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In the critical zone, surficial bedrock interactions result in the formation of a mantle of chemically‐ and physically‐altered material defined here as regolith. In the watershed of the Río Icacos, an upland river draining the Luquillo Mountains in tropical Puerto Rico, we explored the influence of lithology (quartz diorite versus hornfels‐facies volcaniclastic rock) on weathering. Regolith profiles were studied by drilling boreholes and imaging the subsurface using ground penetrating radar (GPR). Overall, the regolith structure is not laterally continuous but rather is punctuated by zones of deep fractures that host in situ weathering, corestones, and colluvial material. GPR images of these vertical zones show reflectors at 15–20 m depth. Thus, the architecture of the critical zone in the upper Luquillo Mountains is highly dependent on lithology and its influence on fracture development. At the highest elevations where hornfels overlies quartz diorite, positive feedbacks occur when the water table drops so that oxidative weathering of biotite in the more felsic rock creates microfractures and allows deeper infiltration of meteoric waters. Such exposure results in some of the fastest weathering rocks in the world and may contribute to formation of the knickpoint in the Río Icacos watershed. This work represents the first study combining GPR and drilling to look at the structure of the deep critical zone and demonstrates: (1) the importance of combining direct methods (such as drilling) with indirect methods (such as GPR) to understand the architecture of the critical zone in tropical systems; (2) the interplay of the surficial stress regime, lithology and climate in dictating the architecture of weathering. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The conversion of bedrock to regolith marks the inception of critical zone processes, but the factors that regulate it remain poorly understood. Although the thickness and degree of weathering of regolith are widely thought to be important regulators of the development of regolith and its water‐storage potential, the functional relationships between regolith properties and the processes that generate it remain poorly documented. This is due in part to the fact that regolith is difficult to characterize by direct observations over the broad scales needed for process‐based understanding of the critical zone. Here we use seismic refraction and resistivity imaging techniques to estimate variations in regolith thickness and porosity across a forested slope and swampy meadow in the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory (SSCZO). Inferred seismic velocities and electrical resistivities image a weathering zone ranging in thickness from 10 to 35 m (average = 23 m) along one intensively studied transect. The inferred weathering zone consists of roughly equal thicknesses of saprolite (P‐velocity < 2 km s?1) and moderately weathered bedrock (P‐velocity = 2–4 km s?1). A minimum‐porosity model assuming dry pore space shows porosities as high as 50% near the surface, decreasing to near zero at the base of weathered rock. Physical properties of saprolite samples from hand augering and push cores are consistent with our rock physics model when variations in pore saturation are taken into account. Our results indicate that saprolite is a crucial reservoir of water, potentially storing an average of 3 m3 m?2 of water along a forested slope in the headwaters of the SSCZO. When coupled with published erosion rates from cosmogenic nuclides, our geophysical estimates of weathering zone thickness imply regolith residence times on the order of 105 years. Thus, soils at the surface today may integrate weathering over glacial–interglacial fluctuations in climate. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate warming is having profound effects on the hydrological cycle by increasing atmospheric demand, changing water availability, and snow seasonality. Europe suffered three distinct heat waves in 2019, and 11 of the 12 hottest years ever recorded took place in the past two decades, which will potentially change seasonal streamflow patterns and long-term trends. Central Europe exhibited six dry years in a row since 2014. This study uses data from a well-documented headwater catchment in Central Europe (Lysina) to explore hydrological responses to a warming climate. We applied a lumped parameter hydrologic model Brook90 and a distributed model Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM) to simulate long-term hydrological change under future climate scenarios. Both models performed well on historic streamflow and in agreement with each other according to the catchment water budget. In addition, PIHM was able to simulate lateral groundwater redistribution within the catchment validated by the groundwater table dynamics. The long-term trends in runoff and low flow were captured by PIHM only. We applied different EURO-CORDEX models with two emission scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathways RCP 4.5, 8.5) and found significant impacts on runoff and evapotranspiration (ET) for the period of 2071–2100. Results from both models suggested reduced runoff and increased ET, while the monthly distribution of runoff was different. We used this catchment study to understand the importance of subsurface processes in projection of hydrologic response to a warming climate.