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贵州燃煤型地方性砷中毒地区煤的矿物组成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用低温灰化(LTA)和X衍射粉晶分析(XRD),结合带X光能谱的扫描电子显微镜(SEM—EDX)等方法研究了贵州燃煤型地方性砷中毒地区煤的矿物组成,计算了各矿物的相对含量,初步探讨了煤中主要的含砷矿物。   相似文献   

黔西南高砷煤的分布及地球化学特征研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
根据野外地质特征结合中子活化成分分析结果,探讨了黔西南高砷煤的分布特征、影响因素和某些地球化学特征。高砷煤严格受构造(褶皱和断层)、地层(二叠系龙潭组)、沉积相(海陆交互相)的控制,分布于平行北斜长轴的断层两侧,愈靠近断层面砷的含量愈高。砷在煤中的分布极不均匀,即使同一煤层变化也极大。在时空关系与元素组合上高砷煤与区内卡林型金矿密切相关。  相似文献   

李松涛 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):475-488
黔西南滥木厂矿床是世界上罕见的汞(大型)-铊(大型)-金(小型)多金属矿床,具有独特的成矿元素分带现象。本文通过系统研究滥木厂矿床金、汞-铊、汞、铊矿石及围岩样品的主量、微量及稀土元素地球化学特征,对比分析不同类型矿化的成矿环境,以探讨成矿元素共生分离机制。研究表明,相对于滥木厂矿床的围岩样品,同岩性的各类矿化岩石的SiO_(2)含量显著增加,CaO和MgO含量之和明显降低,表明成矿过程中伴随广泛的硅化和去碳酸盐化作用,K_(2)O-Al_(2)O_(3)投图表明区内存在显著的高岭石化作用。各类矿石与围岩均显示Au、As、Sb、Hg、T1和轻稀土富集特征,且具有相似的稀土配分模式;但成矿元素分布于不同的特征因子中,并表现出富集程度的差异,表明成矿物质继承了原岩的部分地球化学特征,在成矿过程中发生了分离。Y/Ho比值在金矿石中普遍高于28,在其它矿化类型岩石中均低于28,反映金成矿热液富含氟络合物,汞和铊成矿热液以碳酸氢根的络合物为主。各类矿石通常具有Ce正异常,铊、汞-铊和金矿石普遍显示Eu正异常,汞矿石呈现轻微的Eu负异常,表明成矿环境处于相对氧化的状态,并具氧化还原波动性。综合元素地球化学特征与收集的碳、氢、氧、硫、铅同位素成果,认为滥木厂矿床金、汞、铊矿化的成矿物质及成矿流体具有多源性,各类矿化在温度、氧逸度、酸碱性及配合物类型等方面的差异可能是成矿元素产生分异的重要原因。  相似文献   

三穗龙湾矿床位于黔中-湘西北铀成矿带内,是近年勘查发现的贵州第一个大型碳硅泥岩型铀矿床。本文对龙湾铀矿床开展了矿物学、地质地球化学及矿床成因等方面研究。结果表明,该矿床矿石中的原生铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿,表生条件下形成的次生铀矿物较发育,主要有硅钙铀矿、硒铅矿、钛铀矿及铀酰磷酸盐矿物等,它们以纳米-微米级粒状(粒径多10μm)、细脉状或隐晶质形式赋存于有机质、粘土矿物等聚铀矿物中;成矿物质主要来源于赋矿层位,可能有少量来自基底岩浆岩,成矿流体为深部流体与大气降水的混合;铀及共伴生元素的富集与炭质泥岩中富含有机质、磷矿物、铁矿物、粘土矿物密切相关;铀矿形成受层位(老堡组)、岩性(炭质泥岩)、构造(三穗向斜及斜切向斜的断层、层间断层)、围岩沉积环境(陆缘裂谷、裂陷的海相还原沉积环境)等因素控制,经历了雪峰期海底喷流作用下形成含矿岩系过程中铀的初始富集→燕山-喜马拉雅期板内伸展构造背景下淋滤、热液叠加改造再富集的成矿过程,后生成矿特征明显,矿床属沉积-热液叠加改造型。本文研究成果对推进黔东地区铀矿成矿预测和找矿勘查,丰富碳硅泥岩型铀矿成矿理论具有重要意义。  相似文献   

