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Shibaqinghao gold deposit is situated in the western part of the northern margin of the North China Craton. It is controlled by an E - W trending tectonic zone that is located in the middle unit of Dongwufenzi group which consists of a sequence of greenschist - facies metamorphic rocks in an Archean greenstone belt.In Shibaqinghao gold deposit there are two types of gold ore, a mylonite ore and a quartz vein ore. Mylonite ore bodies were formed during ductile shearing stage in the Early Proterozoic, whereas quartz vein ore bodies might have been formed in the Mesozoic time.Pyrite accompanied with native gold in the mylonite ore has sulpfur of which δ34S values range from - 5.8 to + 0.8 per mil, similar to the values of mantle- derived sulphur. These data suggest that gold in the mylonite ore be derived from the country rocks which originated directly in the upper mantle.Pyrite in quartz vein ore has the δ34 S values between + 3.0 and + 11.0 per mil, similar to the values of some granitic rocks. These facts indicate that the gold in the quartz vein ore is related to some granitic magma generated in the crust.This study revealed that two different mineralization occurred at different geological times and in different environments but in the same place, resuling in the Shibaqinghao gold deposit.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSince the 1980, s, as a response to the upsurgein gold exploration in China, many go1d dep0sitshave been found in central Inner Mongolia. On< ofthem is Shibaqinghao gold deposit that is situate6 inBaliang Township, Guyang County, in the West…  相似文献   

1GeologicSettingShibaqinghaogolddepositissituatedinthewesternpartofthenorthernmarginoftheNorthChinaCraton .ItiscontrolledbyanE -WtrendingtectoniczonethatislocatedinthemiddleunitofDongwufenziGroup ,whichconsistsofasequenceofgreenschist -faciesmetamor phicr…  相似文献   

There are two types of gold ore in Shibaqinghao gold deposit, a mylonite ore and a quartz - vein ore. Pb isotope compositions for mylonite ore are characterized by lower Pb isotope ratios ranging from 16. 63 to 17.45 (206Pb/204Pb) , 15. 31 tol5.48 (207Pb/204Pb) , 36.52 to38.85 (208Pb/204Pb). They are scattered very close to a model curve of the mantle evolu-tion. These ratios suggest that gold in the mylonite ore might be derived from the country rocks, which originated directly in the upper mantle. Pb isotope compositions for quartz - vein ore are characterized by higher Pb isotope ratios ranging from 18.23 to 19.74 (206Pb/204Pb) , 15. 69 to 15. 89(207Pb/204Pb) , 38. 64 to 40. 13 (208Pb/204Pb). They are scattered very close to a model curve of the upper crustal evolution. These facts indicate that the gold in the quartz - vein ore might be relat-ed to some granitic magma generated in the crust.  相似文献   

There are two types of gold ore in Shibaqinghao gold deposit, a mylonite ore and a quartz - vein ore. Pb isotope compositions for mylonite ore are characterized by lower Pb isotope ratios ranging from 16.63 to 17.45 (206Pb/204Pb), 15.31 to15.48 (207Pb/204pb), 36.52 to 38.85 (208Pb/204Pb). They are scattered very close to a model curve of the mantle evolution. These ratios suggest that gold in the mylonite ore might be derived from the country rocks, which originated directly in the upper mantle. Pb isotope compositions for quartz - vein ore are characterized by higher Pb isotope ratios ranging from 18.23 to 19.74 (206Pb/204Pb), 15.69 to 15.89 (207Pb/204Pb), 38.64 to 40. 13 (208Pb/204Pb). They are scattered very close to a model curve of the upper crustal evolution. These facts indicate that the gold in the quartz - vein ore might be related to some granitic magma generated in the crust.  相似文献   

