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Governments compile their agricultural statistics in tabular form by administrative area, which gives no clue to the exact locations where specific crops are actually grown. Such data are poorly suited for early warning and assessment of crop production. 10-Daily satellite image time series of Andalucia, Spain, acquired since 1998 by the SPOT Vegetation Instrument in combination with reported crop area statistics were used to produce the required crop maps. Firstly, the 10-daily (1998–2006) 1-km resolution SPOT-Vegetation NDVI-images were used to stratify the study area in 45 map units through an iterative unsupervised classification process. Each unit represents an NDVI-profile showing changes in vegetation greenness over time which is assumed to relate to the types of land cover and land use present. Secondly, the areas of NDVI-units and the reported cropped areas by municipality were used to disaggregate the crop statistics. Adjusted R-squares were 98.8% for rainfed wheat, 97.5% for rainfed sunflower, and 76.5% for barley. Relating statistical data on areas cropped by municipality with the NDVI-based unit map showed that the selected crops were significantly related to specific NDVI-based map units. Other NDVI-profiles did not relate to the studied crops and represented other types of land use or land cover. The results were validated by using primary field data. These data were collected by the Spanish government from 2001 to 2005 through grid sampling within agricultural areas; each grid (block) contains three 700 m × 700 m segments. The validation showed 68%, 31% and 23% variability explained (adjusted R-squares) between the three produced maps and the thousands of segment data. Mainly variability within the delineated NDVI-units caused relatively low values; the units are internally heterogeneous. Variability between units is properly captured. The maps must accordingly be considered “small scale maps”. These maps can be used to monitor crop performance of specific cropped areas because of using hypertemporal images. Early warning thus becomes more location and crop specific because of using hypertemporal remote sensing.  相似文献   

吴伶  刘湘南  周博天  李露锋  谭正 《遥感学报》2012,16(6):1173-1191
本文将遥感信息与作物模型同化实现作物生长参数的时空域连续模拟,进而监测生长参数的时空域变化.首先将作物模型WOFOST(World food studies) 与冠层辐射传输模型PROSAIL 耦合构建WOPROSAIL 模型,利用微粒群算法(PSO) 通过最小化从CCD 数据获取的土壤调节植被指数观测值SAVI(soil adjusted vegetation index) 与耦合模型得到的模拟值SAVI’之间差值优化作物模型初始参数.通过MODIS 数据反演实现参数的区域化,并将区域参数作为优化后作物模型输入参数驱动模型逐像元计算生长参数,实现生长参数的时空域连续模拟与监测,最终建立区域尺度遥感-作物模拟同化框架模型RS-WOPROSAIL .结果表明:同化模型解决了作物模型模拟空间域和遥感信息时间域的不连续问题.模型模拟的叶面积指数(LAI) 、穗重(WSO) 、地上总生物量(TAGP) 等生长参数较好地体现了水稻生长状况时空域变化,研究区水稻模拟产量与实际产量的误差为27.4% .  相似文献   

Both of crop growth simulation models and remote sensing method have a high potential in crop growth monitoring and yield prediction. However, crop models have limitations in regional application and remote sensing in describing the growth process. Therefore, many researchers try to combine those two approaches for estimating the regional crop yields. In this paper, the WOFOST model was adjusted and regionalized for winter wheat in North China and coupled through the LAI to the SAIL–PROSPECT model in order to simulate soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI). Using the optimization software (FSEOPT), the crop model was then re-initialized by minimizing the differences between simulated and synthesized SAVI from remote sensing data to monitor winter wheat growth at the potential production level. Initial conditions, which strongly impact phenological development and growth, and which are hardly known at the regional scale (such as emergence date or biomass at turn-green stage), were chosen to be re-initialized. It was shown that re-initializing emergence date by using remote sensing data brought simulated anthesis and maturity date closer to measured values than without remote sensing data. Also the re-initialization of regional biomass weight at turn-green stage led that the spatial distribution of simulated weight of storage organ was more consistent to official yields. This approach has some potential to aid in scaling local simulation of crop phenological development and growth to the regional scale but requires further validation.  相似文献   

