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We study RXTE PCA data for the high mass X-ray binary source SMC X-1 between 2003–10 and 2003–12 when the source was in its high states.The source is found to be frequently bursting which can be seen as flares in lightcurves that occur at a rate of one every 800 s, with an average of 4–5 Type Ⅱ X-ray bursts per hour.We note that typically a burst was short, lasting for a few tens of seconds in addition to a few long bursts spanning more than a hundred seconds that were also observed.The flares apparently occupied 2.5% of the total observing time of 225.5 ks.We note a total of 272 flares with mean FWHM of the flare ~21 s.The rms variability and aperiodic variability are independent of flares.As observed, the pulse profiles of the lightcurves do not change their shape, implying that there is no change in the geometry of an accretion disk due to a burst.The hardness ratio and rms variability of lightcurves exhibit no correlation with the flares.The flare fraction shows a positive correlation with the peak-to-peak ratio of the primary and secondary peaks of the pulse profile.The observed hardening or softening of the spectrum cannot be correlated with the flaring rate but may be due to the interstellar absorption of X-rays as evident from the change in hydrogen column density(n_H).It is found that the luminosity of the source increases with the flaring rate.Considering that the viscous timescale is equal to the mean recurrence time of flares, we fixed the viscosity parameter α~ 0.16.  相似文献   

对欧洲γ天文卫星COS-B数据的分析迄今未能发现在天鹅座X-3位置上存在着γ射线点源,从1977年6月到1980年6月,COS-B对Cyg-X天区进行了三次观测,各次观测的主要参数见表1,在第22次观测和第36次观测期间,天鹅区X-3大部分时间处于X辐射低态,各自只有6天左右处于高态;在第51次观测期间,大部分时间为X辐射高态,只有7天左右处于低态。  相似文献   

一些作者提出Her X-1的35天开关周期是由中子星的自由进动引起的。对这个模型我们进行了理论计算,并将理论结果和观测资料进行了比较,我们发现: (1)Hcr X-1的35天周期的光变曲线的理论值与观测(Jones & Forman,1976)不符。 (2)在这个模型中脉冲宽度和强度随35天周期有很大的变化(见图4和图5),也与观测不符(如Gruber等人1980年的观测)。 (3)Parmar等人(1985)报道他们没有发现预期的Her X-1的X射线辐射35天周期的变化,这也同中子星自由进动的模型不一致。 Pravdo等(1977)建议观测到的X射线脉冲是由产生于中子星表面附近的、对称的辐射束经汤姆逊散射而形成。我们用强磁场中的汤姆逊散射理论所作的分析表明,该模型可以较好地与观测相符。  相似文献   

One of the most amazing phenomena in astronomy, during the last twenty years, have been cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The duration of these events vary from a few milliseconds to hundreds of seconds. We have never been able to identify the source of these bursts in other wavelengths. These objects have also never been seen in-rays after the initial bursts although there is some very weak statistical evidence that some of the bursts will repeat (Quashnock and Lamb 1993). The standard explanation for these bursts has been that they are somehow related to neutron stars in our own Galaxy. The latest results from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (Fishmanet al. 1994) show clearly that there is no excess concentration of these events (743 bursts) in the Galactic plane. After this, a more promising explanation is that the bursts are related to the Galactic halo or that the origin is extragalactic. In this letter we show that it is very probable that the origin of these events is the QSOs and that the radiation comes from the same synchrotron source as in the other observed wavelengths.  相似文献   

通过处理天文卫星COS-B的数据,我们首次获得了Cygnus X-3的γ射线像,并且发现了150—5000 MeV高能γ辐射与2—12keV X辐射强度的负相关现象,即X射线高态时的γ辐射比低态时弱. γ-X负相关现象可以用吸积盘X射线冕区中密集的X射线光子对γ射线的吸收作用解释.  相似文献   

