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Landslide erosion is a dominant hillslope process and the main source of stream sediment in tropical, tectonically active mountain belts. In this study, we quantified landslide erosion triggered by 24 rainfall events from 2001 to 2009 in three mountainous watersheds in Taiwan and investigated relationships between landslide erosion and rainfall variables. The results show positive power‐law relations between landslide erosion and rainfall intensity and cumulative rainfall, with scaling exponents ranging from 2·94 to 5·03. Additionally, landslide erosion caused by Typhoon Morakot is of comparable magnitude to landslide erosion caused by the Chi‐Chi Earthquake (MW = 7·6) or 22–24 years of basin‐averaged erosion. Comparison of the three watersheds indicates that deeper landslides that mobilize soil and bedrock are triggered by long‐duration rainfall, whereas shallow landslides are triggered by short‐duration rainfall. These results suggest that rainfall intensity and watershed characteristics are important controls on rainfall‐triggered landslide erosion and that severe typhoons, like high‐magnitude earthquakes, can generate high rates of landslide erosion in Taiwan. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Rio Icacos watershed in the Luquillo Mountains (Puerto Rico) is unique due to its extremely rapid weathering rates. The watershed is incised into a quartz diorite that has developed a large knickzone defining the river profile. Regolith thickness within the watershed generally decreases from 20 to 30 m at the ridges to several meters in the quartz diorite-dominated valley to tens of centimeters near the major river knickpoint, as determined from previous studies. Above the knickzone, we observe spheroidal corestones, but below this weathering is much less apparent. Measured erosion rates from previous studies are also high in the knickzone compared with upper elevations within the river profile. A suite of near-surface geophysical methods (i.e. ground penetrating radar and terrain conductivity) capable of fast data acquisition in rugged landscapes, was deployed at kilometer scales to characterize critical zone structure. Concentrations of chaotic ground penetrating radar (GPR) reflections and diffraction hyperbolas with low electrical conductivity were observed in vertical zones that outcrop at the land surface as areas of intense fracturing and spheroidally weathered corestones. The width of these fractured and weathered zones showed an increase with proximity to the knickpoint, and was attributed to dilation of these sub-vertical fractures near the knickpoint, as postulated theoretically by a stress model calculated for the topographic variability across the knickzone in the Rio Icacos, and that shows a release of compressive stress near the knickpoint. We hypothesize that erosion rates increase in the knickzone because of this inferred dilation of fractures. Specifically, opened fractures could enhance access of water and in turn promote spalling, erosion, and spheroidal weathering. This study shows that ground-based hydrogeophysical methods used at the landscape-scale (traditionally applied at smaller scales) can be used to explore critical zone architecture at the scales needed to explain the extreme variability in erosion rates across river profiles. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Projected scenarios of climate change involve general predictions about the likely changes to the magnitude and frequency of landslides, particularly as a consequence of altered precipitation and temperature regimes. Whether such landslide response to contemporary or past climate change may be captured in differing scaling statistics of landslide size distributions and the erosion rates derived thereof remains debated. We test this notion with simple Monte Carlo and bootstrap simulations of statistical models commonly used to characterize empirical landslide size distributions. Our results show that significant changes to total volumes contained in such inventories may be masked by statistically indistinguishable scaling parameters, critically depending on, among others, the size of the largest of landslides recorded. Conversely, comparable model parameter values may obscure significant, i.e. more than twofold, changes to landslide occurrence, and thus inferred rates of hillslope denudation and sediment delivery to drainage networks. A time series of some of Earth's largest mass movements reveals clustering near and partly before the last glacial‐interglacial transition and a distinct step‐over from white noise to temporal clustering around this period. However, elucidating whether this is a distinct signal of first‐order climate‐change impact on slope stability or simply coincides with a transition from short‐term statistical noise to long‐term steady‐state conditions remains an important research challenge. