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唐浩 《北京测绘》1996,(2):18-21
本文探讨了如何用软件方法实现导航线设计的自动化,对其中的主要问题作分析与讨论,开发的软件应用于"利用GPS卫星进农业飞防导航"课题中的部分计算,取得了较好的结果。  相似文献   

人工增雨作为应急抗旱和缓解水资源紧张的重要手段,与社会经济可持续发展、生态安全和人民生活密切相关。航线设计是飞机人工增雨作业方案设计的一项重要内容,基于GIS平台自动化设计飞行航线将成为趋势。在传统飞行航线设计方案的基础上,研究提出了基于ArcGIS Engine的半圆弧过渡条播航线、"弓"字形条播航线和"之"字形条播航线三种层状云作业"穿云"航线与一种对流云或层积混合云作业"绕云"航线的自动化设计算法。应用结果显示,四种自动化算法均能够快速有效地设计出飞机航线,取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

以大地鹰D—Ⅲ型测绘无人机的研发为例,阐述了"智能化"测绘无人机的设计思路、设计与测试、主要参数及航摄效果。设计达到了相关规范的技术要求。  相似文献   

基于GIS的广东省综合运输体系规划信息平台构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广东省交通运输厅从2012年起,组织分期研究开发基于地理信息系统的广东省综合运输体系规划信息平台(简称"平台"),旨在建立健全统一的全省交通运输业数据采集、发布标准及技术管理规范,分别构建5大类运输方式线网及重要的运输枢纽站场节点的多级图层,叠加形成全省综合运输体系布局规划"一张图"。"平台"采用4层设计,依托后台管理、应用分析和综合展示3大子系统,搭建了基础地理信息、经济社会、交通运输现状、综合运输体系规划成果及其他共5大类数据库,"平台(一期)"于2014年3月26日通过验收,实现了多维度、多视角展示和查询交通运输业数据成果的预期功能。研究实践将力促综合运输体系规划研究和决策方式实行根本性变革。  相似文献   

在缺乏"移动测量系统"等高端设备的条件下,利用普通数码相机进行实景影像数据的采集,并基于Arc-GIS Server平台实现了校园实景GIS。设计了基于"设计摄站点位—现场采集影像—影像关联算法设计—系统开发实现"模式的系统建设流程,提出了一种基于摄站点位名称及视线方向实现影像与地理位置关联的方法,并对ArcGIS Server实现系统中关键功能的方法进行了描述,对相关GIS系统的建设具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Susan 《地图》2011,(3):68-73
对旅游者来说,来到一座城市的"零公里"处(人们常常称之为"原点"),大有"千里之行,始于足下"的感觉。它既表明了一个国家或城市干线公路的起点,也是一个城市中心点的象征。从某种意义上来说,它更包含了历史与人文的范畴。  相似文献   

研究了当前GIS产业化发展,分析了本校学科专业优势,提出了在"大地学"背景下的GIS本科专业课程体系的改革思路。  相似文献   

从"数字景区"到"智慧景区"是景区可持续发展面临的新机遇与挑战。本文从景区管理的需求出发,探讨了建设基于物联网的"智慧景区"的必要性,设计了基于物联网新技术的"智慧景区"框架,探讨了基于服务架构的景区智能化管理模式,结合智慧九寨沟的建设,实现了基于在RFID,IP摄像头、移动执法智能终端和数据中心组成的景区物联网基础上的"智慧景区"游客分流应用功能,实践了物联网技术在智慧景区建设中的应用。  相似文献   

明清北京城被公认为中国古代城市规划的巅峰之作,都城在设计时遵守了《周礼·考工记》中"九经九纬"、"前朝后市"、"左祖右社"的记载,规模宏伟,规划严整,设施完善。直到现在,北京的二环线仍保持着严谨而优美的"凸"字外形,气魄凛然。  相似文献   