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of watershed denudation absent anthropogenic effects are required to develop strategies for mitigating accelerated physical erosion resulting from human activities, to model global geochemical cycles, and to examine interactions among climate, weathering, and uplift. We present a simple approach to estimate predevelopment denudation rates using in-situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be in fluvial sediments. Denudation processes in an agricultural watershed (Cayaguás River Basin, Puerto Rico) and a matched undisturbed watershed (Icacos River Basin) were compared using 10Be concentrations in quartz for various size fractions of bed material. The coarse fractions in both watersheds bear the imprint of long subsurface residence times. Fine material from old shallow soils contributes little, however, to the present-day sediment output of the Cayaguás. This confirms the recent and presumably anthropogenic origin of the modern high denudation rate in the Cayaguás Basin and suggests that pre-agricultural erosional conditions were comparable to those of the present-day Icacos.  相似文献   

Weathering is both an acid‐base and a redox reaction in which rocks are titrated by meteoric carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2). In general, the depths of these weathering reactions are unknown. To determine such depths, cuttings of Rose Hill shale were investigated from one borehole from the ridge and four boreholes from the valley at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Observatory (SSHO). Pyrite concentrations are insignificant to depths of 23 m under the ridge and 8–9 m under the valley. Likewise, carbonate concentrations are insignificant to 22 and 2 m, respectively. In addition, a 5–6 m‐thick fractured layer directly beneath the land surface shows evidence for loss of illite, chlorite, and feldspar. Under the valley, secondary carbonates may have precipited. The limited number of boreholes and the tight folding make it impossible to prove that depth variations result from weathering instead of chemical heterogeneity within the parent shale. However, carbonate depletion coincides with the winter water table observed at ~20 m (ridge) and ~2 m depth (valley). It would be fortuitous if carbonate‐containing strata are found under ridge and valley only beneath the water table. Furthermore, pyrite and carbonate react quickly and many deep reaction fronts for these minerals are described in the literature. We propose that deep transport of O2 initiates weathering at SSHO and many other localities because pyrite commonly oxidizes autocatalytically to acidify porewaters and open porosity. According to this hypothesis, the mineral distributions at SSHO are nested reaction fronts that overprint protolith stratigraphy. The fronts are hypothesized to lie subparallel to the land surface because O2 diffuses to the water table and causes oxidative dissolution of pyrite. Pyrite‐derived sulfuric acid (H2SO4) plus CO2 also dissolve carbonates above the water table. To understand how reaction fronts record long‐term coupling between erosion and weathering will require intensive mapping of the subsurface. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hercynian basement rocks and Mesozoic ophiolites of the Calabria-Peloritani terrane drifted in the present position during the opening of western Mediterranean basins (namely Liguro-Provençal and Tyrrhenian basins) since the Oligocene. Basement rocks were partly involved by Alpine (late Cretaceous—Eocene) deformation and metamorphism before the onset of the drifting process. Even though the kinematics of the Alpine deformation in Calabria has been already defined, restoration of structural and kinematic data to the original position and orientation before the opening of the western Mediterranean has never been performed. In this work we present new structural and petrological data on a major tectonic contact of Alpine age exposed in central Calabria (Serre Massif). Structural and kinematic data are then restored at the original orientation in the early Oligocene time, to allow a correct tectonic interpretation.In the Serre Massif the Hercynian basement is sliced into three nappes emplaced during the Alpine orogeny. The upper nappe is formed by a nearly continuous section of the Hercynian crust, consisting of medium- to high-grade metamorphic rocks in the lower portion. The intermediate nappe mainly consists of orthogneisses, whereas the lower nappe is chiefly composed of phyllites. The contacts between the Alpine nappes are outlined