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution and surface morphology in mountainous settings are a function of the relative importance between sediment transport processes acting on hillslopes and in channels, modulated by climate variables. The Niesen nappe in the Swiss Penninic Prealps presents a unique setting in which opposite facing flanks host basins underlain by identical lithologies, but contrasting litho‐tectonic architectures where lithologies either dip parallel to the topographic slope or in the opposite direction (i.e. dip slope and non‐dip slope). The north‐western facing Diemtigen flank represents such a dip slope situation and is characterized by a gentle topography, low hillslope gradients, poorly dissected channels, and it hosts large landslides. In contrast, the south‐eastern facing Frutigen side can be described as non‐dip slope flank with deeply incised bedrock channels, high mean hillslope gradients and high relief topography. Results from morphometric analysis reveal that noticeable differences in morphometric parameters can be related to the contrasts in the relative importance of the internal hillslope‐channel system between both valley flanks. While the contrasting dip‐orientations of the underlying flysch bedrock has promoted hillslope and channelized processes to contrasting extents and particularly the occurrence of large landslides on the dip slope flank, the flank averaged beryllium‐10 (10Be)‐derived denudation rates are very similar and range between 0.20 and 0.26 mm yr?1. In addition, our denudation rates offer no direct relationship to basin's slope, area, steepness or concavity index, but reveal a positive correlation to mean basin elevation that we interpret as having been controlled by climatically driven factors such as frost‐induced processes and orographic precipitation. Our findings illustrate that while the landscape properties in this part of the northern Alpine border can mainly be related to the tectonic architecture of the underlying bedrock, the denudation rates have a strong orographic control through elevation dependent mean annual temperature and precipitation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In de‐glaciated areas, para‐glaciation (i.e. the conditioning of landscapes by prior glaciation) has often been considered a major predisposing factor in landslide occurrence; its consequences have been particularly well identified at a fine scale (especially on bedrock jointing). Hitherto, the relative impacts of para‐glaciation on hillslope dynamics at a regional scale had nevertheless not been quantified statistically. We examine Skagafjörður area (northern Iceland) where landslides are widespread (at least 108 were mapped in an area of c. 3000 km2). We compare the role of para‐glaciation (debuttressing, influence of post‐glacial rebound) with that of classic factors (topography, lithology, etc.) in landslide occurrence and location, using a spatial analysis based on a chi‐square test. On the one hand, the results highlight that landslides are over‐represented in areas where post‐glacial rebound was at its maximum, with a stronger concentration of landslides in the northern part of the fjord. On the other hand, the distribution of landslides did not show any clear relationship with the pattern of glacial debuttressing. Tschuprow coefficient highlights that the influence of post‐glacial rebound on landslide location is higher than the combined influence of slope gradient, curvature or geological structure. This result is supported by our initial evidence for the timing of landslides in the area: most landslides occurred during the first half of the Holocene, and a period of hillslope instability was initiated when the post‐glacial uplift was at its maximum. Finally, the mechanisms that link post‐glacial rebound and landsliding as well as the geomorphic impacts of landslides, are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most hillslope studies examining the interplay between climate and earth surface processes tend to be biased towards eroding parts of landscapes. This limitation makes it difficult to assess how entire upland landscapes, which are mosaics of eroding and depositional areas, evolve physio‐chemically as a function of climate. Here we combine new soil geochemical data and published 10Be‐derived soil production rates to estimate variations in chemical weathering across two eroding‐to‐depositional hillslopes spanning a climate gradient in southeastern Australia. At the warmer and wetter Nunnock River (NR) site, rates of total soil (–3 to –14 g m‐2 yr‐1; negative sign indicates mass loss) and saprolite (–18 to –32 g m‐2 yr‐1) chemical weathering are uniform across the hillslope transect. Alternatively, the drier hillslope at Frog's Hollow (FH) is characterized by contrasting weathering patterns in eroding soils (–30 to –53 g m‐2 yr‐1) vs. depositional soils (+91 g m‐2 yr‐1; positive sign indicates mass addition). This difference partly reflects mineral grain size sorting as a result of upslope bioturbation coupled with water‐driven soil erosion, as well as greater vegetative productivity in moister depositional soils. Both of these processes are magnified in the drier climate. The data reveal the importance of linking the erosion–deposition continuum in hillslope weathering studies in order to fully capture the coupled roles of biota and erosion in driving the physical and chemical evolution of hillslopes. Our findings also highlight the potential limitations of applying current weathering models to landscapes where particle‐sorting erosion processes are active. