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A rock avalanche is a geological event that is always sudden, rapid and with a long run-out, and can result in large loss of lives and property. The Wenjiagou rock avalanche was a high-speed rock landslide caused by a strong earthquake, in Mianzhu, Sichuan Province, southwest China. In this study, we reproduce the movement and deposition processes of the sliding mass by numerical simulation. We analyze the effects of the friction coefficient of each slip surface and the strength of the parallel bonds and contact stiffness between particles on the dynamic process and deposit features using three-dimensional particle flow code (PFC3D). The simulation results agree with the field measurements when the friction coefficient is 0.2, parallel bond strength is 2 MPa, and contact stiffness is 2?×?108 kN/m. The landslide lasted about 115 s from the initial movement to the final deposition at the exit of the valley. The maximum velocity of the sliding mass was 114 m/s.  相似文献   

四川省达县青宁乡滑坡的基本特征和形成机理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在已有勘察资料的基础上,结合野外实际调查,对四川达县青宁乡滑坡的基本特征和发生机理进行了初步的研究。研究得出以下结论:青宁乡滑坡是第四系松散层在下伏基岩面上滑动形成的;该滑坡是一个滑坡与泥石流共存,且滑坡为泥石流提供物源的复合型滑坡,如果外部条件具备(例如降雨量足够大),该滑坡将有更多的部分转化为泥石流,受灾面积会更大;暴雨是该滑坡发生的诱发因素,也是部分滑坡转化为泥石流的关键因素。  相似文献   

On June 24, 2017, a catastrophic landslide (Xinmo landslide) occurred on the left bank of Songping river in Diexi town, Sichuan Province, China. Based on field investigations, this paper tries to reveal the cause and mechanism of the initiation and development of the Xinmo landslide. Xinmo landslide is located in the so called “Minshan block.” This tectonic block is very active and generates many earthquakes. Among them, the 1933 Diexi Ms 7.5 earthquake which had an indispensable effect on the occurrence of the Xinmo landslide, whose distance to the recent Xinmo landslide is only 8.7 km. The 1933 earthquake triggered the collapse of the Qianxin gully, which damaged the rock mass forming the source of the Xinmo landslide and creating a free prominent ridge. The later 1976 Songpan Ms 7.2 earthquake and the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake further damaged the integrity of the rock mass in the source area of the 2017 Xinmo landslide. The Xinmo landslide developed on a typical bedding dip slope with metasandstone intercalated with a few thin bedded slate layers. The slate intercalation gives the slope a very low shear strength in the dip direction and the long term rainfall may have softened the slip zone and the locked section. These two aspects have promoted the occurrence of Xinmo landslide.  相似文献   

马湖地质公园以高山湖泊景观为主,马湖湖岸呈锯齿状,水域面积7.32 km2,为我国已知的第四大深水湖泊。此外还有岩溶洞穴、丹霞地貌、火山熔岩、金沙江峡谷地貌、三国文化遗址景观——孟获庙。构成了地质遗迹景观成因类型多样、组合独特、功能齐全、互补性强的综合性景观。该地质公园,具有重要的科考价值、美学价值、观赏价值和保护价值。  相似文献   

孙萍  殷跃平  吴树仁  陈立伟 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1163-1167
东河口滑坡是5·12汶川大地震触发的典型的高速远程滑坡,致使780余人遇难。该滑坡体主要由震旦系灰岩和寒武系炭质板岩、千枚岩构成。震后在对该滑坡进行详细野外调研的基础上,采集了具有代表性的岩块作为试验样品,利用60t液压式万能材料试验机对该滑坡岩石的抗剪断性质进行了一系列试验。试验结果表明,水对该滑坡岩体的力学性质有重要的影响,干燥状态与饱水状态下岩石的抗剪断强度有很大的差异,岩石中存在的结构面也是影响岩石力学性质的主要因素之一,是岩质边坡稳定性的一个主要控制条件。  相似文献   

Zhao  Bo  Yuan  Lei  Geng  Xueyu  Su  Lijun  Qian  Jiangpeng  Wu  Huanheng  Liu  Mao  Li  Jia 《Landslides》2022,19(5):1131-1141

With the rapid urbanization, an increasing number of landslides have been induced by human activities. In this study, a typical human-induced landslide known as the Maobazi landslide, which was triggered by foundation pit excavation in Sichuan Province, China, was analyzed. An emergency investigation was carried out to detect the basic deformation characteristics, followed by implementations of multiple monitoring schemes and emergency control measures to monitor and control reactivated deposits. The reactivated deposits depicted rapid deformations with a maximum deformation exceeding 140 mm from July to September before the emergency control measures were completed. The reactivated deposits gradually settled and were finally controlled in 2019. The results showed that the 2019 Maobazi landslide was a large; reactivated landslide with a scale reached to 520 Mm3, which could result in catastrophic consequences if it slipped down to nearby residential areas.