内蒙古白音诺尔铅锌矿铅同位素研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
内蒙古白音诺尔铅锌矿床是大兴安岭地区储量最大的铅锌矿床,矿体主要沿花岗闪长(斑)岩与大理岩接触带产出。为了查明成矿物质来源,对矿石中的硫化物和矿区内及外围主要侵入岩开展了铅同位素示踪分析。测试结果表明:矿石中硫化物的N(206Pb)/N(204Pb)为18.266~18.372,平均值18.296,N(207Pb)/N(204Pb)为15.501~15.579,平均值15.536,N(208Pb)/N(204Pb)为38.016~38.339,平均值38.138。铅同位素年龄校正计算结果表明:矿石中硫化物的Pb同位素比值与大理岩和花岗闪长(斑)岩非常相似,表明矿石中的铅主要来自花岗闪长(斑)岩和大理岩,说明成矿物质也主要来自这两类岩石,进一步证明了白音诺尔铅锌矿床的成矿与花岗闪长(斑)岩和大理岩有关,属于矽卡岩型矿床,与喷流沉积型和火山岩块状硫化物矿床有明显的差别。与区域上其他银多金属矿床对比发现,本区银多金属矿床的Pb同位素组成非常相似,其组成范围多有重叠,暗示这些矿床的矿石铅来源也非常相似,可能表明有一个共同的富银的基底或地层为这些银多金属矿床的形成提供了成矿物质来源。  相似文献   

内蒙古金厂沟梁金矿床成矿流体特征及稳定同位素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对金厂沟梁金矿床含金石英脉中流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温、单个包裹体的激光拉曼测试以及O和S同位素组成等方面研究。结果表明,成矿流体气相成分主要为H2 O,属H2 O-NaCl体系,包裹体均一温度为148.7℃~352℃,盐度[ w ( NaCl )/%]为1.05%~5.99%。δ18 O值为-1.1‰~3.0‰,说明成矿流体继承了变质流体的特征,仍以岩浆水和后期大气降水为主;δ34 SV-CDT组成为0.6‰~4.3‰,平均值0.817‰,极差为3.1‰,表明成矿流体中的硫主要来自于幔源,其次为围岩。综合分析认为,金厂沟梁金矿床是在燕山晚期太平洋板块俯冲导致岩石圈的快速减薄、拆沉的拉张环境下形成的浅成造山型金矿。  相似文献   

1Geologic settingThe Shibaqinghao gold deposit is situatedinthemiddle part of Serteng Mountains,Inner Mongolia.Geotectonic placeislocatedinthe western part of thenorthern margin of the North China Craton.Dongwufenzi Group that is the country rocks ofShibaqinghao gold deposit is composed of green-schist-facies metamorphic rocks.According to thestudy(Liuet al,1987),the proto rocks of Dong-wufenzi Group are assumed to be ultramafic volcanicrocks(komatiite),tholeiitic and alkali basalts,sili…  相似文献   

There are two types of gold ore in Shibaqinghao gold deposit, mylonite ore and quartz vein ore. Pyrite accompanying with native gold in mylonite ore has Fe from 43.66 to 45.32 wt% and S from 52.64 to 53.55 wt%. It is clear that this kind of pyrite is poor in both sulphur and iron. That means that the mylonite ore may be related to metamorphic water. Pyrite in the quartz vein ore has Fe from 44.38 to 45.30 wt% and S from 53.08 to 54.00 wt%. It means that this kind of pyrite is poor in iron but rich in sulphur, while the quartz vein ore may be related to magma water.  相似文献   

The Qilishan gold deposit is located in the southern Zhaolai gold ore belt in the northwestern Jiaodong region.A total of seven gold ore bodies have been found in the mining area.Linglong gneissic biotite granite and the NE trending Lingbei fracture control the output and distribution of the gold deposit.The ore bodies with veined or irregular shape occur in the structural alteration zone.The ore bodies of different sizes are NE trending and SE dipping.The constituent minerals of the ores mainly include pyrite,chalcopyrite,native gold,electrum,argentite,matildite,hematite,quartz and calcite.The ores are characterized by metasomatic dissolution structure,as well as veined and brecciated structures.The ore-forming process is divided into four stages,namely quartz-,pyrite-,polymetallic-and carbonate stages.Study on fluid inclusion shows that the deposit is composed of gas-liquid two-phase inclusions (Ⅰ) and three-phase inclusions containing CO2 (Ⅱ),and that the former dominates.The homogenization temperature is 259.6℃-373.7℃ ; the salinity of three-phase inclusions containing CO2is 5.77%-9.84% (NaCl) ; the salinity of gas-liquid two-phase inclusions is 6.58%-8.54% (NaCl) ; and the estimated ore-forming pressure is 55.2-82.2 MPa.According to the nonlinear relationship between the depth and pressure of the fluid in the fracture zone,the ore-forming depth of the Qilishan gold deposit is calculated as 5.95-7.14 km.It is preliminarily determined that the deposit is a mesophilic and hypothermal gold deposit.  相似文献   

