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In order to simulate the dynamics of fine sediments in short tidal basins, like the Wadden Sea basins, a 1D cross-sectional averaged model is constructed to simulate tidal flow, depth-limited waves, and fine sediment transport. The key for this 1D model lies in the definition of the geometry (width and depth as function of the streamwise coordinate). The geometry is computed by implementing the water level and flow data, from a 2D flow simulation, and the hypsometric curve in the continuity equation. By means of a finite volume method, the shallow-water equations and sediment transport equations are solved. The bed shear stress consists of the sum of shear stresses by waves and flow, in which the waves are computed with a depth-limited growth equation for wave height and wave frequency. A new formulation for erosion of fines from a sandy bed is proposed in the transport equation for fine sediment. It is shown by comparison with 2D simulations and field measurements that a 1D schematization gives a proper representation of the dynamics in short tidal basins.  相似文献   


In order to simulate the dynamics of fine sediments in short tidal basins, like the Wadden Sea basins, a 1D cross-sectional averaged model is constructed to simulate tidal flow, depth-limited waves, and fine sediment transport. The key for this 1D model lies in the definition of the geometry (width and depth as function of the streamwise coordinate). The geometry is computed by implementing the water level and flow data, from a 2D flow simulation, and the hypsometric curve in the continuity equation. By means of a finite volume method, the shallow-water equations and sediment transport equations are solved. The bed shear stress consists of the sum of shear stresses by waves and flow, in which the waves are computed with a depth-limited growth equation for wave height and wave frequency. A new formulation for erosion of fines from a sandy bed is proposed in the transport equation for fine sediment. It is shown by comparison with 2D simulations and field measurements that a 1D schematization gives a proper representation of the dynamics in short tidal basins.


Contemporary hydrodynamics and morphological change are examined in a shallow microtidal estuary, located on a wave-dominated coast (Port Stephens, NSW, Australia). Process-based numerical modelling is undertaken by combining modules for hydrodynamics, waves, sediment transport and bathymetry updates. Model results suggest that the complex estuarine bathymetry and geometry give rise to spatial variations in the tidal currents and a marked asymmetry between ebb and flood flows. Sediment transport paths correspond with tidal asymmetry patterns. The SE storms significantly enhance the quantities of sediment transport, while locally generated waves by the westerly strong winds also are capable of causing sediment entrainment and contribute to the delta morphological change. The wave/wind-induced currents are not uniform with flow over shoals driven in the same direction as waves/winds while a reverse flow occurring in the adjacent channel. The conceptual sediment transport model developed in this study shows flood-directed transport occurs on the flood ramp while ebb-directed net transport occurs in the tidal channels and at the estuary entrance. Accretion of the intertidal sand shoals and deepening of tidal channels, as revealed by the model, suggest that sediment-infilling becomes advanced, which may lead to an ebb-dominated estuary. It is likely that a switch from flood- to ebb-dominance occurs during the estuary evolution, and the present-day estuary acts as a sediment source rather than sediment sink to the coastal system. This is conflictive to the expectation drawn from the estuarine morphology; however, it is consistent with previous research suggesting that, in an infilling estuary, an increase in build-up of intertidal flats/shoals can eventually shift an estuary towards ebb dominance. Thus, field data are needed to validate the result presented here, and further study is required to investigate a variety of estuaries in the Australian area.  相似文献   

A new depth-averaged exploratory model has been developed to investigate the hydrodynamics and the tidally averaged sediment transport in a semi-enclosed tidal basin. This model comprises the two-dimensional (2DH) dynamics in a tidal basin that consists of a channel of arbitrary length, flanked by tidal flats, in which the water motion is being driven by an asymmetric tidal forcing at the seaward side. The equations are discretized in space by means of the finite element method and solved in the frequency domain. In this study, the lateral variations of the tidal asymmetry and the tidally averaged sediment transport are analyzed, as well as their sensitivity to changes in basin geometry and external overtides. The Coriolis force is taken into account. It is found that the length of the tidal basin and, to a lesser extent, the tidal flat area and the convergence length determine the behaviour of the tidally averaged velocity and the overtides and consequently control the strength and the direction of the tidally averaged sediment transport. Furthermore, the externally prescribed overtides can have a major influence on tidal asymmetry in the basin, depending on their amplitude and phase. Finally, for sufficiently wide tidal basins, the Coriolis force generates significant lateral dynamics.  相似文献   

