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以过境时间不同的NOAA-16/AVHRR、NOAA-17/AVHRR、FY1-D/MVRIS、TERRA/MODIS和AQUA/MODIS五种遥感影像数据组成一组序列影像,对发生在湖北省2005年2月4日的辐射雾进行了一次变化检测与分析.经地面验证,序列影像数据在雾变化检测的研究方面具有很大的潜力,检测结果动态地显示了该次大雾的形成﹑发展﹑稳定﹑消散的过程.将检测结果与该区域的DEM和水系矢量图结合分析发现,二者在辐射雾的变化发展过程中起着非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

前不久,报章上出现了这样一条消息:国家信息产业部、国家版权局、商务部、财政部四部委联合下发了<关于计算机预装正版操作系统软件有关问题的通知>.根据通知精神,从现在开始没有预装正版操作系统的PC产品将无法上市销售.  相似文献   

强悍的摄像机作为索尼XR系列摄像机的开篇之作,HDRXR520E集众多项级配置于一身,采用了在低光照环境下有着出色表现的Exmor R CMOS感光元件,  相似文献   

最吸引人的是这里的建筑,古民居外墙都由一小块一小块的乌石垒成,粗犷的外形与凝重的黑色相结合,结构精巧独特,给人以"鬼斧神工"的感觉,据说最早的乌石屋已有近三百年的历史.  相似文献   

1.上午一杯绿茶绿茶中含强效的抗氧化剂以及维生素C,不但可以清除体内的自由基,还能分泌出对抗紧张压力的荷尔蒙。绿茶中所含的少量咖啡因可以刺激中枢神经,振奋精神。不过最好在白天饮用,以免影响睡眠。2.下午一杯菊花茶菊花有明目清肝的作用,有些人就干脆用菊花加上枸杞一起泡来喝,或  相似文献   

李清泉教授生于1965年1月,安徽天长人,中共党员,工学博士,武汉大学副校长,湖北省第八、九届政协委员,第二届"湖北省五四青年奖章"获得者,湖北省青年联合会第十届委员会副主席,武汉市青年联合会第十届委员会副主席,李清泉教授先后承担了教学、科研、产业和财务管理以及大量社会工作.  相似文献   

康静 《地图》2008,(2):30-32
同江位于三江平原北端,黑龙江与松花江汇流处南岸的三角地带,是有百年历史的国际口岸城市,由佳木斯市代管。清末设立临江州,1905年辟为通商口岸,1914年以黑龙江、松花江在此合一而改名同江。东接抚远,南邻饶河,北与俄列宁斯科耶隔水相望,边境线长166公里,设有国家一类口岸。同江有八岔、街津口两个赫哲族乡,这是一个只有四千人口,却在漫  相似文献   

俞源的经典在于村落结构的设计:村中有大小七个水塘组成北斗七星的格局,村内的28幢主要建筑则按照天上的28星宿排布。  相似文献   

万维网GIS的若干关键技术及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李爱民  何正国 《测绘通报》2004,(11):38-39,41
提出基于J2EE多层体系结构的WebGIS系统,能够平衡好服务器、应用服务器、客户端负载,极大地提高系统的响应速度;对海量的矢量数据与影像数据采用不同的压缩方式,在数据不失真的情况下尽量减少数据的传输量,减轻网络的负载;栅格数据与矢量数据的"无缝"叠加,更加形象清楚地发布空间数据;基于0racle Spatial关系数据库的WebGIS,使系统更加安全可靠.  相似文献   

飞地:孤悬在外的领土   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从明清之交,到解放初的三百多年间,在(四川)峨眉县普兴乡境内,曾有一个地名叫何沟(亦叫梅沟)的小山村,只有十几户人家,却直属嘉定府管辖,毗连的夹江,峨眉、洪雅、乐山四县,无权过问,是一个"世外桃源",当地人称它是"飞地"……梅沟成为一个四不管的角落.  相似文献   

Photocharacteristics of some of the dominant soils were already known from experience within and outside the survey area. Using these known photocharacteristics an interpretation was carried out enabling a coverage of nearly 65% of the total area of the district. Simultaneously, the remaining 35% area split into various sized patches was photo-analysed and the characteristics noted. Thereafter field traversing was taken to carry out checking of the already interpreted area and interpretation of photo-analytical units and a few uncertain areas. This method of partial interpretation-cum-analysis in the first stage itself was found fully workable for the present area. Interpretations of some of the new dominant analytical units are reported.  相似文献   

