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Two modes of dipole events in tropical Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By analyzing the distributions of subsurface temperature and the surface wind stress anomalies in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans during the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events, two major modes of the IOD and their formation mechanisms are revealed. (1) The subsurface temperature anomaly (STA) in the tropical Indian Ocean during the IOD events can be described as a “<” -shaped and west-east-oriented dipole pattern; in the east side of the “<” pattern, a notable tongue-like STA extends westward along the equator in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean; while in the west side of the “<” pattern, the STA has opposite sign with two centers (the southern one is stronger than the northern one in intensity) being of rough symmetry about the equator in the tropical mid-western Indian Ocean. (2) The IOD events are composed of two modes, which have similar spatial pattern but different temporal variabilities due to the large scale air-sea interactions within two independent systems. The first mode of the IOD event originates from the air-sea interaction on a scale of the tropical Pacific-Indian Ocean and coexists with ENSO. The second mode originates from the air-sea interaction on a scale of the tropical Indian Ocean and is closely associated with changes in the position and intensity of the Mascarene high pressure. The strong IOD event occurs when the two modes are in phase, and the IOD event weakens or disappears when the two modes are out of phase. Besides, the IOD events are normally strong when either of the two modes is strong. (3) The IOD event is caused by the abnormal wind stress forcing over the tropical Indian Ocean, which results in vertical transports, leading to the upwelling and pileup of seawater. This is the main dynamic processes resulting in the STA. When the anomalous easterly exists over the equatorial Indian Ocean, the cold waters upwell in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean while the warm waters pileup in the tropical western Indian Ocean, hence the thermocline in the tropical Indian Ocean is shallowed in the east and deepened in the west. The off-equator component due to the Coriolis force in the equatorial area causes the upwelling of cold waters and the shallowing of the equatorial India Ocean thermocline. On the other hand, the anomalous anticyclonic circulations and their curl fields located on both sides of the equator, cause the pileup of warm waters in the central area of their curl fields and the deepening of the equatorial Indian Ocean thermocline off the equator. The above three factors lead to the occurrence of positive phase IOD events. When anomalous westerly dominates over the tropical Indian Ocean, the dynamic processes are reversed, and the negative-phase IOD event occurs. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40776013), National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403601) and the Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX-SW-222)  相似文献   

Using reanalysis data, the role of initial signals in the tropical Pacific Ocean in predictions of negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events were analyzed. It was found that the summer predictability barrier (SPB) phenomenon exists in predictions, which is closely related to initial sea temperature errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean, with type-1 initial errors presenting a significant west-east dipole pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean, and type-2 initial errors showing the opposite spatial pattern. In contrast, SPB-related initial sea temperature errors in the tropical Indian Ocean are relatively small. The initial errors in the tropical Pacific Ocean induce anomalous winds in the tropical Indian Ocean by modulating the Walker circulation in the tropical oceans. In the first half of the prediction year, the anomalous winds, combined with the climatological winds in the tropical Indian Ocean, induce a basin-wide mode of sea surface temperature (SST) errors in the tropical Indian Ocean. With the reversal of the climatological wind in the second half of the prediction year, a west-east dipole pattern of SST errors appears in the tropical Indian Ocean, which is further strengthened under the Bjerknes feedback, yielding a significant SPB. Moreover, two types of precursors were also identified: a significant west-east dipole pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean and relatively small temperature anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean. Under the combined effects of temperature anomalies in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans, northwest wind anomalies appear in the tropical Indian Ocean, which induce a significant west-east dipole pattern of SST anomalies, and yield a negative IOD event.  相似文献   

3/He4He measurements at two stations in the Atlantic show that the deep water (> 2 km) contains far less excess3He than our previous measurements have shown for the Pacific Ocean. The3/He4He ratio anomaly (relative to atmospheric3/He4He) is approximately 5% for the deep Atlantic compared to about 20% for the deep Pacific. The North Atlantic3He profile shows much more structure than the South Atlantic profile, with maxima observed at 500 m, 1900 m, and 3200 m. The maxima at 500 m and 1900 m are probably due to in situ tritium decay, whereas the 3200 m maximum cannot be due to tritium, and is probably due to leakage of3He into the Atlantic water from the mantle. It seems significant that maxima in the trace elements Cu, Zn and Fe have also been observed at 3200 m at this station by Brewer, Spencer and Robertson.  相似文献   

