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随着扩展有限元理论的深入研究,利用扩展有限元方法模拟水力压裂具有了一定的可操作性。相比于常规有限元方法,XFEM方法具有计算结果精度高和计算量小的优点。但是,如何模拟射孔孔眼、如何模拟流体与岩石相互作用以及分析水力裂缝的扩展规律仍然是难题。以研究水力压裂裂缝扩展规律为目的,建立了岩石多孔介质应力平衡方程、流体渗流连续性方程和边界条件。通过有限元离散化方法对耦合方程矩阵进行处理。通过富集函数定义初始裂缝(射孔孔眼),选择最大主应力及损伤变量D分别作为裂缝起裂和扩展判定准则,利用水平集方法模拟水力裂缝扩展过程。数值模拟结果显示:增加射孔方位角、压裂液排量和减小水平地应力差,起裂压力上升;黏度对起裂压力无明显影响。增加射孔方位角、压裂液排量、黏度和减小水平地应力差值有助于裂缝宽度的增加。增加水平地应力差值、压裂液排量和减小射孔方位角以及压裂液黏度有助于裂缝长度增加,反之亦然。基于ABAQUS的水力裂缝扩展有限元法可对不同井型和诸多储层物性参数及压裂施工参数进行分析,且裂缝形态逼真,裂缝面凹凸程度清晰,结果准确。此研究可作为一种简便有效研究水力压裂裂缝扩展规律的方法为油田水力压裂设计与施工提供参考与依据。  相似文献   

王伟  付豪  邢林啸  柴波  刘波  施星宇 《地球科学》2021,46(10):3509-3519
水力压裂作为一种主要的地热能开采手段,其压裂效果除与岩体基本物理力学性质有关外,还与裂隙分布、地应力状态、压裂工程参数等密切相关.为了探究以上因素对水力压裂过程中裂缝扩展行为的影响,以冀中坳陷碳酸盐岩储层岩体为研究对象,基于扩展有限元法,建立裂缝扩展流固耦合模型,分析了水平应力差、射孔方位角、注入液排量和压裂液黏度等参数对裂缝扩展行为的影响.结果表明:单裂缝扩展时,射孔方位角越小、注入量越大、越有利于裂缝扩展;双裂缝扩展时,水平应力差增大,裂缝偏转程度变小;水力裂缝与天然裂缝相交时,较小水平应力差有利于天然裂缝开启.  相似文献   

郭静芸  王宇 《工程地质学报》2018,26(6):1523-1533
页岩储层中天然节理、裂缝极为发育,水力压裂产生的水力裂缝可激活天然裂缝,形成复杂的弥散性裂缝缝网,起到增渗、增产的效果;另外,天然裂缝也是页岩气储存的介质,一部分气体以游离态的形式存在于天然裂缝当中。采用数值计算方法研究水力裂缝与天然裂缝的相互作用机理,重点探讨水力裂缝沟通天然裂缝活化延伸形成缝网的机制。计算模型包括单一天然裂缝和3条天然裂缝两种情况,计算变量考虑天然裂缝与水力裂缝的逼近角、主应力差和地层的弹性参数。研究表明:(1)随着逼近角的不同,地层的破裂应力存在一定的差异,逼近角为90°时,地层破裂所需要的临界水压最大,且地层的破裂应力随着主应力差的增大而减小;(2)无论是单一或3条天然裂缝,水力裂缝沟通天然裂缝活化后,分支裂缝的延伸方向基本恢复至与最大水平主应力平行的方向,当逼近角为90°时,裂缝的滑移量最大,激活效果最佳;(3)逼近角为90°时,天然裂缝尖端处容易出现水力裂缝双转向现象,更有利于形成复杂的裂缝网络,并且此时单元破裂数量最大,压裂效果最好;(4)随地层弹性模量的增大或泊松比的减小,激活天然裂缝的临界水压减小,说明储层的弹性属性会影响缝网的形成,在高弹性模量、低泊松比的脆性地层中射孔时会收到较理想的压裂效果。  相似文献   

