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 The Basque country magnetic anomaly follows a NW–SE trend over the Basque country (northern Spain) with intensities up to 250 nT measured at 3000 m above sea level. The paired negative part of the anomaly is located to the north and presents intensities down to –60 nT. A model of the magnetic properties of the crust in the area, taking into account previous geological and geophysical data, indicates a wedge of material with a magnetic susceptibility of 0.07 SI emplaced along a NE-directed basal thrust. The anomalous wedge is composed of basic and/or ultrabasic Cretaceous intrusives and lower crustal rocks, and reaches a minimum depth which increases towards the northwest from 5–7 to 12 km. According to previous works, geological features of the rocks on top of the anomalous wedge indicate that during the Cretaceous this zone constituted a deep marine environment which underwent important crustal thinning related to rifting. The transition towards the southwest was to a normal continental platform. Alpine deformation gave rise to displacement on a basal thrust, which can be correlated with the lower contact of the magnetic wedge, and emplacement of this wedge towards the northeast. The southeastern termination of the anomaly can be related to the lateral termination of the basic rocks which constitute the anomalous wedge in a transform fault related to the rifting event. Received: 30 January 1995 / Accepted: 9 February 1996  相似文献   

The use of Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry (InSAR) in northern Chile, one of the most seismically active regions in the world, is of great importance. InSAR enables geodesists not only to accurately measure Earth’s motions but also to improve fault slip map resolution and our knowledge of the time evolution of the earthquake cycle processes. Fault slip mapping is critical to better understand the mechanical behavior of seismogenic zones and has fundamental implications for assessing hazards associated with megathrust earthquakes. However, numerous sources of errors can significantly affect the accuracy of the geophysical parameters deduced by InSAR. Among them, atmospheric phase delays caused by changes in the distribution of water vapor can lead to biased model parameter estimates and/or to difficulties in interpreting deformation events captured with InSAR. The hyper-arid climate of northern Chile might suggest that differential delays are of a minor importance for the application of InSAR techniques. Based on GPS, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data our analysis shows that differential phase delays have typical amplitudes of about 20 mm and may exceptionally exceed 100 mm and then may impact the inferences of fault slip for even a Mw 8 earthquakes at 10% level. In this work, procedures for mitigating atmospheric effects in InSAR data using simultaneous MODIS time series are evaluated. We show that atmospheric filtering combined with stacking methods are particularly well suited to minimize atmospheric contamination in InSAR imaging and significantly reduce the impact of atmospheric delay on the determination of fundamental earthquake parameters.  相似文献   

大兴安岭东南部油气资源勘查区重磁异常初步解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域重磁异常的初步解释表明,西拉木伦河以北的松辽盆地外围地区存在诸多中、新生代盆地,发育3条NW向深大断裂和近NEE向的弧形构造.1∶20万重力异常显示,本区中、新生代盆地边界具有较明显的梯度异常特征,1∶5万航磁异常可较为清晰地勾画中新生代火成岩的分布.重、磁、电剖面联合反演揭示,中生代地层厚度1~4km,古生界规模宏大,厚度可达4~6km,是本区寻找油气的重要层位;古生界含油气盆地基底为志留系及更老地层;大兴安岭NE向展布的花岗岩具有蘑菇状侵入特征.通过重、磁异常联合反演,消除火成岩影响,得出突泉和扎鲁特地区的中生代基底深度1.5~4km,古生代的基底深度为2~6km.  相似文献   

In a deep section of the Jurassic Andean arc, coastal Cordillera of northern Chile, south of Antofagasta, basic magmas from a mantle source accreted large masses of crust in an early stage of arc development. These gabbroic intrusions were isochemically metamorphosed at moderate pressures (≤ 5 kbar) and high temperatures (∼ 800°C) into uniform garnet-absent dino+ortho-pyroxene gneisses (granulites). Subsequently they were partly transformed into amphibolites ( T ≤ 700°C) during tectonically controlled access of fluid without major changes in whole rock chemistry. Locally migmatization occurs in the amphibolites. The metamorphic unit was diversified by enduring magmatic activity in the form of chemically distinct gabbroic and quartz dioritic intrusions. Formation and composition of continental crust might be a typical example for the deeper plutonic sections of this continental magmatic arc.  相似文献   

