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Because large construction ships cannot enter the shallow sea, traditional configuration foundations, such as gravity-type foundation and pile foundation, are not suited for offshore wind power project in shallow seas. Therefore, a new type of foundation-segmentally-tapered bucket foundation is proposed. Based on the limit equilibrium method, a systematic method is proposed to calculate the horizontal bearing capacity of the segmentally-tapered bucket foundation. The influences of obliquity of wall, foundation height, top diameter of bucket and soil parameters on the horizontal bearing capacity of the segmentally-tapered bucket foundation are analyzed. It is found that the horizontal bearing capacity increases with the increase of the wall obliquity, soil resistance, top diameter of bucket and foundation height, while decreases with the increase of the depth of seabed. Based on the concept of volume compression ratio, the bucket foundation with inclined upper section wall and vertical lower section wall is recommended and demonstrated. An accurate method is proposed to determine the proportional coefficient of soil resistance. The results are helpful in the optimization design of traditional bucket foundation.  相似文献   

随着冬季抢修抢建混凝土工程的增多,研发适用于严寒地区具有良好抗冻性的快硬水泥意义重大。磷酸镁水泥具有早期强度高、初凝时间短、与混凝土相容性好等特点,被视为混凝土工程的良好快修快建材料。然而,磷酸镁水泥制备的水泥砂浆或混凝土在北方地区的冬季往往会受到冻融循环作用,导致其耐久性和强度出现不同程度的退化。为增强磷酸镁水泥的抗冻性,在磷酸镁水泥制备中用铁铝酸盐水泥代替一定数量的过烧氧化镁,制备出快硬磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥。通过冻融循环前后磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥砂浆试件的质量损失测试、强度试验、孔隙率测试及SEM-EDS测试,得出:铁铝酸盐水泥代替氧化镁的数量在30%~40%时,制备的磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥砂浆试件冻融循环后的质量损失率最小,抗压强度和抗折强度达到峰值,抗压强度和抗折强度剩余率最高,孔隙率最小,因而该配合比的磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥具有最好的抗冻性。由SEM-EDS测试可知磷酸镁水泥砂浆试件冻融循环后,基体中的胶凝材料K-鸟粪石部分溶解,试件整体结构疏松,晶体间存在大量间隙;磷酸镁水泥制备中掺入铁铝酸盐水泥后,制得的磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥水化生成大量晶体填充于砂浆试件基体内部,无定形水化产物对砂浆试件的强度有一定补偿作用,使得磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥砂浆试件在冻融循环后孔隙率大幅减小,密实度得到提高,使得磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥的抗冻性能得到了显著增强。磷酸镁-铁铝酸盐复合水泥为北方严寒地区冬季混凝土抢修抢建工程提供了一种新材料。  相似文献   

By carrying out triaxial unloading test under different stress paths on rock, the complete stress-strain curves, deformation characteristics and its strength criterion are studied. The test results show that the relation between lateral strain and confining pressure firstly is linear, and then is nonlinear in the total stage of unloading confining pressure. And its growth rate is about 3 to 5 times the growth rate of the axial strain. It shows obvious lateral dilatancy, and the degree of dilatancy is related to the unloading path. According to the area that is enclosed by confining pressure and volumetric strain curve, it can be seen that the greater the confining pressure is before unloading, the more the energy releases. Deformation modulus decreases gradually with the unloading confining pressure, and increases with the initial confining pressure; the relation between deformation modulus and confining pressure shows negative exponential distribution overall. At the same unloading paths, the reduction of the deformation modulus increases with the increase of initial confining pressure. The Poisson's ratio rises up continually, and the variation law with the confining pressure can be well described by nonlinear. Failure characteristics of rock are mainly shear failure. The strength characteristics of rock can be well characterized by using the Mohr strength criterion of power function. These conclusions provide reliable theoretical reference and guiding significance for the deep mining of the underground metal mine.  相似文献   