by well developed mylonitic and cataclastic rocks. The Curinga-Girifalco Line is a well exposed shear zone that overprints mainly metapelitic rocks of the upper nappe and granitoid orthogneisses of the intermediate nappe. Mylonites of the intermediate nappe typically show overgrowths on garnet and hornblende with grossular-rich and tschermakitic composition, respectively. The Alpine mineral assemblage indicates that deformation took place in epidote-amphibolite facies at pressures ranging from 0.75 to 0.9 GPa.In the investigated area mylonites strike roughly WNW–ESE, with shallow dips towards SSW. Kinematic indicators in mylonites are mostly consistent with a top-to-the-SE shear sense in the present geographic coordinates. The mylonitic belt is affected by later extensional faults outlined by South-dipping cataclasite horizons. Published geochronological data indicate that mylonites and cataclasites developed in Eocene and early Miocene times, respectively.Considering rotational parameters coming from paleomagnetic studies and large-scale palinspastic reconstructions, the shear sense of the Curinga-Girifalco Line has been restored to the early Oligocene position and orientation. Through restoration a top-to-the-S shear sense is obtained. This result is in striking agreement with the convergence direction between Africa and W-Europe/Iberia during Eocene, computed from the North Atlantic magnetic anomalies. Our geodynamic reconstruction, combined with structural and petrological evidence, allows to relate the Curinga-Girifalco mylonites to a thrust related to the southeastern front of the double-verging Alpine chain. The adopted method could be used also for other exotic terranes, such as the Kabylie or the Corsica-Sardinia, to better constrain geometry and evolution of the southern Alpine belt.  相似文献   

Digital marine seismic reflection data acquired in 1973 in the Bay of Pozzuoli, and recently reprocessed, were used to study the volcanological evolution of the marine sector of Campi Flegrei Caldera during the last 37 ka. In order to gain more information, interpretation also involved estimation of the "pseudo-velocity" and the "pseudo-density" from the resistivity logs of two onshore deep exploration wells. The main results are: (1) discovery of ancient pre-18 ka and post-37 ka submarine and mainly effusive volcanic activity, along coeval emission centers located at the edges of Campi Flegrei Caldera; (2) confirmation that the caldera collapse in the marine sector of Campi Flegrei seems strongly controlled by regional NE–SW and NW–SE structural discontinuities; (3) the finding of at least two episodes of collapse in the bay; and (4) identification of a post-18 ka volcanic deflation phase that has caused about 150–200 m of subsidence in the central sector of the Bay of Pozzuoli in the last 18 ka.Editorial responsibilty: T. Druitt  相似文献   

本文通过对马尔康-古浪宽角反射和折射剖面高精度观测段(200~400 km)的Pg、Sg资料的分析解释,给出了该区段上地壳速度结构和泊松比分布.并利用震相识别误差分析、分辨率计算及不同初始模型筛选等方法,使走时反演结果的可靠性进一步提高.研究表明:对应于阿尼玛卿缝合带的275km~355 km桩号段内平均泊松比高达0.297,P波和S波速度呈横向高低速条带变化,库赛湖-玛沁断裂和舟曲-两当断裂基本上均位于高泊松比和低速带内,并分别处在缝合带与若尔盖盆地和西秦岭褶皱带的分界上.阿尼玛卿缝合带南侧的若尔盖盆地平均泊松比较低,约为0.257,北侧西秦岭褶皱带的平均泊松比为0.264.  相似文献   

D. A. Hughes 《水文研究》2010,24(6):767-774
Understanding hydrological processes has always been important to the development and successful application of conceptual hydrological models. It can also contribute to informed water resources management, particularly in the context of understanding the potential impacts of both land use and climate change. Improved conceptual and quantitative understanding of near‐surface hydrological processes emerged through field studies during the 1960s to1980s; however, there remains a degree of ambiguity about the processes that link surface water and groundwater. This is especially the case in South Africa where a great deal of confusion has arisen about the source of the ‘baseflow’ signal in stream flow observations. This paper suggests that fracture flow within the unsaturated zone could have a lateral component and therefore re‐emerge and contribute to stream flow in catchments with relatively steep topography. The implication is that ‘baseflows’ could be made up of groundwater contributions (caused by intersection of the water table with stream channels) as well as an unsaturated zone flow component. Evidence for the existence of the process is presented on the basis of small‐scale observations and interpretations of stream flow observations. The potential importance of the process relates to interpreting different methods of recharge estimation, assessing the impacts of groundwater abstraction on stream flow, as well as the application and interpretation of the results of hydrological models. The conclusions are that the process does exist, but that there is less than conclusive evidence for its importance. There is therefore a need for further studies that can quantify the scale of the process and therefore its importance. Only then will it be possible to develop a consistent understanding of the processes of surface water and groundwater interaction and therefore manage water resources in a truly integrated manner. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The small scale distribution of the snowpack in mountain areas is highly heterogeneous, and is mainly controlled by the interactions between the atmosphere and local topography. However, the influence of different terrain features in controlling variations in the snow distribution depends on the characteristics of the study area. As this leads to uncertainties in high spatial resolution snowpack simulations, a deeper understanding of the role of terrain features on the small scale distribution of snow depth is required. This study applied random forest algorithms to investigate the temporal evolution of snow depth in complex alpine terrain using as predictors various topographical variables and in situ snow depth observations at a single location. The high spatial resolution (1 m x 1 m) snow depth distribution database used in training and evaluating the random forests was derived from terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) devices at three study sites, in the French Alps (2 sites) and the Spanish Pyrenees (1 site). The results show the major importance of two topographic variables, the topographic position index and the maximum upwind slope parameter. For these variables the search distances and directions depended on the characteristics of each site and the TLS acquisition date, but are consistent across sites and are tightly related to main wind directions. The weight of the different topographic variables on explaining snow distribution evolves while major snow accumulation events still take place and minor changes are observed after reaching the annual snow accumulation peak. Random forests have demonstrated good performance when predicting snow distribution for the sites included in the training set with R2 values ranging from 0.82 to 0.94 and mean absolute errors always below 0.4 m. Oppositely, this algorithm failed when used to predict snow distribution for sites not included in the training set, with mean absolute errors above 0.8 m.  相似文献   

本研究采用基于贝叶斯理论的绝对定位方法对2014年2月12日新疆于田MS7.3级地震进行绝对定位,得到震中位置为82.56°E、36.04°N、震源深度为12.3 km;采用双差定位法对254个地震序列进行相对定位,得到101个重定位事件.结果显示,主震位于阿尔金断裂带西南端多个分支断裂的交汇处.余震震源主要分布范围在5~10 km深度之间,主震处余震代表的断层面较为陡立,且余震序列呈现出明显的西南向纯单侧扩展模式.沿阿尔金断裂带主震的北东向民丰震区本次地震后显示一个明显的地震丛集,说明本次主震对该震区具有触发作用.  相似文献   

We investigated trophic transfer efficiency in the pelagic food chain of deep, oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany) by analyses of the primary, secondary, and fish production. Primary production between April and November 2000 was estimated at 78 g C m−2, pelagic secondary production at 14 g C m−2, and production of the main planktivorous fish species [European cisco, Coregonus albula (L.)] at 0.77 g C m−2. Thus, trophic transfer efficiency between primary and pelagic secondary production was around 18%, whereas between pelagic and fish production around 6%. The high efficiency at the first step of the chain is discussed to be due to the high food quality in oligotrophic lakes due to the dominance of Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae rich in essential fatty acids. In turn, the relatively low trophic transfer efficiency between the secondary and the fish production is mainly explained by the avoidance of calanoid copepods as food source by the ciscoes. Concerning the trophic transfer efficiency, results from this study support the general assumption of a 10% transfer between neighbouring trophic levels within ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Dickinson Bayou watershed (near Houston, Texas, Gulf of Mexico) provides habitat for numerous coastally influenced communities of wildlife, including scores of birds and fish. Encroaching development and impervious surfaces are altering the habitat and degrading water quality. Herein we have defined the current health of the bayou using water quality data collected between 2000 and 2006. Elevated bacteria (fecal coliform, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus) and depressed dissolved oxygen concentrations (often <3 mg l−1) are the two major impairments to this ecosystem. While nutrient ratios indicate primary productivity may be nitrogen limited, concerns of eutrophication persist because the bayou has a low intrinsic flushing rate. Consistent with this is the magnitude of algal blooms (ca. 100 μg chl l−1) which often occur in spring/summer. The findings of this study will assist with the understanding of the influence of urban development on small watersheds.  相似文献   

