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Xuanwei and Fuyuan, located in southwest China, are two counties with extremely high lung cancer incidence. Pollution, relative to coal combustion, especially serious air pollution generated by burning smoky coals in unvented households was the most predominant cause. Quartz as a possible inorganic carcinogen in all typical coals (18 sites in Xuanwei and 14 sites in Fuyuan) were sampled and examined to determine the relationships between quartz content and lung cancer incidence. Scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray apparatus and X-ray diffractometer were employed for quartz analysis. It showed that it coincided with studies reported before in Xuanwei. Coal samples from high cancer incidence areas were all examined with high content of quartz, while coal samples from low cancer incidence areas with no content of quartz. However, data in Fuyuan received reverse results; many samples from low lung cancer incidence areas were found with quartz, but some samples from high lung cancer incidence areas were not found at the same detection limits. It indicated that quartz content in local coals has no significant relationship to lung cancer. This study added basic data and should be helpful to the future study on the etiology of lung cancer.  相似文献   

Sun  Wei  Hou  Yufei  Guo  Lanjiang 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2533-2553
Natural Hazards - Air pollution emissions can exceed the environmental self-purification capacity and trigger hazardous meteorological events, which have non negligible impacts on all aspects of...  相似文献   

The Guangdong province of China contains the most clearly described high-incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) areas in the world. The geographical heterogeneity of cancer incidence in the region suggests that many carcinogenic risk factors might be present in the regional geochemical environment. This paper presents the concentrations of a wide range of known carcinogens in two high cancer incidence areas in Guangdong and compared them to a low cancer incidence area in the same province. N-Nitrosamines, NO3, NO2, and ammonium were detected in groundwater, surface water, and drinking-water. The concentrations of the 7 trace metal and metalloid elements As, Cd, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Hg were determined in surface soil samples and all water samples. The results show that, compared with the guidelines or limit values for drinking-water quality in the world, the high cancer incidence areas have hazardous high levels of N-nitrodimethlyamine (NDMA) in all kinds of water. Oppositely, the low cancer incidence area has a safe low level of NDMA in water bodies. The levels of NO3, NO2, and ammonium in water have the same character, although they have different expression between the two high-risk areas. The distribution of the 7 tested trace elements in surface soil has no significant correlation with cancer incidence. On the other hand, high concentrations of carcinogenic N-Nitrosamines in drinking-water and natural water bodies were identified for the first time in the high NPC and HCC incidence area.  相似文献   

浙江良渚遗址群环境演变与人类活动的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
良渚遗址群是距杭州市西北18 km的良渚镇和瓶窑镇毗邻地带间许多遗址的总称,代表了良渚文化发展的最高成就,是良渚文化的中心.根据在2007年发现的良渚古城墙外侧开挖的良渚北剖面、良渚西剖面沉积样品的粒度分析、孢粉分析数据,以及综合区域内多个剖面地层对比,恢复了该地区全新世环境的演变过程.研究表明,全新世良渚遗址群内环境...  相似文献   

我国主要含煤区煤体结构特征及与渗透性关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国主要含煤区的100多个煤层以及若干个钻孔煤心,进行宏观煤岩类型、煤体结构、煤裂隙以及与煤层渗透性等方面研究,结果表明a.我国煤体破坏程度由北向南、自西向东增强,从盆地中部向盆缘增强.我国中、西部和北部主要是原生结构煤,东部和南部以及盆缘构造煤发育.b.糜棱煤是地层构造变形强烈的产物,但构造变形强烈的地层不一定形成糜棱煤.c.碎裂煤的渗透率比原生结构煤高,碎粒煤和糜棱煤渗透率低.对于一个即有碎裂煤,又有碎粒煤和糜棱煤发育并交替出现的煤层,碎粒煤和糜棱煤在碎裂煤之间起着低渗透性的屏障作用,渗透性低的煤分层扼杀了渗透性高的煤分层,极大地降低了煤层渗透性.因此在有碎粒煤和糜棱煤发育的煤层,煤体结构对煤层渗透性的影响大于裂隙发育程度的影响,成为控制渗透性的首要因素.  相似文献   

The incidence of lung cancer in the Gejiu area of Yunnan Province ranks the first in the world.The radon level(indoor,soil) was measured in the Gejiu area by the SSNTD method from 1990 to 1996,The result indicates an extensive high-level of indoor radon in that area though U and Th are lower in local limestones,The indoor radon level of houses located in the geologic fault zone is 6 times high that 2km far from the fault zone.The reason probably is that the radon level of soil in the fault is 6-8 times high that 1 km far from the faults.our data indicate that a lower range of radon levels,0-100Bq.m^-3,exists in healthy families.However,a higher radon level,over 800 Bq.m^-3,is often found corresponding to that of cancer patients‘ homes(the house-owners are suffering from either lung cancer or leukaemia or liver cancer),Obviously,an increase in lung cancer incidence follows an increase in indoor radon level,The risk of cancer induced by indoor radon is no longer an inference,but a fact.  相似文献   