朱爽  张锦水  李长青  郑阔 《测绘通报》2019,(11):8-11,43
区域尺度土地利用/覆盖分类研究是当今国际上开展土地利用/覆盖变化研究的重要领域之一。及时、准确地获取地球表面特性对于掌握人类和自然现象之间的关系和相互作用至关重要。本文根据土地覆盖遥感分类方法特点,从硬分类方法、软分类方法以及最新的软硬分类方法出发,总结了国内外的各研究成果,分析了各种方法的分类策略与特点及其方法适用性。研究结果表明:软硬分类方法能够灵活适用于遥感图像上纯净、混合像元并存的特点,可以有效解决光谱的异质性,在土地覆盖遥感监测中具有广阔的应用潜力。文中提出了基于变端元的软硬分类土地覆盖制图方法框架,并指出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important aspect of soil quality and plays an imperative role in soil productivity in the agriculture ecosystems. The present study was applied to estimate the SOC stock using space-borne satellite data (Landsat 4–5 Thematic Mapper [TM]) and ground verification in the Medinipur Block, Paschim Medinipur District and West Bengal in India. In total, 50 soil samples were collected randomly from the region according to field surveys using a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) unit to estimate the surface SOC concentrations in the laboratory. Bare soil index (BSI) and normalized difference vegetation ndex (NDVI) were explored from TM data. The satellite data-derived indices were used to estimate spatial distribution of SOC using multivariate regression model. The regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship between SOC and spectral indices (NDVI and BSI) and compared the observed SOC (field measure) to predict SOC (estimated from satellite images). Goodness fit test was performed to determine the significance of the relationship between observed and predicted SOC at p ≤ 0.05 level. The results of regression analysis between observed SOC and NDVI values showed significant relationship (R2 = 0.54; p < 0.0075). A significant statistical relationship (r = ?0.72) was also observed between SOC and BSI. Finally, our model showed nearly 71% of the variance of SOC distribution could be explained by SOC and NDVI values. The information from this study has advanced our understanding of the ongoing ecological development that affects SOC dissemination and might be valuable for effective soil management.  相似文献   

王作勇  陈炜 《测绘通报》2020,(6):118-120+124
为更好地发挥遥感技术在城市规划地图制作中的应用,高分辨率遥感影像成为城市地图制作中最重要的数据源。面对地物信息复杂、建筑物众多的城市地区,如何快速提取高分辨率遥感影像地图制作过程中相邻两景影像之间的镶嵌线具有重要意义。本文以国产卫星中分辨率最高、幅宽最小的GF-2影像为数据源,融合建筑物轮廓数据,研究了基于最短路径的A*搜索算法,实现了遥感影像地图制作的镶嵌线自动提取技术。结果表明,该方法能够自动生成避让建筑物的镶嵌线,速度快、镶嵌质量高,可广泛应用于城市地区高分辨率遥感影像地图制作。  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to suggest crop diversification based on soil and weather requirements of different crops. State level spatial databases of various agro-physical parameters such as rainfall, soil texture, physiography and problem soil along with the agricultural area derived from remote sensing data were integrated using GIS. A raster based modelling approach was followed to arrive at suitable zones for practicing different cropping systems. The results showed that the south-western Punjab is suitable for low water requiring crops such as desi cotton, pearl millet, gram etc., where as north-eastern Punjab with high rainfall and excess drainage should practice maize based cropping system. Rice can be substituted by maize and other crops in Central Punjab, where water table is going down fast. Using this approach the area of rice based cropping system can be reduced from present 24.7 lakh ha to 19.6 lakh ha, thereby reducing the degradation of valuable land and water resources.  相似文献   

Taking cities as objects being observed, urban remote sensing is an important branch of remote sensing. Given the complexity of the urban scenes, urban remote s...  相似文献   

作物病虫害高光谱遥感进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作物病虫害作为影响农作物品质、产量及威胁粮食安全的主要因素,仅依靠人工田间调查对其进行监测已不能满足当下农业生产精准高效的需求。高光谱遥感作为能够获取地表物体连续波谱信息的遥感技术,已经成为当下作物病虫害监测识别的重要手段。本文对作物病虫害高光谱遥感监测识别的研究进展进行综述,通过对该领域发表文献的统计以及对主要机构、团队、数据源的分析,明确了病虫害高光谱遥感监测的研究热点和趋势;在此基础上,分析高光谱技术及其作物病虫害的监测识别机理,从病虫害胁迫探测、分类识别、危害严重度定量分析及早期检测四个方面综述相关技术及研究现状;通过探讨当下高光谱遥感病虫害监测识别面临的挑战,提出作物病虫害标准图谱库的建立、星载高光谱传感器的完善以及星空地一体化监测平台的搭建是当前作物病虫害高光谱遥感监测识别技 术落到实处的关键,也是未来发展的重点方向。  相似文献   

Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) are well suited to landslide studies. The aim of this study is to prepare a landslide susceptibility map of a part of Ooty region, Tamil Nadu, India, where landslides are common. The area of the coverage is approximately 10 × 14 km in a hilly region where planting tea, vegetables and cash crops are in practice. Hence, deforestation, formation of new settlements and changing land use practices are always in progress. Land use and land cover maps are prepared from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS 1C - LISS III) imagery. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was developed using 20 m interval contours, available in the topographic map. Field studies such as local enquiry, land use verification, landslide location identification were carried out. Analysis was carried out with GIS software by assigning rank and weights for each input data. The output shows the possible landslide areas, which are grouped for preparation of landslide susceptibility maps.  相似文献   

耦合遥感观测和元胞自动机的城市扩张模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统元胞自动机(CA)模型中,静态的模型参数和模型误差不能释放是影响城市扩张模拟效果的两个重要原因。文中引入集合卡尔曼滤波方法到CA模型中,提出了基于联合状态矩阵的地理元胞自动机。该模型在模拟过程中可以通过同化遥感观测数据,动态地调整模型参数和纠正模拟结果,使模型参数能够反映转换规则的时空变化,同时也能较好地释放积累的模型误差。将模型应用于东莞市的城市扩张模拟中,实验结果表明,模型能够准确地调整模型参数使之符合城市发展模式,同时也能有效地控制模型误差,其模拟的空间格局与真实情况吻合。  相似文献   

SENSOR: a tool for the simulation of hyperspectral remote sensing systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The consistent end-to-end simulation of airborne and spaceborne earth remote sensing systems is an important task, and sometimes the only way for the adaptation and optimisation of a sensor and its observation conditions, the choice and test of algorithms for data processing, error estimation and the evaluation of the capabilities of the whole sensor system.The presented software simulator SENSOR (Software Environment for the Simulation of Optical Remote sensing systems) includes a full model of the sensor hardware, the observed scene, and the atmosphere in between. The simulator consists of three parts. The first part describes the geometrical relations between scene, sun, and the remote sensing system using a ray-tracing algorithm. The second part of the simulation environment considers the radiometry. It calculates the at-sensor radiance using a pre-calculated multidimensional lookup-table taking the atmospheric influence on the radiation into account. The third part consists of an optical and an electronic sensor model for the generation of digital images. Using SENSOR for an optimisation requires the additional application of task-specific data processing algorithms.The principle of the end-to-end-simulation approach is explained, all relevant concepts of SENSOR are discussed, and first examples of its use are given. The verification of SENSOR is demonstrated. This work is closely related to the Airborne PRISM Experiment (APEX), an airborne imaging spectrometer funded by the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a pilot study in six villages located in the states of Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, to evaluate accuracy of crop area at village level estimated by IRS - LISS-I1I data with respect to detailed field survey carried out by National Sample Survey Organization. The selected villages were located in Karnal, Kota and Bhopal districts which represented single dominant wheat crop as well as wheat-mustard and wheat-gram situation, respectively. Accuracy assessment of remote sensing based estimate with field survey of NSSO showed relative deviation in wheat estimate ranging from 3.72 percent for Mainmati village in Karnal district in Haryana to 22.65 percent fo Ranpur village in Kota district of Rajasthan. It was found that relative deviation in area estimation is inversely poportional to the crop proportion in that village. Observations of over estimation at low crop proportion and underestimation at higher crop proportion was explained by simple budgeting of relative proportion of ommision and commision errors. The study demonstrates that on the average, 90 percent crop area accuracy is possible with LISS-II1 data and the adopted approach.  相似文献   