3500 m以深页岩气资源量占整个川南地区总资源量的比例高达86.5%,该区深层页岩气藏构造复杂,压裂形成复杂缝网的难度大,有必要通过数值模拟研究深层页岩气复杂缝网主控因素,对实现川南地区深层页岩气的效益开发具有重要意义。在对川南地区页岩气气田某井的岩芯进行细观尺度下的观察并构建二维裂缝模型的基础上,利用位移间断边界元法(DDM)模拟深层页岩水力压裂过程中水力裂缝与天然裂缝相互作用的物理力学过程,研究主应力、应力差和压裂液排量对裂缝扩展的影响。结果表明:在高应力差条件下缝网的复杂程度和总长度急剧降低,缝网的平均宽度增大,且平均宽度随排量增加而增大的能力变得有限。在高应力差条件下提升压裂液排量,缝网长度的增加以产生新生裂缝为主,同时提升排量对于激活天然裂缝有一定的提升作用,但是效果有限。相比于拉张裂缝,剪切裂缝的形成受主应力和压裂液排量的影响更显著,在高应力差条件下缝网中剪切裂缝的长度急剧降低。随着压裂液的注入,在较低应力差和相同压裂液注入量的情况下,低排量工况下的裂缝长度逐渐大于高排量工况下的裂缝长度。在应力差较高的情况下裂缝扩展的速率较低,同时会使提升排量而形成更多新生裂缝的能力变得...  相似文献   

王璜  王贵玲  岳高凡  甘浩男 《地质学报》2020,94(7):2124-2130
水力压裂技术是成功实现干热岩资源开发利用的重要手段之一,数值模拟技术能够精准预测水力裂缝扩展。针对典型花岗岩,借助黏性单元法,分别模拟了致密花岗岩和天然裂缝存在情况下的水力裂缝扩展特征,得出以下结论:致密花岗岩的水力裂缝形态单一,天然裂缝的存在增加了压裂后裂缝的复杂性;致密花岗岩水力裂缝拓展主要分为憋压和拓展两个交替往复的阶段,当存在天然裂隙时,水力压裂过程会变得复杂;天然裂缝存在时,水力裂缝的缝长和缝宽分别为致密花岗岩的5.7倍和1.7倍;缝网的形成需要借助复杂的压裂工艺实现。研究结果可以为增强型地热系统(EGS)储层水力刺激工作提供理论支持。  相似文献   

砂砾岩水力压裂裂缝扩展规律的数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李连崇  李根  孟庆民  王昊  王振 《岩土力学》2013,34(5):1501-1507
砂砾岩储层一般具有岩性和渗透性变化大、孔隙度低、连通性差、孔隙结构复杂和非均匀性严重等特点,因此,在水力压裂过程中,裂缝扩展形态难以控制,大规模改造难度大。针对国内某典型砂砾岩油藏特征,采用数值计算方法对砂砾岩压裂裂缝的扩展规律进行了研究,包括地应力场、砾石含量和粒径等对裂缝扩展形态及压裂压力的影响。研究表明,砾石的存在增加了压裂裂纹扩展的复杂性,裂纹主要有止裂、偏转、穿透和吸附4种表现模式,但主应力差严格控制着裂纹的走向,随着主应力差的增大,裂纹由总体绕砾扩展转变为总体穿砾扩展,失稳压力随着主应力差的增大而明显减小;砾石含量的多少体现了砂砾岩试样宏观的非均匀性,含量越高均匀性越差,随着砾石含量的提高,裂纹与砾石的相互作用占据主导地位,失稳压力随砾石含量的增加而增大;当砾石体积含量一定时,砾石粒径对压裂压力的影响主要取决于砾石排列的随机性,失稳压力随砾石粒径的增大而略有增大。  相似文献   