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the critical zone, surficial bedrock interactions result in the formation of a mantle of chemically‐ and physically‐altered material defined here as regolith. In the watershed of the Río Icacos, an upland river draining the Luquillo Mountains in tropical Puerto Rico, we explored the influence of lithology (quartz diorite versus hornfels‐facies volcaniclastic rock) on weathering. Regolith profiles were studied by drilling boreholes and imaging the subsurface using ground penetrating radar (GPR). Overall, the regolith structure is not laterally continuous but rather is punctuated by zones of deep fractures that host in situ weathering, corestones, and colluvial material. GPR images of these vertical zones show reflectors at 15–20 m depth. Thus, the architecture of the critical zone in the upper Luquillo Mountains is highly dependent on lithology and its influence on fracture development. At the highest elevations where hornfels overlies quartz diorite, positive feedbacks occur when the water table drops so that oxidative weathering of biotite in the more felsic rock creates microfractures and allows deeper infiltration of meteoric waters. Such exposure results in some of the fastest weathering rocks in the world and may contribute to formation of the knickpoint in the Río Icacos watershed. This work represents the first study combining GPR and drilling to look at the structure of the deep critical zone and demonstrates: (1) the importance of combining direct methods (such as drilling) with indirect methods (such as GPR) to understand the architecture of the critical zone in tropical systems; (2) the interplay of the surficial stress regime, lithology and climate in dictating the architecture of weathering. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of watershed denudation absent anthropogenic effects are required to develop strategies for mitigating accelerated physical erosion resulting from human activities, to model global geochemical cycles, and to examine interactions among climate, weathering, and uplift. We present a simple approach to estimate predevelopment denudation rates using in-situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be in fluvial sediments. Denudation processes in an agricultural watershed (Cayaguás River Basin, Puerto Rico) and a matched undisturbed watershed (Icacos River Basin) were compared using 10Be concentrations in quartz for various size fractions of bed material. The coarse fractions in both watersheds bear the imprint of long subsurface residence times. Fine material from old shallow soils contributes little, however, to the present-day sediment output of the Cayaguás. This confirms the recent and presumably anthropogenic origin of the modern high denudation rate in the Cayaguás Basin and suggests that pre-agricultural erosional conditions were comparable to those of the present-day Icacos.  相似文献   

The volumes, rates and grain size distributions of sediment supplied from hillslopes represent the initial input of sediment delivered from upland areas and propagated through sediment routing systems. Moreover, hillslope sediment supply has a significant impact on landscape response time to tectonic and climatic perturbations. However, there are very few detailed field studies characterizing hillslope sediment supply as a function of lithology and delivery process. Here, we present new empirical data from tectonically‐active areas in southern Italy that quantifies how lithology and rock strength control the landslide fluxes and grain size distributions supplied from hillslopes. Landslides are the major source of hillslope sediment supply in this area, and our inventory of ~2800 landslides reveals that landslide sediment flux is dominated by small, shallow landslides. We find that lithology and rock strength modulate the abundance of steep slopes and landslides, and the distribution of landslide sizes. Outcrop‐scale rock strength also controls the grain sizes supplied by bedrock weathering, and influences the degree of coarsening of landslide supply with respect to weathering supply. Finally, we show that hillslope sediment supply largely determines the grain sizes of fluvial export, from catchments and that catchments with greater long‐term landslide rates deliver coarser material. Therefore, our results