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煤古植物学:历史、现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据对50年来的文献分析,简要评述了煤古植物学这一分支学科的产生背景,研究现状和未来发展趋势;并指出,煤古植物学尽管有广泛的应用前景,但由于受研究方法和研究手段的限制,它仍处于发展的初级阶段。  相似文献   

Traditionally, the Cretaceous has been considered as a long period of global warmth, a 'greenhouse' world. This view has been challenged in recent years by several lines of evidence; palaeobotany, stable isotopes, and palaeoclimatic modelling in particular. However, although these data demonstrate that cooling is likely, the only first-hand evidence which demonstrates the presence of substantial ice build-up in Cretaceous high palaeolatititudes are dropstones. These outsized or exotic clasts set in a fine-grained sediment are often interpreted as a direct result of ice rafting. The reliability of this dropstone evidence and particularly its validity is questioned in demonstrating ice age interludes within the Cretaceous greenhouse.  相似文献   

永远牢记父亲的教诲。父亲侯德封是一位受人尊敬、和蔼善良、严肃可亲的老人 ,为人坦率、正直、任人唯贤。他工作认真 ,具有突出的求实精神和责任感。  相似文献   

笔者是袁复礼教授30年代末期的学生,回顾了在西南联大受袁老师教诲;在清华大学地学系和北京地质学院共事期间得袁老师帮助的情况。老师的优良学风和高尚品德使我们体会到:所谓教育决不仅限于课堂上的“授业”、“解惑”。为人师者的一言一行,其涵育和启发的作用有时更为重要。我们后来虽然成了不同学科的学术带头人和院、系负责人,但袁老师始终是我们的榜样。  相似文献   

Ooi Giok Ling 《GeoJournal》2006,66(3):199-209
The legend of Mahsuri abounds in Malaysian school textbooks. Mahsuri was a beautiful and very charming village maiden who lived in Pulau Langkawi and was wrongfully put to death in 1819 or the year 1235 hijrab. Accused of adultery by a jealous member of the royal house, Mahsuri, who was married to the Chief Minister, was sentenced to death together with her alleged lover, a trader from a place which is now part of Thailand in Phuket. Killed with her own family’s keris (a traditional Malay sword), Mahsuri put a curse on Pulau Langkawi for seven generations. She swore before her death that there would be no peace or prosperity on the island for the duration of these seven generations. Mahsuri’s family moved to another village in what was then the territory of Thailand and finally settled in Phuket, illustrating the cultural and trading links that have existed in this northern part of Malaysia between the southern parts of Thailand and the states of Perlis and Kedah. Mahsuri’s family and she appear to have not been allowed to rest in peace since her premature death. Her tomb, which was enshrined by the villagers, has been relocated several times and the exact location of its whereabouts may not be known. The tombstone itself is now housed in a museum that has been constructed near to the site where the tomb is believed to be. A huge tourist complex called Kota Mahsuri is being developed around the site of Mahsuri’s tomb. Pulau Langkawi may be the island paradise lost. Perhaps Mahsuri’s curse lingers, no matter that seven generations have passed and with them the industries that integration with the global economy has seen developed, declined and disappeared. Then again, perhaps this is indeed the curse—the quest for prosperity in a globalizing world and its relentless exploitation of the heritage in strategic parts of Malaysia—both natural and cultural—for the gains of a few and questionable benefits to the rest.  相似文献   

This Special Issue is in celebration of the career contribution of Ron Vernon. It arises from the ‘Ron Vernon Symposium’, which was held as part of the 15th Australian Geological Convention in Sydney in 2000. To date Ron has published more than one hundred scientific papers, several books and contributed widely to international conferences. He is the doyen in the multidisciplinary field of microstructures, which spans petrology and structural geology. However, Ron's range is phenomenal, and he has contributed to many aspects of metamorphism, magmatism and rock deformation. He has drawn on data from his work in these areas to contribute widely to understanding thermal regimes, crustal evolution and tectonics, as exemplified by his ideas about HTLP metamorphism and emplacement of granites. Ron has followed the scientific method in his work; it has led him to many innovative interpretations, some of which undermined established dogma. By example, Ron has been a positive role model for the younger generation. However, for the older generation, he has been something of a bête noire! The papers in this Special Issue cover the range from low‐ to high‐grade metamorphism, from metasomatism to melting, from microstructures to tectonics, and from fieldwork to experiments. It is our hope that in reading them you will take time to think about what has been achieved in the past 40 years, and use this as motivation for what remains to be done.  相似文献   

