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Hydrological and hydrogeological data in the area have been verified to evaluate the availability and the potentiality of the water resources for the proposed damsites in the Wadi el Mujib catchment area, which is considered a semiarid to arid region. The quantity of the surface waters is very small compared with the surface area of the basin, however, due to the shortage of precipitation in the country and the necessity to attain socioeconomic objectives, the investigation of these waters has become more vital. The most reliable exploitation can be essentially achieved by constructing small storage dams on the suitable sites in order to benefit from the flood waters coming from the main wadis. For the above purpose, the hydrogeological and hydrological study of Wadi el Mujib catchment area was carried out, where the Wadi Mujib dam site will be constructed. The hydrogeological investigation of the groundwater was performed by constructing a groundwater contour map of the Amman-Wadi Es Sir aquifer (B2/A7) so as to verify the groundwater flow system and to determine the potentiality of the aquifer from the hydraulic parameters obtained from the pumping test analysis. The hydrological feasibility study of the dam was carried out by evaluating the water balance for a long-term period (1970 to 1990) in order to obtain reliable data that can be used to estimate the recharge to B2/A7 aquifer. In addition, a frequency analysis was performed to estimate the flood design of the reservoir area as well as the spillway at the proposed dam site.  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution by arsenic is a major health threat in suburban areas of Hanoi, Vietnam. The present study evaluates the effect of the sedimentary environments of the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits, and the recharge systems, on the groundwater arsenic pollution in Hanoi suburbs distant from the Red River. At two study sites (Linh Dam and Tai Mo communes), undisturbed soil cores identified a Pleistocene confined aquifer (PCA) and Holocene unconfined aquifer (HUA) as major aquifers, and Holocene estuarine and deltaic sediments as an aquitard layer between the two aquifers. The Holocene estuarine sediments (approximately 25–40 m depth, 9.6–4.8 cal ka BP) contained notably high concentrations of arsenic and organic matter, both likely to have been accumulated by mangroves during the Holocene sea-level highstand. The pore waters in these particular sediments exhibited elevated levels of arsenic and dissolved organic carbon. Arsenic in groundwater was higher in the PCA (25–94 μg/L) than in the HUA (5.2–42 μg/L), in both the monitoring wells and neighboring household tubewells. Elevated arsenic concentration in the PCA groundwater was likely due to vertical infiltration through the arsenic-rich and organic-matter-rich overlying Holocene estuarine sediments, caused by massive groundwater abstraction from the PCA. Countermeasures to prevent arsenic pollution of the PCA groundwater may include seeking alternative water resources, reducing water consumption, and/or appropriate choice of aquifers for groundwater supply.  相似文献   

Interactions between river water and groundwater have been used to help understand the movement of water and to evaluate water quality in the semi-arid area of the North China Plain (NCP). Stable isotopes, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochemistry were used to study the influence of surface water from the Xiao River on regional groundwater. Using a mass balance approach based on chloride concentrations, hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios, the average fraction of surface water recharging to groundwater was 50–60 %. CFC results indicated that the groundwater recharge age varied from 22.5 to 39.5 years. The vertical flow velocity of groundwater was estimated at about 1.8–3.5 m year?1. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater varied from 9.42 to 156.62 mg L?1, and exceeded 50 mg L?1 in most aquifers shallower than 80 m bordering the Xiao River. The δ 15N-NO3 data indicate that the major sources of nitrogen in groundwater are human sewage and animal excreta. Because groundwater is the main source of drinking water, there should be concern about public health related to the elevated nitrate concentrations in the NCP.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow modelling in the central zone of Hanoi, Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
On the basis of a review of the Quaternary sedimentary architecture in the area of Hanoi city (Vietnam), a numerical, deterministic and three-dimensional groundwater flow model has been built for a simulation between 1995 and 2004. The sedimentary architecture has been constructed on the basis of the data from 32 drillings covering the entire Quaternary sequence (but with little sedimentological detail), as well as hydrographical and hydrogeological data. Both steady- and transient-state conditions were tested. Results calculated by the model seem to indicate that the conceptual hypotheses adopted are reasonable for the modelled domain and period. The simulation allows for calculation of the regional groundwater flow trends. It is also used for assessing the relative importance of the various recharge sources of the shallow aquifer system in Hanoi, and for estimating the interactions between groundwater and the Red River.  相似文献   

