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《Advances in water resources》2002,25(8-12):1349-1355
Local values of surface shear stress measured by eddy correlation devices were compared to regional ones generated by Monin–Obukhov similarity (MOS) theory in the atmospheric surface layer over the cooperative atmosphere–surface exchange study (CASES) area in eastern Kansas. For this comparison, minisodar average wind speed profiles were used to implement MOS. The local surface shear stress values were found to be representative of the regional ones only under free convective conditions. For weak to strongly neutral atmospheric conditions, regional values of the surface shear stress were underpredicted by a factor of two by the locally measured ones. Empirical interpolation equations are proposed to describe the relationship in the intermediate range. The surface roughness values of 0.12 and 0.40 m, respectively, were determined for the two locations of the minisodar sounders by regional analysis of their mean wind speed measurements under neutral atmospheric conditions. The roughness values found in this present study compared well to past investigations conducted in this region. Minisodar roughness values were found in this present study to be a good alternative to radiosonde determined ones.  相似文献   

The response of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) to solar eclipses is studied in this work. We analyzed the magnetic field measurements obtained by three satellites, CHAMP, SAC-C and Ørsted and correlated them with ground-based observations during the eclipses. The observations show a local weakening of the EEJ after the shadow passed the dip equator. The size of the effect is, however, comparable with the day-to-day variability. In four out of five events we found the formation of a counter electrojet in the wake of the eclipse. We propose that the depression of the EEJ during an eclipse favors the formation of a counter electrojet.  相似文献   

Different variants for interpreting the data of vertical and horizontal channels of GPS measurements are examined during experimental works. The movements of an observation point are imitated experimentally in the vertical and horizontal directions at a geophysical observatory. The experiments are carried out on a pedestal with original benchmarks in both directions. The movements are imitated in the high-frequency range with different time values of movement from one point to another, which did not exceed 1 h. The errors in imaging movements of measurement points according to the results of interpreting the readings of GPS receivers are shown in relation to the benchmark movements of measurement points in the vertical and horizontal directions. These data are processed in the differential mode using the precise point positioning (PPP) method. The experimental results confirm that there is no potential of imaging vertical movements of the Earth’s surface caused by tidal observations according to GPS receiver data.  相似文献   

Introduction Earthquake is not an isolated event. The focal region is not a closed system either. It is able to exchange energy or material with the medium outside this region. These kinds of exchange may cause various physical and chemical effects, so it is possible to get precursory signals by using space remote sensing technology. Many scholars (QIANG, et al, 1990; GENG, et al, 1992; XU, et al, 1995) have carried out some preliminary researches and experiments on the mechanism of therm…  相似文献   


By J. E. Simpson, Ellis Horwood Limited, $59.95 (£35.00) 244 pp. (ISBN 0-853 12-972-x).  相似文献   

Accurate determination of the water retention curve (WRC) of a soil is essential for the understanding and modelling of the subsurface hydrological, ecological, and biogeochemical processes. Volcanic ash soils with andic properties (Andosols) are recognized as important providers of ecological and hydrological services in mountainous regions worldwide due to their large fraction of small size particles (clay, silt, and organic matter) that gives them an outstanding water holding capacity. Previous comparative analyses of in situ (field) and standard laboratory methods for the determination of the WRC of Andosols showed contrasting results. Based on an extensive analysis of laboratory, experimental, and field measured WRCs of Andosols in combination with data extracted from the published literature we show that standard laboratory methods using small soil sample volumes (≤300 cm3) mimic the WRC of these soils only partially. The results obtained by the latter resemble only a small portion of the wet range of the Andosols' WRC (from saturation up to −5 kPa, or pF 1.7), but overestimate substantially their water content for higher matric potentials. This discrepancy occurs irrespective of site-specific land use and cover, soil properties, and applied method. The disagreement limits our capacity to infer correctly subsurface hydrological behaviour, as illustrated through the analysis of long-term soil moisture and matric potential data from an experimental site in the tropical Andes. These findings imply that results reported in past research should be used with caution and that future research should focus on determining laboratory methods that allow obtaining a correct characterization of the WRC of Andosols. For the latter, a set of recommendations and future directions to solve the identified methodological issues is proposed.  相似文献   

