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二叠系—三叠系界线层型及重大事件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
童金南 《地球科学》2001,26(5):446-448
古、中生代之交是显生宙地质历史上最重大的转折时期,除了最大的生物绝灭事件外,它也是各种稀有重大事件的集聚时期  相似文献   

大贵州滩二叠系-三叠系界线附近锶同位素组成特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于贵州南部的“大贵州滩”上,二叠系—三叠系界线附近地层为一套连续的发育完整的碳酸盐岩。二叠系顶部主要为厚层生物屑泥粒灰岩,而三叠系底部则主要为钙质微生物骨架灰岩及厚层粒泥灰岩。穿过二叠系—三叠系界线的取样累计厚度81m,二叠系和三叠系大致各占一半的厚度,共取样品91件,n(87Sr)/n(86Sr)值变化在0.707269~0.707409之间,平均为0.707327,低于现代海水的锶同位素比值的平均值(0.7090737)。锶同位素比值变化曲线表明从晚二叠世末期到早三叠世初期,同位素比值虽小幅度的起伏波动频繁,但总体上没有明显变化,三叠系底部的平均值(0.707330)略高于二叠系顶部的平均值(0.707323)。大贵州滩晚二叠世末至早三叠世初锶同位素组成的总体演化趋势与扬子台地及世界其它地方同时期的锶同位素组成的演化趋势(呈急剧的上升)不同,造成这种状况的原因可能是在全球事件控制的大背景下,由于大贵州滩特殊的环境条件,陆源物质对其影响小,导致了壳源锶对锶同位素组成的制约作用减弱,因而锶同位素组成未发生明显变化。  相似文献   

中国非海相二叠—三叠系界线层型剖面研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
吉木萨尔三台大龙口剖面已被推荐为国际非海相二叠─三叠系界线层型侯选剖面。该剖面是世界上研究非海相二叠─三叠系界线最理想的剖面之一,也是我国非海相二叠─三叠系界线研究程度最高的剖面。准噶尔南缘上二叠统─下三叠统统称仓房沟群,下分5个组(自下而上):泉子街组、梧桐沟组、锅底坑组、韭菜园组、烧房沟组,除烧房沟组与下伏韭菜园组间有显著冲刷面外,各组间均为整合接触关系。仓房沟群中生物化石丰富,可以划分出植物、孢粉、双壳类、叶肢介、介形虫、脊椎动物等不同的生物组合,尤其重要的是在锅底坑组上部发育晚三叠世与早三叠世生物混生的过渡层。这个过渡层揭示了生物演变的连续性,即脊椎动物Jimusaria与Lystrosaurus共生,孢粉Lueckisporitesvirkkiae与Lundbladisporawatangensis共生,以及二叠纪型的植物、双壳、介形虫与三叠纪型的叶肢介之间的混生。即在这个过渡层中既含晚二叠世型的孑遗分子,也含早三叠世型的新生分子,因而可以确定二叠系与三叠系界线就在锅底坑组内,置于大龙口背斜南翼剖面第36层,北翼剖面第34层之底,即在锅底坑组与韭菜园组传统岩组界线之下约50m(北翼)~60m(南翼)处。古地磁反映的正负极性与生物地层界线基本一致。  相似文献   

桂西南柳桥地区深水相二叠系-三叠系界线剖面   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
桂西南柳桥地区上二叠统为厚约84m的浅灰—灰白色块状海绵蓝藻生物灰岩(生物礁),之上为浅灰绿色—暗灰色薄层状含远洋浮游生物硅质岩、含泥质硅质岩、硅质泥岩(大隆组),这套深水相的沉积岩夹有大量浅灰白色的粘土岩。上覆的三叠系罗楼组底部为黄色泥岩,夹多层灰白色粘土岩,往上渐变为灰色薄层状含大量双壳类、菊石化石的钙质泥岩、泥灰岩。柳桥地区晚二叠世末期沉积岩和中基性火山岩的特征显示其是在地壳裂解、快速沉降、相对海平面快速上升过程中迅速淹没台地边缘的生物礁而形成的深水相海盆,造成深水盆地与浅水台地并存,具有多岛洋的地理分布格局。东攀二叠系-三叠系界线剖面的露头完整,对剖面的岩石学特征、生物化石组合特征等方面的详细研究显示,该地区一直处于连续沉积的深水环境中,没有发生沉积间断,界线上下的岩石特征和生物组合特征较清楚。  相似文献   