Bathymetric field data of tidal basins reveal two main classes of bottom patterns: (1) tidal bars, located near the entrance of the basin (length scale determined by the embayment width) and (2) global channel-shoal patterns which scale with the basin length. Previous models were able to describe only either one of these patterns. In this paper it is shown that both of them can be investigated within the framework of an idealised model of a rectangular tidal embayment, with fixed side walls and an erodible bed. The water motion is described by the depth-averaged shallow-water equations and is forced by a prescribed vertical tide at the seaward entrance. Sediment is transported as suspended load and only realistic values of the bottom friction parameter are considered. By assuming the ratio of embayment length over tidal wave length to be small, the model allows for a morphodynamic equilibrium, characterised by a spatially uniform tide moving over a bottom which slopes upwards toward the landward boundary. This equilibrium is unstable for a range of values of the model parameters, such that growth of bedforms occurs. Both global and local bottom patterns are found. In this study particular emphasis is laid on the mechanism governing the growth of a new type of localised bottom pattern. These patterns consist of small bars located near the entrance of the basin, resembling multiple row bars, and are found when advective sediment fluxes prevail over diffusive sediment fluxes. The formation process of these new bedforms is discussed in detail. The results agree well with field data. Comparison of the results with those obtained with a process-based, numerical model shows that, although the idealised model is strongly simplified, it is capable of producing the essential morphodynamics. Therefore, the idealised model is a useful tool to investigate mechanisms of bottom pattern growth.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

The influence of sand and mud transport on the morphological behaviour of a short tidal basin is investigated in this paper. For this purpose, a morphological model is applied in which sand and mud transport are included and the temporal and spatial bed composition variations are taken into account. Initially, the morphological development shows a sand wave near the entrance of the basin and a mud deposition wave more landward. A quasi equilibrium bed level profile is found after a long period (order century) with a sandy bed surface over almost the entire basin and only a small muddy area near the landward end. The dimensionless ratio between the deposition and erosion flux turns out to be a crucial parameter for the understanding of the observed behaviour. Comparison with previous studies on short tidal basins for sand indicates only that the presence of mud in a combined sand mud model does not change the equilibrium bed level profile considerably for the applied parameter settings herein, but drastically decreases the morphological time scale. Comparison between model results and field data of the Wadden Sea suggests that the obtained bed level and bed composition profile are realistic, indicating that the process-based sand mud model is a first step towards a better understanding of sand mud distributions in tidal basins.Responsible Editor: Jens Kappenberg  相似文献   