周维屏 《地球学报》1987,9(2):21-26
程裕淇教授从事地质工作五十多年的过程中,曾对中、外许多铁矿进行过地质考察和详细工作,发表过许多论著,对铁矿进行过系统的分类和研究。该文论述了他在铁矿研究方面的工作和突出的贡献。  相似文献   

Mining in Zambia has been practised for centuries, and in the last 70 years Zambia has risen to become one of the world's leading Cu producers as a result of the exploitation of the Zambian Copperbelt orebodies. In contrast to this long history of mining, Zambia has a relatively short history of Earth Science Education. For the past 24 years, the earth sciences have been taught within the School of Mines in University of Zambia. The School started operation on 1st June, 1973, with the purpose of training professional geologists, extractive metallurgical/mineral processing engineers and mining engineers to service the needs of the mining industry in Zambia.The School consists of three departments — Geology, Metallurgy and Mineral Processing, and Mining Engineering — which deliver a five-year undergraduate programme. Students are admitted to the School after completing a one-year programme in the School of Natural Sciences of the University of Zambia. Students with an average of C+ or better in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics are admitted into the School of Mines.The School of Mines has a total of 36 teaching positions — 12 for each Department. To successfully complete their course, students must pass 40 courses over a period of five years. During this time, industrial training is mandatory in the vacation periods after the third and fourth years of study. This training is mainly within the mining industry who in most cases sponsor the students for their studies in the School.The School admits 50 students on average per year, of whom five students take up Geology as a career. So far only two female students have studied in the School of Mines, both of them in Geology. The student to staff ratio in the Geology Department is 3 to 1. The low enrolment in Geology is thought to be because of a lack of knowledge of geology as a possible career by prospective students and a perceived lack of progression, once employed in industry. This has lead to a ‘Geoscience in Schools’ project with the main aim of making secondary school students aware of geology as a career.The Geology Department enjoys close co-operation with geology departments in a number of universities around the world, with industry, government ministries and regional bodies. It is hoped that the current increase in employment prospects for Geology graduates in Zambia will attract more students to geology as a career.  相似文献   

This study, conducted in the Catalan Coastal Ranges, north‐east Spain, describes the Upper Devonian Kellwasser event in a shallowing‐upward sequence of black shales, siltstones and quartz arenites. This sequence was deposited in a progradational and regressive coastal system where the sedimentary environment evolved from the inner shelf to a lagoonal pond located landward of the shoreline. Three anomalous succeeding steps have been identified by geochemical analysis. The first one, detected on the inner shelf, was characterized by oxygen depletion and high organic productivity. The second, detected in the nearshore, was caused by hydrothermal activity occurring under normal oxic conditions. The third and most intense step was identified in the muds of the lagoonal pond and has been linked to strong anoxic conditions, elevated clastic input derived from changes in the weathering regime at the source area and moderate hydrothermal activity. The Kellwasser event is thus defined in the study area as stepwise and multi‐causal. This is the first time that the Kellwasser event has been identified in a sedimentary environment behind the shoreline. It is also the first time that it has been reported in the Catalan Coastal Ranges.  相似文献   

以珠宝首饰在舞台剧中的运用与设计为主要研究对象,通过对四部著名的音乐剧中珠宝首饰运用与设计的分析研究,阐述了珠宝首饰在舞台剧中起到的作用,如划分时代背景、标志音乐风格、确立角色特性、暗示人物身份象征、导引戏剧冲突及发展的重要作用。运用珠宝首饰设计理论,以创新的视角阐述了珠宝首饰在舞台剧表演领域的美学意义和实用价值体现。运用材料分析与设计制作的方法,对珠宝首饰设计与音乐戏剧舞台表演这一交叉学科进行了综合研究。在分析研究的基础上,设计了音乐剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的短剑,论证在舞台剧中珠宝首饰材质的选择与表达的重要性;所设计制作完成的胸针论证了材质构成、设计意图、蕴含符号、身份象征等信息传播功能。珠宝首饰通过舞台剧这个特殊的平台,充分彰显并深化了艺术价值所在。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(3):359-361
Nanjinganthus is an Early Jurassic angiosperm recognized based on the study of over 200 specimens. However, some other authors have misinterpreted these fossils. Here the authors try to remedy the problems, by pointing out the logical pitfalls in these publications and underscoring a long-used, workable criterion for early angiosperms. The paper explains the cons and pros of this criterion, hoping to bring palaeobotany and plant taxonomy back to a consistent and practical track. Nanjinganthus is an angiosperm.  相似文献   