由于断裂两侧的磁性、密度的纵横向差异在重力、磁力异常上有所表现,因此所获得的重力、磁力数据为深入研究关键的地质课题提供了科学基础,如郯庐断裂带的基底性质、断裂形成特征和岩浆岩分布。利用最新的高精度航空重力和磁力数据以及地面重力数据,绘制了郯庐断裂带地区的1∶50 000重力和磁力异常图,并结合区域地质数据分析了重力和磁力异常特征。分析结果认为:存在连体的郯庐—大别古老构造带,郯庐断裂带南段是元古宙和燕山中期岩浆活动的复合反映带;郯庐断裂带为中元古—新元古代时期南华北陆块与下扬子陆块的界限;磁力、重力异常图对比说明,合肥盆地范围由老到新向东扩展。  相似文献   

吉林板石沟铁矿是鞍山式铁矿,受南北、近东西与北东向三期构造形变作用,复式向形褶皱构造复杂。笔者对比了向上延拓方法与小波分析方法,得出小波分析方法更能够揭示板石沟铁矿太古宇杨家店组上段的角闪质含铁建造的特征。通过小波分析得出,板石沟铁矿向形北翼呈弧形,南翼是次一级的背斜,并且南翼连续、向东延伸。板石沟铁矿南翼为东西向低缓异常带,与具磁性的太古宇杨家店组上段的角闪质含铁建造对应较好,南翼东段深部的磁异常连续且有一定规模,具有找矿的潜力;推断了南翼古元古界老岭群与珍珠门群地层之下可能还有隐伏的铁矿层。对板石沟铁矿区磁测资料进行2.5D交互反演,其中47线验证结果获得较好的地质效果。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地中部航磁异常带新解译   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
横亘于塔里木盆地中部的纬向航磁高ΔTa异常带,一直是探讨盆地及深部基底的物质组成及结构构造的焦点。根据钻井及地震资料综合分析,发现满加尔坳陷中南部上奥陶统内发育大型地震反射异常体,平面上主要由8个地震反射异常体近东西向呈带状展布,与盆地中部航磁高ΔTa异常带相关。从地层发育及地震相特征分析,这些地震反射异常体应为辉绿岩-玄武岩等基性火成岩体,且与航磁ΔTa异常带上的磁力高相对应。异常体具有垂直向下的通道,与断裂及岩浆活动通道有关。盆地中部高航磁异常带为多期构造易活动带,反映了满加尔坳陷震旦纪与中晚奥陶世处于拉张的构造背景。  相似文献   

Serpentinized ultramafic rocks and associated soils in northern California are characterized by high concentrations of Cr and Ni, low levels of radioelements (K, Th, and U) and high amounts of ferrimagnetic minerals (primarily magnetite). Geophysical attributes over ultramafic rocks, which include airborne gamma-ray and magnetic anomaly data, are quantified and provide indirect measurements on the relative abundance of radioelements and magnetic minerals, respectively. Attributes are defined through a statistical modeling approach and the results are portrayed as probabilities in chart and map form. Two predictive models are presented, including one derived from the aeromagnetic anomaly data and one from a combination of the airborne K, Th and U gamma-ray data. Both models distinguish preferential values within the aerogeophysical data that coincide with mapped and potentially unmapped ultramafic rocks. The magnetic predictive model shows positive probabilities associated with magnetic anomaly highs and, to a lesser degree, anomaly lows, which accurately locate many known ultramafic outcrops, but more interestingly, locate potentially unmapped ultramafic rocks, possible extensions of ultramafic bodies that dip into the shallow subsurface, as well as prospective buried ultramafic rocks. The airborne radiometric model shows positive probabilities in association with anomalously low gamma radiation measurements over ultramafic rock, which is similar to that produced by gabbro, metavolcanic rock, and water bodies. All of these features share the characteristic of being depleted in K, Th and U. Gabbro is the only rock type in the study area that shares similar magnetic properties with the ultramafic rock. The aerogeophysical model results are compared to the distribution of ultramafic outcrops and to Cr, Ni, K, Th and U concentrations and magnetic susceptibility measurements from soil samples. Analysis of the soil data indicates high positive correlation between magnetic susceptibilities and concentration of Cr and Ni. Although the study focused on characterizing the geophysical properties of ultramafic rocks and associated soils, it has also yielded information on other rock types in addition to ultramafic rocks, which can also locally host naturally-occurring asbestos; specifically, gabbro and metavolcanic rocks.  相似文献   