Tidal channels are ubiquitous in muddy coastlines and play a critical role in the redistribution of sediments, thus dictating the general evolution of intertidal landforms. In muddy coastlines, the morphology of tidal channels and adjacent marshes strongly depends on the supply of fine sediments from the shelf and on the resuspension of sediments by wind waves. To investigate the processes that regulate sediment fluxes in muddy coastlines, we measured tidal velocity and sediment concentration in Little Constance Bayou, a tidal channel in the Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana, USA. The tidal measurements were integrated with measurements of wave activity in the bay at the mouth of the channel, thus allowing the quantification of feedbacks between waves and sediment fluxes. Results indicate that the sediment concentration in the channel is directly related to the wave height in the adjacent bay during flood and high slack water, whereas the concentration during ebb depends on local channel velocity. Moreover, the sediment flux during ebb is of the same order of magnitude as the sediment flux during the previous flood, indicating that only a small fraction of transported sediments are stored in the marsh during a tidal cycle. Finally, very low tides, characterized by high ebb velocities, export large volumes of sediment to the ocean. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study,annular flume experiments were carried out,using the sediment samples collected from the lower part of the inter-tidal zone at Xiaoyangkou,Jiangsu coast,China.The Ariathurai-Partheniades equation was used to determine the bed shear stress,by evaluating variations in the suspended sediment concentration within the water column.The derived relation between the bed shear stress and suspended sediment concentration shows that,at various stages of seabed erosion, suspended sediment concentration increases rapidly when the flow velocity is increased,but the pattern of change in the bed shear stress does not follow suit.At low concentrations,bed shear stress initially increases markedly with increasing flow velocity.However,when the concentration reaches an apparently critical level around 0.55 kg m"3,the rate of change in the bed shear stress abruptly slows down,or becomes almost constant,in response to further increases in the flow velocity.Results of experiments indicate that,from a critical level onward,suspended sediment concentration has a strong influence on the bed shear stress.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the patterns and effects of relative sea-level rise on the tidal circulation of the basin of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon using a process-based model that is solved on an unstructured mesh. To predict the changes in the lagoon tidal circulation in the year 2100, the model is forced by tides and a static sea level. The bathymetry and the basin geometry are updated in response to sea-level rise for three morphological response scenarios: no bed updating, barrier island rollover, and basin infilling. Model results indicate that sea-level rise (SLR) will change the baseline current velocity patterns inside the lagoon over the ~100-year study period, due to a strong reduction in the area of the intertidal basin. The basin infilling scenario is associated with the most important adjustments of the tidal circulation (i.e., increases in the flood velocities and delays in the ebb tide), together with an increase in the cumulative discharges of the tidal inlets. Under sea-level rise and in the basin infilling scenario, the salt marshes and tidal flats experience increases in the tidal range and current asymmetry. Basin infilling changes the sediment flushing capacity of the lagoon, leading to the attenuation of the flood dominance in the main inlet and the strengthening of the flood dominance in the two secondary inlets. The predictions resulting from these scenarios provide very useful information on the long-term evolution of similar coastal lagoons that experience varying degrees of SLR. This study highlights the need for research focusing on the quantification of the physical and socio-economic impacts of SLR on lagoon systems, thus enabling the development of effective adaptation strategies.  相似文献   

Due to changes in relative sea level of order 100 m, the contribution of tides and waves to net bed shear stress in shelf sea regions has varied considerably over the Late Glacial and Holocene. Understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of this ratio leads to a deeper understanding of the erosion and deposition of sediments over the shelf seas throughout this time period. Tidal and wave models are here applied to palaeo time slices of the northwest European shelf seas over the last 12,000 years. The model simulations include a series of sensitivity tests to account for the influence of interannual variability in wind conditions on the resulting bed shear stress. The results show that there has been a significant decrease over the last 12,000 years in shelf-scale mobilisation of coarse sediment. Since there was a lower magnitude of wave orbital velocity penetrating to the sea bed as a result of increasing relative sea level, this reduction in sediment mobilisation was primarily controlled by a shelf-scale decrease in wave-induced bed shear stress over the last 12,000 years. The predictions of mean and residual bed shear stress for the modelled palaeo time slices are a useful tool with which to inform site-selection and subsequent interpretation of sediment cores. In addition, the modelled reconstructions of palaeo tidal range over the shelf seas demonstrates the potential errors associated with assuming a present-day tidal range when correcting palaeo sea-level proxies from their deposited datum (e.g. palaeo mean high water spring tide) to palaeo mean sea level.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the individual and collective contribution of different forcing factors (tides, wind waves, and sea-level rise) to the dynamics of sediment in coastal areas. The results are obtained from simulations with the General Estuarine Transport Model coupled with a sediment transport model. The wave-induced bed shear stress is formulated using a simple model based on the concept that the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) associated with wind waves is a function of orbital velocity, the latter depending on the wave height and water depth. A theory is presented explaining the controls of sediment dynamics by the TKE produced by tides and wind waves. Several scenarios were developed aiming at revealing possible trends resulting from realistic (observed or expected) changes in sea level and wave magnitude. The simulations demonstrate that these changes not only influence the concentration of sediment, which is very sensitive to the magnitude of the external forcing, but also the temporal variability patterns. The joint effect of tides and wave-induced bed shear stress revealed by the comparison between theoretical results and simulations is well pronounced. The intercomparison between different scenarios demonstrates that the spatial patterns of erosion and deposition are very sensitive to the magnitude of wind waves and sea-level rise. Under a changing climate, forcing the horizontal distribution of sediments adjusts mainly through a change in the balance of export and import of sediment from the intertidal basins. The strongest signal associated with this adjustment is simulated North of the barrier islands where the evolution of sedimentation gives an integrated picture of the processes in tidal basins.  相似文献   