为确定农坪金铜矿床的成矿流体特征及矿床形成机制,采集细脉浸染状金铜矿石中的石英-硫化物细脉,对石英颗粒中的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温和激光拉曼光谱分析。结果表明:脉石英中主要发育Ⅰ型气液两相、Ⅱ型含CO2三相、Ⅲ型含子矿物多相、Ⅳ型纯气相和Ⅴ型纯液相等5种类型的原生流体包裹体。不同类型包裹体的均一温度变化范围为237.8℃~399.4℃,主要集中于310℃~370℃,盐度w ( NaCl )变化范围于1.39%~12.3%和33.32%~42.03%两个区间。代表性包裹体的激光拉曼光谱分析结果显示,成矿流体主要气相成分为H2 O、 CO2,并含有少量的CH4。综合研究后认为,农坪矿床成矿流体曾发生过沸腾作用,以至流体中的H2 O、 CO2等挥发组分大量逸出,引起金、铜等有用组分的沉淀富集。农坪金铜矿床与小西南岔金铜矿床在成矿条件及矿化特征等方面具有相似性,二者同为斑岩型金铜矿床,均属燕山晚期构造岩浆作用的产物。  相似文献   

Gaotaigou borate deposit in Ji'an area, southeastern Jilin, is located in the easten end of Liaoning-Jilin (Liaoji)Proterozoic paleo-rift, which is a medium-sized deposit and makes up 67% of the total borate reserves in Jilin Province.The original borate ore bodies were formed by sedimentary exhalative process in Paleoproterozoic, but were activated and enriched by later metamorphism. In late stage of metamorphism, hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin made wallrocks be altered and the borate ore bodies be reformed. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by strata and their lithologies. In addition, the shape and spatial distribution of ore bodies are also defined by the Gaotaigou syncline. Combined with the ore-controlling factors and mineralizing features, it has been proposed that Gaotaigou borate deposit is a metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered sedimentary exhalative deposit.  相似文献   

IntroductionSo - called Central inner Mongolia in the papermeans the area including Daqing Mountains, WulaMountains, Serteng Mountains and the grasslandsnorth of the mountains. Tectonically it's located inthe western part at the northern margin of the Nor…  相似文献   

Gaotaigou borate deposit in Ji'an area, southeastern Jilin, is located in the easten end of Liaoning-Jilin (Liaoji) Proterozoic paleo-rift, which is a medium-sized deposit and makes up 67% of the total borate reserves in Jilin Province. The original borate ore bodies were formed by sedimentary exhalative process in Paleoproterozoic, but were activated and enriched by later metamorphism. In late stage of metamorphism, hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin made wallrocks be altered and the borate ore bodies be reformed. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by strata and their lithologies. In addition, the shape and spatial distribution of ore bodies are also defined by the Gaotaigou syncline. Combined with the ore-controlling factors and mineralizing features, it has been proposed that Gaotaigou borate deposit is a metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered sedimentary exhalative deposit.  相似文献   

Gaotaigou borate deposit in Ji'an area, southeastern Jilin, is located in the easten end of Liaoning-Jilin (Liaoji) Proterozoic paleo-rift, which is a medium-sized deposit and makes up 67% of the total borate reserves in Jilin Province. The original borate ore bodies were formed by sedimentary exhalative process in Paleoproterozoic, but were activated and enriched by later metamorphism. In late stage of metamorphistn, hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin made wallrocks be altered and the borate ore bodies be reformed. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by strata and their lithologies. In addition, the shape and spatial distribution of ore bodies are also defined by the Gaotaigou syncline. Combined with the ore-controlling factors and mineralizing features, it has been proposed that Gaotaigou borate deposit is a metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered sedimentary exhalative deposit.  相似文献   