季节冻土区特殊的温湿环境造成盐渍土累积变形是导致众多工程问题的主要原因,但其变形破坏机理尚不十分明确。通过配制不同含盐量的粉土开展冻融循环试验,研究试验过程中温度、未冻水含量、孔隙水压力、基质吸力和位移的变化规律。结果表明:孔隙水压力和基质吸力对土体温度敏感,对土体变形有重要影响。类比于非饱和土有效应力原理,给出了冻结盐渍土的有效应力方程,将土体变形分为温度应变、盐胀、冻胀、溶陷、融沉和残余应变,很好地解释了冻结盐渍土的变形机理。研究了含盐量对土体变形的影响程度,发现低含盐量时土体应变以冻胀和融沉为主;随着含盐量的增加,盐胀和溶陷的贡献越来越大;而含盐量为1%时土体变形最小,表明适当控制含盐量可有效抑制土体变形。  相似文献   

Recent researches on Au in coal ash were summarized in this paper, including the distribution law and the migration rule of gold in coal ash, as well as the influencing factors on volatility and use feasibility of Au in the progress of coal combustion. Au content in coal ash is much higher than that in the raw coal in most cases worldwide, only a small number of opposite cases are found in certain places. Occurrence of Au in coal, geological-geochemical environment of coal-forming and combustion conditions are the main factors controlling the volatility of gold in coal combustion, while the occurrence of Au in coal dominates the redistribution of Au. Through preliminary calculation, gold in coal ash is expected to have a considerable utilization potential in the southwestern Guizhou Province.  相似文献   

碲作为稀散元素,很少形成独立矿床,主要以共伴生形式产出于多个类型矿床中,包括铜镍硫化物和铂族矿床、铁氧化物铜金(IOCG)矿床、块状硫化物(VMS)矿床、斑岩矿床、矽卡岩矿床、造山型金矿、卡林型金矿和浅成低温热液矿床等。研究表明,碲元素可以形成上百种碲矿物,除了自然碲之外,多与Au、Ag、Pb、Bi、Cu等形成碲化物,与S或者Se形成碲的硫化物或硒化物,也可以形成碲酸盐、硅酸盐、磷酸盐、硫酸盐等矿物;此外Te还可以以类质同象形式替换寄主矿物中的元素。在成矿带尺度、矿床尺度及其矿石中碲均表现出极不均匀的分布特征,与主矿种Cu、Au、Ag等具有成因关系。碲具有多来源特征,可以源自地幔,也可以是浅部壳源岩浆或是围岩地层提供。碲矿化一般发生在成矿的中晚阶段,流体可通过混合作用、水岩反应、沸腾作用等改变体系的物理化学条件(如pH值、硫逸度、氧逸度、碲逸度、温度等),导致流体pH值升高、硫逸度和氧逸度降低,碲逸度升高,这是诱发碲矿物富集和沉淀的主要机制。碲由于其受控成矿条件较为特殊,需要着重加强碲富集成矿的关键控制因素、成矿物质来源和富集沉淀机制的研究。  相似文献   

吕敦波  张帆  张益峰  杨科  吕飞  胡大伟 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1796-1806
In order to study the effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the type I fracture toughness of granite under ultra-low temperature conditions,semi-circular bending(SCB)specimens were used in this study,and different freeze-thaw times(1,2 and 3 times)were selected. The granite in the natural state was treated with -160 ℃ ultra-low temperature freeze-thaw cycles,and the three-point bending test was carried out on the granite after the freeze-thaw cycle. and microstructure effects. The results show that with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles,the localized damage of I-type crack tip of granite is intensified,the fracture toughness is decreased,the number of microcracks and pores in the rock is increased,the length of cracks is increased,and the pore size is increased. Finally,the changes of rock frost heaving force and fracture toughness under low temperature and ultra-low temperature conditions are compared and analyzed. Compared with low temperature conditions,the frost heaving force produced by ultra-low temperature freezing and thawing is larger. When fracture toughness decreases by approximately the same amplitude,rocks need more cycles of freezing and thawing at low temperature. The research results can provide theoretical reference for underground storage of liquefied natural gas(LNG)in ultra-low temperature environment. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