The gravity and magnetic data along three profiles across the northern part of the K-G basin have been collected and the data is interpreted for basement depths. The first profile is taken from Gadarada to Yanam covering a distance of 60 km and the second starts from Zangareddiguddem to Samathkur covering a distance of 110 km and the third is from Kotturu to Biyyapuppa covering a distance of 100 km. The gravity lows and highs have clearly indicated various sub-basins and ridges. The density logs from ONGC, Chennai, show that the density contrast decreases with depth in the sedimentary basin, and hence, the gravity profiles are interpreted using variable density contrast with depth. From the Bouguer gravity anomaly, the residual anomaly is constructed by graphical method correlating with well data, sub-surface geology and seismic information. The residual anomaly profiles are interpreted using polygon model. The maximum depths to the khondalitic basement are obtained as 5.61km, 6.46 km and 7.45 km for the first, second and third profiles respectively. The regional anomaly is interpreted as Moho rise towards coast. The aeromagnetic anomaly profiles are also interpreted for charnockite basement below the khondalitic group of rocks using prismatic models.  相似文献   

The Moberly formation of northern Missouri, USA includes glacigenic sediment deposited during the second major pre-Illinoian glaciation and is overlain by three younger normal-polarity tills. The Moberly (mostly till) preserves two different magnetic remanences. A detrital remanent magnetization has reversed polarity with shallow (-30 to-40°) inclinations. The shallow inclination is regionally persistent and spans different facies, including those not prone to large inclination error. A secondary overprint of normal polarity is associated with a thin oxidized zone and weakly developed paleosol in the upper portion of the till. This chemical remanent magnetization is distinguished by high coercivities typical of authigenic ferromagnetic minerals and by scattered remanence vectors upon stepwise demagnetization. The secondary normal remanence was likely acquired during a brief interglacial period between deposition of the Moberly formation and the next glaciation. The short interglacial and the shallow inclinations indicate that the glaciation which deposited the Moberly occurred shortly before a major polarity change from reverse to normal, probably the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties and abrasion resistance of selected low-carbon steels were investigated with respect to their suitability as induction matrix materials. Low-remanent ferromagnetic steels and a paramagnetic steel were used in magnetic separation tests with siderite and hematite ores. It was found that recovery and grade for all ferromagnetic materials were equivalent, while recovery for paramagnetic steel was lower, and increased with increasing magnetic induction. However, all investigated steels are less susceptible to hold highly coercive tramp iron which usually causes matrix clogging. Likewise, all selected stainless steels are more abrasion resistant than currently employed matrix materials.  相似文献   