There are four mineralization types of gold in Central Inner Mongolia: mylonite type, quartz vein type, quartzpotash- feldspar vein type and alteration type.Ore bodies of mylonite type were controlled by ductile shear zone. Both of ore and gangue minerals were undergone ductile deformation. Mineralization age is about 2040Ma and represents the metallogenetic process in deep tectonic level.There are three types of quartz veins differed from genesis mechanism. Small scaled, lens- shaped quartz veins formed during ductile shearing are found in mylonite ore bodies. Decation quartz veins are in the ore bodies of alteration type. Infiltration quartz veins are main gold- bearing bodies for some gold deposits such as Bainaimiao and Saiwusu gold mines. It also occurred in many other deposits from the middle Proterozoic to the Mesozoic.Quartz potash- feldspar veins are observed in the Palaeozoic and occurred in middle tectonic level.Gold deposits of alteration type such as Donghuofang and Saihudong occurred in shallow tectonic level of the Mesozoic.In short, from the Proterozoic to the Mesozoic, mineralization types varied from mylonite type to quartz potash- feldspar vein type and to alteration type. Gold - bearing quartz veins changed from syn - ductile - shearing quartz vein to infiltration vein and to decation quartz vein. Mineralization developed from deep to middle and to shallow level.  相似文献   

古腊布陶勒盖金矿床位于阿拉善地块巴彦乌拉山中段,金矿体均受韧性剪切带及EW向、NE向、近SN向断裂控制。赋矿层位为褐红色赤铁矿化绢云母石英糜棱岩,不论是石英脉型金矿,还是蚀变岩型金矿均产于这类岩石中,具有一定的层控特征。矿床经过了中元古代原始沉积地层预富集,后期经过改造富集形成了现在的金矿体。脉内矿物中强烈的热液蚀变和矿石中浸染状、角砾状的构造,显示了岩浆热液矿床的特征。在前人研究的基础上,综合分析区内花岗斑岩和矿床特征,认为古腊布陶勒盖金矿床是古亚洲洋整体于三叠纪闭合、石炭纪末期至三叠纪发育了古亚洲地区规模宏大的成矿事件的响应,矿床类型应为花岗岩叠加改造的韧性剪切带金矿。  相似文献   

Dexing copper deposit is the biggest porphyry copper deposit in China. By researching isotopes of C, Si and Cu from the samples of Tongchang and Fujiawu ore-field, the authors found that δ^13 CpDB values of siderite were close to the δ^13 CpDB value of original magma; δ^30Si values of the samples at the ore-forming stage were close to the δ^30 Si value range of magma, δ^30Si values of partial samples were far away from it; Cu isotopic compositions of massive chalcopyrite formed at the early ore-forming stage are higher than that of veinal chalcopyrite formed at the later ore-forming stage. The results show that ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the porphyry body, and part of them were from wall rock materials.  相似文献   

Dexing copper deposit is the biggest porphyry copper deposit in China. By researching isotopes of C,Si and Cu from the samples of Tongchang and Fujiawu ore-field, the authors found that δ13CPDB values of siderite were close to the δ13CPDB value of original magma; δ30Si values of the samples at the ore-forming stage were close to the δ30Si value range of magma, δ30Si values of partial samples were far away from it; Cu isotopic compositions of massive chalcopyrite formed at the early ore-forming stage are higher than that of veinal chalcopyrite formed at the later ore-forming stage. The results show that ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the porphyry body, and part of them were from wall rock materials.  相似文献   

The Xiaohongshilazi mineral deposit in Jilin Province,China,is located in the accretion zone in the northern margin of the North China Block. The deposit contains two types of ore bodies: layered Pb-Zn ore bodies in volcanic rock and vein-hosted Pb-Zn ore bodies controlled by fractures. The vein Pb-Zn ore bodies are strictly controlled by tectonic fracture zones trending in S-N direction,which comprise sulfide veins or sulfidebearing quartz veins distributed along faults or structural fissures. The ores mainly appear mesh-vein and vein structures,and also show solid-solution separation and metasomatic textures. The metal minerals are mainly sphalerite,galena,and pyrite,etc. Wall-rock alteration includes mainly sericitization,chloritization,silicification and carbonatization,etc. Microscope observations and Raman spectroscopy analyses indicate that the oreforming fluid of the vein Pb-Zn ore bodies was mainly magmatic water with low temperature,low salinity,and a shallow depth of metallogenesis( ~ 1.5 km). Sulfur and lead isotope analyses indicate that the sulfide source is mainly formation sulfur or biogenic sulfur,which is similar to the sulfur source of hydrothermal deposit( negative( δ~(34) S values),while the main Pb source was the upper crust with some mantle input. This article argues that the vein Pb-Zn ore body of the Xiaohongshilazi deposit is a low-to medium-temperature hydrothermal vein type related to the formation of a shallow magma chamber.  相似文献   

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