The problem of Arsenic source in groundwater has yet been addressed thoroughly. From the results of the analysis of samples, this article gives the statement that the Arsenic in groundwater of Quaternary sediments in Hanoi has mainly natural source, with the impact of man-made factors (industrial waste water, use of crop protection products, etc.). The article also explains the formation of Arsenic in groundwater in Hanoi area is closely related to the reduction by two main mechanisms, reducing mechanism of oxyhydroxit (Fe3 + OHAs) As liberation by microorganisms and reducing mechanism of As adsorbed on iron oxide or oxyhydroxit replaced by bicarbonate. The process of oxidation of minerals containing As is needed to be researched more.  相似文献   

岩溶地下水是乌蒙山集中连片贫困区内居民生产生活的主要水源,归纳区内地下水富集特征并探讨岩溶地下水的供水意义对于当地地下水资源勘察和开发利用具有重要的现实意义。文章针对乌蒙山以礼河中上游区域,基于现场水文地质调查,对水样进行采样和测试,并结合地下水天然资源量的计算方法,归纳总结了研究区内岩溶地下水的富集特征,并结合富水程度、供水条件和水质特征三个方面探讨了岩溶水的供水意义。研究得到以下结论:(1)研究区内岩溶地下水的富集特征可归纳为五种类型:断裂导水带、断裂溶蚀谷、条带溶蚀谷、褶皱溶蚀谷、阻水接触带;(2)富水块段内地下水化学类型以Na-HCO3型和Ca·Mg-HCO3型为主,水质整体较好,I~III类水占比为79%,超标指标主要为硝酸盐和耗氧量;(3)各富水块段地下水的天然补给量和排泄量分别为329.7~14 512.4万m3·a−1和4.6~1 308.4万m3·a−1,排泄量占补给量比值为0.3%~15.5%,区内地下水资源剩余开发潜力较大;(4)断裂溶蚀谷、条带溶蚀谷和阻水接触带供水意义显著,其余富水块段在不同程度上受限于水资源时空分配不均、不具备供水条件、水质较差等情况,其供水受到影响。  相似文献   

阐述了我国水文水资源研究的发展阶段,面临的主要问题,以及当前研究中的热点问题。以新疆地区为例,对干旱区内陆河流域的水文水资源研究方向作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Life and the sustainable growth of socioeconomic sectors such as agriculture and industry depend on groundwater, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water resources are limited. The objectives of the current study are to characterize groundwater chemistry and assess its suitability for industrial usage in the Guanzhong Basin located in the semi-arid region of northwest China. To better understand the hydrogeochemistry in the study area, statistical analysis, ionic plots and Pearson's correlation analysis were conjunctively used. Finally, a novel industrial water quality index (IndWQI) model was developed in this paper to determine the overall industrial water quality based on scaling, corrosion, and foaming coefficients as well as some physicochemical parameters. The contribution of each parameter to the overall industrial water quality was determined using multivariate statistical analysis approaches. The findings reveal that dissolution of minerals such as calcite, dolomite, anhydrite and gypsum regulate the groundwater geochemistry in the study area. In addition, human activities influence the groundwater quality in the study area. According to the novel IndWQI approach, 78.95 % of the confined water samples and 74.51 % of the phreatic water samples have excellent or good quality, and can be safely used for industrial boilers. The geospatial analysis shows that the most contaminated groundwater samples are mainly located in northeast Xi'an and the northeast region of the Guanzhong Basin. The IndWQI model is trustworthy, as it can combine several water quality indices and give an instantaneous impression of the whole groundwater quality for industrial uses. It can serve as a benchmark for other areas across the world with a comparable climate.  相似文献   

Self potential (SP) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) methods are used together with the results of groundwater samples hydrogeochemical analysis to assess the impact of the water leak from the landfill garbage site at NamSon located in Northern Hanoi on causing pollution to the surrounding environment and affecting geological structure. Selected survey area covers an area of 180 × 300 m lying in the low land of the NamSon site with a slope ranging about 8 m in direction NW–SE. There are three geophysical measurements lines denoted as T1, T2 and T3. Processing 180 SP data points has allowed to draw maps of equipotential epoch in the two periods in 2015 and 2016. The maps show four zones of SP positive anomalies with maximum amplitudes of about +20 mV where the groundwater flow direction is downward and five zones of SP negative anomalies with minimum values in a range from ?180 to ?260 mV where the groundwater flow direction is upward. Resistivity values of the subsurface layers of soils and rocks have been aquired from 2D inverse model for measuring ERT in March 2015 and March 2016. The results of the ERT allowed to define the low resistivity in the range 15–20 Ωm related to leachate plume from NamSon landfill site. Results of the physico-chemical analysis of groundwater samples from the existing six boreholes show increases in concentration of the measured pollutant parameters indicating contamination of the groundwater as a result of solid waste leachate accumulation. This result is affirmative evidence for the survey results by geophysical technique. The rapid decrease in quality of groundwater over the last year is probably due to the influence of the leachate from the NamSon landfill site.  相似文献   