demonstrate a dual control of lithology on hillslope sediment supply, by modulating both the sediment fluxes from landslides and the grain sizes supplied by hillslopes to the fluvial system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This Virtual Issue highlights 10 recent innovative, unconventional, or otherwise significant contributions to Earth Surface Processes and Landforms that help advance the state‐of‐the‐art in research on linkages between landslides, hillslope erosion, and landscape evolution. The selected studies address this feedback within a temporal spectrum that ranges from the event to the millennial scale, thus underscoring the importance of detailed field observations, high‐resolution digital topographic data, and geochronological methods for increasing our capability of quantifying landslide processes and hillslope erosion. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While most studies focus on the effect of soil pipes on hillslope stability, this present study investigates the impact of landsliding on pipe development. It is hypothesized that poorly drained active and dormant landslides change the hillslope hydrology through (i) surface flow obstruction, by changing topography, as well as (ii) subsurface flow obstruction by tilting less‐permeable clay‐rich substrates. Hence, new preferential flow paths are created at reverse slopes within the landslide zone and at the boundary of the landslide, enhancing pipe formation. This study aims at a better understanding of the interaction between collapsed pipe (CP) occurrence and landslide (LS) occurrence in the Flemish Ardennes (Belgium) by comparing their respective spatial patterns. At least 24.5% of the 139 sites with CP were related to the occurrence of an observed LS. Poorly drained LS may create favourable conditions for pipe development. Outside LS, natural and anthropogenic (e.g. broken field drains, road drainage) causes may result in concentrated subsurface flow, resulting in pipe development. No evidence was found that pipe development enhanced LS, probably because the subsurface drainage discharge generated upslope of the LS is too low. Even when pipes become blocked, it is more likely that new pipes develop and new collapses occur than they trigger or reactivate LS. A conceptual model is presented summarizing all elements that influence piping erosion in the Flemish Ardennes, including the role of LS. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past variations in climate and tectonics have led to spatially and temporally varying erosion rates across many landscapes. In this contribution I examine methods for detecting and quantifying the nature and timing of transience in eroding landscapes. At a single location, cosmogenic nuclides can detect the instantaneous removal of material or acceleration of erosion rates over millennial timescales using paired nuclides. Detection is possible only if one of the nuclides has a significantly shorter half‐life than the other. Currently, the only practical way of doing this is to use cosmogenic in situ carbon‐14 (14C) alongside a longer lived nuclide, such as beryllium‐10 (10Be). Hillslope information can complement or be used in lieu of cosmogenic information: in soil mantled landscapes, increased erosion rates can be detected for millennia after the increase by comparing relief and ridgetop curvature. This technique will work as long as the final erosion rate is greater than twice the initial rate. On a landscape scale, transience may be detected based upon disequilibria in channel profiles or ridgetops, but transience can be sensitive to the nature of transient forcing. Where forcing is periodic, landscapes display differing behavior if forcing is driven by changes in base level lowering rates versus changes in the efficiency of either channel or hillslope erosion (e.g. driven by climate change). Oscillations in base level lowering lead to basin averaged erosion rates that reflect a long term average erosion rate despite strong spatial heterogeneity in local erosion rates. This averaging is reflected in 10Be concentrations in stream sediments. Changes in hillslope sediment transport coefficients can lead to large fluctuations in basin averaged erosion rates, which again are reflected in 10Be concentrations. The variability of erosion rates in landscapes where both the sediment transport and channel erodibility coefficients vary is dominated by changes to the hillslope transport coefficient. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coastal erosion is becoming an increasingly serious consequence of climate change. This study demonstrates the effects of coastal erosion on landslide activity while considering the amount of erosion and changes in pore water pressure. To determine the factors related to landslide slip generation, we specifically measured the displacement, deformation, pore water pressure, and amount of erosion with high temporal resolution (1 s–1 h) for a coastal landslide in Hokkaido, north-eastern Japan, for 7 months. It has been determined that landslides occur simultaneously with high pore water pressure. Toe erosion events also occurred several times, while the landslide exhibited major displacement. Because toe erosion and the increase in pore water pressure occurred simultaneously, we tried to determine which of the two contributed majorly to the landslide displacement by conducting a stability analysis that incorporates the effects of the two factors. From the actual observed data, toe erosion and the increase in pore water pressure had comparable effects on the destabilization of the studied landslide. Specifically, the time series for the safety factor shows that the landslide in the case with toe erosion was destabilized more than that in the case with no erosion, with a difference of more than 5% in the safety factor. The model with toe erosion provided a better explanation for the landslide displacement. Furthermore, the inclination data suggested that erosion took place at least 1 month before the landslide displacement. This implied that coastal erosion played a role in the preparation and ongoing displacement of the coastal landslide. Inland landslides with toes that are subject to undercutting due to river incision or artificial construction have geomorphological settings that are similar to those of the studied landslide. The knowledge obtained here can contribute to the understanding of destabilization mechanisms and terrain changes related to such landslides. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mountaintop removal/valley fill coal mining (MTR/VF) in central Appalachia has buried an estimated 4000 km of headwater streams, but the long-term geomorphic consequences of the anthropogenic valley fills and associated mined landscapes are poorly understood. These anthropogenic landscapes are not intended to be maintained in perpetuity once reclamation is complete. Here we present the first ever field-based study of erosional landforms on this type of mined landscape paired with the subsequent examination of 10 regional LiDAR (light detection and ranging) datasets for gullies and landslides in a transect from eastern Kentucky to central West Virginia. Field observations indicate that overtopping of or intentional discharge from drainage systems and overtopping of valley fill terraces can initiate gullying. We manually extracted 1328 gullies from 512 km2 of mined landscape within the LiDAR datasets. Gullies are predominantly located along the perimeter of the mined landscape with the majority of gullies associated with drainage systems. The number of gullies linearly scales with mined area (R2 = 0.66). We observed 387 landslides along the perimeter of MTR/VF. Within the datasets, landslides per km2 ranged from 0.1 to 3.9. We observed 34 landslides within fully reclaimed valley fills, a heretofore undocumented phenomenon. Over 90% of these landslides were in Kentucky datasets, which covered only 47% of total mined area analyzed. Previously measured regional differences in the angle of friction of mine spoils or construction practices may explain the abundance of gullies and elevated level of landslide occurrence in eastern Kentucky valley fills relative to West Virginia. Observations of erosion on regionally extensive MTR/VF landscapes warrant further study to better ascertain ecological impacts. Large-scale alteration by surface mining in steep landscapes may generally lead to peripheral gully erosion. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The devastating impacts of the widespread flooding and landsliding in Puerto Rico following the September 2017 landfall of Hurricane Maria highlight the increasingly extreme atmospheric disturbances and enhanced hazard potential in mountainous humid-tropical climate zones. Long-standing conceptual models for hydrologically driven hazards in Puerto Rico posit that hillslope soils remain wet throughout the year, and therefore, that antecedent soil wetness imposes a negligible effect on hazard potential. Our post-Maria in situ hillslope hydrologic observations, however, indicate that while some slopes remain wet throughout the year, others exhibit appreciable seasonal and intra-storm subsurface drainage. Therefore, we evaluated the performance of hydro-meteorological (soil wetness and rainfall) versus intensity-duration (rainfall only) hillslope hydrologic response thresholds that identify the onset of positive pore-water pressure, a predisposing factor for widespread slope instability in this region. Our analyses also consider the role of soil-water storage and infiltration rates on runoff generation, which are relevant factors for flooding hazards. We found that the hydro-meteorological thresholds outperformed intensity-duration thresholds for a seasonally wet, coarse-grained soil, although they did not outperform intensity-duration thresholds for a perennially wet, fine-grained soil. These end-member soils types may also produce radically different stormflow responses, with subsurface flow being more common for the coarse-grained soils underlain by intrusive rocks versus infiltration excess and/or saturation excess for the fine-grained soils underlain by volcaniclastic rocks. We conclude that variability in soil-hydraulic properties, as opposed to climate zone, is the dominant factor that controls runoff generation mechanisms and modulates the relative importance of antecedent soil wetness for our hillslope hydrologic response thresholds.  相似文献   