大麦地一带中泥盆统产有数据透镜状煤层,其中角质体含量一般〉75%,而且不同富煤点煤中角质体类型,含量,结构特点都不相同,存在明显的分异现象。这种分异现象反映出早期陆生植物对环境的适应和生态特点,是聚煤环境,植物类型和生态等因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

张亚哲  崔浩浩  冯欣 《地质论评》2017,63(5):63051306-63051308
<正>华北是严重缺水地区,建设地下水科学与工程科普基地对于提高公众科学用水意识具有十分重要的现实意义和长远意义。地下水科学与工程科普基地在地下水研究领域科研特色明显,具有开展科普活动的基础条件和设施,该基地具备比较完备的展示技术以及职业的科普团队,已符合《国  相似文献   

2011年2月28日,本刊主编、上海市地质调查研究院总工程师严学新教授,本刊编委、上海市地质调查研究院副总工程师王寒梅高级工程师,本刊编辑部主任、上海市地质调查研究院总工程师办公室副主任龚士良教授,上海市地质调查研究院焦珣博士,专程赴南京拜访了正在南京出差的中国科学院院士、吉林大学环境与资源学院林学钰教授,并围绕水土环境及其国土资源规划管理等话题进行了专题访谈。林院士对上海的城市地质及国土资源科研工作一直高度关注和充满感情,深情地回忆起与上海同行的愉快合作经历,对许多曾共事过的老同志记忆犹新,对给予的关心真诚致谢。林院士对本刊的采访要求给予了热情支持,还让我们不必专程去长春而借自己南京公务之机进行访谈;采访当日又不顾旅途劳顿和刚参加完学术活动,未及休息,还诙谐地说赶来"面试",与我们畅叙近三个小时;事后又特地挤出时间,亲自审阅访谈文字稿,并作详尽细致修订。林院士的睿智博学、严谨治学、儒雅谦和使我们深为感佩!林院士结合国内外最新研究进展,针对地下水资源评价与管理、地下水污染防治、土地环境质量监测评价及对国土资源规划管理与经济社会发展的促进作用等方面,发表了富有启发性、建设性与指导性的独到见解和精辟论述,强调必须加强水资源的评价与管理、重视水与土的环境质量调查评价和污染防治与修复,将其作为国土资源管理的重要内容,并呼吁通过建立健全法律法规予以有效保障和落实。林院士还为本刊的发展提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

Recalling some of the most important events and persons during his education and career, the author sketches his growth from a young engineer, educated in the sanctuary of solid state reactions, to an involved fully devoted scientific career for the study of fluids in the deep Earth. Most important in this respect was the discovery of C02 inclusions in granulites, which triggered years of discussion on fluid- absent or fluid-assisted granulite metamorphism. To some extent, this debate is a continuation of the former granite controversy, but it shows also how the famous battle of "soaks against pontiffs" could have been easily avoided.  相似文献   

斯特列利措夫(简称Str)矿田是一个主要由大型-超大型钼铀矿床构成的矿床群,它位于南滨额尔古纳地区,铀的总储量在25万t以上,平均品位0.20%。该矿田在苏联解体以来的很长时间内几乎是俄罗斯唯一的天然铀来源。该区找铀的工作历程漫长而曲折,并颇具传奇色彩。早在1948年苏联地质部第一局松林大队在南滨额尔古纳地区开始了找铀工作。但因区内几乎所有矿床均属盲矿,而且多埋深较大,1962年之前找铀无果,1962年春已决定放弃在该区进行的找铀工作。1962年夏天高级地质师Л П伊舒科娃参观了哈萨克斯坦产在酸性火山岩中2个规模不大的铀矿床(波统-布鲁姆和克泽尔-萨伊),注意到斯特列利措夫萤石脉围岩霏细岩的蚀变与哈萨克斯坦2个规模不大的铀矿床相似。归来之后,她上书领导力主恢复本区找矿工作并获得了再去做最后一试的机会。1963年5月,伊舒科娃所设计的钻孔一箭中的,发现了首个Str超大型铀矿床,整个局面立刻出现大转折,加速矿田开发成了所有工作的总方针。矿床的普查勘探工作和对矿床的地质研究工作平行加速进行,两者互相促进。不到10年,矿田的大部分矿床被一一发现;到1966年底,Str等矿床的初勘成果已经成为1970年代初组建全苏最大铀矿山的充分依据。到1980年底,矿田已有17个钼铀矿床完成勘探。1992年底19个矿床勘探完成。新一轮找矿采用的方略:首先合理综合运用地质、放射性及传统地球物理和地球化学方法,并合理综合使用深度普查自动装置射孔和钻探手段,进行不同比例尺的立体地质-构造填图;然后在其成果的基础上用钻孔去发现矿体。勘探工作所面对的基本事实:矿床构成的多重复杂性为Str矿田内所有矿床的共同特征;每个矿床的特点各异,其勘探过程不尽相同。初勘使用地表钻探进行,基本网度200 m×100 m~400 m×100 m。详勘使用坑探工程与钻探相结合的手段,采用水平与垂直断面联合的勘探系统,基本网度50 m×20 m~50 m×25 m。所有矿床的勘探成果完全被开采工程证实,并有10%的储量增长。Str铀矿床形成于晚中生代,为区域构造-岩浆活化作用晚阶段的陆相火山作用地区的岩浆热液矿床,受断裂构造控制是其基本特征之一。铀矿床在矿田内空间定位的重要规律:Str及其他绝大多数铀矿床均受控于南北向、北西向或东西向断裂与北东向额尔古纳隐伏深断裂带交汇。"斯特列利措夫效应"曾迅速地在我国铀矿地质勘查工作中传播,期待在我国,尤其在呼伦贝尔,乃至大兴安岭-燕山山脉中生代构造-岩浆带地区继续发酵,取得更多和更大的成果。  相似文献   