针对国内缺少面向非专业人群的GIS科普内容的状况,研究在建构主义体验学习与情境学习理论的指导下,提出了"以兴趣引导体验促科学知识发现"的GIS体验区建设理念,形成了"掌握空间分析方法、提高动手实践能力、转变思维方式和观念"的体验目标和"用半开放体验线路串联系列小案例反映GIS方法与应用"的设计思路,进而以"GIS知识学习——GIS初步应用——GIS项目选址"为体验主线,进行了GIS体验区的框架设计和分场景设计,并综合运用RIA技术和开源WebGIS技术,构建了GIS科学体验的数字互动平台。GIS体验区网站运行一年以来,访问量超过17万人次,结果表明,GIS体验区能够有效把握体验者的兴趣,有利于推动GIS的大众化发展。  相似文献   

The Renault Company has developed a system for the mathematical definition of complex surfaces known as the Unisurf method. In association with this method, close range photogrammetry is used to provide the digital data required for the analysis of a surface. Photogrammetric techniques are of value in various fields of application, including the styling of new models of cars, design modifications to existing models, car accident investigations and statistical studies on human bodies.  相似文献   

Cellular automata (CA) are useful for studies on urban growth and land‐use changes. Although various methods have been developed to define transition rules, modeling urban growth of large areas remains a tough challenge owing to heterogeneous geographical features. To address the problem, we present a novel method based on the combination of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and knowledge transfer techniques. FCA is used to solicit association rules among cities within a large area. This method can provide a theoretical basis for the knowledge transfer process. A cutting‐edge algorithm called TrAdaBoost is then integrated with the commonly‐used Logistic‐CA as the modeling framework. The proposed method is applied to the urban growth modeling of Guangdong Province, a large region with 21 cities in China, from 2005 to 2008. Compared with traditional methods, this method can achieve better results at the provincial and local levels, according to the experiments. The combination of FCA and knowledge transfer is expected to provide a useful tool for calibrating large‐scale urban CA models.  相似文献   

EXPECTOR is a method of combining data and 'expert' knowledge within a Geographic Information System to provide information on the occurrence of spatially distributed attributes. It was developed to predict soil property values from spatially variable input data. Although initially developed to provide soil surveyors with a quantitative soil mapping method, it also has applications in land evaluation, land capability assessment, geological mapping and in precision agriculture. It operates on the basis that the state of a particular property, which may be difficult to measure directly, can be inferred from other (more measurable) entities and a knowledge of their inter–relationships. The method has been implemented as a stand–alone 'Knowledge Editing' module for the PC that can be linked to raster GIS packages. This paper describes the basis of the method and illustrates its use with an example describing the production of a surface clay content map for a small catchment in south–western Western Australia.  相似文献   

基态修正模型是目前应用较广的一种时空数据模型。本文分析了基态修正模型中的时空数据特点,采用shapefile文件作为基态数据文件,自主设计差文件格式来存储和组织变化数据。在此基础上设计了快照查询的算法、流程和查询结果的显示方法。为了给用户提供更直观、更充分的时空信息,本文提出了一种双屏幕多视图的时空数据显示模式。采用VC.NET从底层开发了一个时态地理信息系统平台,并以中南大学主校区的时空数据为实验数据对上述算法和模式进行了检验。实验表明,本文所设计的算法可行,快照显示模式能够提供更直观、更丰富、对比性强的信息内容,是时空信息显示的一种可行模式。  相似文献   

The M-estimator for the 3D symmetric Helmert coordinate transformation problem is developed. Small-angle rotation assumption is abandoned. The direction cosine matrix or the quaternion is used to represent the rotation. The \(3 \times 1\) multiplicative error vector is defined to represent the rotation estimation error. An analytical solution can be employed to provide the initial approximate for iteration, if the outliers are not large. The iteration is carried out using the iterative reweighted least-squares scheme. In each iteration after the first one, the measurement equation is linearized using the available parameter estimates, the reweighting matrix is constructed using the residuals obtained in the previous iteration, and then the parameter estimates with their variance-covariance matrix are calculated. The influence functions of a single pseudo-measurement on the least-squares estimator and on the M-estimator are derived to theoretically show the robustness. In the solution process, the parameter is rescaled in order to improve the numerical stability. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to check the developed method. Different cases to investigate whether the assumed stochastic model is correct are considered. The results with the simulated data slightly deviating from the true model are used to show the developed method’s statistical efficacy at the assumed stochastic model, its robustness against the deviations from the assumed stochastic model, and the validity of the estimated variance-covariance matrix no matter whether the assumed stochastic model is correct or not.  相似文献   