In the Carolina de Michilla district, northern Chile, stratabound copper mineralization is hosted by Jurassic volcanic rocks along the trace of the Atacama fault system. In this study, we present the overall effects of hydrothermal alteration on the magnetic properties of rocks in this district. Two types of metasomatic alteration associations occur, one of regional extent and the other of local hydrothermal alteration associated with copper mineralization (e.g., Lince–Estefanía–Susana). Regional alteration is interpreted as a low-grade “propylitic association” characterized by an epidote–chlorite–smectite–titanite–albite–quartz–calcite association. The local hydrothermal alteration is characterized broadly by a quartz–albite–epidote–chlorite–calcite mineral assemblage. The most pervasive alteration mineral is albite, followed by epidote and, locally, actinolite. These minerals contrast sharply against host rock minerals such as chlorite, calcite, zeolite, prehnite, and pumpellyite, but alteration is constrained to mineralized bodies as narrow and low contrast alteration halos that go outwards from actinolite–albite to epidote–albite, to epidote–chlorite, and finally to chlorite. Hydrothermal alteration minerals, compared to regional alteration minerals, show iron-rich epidotes, a lower chlorite content of the chlorite–smectite series, and a nearly total albite replacement of plagioclase in the mineralized zones. Opaque minerals associated with regional alteration are magnetite and maghemite, and those associated to hydrothermal alteration are magnetite, hematite, and copper sulphides. We present paleomagnetic results from nine sites in the Michilla district and from drill cores from two mines. Local effects of hydrothermal alteration on the original magnetic mineralogy indicate similar characteristics and mineralogy, except for an increase of hematite that is spatially associated with the Cu–sulphide breccias with low magnetic susceptibilities. Results indicate that it is impossible to magnetically differentiate mineralized bodies from unmineralized lavas, except for pyrite-rich hydrothermal breccias. In conclusion, for stratabound copper deposits of the Michilla type, the overall effect of hydrothermal alteration on the paleomagnetic properties of rocks is of low contrast, not clearly discernable even at a small scale. From an exploration point of view, magnetic exploration surveys should not discern mineralized bodies of Cu–sulphide breccias except in detailed ground surveys due to the small size of contrasting bodies. Unoriented drill cores with primary ore mineralization record a characteristic remanent magnetization of reverse polarity. Taking into account the azimuth and dip of the drill cores, we were able to compare the magnetization of the mineralized bodies with the characteristic directions from sites drilled in situ from Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous intrusives mostly. The characteristic direction recorded by the Pluton Viera is similar to the magnetization of the ore bodies of the Estefania mine. If copper mineralization mostly postdates the tilt of the volcanic flows, the low paleomagnetic inclinations suggest an age for the mineralization near 145 Ma, the time of the lowest paleolatitude for the South American plate during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Robust multivariate statistical methods are applied to samples of the Cretaceous bolivinid foraminifer Afrobolivina afra, in which individuals from microspheric and megalospheric generations dominate, but which also contain some pseudo-megalospheric specimens. Pseudo-megalospheric tests may cause values which are atypical in the statistical sense but which are fully normal biologically. Other atypical values derive from crushed specimens, microspheric individuals and unusual normal megalospheres with exceptionally wide shells and pointed last chambers. A wrongly punched specimen was also found by the procedure. The method employed here consists of plotting the generalized statistical distances calculated from robust estimates of means and of covariances against the quantiles of a Gaussian distribution; the presence of an atypical observation(s) is readily exposed by its departure from the main trend of the plot.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal tourmaline is common in the iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits of the Coastal Cordillera of Chile where it occurs as large crystals in the groundmass of magmatic-hydrothermal breccias, such as in the Silvita or Tropezón ore bodies, or as small grains in replacive bodies or breccia cement in the ore-bearing andesite, as seen at the Candelaria or Carola deposits. Tourmaline shows strong chemical zoning and has a composition of schorl–dravite with significant povondraite and uvite components. The observed boron isotope composition is fairly variable, between −10.4‰ and +6.0‰ with no major differences among the different deposits, suggesting a common genetic mechanism. The δ11B values are significantly lower than those of seawater or marine evaporites and very similar to those of younger porphyry copper deposits and volcanic rocks in the region, indicating that the boron has a common, likely magmatic, origin. The predominant boron source was ultimately dewatering of the subducting slab with a significant contribution derived from the overlying continental basement. The range of δ11B values is between those of the porphyry copper deposits and the porphyry tin deposits of the Andes, suggesting that the IOCG mineralization might be genetically related to fluids having more crustal contamination than the porphyry copper deposits; such an interpretation is at odds with current models that propose that the Andean IOCG deposits are related to juvenile melts or to the circulation of basinal brines. Furthermore, the obtained δ11B data are markedly different from those of the tourmaline in the Carajás IOCG district (Brazil), suggesting that IOCGs do not form by a unique mechanism involving only one type of fluids.  相似文献   