土锚是一项新兴技术,它被广泛应用于与地基有关的各项土建和水利工程中,不仅可应用于临时性工程和加固工程,而且也可应用于永久性工程;不仅应用于软弱岩层和较硬土层(即粘土,壤土),亦可应用于饱和软粘土地基。它具有技术可行、施工简便、经济合理、质量可靠、工期缩短等优点,故世界各国在土建和水利工程中广泛采用,并有极其广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

青藏高原的隆升机制和隆升历史,需多学科参与.其研究思想和研究方法有几点值得思考:①磨拉石与高原(地面)隆升有没有必然的关系;②生物尤其是古植物对青藏高原隆升最具灵敏性,能够指示青藏高原多阶段隆升的一系列信息,应该是今后研究的重点;③不可忽视加大对高原腹地的沉积盆地研究;④多学科的相互交叉、相互渗透已成为研究青藏高原隆升的必然趋势,并以青藏高原北缘新生代生物、沉积学、岩石学成果为例.这些研究不仅可以极大丰富青藏高原隆升的内容,而且可以相互验证,提供更多相关联的直接证据.  相似文献   

空气污染损害价值的WTP、WTA对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
条件估值法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM),通过询问人们对于环境质量改善的支付意愿(Willingness To Pay, WTP)或受到损害后的受偿意愿(Willingness To Accept, WTA)来评估环境物品或服务的价值。虽然对CVM的准确性存在争议,但这一方法正被越来越广泛地应用,人们认识到这一方法能够解决许多无法解决的问题。空气污染一直是澳门的环境问题,空气污染造成的损害是多方面的。本研究分2次进行,2002年12月SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)爆发前,进行了WTP的调查,打电话调查样本1 600个,回收有效问卷720份;2004年3月SARS爆发后,又进行了WTA调查,打电话调查样本1 336个,回收有效问卷543份。本研究旨在采用CVM中之WTP和WTA方法,分析比较SARS爆发前后,居民对澳门空气污染损失的意愿价值的变化情况,探讨WTP和WTA两种研究方法的估值差异,为城市环境管理提供决策依据。本研究的特点:①对调查的误差进行了统计学分析;②CVM的调查采用支付意愿和受偿意愿相结合的对比研究。经济分析结果表明,2002年SARS爆发前,以WTP分析得出澳门空气污染的年经济损失保守估计值为3.77亿MOP(澳门元, 1美元=8.033MOP)、占当年GDP的0.69%;2004年SARS爆发后,以WTA法分析得出澳门空气污染的年经济损失最高估计值为14.32亿MOP/年,占当年GDP的2.2%。研究表明,SARS爆发后,居民的环护意识有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

Geocoding and spatial analysis of data describing populations and health events are important methods in health social science now carried out using GIS technology. This commentary considers Nancy Krieger’s work on health disparities in light of the various ways individuals and organizations use geocoded population and health data: analyzing spatial patterns of health and disease including health disparities, aggregating data spatially, assessing health status of individuals based on characteristics of aggregates, modeling neighborhood contextual factors affecting health, designing observation and intervention studies, and delivering health interventions and services. The extent to which her work addresses each of these purposes is considered. The strengths and limitations of the research including choice of spatial analytic units and techniques as reported in the published work are discussed. Krieger’s work, with her colleagues, has used standard methods of spatial analysis to raise the profile of GIS and spatial analysis in the public health community.  相似文献   

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