四川省青川县东河口滑坡岩石的抗剪断性质试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙萍  殷跃平  吴树仁  陈立伟 《地质通报》2009,28(8):1163-1167
东河口滑坡是5·12汶川大地震触发的典型的高速远程滑坡,致使780余人遇难。该滑坡体主要由震旦系灰岩和寒武系炭质板岩、千枚岩构成。震后在对该滑坡进行详细野外调研的基础上,采集了具有代表性的岩块作为试验样品,利用60t液压式万能材料试验机对该滑坡岩石的抗剪断性质进行了一系列试验。试验结果表明,水对该滑坡岩体的力学性质有重要的影响,干燥状态与饱水状态下岩石的抗剪断强度有很大的差异,岩石中存在的结构面也是影响岩石力学性质的主要因素之一,是岩质边坡稳定性的一个主要控制条件。  相似文献   

四川省康定县滑坡灾害发育特征与形成条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
康定县地处四川盆地西缘山地及青藏高原过渡地带。县域内地势险峻,地形切割强烈,地层与地质构造复杂,新构造运动强烈,地震活动频繁。加之降水充沛,致使山地灾害十分发育,其中滑坡灾害占山地灾害的38.32%。通过搜集资料及现场调查,概述了该县县域内滑坡灾害的分布;从行政区划、自然地理及灾害规模等3方面统计分析了滑坡灾害的发育现状;从地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、降雨、地震活动、人类工程活动等方面总结了滑坡灾害的形成条件,并提出防治对策与措施,力求有效地预防与减少滑坡灾害的发生。  相似文献   

四川省宣汉县天台乡滑坡形成过程和机理分析   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
以地质分析为基础,分析了天台乡特大型滑坡的发生过程。指出在超强降雨情况下,地下水在该滑坡的形成过程中起到了顶托、楔裂、促动的作用。滑坡的过程包括地下水汇聚—顶托、挤入—楔裂和溃裂—滑动三个阶段。  相似文献   

四川汶川地震诱发滑坡与峰值速度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀英  王登伟 《地质通报》2011,30(1):159-165
利用汶川地震诱发的滑坡资料和得到的地震动数据,对地震诱发滑坡与峰值速度的关系进行了分析,得到一些基本认识:①地震诱发滑坡与地震动峰值速度(PGV)存在明显的正相关性,可以利用PGV作为判别地震滑坡的判据;②汶川地震龙门山震区可以触发地震滑坡的PGV下限约为0.5m/s;③龙门山震区可以触发地震滑坡的PGV上限约为1.5m/s;④建立了汶川地震龙门山震区PGV衰减关系,可用以估计地震滑坡致灾的范围。利用地震动参数研究地震诱发滑坡具有很好的一致性,可以克服应用烈度时存在的不足。上述研究结果可以应用于震后灾害快速评估工作中,为应急救援方案的制定提供参考信息。  相似文献   

王秀英  王登伟 《地质通报》2011,30(01):159-165
利用汶川地震诱发的滑坡资料和得到的地震动数据,对地震诱发滑坡与峰值速度的关系进行了分析,得到一些基本认识:①地震诱发滑坡与地震动峰值速度(PGV)存在明显的正相关性,可以利用PGV作为判别地震滑坡的判据;②汶川地震龙门山震区可以触发地震滑坡的PGV下限约为0.5m/s;③龙门山震区可以触发地震滑坡的PGV上限约为1.5m/s;④建立了汶川地震龙门山震区PGV衰减关系,可用以估计地震滑坡致灾的范围。利用地震动参数研究地震诱发滑坡具有很好的一致性,可以克服应用烈度时存在的不足。上述研究结果可以应用于震后灾害快速评估工作中,为应急救援方案的制定提供参考信息。  相似文献   

受龙门山断裂构造带及“5·12”特大地震震后效应影响,北川县地质环境表现出异常的复杂性及脆弱性,区内每逢汛期地质灾害频发。在野外孕灾地质条件调查的基础上,收集历年地质灾害资料,总结了区内地质灾害发育分布的总体特征。基于GIS平台,对崩塌和滑坡地质灾害进行了孕灾地质条件分析,研究了崩滑地质灾害与地形地貌条件(高程、高差、坡度、平剖面曲率、地势起伏度、沟壑密度、距水系距离)、地层岩性条件(工程地质岩组)、地质构造条件(断层)、地震后效应(地震烈度)、斜坡结构以及人类工程活动(距道路距离)等孕灾因子的相关关系。结果表明: 地质构造、土地利用类型、斜坡结构、坡度及剖面曲率是孕育滑坡最主要的地质条件,给出了各孕灾条件中致使滑坡发育的优势区间; 崩塌则受控于工程地质岩组,与距河流距离以及地震烈度也有一定关系。综合考虑北川县内主要孕灾条件,全县可分为5大孕灾地质条件区,并对每个区内的灾害孕灾特征及发育规律进行了详细阐述。进一步认识北川县崩滑灾害孕灾地质背景条件,能更好地助力于地方防灾减灾体系提升,也可为其他地质灾害风险调查评价项目提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Hou  Runing  Chen  Ningsheng  Hu  Guisheng  Han  Zheng  Liu  Enlong 《Landslides》2022,19(2):437-449