Integrity monitoring for ambiguity resolution is of significance for utilizing the high-precision carrier phase differential positioning for safety–critical navigational applications. The integer bootstrap estimator can provide an analytical probability density function, which enables the precise evaluation of the integrity risk for ambiguity validation. In order to monitor the effect of unknown ambiguity bias on the integer bootstrap estimator, the position-domain integrity risk of the integer bootstrapped baseline is evaluated under the complete failure modes by using the worst-case protection principle. Furthermore, a partial ambiguity resolution method is developed in order to satisfy the predefined integrity risk requirement. Static and kinematic experiments are carried out to test the proposed method by comparing with the traditional ratio test method and the protection level-based method. The static experimental result has shown that the proposed method can achieve a significant global availability improvement by 51% at most. The kinematic result reveals that the proposed method obtains the best balance between the positioning accuracy and the continuity performance.  相似文献   

This letter proposes a novel extremely low frequency (ELF) radar for major oil deposits. Using our recently developed whole-Earth electromagnetic wave propagation model based upon the finite-difference time-domain method, we have determined that detection of the radial (vertical) component of the scattered H-field provides a sensitive means to detect oil fields that are located within several kilometers of the Earth's surface. As an example, we provide numerical simulations of ELF radar returns from a hypothetical Alaskan oil field excited by a 20-Hz pulse emitted from the former U.S. Navy site in Wisconsin. The proposed method would potentially provide means to rapidly and inexpensively conduct aerial surveys of thousands of square kilometers for significant oil deposits.  相似文献   

介绍了由德国Geo++研究的直接在野外进行的绝对校准方法,该方法可以消除多路径效应,测得和方位角相关的PCV.经过进一步的研究,该校正过程高效准确且可以实时提供校正结果。简单列举了AOAD/M—T类型天线的相对和绝对PCV的结果,对PCV的改正精度要求做了简单介绍。  相似文献   

高精度悬挂式陀螺仪在研制、生产和调试中仍存在无法精确测定和调整陀螺惯性灵敏部静平衡残余量的问题,研究发现含有静平衡残余量和静平衡状态良好的陀螺运动轨迹存在明显的差异,因此精确测定陀螺灵敏部运动轨迹参数可为精确测定陀螺灵敏部静平衡残余量提供有效途径。文中研制利用激光、高清相机、显微放大镜头等部件,结合计算机视觉和图像处理等方法,采用质心跟踪的方式精确测定陀螺灵敏部摆动(未启动马达)轨迹的装置;利用最小二乘方法拟合陀螺摆动轨迹,推导求取陀螺摆动周期、振幅、衰减系数、摆动中心、抖动振幅等参数的方法。最后用文中装置测定JT15陀螺悬挂系统在未启动马达下的运动轨迹参数,验证装置与方法的有效性。  相似文献   

遥感是一门应用性极强的现代地球信息学科,在总结分析遥感学科理论发展与遥感应用新特征基础上,进行遥感学科发展与应用理论探索,是推动遥感学科与应用迈上新台阶的重要任务。本文通过对现有遥感学科组成及分类体系的分析,首先提出了一种基于方法论的遥感学科分类新方法,在分析遥感应用中普遍存在的跨时空特征基础上,从遥感应用新视野提出了跨时空遥感的理论,最后结合典型案例剖析了跨时空遥感的应用。跨时空遥感理论的建立顺应遥感学科发展的需要,遥感应用时空观的提出对今后遥感应用具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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