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吕小婷  郎宝平 《地质通报》2011,30(9):1473-1478
通过将中国地调局网站与美国地调局网站,在网站的用户、结构、内容、在线技术、信息政策等方面进行对比,分析了中国地调局网站建设中存在的不足,提出了加强网站规划、优化网站结构、建设网站集群、统一网站形象等改进建议,以期对今后网站建设能有一定的帮助.  相似文献   

建设网站群是电子政务发展的新思路,网站群可以实现对分散资源的有效整合。本文以地质调查网站群建设为例,对网站群概念及特点进行了阐述,提出了网站群技术架构及三个体系、三个层次的建设思想,详细分析了基于元数据的信息共享解决方案,给出了系统部署方案。  相似文献   

全国地质资料馆网站访问分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过万瑞数据TM互联网全数据整合应用平台,对全国地质资料馆网站在2009年8月5日0时至9月4日24时之间的独立用户数、页面浏览量、访问次数、访问深度、访问频率、平均访问停留时长6个指标进行了统计分析。研究发现,网站访问者主要为专业人员,用户来自以北京为主的国内33个省(自治区、直辖市)和以美国为主的12个国家;网站的页面浏览量虽少,但访问深度和停留时长较强,用户的粘性较好,远大于媒体型网站的用户访问粘度。网站存在访问人员数量较少、关键词专业性强、用户分布不均衡、网站内容更新不及时等问题。建议网站采取适时更新内容、创新表现形式、加强宣传等措施,以吸引更多的用户访问。  相似文献   

本文介绍了福建省地震局政务信息网站的建设,提出了一个基于ASP的网站系统,介绍了系统的总体结构,主要功能模块,开发环境及开发工具,实现了新闻在线发布、多栏目管理等主要功能。  相似文献   

正《西北地质》独立网站以其清新活泼、美观大方、内容丰富,方便实用为特点。目前,《西北地质》已从2001年起全文上网,很多作者都在访问《西北地质》网站并使用在线投稿。由于《西北地质》具有广泛的学术影响力,因而市场上出现了许多假冒的《西北地质》网站,使一些作者上当受骗,造成了个人损失。因此,《西北地质》特别提醒作者注意,在《西北地质》网站投稿,作者投稿一律请登陆《西北地质》网站(www.xbdz.  相似文献   

政府门户网站代表着政府部门的形象,履行着公共管理与服务等职能,是社会公众了解政府工作动态、反映社情民意、实现网上办理事项等活动的重要窗口。加强政府门户网站建设对于开展对外宣传、实施政务公开、政民互动、廉政建设,加强公共应急管理、推进社会公共服务和提高行政效率具有重大的意义。如何把政府门户网站打造成推进政府信息公开、建设公正透明的阳光政府的重要载体和法定平台,浙江省国土资源厅在厅门户网站建设和全省国土资源系统政府门户网站建设方面进行了一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

章茵  史静  刘澜  徐梦华  焦奇 《地质论评》2015,61(5):1199-1204
本文运用统计分析方法,提取目前与科普网络传播以及地学科普网络传播相关的基础数据,运用地学科普网站网页评估卡,对国内各类科普网站进行了测评和分析。以期从公开获取的网络数据了解国内科普网络资源分布和地学科普网站的发展现状,为管理机构了解和指导科普网络传播以及地学科普网络传播工作提供依据。  相似文献   

最近发现,有些不法之徒窃取《吉林地质》杂志刊号、封面等杂志信息,以《吉林地质》杂志网站的名义收录论文。为维护我刊的良好声誉和广大读者的利益,《吉林地质》郑重声明如下:我刊在线投稿网站已经暂时关闭,在新网站投入使用前,现在网络上所有网址均是假冒网站。本刊与其他任何网站无合作关系,请广大作者注意甄别,谨防受骗。我刊保留对涉嫌侵权的单位或个人追究法律责任的权利。  相似文献   

最近发现,有些不法之徒窃取《吉林地质》杂志刊号、封面等杂志信息,以《吉林地质》杂志网站的名义收录论文。为维护我刊的良好声誉和广大读者的利益,《吉林地质》郑重声明如下:我刊在线投稿网站已经暂时关闭,在新网站投入使用前,现在网络上所有网址均是假冒网站。本刊与其他任何网站无合作关系,请广大作者注意甄别,谨防受骗上当。我刊保留对涉嫌侵权的单位或个人追究法律责任的权利。  相似文献   

丁亮  王文娴  董洋洋  陈陟  钮晨  汪希 《江苏地质》2010,34(2):154-161
介绍了Struts、Sping 和Hibernate(SSH)3种开源框架的轻量级J2EE 架构,并基于此开发框架设计和实现了江苏省地质资料馆网站.该网站功能齐全、结构清晰,具有良好的交互性、可扩展性和可维护性,表现出稳定的性能,并取得了良好绩效.  相似文献   

The Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC) website <http://www.agcrc. csiro.au/> provides the main integrated presentation of the results of AGCRC research. It hosts a systematic presentation of project summaries, publication abstracts, regionally organised geodynamic syntheses and a GIS database containing a large number of broad‐scale earth science datasets from the Australian region, which are presented through an interactive map viewer. Effective interfaces are required to make the variety of content accessible to users. In particular, maintaining effective hyperlinking for a large and growing set of pages was a significant challenge. We found that by developing effective indexing tools we were able to apply a uniform technology to attack these problems. The index included both the full text of the pages from the website and also specific index terms of metadata. The metadata schema was designed to support both generalised discovery through a search interface and also to allow hyperlinks to be included automatically in pages by the server, so that the user could browse in a richly cross‐linked framework. It was necessary to manage textual and numeric data within the same framework because even the textual documents were generally tied to geospatial locations identified by their geographical coordinates. This required extensions to standard index and search tools, including the development of complete new indexing software. To assist the user in accessing the index, we provided a variety of user interfaces specialised for different themes in the website. For example, publication lists are generated in a conventional layout, and geospatial datasets are presented through an interactive map viewer and query system. The latter also demonstrated how visualisation tools for geospatial data can be provided in the web‐browser interface.  相似文献   

A digital landslide database has been created for Sichuan province, where a magnitude 8.0 earthquake at 2:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008, to provide the authorities and scientific communities with a tool for landslide risk assessment, emergency management, land-use planning, development of early warning system and enhancement of public awareness of natural hazards. Landslide data have been obtained from a variety of sources including technical reports and landslide inventory maps, and most of which were based on fieldwork and interpretation of aerial photographs. This paper presents the sources of landslide information, database design and the webGIS-based information management system. The database currently contains spatial information for about 9,000 landslides that were mostly triggered by the earthquake. Slide is the most common type of landslide in the database, but other types including rockfall and debris flow have also been identified. The website is an online GIS, providing access to comprehensive landslide information via the Internet. The development of the website allowed us to define the state of knowledge on landslide processes in Sichuan and to provide a preliminary identification of areas affected by landslides.  相似文献   

袁昶  李精英 《江苏地质》2008,32(3):210-213
描述了城市地下空间信息的特征及数据分类,引入Geotech—XML信息表达技术,以南京地铁二号线一期工程相关信息为背景,通过编写XML文档、DTD文档和XSL转换文档,对城市地下工程一般信息、地质勘察信息和地下建(构)筑物信息进行了描述,并以网页的形式清晰地展示出来。最后分析了城市地下空间信息标准化表达的必要性和必然趋势。  相似文献   

This paper critically reflects on the building of the Dublin Dashboard – a website built by two of the authors that provides citizens, planners, policy makers and companies with an extensive set of data and interactive visualizations about Dublin City, including real-time information – from the perspective of critical data studies. The analysis draws upon participant observation, ethnography, and an archive of correspondence to unpack the building of the dashboard and the emergent politics of data and design. Our findings reveal four main observations. First, a dashboard is a complex socio-technical assemblage of actors and actants that work materially and discursively within a set of social and economic constraints, existing technologies and systems, and power geometries to assemble, produce and maintain the website. Second, the production and maintenance of a dashboard unfolds contextually, contingently and relationally through transduction. Third, the praxis and politics of creating a dashboard has wider recursive effects: just as building the dashboard was shaped by the wider institutional landscape, producing the system inflected that landscape. Fourth, the data, configuration, tools, and modes of presentation of a dashboard produce a particularised set of spatial knowledges about the city. We conclude that rather than frame dashboard development in purely technical terms, it is important to openly recognize their contested and negotiated politics and praxis.  相似文献   

应用现代通信和网络技术,设计并实现了基于CMPP协议的政务信息化网络系统,主要通过手机短信、电子邮件、网站和电话四种方式收集民众信息,实现了互联网业务与移动增值业务相结合和信息处理的自动分流,使信息处理和回复更具有针对性,信息反馈实现了网站公开和回复到用户手机等多种方式,为政府决策提供第一手资料,为我国电子政务在便民服务方面填补了一项空白。  相似文献   

As one door closes, another one opens—sometimes. This is certainly true in the history of the development of the Earth science education website, http://www.earthlearningidea.com . In the expectation that funding would be available to help teachers in a range of developing countries during the UN's International Year of Planet Earth in 2008, a series of overseas workshops in Earth science was proposed. Undeterred by the probable absence of funding, Chris King, of Keele University, co‐opted Elizabeth Devon and Peter Kennett to initiate a web‐based series of Earth science activities, which could be freely accessed by anyone in the world. This was, and is, run on a purely voluntary basis. Up until 2014, the website was generously hosted, free of charge, by the Applied and Environmental Geophysics Research Group at Keele University, but the site now runs on a FreeBSD server situated in the London Telehouse and managed by Martin Devon. The minimal monthly costs of this are covered by a grant from the Geologists' Association's Curry Fund.  相似文献   

中国花岗岩地理信息系统建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了中国花岗岩地理信息系统建设方案。在全面收集、综合、分析、整理中国花岗岩地质资料的基础上,对地质图属性信息进行合理的分类及编码,分别建立花岗岩的属性与图形数据,并在空间信息与属性信息之间建立正确的连接,运用计算机及其网络通讯技术,形成中国花岗岩地理信息系统,实现根据区域、地层、构造、岩石、矿产、地球物理、地球化学等属性对花岗岩地质图的信息进行灵活检索。在建立数据库的基础上,在Internet上建立中国花岗岩专业网站,使花岗岩地质信息的在线服务成为可能。  相似文献   

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