Most part of Iran is arid and semi-arid; thus in most parts of the region, groundwater is the only source of water. This research presents a method based on a spatial multi-criterion evaluation (SMCE) for designing possible sites of underground dams and ranks them according to their suitability. The method was tested for siting underground dams in the Alborz Province, Iran. At first, screening algorithm was applied using exclusionary criteria, and thirty-one potential areas were recognized in the study area. In the next step, a suitable gorge or valley was recognized using the combination of basic maps and extensive field surveys (long axis of tank level) in each potential area. Subsequently, the analytical hierarchy process was used as a powerful tool for decision-making in the SMCE in order to evaluate different criteria for underground dam sites. SMCE techniques were then applied to combine the criteria, and obtain a suitability map in the study area. These sites were then compared and ranked according to their main criteria such as water, storage, axis and socio-economics. All these criteria were assessed through geographical information system modelling. This method shows passable results and could be used for site selection of underground dams in other regions of Iran.  相似文献   

Using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique, we propose a method for mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) which is commonly used for exploration of mineral deposits. The fuzzy AHP is a popular technique which has been applied for multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. In this paper we used fuzzy AHP and geospatial information system (GIS) to generate prospectivity model for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) mineralization on the basis of its conceptual model and geo-evidence layers derived from geological, geochemical, and geophysical data in Taherabad area, eastern Iran. The FuzzyAHP was used to determine the weights belonging to each criterion. Three geoscientists knowledge on exploration of IOCG-type mineralization have been applied to assign weights to evidence layers in fuzzy AHP MPM approach. After assigning normalized weights to all evidential layers, fuzzy operator was applied to integrate weighted evidence layers. Finally for evaluating the ability of the applied approach to delineate reliable target areas, locations of known mineral deposits in the study area were used. The results demonstrate the acceptable outcomes for IOCG exploration.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades analytical cartography has grown from Tobler's concept of "solving cartographic problems" into a broader and deeper scientific specialization that includes the development and expansion of analytical/mathematical spatial theory and model building. In many instances Tobler himself has led the way to these new insights and developments. Fundamental concepts begin with Tobler's cartographic transformations; Nyerges' deep and surface structure and data levels; and Moellering's real and virtual maps; the sampling theorem; and concepts of spatial primitives and objects. This list can be expanded to include additional analytical concepts such as spatial frequencies, spatial surface neighborhood operators, information theory, fractals, Fourier theory, topological network theory, and analytical visualization, to name a few. This base of analytical theory can be employed to analyze and/or develop such things as spatial surfaces, terrain analysis, spatial data schemas, spatial data structures, spatial query languages, spatial overlay and partitioning, shape analysis, surface generalization, cartographic generalization, and analytical visualization. More analytical uses of theory, strategies of analysis, and implementations are being developed and continue to multiply as the field continues to grow and mature. A primary goal is to expand the mathematical/analytical theory of spatial data analysis, and theory building and analytical visualization as analytical cartography takes its place in the geographic information sciences. The research future for this area appears very bright indeed.  相似文献   

In Malaysia, the endemic level of dengue fever (DF) has already changed morbidity indicators, and the magnitude of these incidences in the last few years has surpassed the incidences of all other diseases of compulsory notification. The reasons for the dramatic emergence of DF are complex and not well understood. There are many factors that contribute to the epidemiological conditions that favour viral transmission by the main mosquito vector. This study, therefore, is filling this gap by analysing the impact of dengue incidence at a local (Subang Jaya) scale using environmental factors. Meteorological data and land-use pattern were consolidated using geographic information system (GIS) and its components as an analytical tool. We have shown that weather variables (relative humidity, temperature and precipitation) have significant correlation with DF incidence with seasonal variation. Besides land-use pattern, DF incidence shows the higher distribution in the residential area, followed by commercial and industrial area. This is due to the higher population density in residential area as well as favourable places for the breeding of dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitos created by humans in the residential area, especially one-storey houses. The analysis on the trends of DF incidence towards various housing types indicate that most of the victims’ houses fall into interconnection houses and mixed houses types compared to the independent houses area. The outcome driven from this analysis suggested that each character of the environmental factors has their own risk towards dengue incidence. In line with that, it is possible to develop a dynamic model of DF transmission using the knowledge produced by this comprehensive time series data and the results provided by the different analyses.  相似文献   