贵州福泉高洞铝土矿床成矿地质地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金中国 《地质与勘探》2018,54(3):522-534
贵州福泉高洞铝土矿床是近年在贵州新的铝土矿成矿区探明的中型矿床之一,其含矿岩系为下石炭统九架炉组,铝土矿呈层状、似层状产于上泥盆统高坡场组碳酸盐岩古侵蚀面之上,与上覆中二叠统梁山组和下伏上泥盆统高坡场组均呈假整合接触,矿床成因类型为古风化壳沉积型。通过对含矿岩系中敏感元素Ga、Ba、Sr、Th含量及B/Ga、Rb/K、V/Zr比值特征分析,认为铝土矿主要形成于陆相沉积环境;δCe、Ni/Co、Th/U、Sr/Cu、V/Cr特征揭示铝土矿成岩成矿过程主要为氧化环境。含矿岩系中Al与Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、Th、U等呈正相关性反映出铝土矿成矿过程中具同迁移、显著富集特征;含矿岩系中微量元素含量与下伏高坡场组碳酸盐岩相比,总体成强烈富集态势。与黎彤值对比,含矿岩系中高温成矿元素(W、Sn、Mo、Bi)、高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Th、U、Hf、Zr)、粘土矿物易吸附元素(Li、V)及细碎屑岩中高地球化学背景元素(Sb)富集强度高。LREE与HREE分馏作用明显,推测为次生风化淋滤过程中离子半径较小的HREE向下渗滤迁移的速率大于离子半径较大的LREE所致。  相似文献   

Coals from Guizhou Province, Southwest China, attract many researchers' attention for their high concentrations of hazardous trace elements, sulphur and mineral components. Trace elements in coals have diverse modes of occurrence that will greatly influence their migration in the process of coal preparation. Mode of occurrence is also important in determining the partitioning during coal combustion. The coal floatation test by progressive release was used to study the migration of trace elements and mineral components in the process of froth floatation. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine the absolute concentrations of trace elements including As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Th, U, V and Zn in the parent coals and the floatation fractions. Precise determination of the mineral matter percentage in coals was obtained by low-temperature ashing. The mineral compositions in coals were quantified using Rietveld-based X-ray diffraction analysis package on low-temperature ash. Scanning electron microscope equipped with energy dispersive X-ray detector was used to provide information on the forms of occurrence of mineral components in coal. Five floatation fractions were obtained from the pulverized coal samples. The contents of trace elements and mineral components decrease from the first tailings to the last cleaned coal. The concentrations of trace elements and mineral components in parent coals and different floatation samples show that trace elements and mineral components are mainly concentrated in the first tailings samples. Nearly 60% of mineral components are enriched in the first tailings, whereas less than 1.3% remains in the cleaned coal. The ratio of sixteen trace elements concentrations in the first tailings to the corresponding concentrations in the cleaned coal ranges from 1.6 to 22.7. Quantitative mineralogical analysis results using the full-profile general structure analysis system (GSAS) showed that the main compositions of LTA include quartz, calcite, kaolinite, pyrite, chlorite, montmorillonite, illite, anatase and pyrite.  相似文献   

A supergene REE deposit closely interrelated with the weathering of the Emeishan basalt formation was produced in the Xuanwei formation, the overlying stratum of the late Permian Emeishan basalt formation in West Guizhou, China. The host strata consist primarily of offwhite kaolinite clay rock and/or grayish black carbonaceous shale. Mineralogical analyses reveal that kaolinites are the major minerals in REE ores with small amounts of smectite, illite, boehmite, hornblende, pyrophyllite, calcite, dolomite and/or iron-bearing minerals, with a certain proportion of feldspar, quartz crystal debris and noncrystal debris. Geochemical analyses reveal high enrichment of trace elements like Cu, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The host strata feature considerable lithological variability, close interrelation of the REE grade with the lithology and uneven spatial distribution of the REE ores, which are mostly found in Lufang, Maojiaping and Zhangsigou profiles of Weining County and can be as thick as 20 m. Of the five stratigraphic profiles, 48% have their whole-rock ∑REE higher than 1000 ppm. The REE in this framework consists primarily of ion adsorbed phases and REE-rich residual independent mineral phases. Comprehensive analyses suggest that the source may not only include the Emeishan basalt, but the intermediate acid volcanic rocks evolved from the Emeishan basalt in the later periods; the hydrothermal alteration subsequently imposed on the host strata might have boosted the mineralization of the rare earth. The preliminary genetic model should have been: the denudation product from the weathering of the parent rock was migrated to the sea-continental margin at the continent side carrying huge quantities of REE with it and was preserved by the quick marine transgression. The host strata consist primarily of kaolinite clay rock and/or carbonaceous shale, which are so far believed to be a sedimentary type REE deposit closely interrelated with weathering effect.  相似文献   