二叠系-三叠系界线全球层型剖面——回顾和进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷鸿福  鲁立强 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):257-267
综合评述了5年来对二叠系—三叠系界线(PTB)全球层型剖面——煤山D剖面的研究进展。简要介绍剖面的研究历史、地理和地质背景,叙述了世界上最完整的二叠纪长兴期至三叠纪格里斯巴赫期的牙形石和菊石带,并简短讨论了Otoceras的年代。叙述了煤山与其他剖面长兴期至格里斯巴赫期磁性地层学的对比。介绍了δ13C和δ34S的化学地层学最新研究进展,特别是在PTB附近多个δ13C负漂移的发现。两项重要的分子地层学研究显示了基础生态系统的深刻变化——微生物生态系的灾变和在二叠纪—三叠纪生态系之交严重缺氧事件期间透光带的静海相环境。文章报道了自2001年以来PTB年代测定的进展。PTB之下14cm处火山成因的粘土层25层的年代,现在定为(252·4±0·3)Ma(Mundil等,2004)。文章还讨论了事件地层学,认为尽管在25-26层有一个主事件,煤山PTB附近的事件是多幕式的,并且开始于事件层25-26层之前。因此,PTB大绝灭主因是外星撞击导致的可能性是不大的。  相似文献   

新疆西大龙口二叠-三叠系界线剖面,露头优良,交通便利,构造简单,层序清楚,地层连续,特别是其中的古生物化石,门类繁多,成为研究和建立陆相二叠-三叠系界线层型的理想地区.  相似文献   

承蒙<地层学杂志>编辑部寄来王成源先生"浙江长兴二叠系-三叠系界线层型剖面面临的新问题"一文(以下简称王文)征求意见,兹将我们对其2、3两段的意见表述如下,供大家讨论:  相似文献   

新疆乌鲁木齐郝家沟剖面郝家沟组及八道湾组底部的孢粉分为 3个组合。即郝家沟组的 Alisporites-Chordasporites- Chasmatosporites组合和 Aratrisporites- Alisporites- Chasmatosporites组合以及八道湾组底部的Asseretospora- Dictyophyllidites- Cycadopites组合。前两个组合主要由常见或仅见于三叠系的属种组成 ,时代属于晚三叠世无疑 ;后一组合中前期分子大量消失 ,蕨类孢子迅速崛起 ,反映植物群出现显著变化 ,其中常见和仅见于晚三叠世的分子不复存在 ,主要成分为晚三叠世到侏罗纪常见的分子 ,具有晚三叠世到早侏罗世的过渡特点 ,时代趋向于早侏罗世。因此 ,本文提出三叠系—侏罗系的界线划在郝家沟组之顶是合适的。  相似文献   

选择川北江油滚柴坡和广元上寺、杨家湾二叠系—三叠系界线剖面为研究对象,利用中子活化法分析了粘土岩样品中稀土元素的组成。通过对稀土元素丰度、标准配分模式和特征参数的比较研究,探讨了稀土元素地球化学与自然环境突变的关系。结果表明,各剖面的δEu、δCe、ΣLREE/ΣHREE-ΣREE、Eu/ΣREE-ΣLREE/ΣHREE、球粒陨石标准化曲线图解和La-Th-Sc三元图解一致反映了界线事件的存在及界线时期稀土元素的地球化学特征与环境突变的关系。同时,通过对3条剖面稀土元素地球化学特征与标准剖面的对比研究,认为P/T(二叠系/三叠系)界线事件时期环境不仅受中酸性火山作用的影响,还可能受(碱性)基性—超基性或地外溅射物的影响。研究结果为从元素地球化学的角度探讨这一重要地质时期的灾变事件提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

本文对浙江煤山剖面的研究作了综述。文中简介了该剖面的研究历史及地质、地理背景,叙述了该剖面所具的世界上最完整的长兴期——“格里斯巴赫期”牙形石及菊石分带,并对耳菊石的时代作了简短讨论。本文将煤山剖面长兴期——“格里斯巴赫期”地层分为3个3级层序,并叙述了各层序  相似文献   

