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引潮力对海洋环流模式的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The eight main tidal constituents have been implemented in the global ocean general circulation model with approximate 1° horizontal resolution.Compared with the observation data,the patterns of the tidal amplitudes and phases had been simulated fairly well.The responses of mean circulation,temperature and salinity are further investigated in the global sense.When implementing the tidal forcing,wind-driven circulations are reduced,especially those in coastal regions.It is also found that the upper cell transport of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) reduces significantly,while its deep cell transport is slightly enhanced from 9×106m3/s to 10×106 m3/s.The changes of circulations are all related to the increase of a bottom friction and a vertical viscosity due to the tidal forcing.The temperature and salinity of the model are also significantly affected by the tidal forcing through the enhanced bottom friction,mixing and the changes in mean circulation.The largest changes occur in the coastal regions,where the water is cooled and freshened.In the open ocean,the changes are divided into three layers:cooled and freshened on the surface and below 3 000 m,and warmed and salted in the middle in the open ocean.In the upper two layers,the changes are mainly caused by the enhanced mixing,as warm and salty water sinks and cold and fresh water rises;whereas in the deep layer,the enhancement of the deep overturning circulation accounts for the cold and fresh changes in the deep ocean.  相似文献   

一个高分辨率太平洋-印度洋海盆环流模式的初步结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用LASG/IAP发展的一个0.25°×0.25°高分辨率太平洋-印度洋海盆环流模式,初步分析了模式在太平洋区域的模拟结果,并与海洋同化资料以及前人的研究结果作比较,检验此模式对该区域平均气候态、年际变化的模拟能力。分析表明,模式较好地再现了海表温度(SST)分布、赤道温跃层和纬向流结构、赤道流系分布形态、海表高度以及正压流函数空间分布特征;同时,对显著的El Ni?o和La Ni?a事件的模拟等方面与Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA)2.0.2版本结果相近。此外,模式模拟北赤道流(NEC)分叉点位置的季节和年际变化以及吕宋海峡流量的年际变化与已有研究结果基本一致。进一步分析还发现,在年际尺度上,NEC分叉点位置和吕宋海峡流量与ENSO密切相关。  相似文献   

利用一个较高分辨率的全球海洋环流模式在COADS1945~1993年逐月平均资料的强迫下对海温和环流场进行了模拟试验,研究了全球热带海洋(主要是热带太平洋)海温和环流场的年际变化特征及模式ENSO冷暖事件演变的控制机理.结果表明,模式成功地再现了和观测一致的海温和环流的年际变化以及ENSO演变特征.其中热带印度洋年际SST变率的主要模态表现为与ENSO相联系的海盆尺度的一致性增暖或变冷现象,次级模态为热带印度洋偶极子模态;热带大西洋的SST年际变率表现为类ENSO的年际振荡现象.在热带太平洋,SST年际变化主要表现为ENSO型,环流的年际变率表现为与ENSO相对应的热带海洋质量循环圈的年际异常.对应于暖(冷)事件,前期赤道海洋垂直环流圈显示出减弱(增强)的特征.其中南赤道流异常的位相较Nino3区海温总体要超前5个月左右的时间;赤道上翻流异常的位相在表层要超前4个月,并随时间由上至下扩展;赤道潜流的异常则显示出东传特征,其中最早的较为显著的异常发生ENSO成熟前3个月180°附近.在模式ENSO冷暖事件的演变过程中,次表层海温异常沿赤道的东传起了关键作用,模式的ENSO模态主要表现为"时滞振子"模态.  相似文献   

We investigate the sensitivity of a coarse resolution coupled climate model to the representation of the overflows over the Greenland–Scotland ridge. This class of models suffers from a poor representation of the water mass exchange between the Nordic Seas and the North Atlantic, a crucial part of the large-scale oceanic circulation. We revisit the explicit representation of the overflows using a parameterisation by hydraulic constraints and compare it with the enhancement of the overflow transport by artificially deepened passages over the Greenland–Scotland ridge, a common practice in coarse resolution models. Both configurations increase deep water formation in the Nordic Seas and represent the large-scale dynamics of the Atlantic realistically in contrast to a third model version with realistic sill depths but without the explicit overflow transport. The comparison of the hydrography suggests that for the unperturbed equilibrium the Nordic Seas are better represented with the parameterised overflows. As in previous studies, we do not find a stabilising effect of the overflow parameterisation on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation but merely on the overflow transport. As a consequence the surface air temperature in the Nordic Seas is less sensitive to anomalous surface fresh water forcing.Special attention is paid to changes in the subpolar gyre circulation. We find it sensitive to the overflow transport and the density of these water masses through baroclinic adjustments. The analysis of the governing equations confirms the presence of positive feedbacks inherent to the subpolar gyre and allows us to isolate the influence of the overflows on its dynamics.  相似文献   