饮水型砷中毒分布在中国台湾、新疆、内蒙、山西、吉林等地。笔者采用GIS的空间数据叠加技术、化验测试与环境模拟技术,进行了地下水砷的反向地球化学模拟研究。研究表明,受构造运动控制,低洼地带堆积了巨厚的粉砂淤泥质沉积物和富含有机质的湖积物,为砷的赋存提供了空间。地下水砷的富集受水中Fe、Mn、pH、Cl-、PO34-、HCO3-、SO24-、Se的影响,其中,重碳酸钙型水中砷含量最低,氯化物重碳酸钠型水砷含量最高。臭葱石(FeAsO4:2H2O)等含铁、含锰矿物在进入地下水的溶解过程中,形成铁(锰)氧化物和砷化合物(砷酸盐或亚砷酸盐)。随着Eh降低,氧化物被还原形成更为活泼的离子组分,吸附在氧化物表面的砷化合物随之解吸,还原环境有利于砷从沉积物中向水中溶解、迁移。研究结果为实施安全供水提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

With the aim of better understanding geochemistry of coal, 71 Late Permian whole-seam coal channel samples from western Guizhou Province, Southwest China were studied and 57 elements in them were determined. The contents of Al, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hf, K, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Sn, Ta, Ti, Th, U, V, Zr, and REEs in the Late Permian coals from western Guizhou Province are higher than the arithmetic means for the corresponding elements in the US coals, whereas As, Ba, Br, F, Hg, P, Se, and Tl are lower. Compared to common Chinese coals, the contents of Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hf, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sc, Sn, Ti, U, V, Zn, and Zr in western Guizhou coals are higher, and As, F, Hg, Rb, Sb, Tl, and W are lower. Five groups of elements may be classified according to their mode of occurrence in coal: The first two, Group A, Tm–Yb–Lu–Y–Er–Ho–Dy–Tb–Ce–La–Nd–Pr–Gd–Sm, and Group B, As–Sr–K–Rb–Ba–F–Ash–Si–Sn–Ga–Hf–Al–Ta–Zr–Be–Th–Na, have high positive correlation coefficients with ash yield and they show mainly inorganic affinity. Some elements from Group B, such as Ba, Be, Ga, Hf, and Th, are also characterized by significant aluminosilicate affinity. In addition, arsenic also exhibits high sulfide affinity (rS–Fe>0.5). The elements, which have negative or lower positive correlation coefficients with ash yield (with exceptions of Bi, Cs, Nb, Mn, Se, and Ti), are grouped in other four associations: Group C, Cr–V–Mo–U–Cd–Tl; Group D, Hg–Li–Sc–Ti–Eu–Nb–Cs–W; Group E, Bi–Sb; and Group F, Co–Ni–Cu–Pb–Zn–Mg–Se–Ca–Mn–S–Fe. The correlation coefficients of some elements, including Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mo, Ni, P, S, Sc, U, V, and Zn, with ash yield are below the statistically significant value. Only Cr and Cu are negatively correlated to ash yield (−0.07 and −0.01, respectively), showing intermediate (organic and inorganic) affinity. Manganese and Fe are characterized by carbonate affinity probably due to high content of epigenetic veined ankerite in some coals. Phosphorus has low correlation coefficients with any other elements and is not included in these six associations. There are five possible genetic types of enrichment of elements in coal from western Guizhou Province: source rock, volcanic ash, low-temperature hydrothermal fluid, groundwater, and magmatic hydrothermal inputs.  相似文献   

贵州水城地区晚二叠世含树皮体煤成烃特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙旭光  秦胜飞 《地球化学》1999,28(6):605-612
采用岩石热解、热解气相色谱以及有机岩石学等方法。对贵州水城含树皮体煤及其主要组分--树皮体的生烃潜力、烃类组成特征和成烃演化规律进行了详细的研究。结果表明:本区含树皮体煤友及树皮体的生烃潜力、氢指数和扔机碳含量都较高,含树皮 煤主要生烃温度区间和生烃高峰期分别为400 ̄500℃和420 ̄450℃;热模拟产物以轻质烃(凝析油或轻质油)占绝对优势,湿气次之;气态烃与液态烃演化模式截然不同,液态烃产率在  相似文献   