路成  李晓剑  路顺行 《江苏地质》2015,39(2):211-217
通过对新疆吉木萨尔大龙口背斜核部露头剖面的野外观察、实地测量和特征描述,分析研究了其构造发育特征和演化模式。认为大龙口背斜核部露头的构造属于"褶皱相关断层"范畴,岩层能干性对构造变形具有重要影响,最为典型的是发育了"褶翼楔入组"、"类冲起"和"分离反向褶曲"3种特殊的构造样式。  相似文献   

孙自明 《现代地质》2015,29(1):45-53
大龙口地区位于新疆博格达山与准噶尔盆地的结合部位,属于博格达山北缘山前冲断带的组成部分,关于该区地下地质构造特征,长期以来缺乏清楚的认识。通过地表地质、地震和非地震资料的综合研究,纵向上以阜康逆冲断裂为界,将该区划分为下盘伸展构造系统和上盘逆冲推覆构造系统,前者为原地系统,构造变形较弱,保留有早二叠世裂谷的隆坳结构,对重新认识博格达山地区早二叠世的区域大地构造背景及演化具有重要意义;后者构造变形强烈,总体以自南向北的冲断推覆为主,并伴有一定的走滑扭动变形。经过多期构造运动,阜康断裂上盘勘探目的层已裸露,加之褶皱和断裂发育,油气保存条件差,勘探前景较差;而断裂下盘发育早二叠世残留凹陷,圈闭发育,油气保存条件好,勘探前景较好。  相似文献   

Measured lithostratigraphic sections of the classic Permian–Triassic non-marine transitional sequences covering the upper Quanzijie, Wutonggou, Guodikeng and lower Jiucaiyuan Formations at Dalongkou and Lucaogou, Xinjiang Province, China are presented. These measured sections form the framework and reference sections for a range of multi-disciplinary studies of the P–T transition in this large ancient lake basin, including palynostratigraphy, vertebrate biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. The 121 m thick Wutonggou Formation at Dalongkou includes 12 sandstone units ranging in thickness from 0.5 to 10.5 m that represent cyclical coarse terrigenous input to the lake basin during the Late Permian. The rhythmically-bedded, mudstone-dominated Guodikeng Formation is 197 m and 209 m thick on the north and south limbs of the Dalongkou anticline, respectively, and 129 m thick at Lucaogou. Based on limited palynological data, the Permian–Triassic boundary was previously placed approximately 50 m below the top of this formation at Dalongkou. This boundary does not coincide with any mappable lithologic unit, such as the basal sandstones of the overlying Jiucaiyuan Formation, assigned to the Early Triassic. The presence of multiple organic δ13C-isotope excursions, mutant pollen, and multiple algal and conchostracan blooms in this formation, together with Late Permian palynomorphs, suggests that the Guodikeng Formation records multiple climatic perturbation signals representing environmental stress during the late Permian mass extinction interval. The overlap between the vertebrates Dicynodon and Lystrosaurus in the upper part of this formation, and the occurrence of late Permian spores and the latest Permian to earliest Triassic megaspore Otynisporites eotriassicus is consistent with a latest Permian age for at least part of the Guodikeng Formation. Palynostratigrahic placement of the Permian–Triassic boundary in the Junggar Basin remains problematic because key miospore taxa, such as Aratrisporites spp. are not present. Palynomorphs from the Guodikeng are assigned to two assemblages; the youngest, from the upper 100 m of the formation (and the overlying Jiucaiyuan Formation), contains both typical Permian elements and distinctive taxa that elsewhere are known from the Early Triassic of Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. The latter include spores assigned to Pechorosporites disertus, Lundbladispora foveota, Naumovaspora striata, Decussatisporites mulstrigatus and Leptolepidites jonkerii. While the presence of Devonian and Carboniferous spores and Early Permian pollen demonstrate reworking is occurring in the Guodikeng assemblages, the sometimes common occurrence of Scutasporites sp. cf. Scutasporites unicus, and other pollen, suggests that the Late Permian elements are in place, and that the upper assemblage derives from a genuine transitional flora of Early Triassic aspect. In the Junggar Basin, biostratigraphic data and magnetostratigraphic data indicate that the Permian–Triassic boundary (GSSP Level) is in the middle to upper Guodikeng Formation and perhaps as high as the formational contact with the overlying Jiucaiyuan Formation.  相似文献   