梁文君  何颖  肖传桃 《江苏地质》2015,39(2):218-224
对祁连山北麓祁青地区河流阶地进行野外测量和调查,获得了北大河、朱陇关河、小柳沟河阶地的拔河高度、结构、发育及沉积特征等资料。探讨了祁青地区河流阶地类型,为进一步研究北祁连河流阶地的发育成因及对古气候的沉积响应提供了科学依据。分析得出该地区河流阶地发育有基座阶地T4,堆积阶地T3、T2、T1,其年龄分别为70.00、30.00、10.78、5.77 ka BP。结合古构造运动、古气候环境以及对阶地沉积特征的观察,认为基座阶地T4主要受白杨河运动形成,而堆积阶地T3、T2、T1主要受气候变化的影响。  相似文献   

基于在鲁中南低山丘陵基岩地区开展的1∶5万水文地质调查工作,通过水文地质调查、水文地质钻探、地球物理勘探、抽水试验、水质分析等技术方法,分析该区水文地质特征。研究结果表明:区内地下水类型划分为松散岩类孔隙水、碎屑岩类孔隙裂隙水、碳酸盐岩类裂隙岩溶水以及基岩裂隙水4类,并总结了其含水岩组富水性;分析了地下水补给、径流、排泄条件及其演化以及环境水文地质问题。圈定了有集中供水意义的第四系孔隙水富水地段3处,总结了地层阻水型蓄水构造和断层储水构造2种基岩蓄水构造类型。区内地下水质量以Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类为主,超过Ⅲ类水标准的组分主要是硝酸盐、总硬度、铁,其次为氟化物等。利用总结的区内找水模型,共施工具有供水意义的水文地质钻孔10眼,总涌水量7017.84 m3/d,可解决近10万人生活和5900多亩农田灌溉用水问题。对于寻找新的供水目标含水层及找水定井工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

豫北平原是河南省重要的能源、冶金和纺织等工业基地,也是粮棉油料作物的主要产区。同时,又是水资源较匮乏的地区。但大量咸水(矿化度>1 0g L)资源得不到开发利用,且广泛分布的咸水已日益突出地成为环境水文地质问题。根据大量实地调查资料和地质成果,文章较详细地论述了豫北平原咸水含水层分布、富水性、补给、径流和排泄、水化学和同位素、利用现状及动态等水文地质特征。为缓解豫北平原水资源供需矛盾的压力,变害为利,根据咸水的分布状况、咸水农业利用和咸水养殖利用的适宜性、咸水改造方法和补源条件等,提出咸水开发利用与改良规划应"以用为主,以用促改"。结合各地实际情况,对不同矿化度的咸水应采取不同的开发利用方式、改良方案和措施。  相似文献   

The literature contains limited information on variations in the factors of safety (FOS) of riverbank stability associated with river water level (RWL) fluctuations. This paper analyses a case study on the portion of the Red River flowing through Hanoi using the finite element method and extending the mechanics of saturated and unsaturated soils to understand how the riverbank’s FOS varies with RWL fluctuations. The results show that hydrostatic force is one of the key parameters influencing the FOS when the soil’s hydraulic conductivity is less than 10−6 m/s. However, the pore-water pressure and rate of RWL change are the key parameters influencing the FOS when the hydraulic conductivity is greater than 10−6 m/s. The study also indicates that a surcharge of 50 kPa or higher significantly weakens the riverbank stability and influences the FOS when the RWL rises. The construction of residential or other structures without taking special protection measures within 50 m of the lateral riverbank should be avoided for safety reasons.  相似文献   