A limitation of many global climate models with explicit finite-difference numerics is the timestep restriction caused by the decrease in cell size associated with the convergence of meridians near the poles. To keep the longitudinal width of model cells as uniform as possible, we apply a “reduced” grid to a three-dimensional primitive equation ocean-climate model. With this grid the number of cells in the longitudinal direction is reduced at high latitudes. The grid consists of subgrids which interact at interfaces along their northern and southern boundaries, where the resolution changes by a factor of three. We extend the finite-difference techniques to these interfaces, focusing on the conservation required to perform long time integrations, while preserving the staggered spatial arrangement of variables and the numerics used on subgrids. The common alternative used to reduce the timestep restriction caused by the spherical grid is the filtering of high-frequency modes from the high-latitude solution. The reduced grid allows an increased timestep while eliminating the need for filtering and reduces execution time per model step by roughly 20%. We implement the reduced grid model for parallel computer architectures with two-dimensional domain decomposition and message passing, with speedup results similar to those of the original model. We present results of model runs showing small effects on the solution and sizable improvements to the execution time.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2004,6(3-4):245-263
Astronomical data reveals that approximately 3.5 terawatts (TW) of tidal energy is dissipated in the ocean. Tidal models and satellite altimetry suggest that 1 TW of this energy is converted from the barotropic to internal tides in the deep ocean, predominantly around regions of rough topography such as mid-ocean ridges. A global tidal model is used to compute turbulent energy levels associated with the dissipation of internal tides, and the diapycnal mixing supported by this energy flux is computed using a simple parameterization.The mixing parameterization has been incorporated into a coarse resolution numerical model of the global ocean. This parameterization offers an energetically consistent and practical means of improving the representation of ocean mixing processes in climate models. Novel features of this implementation are that the model explicitly accounts for the tidal energy source for mixing, and that the mixing evolves both spatially and temporally with the model state. At equilibrium, the globally averaged diffusivity profile ranges from 0.3 cm2 s−1 at thermocline depths to 7.7 cm2 s−1 in the abyss with a depth average of 0.9 cm2 s−1, in close agreement with inferences from global balances. Water properties are strongly influenced by the combination of weak mixing in the main thermocline and enhanced mixing in the deep ocean. Climatological comparisons show that the parameterized mixing scheme results in a substantial reduction of temperature/salinity bias relative to model solutions with either a uniform vertical diffusivity of 0.9 cm2 s−1 or a horizontally uniform bottom-intensified arctangent mixing profile. This suggests that spatially varying bottom intensified mixing is an essential component of the balances required for the maintenance of the ocean’s abyssal stratification.  相似文献   

A wetting and drying algorithm is considered and implemented in a three-dimensional sigma–z coordinate model of ocean thermo- and hydrodynamics. The algorithm is tested in two idealized experiments simulating the run-up of a tidal wave on the coast and in a realistic experiment simulating the evolution of the Caspian Sea coastline in the 20th century.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2000,2(1-2):17-28
An incremental method is presented to generate automatically boundary-fitted Delaunay triangulations of the global ocean. The method takes into account Earth curvature and allows local mesh refinement in order to resolve topological or dynamical features like midocean ridges or western boundary currents. Crucial issues like the nodes insertion process, the boundary integrity problem or the creation of inner nodes are explained. Finally, the quality of generated triangulations is discussed.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》1999,1(2-4):71-80
Ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) which represent the governing equations on a finite difference grid require shorter time steps with increasing resolution. Thus, until now, in the absence of filtering, the time step length has been determined by the smallest grid spacing within the model domain. Here we present a method for reducing the time step length (and increasing the number of time steps taken) at selected points in the grid, so as to minimise the computational cost of integrating the OGCM, whilst achieving numerical stability throughout the model domain without filtering. This variable time stepping method can be used to overcome numerical constraints associated with the convergence of longitude–latitude grids at the poles, and also to allow efficient integration of model domains with variable resolution. Examples of the computational saving are given.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2010,33(3-4):175-187
This paper presents a five-year global simulation of HYCOM, the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model, that simultaneously resolves the eddying general circulation, barotropic tides, and baroclinic tides with 32 layers in the vertical direction and 1/12.5° (equatorial) horizontal grid spacing. A parameterized topographic wave drag is inserted into the model and tuned so that the surface tidal elevations are of comparable accuracy to those in optimally tuned forward tide models used in previous studies. The model captures 93% of the open-ocean sea-surface height variance of the eight largest tidal constituents, as recorded by a standard set of 102 pelagic tide gauges spread around the World Ocean. In order to minimize the impact of the wave drag on non-tidal motions, the model utilizes a running 25-h average to approximately separate tidal and non-tidal components of the near-bottom flow. In contrast to earlier high-resolution global baroclinic tide simulations, which utilized tidal forcing only, the simulation presented here has a horizontally non-uniform stratification, supported by the wind- and buoyancy forcing. The horizontally varying stratification affects the baroclinic tides in high latitudes to first order. The magnitude of the internal tide perturbations to sea surface elevation amplitude and phase in a large box surrounding Hawai’i is quite similar to that observed in satellite altimeter data, although the exact locations of peaks and troughs in the modeled perturbations differ from those in the observed perturbations.  相似文献   