解析延拓高阶解的推导方法与比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用迭代求导法、直接求导法推导了解析延拓高阶解公式,并与经典递推方法进行了比较分析。利用迭代求导法得到了重力异常径向导数在球近似下的通用递推公式,该公式表明,解析延拓的经典递推求解方法实际上是忽略小项的近似,在忽略小项后,迭代求导法与递推法的形式是一样的。虽然直接求导法可以提高计算速度,但利用5°×5°实验区的重力数据进行解析延拓实验的结果表明,直接求导法获得的犵2项数值较其他方法偏小0.1~0.4mGal,这种差异的产生主要由于计算误差引起的。  相似文献   

本文研究了用EDM(电子测距)边长的精度估算方法;用等权代替法估算界址点最弱点的点位中误差;由坐标解析法界址点与面积的误差传播关系、导出了面积精度估算的具体计算公式。对于实际的房产面积精度的合理估算具有一定的现实意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

This paper uses 3S technology in macroscopic. Combining the integrated technology of ecological quantity analytical method with GIS technology through ArcGIS and Fragstats, the authors study the images of 1972, 1990, 2001, and 2005 and obtained land use data in Jinghe County. Then, the change of land use/cover and landscape pattern had been analyzed in the Jinghe County of Xinjiang. The conclusions were as follows: (1) The trend of LUCC is that the area of oasis expands slowly in nearly 33 years between 1972 to 2005 in Jinghe County. (2) The water area is mainly influenced by Ebinur Lake, so the area expands a little in this period. (3) The area of salinization-land expands at first and reduces later. The area of sand land decreases and the other land class increases, while the probability of transfer is always high. (4) Landscape change is also obvious throughout the decades. Overall, landscape density increases, the largest path index decreases at first and expends later, the weight area index decreases, and the shape of landscape becomes regulated. The nearest distances, the degrees of reunite, and outspread decreases. It shows that the connection of the main path in 1972 is better than 2005, wherein the patch becomes more complex. From the changes of Shannon’s Diversity Index and Shannon’s Evenness Index, we know that the diversity of landscape and the Interspersion Juxtaposition Index increase. The degree of diversity landscape and fragmentation increase also shows that the land uses become more complex. All in all, it is essential to intensify the spatial relationships among landscape elements and to maintain the continuity of landscape ecological process and pattern in the course of area expansion.  相似文献   

详细阐述了矿产资源遥感综合预测方法的工作程序、控矿要素的数字化分析与遥感找矿模型的建立,以及遥感矿产的综合分析评价方法与应用等,并以西南三江中段遥感综合预测成果佐证了矿产资源遥感综合预测方法在矿产资源预测中能使野外调查工作更具预见性和目的性,从而大大缩短了矿产资源调查的工作周期。  相似文献   

The method of analytical downward continuation has been used for solving Molodensky’s problem. This method can also be used to reduce the surface free air anomaly to the ellipsoid for the determination of the coefficients of the spherical harmonic expansion of the geopotential. In the reduction of airborne or satellite gradiometry data, if the sea level is chosen as reference surface, we will encounter the problem of the analytical downward continuation of the disturbing potential into the earth, too. The goal of this paper is to find out the topographic effect of solving Stoke’sboundary value problem (determination of the geoid) by using the method of analytical downward continuation. It is shown that the disturbing potential obtained by using the analytical downward continuation is different from the true disturbing potential on the sea level mostly by a −2πGρh 2/p. This correction is important and it is very easy to compute and add to the final results. A terrain effect (effect of the topography from the Bouguer plate) is found to be much smaller than the correction of the Bouguer plate and can be neglected in most cases. It is also shown that the geoid determined by using the Helmert’s second condensation (including the indirect effect) and using the analytical downward continuation procedure (including the topographic effect) are identical. They are different procedures and may be used in different environments, e.g., the analytical downward continuation procedure is also more convenient for processing the aerial gravity gradient data. A numerical test was completed in a rough mountain area, 35°<ϕ<38°, 240°<λ<243°. A digital height model in 30″×30″ point value was used. The test indicated that the terrain effect in the test area has theRMS value ±0.2−0.3 cm for geoid. The topographic effect on the deflections of the vertical is around1 arc second.  相似文献   

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