The relationship between stream water mean transit time (MTT), catchment geology, and landscape structure is still poorly characterized. Here, we present a new simple index that builds on the Jackson, Bitew, and Du (2014) index that focuses specifically on permeability contrasts at the soil–bedrock interface and digital elevation model-based physical flow path measurements to identify broad landscape trends of moisture redistribution in the subsurface of steep wet headwater catchments. We use this index to explore the relationship between geology, landscape structure, and water transit time through the lens of landscape anisotropy. We hypothesize that catchments with a greater tendency to shed water laterally will correlate with younger stream water MTT and catchments with a greater tendency to infiltrate water vertically will correlate with older stream water MTT. We tested the new index at eight geologically diverse Pacific Rim catchments in Oregon, Japan, and New Zealand. The new index explained 77% of the variability in measured stream water MTT across these varied sites. These findings suggest that critical zone anisotropy and catchment form are first-order controls on the time scales over which catchments store and release their water and that a simple index may usefully capture this relationship.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of suspended sediment, nitrates (NO3) and dissolved (DOC) and particulate organic carbon concentrations was analysed in the Alegria agricultural watershed over a 2‐year period. Nine storm events were studied, including an exhaustive analysis of hydrometeorological conditions, quantification of fluxes, and concentration‐discharge hysteresis loop characterization. The overall aim was to study the variability in these components during storm events and determine the mechanisms (flow paths) affecting the trajectories, from the source to the stream. The forms, rotational patterns and trends of hysteretic loops were investigated, and relationships between hysteresis features and hydrological parameters were studied. The results revealed clear differences between particulate (suspended sediment, particulate organic carbon) and dissolved (DOC, NO3) matter transport responses. Movement of the particulate matter was attributed to surface water, as reflected in clockwise hysteresis loops, whereas dissolved matter showed, in general, counterclockwise hysteresis loops, indicating a time delay in the arrival of solutes to the stream. This could be related to subsurface flow paths for DOC and a groundwater source for NO3. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seasonal vertical distribution of particulate matter (PM) was studied in two contrasting areas: (a) the mesotrophic Skagerrak (in the North Sea); and (b) the oligotrophic northeastern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Similarities and differences of the PM distribution in the two areas are assessed with respect to the prevailing hydrographic conditions and the PM composition. Hydrographic conditions in both of the areas are characterised by strong density gradients, resulting from the inflow of low-salinity water, i.e. Baltic Sea water and Black Sea water for the Skagerrak and the northeastern Aegean Sea, respectively.Enhanced primary production and particles mainly of biogenic origin characterise the mesotrophic Skagerrak, whereas five-fold lower particle concentrations appeared in the oligotrophic Aegean Sea. The input of riverine particulates was limited in both of the areas. In the Skagerrak, the strong stratification resulted in particle accumulation on/above the pycnocline and the development of pronounced intermediate nepheloid layers (INLs). The pycnocline-related INLs were formed entirely by dinoflagellates. The pycnocline hindered the vertical movement and sinking rates of particles, thus favouring primary production. Particle horizontal advection along the density discontinuities was probably enhanced. This pattern was not observed in the stratified waters of the northeastern Aegean Sea, probably due to the very low particle concentrations and/or the fact that phytoplankton maxima appeared in deeper waters. Pronounced INLs were identified in the Skagerrak below the pycnocline; these are attributed to accumulated or advected dinoflagellate skeletal remains mixed with clay mineral particles. This was revealed only by means of SEM observations. X-ray diffraction analysis could not provide information on the type of phytoplankton present, because dinoflagellates form their skeletons from organic material. Frontal stations in the northeastern Aegean Sea exhibited pronounced vertical movement of particles towards the deeper waters. Benthic nepheloid layers (BNL) were observed in the Skagerrak; these were related to the resuspended fine-grained surface sediments. In the northeastern Aegean Sea, although near-bottom current velocities were sufficient to resuspend surface sediments, resuspension occurred only episodically. The BNLs here are related mostly to near-bottom phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