Permian marine sedimentary rocks that crop out in northern Chile are closely related to the development of a Late Paleozoic magmatic arc. A study of Upper Paleozoic units east of Iquique (20°S) identified three members within the Juan de Morales Formation, each of which were deposited in a different sedimentary environment. A coarse-grained terrigenous basal member represents alluvial sedimentation from a local volcanic source. A mixed carbonate-terrigenous middle member represents coastal and proximal shallow marine sedimentation during a relative sea-level rise related with a global transgression. Preliminary foraminifer biostratigraphy of this middle member identified a late Early Permian (late Artinskian–Kungurian) highly impoverished nodosarid–geinitzinid assemblage lacking fusulines and algae, which is characteristic of temperate cold waters and/or disphotic zone. The upper fine-grained terrigenous member represents shallow marine siliciclastic sedimentation under storm influence. The Juan de Morales Formation consists of continental, coastal and shallow marine sediments deposited at the active western margin of Gondwana at mid to low latitudes. A revised late Early Permian age and similar paleogeography and sedimentary environments are also proposed for the Huentelauquén Formation and related units of northern and central Chile, Arizaro Formation of northwestern Argentina, and equivalent units of southernmost Peru.  相似文献   

The nature and origin of the sediments and crust of the Murray Ridge System and northern Indus Fan are discussed. The uppermost unit consists of Middle Miocene to recent channel–levee complexes typical of submarine fans. This unit is underlain by a second unit composed of hemipelagic to pelagic sediments deposited during the drift phase after the break-up of India–Seychelles–Africa. A predrift sequence of assumed Mesozoic age occurring only as observed above basement ridges is composed of highly consolidated rocks. Different types of the acoustic basement were detected, which reflection seismic pattern, magnetic anomalies and gravity field modeling indicate to be of continental character. The continental crust is extremely thinned in the northern Indus Fan, lacking a typical block-faulted structure. The Indian continent–ocean transition is marked on single MCS profiles by sequences of seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR). In the northwestern Arabian Sea, the Indian plate margin is characterized by several phases of volcanism and deformation revealed from interpretation of multichannel seismic profiles and magnetic anomalies. From this study, thinned continental crust spreads between the northern Murray Ridge System and India underneath the northern Indus Fan.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of Ordovician basic volcanic rocks help to define the evolving tectonic setting of the Argentine Puna and northern Chile. Four spatially distinct magmatic groups are defined on geological, petrographical, geochemical and isotopic bases, each associated with particular geodynamic environments.The Tremadoc western group of subalkaline low K tholeiites with arc and modified MORB like signatures represent early stages of a back-arc basin, where spreading was incipient.The Arenig western group, medium K calc-alkaline basalts to andesites have volcanic arc in transition to back-arc signatures.The Tremadoc subalkaline basalts of the eastern group have REE patterns similar to E-MORB and at the same time weak subduction characteristics suggesting a rather mature supra-subduction zone (SSZ) basin. In contrast, the Late Tremadocian-Arenig basalts of the same group have intra-plate signatures, interpreted as magmas that ascended along pull apart regions associated with a transtensional regime.The geochemical patterns were applied to correlate basic sequences of doubtful geological setting. So, basalts from Chile were related to the Tremadocian western group, where they represent a slightly more mature stage of spreading of the basin. Basic rocks from Pocitos and part of Calalaste represent pre-Ordovician records of a back-arc system similar to that of the Tremadoc western group. Clearly similar arc patterns to those of the Arenig western group allow extending the arc environment to the southern Puna. The Tremadocian basalts from the eastern group were related to metabasites from the southern Puna, as part of a back-arc environment at that time.  相似文献   

New microthermometric data combined with stable isotope geochemistry and paragenetic relationships support a previously suggested cooling–mixing model for the iron oxide–copper–gold mineralization in the Mantoverde district. Fluid inclusions show characteristics of a CO2-bearing aqueous NaCl ± CaCl2 salt system. The evolution of the Mantoverde hydrothermal system is characterized by (1) an early hypersaline, high to moderate temperature fluid; (2) a moderate saline, moderate temperature fluid; and (3) a low saline, moderate to low temperature fluid. Early magnetite formation took place at median temperatures of 435.0°C, whereas hematite formed at median temperatures of 334.4°C. The main sulfide mineralization texturally post-dates the iron oxides and occurred before late-stage calcite, which developed at a median temperature of 244.8°C. Boiling occurs only locally and is of no relevance for the ore formation. The microthermometric and stable isotope data are supportive for a fluid cooling and mixing model, and suggestive for a predominantly magmatic–hydrothermal fluid component during the iron oxide and main sulfide mineralization. Thereafter, the incursion of a nonmagmatic fluid of ultimately meteoric or seawater gains more importance.  相似文献   

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