西安地区地热水和渭北岩溶水同位素特征及相互关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
依据采自西安地区300到3000米深地热井中地热水的水化学成分和同位素成分,确定出地热水的主要补给源和循环路径。地热水δ~(18)O 值变化于-11.8‰~-3.1‰VSMOW 之间,而δD 值变化幅度很小,在-87~-80‰VSMOW 之间,与西安市区现代大气降水的δD 值(~-60‰VSMOW)明显不同。在δ~(18)O~δD 关系图上,浅层地热水(〈1500米〉落在大气降水线上,而深层地热水(>1500米)向右侧偏离了大气降水线,呈现显著的氧同位素正向漂移现象。氧同位素由秦岭山前向盆地内部逐渐富集,在盆地内部随井深成正相关。据此判断,西安地热水的补给区位于秦岭山区。~(14)C 值表现为与氧同位素相反的变化趋势,~(14)C 年龄值在6,000~30,000年之间,表明地热水的地下循环时间很长。由井间~(14)C 年龄差异估算出从南到北地热水平均流速为1.7米/年,从西到东为2.5米/年。这些特征与渭北岩溶水截然不同,表明西安地区地热水与渭北岩溶水之间,虽然在空间上有密切联系,但分属于不同的水文地质单元,有各自独立的补径排系统。  相似文献   

A survey of the quality of groundwater across a broad area of the North China Plain, undertaken in 1998 to 2000, indicates that nitrate pollution is a serious problem affecting the drinking water for a vast population. The use of nitrogen (N)-fertilizer in agriculture has greatly increased over the past 20 years to meet the food needs of the rapidly expanding population. During the study, 295 water samples were collected from wells and springs to determine the water chemistry and the extent of nitrate pollution. High concentrations of nitrate, especially in a recharge area along the western side, but also in the vicinity of Beijing and locally in other parts of the plain, pose a serious problem for the drinking water supply. In places, the nitrate concentration exceeds the maximum for safe drinking water of 45 mg/L. The intense use of N-fertilizer and the widespread use of untreated groundwater for crop irrigation contribute greatly to the problem, but no doubt the disposal of industrial and municipal waste into streams and infiltrating the aquifer also contribute to the problem; however, the lack of data prevents evaluation of those sources. In the recharge area, nitrate is found at depths of as much as 50 m. Near Beijing, relatively high concentrations of nitrate occur at depths of as much as 80 m. In the discharge area, in the vicinity of the Yellow River, high concentrations of nitrate occur at depths of <8 m.

Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary Material is available in the online version of this article at
Resumen Contaminacíon de nitratos a causa de prácticas agrícolas en diferentes zonas hidrogeológicas del sistema de flujo regional de aguas subterráneas en la planice del norte de China. Un estudio de la calidad del agua subterránea en una zona amplia de la planice del norte de China se llevó a cabo entre 1998 y el año 2000. Este estudio indica que la contaminación de nitratos es un problema grave que afecta el agua potable de una vasta población. El uso de fertilizantes a base de nitratos en la agricultura ha aumentado considerablemente durante los últimos 20 años para satisfacer las necesidades alimentices de la creciente población. Durante el estudio, se tomaron 295 muestras de pozos de agua y manantiales para determinar la química de las aguas y el grado de contaminación por nitratos. Altas concentraciones de nitratos, especialmente en una zona de recarga a lo largo del lado oeste, asì como en la cercanía a Pekín y en zonas locales en otras partes de la planicie, presentan un problema serio al sumunistro de agua potable. En ciertos lugares, la concentracióon de nitratos excede el nivel máximo de seguridad para el agua potable 45 mg NO3/L. El intenso uso de fertilizantes de nitratos y el abundante uso de agua subterránea sin tratamiento para la irrigación de cultivos contribuyen sustancialmente al problema. Sin embargo, sin lugar a dudas, la descarga de deshechos industriales y municipales en arroyos y en el acuífero también contribuyen al problema. La falta de datos impide la evalución de dichas fuentes. En la zona de recarga se encuentran nitratos hasta los 50 m de profundidad. Cerca a Pekín, concentraciones relativamente altas de nitrato ocurren hasta los 80 m de profunidad. En las zonas de descarga afectadas por el Río Amarillo las concentraciones altas de nitrato se encuentran solamente a menos de 8m de profundidad.