The study on the relationship between the soilmass deformation and water seepage under certain stress in North China was conducted through combined tests of the consolidation deformation and water seepage. The results showed that the actual deformation of the clay soil under stress is greater than the deformation induced by the seepage. On average, the deformation induced by seepage was about 60% of the actual clay deformation under stress. The actual deformation of sandy soil, however, is less than the deformation induced by seepage. On average, the seepage-induced deformation was approximately 125% of the actual sandy soil deformation. These results indicated that the sandy soil did not have complete plasticity. Clay had the highest amount of water seepage and deformation, while silty soil, calcareous highly cemented clayed soil and sandy soil had less water seepage and deformation. The underlying mechanisms were also discussed. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of land subsidence mechanism and rough estimation of groundwater exploitation.  相似文献   

Extensive nebkha areas develop mainly under the control of aeolian processes, and their sediments record information on regional environmental changes during different periods. Such areas have developed on the dry riverbeds and deserted arable lands of China’s Alaxa Plateau, Taklimakan, and Kumutage deserts. In this paper, we studied nebkhas that had developed in the Heicheng–Juyan region to determine their CaCO3 contents, particle size distributions, and creation dates. Extensive human activities have occurred in this region since at least in the late Tang Dynasty (618–907 ad). Although historical records show that most of the region’s rivers dried up around 1372, surface water persisted in some areas until the early Qing Dynasty (1644–1911 ad). After the 1600s, extensive nebkhas began to develop due to drying of the region’s rivers. The early stages of nebkha development were controlled by both the sediment supply and the regional wind regime, whereas late stages were controlled primarily by variations in wind activity. In the Alaxa Plateau, it took about 100 years for arable lands and riverbeds to evolve into gobi deserts, and during this time, several phases occurred with different levels of wind activity. The land degradation processes in this region are mainly controlled by surface water resources, and the impact of human activities such as reclamation on land degradation appear to have been overestimated in previous studies.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate crops cultivated in reclaimed soils from subsidence areas that had been reclaimed in the Liuxin mining area, Xuzhou, China, to determine if such crops were safe. To accomplish this, heavy metals such as Hg, Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn and As (metalloid) concentrations in different parts of wheat planted in the research area were detected. The single contamination index method and comprehensive contamination index method were used to estimate the level of heavy metal pollution in rhizosphere soil. Besides, the distribution of heavy metal concentrations in different organs of wheat of the research area was compared, and the enrichment coefficients of Cd and Cr, which as the primary pollutants, in different parts of wheat were determined and used to yield curve estimation, after which a Cd regression equation was constructed. Finally, a kind of visible expression method of heavy metal pollution in wheat was explored. The results showed that the rhizosphere soil of the research area reached the local standard, but as different organs of wheat differed in the ability of enrichment of heavy metals, the Cd and Cr concentrations in wheat grains exceeded the national food hygiene standard. The distribution and migration tendencies of Cd and Cr concentrations in different organs of mature wheat were consistent in reclaimed sites, but differed in control site. The Cd regression equation passed the model verification. The results of risk evaluation of Cd and Cr in the wheat grain revealed that the single contamination index of the three sites reached light to severe level, and the comprehensive contamination index ranged from light to medium pollution level. This research is of important practical value for monitoring the safety of plant grown in mining areas.  相似文献   

地震活动与矿井顶板事故影响关系统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对地震活动与顶板事故进行时空序列统计分析,得出两点新认识:(1)顶板事故与宏观地震序列有较强的频率对应,似乎是"遥相呼应";(2)相当多的顶板事故伴随有周边小震发生。推测部分原因是这些矿井位于地震带附近,部分原因是采矿卸压引发矿震,一些地震可能是宏观地震序列中的一部分。如果能够掌握,并加以利用,对于安全生产具有一定意义:对既定煤田,查找周边对矿区地应力影响强烈的地震带或断裂带,这些矿井顶板事故有可能成为周边地震带或断裂带的"应力窗",而地震带或断裂带的活动又成为煤矿地质灾害的"晴雨表"。在煤田大区,可以把顶板事故群发当作构造应力扰动的一种反映,作为大区构造应力扰动传入矿区,再与开采卸压作用叠加,引起地质灾害的证据。  相似文献   