Tides are often considered to be the dominant hydrodynamic process within mesotidal estuaries although waves can also have a large influence on intertidal erosion rates. Here, we use a combination of hydrodynamic measurements and sediment deposition records to determine the conditions under which observed waves are ‘morphologically significant’, in which case they influence tidal and suspended sediment flux asymmetry and subsequently infilling over geomorphological timescales. Morphological significant conditions were evaluated using data from contrasting arms in a dendritic mesotidal estuary, in which the orientation of the arms relative to the prevailing wind results in a marked difference in wave conditions, deposition rates and morphology. By defining the morphological significance of waves as a product of the magnitude of bed shear stress and frequency of occurrence, even small (but frequently occurring) winds are shown to be capable of generating waves that are morphologically significant given sufficient fetch. In the arm in which fetch length is restricted, only stronger but rare storm events can influence sediment flux and therefore tides are more morphologically significant over longer timescales. Water depth within this mesotidal estuary is shown to be a critical parameter in controlling morphological significance; the rapid attenuation of short period waves with depth results in contrasting patterns of erosion occurring during neaps and accretion during springs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The erodibility of intertidal sediments is an important factor affecting coastal erosion.In July and October 2008,in situ measurement of erodibility of the surficial sediment were conducted using a recirculating flume at 20 tidal flat experiment sites along the seashore of the Yellow River delta.At the same time,the characteristics of sand ripples and biogenic features on the tidal flat were observed and the physical-mechanical sediment properties such as bulk density,water content,grain size distribution,plasticity,penetration resistance,shear strength and compressibility,were measured.By field measurement,it is obtained that the critical erosion shear stress of the surficial sediment on the tidal flat varies between 0.088 Pa and 0.254 Pa.The factors influencing sediment erodibility are complicated because of physical and biological reworking after the sediment deposited.There’s a positive correlation between shear strength and critical erosion shear stress.The burrowing crabs’ activities changed the sediment microtopography and made the sediment have greater roughness,and that is one possible reason for the higher erodibility.The formation of scour pits on the tidal flat correlates with the heterogeneous erodibility of the surficial sediment.  相似文献   

The objective of the study presented in this paper is to investigate the predictive capabilities of a process-based sand–mud model in a quantitative way. This recently developed sand–mud model bridges the gap between noncohesive sand models and cohesive mud models. It explicitly takes into account the interaction between these two sediment fractions and temporal and spatial bed composition changes in the sediment bed [Van Ledden (2002) 5:577–594, Van Ledden et al. (2004a) 24:1–11, Van Ledden et al. (2004b) 54:385–391]. The application of this model to idealized situations has demonstrated a good qualitative agreement between observed and computed bed levels and bed composition developments. However, in real-life situations, a realistic quantitative prediction of the magnitude and timescale of this response is important to assess the short-term and long-term impacts of human interventions and/or natural changes. For this purpose, the Friesche Zeegat in the Wadden Sea (the Netherlands) is used as a reference to hindcast the morphological response in the period 1970–1994. Due to the closure of the Lauwerszee in 1969, the tidal prism of this tidal basin was reduced by about 30%. Significant changes in the bed level and bed composition have occurred in the decades following the closure to adjust to the new hydrodynamic conditions. We modeled the long-term bed level and bed composition development in the Friesche Zeegat in the period 1970–1994 starting with the geometry of 1970 by using a research version of Delft3D, which incorporates the sand–mud formulations proposed by [Van Ledden (2002) 5:577–594].The computed total net deposition in the tidal basin in the period 1970–1994 agrees well with the observations, but the observed decrease of the import rate with time is not predicted. The model predicts net deposition in the deeper parts and at the intertidal area in the basin and net erosion in between, which resembles the observations qualitatively. Furthermore, the computed distribution of sand and mud in the basin of the Friesche Zeegat appears to be realistic. Analysis of the results shows that the absence of the decreasing import rate in the basin is caused by a poor quantitative prediction of the changes in the hypsometry of the basin. Because of this, the computed velocity asymmetry in the main channel tends toward flood dominance, whereas the observations indicate that the system is ebb-dominant in 1992. Although the sand–mud model needs to be further improved and verified, the results presented in this paper indicate that the model can be applied as a first step to estimate the effects of human interventions on the large-scale bed level and bed composition changes in tidal systems with sand and mud.  相似文献   

