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Inland waterway transport (IWT) is the most appropriate means of transportation in the pursuit of a sustainable development strategy. The development of IWT varies per region. Public entities and institutions play an important role in the development of IWT. This paper analyses the development of IWT on the Pearl River from an institutional perspective. Chinese national fiscal reforms, land use reforms and the transfer of power from the central government to local governments impact the governance of IWT. The paper demonstrates that the privatization of inland ports was triggered by the mismatch between the objectives of IWT operators and either public objectives or market demand. This process unfolded while top-level governors did not aim for privatization. The paper shows how formal institutional changes of IWT on the Pearl River are both the result of deliberate design and a path creation in the transformation from the Chinese planned economy to the Chinese market economy. It also shows how institutional changes resulted in a dual development path (i.e. a rapid development of inland terminals but underdevelopment of inland waterways) of IWT in the Pearl River. Policy recommendations are provided based on the research findings with specific attention to the factors hindering IWT development on the Pearl River at the level of the waterway infrastructure and inland ports.  相似文献   

贾汉森 《地质与勘探》2024,60(4):820-829
绿色矿山是推动矿业绿色转型的重要平台和抓手,开展相关研究对推动矿业高质量发展,建设美丽中国具有重要现实意义。该研究基于1101个国家级绿色矿山样本数据,采用非均衡指数、标准差椭圆法、Moran''s I、热点分析、核密度估计和地理探测器等方法,在分析地级单元尺度上绿色矿山的空间分布特征的基础上,从资源、环境和社会三个维度选取影响因子,探究其对绿色矿山密度空间分异的驱动作用。结果表明:(1)中国绿色矿山空间分布呈现出“东南密集,西北稀疏”的空间分异特征,与胡焕庸线所形成的地理格局具有空间一致性。(2)绿色矿山空间集聚特征显著,表现出明显的空间溢出效应,热点区域凸显了明显的极化现象,在空间上呈现出包含3个较大的核心区,5个较小的核心区的多核式“核心-边缘”的分布特征。(3)单因子对绿色矿山的空间分异影响显著,但解释度不高,双因子交互解释力显著增强,这种增强的关联主导因子为生态敏感度、路网密度与矿产地密度。该研究可为进一步发挥地理主导因子优势,形成各具特色的绿色矿山发展模式提供依据。  相似文献   

通过概化水槽试验对水流泥沙从内陆河进入浅水湖泊后的三角洲堆积体形成发展过程进行研究。试验结果表明,在平面形态上,三角洲堆积体的形成发展过程可分3个阶段:第一阶段,水流泥沙在初期依次按小沙波体、带状沙波体、扇形三角洲堆积体和舌状三角洲堆积体形态形成发展,堆积体表面无明显主河槽且两侧区域无串沟;第二阶段,水流泥沙沿堆积体表面河槽在左侧区域和右侧区域之间交替推进;第三阶段,水流泥沙沿新河槽在摆动中同步推进。在纵向推进中,第一阶段初始较大,受横向展宽影响逐渐减弱;第二阶段以相对稳定的速率交替推进;第三阶段呈减弱趋势,最终保持同步推进速率。在垂向上,堆积体以稳定的速率淤积抬高发展;在横向上,水流泥沙在河槽主流摆动中不断横向输移泥沙。  相似文献   

Cui G 《GeoJournal》1990,21(1-2):25-32
Urban spatial distribution in China since 1949 is discussed. The effects of national policies, development planning, and economic development on urban growth are considered.  相似文献   

Poyang Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary includes Bang Lake, Sha Lake, Dahu Lake, and estuaries of the Xiu and Gan Rivers in the Migratory Bird Natural Reserve. Water samples were collected and analyzed to study spatial and temporal water quality variation. Strong seasonal variation of water quality was found. The water quality of Bang Lake was relatively poor compared to Sha and Dahu Lakes in the wet season, but better in the normal season. During the dry season, the water quality of Bang Lake is negatively affected by the activity of migratory birds. According to the correlation analysis of monthly concentrations of each parameter, the concentrations of COD, NH?-4–N, and NO3–N were highly correlated. The correlation index was 0.829 and significance index was0.042 \ 0.05. From north to south within Bang Lake, the concentration of TN decreased; however, the concentration of Chl-a increased. From east to west within Bang Lake,concentrations of COD, NH?4–N, NO-3–N, and Chl-a increased. The Xiu and Gan Rivers influence the water quality of Bang Lake, especially in the northeast area of the lake. The water quality of Bang Lake only reached Chinese water quality standard level IV or V according to a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation factors impacting Bang Lake are TN[TP[NH?4–N[COD, in order of decreasing importance. The waters of Poyang Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary have been polluted; one of the important contributing factors was migratory birds’ disturbance and feces.  相似文献   