Resumé Une campagne dévaluation de la qualité de leau souterraine entreprise entre 1998 et 2000 à travers une vaste étendue de la plaine du nord en Chine indique que la pollution par les nitrates est un problème sérieux qui affecte la qualité de leau souterraine pour une abondante population. Lutilisation de fertilisants azotés pour lagriculture a augmenté considérablement durant les 20 dernières années afin de rencontrer les besoins alimentaires dune population à forte croissance. Lors de cette étude, 295 échantillons deau ont été prélevés dans des puits et sources naturelles afin de déterminer la composition chimique de leau souterraine ainsi que létendue de la pollution par les nitrates. Des concentrations élevées de nitrates, en particulier dans une zone de recharge le long de la limite ouest de la plaine, mais aussi dans la région de Beijing et sporadiquement dans la plaine, posent de sérieux problèmes à la consommation de leau souterraine. A certains endroits, la concentration en nitrates excède la valeur maximale acceptée pour la consommation qui est de 45 mg NO3/L. Lutilisation intensive de fertilisants azotés ainsi que lutilisation répandue deau souterraine non traitée pour lirrigation contribuent pour beaucoup au problème, mais il ne fait pas de doute que le rejet des déchets municipaux et industriels dans les rivières et aquifères y est aussi pour quelque chose. Par contre, le manque de donnés ne permet pas dévaluer la contribution de chacune de ces sources. Dans la zone de recharge, les nitrates se retrouvent à des profondeurs allant jusquà 50 m. Près de Beijing, des concentrations relativement élevées de nitrate ont été mesurées à des profondeurs allant jusquà 80 m. Enfin, dans la zone démergence affectée par la rivière Jaune, les fortes concentrations se retrouvent à une profondeur maximale de 8 m.

The hydrochemical composition of surface water and groundwater is a key parameter for understanding the evolution of water and its quality.In particular, little is known about the impact of transferred water on surface water and groundwater.In this study, Baiyangdian Lake was selected as a typical area for extensive groundwater exploration and surface water transfer in the North China Plain.Surface water and groundwater samples were sampled in dry/wet seasons and then analyzed before/after the water transfer, respectively.Generally, surface water and groundwater are extensively hydrologically connected based on hydrochemical evidence.It was found that the hydrochemical composition of the shallow groundwater is affected by the surface water and that the water quality of the deep groundwater is stable.However, inter-aquifer recharge processes from the shallow groundwater to the deep groundwater existed in the anthropogenic region impacted with high nitrate-ion concentrations.Also, the hydrochemical composition of the surface water and groundwater was dominated by rock-weathering and evaporation-precipitation processes.Due to the existence of the deep vadose zone in the alluvial fan, Na~+was exchanged into soil matrices during the leakage of the surface water.In addition, the transferred water resulted in surface water with good quality, and it also played as an important recharge source to groundwater.As the most important water resource for irrigation and drinking, deep groundwater should be paid more attention in the alluvial fan with frequent water transfer and extensive groundwater exploration.  相似文献   

Seismoacoustic profiling and sonar survey of the North Caspian water area revealed in some areas signs of intense release of methane from the sedimentary sequence. This fact was also supported by submarine videorecording data. Such sites are characterized by hummocky and ridgy morphologies, which accommodate local cone-shaped bodies (up to 1.3–1.5 m high) overgrown with algae, Balanus, and shelly material. Based on dredging data, these rises are composed of hard sandstones and shells. They can cover the seafloor or make up separate interlayers in the bottom sediments down to a depth of 2.7 m. Mineralogical studies demonstrated that the coarse-grained sediments are cemented with Mg-calcite, with δ13C reaching ?32.6‰. They also include microcrystalline barite and globular iron sulfides. The results of investigation suggest that the local activation of authigenic mineral formation is related to gas discharge sources.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate factors regulating groundwater quality in an area with agriculture as main use. Thirty groundwater samples have been collected from Razan area (Hamadan, Iran) for hydrochemical investigations to understand the sources of dissolved ions and assess the chemical quality of the groundwater. The chemical compositions of the groundwater are dominated by Na+, Ca2+, HCO3 , Cl and SO4 2−, which have been derived largely from natural chemical weathering of carbonate, gypsum and anthropogenic activities of fertilizer’s source. The production of SO4 2− has multiple origins, mainly from dissolution of sulphate minerals, oxidation of sulphide minerals and anthropogenic sources. The major anthropogenic components in the groundwater include Na+, Cl, SO4 2− and NO3 , with Cl and NO3 being the main contributors to groundwater pollution in Razan area.  相似文献   

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