Kaolin is a widespread authigenic clay mineral in the Permo-Triassic sandstones from the marginal areas of the SE Iberian Basin. However, relatively more extensive illitization of kaolin occurs in the SW basin margin compared with the slight occurrence in the NE margin. SEM analysis of sandstones reveals that illite replaced small kaolinite crystals while blocky dickite remained unaltered. Kaolin illitization is suggested to take place in relation to the maximum burial depth reached during Late Cretaceous post-rift stage. Vitrinite reflectance data denotes a maximum burial temperature of 118  °C and 144 °C in the NE basin margin and in the SW basin margin, respectively. Thus, the extent of illitization in the SW margin is attributed to the higher Tpeak reached by the Permo-Triassic succession. Regarding the lack of K-feldspars observed in the sandstones and interbedded mudrocks, the source of K+ is mainly related to the alteration of detrital mica.  相似文献   

Using hydrogeological data, historical chemical data and the results of studies in adjacent aquifers, an interpretation of the water chemistry from a sparse network of boreholes is presented for the Liverpool area. The chemistry of the fresh groundwater samples is influenced by geology, pollution and pumping history. The oldest waters, present where the sandstone is covered by Quaternary deposits, are calcite-saturated, contain little NO3 and have low SO2−4 and Cl concentrations. However, water from the Collyhurst Sandstone are depleted in HCO3 whatever the concentrations of the other anions. Samples from boreholes in areas where the sandstones are not covered by Quaternary deposits are characterized by very low alkalinity and pH, and by high NO3, SO2−4, and Cl. In the regions of the aquifer close to sandstone outcrop, or where the Quaternary deposits are thin, the water samples have higher alkalinity and pH, and lower anion concentrations. Scattered throughout the region are boreholes yielding waters with very high SO2−4 concentrations: where associated with industrial sites, these waters also have high NO3 concentrations and industrial pollution is suspected. In rural areas the high SO2−4 concentrations are derived from leakage through the sulphur-bearing tills in response to pumping-induced lowering of the piezometric surface. The distribution of borehole water types can be described with the help of a set of rules relating water type to hydrogeological features; these rules allow a map of hydrochemical distributions to be constructed. Saline groundwaters occur in the aquifer adjacent to the Mersey Estuary and have chemistry compositions equivalent to slightly modified, diluted Estuary water. With the exception of a single deep borehole sample, there is no indication of the widespread presence of ancient saline groundwaters in the base of the sandstone sequences as is found in the sandstones to the east of the study area. However, slightly saline, reduced waters occur below the Mercia Mudstone Group in the north of the area. Historical records give some indication of the changes in water chemistry distributions through time.  相似文献   

The flood basalt province in Siberia is one of the largest in the world but the number of reliable paleomagnetic data on these volcanics is still limited. We studied lava flows and trap-related intrusions from two areas in the north and west of the Siberian platform. A dual-polarity characteristic component was isolated from most samples with the aid of stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization. We then compiled all published paleomagnetic data on the Siberian traps that have been obtained according to modern standards; also included are presumably trap-related overprint directions in Paleozoic rocks. Although these overprints and trap results may locally differ, the corresponding mean poles based on remagnetized sediments and volcanics show excellent overall agreement and justify pooling of both data types. Several ways of data grouping were attempted; the trap mean pole proved to be rather insensitive to statistical treatment. Irrespective of the averaging procedure used, the overall mean poles for the Siberian traps (NSP2: 55.1°N, 147.0°E; N = 8, K = 123, A95 = 5.0° or NSP4: 57.2°N, 151.1°E; N = 8, K = 192, A95 = 4.0°) differ slightly, but significantly from the coeval mean poles of Baltica [Torsvik, 2001; Van der Voo, R., and Torsvik, T.H., The quality of the European Permo-Triassic paleopoles and its impact on Pangea reconstructions, in: Timescales of the Paleomagnetic Field, J. E. T. Channell, D.V. Kent, W. Lowrie, and J.G. Meert, eds., AGU Geophys. Monogr., 2004, 135, 29–42]. We consider possible causes for this difference and conclude that it could be explained either by persistent non-dipole terms in the Permo-Triassic geomagnetic field or widespread inclination shallowing in the European data.  相似文献   