石灰土作为路基填料代替宕渣是一种较为经济的方案,但灰土初始强度低、硬化速率慢、碳化时间长,不利于快速施工,需要进行改良研究。利用偏高岭土与石灰发生火山灰反应的原理改良灰土,通过单轴压缩试验和三轴压缩试验,分析改良灰土冻融循环条件下力学参数变化规律,利用图像处理技术提取改良灰土图像表面孔隙,建立孔隙率与强度的关系,并通过研究龄期、石灰含量和含水率变化规律,分析偏高岭土改良灰土的机制。结果表明:偏高岭土能够有效提高灰土材料反应速率,改善灰土力学特性;偏高岭土在一定程度上能够恢复冻融循环导致的灰土力学性能损失,降低冰晶体产生的孔隙;灰土强度达到最优后,其强度随着石灰的增加而降低,而经偏高岭土改良后其强度将继续增加;火山灰反应比灰土碳化过程消耗更多的水分,有效提高了灰土的抗冻性能。  相似文献   

We studied the upper-bound ultimate bearing capacity of smooth strip shallow footings with symmetrical and asymmetrical horizontal confinements on purely frictional sand within the framework of upper-bound limit analysis. The subsoil follows the associated flow rule, and no surcharge on the soil surface is assumed. The contact between the soil and the horizontal confinement walls is assumed to be perfectly rough. The upper-bound solutions for the objective functions are obtained using nonlinear sequential quadratic programming. The results for the different internal friction angles φ are provided in terms of the variation of two parameters, namely, the bearing capacity factor Nγ and the correction factor of bearing capacity Kγ, with respect to the change in the clear spacing between the edge of smooth footing and the rigid vertical walls. The values of Nγ and Kγ increase with φ and decrease with the clear spacing between the edge of the smooth footing and the rigid vertical walls. Nγ and Kγ are more sensitive to this confining effect as φ increases. The numerical results, a comparative analysis with the results from previous studies, and design charts are also included.  相似文献   

The Dabie and Sulu orogens between the North China and the Yangtze cratons were left-laterally offset about 4(H) km along the NE-striking Tan-Lu Fault Zone. The fault zone terminates abruptly at the southeastern corner of the Dabie Orogen, suggesting unique origin of the fault zone which remains controversial. Structures in the Zhangbaling Croup and Feidong Complex in the Zhangbaling Uplift formed in a flat-lying ductile detachment zone with a shear sense of top to the SSW. Whereas, the Tan-Lu shear zone in the l.ujiang area exhibits as a sinistral ductile shear zone. Thus, the Tan-Lu Fault Zone in the east of the Dabie Orogen experienced two phases of deformation. The first phase deformation exhibits as sinistral ductile shear belts, the sinistral ductile shear zone was then involved in the NK-SW trending tightly folds and thrusts deformation. The Susong Complex and Zhangbaling Group in the Dabie Orogens exhibit as exhumation structures. According previous muscovite 4'Ar/,>Ar ages and deformation of syn-collisional folds and thrusts, we propose an indentation-induced continent-Tearing model for the initialization the Tan-Lu Fault Zone.  相似文献   

陈冲  张伟  邢庆辉  豆沂宣 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1912-1924
黑河流域中下游地下水系统受上游冰冻圈融水和降雨的补给,由气候变暖导致的冰冻圈萎缩致使中下游地下水系统的稳定性面临更多的风险。地下水模型是地下水系统稳定性评估的有效手段,但是地下水模型参数往往存在较大的不确定性。为此,本文提出了基于数据同化算法的不确定性分析方法,通过包含观测资料信息减小模型不确定性。采用所提方法分析了(基于MODFLOW构建)黑河流域中游地下水模型中13个参数的不确定性,讨论了算法超参数的影响及其最优取值,分析了地下水模型参数的不确定性。实验结果证明数据同化算法可有效减小地下水模型参数的不确定性,观测资料的种类与数量对参数不确定性的减小起到重要作用;不同地下水模型参数的不确定性不同,地表水与地下水相互作用频繁的区域参数不确定性较大;含水层渗透系数、含水层给水度以及灌溉回流系数对模型输出的地下水位输出影响显著,河床水力传导系数对模型输出的河流流量影响较大。本研究将为地下水研究提供更加可靠的模型方法,为西北内流区地下水哺育的绿洲生态系统稳定可持续研究提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