湖南瑶岗仙钨矿床与成矿有关的碱长花岗岩岩株中发育多种类型包体,包括花岗岩、石英闪长斑岩、黑色包体及云英岩析离体等。这些包体的地质地球化学性质不同,来源和演化路径不同,记载着瑶岗仙花岗岩成因和岩浆分异演化的历史。对这些包体岩石学、地球化学的研究,结合岩体本身和区域燕山早期花岗岩基的对比研究,明确了花岗岩包体(Ⅰb)来自深部岩浆房中早期结晶的花岗岩,性质与区域花岗岩相近;石英闪长斑岩和黑色包体为前寒武纪变质岩在重熔时的残留;云英岩析离体是由花岗岩Ⅰ的岩浆晚期进一步分异形成的浆液过渡态流体结晶沉淀而成;产于石英斑岩中的细粒黑云母花岗岩包体(Ⅲb)捕获自岩浆房中分异的补体或补体上升时初步分异形成的花岗岩。形成瑶岗仙岩体的花岗岩高度富含挥发分,致使其中的包体强烈同化混染,并富含萤石、云母、电气石等以及硫化物矿物。瑶岗仙岩体是区域花岗岩基所代表的岩浆房高度分异的岩浆上侵的产物,石英斑岩岩浆直接来自于岩浆房结晶分异残留岩浆,而非瑶岗仙岩体的分异产物。建立了瑶岗仙地区燕山早期岩浆演化序列:岩浆房主体(二长花岗岩)→细粒黑云母花岗岩(补体)→碱长花岗岩岩株→浆液过渡态流体成矿→石英斑岩脉侵入。  相似文献   

河南省官坡镇境内出露大量花岗伟晶岩脉,部分花岗伟晶岩脉发育稀有金属或稀有多金属矿化,具有稀有金属找矿潜力和研究价值.通过野外地质调查、岩相学观察和元素地球化学分析,对官坡花岗伟晶岩的特征和成因进行研究.结果显示:官坡花岗伟晶岩脉具有分布集中、延伸稳定、规模较大、结构带发育完整、物质组成复杂的特点;花岗伟晶岩主量元素具有高硅、富碱、过铝质及低铁、镁、钙和钛的特点,在成因上可能与灰池子花岗岩具有亲缘性,推测是该花岗岩高度演化后的产物.该研究进一步提高了对该区花岗伟晶岩的研究程度,为区内稀有金属矿勘查提供借鉴.  相似文献   

黔西南泥堡金矿床大型隐伏金矿体地质特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑禄林 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):689-699
泥堡金矿区Ⅲ号金矿体是近年来发现的受断裂控制的大型隐伏矿体,是泥堡金矿区找矿勘探工作的重大突破。该矿体受F1断层控制,其容矿岩石为蚀变沉凝灰岩。蚀变沉凝灰岩普遍发育粘土化、碳酸盐化,而与金矿化密切关联的蚀变类型为黄铁矿化、硅化,次为毒砂化。对泥堡金矿床产出特征进行分析发现,Ⅲ号矿体明显受构造(F1断层)、地层(P3l2)和岩性(蚀变沉凝灰岩)控制。结合矿床赋矿岩石、矿物组合和控矿因素分析,认为泥堡金矿的形成与晚二叠世沉积火山凝灰质密切相关,F1断层活动及燕山期热水(液)作用是Ⅲ号金矿体成矿的关键。通过对比分析,认为区域上车榔—泥堡—三道沟—潘家庄一线是寻找类似金矿体(断控型)的重要区域,龙潭组二段及蚀变沉凝灰岩是重要的找矿标志。  相似文献   

通过对采自不同地区,各种煤级近500个煤样平衡水分条件下的等温吸附实验数据的统计分析,研究了我国主要成煤时代、煤级和平衡水分煤的吸附特征,以及其Langmuir体积和Langmuir压力的变化规律,分析了Langmuir常数与煤岩显微组分、矿物质含量、孔隙度的关系,探讨了煤的吸附机理及各因素对煤吸附能力影响的内在原因.  相似文献   