The results of a high-resolution mineral magnetic study combined with major element geochemistry analysis, oxygen isotopes and 14C AMS stratigraphy are reported for deep-sea gravity cores MD77-169 and MD77-180 located in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, respectively. Core MD77-169 covers the last 280 kyr and core MD77-180 covers the last 160 kyr. In both cores, rock magnetic parameters indicate that the magnetic assemblage is dominated by pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite grains, with grain-size variations following a strong 23 kyr periodicity. Smaller magnetic grain sizes are observed during periods characterized by a strong summer monsoon. In addition, in core MD77-180, we observe a correlation between magnetic grain size and a chemical index of alteration. This suggests that these magnetic grain-size changes are related to chemical weathering driven by summer monsoon rainfall. A comparison of the GISP2 ice core isotopic record and the magnetic grain-size record of the Bay of Bengal shows that rapid temperature variations documented in the ice core (Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles and Heinrich events), during the last glacial period are also present in the magnetic grain-size record. Heinrich events and cold stadial events are characterized by relatively large magnetic grain sizes. Furthermore, Heinrich events are characterized by lower values of the chemical index of alteration implying a lower degree of chemical weathering related to significantly drier conditions on the continent. We suggest that rapid cold events of the North Atlantic (Heinrich events) during the last glacial stages are characterized by a weaker summer monsoon rainfall over the Himalaya via an atmospheric teleconnection.  相似文献   

Total dissolved chromium concentrations have been determined for four vertical profiles from Baffin Bay, the Labrador Sea and the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Chromium concentrations of 3.3 to 5.2 nM are found. While the vertical distribution of chromium in the study area is largely controlled by advective processes, the profiles show a small depletion in surface water with increase to a more constant level at depth. Surface depletion and correlations between chromium and nutrients indicate biogeochemical cycling of chromium. At one station, close to the Gibbs fracture zone, a distinct chromium maximum is observed. This feature centred at 3200 m is deeper than the core of the ambient water mass which is advected westward from the Eastern Basin of the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibbs fracture zone.  相似文献   

We present the first regional three-dimensional model of the Atlantic Ocean with anisotropy. The model, derived from Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocity measurements, is defined from the Moho down to 300 km depth with a lateral resolution of about 500 km and is presented in terms of average isotropic S-wave velocity, azimuthal anisotropy and transverse isotropy.The cratons beneath North America, Brazil and Africa are clearly associated with fast S-wave velocity anomalies. The mid-Atlantic ridge (MAR) is a shallow structure in the north Atlantic corresponding to a negative velocity anomaly down to about 150 km depth. In contrast, the ridge negative signature is visible in the south Atlantic down to the deepest depth inverted, that is 300 km depth. This difference is probably related to the presence of hot-spots along or close to the ridge axis in the south Atlantic and may indicate a different mechanism for the ridge between the north and south Atlantic. Negative velocity anomalies are clearly associated with hot-spots from the surface down to at least 300 km depth, they are much broader than the supposed size of the hot-spots and seem to be connected along a north-south direction.Down to 100 km depth, a fast S-wave velocity anomaly is extenting from Africa into the Atlantic Ocean within the zone defined as the Africa superswell area. This result indicates that the hot material rising from below does not reach the surface in this area but may be pushing the lithosphere upward.In most parts of the Atlantic, the azimuthal anisotropy directions remain stable with increasing depth. Close to the ridge, the fast S-wave velocity direction is roughly parallel to the sea floor spreading direction. The hot-spot anisotropy signature is striking beneath Bermuda, Cape Verde and Fernando Noronha islands where the fast S-wave velocity direction seems to diverge radially from the hot-spots.The Atlantic average radial anisotropy is similar to that of the PREM model, that is positive down to about 220 km, but with slightly smaller amplitude and null deeper. Cratons have a lower than average radial anisotropy. As for the velocities, there is a difference between north and south Atlantic. Most hot-spots and the south-Atlantic ridge are associated with positive radial anisotropy perturbation whereas the north-Atlantic ridge corresponds to negative radial anisotropy perturbation.  相似文献   

A230Th profile (dissolved + particulate) measured in the eastern central Atlantic at 24°45′N, 26°57′W displays a linear increase with depth. Values range between 0.2 dpm230Th/104 l at the surface and 2.0 dpm230Th/104 l at 4000 m. This concentration is 5 times lower than total230Th in the central Pacific and is similar to230Th measured on suspended matter in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The lower concentration in the eastern Atlantic must either reflect a higher scavenging activity at the West African margin or be a consequence of a higher particle flux through the water column, yielding an average settling velocity of particulate matter of 6.2 × 10−3 cm/s.Despite the lower concentration, the equilibrium coefficient between dissolved and adsorbed230Th is similar to the one derived for the central Pacific. This shows that the equilibrium model for230Th scavenging from the water column derived by Nozaki et al. [1] and Bacon and Anderson [2] applies as well in the eastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