Landslide often exhibits characteristics of multi-stage destruction in practical engineering. However, the most dangerous slip surface and corresponding minimum safety factor are only concerned in general computing and design, this often leaves security risk. Considering the softening characteristics of geomaterial, a theoretical framework of effective simulation and evaluation of landslide multi-stage destruction is established with FLAC(3D) and Matlab software platform. Taken landslide in low-rent housing area of Dangjiaba in Xunyang county as an example, the process of forming multi-slip surfaces is revealed by progressive evolution of plastic shear strain, plastic tensile strain and shear strain increment and so on. It is shown that time and space sequences are not necessarily corresponding sequence. The temporal sequences of multi-slip surfaces are first-class main slip surface, second-class main slip surface and sub-slip surface; the spatial sequence is first-class master slip surface, sub-slip surface and second-class main slip surface. The number of slip surfaces is equal to the number of tension cracks in collecting on-site. The entry location of first-class main slip surface is in excellent agreement with the tension crack in the frontal part of landslide, but the positions of second-class master slip surface and sub-slip surface have little error with the tension crack on-site. The distribution and magnitude of strength parameters in the slip surfaces gradually change with the development of slip surface from peak strength to residual strength, this is the root reason why the multi-slip surfaces of landslide can be simulated effectively. The evolution of vector sum safety factors according the temporospatial distribution of material parameters in the multi-slip surfaces is obtained. It turns out that there are three different sequences of safety factors in the process of forming the multi-slip surfaces of landslide. It illustrates the active and passive relationships among all slip surfaces in the formation process.  相似文献   

废旧轮胎胎面挡土墙是一种有效利用废旧轮胎的理想途径,但直立的模块式废旧轮胎胎面挡土墙不能承受高强度的地震作用,因而提出格栅条带式加筋的方法提高其抗震性能。根据土-结构动力相似体系,设计格栅条带式加筋废旧轮胎胎面挡土墙振动台试验模型,考虑地震强度、地震波、格栅加筋长度、格栅加筋间距以及墙面坡度的影响,分析胎面墙体与回填料加速度、墙体侧向位移、墙顶表面回填料沉降以及墙背动土压力等地震响应特征,并与无加筋的废旧轮胎胎面挡土墙的振动台模型试验进行对比。研究结果表明:格栅条带式加筋胎面挡土墙的方式显著改善了无加筋状态的胎面挡土墙的地震响应特征,提高了胎面挡土墙的抗震性能,格栅条带式加筋直立式废旧轮胎胎面挡土墙可以作为理想的墙体进行工程推广应用。  相似文献   

冻融循环作用是造成寒区工程病害的主要因素之一。为探究冻融循环对木质素纤维改良黄土力学和热学的影响,通过轻型击实试验、冻融循环试验、不固结不排水三轴剪切试验、热常数分析试验和X射线衍射试验,以木质素纤维掺量、冻融循环次数和围压为变量展开研究。结果表明:随着掺量的增加,改良黄土的最大干密度降低,最优含水率升高;随着冻融循环次数的增加,试样的应力-应变曲线由应变硬化型向应变弱软化型转变;试样的质量损失率、破坏强度、弹性模量、黏聚力、内摩擦角和导热系数均随着冻融循环次数的增加呈下降趋势,在经历第1次冻融循环后衰减率最高,并且总是在掺量为5%时达到最大值;试样的破坏强度和黏聚力在经历6~9次冻融循环后趋于稳定;黄土及掺量为5%的改良黄土在X射线衍射分析中成分相似,未发现新的物质生成,因此,木质素纤维是一种绿色的物理固化材料。该研究成果可为寒区土体加固提供新思路。  相似文献   

2022年,在所有编委、审稿专家、作者和读者的支持与助力下,《冰川冻土》顺利完成了本年度出版任务。在大家的共同努力下,2022年4月期刊被Scopus数据库收录!这一年,共有455位审稿专家以自身在专业领域的深厚造诣、认真严谨的态度和无私奉献的精神来遴选优质稿件,保证了优秀科研成果的快速发表,为期刊高质量发展“保驾护航”。《冰川冻土》编委会和编辑部衷心感谢每一位审稿人对本刊作出的贡献!  相似文献   