北半球季节性冻融区与北半球夏季降水关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
针对冻融过程引起的土壤湿度异常与北半球夏季降水的关系, 基于1981 - 2010年ERA5的月降水和土壤湿度资料, 采用奇异值分解(SVD)方法, 分析了北半球季节性冻融区春季土壤湿度和北半球夏季降水的年际变化特征以及它们之间的相关关系。结果表明: 北半球季节性冻融区春季土壤湿度年际变化的大值区与北半球夏季降水年际变化的显著区之间存在较好的对应关系; 季节性冻融区春季土壤湿度与夏季降水之间存在着指数函数变化关系, 在北美西部、 西亚以及东亚的大部分地区, 春季土壤湿度与夏季降水呈显著的正相关, 表明季节性冻融区春季土壤湿度的增加会引起该地区夏季降水的增加。  相似文献   

中国西南泛亚大通道环境工程地质问题概论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南泛亚大通道是中国近期和今后将要重点规划建设的能源和交通廊带,具有重要的经济和战略意义。由于地处中国西南地质环境条件极其复杂的横断山区南段,该廊带地形地貌和地质构造都极其复杂,新构造活动强烈,导致地质灾害频发,并以类型全、数量多、规模大为特点。外动力地质灾害主要包括滑坡、崩塌、泥石流,它们制约着地表工程的建设和运营安全;高地温、高地应力和岩溶突水等又是控制地下工程规划建设的瓶颈。文中从地质环境演化过程的内外动力作用入手,简要地总结了中国西南泛亚大通道规划和建设过程中可能遇到的地质灾害和重大工程地质问题,并探讨了上述问题的研究途径。  相似文献   

As a new type of pollutants in the marine environment,microplastics have attracted increasing attention from scientific researchers and environmental protection workers in China and abroad.However,for the microplastic pollution in sea areas in China,there are a very limited number of studies on its current status and few reviews of research on the microplastics.This paper reviews the surveys and researches of microplastics in the Bohai Sea,the Yellow Sea,the East China Sea,the South China Sea,and main estuaries in China carried out in recent years and proposes an outlook for future work,aiming to provide research suggestions and solutions for ecological protection against microplastic pollution in sea areas in China.Previous studies have shown that microplastics are widely distributed in water bodies and sediments in sea areas and major estuaries in China.The Pearl River Estuary,in the South China Sea suffers the most serious microplastic pollution,followed by the Bohai Sea.In contrast,the microplastic pollution in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea is comparatively slight.Microplastics in sea areas in China are mainly fibrous and are concentrated in offshore areas with developed industry and a dense population(especially around estuaries and bays).In addition,they are widely affected by human activities,such as shipping,aquaculture,industry,and sewage discharge.Here the authors suggest unifying measurement units and research methods and developing related standard systems to carry out researches related to microplastics.Furthermore,this paper also suggests further deepening researches on both the source-sink process of microplastics and nanoscale microplastics while enhancing the development and implementation of related policies,aiming to promote researches and control of microplastics in sea areas in China.  相似文献   

Background & aim: To investigate and analyze the elements pollution in the extremely high tumor risks residents in the Chaoshan littoral, southern China. Methods: 19 elements including Cr, Mn, Ni, Sr, Pb, Zn, Co, Sn, Th, Tl, Se, Hg, Cu, Mo, Cd, Sb, U, Ge, As, and Al were measured from 145 hair samples of residents from the high-risk Nanao Island (mortality of cancer 173-156/106 in recent 30 years), Shantou high-risk village (mortality of cancer 230.4/106 in recent three years), and two controls Shanwei (mortality of cancer 32/106 in 1970s) and Meizhou Hakka (incidence of cancer 103/106 ) using AAS, AFS, ICP-MS methods collaborated with Beijing University. And 21 samples of water, 18 samples office from the Nanao Island, Shantou high-risk village, and other low-risk controls were measured using the same methods. Results: The element analysis showed that levels of CD, PB in the Shantou high-risk village were the highest, Hg, MN, SR, SB, TH, U on the Nanao Island were the highest in hairs. Conclusions: It is indicated that there occurred elements pollution among the local high-risk population.  相似文献   

Safeguarding groundwater from pollution is largely a global political decision. These decisions are basically supported by DRASTIC (D=Depth to water, R=Recharge, A=Aquifer media, S=Soil media, T=Topography, I=Impact of vadose zone, C=Hydraulic conductivity) analysis. Furthermore, water quality index (WQI) is an effective tool for groundwater quality evaluation and management. This study identifies the relationship between these two indices [i.e., pollution vulnerability index (PVI) and WQI]. The DRASTIC index of the study area was found to be from 60.4 to 178 characterized by very low, low, medium high, and very high vulnerability constituting of 12.88, 24.38, 34.11, 21.99, and 6.63% of the study area, respectively. In addition, the WQI of the area according to the analyzed parameters is between 10.19 and 55.63. It was established that a good correlation (61%) was found to exist between the two indices; which may be an indication that most pollutants present in the groundwater are likely due to anthropogenic activities on the land surface.  相似文献   