The finite element ocean tide model of Le Provost and Vincent (1986) has been applied to the simulation of the M2 and K1 components over the South Atlantic Ocean. The discretisation of the domain, of the order of 200 km over the deep ocean, is refined down to 15 km along the coasts, such refinement enables wave propagation and damping over the continental shelves to be correctly solved. The marine boundary conditions, from Dakar to Natal, through the Drake passage and from South Africa to Antarctica, are deduced from in situ data and from Schwiderski’s solution and then optimised following a procedure previously developed by the authors. The solutions presented are in very good agreement with in situ data: the root mean square deviations from a standard subset of 13 pelagic stations are 1.4 cm for M2 and 0.45 cm for K1, which is significantly better overall than solutions published to date in the literature. Zooms of the M2 solution are presented for the Falkland Archipelago, the Weddell Sea and the Patagonian Shelf. The first zoom allows detailing of the tidal structure around the Falklands and its interpretation in terms of a stationary trapped Kelvin wave system. The second zoom, over the Weddell Sea, reveals for the first time what must be the tidal signal under the permanent ice shelf and gives a solution over that sea which is generally in agreement with observations. The third zoom is over the complex Patagonian Shelf. This zoom illustrates the ability of the model to simulate the tides, even over this area, with a surprising level of realism, following purely hydrodynamic modelling procedures, within a global ocean tide model. Maps of maximum associated tidal currents are also given, as a first illustration of a by-product of these simulations.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown that warm El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) episodes are associated during northern summer with, first, a southward location of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) over the tropical Atlantic, and, second, a weakened convection over West Africa where the ITCZ is near its mean latitude. A modelling experiment presented here is used to help explain this apparent contradiction. In simulated ENSO conditions, the ITCZ is located southwards over the tropical Atlantic. Over West Africa the intertropical front is also displaced southwards, but more slightly; the ITCZ is located at its climatological latitude and the vertical development of convective clouds over West and Central Africa is reduced due to dynamical subsidence in the upper levels.  相似文献   

We have determined the dry weight of suspended particulate matter in seawater in a section through the western Atlantic Ocean from 75°N to 52°S. The concentrations, operationally defined as that weight retained on 0.6-μm and 0.4-μm pore size Nuclepore filters, contained in 1 kg of seawater, range from 5 to 300 μg/kg and show readily explainable regional features. High concentrations are found in surface waters and in association with radpidly moving bottom waters in the Denmark Straits overflow and in Antarctic bottom waters to 15°S. Low concentrations, <12 μg/kg, characterize the mid-water regions of the sub-tropical gyres. High concentrations are seen in sinking Labrador Sea water and in a plume extending at least a kilometer off the bottom at 35°N–40°N where the cruise track intersects the North Atlantic gyre. It is doubtful whether this important phenomenon could be observed by any means other than through particulate observations, either optical or gravimetric, and this provides a unique insight into the scale of vertical turbulent processes.  相似文献   

The Kane fracture zone has been traced as a distinct topographic trough from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 24°N to the 80-m.y. B.P. isochron (magnetic anomaly 34) on either side of the ridge axis for a total of approximately 2800 km. Major changes in trend of the fracture zone occur at approximately 72 m.y. B.P. (anomaly 31 time) and approximately 53–63 m.y. B.P. (anomaly 21–25 time) which are the result of major reorientations in spreading directions in the central Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The iodine content of marine suspended matter obtained from thirteen stations in the Atlantic between 75°N and 55°S has been measured. The concentration of particulate iodine is high in the surface, up to 127 ng/kg of seawater being observed. Below the euphotic zone, it drops sharply to 1–2 ng/kg. The iodine-containing particles are probably biogenic. A simple box-model calculation shows that only 3% of the particulate iodine produced in the surface water may reach the deep sea and that the residence time of these particles in the surface water is about 0.1 year.  相似文献   

Measurements of the terrestrial heat flux at 76 localities along 2 profiles across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 19.5°N and 8.5°S latitude are presented. Two high heat-flow values were measured 800 to 1000 km east of the ridge crest at 8.5°S, but no high values were found at the ridge crest at this latitude. Detailed surveys and heat-flow measurements near the ridge crests on both profiles indicate that bottom topography influences the heat-flow variability. The average heat flow on both profiles, about 1.4 to 1.5 × 10−6 cal/cm2 sec, is close to the average for other ocean basins, in contrast to previous studies indicating lower heat flow for the Atlantic.  相似文献   