为研究水力压裂裂缝在煤层与顶板界面处的穿层扩展规律,在分析煤岩界面性质的基础上,应用有限元法研究煤岩界面处裂缝从顶板起裂后的延伸情况,探讨了相关地质参数和施工参数对裂缝跨界面穿层扩展的影响。结果表明:地质因素中的地应力、煤岩界面强度为煤岩界面处裂缝能否穿层扩展的主要影响因素,垂向应力差异系数越大、界面抗剪切强度越大,越有利于裂缝穿层扩展沟通煤层;煤层与顶板间的弹性模量差异、抗拉强度差异是裂缝从顶板穿层进入煤层的有利因素;现场压裂施工应根据地层情况选择合适的施工参数(排量、注入点与界面的距离)以促进裂缝穿层扩展。研究成果能够为煤层顶板分段压裂水平井地面煤层气高效抽采技术的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目前水力压裂是油页岩储层开发的主要技术手段之一,油页岩层理特征的差异对压后裂缝形态起主要影响作用,目前研究大多聚焦在层理发育程度对裂缝扩展的影响,忽略层理厚度本身对水力裂缝扩展的影响。以鄂尔多斯盆地旬邑地区油页岩为研究对象,基于线弹性断裂力学理论,构建应力-损伤-渗流的水力压裂裂缝扩展模型,并采取全局FEM-CZM的数值模拟方法,分析层理厚度、层理间距、地应力场对水力压裂裂缝扩展的影响规律,对比不同影响因素下裂缝的破坏类型、裂缝长度和层理沟通面积。结果表明:(1)层理厚度影响层理面对水力裂缝的拦截能力,在层理厚度较大时,会导致裂缝在层理面上扩展的倾向更强,发生张拉破坏,所对应的裂缝长度和层理沟通面积更大。(2)层理间距影响水力裂缝到达层理面的时间,较小的层理间距水力裂缝会直接穿透层理面,较大的层理间距增加裂缝扩展的阻力,伴随层理间距越大,发生张拉破坏,水力裂缝长度和层理沟通面积越大。(3)地应力场决定水力裂缝扩展方向,垂向地应力差较大时,垂向应力会对层理有压实作用,导致更容易穿透层理面扩展,垂向地应力差较小时,水力裂缝在层理面扩展多发生弯曲、分支情况,所对应裂缝长度和层理沟通面积均增加...  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩油藏流动单元研究方法探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
魏历灵  康志宏 《新疆地质》2005,23(2):169-172
流动单元研究对于提高油田采收率具有很大的实际意义,该项研究在砂岩油藏研究中已取得较大进展.对于缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏由于成因、岩性和岩石结构构造、成岩后生作用、构造断裂作用、溶蚀作用等多因素对储集空间的影响,使已有的流动单元概念及研究技术方法难于应用.针对缝洞型碳酸盐岩地质特征,论证了碳酸盐岩储层渗流屏障的存在及其类型.提出区别于砂岩油藏的缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层流动单元的概念.说明各类动态资料对油藏储层流动单元研究较为重要.提出了研究思路和方法,包括:油藏压力趋势分析法、井间生产干扰分析法、流体性质差异分析法、井间干扰试井法.并结合塔河油田实际资料。进行了初步分析.  相似文献   

页岩的矿物组分和微观结构对于水力压裂中裂缝的产生和扩展有重要影响。采用微分等效模量模型的方法建立页岩微观物理模型,基于扩展有限元法,从矿物组分的角度对水力压裂造成的裂缝扩展进行数值模拟分析。模拟结果表明,裂缝最先在遇到石英矿物时开始扩展,裂缝在石英矿物内的宽度和孔隙压力整体上都大于黄铁矿,页岩中的石英矿物更有利于裂缝的扩展。根据模拟结果,在页岩气开发时,应优先选择石英矿物含量较高的页岩层。  相似文献   