Landslides following rainfall occurrence are a widespread phenomenon. The neglect of this phenomenon leads to serious loss of life when disasters occur. At 03:45 (GMT?+?8) on August 21, 2020, a semi-diagenetic landslide occurred in Zhonghai Village, Hanyuan County, China, which occurred 42 h after earlier rainfall. Nine people privately returned to their homes after evacuation of the dangerous area. In this disaster, eight people were lost and one injured. This study explores the failure characteristics, inducement, and mechanisms of the landslide via field investigations, resident interviews, multi-temporal images, field drilling, and geotechnical tests. Hydrological numerical calculations were also performed to uncover the seepage and transfer processes of the groundwater in the slope. Finally, problems in the current community early warning system were analyzed and corresponding suggestions put forward. The results show that the maximum sliding depth of the landslide was 27.5 m, the total area was 80,000 m2, and the sliding volume was about 58,0000 m3, making it a medium-sized deep landslide. In addition to the vertical seepage of rainfall in the landslide area, the downward movement of rainfall in the back and upper catchment areas along the silt sand strata also affected the stability of the landslide. More needs to be done to make the population aware of this lag phenomenon to achieve scientific disaster reduction. This study not only provides a case study of a lagging semi-diagenetic landslide, but also provides insight into hydrological boundary determination and landslide early warning system construction.


围绕加强国内稀土资源勘探和增储上产的迫切需求,笔者在综合研究前期地质资料的基础上,对攀西牦牛坪外围龙家沟开展了以稀土找矿为主的多学科交叉综合调查评价工作。经钻探验证,龙家沟ZK001孔深部发育厚大高品位稀土矿体,科研指导找矿取得突破性进展。161件岩芯样品电感耦合等离子体发射光谱分析结果表明:钻孔ZK001总稀土氧化物(TREO)平均含量达4.87%,见矿视厚度125.76 m,核心部位高品位矿段超过60%。牦牛坪外围龙家沟厚大隐伏稀土矿体的发现与钻探验证,扩大了牦牛坪稀土矿外围的成矿前景,是科技创新指导找矿突破的又一典型实践。随着冕宁-德昌稀土成矿带成矿机制、精准勘查理论技术难题的突破、交叉学科以及模拟技术的应用,将进一步带动该区稀土找矿工作。今后,有必要持续开展牦牛坪外围稀土矿产综合地质调查工作,大幅提升中国第二大稀土资源基地的资源保障能力,对确保中国稀土资源的绝对优势地位具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

特大型滑坡的产生多与特定的地形、地质条件有关。四川省地形高差悬殊,新构造活动强烈,地质环境条件复杂,环境地质问题十分突出,是我国地质灾害最为严重的地区之一。据初步统计,四川省目前有76个特大型滑坡。频繁发生的特大型滑坡灾害因其突发性与隐蔽性,常造成“群死群伤“的严重事件;堵江特大型滑坡溃坝事件常形成“灾害链“,危害巨大。作者在充分收集四川省已有地质灾害资料的基础上,以遥感、地面调查、测绘和勘查为主要手段,开展四川省特大型滑坡调查。基本查明四川省特大型滑坡灾害分布、发育特征、危害和形成的地质环境条件。分析研究特大型滑坡形成的主控因素和稳定性,进行灾害风险评价,并提出风险管理对策,为防御特大型滑坡灾害对人民生命财产和重大工程建设的危害提供基础依据。  相似文献   

四川泸定昔格达组以半成岩为主,工程地质特性复杂,在高陡斜坡中常发生浅层蠕滑变形,在强降雨作用下失稳后可转化为泥石流。本文以四川省泸定县海子坪环环村滑坡为例,基于遥感解译、地面调查、数值模拟等方法,对滑坡发育特征、潜在失稳模式和滑坡-泥石流运动过程进行分析。结果表明,环环村滑坡主要发育于昔格达组内,以深度3~5 m的浅层变形为主,整体处于蠕滑变形阶段。滑坡平面上分为强变形区(A区)和弱变形区(B区),体积分别约为5.5×104 m3、5.8×104 m3,在不同降雨条件下,存在仅有A区下滑和A区牵引B区一起下滑并转化为沟道泥石流2种致灾模式。当仅有A区失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1325 m,最大堆积厚度为5.2 m,最大运动速度41.6 m/s,滑坡破坏沟口居民区及道路。当A区和B区同时失稳下滑时,最远运动距离可达1345 m,最大堆积厚度为7.7 m,最大运动速度为44.3 m/s,滑体最远能够冲至河流对岸,形成高约3 m的滑坡坝。研究结果对于深化浅层滑坡-泥石流远程致灾效应的认识和防灾减灾具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

对四川丹巴县甲居滑坡开展的GPS监测表明,甲居滑坡可以分为南北两个区域,其中北部区域滑动较为明显;滑坡体北部水平位移速度53mm/a~200mm/a,垂直位移速度-3 mm/a~-21mm/a;滑坡体南部水平位移速度12mm/a~36mm/a,垂直位移速度-1mm/a~-5mm/a。GPS提供的水平位移量趋势性较好,而垂向位移量结果异常较多,反映出GPS的水平监测优势。GPS监测精度达到毫米级,完全满足滑坡监测的精度要求。  相似文献   

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