地脉动台阵观测作为一种低成本的剪切波速度构造探测方法,预计将在中国地震灾害预防中起到重要作用。为了研究地脉动台阵观测中长周期信号的特征以及中国长周期地脉动的特点和适用性,开展了中国从沿海到内陆地区地脉动信号的观测和分析,探查由沿海到内陆地区地脉动的变化规律以及内陆地区广域的地脉动特征,发展适合于我国内陆地区的基于地脉动的地下构造勘探方法,在中国大陆上海市、西安市、天水市及兰州市进行了长周期地脉动观测。现场试验结果表明,上海地脉动特征与日本关东平原地区的观测结果类似,可以认为在海岸地区深部结构调查的地脉动台阵观测有良好的适用性。然而,西安、兰州、天水长周期地脉动能量只有上海的千分之一,因此需要进一步研究更加灵敏的仪器性能和更加稳定的观测方法。  相似文献   

胡清清  杨晓霞 《地质论评》2024,70(1):277-286
地质文化村(镇)是地质文化科普的重要窗口,也是所在区域经济社会发展的重要依托,对其空间分布特征及影响因素的研究对我国地质文化村(镇)的进一步评定和可持续发展具有重要意义。运用最邻近指数、不平衡指数、核密度分析和地理探测器方法,对我国50个地质文化村(镇)的空间分布特征及其影响因素进行研究,研究表明:①地质文化村(镇)的空间分布类型为随机分布型;②各省(市、区)地质文化村(镇)数量差异明显,空间分布不均衡,呈“东多西少”格局;③地质文化村(镇)形成1个高密度核心区、2个次高密度集聚区、1条核心延长带;④影响我国地质文化村(镇)空间分布格局的因素由特色地质资源、自然条件以及社会经济与人文资源3个一级指标构成,其中社会经济与人文资源对地质文化村(镇)空间分布影响最大且效果显著。在今后地质文化村(镇)的评定建设中,应加强中西部地区地质文化村(镇)的建设和申报;适当给予中西部地区地质文化村(镇)评定倾斜;加大地质文化村(镇)宣传力度;充分发掘地质特色及民俗文化,加强地质文化村(镇)与文化的融合。  相似文献   

胡清清  杨晓霞 《地质论评》2023,69(4):2023040003-2023040003
地质文化村(镇)是地质文化科普的重要窗口,也是所在区域经济社会发展的重要依托,对其空间分布特征及影响因素的研究对我国地质文化村(镇)的进一步评定和可持续发展具有重要意义。运用最邻近指数、不平衡指数、核密度分析和地理探测器方法,对我国50个地质文化村(镇)的空间分布特征及其影响因素进行研究,研究表明:①地质文化村(镇)的空间分布类型为随机分布型;②各省(市、区)地质文化村(镇)数量差异明显,空间分布不均衡,呈“东多西少”格局;③地质文化村(镇)形成1个高密度核心区、2个次高密度集聚区、1条核心延长带;④影响我国地质文化村(镇)空间分布格局的因素由特色地质资源、自然条件以及社会经济与人文资源3个一级指标构成,其中社会经济与人文资源对地质文化村(镇)空间分布影响最大且效果显著。在今后地质文化村(镇)的评定建设中,应加强中西部地区地质文化村(镇)的建设和申报;适当给予中西部地区地质文化村(镇)评定倾斜;加大地质文化村(镇)宣传力度;充分发掘地质特色及民俗文化,加强地质文化村(镇)与文化的融合。  相似文献   

Water resources use is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle, especially in arid inland of Northwest China, groundwater movement and circulation processes are closely related to the surface water, while recoverable and renewable groundwater mainly comes from the conversion of surface river water, and there is extensive transfer among rainfall, surface water and groundwater. Human activity, in particular, large-scale water resources exploitation and development associated with dramatic population growth in the last decades, has led to tremendous changes in the water regime. There are misuse and wastage of surface water with traditional multi-channel irrigation for most rivers, which in turn leads to over-exploitation of groundwater to augment supplies. This situation has been exacerbated by rapid population growth and socio-economic development, with decreased irrigational systems return to groundwater due to the irrigation system in the middle reaches of rivers in the Hexi region becoming better. The investigations of this study revealed that over the last decades, man-made oases have developed rapidly in various inland river basins. With the increasing human demand for water, the contradiction between water demand and water supply is becoming increasingly acute and the amount of groundwater usage significantly increased. Notwithstanding the annual surface water from mountains is relatively stable in the Hexi region, the recharges of groundwater have been reduced by 11.1%, with a maximum reduction of 50% in the Shiyang River basin. Groundwater abstraction increased by approximately six times, particularly in the Shiyang River basin, groundwater abstraction exceeds recharge by 4.1×108 m3 year−1 in recent decades. Consequently, the groundwater level has declined widely by 3–16 m, with a maximum decline of 45 m in several groundwater observation wells in the Minqin basin on the lower reaches of the Shiyang River basin. These cause serious human activity-induced environmental problems, such as water-quality deterioration, vegetation degradation, soil salinization and land desert desertification, etc. It is suggested that modernized irrigation technology and new regulation to cover water resources management and allocation with the river basins are urgently needed to achieve a sustainable development. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the development of water resources on the environment in arid inland river basins in Northwestern China, which were analyzed by comparing the three main river basins (i.e., the Shuilei, the Heihe and the Shiyang River basins) with different water resources development cases.  相似文献   