In this paper, a mathematical model is presented for the analysis of dynamic fracture propagation in the saturated porous media. The solid behavior incorporates a discrete cohesive fracture model, coupled with the flow in porous media through the fracture network. The double‐nodded zero‐thickness cohesive interface element is employed for the mixed mode fracture behavior in tension and contact behavior in compression. The crack is automatically detected and propagated perpendicular to the maximum effective stress. The spatial discretization is continuously updated during the crack propagation. Numerical examples from the hydraulic fracturing test and the concrete gravity dam show the capability of the model to simulate dynamic fracture propagation. The comparison is performed between the quasi‐static and fully dynamic solutions, and the performance of two analyses is investigated on the values of crack length and crack mouth opening. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional hydraulic fracturing simulations using the cohesive zone model (CZM) can be readily found in the literature; however, to our knowledge, verified 3D cohesive zone modeling is not available. We present the development of a 3D fully coupled hydro-mechanical finite element method (FEM) model (with parallel computation framework) and its application to hydraulic fracturing. A special zero-thickness interface element based on the CZM is developed for modeling fracture propagation and fluid flow. A local traction-separation law with strain softening is used to capture tensile cracking. The model is verified by considering penny-shaped hydraulic fracture and plain strain Kristianovich‑Geertsma‑de Klerk hydraulic fracture (in 3D) in the viscosity- and toughness-dominated regimes. Good agreement between numerical results and analytical solutions has been achieved. The model is used to investigate the influence of rock and fluid properties on hydraulic fracturing. Lower stiffness tip cohesive elements tend to yield a larger elastic deformation around the fracture tips before the tensile strength is reached, generating a larger fracture length and lower fracture pressure compared with higher stiffness elements. It is found that the energy release rate has almost no influence on hydraulic fracturing in the viscosity-dominated regime because the energy spent in creating new fractures is too small when compared with the total input energy. For the toughness-dominated regime, the released energy during fracturing should be accurately captured; relatively large tensile strength should be used in order to match numerical results to the asymptotic analytical solutions. It requires smaller elements when compared with those used in the viscosity-dominated regime.  相似文献   

水力压裂是开采地下页岩气资源的有效技术手段,探究页岩水力压裂裂缝的扩展规律,可为页岩气的高效开采提供科学的指导依据。通过运用大型有限元软件ABAQUS中的扩展有限元模块,针对不同地应力差工况条件下均质页岩中初始裂缝的位置、方位角、数量和含层理页岩中层理的构造方向、内部倾角、岩性对水力裂缝扩展的影响进行探究。结果表明:对于垂向扩展的水力裂缝,水平主应力增大使裂缝更不易扩展,裂缝扩展长度减小、起裂压力增大;在注液体积流量相同时,向初始裂缝两端同时起裂所形成的水力裂缝长度大于仅向一侧起裂;当初始裂缝处于页岩中部且呈45°方向时,裂缝会向最大水平主应力方向偏转,且偏转程度随最大水平主应力的增大而增大;分时多簇压裂时,裂缝间的扩展会相互干扰,且会较大地影响裂缝扩展的形态和起裂压力,但对裂缝注液点裂缝宽度的影响较小;对于含水平和竖直构造层理的页岩,改变层理内部倾角,水力裂缝会出现不同程度偏转,且其偏转程度随着层理内部倾角的增大而减小;对于含45°方向构造层理的页岩,水力裂缝在层理分别为砂岩、煤岩和泥岩中的偏转程度依次增大,且裂缝偏移比随着最大水平主应力的增大而增大。  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment often involves particle migration and is applied for propping or plugging fractures. Particle migration behaviors, e.g., bridging, packing, and plugging, significantly affect the HF process. Hence, it is crucial to effectively simulate particle migration. In this study, a new numerical approach is developed based on a coupled element partition method (EPM). The EPM is used to model natural and hydraulic fractures, in which a fracture is allowed to propagate across an element, thereby avoiding remeshing in fracture simulations. To characterize the water flow process in a fracture, a fully hydromechanical coupled equation is adopted in the EPM. To model particle transportation in fractures with water flow, each particle is treated as a discrete element. The particles move in the fracture as a result of being dragged by fluid. Their movement, contact, and packing behaviors are simulated using the discrete element method. To reflect the plugging effect, an equivalent aperture approach is proposed. Using this method, the particle migration and its effect on water flow are well simulated. The simulation results show that this method can effectively reproduce particle bridging, plugging, and unblocking in a hydraulic fracture. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that particle plugging significantly affects water flow in a fracture and hence the propagation of hydraulic fracture. This method provides a simple and feasible approach for the simulation of particle migration in a hydraulic fracture.  相似文献   