Methylmercury (MeHg) and inorganic mercury (Hginorg) were evaluated in the water of a Brazilian estuary, with two size classes of plankton and seven fish species of different feeding habits. Water partition coefficients (PCs) in microplankton were fourfold higher for MeHg than for Hginorg; and water PCs in mesoplankton were 26 times higher for MeHg than Hginorg. Difference between microplankton and mesoplankton MeHg bioaccumulation factor (BAF) was higher (0.60 log units) than Hginorg BAF (0.24 log units), indicating that trophic transfer of MeHg between planktonic organisms is more efficient than Hginorg transference. MeHg concentrations, proportion of mercury as MeHg and its biotransference factors (BTFs) in the microplankton, mesoplankton and fish increased with increasing trophic level while biotic concentrations of Hginorg and proportion of mercury as Hginorg decreased thus indicating that MeHg was indeed the biomagnified species of mercury. MeHg reflected the vertical trophic guilds distribution, due to the fact that the top predator fish presented the highest concentration (0.77 μg g−1 d.w.), followed by the less voracious species (0.43 μg g−1 d.w.); while planktivorous fish presented the lowest concentrations (0.044 μg g−1 d.w.). Hginorg did not present the same behavior. Results suggest that feeding habits and trophic guild are important parameters, influencing biotransference and biomagnification processes.  相似文献   

Measurements of the amplitudes of seismic body waves at teleseismic distances have rarely resolved significant features mainly because of the large scatter of the data. However, amplitudes are easy to measure and may provide additional constraints on structure to supplement times and waveforms. A new approach to analysing body wave amplitudes at a regional network of similar instruments seeks to minimize scatter by first deriving amplitude station corrections analogous to station corrections for times. After correction for station effects, amplitudes from several events can be combined to give regional amplitude–distance curves without using information on event magnitudes. However, the earthquakes providing the observations must lie in a restricted range of azimuths from the stations of the network and provide considerable overlap in the range of distances between adjacent events, with no gaps in distance coverage. The advantages of the method are explored using P wave amplitudes from two sets of earthquakes in the Indonesian and South American regions recorded by the Kaapvaal network deployed across southern Africa. In the first example, high amplitudes near 88° distance suggest the presence of a small discontinuity at the top of D″ that causes constructive interference between the closely separated arrivals of a small triplication in the travel times. The second example, supplemented by calculations using synthetic data, shows how long-wavelength regional variations in amplitudes can be resolved to assist the interpretation of times and waveforms. However, the limited range of distances in the observations and lateral heterogeneities at any depths can result in bias or tilt of the amplitude–distance relationships. Constraining the depths of the structure causing the long-wavelength variations is a subject for future research.  相似文献   

The performance of hydrological models is affected by uncertainty related to observed climatological and discharge data. Although the latter has been widely investigated, the effects on hydrological models from different starting times of the day have received little interest. In this study, observational data from one tropical basin were used to investigate the effects on a typical bucket-type hydrological model, the HBV, when the definitions of the climatological and discharge days are changed. An optimization procedure based on a genetic algorithm was used to assess the effects on model performance. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies varied considerably between day definitions, with the largest dependence on the climatological-day definition. The variation was likely caused by how storm water was assigned to one or two daily rainfall values depending on the definition of the climatological day. Hydrological models are unlikely to predict high flows accurately if rainfall intensities are reduced because of the day definition.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - This study addresses the air–sea interaction processes and mixed layer variability, which cause the intraseasonal oscillations in the sea surface temperature (SST) during...  相似文献   

In humid upland catchments wetlands are often a prominent feature in the vicinity of streams and have potential implications for runoff generation and nutrient export. Wetland surfaces are often characterized by distinct micro-topography (hollows and hummocks). The effects of such micro-topography on surface–subsurface exchange and runoff generation for a 10 by 20 m synthetic section of a riparian wetland were investigated in a virtual modeling experiment. A reference model with a planar surface was run for comparison. The geostatistically simulated structure of the micro-topography replicates the topography of a peat-forming riparian wetland in a small mountainous catchment in South-East Germany (Lehstenbach). Flow was modeled with the fully-integrated surface–subsurface code HydroGeoSphere. Simulation results showed that the specific structure of the wetland surface resulted in distinct shifts between surface and subsurface flow dominance. Surface depressions filled and started to drain via connected channel networks in a threshold controlled process, when groundwater levels intersected the land surface. These networks expanded and shrunk in a spill and fill mechanism when the shallow water table fluctuated around the mean surface elevation under variable rainfall inputs. The micro-topography efficiently buffered rainfall inputs and produced a hydrograph that was characterized by subsurface flow during most of the year and only temporarily shifted to surface flow dominance (> 80% of total discharge) during intense rainstorms. In contrast the hydrograph in the planar reference model was much “flashier” and more controlled by surface runoff. A non-linear, hysteretic relationship between groundwater level and discharge observed at the study site was reproduced with the micro-topography model. Hysteresis was also observed in the relationship between surface water storage and discharge, but over a relatively narrow range of surface water storage values. Therefore it was concluded that surface water storage was a better predictor for the occurrence of surface runoff than groundwater levels.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in reservoirs is sedimentation which reduces the operating life of dams if a proper plan and analysis method are not in place.The techniques to manage sediment in reservoirs include several sustainable management techniques that route sediment through or around the reservoir.One of the main economical methods in arid and semi-arid regions is pressurized flushing using moderate drawdown of the water level of the reservoir to evacuate sediment deposited behind dams.In the current study,the effect of a new structure called a dendritic bottomless extended (DBE) outlet structure at three angles of 30°,45°,and 60° on pressurized flushing efficiency was investigated.Consequently,45 experiments were designed for three discharge rates (Q_o) ,three sediment levels (H_s),four types of structure,and a no-structure condition (reference test).The results indicated that the DBE structure with a 30° angle between the branches,a sedimentary dimensionless index of ■,and a flow dimensionless index of ■(where g is the acceleration of gravity and Do is the diameter of the bottom outlet) lead to 10-fold increase in the sediment flushing cone dimensions and sediment removal efficiency compared to the results of the reference test.Finally,according to a statistical analysis of the results,a dimensionless equation for calculating the sediment flushing cone dimensions was developed for the tested sediment characteristics.  相似文献   

