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Distinctive peritidal tepee antiform structures, buckled margins of saucer-like megapolygons are common in marine vadose fenestral and pisolitic limestones and/or dolomites of carbonate platform sequences and occur in intertidal and supratidal carbonates ranging in age from Silurian to Holocene. These megapolygons commonly form and are sometimes truncated before the deposition of the next sedimentary layer. The megapolygons result from the expansion of surface sediments by as much as 15%. The expansion is caused by the following continuously repeated sequence of processes: (1) Desiccation and thermal contraction causing small fractures; (2) phases of wetting causing enlargement of fractures; (3) phases of crystallization of calcium carbonate and other minerals causing the enlargement, fill and cementation of the fractures. Precipitation is from brines and meteoric waters; (4) hydration of minerals, thermal expansion, breaking waves and faulting may add to this disruption. The development of the tepee fabric can be traced from an initially cemented subaerial fenestral crust, exhibiting expansion and compressional structures, to a completely disrupted and brecciated sediment riddled by a labyrinth of fractures and solution cavities. These spaces are filled by numerous phases of internal marine and fresh-water cement and sediment, the latter containing penecontemporaneous or younger marine faunas. Peritidal tepees are useful tools for geologic reconstruction and provide evidence of subaerial exposure; a tropical to subtropical climate; and back-beach or back-barrier deposition. Proper identification of tepees is of economic importance, because they provide good early porosity and permeability for petroleum entrapment and a site for mineralization. Aesthetically, tepee rocks are a fine kaleidoscopic decorative stone.  相似文献   

范嘉松  吴亚生 《地质学报》2004,78(2):149-155
钙结壳是土壤层之下的岩石在出露地表渗流带环境内受大气雨水的溶解,并通过上覆土壤层的淋滤而成的产物。由于雨水的不断的溶解,使原始的岩石或沉积物发生破裂,从而形成各种大小的砾块或砾石。随着雨水不断的溶解,雨水逐渐增加 CaCO_3的含量。这些富含碳酸钙的雨水,当它流到位于潜水面之上的下渗流带时,就在土壤层之下、原来岩石之上沉积了特殊的、层纹状方解石胶结物。它们往往覆盖岩石表面或沿着砾石的外缘、呈包覆状沉积,从而形成典型的层纹状钙结壳。渗滤豆粒的外皮也属于层纹状钙结壳的性质,这些外皮有向下方加厚的趋势,这表明渗流带的含碳酸钙的雨水,受重力作用影响下,具有往下悬垂现象,类似于洞穴内的钟乳石。豆粒之间的相互衔接呈多边形构造,也表明它是受重力作用而形成的构造。  相似文献   

MARIA MUTTI 《Sedimentology》1994,41(3):621-641
The Ladinian Calcare Rosso of the Southern Alps provides a rare opportunity to examine the temporal relationships between tepees and palaeokarst. This unit comprises peritidal strata pervasively deformed into tepees, repeatedly capped by palaeokarst surfaces mantled by terra rossa. Palaeokarsts, characterized by a regional distribution across the Southern Alps, occur at the base and at the top of the unit. Local palaeokarsts, confined to this part of the platform, occur within the Calcare Rosso and strongly affected depositional facies. Tepee deformation ranges from simple antiformal structures (peritidal tepees) to composite breccias floating in synsedimentary cements and internal sediments (senile tepees). Peritidal tepees commonly occur at the top of one peritidal cycle, in association with subaerial exposure at the cycle top, while senile tepees affect several peritidal cycles, and are always capped by a palaeokarst surface. Cements and internal sediments form up to 80% of the total rock volume of senile tepees. The paragenesis of senile tepees is extremely complex and records several, superimposed episodes of dissolution, cement precipitation (fibrous cements, laminated crusts, mega-rays) and deposition of internal sediments (marine sediment and terra rossa). Petrographical observations and stable isotope geochemistry indicate that cements associated with senile tepees precipitated in a coastal karstic environment under frequently changing conditions, ranging from marine to meteoric, and were altered soon after precipitation in the presence of either meteoric or mixed marine/meteoric waters. Stable isotope data for the cements and the host rock show the influence of meteoric water (average δ18O= - 5·8‰), while strontium isotopes (average 87Sr/86Sr=0·707891) indicate that cements were precipitated and altered in the presence of marine Triassic waters. Field relationships, sedimentological associations and paragenetic sequences document that formation of senile tepees was coeval with karsting. Senile tepees formed in a karst-dominated environment in the presence of extensive meteoric water circulation, in contrast to previous interpretations that tepees formed in arid environments, under the influence of vadose diagenesis. Tepees initiated in a peritidal setting when subaerial exposure led to the formation of sheet cracks and up-buckling of strata. This porosity acted as a later conduit for either meteoric or mixed marine/meteoric fluids, when a karst system developed in association with prolonged subaerial exposure. Relative sea level variations, inducing changes in the water table, played a key role in exposing the peritidal cycles to marine, mixed marine/meteoric and meteoric diagenetic environments leading to the formation of senile tepees. The formation and preservation in the stratigraphic record of vertically stacked senile tepees implies that they formed during an overall period of transgression, punctuated by different orders of sea level variations, which allowed formation and later freezing of the cave infills.  相似文献   