The atmospheric mixed layer obtained using the Mellor–Yamada model grows slower and becomes shallower than observed, which motivated Nakanishi and Niino (J Meteorol Soc Jpn 87:895–912, 2009) to present a modified version of the Mellor–Yamada model. In this study, incorporating each of the Mellor–Yamada and the Nakanishi–Niino models into an ocean general circulation model, we evaluate its performance in the ocean. Comparing the numerical results with the observed ones in the western North Pacific, the Nakanishi–Niino model is shown to exhibit a better performance than the Mellor–Yamada model under strong wind forcing and sea surface cooling during winter and after passage of typhoons during summer.  相似文献   

全球海洋环流模式对自然14C的模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储敏  徐永福  李阳春 《海洋学报》2012,34(6):217-227

We develop, calibrate and test a dataset intended to drive global ocean hindcasts simulations of the last five decades. This dataset provides surface meteorological variables needed to estimate air-sea fluxes and is built from 6-hourly surface atmospheric state variables of ERA40. We first compare the raw fields of ERA40 to the CORE.v1 dataset of Large and Yeager (2004), used here as a reference, and discuss our choice to use daily radiative fluxes and monthly precipitation products extracted from satellite data rather than their ERA40 counterparts. Both datasets lead to excessively high global imbalances of heat and freshwater fluxes when tested with a prescribed climatological sea surface temperature. After identifying unrealistic time discontinuities (induced by changes in the nature of assimilated observations) and obvious global and regional biases in ERA40 fields (by comparison to high quality observations), we propose a set of corrections. Tropical surface air humidity is decreased from 1979 onward, representation of Arctic surface air temperature is improved using recent observations and the wind is globally increased. These corrections lead to a significant decrease of the excessive positive global imbalance of heat. Radiation and precipitation fields are then submitted to a small adjustment (in zonal mean) that yields a near-zero global imbalance of heat and freshwater. A set of 47-year-long simulations is carried out with the coarse-resolution (2° × 2°) version of the NEMO OGCM to assess the sensitivity of the model to the proposed corrections. Model results show that each of the proposed correction contributes to improve the representation of central features of the global ocean circulation.  相似文献   

After reviewing the inverse method, we apply it to deducing the general circulation of the North Atlantic ocean. We argue that the method is purely classical in nature, being nothing more than a mathematical statement of the principles upon which nearly all previous circulation schemes have been based. The ‘smoothed’ solution is shown to represent the components of the flow field that are determinable independently of the initial reference level. We then produce two circulation schemes based upon two different initial reference levels — 2000 decibars and the bottom — called North Atlantic-1A and North Atlantic-1B respectively. The models share many features in common and are strikingly similar to several previous schemes, most notably those of Jacobsen and Defant in the region west of Bermuda. No simple level-of-no-motion emerges in the flow fields; rather the velocity sections exhibit a complex cellular structure. Zonally integrated meridional cells of models and of the uniquely determined components are very similar, showing a poleward movement of warm saline water compensated at depth by a return flow of cold, fresher water. The magnitudes of the implied polar sea overflows and the heat fluxes are in good agreement with previous estimates. Finally, it is argued that neither these model circulations nor any other circulation pattern based upon the existing data can be regarded as actually representing the true time average ocean circulation because the data are aliased in time; the frequency/wavenumber spectrum of the ocean is inadequately known to determine the resulting errors.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional density field associated with mesoscaie unstable waves generated by the 3-D, primitive-equation model (Wang and Ikeda, 1996) is provided to the quasi-geostrophic pressure tendency and ω-equations, and to the (ageostrophic) Q-vector equation. Diagnostic analyses, analogous to the approaches in meteorology: ω-equation and Q-vector method, are for the first time developed to examine the mesoscaie dynamical processes and mechanisms of the unstable waves propagating in the mid-latitude ocean. The weaknesses and strengths of these two diagnostic approaches are evaluated and compared to the model results. The Q-vector method is then recommended to diagnose the vertical motion associated with the mesoscaie dynamics from a hydrographic CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) array, while the quasi-geostrophic equations produce some small-scale features (errors) in the diagnosed fields.  相似文献   

A new version of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS), climate model (CM) has been developed using an ocean general circulation model instead of the statistical-dynamical ocean model applied in the previous version. The spatial resolution of the new ocean model is 3° in latitude and 5° in longitude, with 25 unevenly spaced vertical levels. In the previous version of the oceanic model, as in the atmospheric model, the horizontal resolution was 4.5° in latitude and 6° in longitude, with four vertical levels (the upper quasi-homogeneous layer, seasonal thermocline, abyssal ocean, and bottom friction layer). There is no correction for the heat and momentum fluxes between the atmosphere and ocean in the new version of the IAP RAS CM. Numerical experiments with the IAP RAS CM have been performed under current initial and boundary conditions, as well as with an increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The main simulated atmospheric and oceanic fields agree quite well with observational data. The new version’s equilibrium temperature sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 doubling was found to be 2.9 K. This value lies in the mid-range of estimates (2–4.5 K) obtained from simulations with state-of-the-art models of different complexities.  相似文献   

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