With the increasing application of germanium (Ge) elements in modern industry, military and medical health industries, especially with the growing demand for Ge-rich agricultural products, the study of Ge-rich soil has become particularly important, but the enrichment pattern and control factors of Ge-rich soil are still not well understood due to the high dispersion and high migration of Ge-rich soil. In this paper, 495 surface soil (0–20 cm) and 149 deep soil (150–200 cm) samples were collected from the northern foothills of Dabie Mountain using a double-layer grid layout, and the spatial distribution and enrichment characteristics of Ge were studied by high-resolution method, and the controlling factors affecting the distribution of Ge-rich soil was analyzed by geo-statistics and spatial analogy. The results show an average Ge content of 1.34 mg/kg for the surface and 1.36 mg/kg for the deep soil. In the assessment grade classification of surface and deep soil for Ge, the abundant and sub-abundant grades account for 37.97% and 31.70%, respectively, covering 752 km2 and 634 km2. Surface Ge-rich regions are distributed in concentrated strips in the north-central part of the studied region, and there is no clear pattern in the spatial distribution of deep soils. In the areas under study, such as Fenlukou, Dingji, and Jiangjiadian, the surface soil is very rich in Ge and has a high enrichment factor, which is valuable for agricultural development. In surface soils, river deposits and shallow metamorphic rock parent materials have the highest content of Ge, while in deep soils, the highest content has been found in the parent material of moderately acidic rock. Both surface and deep soils have the highest Ge content in purple paddy soils and plain areas. The source of Ge in the soils of the study area is most influenced by the lithology of the soil-forming parent material, while the distribution of Ge in the surface soils is jointly influenced by pH, SiO2, TFe2O3, and Al2O3 in the soil. This study has implications for understanding the enrichment pattern of Ge in soil and its controlling factors as well as for the development of Ge-rich agricultural products.  相似文献   

西北内陆盆地冻结-冻融期的地下水补给与损耗   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
天山北麓平原区,每年冻结过程的时间远大于融化过程。在昌吉地下水均衡试验场,选择该平原的3种代表性土壤(粉质轻粘土、细砂、砂砾石),利用地中渗透仪观测冻结冻融期的地下水补给与损耗。根据不同岩性的地下水蒸发极限深度,设计了不同的地下水埋深。在冻结期,砂砾石、细砂岩性分布地区有利于浅埋型地下水资源的保护。在冻融期,无论何种地下水埋深水平,3种岩性的地下水都获得冻融水的补给,但细颗粒岩性的补给量相对较少且存在滞后效应,相反,粗颗粒岩性更有利于地下水资源的形成。冻结期一个月的地下水最大损耗量不超过253mm(砂砾石),而冻融期一个月的地下水最大补给量高达1133mm(细砂),冻融期是年内地下水的重要补给时期。  相似文献   

西北内陆河流域地下水循环特征与地下水资源评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在系统梳理前人调查研究成果基础上,总结了西北内陆河流域主要的含水层特点,对山区、平原区和沙漠区的地下水循环特点进行了分析,着重对平原区地下水水流系统进行了讨论.由于西北内陆河流域地下水与地表水关系密切,形成了具有密切水力联系的含水层-河流系统,不论是上游开发地表水还是地下水,都会引起整个流域内地下水资源的强烈变化.地下...  相似文献   

中国西北内陆盆地水分垂直循环及其生态学意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
周爱国  马瑞  张晨 《水科学进展》2005,16(1):127-133
中国西北内陆盆地中的地下水系统,对维系其浅表水分、热量、盐分均衡以及地表的生态平衡、土壤的资源属性和局部地域气候相对稳定性具有不可或缺的调节作用,这种调节作用是通过饱和带水、包气带水(土壤水)、近地表大汽水和植物体内水("四水")之间的垂直循环来实现的.目前的相关研究主要侧重于地下水与地表植被类型间对应关系的统计分析,较少涉及水分运移的机制;而以水分垂直循环的动力学机制为研究对象的SPAC系统(土壤-植物-大气连续体),则对地下水的重视程度不够,且存在着尺度转换的困难,更为完整的应该是GSPAC系统(地下水-土壤-植物-大气连续体).干旱区内陆盆地地下水生态效应的研究需要开展以下的工作:"四水"垂直循环的动力学过程与机制研究,尤其是饱水带-包气带界面水、汽、热转化过程的研究;人类活动影响下地下水系统演化特征的研究,它不仅是实现水分垂直循环研究的最终目的——水资源合理开发利用的中间环节,更是将"四水"垂直循环这一微观水文循环过程与区域水文循环过程相结合,实现尺度转化的关键所在.  相似文献   