Recent caliche, including nodules, pisolites, crusts, internal sediment, speleothem deposits, and spherulites, has formed within the dolomitic Cretaceous Edwards Formation of central Texas. As weathering altered the host strata, rhombic crystals of calcite were precipitated concomitantly with dissolution of the dolomite, thereby forming nodules. The highly altered dolomite (i.e. pulverulite) was then removed and spar, internal sediment, and travertine accumulated in the internodular voids. Nodular masses of calcite and dolomite are the most prominent constituent of the caliche. Some of the nodules have a well developed concentric structure as well as other characteristics similar to hypersaline pisolites. Features which appear to be useful in distinguishing caliche from hypersaline pisolites are: regional geological setting, association with other caliche and palaeosoil deposits, types of fossils present, and the presence of rhombic calcite and/or bladed sparry calcite with triangular shaped cross-section. A brick-like calcite texture and relict aragonite rays characterize hypersaline pisolites. Incipient neomorphism of the nodules and pisolites has resulted in the development of a radial pattern of spar within these structures. Geopetal deposits of internal sediment, including terra rossa soil, inhibited spar growth in the upward direction; consequently, spar is much better developed on the undersides of pisolites. Crusts and travertine flowstone (speleothem) deposits are intimately associated with the nodular masses and internal sediment. The brecciated thin crusts and travertine flowstone are end products of the same processes. The crusts formed during times of periodic desiccation of the growing surface while the flowstone formed when water was relatively abundant. Spherulitic bodies within the caliche, commonly 1–2 mm in diameter, display a radial texture and yet are composed of single crystals of calcite. The structures are the product of neomorphosed Microcodium or Microcodium-like globular bodies.  相似文献   

Characteristic fabrics such as micrite envelopes, calcified filaments and micritic grain-to-grain bridges are observed in a modern subtidal firmground (Wood Cay, Bahamas) and in a variety of firm- and hardgrounds of Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic platform carbonates (Swiss and French Jura Mountains). Their similarity to microbial fabrics described in grapestones and in intertidal to continental vadose environments suggests that microbial activity played an important role in the initial stabilization and cementation of carbonate sands. 'Meniscus-type cements' (to distinguish them from vadose meniscus cements), which clearly formed in subtidal environments, are related to filament calcification, trapping of percolating micrite and microbially induced carbonate formation. Such meniscus-type cements are commonly micritic, but meniscus-shaped precipitation of fibrous aragonite or sparitic calcite around organic filaments is also observed. Therefore, an interpretation of vadose early diagenesis should not be based on meniscus cements alone. Similarly, subtidally formed filamentous structures can strongly resemble alveolar septal structures and be interpreted incorrectly as related to subaerial exposure.  相似文献   