Over the last century, afforestation in Ireland has increased from 1% of the land area to 10%, with most plantations on upland drained blanket peatlands. This land use change is considered to have altered the hydrological response and water balance of upland catchments with implications for water resources. Because of the difficulty of observing these long‐term changes in the field, the aim of this study was to utilize a hydrological model to simulate the rainfall runoff processes of an existing pristine blanket peatland and then to simulate the hydrology of the peatland if it were drained and afforested. The hydrological rainfall runoff model (GEOtop) was calibrated and validated for an existing small (76 ha) pristine blanket peatland in the southwest of Ireland for the 2‐year period, 2007–2008. The current hydrological response of the pristine blanket peatland catchment with regard to streamflow and water table (WT) levels was captured well in the simulations. Two land use change scenarios of afforestation were also examined, (A) a young 10‐year‐old and (B) a semi‐mature 15‐year‐old Sitka Spruce forest. Scenario A produced similar streamflow dynamics to the pristine peatland, whereas total annual streamflow from Scenario B was 20% lower. For Scenarios A and B, on an annual average basis, the WT was drawn down by 16 and 20 cm below that observed in the pristine peatland, respectively. The maximum WT draw down in Scenario B was 61 cm and occurred in the summer months, resulting in a significant decrease in summer streamflow. Occasionally in the winter (following rainfall), the WT for Scenario B was just 2 cm lower than the pristine peatland, which when coupled with the drainage networks associated with afforestation led to higher peak streamflows. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to discuss the values and daily variation characteristics of heat storage fluxes in a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, the sensible and latent heat storage flux within air column, canopy heat storage flux, energy storage by photosynthesis and ground heat storage above the soil heat flux plate, as well as the ratios of these heat storage fluxes to the net radiation in the cool-dry, hot-dry and rainy season were compared and analyzed based on the observation data of carbon fluxes, meteorological factors and biomass within this tropical seasonal rain forest from January 2003 to December 2004. The findings showed that heat storage terms ranged significantly in the daytime and weakly in the nighttime, and the absolute values of sensible and latent heat storage fluxes were obviously greater than other heat storage terms in all seasons. In addition, the absolute values of total heat storage fluxes reached the peak in the hot-dry season, then were higher in the rainy season, and reached the minimum in the cool-dry season. The ratios of heat storage fluxes to net radiation generally decreased with time in the daytime, moreover, the sensible and latent heat storage dominated a considerable fraction of net radiation, while other heat storage contents occupied a smaller fraction of the net radiation and the peak value was not above 3.5%. In the daytime, the ratios of the total heat storage to net radiation were greater and differences in these ratios were distinct among seasons before 12:00, and then they became lower and differences were small among seasons after 12:00. The energy closure was improved when the storage terms were considered in the energy balance, which indicated that heat storage terms should not been neglected. The energy closure of tropical seasonal rain forest was not very well due to effects of many factors. The results would help us to further understand energy transfer and mass exchange between tropical forest and atmosphere. Moreover, they would supply a research basis for studying energy closure at other places.  相似文献   