陈亚雄  张振南 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):443-447
节理岩体中富含结构面等不连续体,其中很多结构面之间具有一定黏结强度,在冲击荷载作用下会发生脱结(debond)行为,从而消耗岩体应变能。在该结构面之间的黏结性质在很大程度上决定着岩体的破坏行为,发生脱结后,结构面之间不再具有黏结强度,岩体的力学性能发生弱化。为了对该类结构面进行模拟,在改进的Xu-Needleman势函数基础上推导出结构面单元,并将其嵌入到单元劈裂法中,模拟结构面的开裂过程,当结构面完全脱结后结构面单元就转化为一般节理单元。相应地,在数值实现过程中只是将结构面单元替换为一般节理单元即可。该结构面单元与单元劈裂法相结合,能够有效地模拟节理岩体的破坏过程。  相似文献   

The paper presents an embedded strong discontinuity approach to simulate single hydraulic fracture propagation in the poroelastic medium under plane-strain conditions. The method enriches the strain field with the discontinuous deformation mode and allows the fracture to be modeled inside elements. The Mode-I fracture initiation and propagation are described by the trilinear cohesive law, which is implemented by the penalty method. The enhanced permeability inside the fractured elements is dependent on the fracture aperture. Hydraulic fracture propagation is driven by the high pressure gradient near the fracture. Fluid transfer between the fracture and bulk rock is automatically captured within the poroelastic framework. The numerical framework is verified by the comparisons with the asymptotic analytical solutions for single hydraulic fracture propagation.  相似文献   

The improved element partition method (IEPM) is a newly developed fracture simulation approach. IEPM allows a fracture to run across an element without introducing extra degrees of freedom. It can also simulate any number of fractures in a prescribed mesh without remeshing. In this study, the IEPM is extended to hydraulic fracture simulation. First, the seepage and volumetric storage matrix of a cracked element are derived using virtual nodes (the intersection points of a crack with element edges). Subsequently, the fully coupled hydromechanical equation is derived for this cracked element. To eliminate the extra degrees of freedom (virtual nodal quantities), the water pressure and displacement of the virtual nodes are associated with their adjacent nodes through least squares interpolation. Finally, the fully coupled equation in terms of nodal quantities is obtained. The verification cases validate the method. By using this method, the field-scale hydraulic fracturing process is well simulated. The proposed approach is simple and efficient for field-scale hydraulic fracture simulation.  相似文献   

A virtual multidimensional internal bond (VMIB) model developed to simulate the propagation of hydraulic fractures using the finite‐element method is formulated within the framework of the virtual internal bond theory (VIB) that considers a solid as randomized material particles in the micro scale, and derives the macro constitutive relation from the cohesive law between the material particles with an implicit fracture criterion. Hydraulic pressure is applied using a new scheme that enables simulation of hydraulically driven cracks. When the model is applied to study hydraulic fracture propagation in the presence of a natural fracture, the results show the method to be very effective. It shows that although the in situ stress ratio is the dominant factor governing the propagation direction, a natural fault can also strongly influence the hydraulic fracture behavior. This influence is conditioned by the shear stiffness of the fault and the distance to the original hydraulic fracture. The model results show that when the fault is strong in shear, its impact on hydraulic fracture trajectory is weak and the hydraulic fracture will likely penetrate the fault. For a weak fault, however, the fracture tends to be arrested at the natural fault. The distance between the fault and the hydraulic fracture is also important; the fault influence increases with decreasing distance. The VMIB does not require selection of a fracture criterion and remeshing when the fracture propagates. Therefore, it is advantageous for modeling fracture initiation and propagation in naturally fractured rock. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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