利用线性状态空间模型(Linear State Space Model-LSSM),将 Cyg X-1的功率谱分解为LSSM产生的模型功率谱和剩余功率谱两部分.集中分析剩余功率谱,结果显示, Cyg X-1在低/硬态、转换态和高/软态三种状态的剩余功率谱有着不同的结构特征.其中高/软态和低/硬态的剩余功率谱存在一个宽峰结构,中心频率分别为~ 8 Hz和~ 5 Hz,低/硬态的剩余功率诺在~ 0.07 Hz达到极大;转换态的剩余功率谱有双峰结构,其中心频率分别在~0.5—4Hz和~5—11Hz,与我们以前分析的 QPO的中心频率很接近,说明 QPO与线性状态空间所要求的自回归模型可能属于不同的物理过程.与总功率谱比较,剩余功率谱对谱的变化部分(例如QPO、截断频率等)更为敏感,本文对剩余功率谱中谱峰变化的原因做了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

We present X-ray spectral analyses of the low-mass X-ray binary Cir X-1 dur- ing X-ray dips,using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)data.Each dip was divided into several segments,and the spectrum of each segment was fitted with a three-component blackbody model,in which the first two components are affected by partial covering and the third one is unaffected.A Gaussian emission line is also included in the spectral model to represent the Fe Kαline at~6.4 keV.The fitted temperatures of the two partially covered components are about 2 keV and 1 keV,while the uncovered component has a temperature of~0.5-0.6 keV.The equivalent blackbody emission radius of the hottest component is the smallest and that of the coolest component is the largest.During the dips the fluxes of the two hot components are linearly correlated,while that of the third component does not show any significant variation.The Fe line flux remains constant,within the errors,during the short dips.However,during the long dips the line flux varies significantly and is positively correlated with the fluxes of the two hot components.These results suggest:(1)that the tem- perature of the X-ray emitting region decreases with radius,(2)that the Fe Kαline emitting region is close to the hot continuum emitting region,and(3)that the size of the Fe line emit- ting region is larger than that of the obscuring matter causing the short dips but smaller than the region of that causing the long dips.  相似文献   

A balloon-borne gemanium spectrometer was flown in an attempt to detect line-emission from Cyg X-1 and the Crab nebula in the energy range 30–270 keV. The experiment was carried out on 29–30 September, 1982. A line feature at 145 keV was observed from Cyg X-1. The intensity is (1.34±0.31)×10–2 photons cm–2 s–1 and the width is 14.3 keV FWHM. From the Crab nebula, a weak line feature with 1.8 excess was found around 78 keV.  相似文献   

本文详细讨论了X射线双星Cyg X-3 的X光子场对γ射线的吸收效应.计算结果表明:当Cyg x-3 的X光子发射场处于高态时,从致密中子星附近发射的能量为10~2—10~4MeV的γ射线约有60%被其吸收,吸收过程产生的正负电子的逆Compton 散射会使出射能量10—70MeV的γ射线强度平均增加约50%.计算的γ射线能谱与实验观测结果基本相符.  相似文献   

1985年9月22日,我们用空间硬X射线望远镜HAPI-2,在我国的高空气球上,对天鹅座X-1进行了观测,望远镜几何面积为140cm~2,观测能区20—200keV,空间定向精度±0.2°。获得的硬X射线能谱陡,总辐射能流LX~1.0×1~(37)erg/sec,低于常规态。本文将介绍望远镜的性能和观测过程,能谱分析的结果,并对当时天鹅座X-1可能的“态”进行讨论。  相似文献   

X射线源天鹅座X-1是可见星BD34°3815(即HD226868)的不可见伴星。因为它的质量超过中子星的上限以及它的X射线辐射的准周期性变化,很多人(例如[1-5])认为它是从可见星吸积物质而发出X射线的黑洞。这个天体作为黑洞的主要候选对象而引起了天文学家极大的兴趣。现在,我们从中国古代天象记录中发现它可能是一个历史超新星爆发的遗迹,从而增  相似文献   