The current work focuses on locally resolving velocities,turbulence,and shear stresses over a rough bed with locally non-uniform character.A nonporous subsurface layer and fixed interfacial sublayer of gravel and sand were water-worked to a nature-like bed form and additionally sealed in a hydraulic flume.Two-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry(2 D-PIV) was applied in the vertical plane of the experimental flume axis.Runs with clear water and weak sediment transport were done under slightly supercritical flow to ensure sediment transport conditions without formation of considerable sediment deposits or dunes.The study design included analyzing the double-averaged flow parameters of the entire measurement domain and investigating the flow development at 14 consecutive vertical subsections.Local geometrical variabilities as well the presence of sediment were mainly reflected in the vertical velocity component.Whereas the vertical velocity decreased over the entire depth in presence of sediment transport,the streamwise velocity profile was reduced only within the interfacial sublayer.In the region with decelerating flow conditions,however,the streamwise velocity profile systematically increased along the entire depth extent.The increase in the main velocity(reduction of flow resistance)correlated with a decrease of the turbulent shear and main normal stresses.Therefore,effects of rough bed smoothening and drag force reduction were experimentally documented within the interfacial sublayer due to mobile sediment.Moreover,the current study leads to the conclusion that in nonuniform flows the maximum Reynolds stress values are a better predictor for the bed shear stress than the linearly extrapolated Reynolds stress profile.This is an important finding because,in natural flows,uniform conditions are rare.  相似文献   

沉积盆地形成的张性模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在过去的十余年中,对沉积盆地的成因已取得了很大进展,并提出了许多定性和定量的模型。本文旨在对张性盆地进行讨论,并简要分析影响盆地发展的主要因素和导致岩石圈内部张应力的力源。本文对三种主要模型进行了详细讨论,即纯剪切模型,简单剪切模型和纯剪切-简单剪切联合模型。所有模型虽都建立在对不同盆地的研究基础之上,但它们都揭示出盆地的发展主要受岩石圈内部热动力学过程和沉积物负载作用的控制。其它因素,如拆离面的  相似文献   

A simple approach to the estimate of long-term sediment discharge through an entrance to a tidal basin is described. Using the method, cross-sectional mean current speeds are derived, on the basis of the definition of an ‘apparent tidal basin area’, from records of water level data from a single tide gauge. The obtained time-series of current speeds are then used to define ‘local’ current speeds, through the use of a sectional distribution function for the currents. Sediment transport formulae are then applied, using the obtained speed data and other relevant parameters contained within the formulae and frequency distribution functions with regard to wave and tidal current characteristics, to estimate sediment discharge through the entrance. Analytical procedures of the method are described in detail, in an example from Christchurch Harbour (southern England).  相似文献   

van Maanen  Barend  Coco  Giovanni  Bryan  Karin R.  Friedrichs  Carl T. 《Ocean Dynamics》2013,63(11):1249-1262