The ongoing debate over the effects of global environmental change on Earth's cryosphere calls for detailed knowledge about process rates and their variability in cold environments. In this context, appraisals of the coupling between glacier dynamics and para‐glacial erosion rates in tectonically active mountains remain rare. We contribute to filling this knowledge gap and present an unprecedented regional‐scale inventory of supra‐glacial sediment flux and hillslope erosion rates inferred from an analysis of 123 large (> 0·1 km2) catastrophic bedrock landslides that fell onto glaciers in the Chugach Mountains, Alaska, as documented by satellite images obtained between 1972 to 2008. Assuming these supra‐glacial landslide deposits to be passive strain markers we infer minimum decadal‐scale sediment yields of 190 to 7400 t km–2 yr–1 for a given glacier‐surface cross‐section impacted by episodic rock–slope failure. These rates compare to reported fluvial sediment yields in many mountain rivers, but are an order of magnitude below the extreme sediment yields measured at the snouts of Alaskan glaciers, indicating that the bulk of debris discharged derives from en‐glacial, sub‐glacial or ice‐proximal sources. We estimate an average minimum para‐glacial erosion rate by large, episodic rock–slope failures at 0·5–0·7 mm yr–1 in the Chugach Mountains over a 50‐yr period, with earthquakes likely being responsible for up to 73% of this rate. Though ranking amongst the highest decadal landslide erosion rates for this size of study area worldwide, our inferred rates of hillslope erosion in the Chugach Mountains remain an order of magnitude below the pace of extremely rapid glacial sediment export and glacio‐isostatic surface uplift previously reported from the region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Decoupling the impacts of climate and tectonics on hillslope erosion rates is a challenging problem. Hillslope erosion rates are well known to respond to changes in hillslope boundary conditions (e.g. channel incision rates) through their dependence on soil thickness, and precipitation is an important control on soil formation. Surprisingly though, compilations of hillslope denudation rates suggest little precipitation sensitivity. To isolate the effects of precipitation and boundary condition, we measured rates of soil production from bedrock and described soils on hillslopes along a semi‐arid to hyperarid precipitation gradient in northern Chile. In each climate zone, hillslopes with contrasting boundary conditions (actively incising channels versus non‐eroding landforms) were studied. Channel incision rates, which ultimately drive hillslope erosion, varied with precipitation rather than tectonic setting throughout the study area. These precipitation‐dependent incision rates are mirrored on the hillslopes, where erosion shifts from relatively fast and biologically‐driven to extremely slow and salt‐driven as precipitation decreases. Contrary to studies in humid regions, bedrock erosion rates increase with precipitation following a power law, from ~1 m Ma?1 in the hyperarid region to ~40 m Ma?1 in the semi‐arid region. The effect of boundary condition on soil thickness was observed in all climate zones (thicker soils on hillslopes with stable boundaries compared to hillslopes bounded by active channels), but the difference in bedrock erosion rates between the hillslopes within a climate region (slower erosion rates on hillslopes with stable boundaries) decreased as precipitation decreased. The biotic‐abiotic threshold also marks the precipitation rate below which bedrock erosion rates are no longer a function of soil thickness. Our work shows that hillslope processes become sensitive to precipitation as life disappears and the ability of the landscape to respond to tectonics decreases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landsliding usually occurs on specific hillslope aspect, which may reflect the control of specific geo-environmental factors, triggering factors, or their interaction. To explore this notion, this study used island-wide landslide inventories of the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999 (MW = 7.6) and Typhoon Morakot in 2009 in Taiwan to investigate the preferential orientation of landslides and the controls of landslide triggers and geological settings. The results showed two patterns. The orientations