A review of the tetrapod (amphibian and amniote) record across the Permo-Triassic boundary (PTB) indicates a global evolutionary turnover of tetrapods close to the PTB. There is also a within-Guadalupian tetrapod extinction here called the dinocephalian extinction event, probably of global extent. The dinocephalian extinction event is a late Wordian or early Capitanian extinction based on biostratigraphic data and magnetostratigraphy (the extinction precedes the Illawara reversal), so it is not synchronous with the end-Guadalupian marine extinction. The Russian PTB section documents two tetrapod extinction events, one just before the dinocephalian extinction event and the other at the base of the Lystrosaurus assemblage. However, generic diversity across the latter extinction remains essentially the same despite a total evolutionary turnover of tetrapod genera. The Chinese and South African sections document the stratigraphic overlap of Dicynodon and Lystrosaurus. In the Karoo basin, the lowest occurrence of Lystrosaurus is in a stratigraphic interval of reversed magnetic polarity, which indicates it predates the marine-defined PTB, so, as previously suggested by some workers, the lowest occurrence of Lystrosaurus cannot be used to identify the PTB in nonmarine strata. Correlation of the marine PTB section at Meishan, southern China, to the Karoo basin based primarily on magnetostratigraphy indicates that the main marine extinction preceded the PTB tetrapod extinction event. The ecological severity of the PTB tetrapod extinction event has generally been overstated, and the major change in tetrapod assemblages that took place across the PTB was the prolonged and complex “replacement” of therapsids by archosaurs that began before the end of the Permian and was not complete until well into the Triassic. The tetrapod extinctions are not synchronous with the major marine extinctions at the end of the Guadalupian and just before the end of the Permian, so the idea of catastrophic causes of synchronous PTB extinctions on land and sea should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The Marwar Supergroup refers to a 1000–2000 m thick marine and coastal sequence that covers a vast area of Rajasthan in NW–India. The Marwar Basin uncomformably overlies the ∼750–770 Ma rocks of the Malani Igneous Suite and is therefore considered Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian in age. Upper Vindhyan basinal sediments (Bhander and Rewa Groups), exposed in the east and separated by the Aravalli–Delhi Fold Belt, have long been assumed to coeval with the Marwar Supergroup. Recent studies based on detrital zircon populations of the Marwar and Upper Vindhyan sequences show some similarity in the older populations, but the Vindhyan sequence shows no zircons younger than 1000 Ma whereas samples taken from the Marwar Basin show distinctly younger zircons. This observation led to speculation that the Upper Vindhyan and Marwar sequences did not develop coevally.While there are alternative explanations for why the two basins may differ in their detrital zircon populations, paleomagnetic studies may provide independent evidence for differences/similarities between the assumed coeval basins. We have collected samples in the Marwar Basin and present the paleomagnetic results. Previous paleomagnetic studies of Marwar basinal sediments were misinterpreted as being indistinguishable from the Upper Vindhyan sequence. The vast majority of our samples show directional characteristics similar to the previously published studies. We interpret these results to be a recent overprint. A small subset of hematite-bearing rocks from the Jodhpur Formation (basal Marwar) exhibit directional data (Dec = 89° Inc = −1° α95 = 9°) that are distinct from the Upper Vindhyan pole and may offer additional support for temporally distinct episodes of sedimentation in these proximal regions. A VGP based upon our directional data is reported at 1°S 344°E (dp = 5°, dm = 9°). We conclude that the Marwar Supergroup developed near the close of the Ediacaran Period and is part of a larger group of sedimentary basins that include the Huqf Supergroup (Oman), the Salt-Range (Pakistan), the Krol–Tal belt (Himalayas) and perhaps the Molo Supergroup (Madagascar).  相似文献   

Three-dimensional unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) oblique photogrammetric data were used to infer mountainous gravel braided river lithofacies, lithofacies associations and architectural elements. Hierarchical architecture and lithofacies associations with detailed lithofacies characterizations were comprehensively described to document the architectural model, architectural element scale and gravel particle scale.(1) Nine lithofacies(i.e., Gmm, Gcm, Gcc, Gci, Gcl, Ss, Sm, Fsm and Fl) were identifi...  相似文献   

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