A study is presented of spectral features of volcanic tremor recorded at Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy) following the methods of analysis suggested by the resonant scattering formalism of Gaunaurd and Überall (1978, 1979a, 1979b) and the model for hydraulic origin of Seidl et al. (1981). The periods investigated include summit and flank eruptions that occurred between 1984 and 1993. Recordings from a permanent station located near the top of the volcano were used, and the temporal patterns associated with (a) the average spacing ( ) between consecutive spectral peaks in the frequency range 1–6 Hz, (b) the spectral shape and (c) the overall spectral amplitude were analyzed. values are thought to depend on the physical properties of magma, such as its density, which, in turn, is controlled by the degree of gas exsolution. Variations in the spectral shape are tentatively attributed to changes in the geometrical scattering from the boundary of resonant conduits and magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude at the station should essentially reflect the state of turbulence of magma within the superficial ascending path. A limit in the application of the resonant scattering formalism to the study of volcanic tremor is given by the fact that the fundamental modes and integer harmonics are difficult to identify in the frequency spectra, as tremor sources are likely within cavities of very complex geometry, rather than in spherical or cylindrical chambers, as expected by theory. This study gives evidence of some correlations between the analyzed temporal patterns and the major events in the volcanic activity, related to both lava flow and explosions at the summit vents. In particular, relatively high values of have been attained during the SE crater eruption of 1984, the complex eruptive phases of September–October 1989 and the 1991–1993 flank eruption, suggesting the presence of a relatively dense magma for all of these events. Conversely, very low values have been recorded in coincidence with the December 1985 activity and the paroxysmal explosions at the summit craters of early 1990, which are interpreted here as fed by fluid-vesiculated magma. Appreciable modifications in the spectral shape have been observed in relation to changes of the volcanic activity that probably preceded the opening and disactivation of shallow dykes or magma batches. Finally, the overall amplitude seems to be a sensitive indicator of the state of gas turbulence within the shallow conduits, as is suggested by the high values attained during phases of intense volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The quality of the groundwater supplying drinking water to the Guadalajara metropolitan area has deteriorated due to both endogenic and exogenic processes. Previous studies of this complex neotectonic volcanic environment suggest that the sources of contamination here are underground fluids derived from an active volcanic center and surface wastewater derived from regional land‐use intensification. This study uses isotopic, gaseous, and chemical signatures to more comprehensively characterize this groundwater flow and its contamination paths. Groundwater is mainly recharged at the La Primavera Caldera to the west and is discharged into the Santiago River to the east. The exception to this trend is the Toluquilla area, where groundwater most likely represents rainfall originating from outside the basin limits. Evaporation affects groundwater in these areas, especially waters that have been affected by recycling below urban areas in the Atejamac area and by intensive agricultural activity in the Toluquilla area. Additionally, we present evidence that groundwater flow through alluvial sediments and tuffs in deeper wells mixes with a lower aquifer unit in basaltic‐andesitic rocks, which are in contact with hydrothermal fluids. Groundwater ages range from postbomb in the western and northwestern regions of the study area (i.e., the Atemajac aquifer unit) to Late Pleistocene in the southern and southeastern regions (i.e., the Toluquilla aquifer unit). Recently recharged water records little mixing and is located mostly in or near the La Primavera volcanic system. As groundwater undergoes gravitational flow towards discharge areas, it mixes with older water components. Chloride and sodium concentrations above natural background levels are primarily related to volcanic activity, nitrate is associated with human activities, and sulfate originates from both anthropogenic sources and water–rock interactions. Nitrate originating from land‐use activities (such as sewers, septic tanks, landfills, and agricultural fields) that is introduced into the deeper part of the groundwater system is expected to travel with the groundwater to the discharge areas because oxidizing conditions will prevent microbial reduction. See Supplementary Information.  相似文献   


由于受地理环境和采集成本等因素的影响,采集到的天然地震数据往往呈现不规则和不完整分布,将直接影响到后续的天然地震数据处理效果,因此需要对缺失数据进行重建.本文将一种基于降秩补全理论的正交秩-1矩阵追踪算法(Orthogonal Rank-One Matrix Pursuit,OR1MP)应用于加州San Jacinto断层带的天然地震数据重建.首先将空间数据的每个频率切片进行Hankel预变换,获取具有低秩结构特征的预变换矩阵,缺失地震道和随机噪声会增加数据预变换矩阵的秩,然后运用OR1MP算法进行降秩处理,最后做反Hankel变换,得到频域上的重建数据.OR1MP算法对2D和3D的加州San Jacinto断层带的天然地震数据实验结果表明,OR1MP算法能够有效地增加地震体的峰值信噪比,能较好地实现对天然地震信号的重建.


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