黔北白云岩红色风化壳元素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
李锐  高杰  张莉  李今今  季宏兵 《中国岩溶》2014,33(4):396-404
选取贵州高原喀斯特地区典型白云岩风化剖面作为研究对象,探讨了红土剖面元素迁移特征及其影响因素,为进一步认识红色风化壳元素地球化学特征提供依据。结果表明:(1)红土剖面中土壤样品(XPS-4~XPS-25)Fe、K、Mn常量元素及Co、Pb、Zn微量元素的分布曲线相对于其他元素靠近 UCC,元素Mg、Ca、Na、Ti和 Li、Cr、Ba、V 的数据点则显著偏离了上部陆壳的平均组成。(2)元素对协变分析得出Ti与Fe、Ba和V的积累特征一致,呈增加趋势;Ti与Mg呈反向变化特征。(3)以Ti为参比元素的剖面迁移特征表明,绝大部分元素的地球化学行为表现为迁移淋失,仅 Fe 、Cr和V 富集。K、Ba总体上呈迁出趋势,个别层段有轻微富集;Na和Co在风化原岩处有一个富集端点。元素在风化过程中的迁移聚集与土壤剖面的pH值和剖面结构变化、粘土矿物和有机质等的吸附有关。   相似文献   

Basalts from Hardat Tolgoi Mine were studied systematically by using petrochemical and isotope geo- chemical methods in order to discuss their chemical properties, diagenetic material sources and tectonic environ- ment. The analysis results indicate that the alkali basalts are characterized by low silica and high alkalinic (Na〉K) and iron-titanium contents. The distribution patterns of the rare earth elements (REE) are the "rightist" type, which typically show evident fractionation between light REEs and heavy REEs with (La/Yb)y ratios from 8.04 to 10.4, but no significant negative Eu anomalies were observed (SEu=l.01 to 1.04). The basalts are relatively enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE, Ba, Sr) and high field strength elements (HFSE, Nb, Ta, Hf). Ratios of 206pb/204pb vary between 18.434 and 18.550, ratios of 207pb/204pb are between 15.541 and 15.569, and ratios of 206spb/204pb are between 38.331 and 38.536. The diagenetic substance is believed from the asthenospheric mantle and in intraplate environment, which was constructed during continent stretch, without being significantly contaminated by crustal materials.  相似文献   

贵州对江南井田煤层气开发进展缓慢,通过前期勘探阶段实践,该区块存在的主要问题是钻井效率低、固井漏失严重、压裂改造周期长,单井产量低,客观评价井田煤层气地质特征及开发技术对后续煤层气的开发至关重要。通过对井田煤层厚度、煤体结构、储层压力、含气量、渗透性等方面进行了系统研究,结合井田以往钻井、压裂及排采实践,提出了井田煤层气开发以定向井为主,在M18煤层构造简单、煤体结构好、含气量高、煤层稳定且厚度大于3 m的区域,宜采用水平井的开发方式,在M25和M29煤,M78和M79煤构造简单、含气量高、煤层稳定且层间距小于5 m的区域,宜采用层间水平井的开发技术,漏失井段宜采用空气潜孔锤快速钻进技术,非漏失井段宜采用螺杆复合钻进技术,固井宜采用变密度水泥浆+无水氯化钙的固井方式,直井和定向井压裂宜采用复合桥塞层组多级压裂,水平井宜采用油管拖动水力喷砂射孔压裂技术,排采宜采用合层排采+分层控压技术,形成一套适宜于对江南井田地形地质条件下的煤层气开发技术,为今后研究区大规模煤层气商业开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Twenty five coal samples from the Late Permian coal-bearing strata in Weining, Nayong, and Zhijin, western Guizhou Province, SW, China, were analyzed for platinum group elements (PGEs). The coal ashes were digested by the Carius tube technique and accurately measured by isotope dilution-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID-ICP-MS) for all PGEs. The results are much lower than the previous reported values. Our study suggested that the previously reported PGE values are incorrect and may due to the polyatomic interferences in ICP-MS measurements. In our study, samples from the Weining coalfield have the lowest PGE contents (from 0.019 Ir to 0.42 ng/g Pd), which represent the PGE background value in coal in western Guizhou province. Some of the coals have Pt and Pd contents about 20-times higher than the background value, indicating PGEs are concentrated. We also reported new and reliable PGE data and background value of coal in western Guizhou province, SW, China, and suggested to rework the PGE background values of Chinese coals.  相似文献   

贵州务川瓦厂坪铝土矿床地质特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究表明[2~5],铝土矿产于中下志留统韩家店组(S1-2hj)页岩或上石炭统黄龙组(C2h)灰岩侵蚀面上,含矿层位为中二叠统梁山组(P2l),赋矿围岩主要为炭质页岩和铝土质页岩,分布受向斜构造控制,含矿岩系厚度与铝土矿层厚度、铝土矿石质量关系密切;矿床成因属古风化壳沉积型。  相似文献   

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