本文应用对武仙座X射线源 Her X-1新近获得的硬X射线谱线的观测资料,对辐射区域的物理情况作了初步的探讨。得到:辐射区域对谱线辐射是不透明的,激发温度T~2.4×10~8K,辐射区域的截面积~2×10~7厘米~2,并预言第三条谱线的强度约为第一条谱线的1/13,第三条谱线的宽度约为第一条谱线的3倍。  相似文献   

简要介绍激变变星及激变变星的测光特征,重点介绍了类新星主为星V795 Her自发现以来的一系列观测,包括测光、分光、X射线、紫外观测等。同时,介绍了V795 Her的双星模型、演化模型及我们的测光结果。  相似文献   

The eccentric orbit binary model which has been developed by Haynes, Lerche and Murdin (1979) for the radio-emitting X-ray source Circinus X-1 is used to calculate the inverse Compton -ray flux. Burst-like behaviour is predicted in association with the formation near orbital periastron of a luminosity-driven, radially expanding shock front.  相似文献   

针对天文观测数据不等间隔的特点,利用Jurkevich方法对黑洞候选体X射线双星Cyg X-1近16年的Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)All-Sky Monitor(ASM)数据进行了频谱分析,并结合Kidger周期存在可信度的判据,发现Cyg X-1存在363±11.5 d的光变周期,但没有发现420 d的光变周期,而且150 d的光变周期可能仅仅是51±1.4 d光变周期的观测表象。  相似文献   

张明轩  屈进禄 《天文学报》2004,45(4):356-360
CygX-1高能辐射的时变特征可以通过短暴(shot)的性质反映.因此CygX-1的短暴性质,特别是处于低态时的性质曾被广泛研究,利用直接叠加短暴和自相关函数,对CygX-1高态时短暴的性质进行了研究.结果表明,当CygX-1处于高态时,其短暴的结构类似于低态时所具有的性质,短暴的半高宽随能量的增加按指数下降.此结果和康普顿化模型不一致.另外,短暴的能谱演化及结构的非对称性可以解释CygX-1中的时延现象.  相似文献   

We have calculated the spectrum of Cyg X-1 under the assumption that the radiation orginates in a disk around a 11M black-hole. Supersonic turbulence prevails in the outer parts of the disk and electron-electron bremsstrahlung appears to be resonsible for the maintenance of the temperature at a level less than 1010 K near the inner edge of the disk. The theoretical spectrum gives the best fit with the observations if the Reynolds number is about 1200.  相似文献   

Circinus X-1是小质量X射线双星(LMXB),它的能谱和时变十分复杂而独特。在不同的观测时期,它的硬度强度图(HID)和双色图(CCD)显示了不同的形状。本文选择了Circinus X-1正处于X射线流量从高向低转换期间的观测数据,通过对这一时期HID和相应能谱和时变性质的讨论,并将所得结果与1997年观测到的高亮度期间的能谱和时变性质(Shirey 1999)进行对比研究,进一步找到源的强度变化对其X射线辐射性质的影响。  相似文献   

The detection of very high energy γ-ray emission from the Galactic center has been reported by four independent groups. One of these γ-ray sources, the 10TeV γ-ray radiation reported by HESS, has been suggested as having a hadronic origin when relativistic protons are injected into and interact with the dense ambient gas. Assuming that such relativistic protons required by the hadronic model come from the tidal disruption of a star by the massive black hole of Sgr A*, we explore the spectrum of the relativistic protons. In the calculations, we investigate cases where different types of stars are tidally disrupted by the black hole of Sgr A*, and we consider that different diffusion mechanisms are used for the propagation of protons. The initial energy distribution of the injected spectrum of protons is assumed to follow a power-law with an exponential cut-off, and we derive the different indices of the injected spectra for the tidal disruption of different types of stars. For the best fit to the spectrum of photons detected by HESS, the spectral index of the injected relativistic protons is about 2.05 when a red giant is tidally disrupted by the black hole of Sgr A* and the diffusion mechanism is the Effective Confinement of Protons.  相似文献   

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