以生态输水为代表的湿地修复工程在西北内陆流域得到了广泛应用,生态输水情形下地下水与湿地植被的交互作用决定着湿地生态系统的演化过程。以西北典型内陆流域—石羊河流域青土湖湿地为研究区,基于地下水-湿地生态系统多要素一体化动态监测网络,结合稳定同位素和卫星遥感技术手段,分析生态输水情形下的地下水动态变化与湿地植被恢复情况,从水文地质角度揭示地下水与湿地生态系统的协同演化机制。结果显示:夏季末和秋季生态输水时,湖水补给地下水且土壤含水率增大,最大土壤含水率可达0.45 m3/m3;冬季湿地湖面和表层土壤冻结,湖水对地下水补给量减少,春季冻土和湖面消融导致地下水略有回升,同时增大土壤含水率;夏季在下次生态输水前湖面面积最小(湖面面积最小约为1 km2,地下水水位最大埋深为3.6 m),部分区域地下水补给湖水,此时表层土壤含水率也最低(最小土壤含水率为0.01 m3/m3);夏季末和秋季生态输水通过将生态水储存在地下水和土壤中进而作用于次年的植被恢复与生长,增大生态输水所形成的湖面面积有助...  相似文献   

Spatial variability and rainfall characteristics of Kerala   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographical regions of covariability in precipitation over the Kerala state are exposed using factor analysis. The results suggest that Kerala can be divided into three unique rainfall regions, each region having a similar covariance structure of annual rainfall. Stations north of 10‡N (north Kerala) fall into one group and they receive more rainfall than stations south of 10‡N (south Kerala). Group I stations receive more than 65% of the annual rainfall during the south-west monsoon period, whereas stations falling in Group II receive 25–30% of annual rainfall during the pre-monsoon and the north-east monsoon periods. The meteorology of Kerala is profoundly influenced by its orographical features, however it is difficult to make out a direct relationship between elevation and rainfall. Local features of the state as reflected in the rainfall distribution are also clearly brought out by the study.  相似文献   

This paper aimed at proposing an inland waterway traffic noise prediction model for environmental assessment in China. The study was the first to predict inland waterway traffic noise levels considering water surface condition and absorption influence in China. The analysis results indicated that the inland waterway traffic noise exposure levels can be influenced by water surface. The model was developed based on the Germany Schall 03 model by adding the water surface condition and absorption correction terms to the governing equations. Results showed that the predicted noise levels by the developed model correlated well with the measurements. In addition, the developed model had higher precision compared with the existing models such as the Schall 03 model, the modified US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) model and the modified Germany Richtlinien für den Lärmschutz an Straßen (RLS 90) model. The proposed model can be utilized to assess inland waterway traffic noise exposure in China.  相似文献   

Beach profiles along eight sections of two fringing pebble beaches located in the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, Wales were regularly surveyed for over one year. The data were used to examine spatial and seasonal beach profile variations by utilizing them in several graphical procedures. Results showed seasonal variations in terms of beach profile configuration, beach face slope and the rate of profile change, although these variations were not necessarily concurrent. This highlights the special case of fringing pebble beaches on which accretional profiles are probably compensated for by erosional profiles alongshore at any one time. This makes it difficult to generalize spatially the profile response of an entire beach system. For this reason, the rate of profile change may more realistically reflect periodic variations in wave regime, which in European latitudes can be approximated with the summer and winter seasons.  相似文献   

 Hydrology and ecology are two important factors affecting the rational utilization of limited water resources within the arid inland basins of China. They depend on, are influenced by, and interact with each other. But, the functions and significance of the hydrological ecology vary from upper through intermediate to lower reaches. Abundant rainfall and large runoff in the upper regions favor the vegetation growth, and the bushy vegetation helps conserve water resources. The large-scale reclamation in the intermediate regions leads to many sustainable oases, but with severely changed hydrological conditions and destroyed ecological systems. Human activities result in the degradation of the vegetation and declination of the ecological system at the intermediate and lower regions. It is necessary to establish study approaches to ecological hydrology in arid inland river basins. Received: 30 October 1997 · Accepted: 26 May 1998  相似文献   

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