The different aspects lead to great differences in the processes of water,heat,and energy balance,which further affect the soil environment and the growth of alpine plants. Based on an experimental study with eight aspects(abbreviated as octagonal platform)of Huashixia frozen soil observation base on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,the influence of aspects on soil environments and alpine vegetation growth was studied. The results showed that:(1)After 6 years,the soil temperature of each slope near the surface(10 cm and 30 cm depth)from high to low was as follows:south > southeast > southwest > west > east > northwest > northeast > north,that is,the relatively sunny slope(east,southeast,south and southwest)was higher than the relatively shady slope(west,northwest,north and northeast). However,there was no significant difference in soil water con⁃ tent between the sunny slope and the shady slope at the depth of 0~30 cm. (2)The growth trend of aboveground vegetation(including plant height,coverage and aboveground biomass)on sunny slope was better than that on shady slope. The growth trend of underground vegetation(including root depth and underground biomass)on sunny slope was worse than that on shady slope. (3)In the depth of 0~10 cm,the content of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen on sunny slope was higher than that on shady slope. However,the content of total phosphorus on sunny slope was lower than that on shady slope. There was no significant difference in total potassium and available nutrients among different slopes(P>0. 05). In general,the effect of temperature on vegetation growth and nutrient distribution is significant in alpine regions,and these findings provides an important reference for vegetation restoration and energy balance research in different aspects. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   

Experimental results have proved that the Xuefengian Sn-bearing biotite granites were formed by remelting and recrystallization of the Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Sibao Group at 500× 105-2000× 105 Pa and 750-570℃ and further testified that the F- and B-bear-ing aqueous solution played an important part in decreasing the formation temperature of the rocks. The results tally with the reality of the field geology. The authors have thus brought to light the mechanism for the formation of the Sn-bearing biotite granites and expounded the significance of their formation in the crust dynamics of South China.  相似文献   

The distribution of frozen soil in our country is very broad, and the area of permafrost alone accounts for 22. 4% of the total land area. As a special kind of soil, frozen soil has many properties that thawing soil does not have due to the influence of ice cement in the soil. Among the many properties of frozen soil, the deformation and strength of frozen soil are the basic problems affecting engineering construction in frozen soil areas. The spherical template indenter test is widely used in the test of the mechanical properties of frozen soil because of its simple test process and relatively accurate test results. Compared with the conventional triaxial test or direct shear test, the test process of the spherical template indenter test is simple and easy to implement, the test period is short, and the sample preparation requirements are low. The advantage of effective cohesion is more significant. Therefore, based on the spherical template indenter test of the frozen soil, this paper estimates the strength and mechanical index of the soil through the indentation depth of the spherical template indenter test, and establishes the relationship between the force of the sample and the indentation depth of the indenter test. The specific test method is as follows:take the water-saturated frozen sandy soil made of different particle size groups(the moisture content of the sample is affected by the particle size in the saturated state)as the research object, study the variation law of the depth of the frozen soil sample pressed into the soil by the spherical indenter with time under the conditions of different fixed loads. By comparing and referring to the frozen sands of each particle size group, the long-term equivalent cohesion of the frozen sands of different particle size groups is summarized. The change law of force(long-term shear strength)with time, and the research method of elastic mechanics to solve space problems, summed up the mutual conversion between the depth St of spherical template indenters pressed into frozen sand samples under different fixed load test conditions relation. The research results show that the long-term shear strength of frozen sand based on the spherical mold test is positively correlated with its particle size. At the same time, since the ice content of frozen soil samples is proportional to its particle size, the long-term shear strength of frozen sand is also proportional to the test. The ice content of the sample increases year-on-year;the long-term shear strength of the frozen sand is related to the maximum contact pressure on the contact surface between the frozen soil and the indenter during the test, which can be expressed as Ct = γq0. The size of the relationship coefficient γ is inversely proportional to the diameter of the spherical indenter. In this paper, the spherical indenter is selected as 22 mm, and γ=3. 82×10-3. By establishing the relationship between the maximum contact pressure q0 and the long-term shear strength Ct When the maximum contact pressure q0 is the same under different fixed loads, the long-term shear strength Ct is also the same. According to this, the depth curve and the freezing depth of the frozen sand pressed into the soil by the spherical indenter over time under different fixed loads can be converted. Long-term shear strength curve of frozen sandy soil with time. It has been verified by experiments that the conversion curve of the depth of the indenter pressed into the soil with time under a fixed load of 7. 0 kg is highly consistent with the measured curve of the depth of the indenter pressed into the soil with time under a fixed load of 5. 1 kg and 7. 0 kg. © 2022 Nanjing Forestry University. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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