We have used in-situ pumps which filter large volumes of sea water through a 1 μm cartridge prefilter and two MnO2-coated cartridges to obtain information on dissolved and particulate radionuclide distributions in the oceans. Two sites in the northwest Atlantic show subsurface maxima of the fallout radionuclides137Cs,239,240Pu and241Am. Although the processes of scavenging onto sinking particles and release at depth may contribute to the tracer distributions, comparison of predicted and measured water column inventories suggests that at least 35–50% of the Pu and241Am are supplied to the deep water by advection.The depth distributions of the naturally occurring radionuclides232Th,228Th and230Th reflect their sources to the oceans.232Th shows high dissolved concentrations in surface waters, presumably as a result of atmospheric or riverine supply. Activities of232Th decrease with depth to values 0.01 dpm/1000 l.228Th shows high activities in near surface and near bottom water, due to the distribution of its parent,228Ra. Dissolved230Th, produced throughout the water column from234U decay, increases with depth to 3000 m. Values in the deep water (> 3000 m) are nearly constant ( 0.6–0.7 dpm/1000 l), and the distribution of this tracer (and perhaps other long-lived particle-reactive tracers as well) may be affected by the advection inferred from Pu and241Am data.The ratio of particulate to dissolved activity for both230Th and228Th is 0.15–0.20. This similarity precludes the calculation of sorption rate constants using a simple model of reversible sorption equilibrium. Moreover, in mid-depths228Th tends to have a higher particulate/dissolved ratio than230Th, suggesting uptake and release of230Th and228Th by different processes. This could occur if228Th, produced in surface water, were incorporated into biogenic particles formed there and released as those particles dissolved or decomposed during sinking.230Th, produced throughout the water column, may more closely approach a sorption equilibrium at all depths.230Th,241Am and239,240Pu are partitioned onto particles in the sequence Th > Am > Pu with 15% of the230Th on particles compared with 7% for Am and 1% for Pu. Distribution coefficients (Kd) are 1.3–1.6 × 107 for Th, 5–6 × 106 for Am and 7–10 × 105 for Pu. The lower reactivity for Pu is consistent with analyses of Pu oxidation states which show 85% oxidized (V + VI) Pu. However, theKd value for Pu may be an upper limit because Pu, like228Th, may be incorporated into particles in surface waters and released at depth only by destruction of the carrier phase.  相似文献   

Dissolved copper concentrations at five stations in the eastern Atlantic between 20 and 24°N are presented. The metal is depleted in surface waters with concentrations ranging from 1.1 to 1.7 nmol/l. Marked increases in concentration were found in near-bottom waters with levels up to 10.9 nmol/l; these are attributed to the release of dissolved copper from the surface sediment.  相似文献   

Using Joint Typhoon Warning Center tropical cyclone(TC)track data over the North Indian Ocean(NIO),National Centers for Environmental Prediction monthly reanalysis wind and outgoing long-wave radiation data,and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration sea surface temperature data from 1981 to 2010,spatiotemporal distributions of NIO TC activity and relationships with local sea surface temperature(SST)were studied with statistical diagnosis methods.Results of empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis of NIO TC occurrence frequency show that the EOF1 mode,which accounts for 16%of total variance,consistently represents variations of TC occurrence frequency over the whole NIO basin.However,spatial dis- tributions of EOF1 mode are not uniform,mainly indicating variations of westward-moving TCs in the Bay of Bengal.The prevailing TC activity variation mode oscillates significantly on a quasi-5 year interannual time scale.NIO TC activity is notably influenced by the Indian Ocean dipole(IOD)mode.When the Indian Ocean is in a positive(negative)phase of the IOD, NIO SST anomalies are warm in the west(east)and cold in the east(west),which can weaken(strengthen)convection over the Bay of Bengal and eastern Arabian Sea,and cause anticyclonic(cyclonic)atmospheric circulation anomalies at low levels. This results in less(more)TC genesis and reduced(increased)opportunities for TC occurrence in the NIO.In addition,positive(negative)IOD events may strengthen(weaken)westerly steering flow over the Bay of Bengal,which further leads to fewer(more)westward-moving TCs which appear in regions west of 90°E in that bay.  相似文献   

方益志  薛梅 《地震学报》2021,43(2):204-214
本文对大西洋中北部两侧五个地震台站2015年记录到的地震数据进行处理,计算噪声功率谱密度和概率密度函数,并通过极化分析对双频微地动不同周期的主导源区方位角分布进行了分析.研究结果显示:大西洋中北部台站双频微地动发生显著分裂,各台站的峰值周期各不同,且来自相同方向和不同方向的双频微地动都有可能产生双频微地动分裂;大西洋中...  相似文献   

Individual vertical profiles and north-south sections for the distribution of theδ13C of total dissolved inorganic carbon are presented for the Atlantic stations of the GEOSECS program. In most cases theδ13C data parallel the distribution of dissolved O2. Differences are attributed to in-situ oxidation of organic matter and dissolution of particles of CaCO3. Antarctic Bottom and Intermediate Waters have aδ13C value of near 0.5‰ relative to the PDB isotopic standard. The lowest values in the Atlantic ocean were found in the Antarctic Circumpolar waters which haveδ13C values as low as 0.2‰. The core of the North Atlantic Deep Water has aδ13C value of 1.0‰.  相似文献   

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