In this study digital image processing for physiographic analysis and soil resource mapping of Solani watershed was carried out using satellite remote sensing data and GIS. Digital image processing of satellite data facilitated in accurately delineating and identifying various soil mapping units. The physiography of the study area is mainly influenced by denudational and colluvial processes in the upper part and by sedimentation processes in the lower part. Topography of the land and nature of parent material along with the time factor seemed to have played a vital role in the genesis of soils. Majority of the mapping units are Typic Haplustepts with Entisols and Inceptisols being the major soil orders. The soils of the Siwalik hills experiences severe erosion, which prevents the maturation of soil profile. The present study demonstrated that satellite remote sensing and GIS is a valuable tool for physiographic analysis and soil resource mapping.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted on wheat at New Delhi with five treatments of Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kgha-1). Relationship has been established between observed leaf area index (LAI) and remotely sensed vegetation indices. These relationships are inverted and used for predicting LAI from vegetation indices on different days after sowing. The “re-initialization” strategy is implemented in model WTGROWS in which initial conditions of model are changed so that the model simulated LAI match remote sensing predicted LAI. The model performance with re-initialization has been evaluated by comparing the simulated grain yield and total above-ground dry matter (TDM) values with the actual observations. The results show that in-season re-initialization is effective in model course correction by improving the simulated results of yield and TDM for different N treatments even though the model was run with no N stress condition. Model re-initialization at different days shows that the closer is the day of re-initialization to crop anthesis the more effective is model course correction. Also, the treatment showing maximum error in yield simulation without re-initialization shows maximum reduction in error by re-initialization. The approach shows that the remote sensing inputs can substitute for some of the inputs or errors in inputs required by crop models for yield prediction.  相似文献   

遥感在森林精准培育中的应用现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周凯  曹林 《遥感学报》2021,25(1):423-438
随着社会经济快速发展及人口增长,中国木材供需矛盾突出,对外依存度高.面对有限的土地资源,迫切需要更为高效、高质量地培育森林资源,在定向培育和集约经营等的各个环节实现培育技术精准化.现代遥感技术所构建的多平台、多角度、多模式立体观测体系及定量分析方法是森林精准培育的关键技术.以遥感技术为核心所构建的从土壤类型分析、土地适...  相似文献   

通过对地观测可在影像空间上全面反映地表地理现象、格局及演化过程,基于遥感数据提取的土地利用与覆盖变化(LUCC)产品为分析地理要素空间分布规律及其变化机制提供全覆盖、定量化和快速更新的本底信息.本文以高分辨率遥感视觉特征(图)与多源多模态观测机理特征(谱)相互耦合的图谱认知理论研究为基础,提出了精细地理图斑空间结构(精...  相似文献   


Hydrology and Water Management are key areas of applied science in the current world economy. Increasingly hydrologiste are looking to satellite remote sensing to help meet their needs for near real‐time data to measure, monitor and model water in the environment. However, progress has been hindered by the lack of a dedicated series of hydro‐logical satellites.

The paper summarises studies undertaken on an international basis in order to influence satellite, sensor and ground segment design operations to suit the needs of water management.  相似文献   

邸凯昌  刘斌  刘召芹  邹永廖 《遥感学报》2016,20(5):1230-1242
对月球探测任务、月球遥感制图技术与产品进行综述。从1958年开始,全世界已开展126次(其中70次成功)月球探测工程任务,其中月球遥感制图是其必需的基础性工作。由于月球环境的特殊性,其遥感制图技术与对地观测制图相比具有很大的挑战和更大的难度。目前,中国嫦娥二号轨道器获取的7 m分辨率立体影像是覆盖全月球分辨率最高的立体影像数据,美国月球侦察轨道器LRO任务的激光雷达高度计LOLA数据是精度和密度最高的激光测高数据,LRO NAC影像的分辨率最高(0.5—2 m)但未覆盖全球。在各个探测任务中,基于月球遥感数据和摄影测量技术,已经制作了大量的全球及区域的影像拼图、正射影像图和数字高程模型等制图产品。对月球遥感制图技术发展进行展望,探讨了利用国际多探测任务数据建立新一代控制网和进行精细制图的必要性及技术思路。  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century,several countries have made great efforts to develop space remote sensing for building a high-resolution earth observation system.Under the great attention of the government and the guidance of the major scientific and techno-logical project of the high-resolution earth observation system,China has made continuous breakthroughs and progress in high-resolution remote sensing imaging technology.The development of domestic high-resolution remote sensing satellites shows a vigorous trend,and consequently,a relatively stable and perfect high-resolution earth observation system has been formed.The development of high-resolution remote sensing satellites has greatly pro-moted and enriched modern mapping technologies and methods.In this paper,the develop-ment status,along with mapping modes and applications of China's high-resolution remote sensing satellites are reviewed,and the development trend in high-resolution earth observa-tion system for global and ground control-free mapping is discussed,providing a reference for the subsequent development of high-resolution remote sensing satellites in China.  相似文献   

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