions. We characterized the flow using high-resolution observations obtained by the Cassini spacecraft in December 2000 (9 months after the genesis of BA as a result of the merger of two large White Ovals), by the ACS camera onboard HST in January 2005 and April 2006 and by the New Horizons spacecraft in February 2007. Cloud motions were derived from high-resolution images using an automatic correlator that provides a large sampling of the motions in images separated by short time intervals (30 min-2 h). The internal wind structure did not change when the oval changed its color reddening in late 2005-early 2006 and all four datasets from 2000 to 2007 consistently show a similar wind regime: an asymmetric intense anticyclonic vortex with faster winds in its Southern portion with mean speeds of 110 m/s and peak velocities of 135 m/s. These speeds are slightly higher than those measured in the three White Ovals predecessors of BA by the Voyagers [Mitchell, J.L., Beebe, R.F., Ingersoll, A.P., Garneau, G.W., 1981. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 8751-8757] and Galileo [Vasavada, A.R., and 13 colleagues, 1998. Icarus 135, 265-275] but not as much as it has been recently reported [Simon-Miller, A.A., Chanover, N.J., Orton, G.S., Sussman, M., Tsavaris, I.G., Karkoschka, E., 2006. Icarus 185, 558-562; Cheng, A.F., and 14 colleagues, 2008. Astronom. J. 135, 2446-2452]. The asymmetry of the velocities in the vortex is a consequence of the interaction of BA with the zonal circulation and emerges as a natural result in high-resolution simulations of the vortex dynamics using the EPIC model.  相似文献   

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