Gully erosion is a major environmental threat on the Moldavian Plateau (MP) of eastern Romania. The permanent gully systems consist of two main gully types. These are: (1) discontinuous gullies, which are mostly located on hillslopes and (2) large continuous gullies in valley bottoms. Very few studies have investigated the evolution of continuous gullies over the medium to longer term. The main objective of this study was to quantitatively analyse the development of continuous gullies over six decades (1961–2020). The article aimed at predicting temporal patterns of gully head erosion based on field data from multiple gullies. Fourteen representative continuous gullies were selected near the town of Barlad, most of them having catchment areas < 500 ha. Linear gully head retreat (LGHR) and areal gully growth (AGG) rates were quantified for six decades. Two main periods were distinguished and compared (i.e., the wet 1961–1980 period and the drier 1981–2020 period). Results indicate that gully erosion rates have significantly decreased since 1981. The mean LGHR of 7.7 m yr−1 over 60 years was accompanied by a mean AGG of 213 m2 yr−1. However, erosion rates between 1961 and 1980 were 4.0 times larger for LGHR and 5.9 times more for AGG compared to those for 1981–2020. Two regression models indicate that annual precipitation depth (P) is the primary controlling factor, explaining 57% of LGHR and 53% of AGG rate. The contributing area (CA) follows, with ~33%. Only 43% of total change in LGHR and 46% of total change in AGG results from rainfall-induced runoff during the warm season. Accordingly, the cold season (with associated freeze–thaw processes and snowmelt runoff) has more impact on gully development. The runoff pattern, when flow enters the trunk gully head, is largely controlled by the upper approaching discontinuous gully.  相似文献   

Bright and extensive noctilucent clouds (NLC) were observed in Århus (Denmark) on 3/4 July of 2008 with an automatic digital camera taking images every minute. This event was unique in the sense that bright NLC were seen at high elevation angles (more than 30°) that allowed observing the evolution of a Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) wave, resulted in well-developed turbulence. In particular, coherent vortex structures of a horseshoe-shaped form were observed for the first time in noctilucent clouds. The turbulent diffusion coefficient and turbulent energy dissipation rate around the mesopause are estimated in the range 162–667 m2/s and 300–1235 mW/kg, respectively, representing a case of strong neutral air turbulence in noctilucent clouds. Turbulent structures were observed to be in the vicinity of breaking small-scale gravity waves that seems to be responsible for a high level of turbulence.At the same time, it has been demonstrated that it is of importance to take into account non-turbulent process such as the gravity wave motion that is always present in NLC layers. Unless non-turbulent process is taken into account, this certainly leads to overestimating of the value of the turbulent diffusion coefficient. More accurate characteristics of turbulence in NLC can be obtained by analyzing a sequence of high-resolution images with a high frame-rate high-resolution digital camera.  相似文献   


The temporal dynamics of groundwater–surface water interaction under the impacts of various water abstraction scenarios are presented for hydraulic fracturing in a shale gas and oil play area (23 984.9 km2), Alberta, Canada, using the MIKE-SHE and MIKE-11 models. Water-use data for hydraulic fracturing were obtained for 433 wells drilled in the study area in 2013 and 2014. Modelling results indicate that water abstraction for hydraulic fracturing has very small (<0.35%) negative impacts on mean monthly and annual river and groundwater levels and stream and groundwater flows in the study area, and small (1–4.17%) negative impacts on environmental flows near the water abstraction location during low-flow periods. The impacts on environmental flow depend on the amount of water abstraction and the daily flow over time at a specific river cross-section. The results also indicate a very small (<0.35%) positive impact on mean monthly and annual groundwater contributions to streamflow because of the large study area. The results provide useful information for planning long-term seasonal and annual water abstractions from the river and groundwater for hydraulic fracturing in a large study area.  相似文献   

Plastic debris is a worldwide threat to marine environments and Portugal is not immune to it. Though never quantified, items of all sizes can be found in the Portuguese coastline; therefore the objective of this work is the identification of main size classes in stranded plastic debris. Beaches sediment was sampled and in the laboratory plastic items were sorted in 11 classes from <1 to >10 mm, counted and weighted. Plastic size ranged from 50 μm to 20 cm and microplastics (<5 mm) were the majority (72%). Most plastic fits in the smaller size classes, due to expected high residence time in the sea enhancing degradation processes, which increase surface exposure and potentially persistent organic pollutants (POP) adsorption. These results point out the important contribution of microplastics to marine debris pollution, its risks, and the need to set a higher focus on this size class.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):123-131
Coastal power stations entrain large volumes of cooling water, requiring biocidal treatment to prevent biological fouling. Discharged effluent is both heated and contaminated with residual traces of biocide and so it is necessary to quantify the impacts of this discharge. Cooling water from Heysham 2 nuclear power station, NW England, UK, is discharged to the intertidal area, via a culvert (to minimise erosion and maximise dilution and dispersion by directing the effluent into the receiving water at all states of the tide) within which the effluent is contained at low water. The culvert and surrounding coastal area support a population of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Mussel health was determined along a gradient of exposure, using three physiological indices: Scope for Growth, Gonad Mantle Index and Somatic Condition Index (K Factor). The Mussels within the culvert exhibited reduced physiological index values compared to an external site. A trend was identified down the length of the culvert, representing a gradient of exposure and indicating a potential negative effect on growth and reproductive output.  相似文献   

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