Sea-level rise has a strong influence on tidal systems, and a major focus of climate change effect studies is to predict the future state of these environmental systems. Here, we used a model to simulate the morphological evolution of tidal embayments and to explore their response to a rising sea level. The model was first used to reproduce the formation of channels and intertidal flats under a stable mean water level in an idealised and initially unchannelled tidal basin. A gradual rise in sea level was imposed once a well-developed channel network had formed. Simulations were conducted with different sea-level rise rates and tidal ranges. Sea-level rise forced headward erosion of the tidal channels, driving a landward expansion of the channel network and channel development in the previously non-inundated part of the basin. Simultaneously, an increase in channel drainage width in the lower part of the basin occurred and a decrease in the overall fraction of the basin occupied by channels could be observed. Sea-level rise thus altered important characteristics of the tidal channel network. Some intertidal areas were maintained despite a rising sea level. However, the size, shape, and location of the intertidal areas changed. In addition, sea-level rise affected the exchange of sediment between the different morphological elements. A shift from exporting to importing sediment as well as a reinforcement of the existing sediment export was observed for the simulations performed here. Sediment erosion in the inlet and the offshore transport of sediment was enhanced, resulting in the expansion of the ebb-tidal delta. Our model results further emphasise that tidal embayments can exhibit contrasting responses to sea-level rise.


Continuous monitoring of bed shear stress in large river systems may serve to better estimate alluvial sediment transport to the coastal ocean.Here we explore the possibility of using a horizontally deployed acoustic Doppler current profiler(ADCP) to monitor bed shear stress,applying a prescribed boundary layer model,previously used for discharge estimation.The model parameters include the local roughness length and a dip correction factor to account for sidewall effects.Both these parameters depend on river stage and on the position in the cross-section, and were estimated from shipborne ADCP data.We applied the calibrated boundary layer model to obtain bed shear stress estimates over the measuring range of the HADCP.To validate the results,co-located coupled ADCPs were used to infer bed shear stress,both from Reynolds stress profiles and from mean velocity profiles. From HADCP data collected over a period of 1.5 years,a time series of width profiles of bed shear stress was obtained for a tidal reach of the Mahakam River,East Kalimantan,Indonesia.A smaller dataset covering 25 hours was used for comparison with results from the coupled ADCPs.The bed shear stress estimates derived from Reynolds stress profiles appeared to be strongly affected by local effects causing upflow and downflow,which are not included in the boundary layer model used to derive bed shear stress with the horizontal ADCP.Bed shear stresses from the coupled ADCP are representative of a much more localized flow,while those derived with the horizontal ADCP resemble the net effect of the flow over larger scales.Bed shear stresses obtained from mean velocity profiles from the coupled ADCPs show a good agreement between the two methods,and highlight the robustness of the method to uncertainty in the estimates of the roughness length.  相似文献   

Sediment transport and channel morphology in mountainous hillslope-coupled streams reflect a mixture of hillslope and channel processes. However, the influence of lithology on channel form and adjustment and sediment transport remains poorly understood. Patterns of channel form, grain size, and transport capacity were investigated in two gravel-bed streams with contrasting lithology (basalt and sandstone) in the Oregon Coast Range, USA, in a region in which widespread landslides and debris flows occurred in 1996. This information was used to evaluate threshold channel conditions and channel bed adjustment since 1996. Channel geometry, slope, and valley width were measured or extracted from LiDAR and sediment textures were measured in the surface and subsurface. Similar coarsening patterns in the first few kilometres of both streams indicated strong hillslope influences, but subsequent downstream fining was lithology-dependent. Despite these differences, surface grain size was strongly related to shear stress, such that the ratio of available to critical shear stress for motion of the median surface grain size at bankfull stage was around one over most of the surveyed lengths. This indicated hydraulic sorting of supplied sediment, independent of lithology. We infer a cycle of adjustment to sediment delivered during the 1996 flooding, from threshold conditions, to non-alluvial characteristics, to threshold conditions in both basins. The sandstone basin can also experience complete depletion of the gravel-size alluvium to sand size, leading to bedrock exposure because of high diminution rates. Although debris flows being more frequent in a basalt basin, this system will likely display threshold-like characteristics over a longer period, indicating that the lithologic control on channel adjustment is driven by differences in rock competence that control grain size and available gravel for bed load transport. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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