of earthquake-triggered landslides were toward the aspect facing away from the epicenter in areas with peak ground acceleration (PGA) ≥ 0.6 g and landslide ratio ≥ 1%, suggesting that the orientations were controlled by seismic wave propagation. Rainfall-triggered landslides tended to occur on dip slopes, instead of the windward slopes, suggesting that geological settings were a more effective control of the mass wasting processes on hillslope scale than the rainfall condition. This study highlights the importance of the endogenic processes, namely seismic wave and geological settings, on the predesigned orientation of landslides triggered by either earthquake or rainfall, which can in turn improve our knowledge of landscape evolution and landslide prediction. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In August 2009, the typhoon Morakot, characterized by a cumulative rainfall up to 2884 mm in about three days, triggered thousands of landslides in Taiwan. The availability of LiDAR surveys before (2005) and after (2010) this event offers a unique opportunity to investigate the topographic signatures of a major typhoon. The analysis considers the comparison of slope–area relationships derived by LiDAR digital terrain models (DTMs). This approach has been successfully used to distinguish hillslope from channelized processes, as a basis to develop landscape evolution models and theories, and understand the linkages between landscape morphology and tectonics, climate, and geology. We considered six catchments affected by a different degree of erosion: three affected by shallow and deep‐seated landslides, and three not affected by erosion. For each of these catchments, 2 m DTMs were derived from LiDAR data. The scaling regimes of local slope versus drainage area suggested that for the catchments affected by landslides: (i) the hillslope‐to‐valley transitions morphology, for a given value of drainage area, is shifted towards higher value of slopes, thus indicating a likely migration of the channelized processes and erosion toward the catchment boundary (the catchment head becomes steeper because of erosion); (ii) the topographic gradient along valley profiles tends to decrease progressively (the valley profile becomes gentler because of sediment deposition after the typhoon). The catchments without any landslides present a statistically indistinguishable slope–area scaling regime. These results are interesting since for the first time, using multi‐temporal high‐resolution topography derived by LiDAR, we demonstrated that a single climate event is able to cause significant major geomorphic changes on the landscape, detectable using slope–area scaling analysis. This provides new insights about landscape evolution under major climate forcing. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The analysis of the positive feedback between landslides and erosion requires determination of the precise temporal and spatial relations between events of colluvium delivery and fluvial erosion. In our study we use decennial datasets on the occurrence of landsliding and erosion achieved through dendrochronological methods. Four sites covering areas of landslide slopes and adjacent valley floors with stream channels were studied. Landsliding on slopes was dated from the tree‐ring eccentricity developed in stems tilted due to bedrock instability. Erosion in channels was dated using the wood anatomy of roots exposed by erosion of the soil cover. Analysis of the temporal relations between dated landsliding, erosion and precipitation record has revealed that two types of repeating sequences can be observed: (1) rainfall → landsliding → erosion; (2) rainfall → erosion → landsliding. These sequences are an indication of the occurrence of slope‐channel positive feedback in the sites studied. In the first type, landsliding triggered by rainfall delivers colluvia into the valley floor and causes its narrowing, which in turn causes increased erosion. In the second type erosion triggered by rainfall disturbs the slope equilibrium and causes landsliding. Landsliding and erosion, once triggered by precipitation, can occur alternately in years with average precipitation and reinforce one another. Bidirectional coupling between landsliding and channel erosion was shown notably through the effects of channel shifting and forced sinuosity and by increased erosion of the slopes opposite the active landslides. Observations also suggest that the repetition of sequences described over longer periods of time can lead to a general widening of the valley floor at the expense of slopes and to a gradual change of the valley cross‐profile from narrow, V‐shaped into a wide flat‐bottomed. Thus landsliding–erosion coupling/positive feedback was recognized as an important factor shaping hillslope–valley topography of the mid‐mountain areas studied. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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