In this study, samples of dustfall collected monthly or semi-monthly, during 1997–1999, at two representative sites (Kexueguan: KLD and Gaolanxan: GLX) in Lanzhou, a typical industrial city in northwestern China, have been examined using environmental magnetic measurements. A set of magnetic parameters of 50 dustfall samples were analysed. Results demonstrate that Lanzhou City is heavily polluted, with the main pollution sources being anthropogenic activities and natural dust. The former poses a threat to human health all the year, which is different from the general opinion that natural dust is the main source of pollution in summer. This study extended the application of environmental magnetic techniques and can be regarded as a progressive step in exploring urban pollution problems using environmental magnetic techniques. The results from the present study have an important implication on the design of future urban pollution control strategies in Lanzhou, and the method could be applied to other urban cities in the world.  相似文献   

中国页岩气成藏和潜在产能与对环境的污染分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
基于当今化石能源的需求还在扩展,它的紧缺势态波及全球,而中国的确需要更多的页岩气。为此,非常规油、气能源,特别是页岩油、气的勘探、开发和利用就必然地提上了社会进步和经济发展的议程上,并得到世界各个国家的高度重视。因此,页岩油、气现已成为中国能源界和科技界及政府部门的热门话题。在经过了一段时间的"热炒"和依据尚不充分的评估后,本文通过对中外有关资料的分析和讨论认为,(1)必须在了解世界各国、特别是北美页岩油、气赋存与开发的条件下,独立自主地、依据充分地认识中国页岩的分布状态和页岩气的潜能;(2)在理解其他国家页岩属性、页岩气前景和勘查及储存背景下,在中国必须较全面的进行页岩和页岩气存储的地球物理勘探,并选择远景好的典型地区进行示范性研究与探索;(3)厘定页岩气的开采过程与条件及其对环境的污染程度和多个国家对开发页岩气质疑的核心;(4)集理念与实践认识综合制定研究中国页岩气切实可行的方案与怎样发展的路线图;(5)中国目前尚不宜大力投入和急于实施对页岩气的开采,其前景不容过于乐观。  相似文献   

With the development of Chinese economies, air pollution is becoming more and more serious, which greatly affects the residents’ daily life and health. Meanwhile, China’s aging population is growing rapidly and bringing a number of social problems. We used the data of CHARLS and analyzed the relationships between air pollution and chronic diseases among the elderly in China. The results showed that air pollution had significant adverse effects on the health of the elderly, especially on diabetes and heart diseases. The subgroup analysis showed that female is more sensitive to air pollution than male, while different age groups are significantly sensitive to different chronic diseases.  相似文献   

师淑娟  王学求  宫进忠 《中国地质》2011,38(6):1562-1567
以水系沉积物地球化学调查成果为基础,从统计学角度探讨了河北省金地球化学异常与金矿规模的对应关系。以2.6 ng/g为异常下限,在全省范围内圈定金区域异常28处,局部异常35处。研究发现区域异常与金矿的关系非常密切,100%的大型金矿、81.8%的中型金矿及70.9%的小型金矿都位于区域异常内。局部异常仅与小型金矿的关系密切,小型金矿在局部异常中的产出概率是20%。通过23个金异常面积与金矿储量的相关分析表明,二者相关性非常好,相关系数达0.919,金异常面金属量与金矿储量的相关性也很显著,相关系数达0.924。回归分析表明,金异常面积及异常面金属量与金矿床储量之间符合一元线性相关特征,并分别建立了回归方程。该成果对矿产预测及资源潜力评价具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Arid and semiarid areas are widely distributed in China but rich in natural resources. Because of the arid climate, complex geological conditions, and human activities, some problems of ecological environmental geology occur, such as lack of water resources, desertification, salinization, and biogeochemical endemic diseases, etc. These problems occur in fragile regions of the environment, seriously restricting the developing of the national economy and causing harm to human health. Ecological environmental geology is a new developing science in China. Through the research of ecological environmental geology and with the help of research results of the western plain of the Tarim Basin in Xingjing, we propose a comprehensive administrative measure of ecological geological environment on the basis of rational utilization of water resources, and it can be used to improve the ecological environment of arid and semiarid areas.  相似文献   

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