刘芊  陈多福  冯东 《地学前缘》2007,14(2):242-248
帐篷构造是碳酸盐岩中的一种特殊沉积组构,因其倒“V”字形形态类似于帐篷(tepee)而得名,被认为是一种无成因意义的沉积组构。传统的帐篷构造在海相至陆相碳酸盐岩中都有发育,形态和胶结物的不同反映了沉积环境的变化,其成因为裂隙填充的胶结物结晶膨胀导致层面突起变形。新元古代帽碳酸盐岩中广泛发育有倒“V”字形的类似构造,但由于形态和成因上都和传统的帐篷构造有所区别,被称为“帐篷状构造”(te-pee-likestructure)。目前其成因解释主要有:“巨风暴潮波痕”、“甲烷气体渗漏”、“地下水侵位”和“晶体结晶”的假说。由于帐篷状构造的形成过程与机制和帽碳酸盐岩的成因密切相关,对帐篷状构造的进一步研究必将帮助我们对新元古代冰期结束机制的理解。  相似文献   

A carbonate buildup of Middle Triassic age, the Esino Limestone, outcrops in the Southern Calcareous Alps of Lombardy (N Italy). Along its margin and within the open subtidal facies, the Esino Limestone contains calcite cement-filled cavities of cm to m size. These features, known as evinosponges, may form pervasive networks within the host rock. The filling consists of concentric, isopachous layers of fibrous low-Mg calcite crystals characterized by strong undulose extinction and bent cleavages. The cement crusts are non-luminescent under cathodoluminescence, but both cements and host rock are cross-cut by micro-fractures filled with bright-luminescent calcite, related to late void-filling sparite. Mixing of different carbonates is reflected in stable isotope data. On the hand specimen scale, the oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of cements and host rock show little variation. When compared on a regional scale, the values cover a broad range from δ18O(PDB)=?5‰ to ?12‰ and from δ13O =0‰ to +3‰. The linear covariant trends defined by the oxygen and carbon isotope data for different sampling regions reflect the admixture of late, isotopically depleted calcite with an isotopically enriched non-luminescent calcite of early diagenetic origin. The Esino Limestone fibrous cements, which were probably precipitated in the marine or marine-meteoric phreatic environment, were affected by late diagenetic processes that caused mineral deformation and isotopic depletion through recrystallization and the admixture of a later calcite. These later calcites precipitated from penetrative fluids possibly related to Late Triassic volcanic activity and/or to the Late Cretaceous/Early Palaeogene alpine orogeny.  相似文献   

Geochemical and petrographic data suggest early submarine cementation of hardgrounds from the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation, Middle Jurassic, England. The three hardgrounds, from Cowthick, Castle Bytham and Leadenham quarries, developed in tidal-inlet, on-barrier and lagoonal sub-environments of a carbonate barrier-island complex. At Cowthick early composite (acicular-bladed) radial-fibrous cements, which pre-date aragonite dissolution, completely fill intergranular pore-space at the hardground surface; away from it isopachous fringing cements decrease in thickness. Microprobe analyses demonstrate zoning within the fringes with magnesium concentrations (> 2 wt % MgCO3) higher than those in allochems or later, ferroan cement (?0.5 wt % MgCO3, 1.7 wt % FeCO3). At Castle Bytham early granular isopachous cements, which post-date aragonite dissolution, occur within 5 cm of the surface. At Leadenham early lithification is superficial and represented by ferruginous crusts and micritic internal sediment. Late blocky cement fills residual pore-space in all three examples. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of whole-rock samples taken at intervals away from each hardground surface demonstrate the increasing proportion of late 18O depleted cements (δ18O – 8 to – 10). Early cements must have a marine isotopic composition; different δ18O values from each hardground reflect the intensity of early lithification and exclusion of late cements at the hardened surface. There is no isotopic evidence for subaerial cement precipitation during possible emergence at Castle Bytham. Oyster samples (with δ18O, – 2.9 and δ13C, 2.4) give estimated palaeotemperatures of 22–25°C. Early cements from Cowthick are enriched in 18O and 13C (δ18O = 0 δ13C ? 3‰) compared to the oyster values. In conjunction with trace element data this is interpreted as evidence for high-magnesium calcite precursor cements which underwent replacement in a system with a low water: rock ratio. The intensity of early lithification is related to depositional environment: maximum circulation of sea-water producing the most lithified hardground (Cowthick). This is directly analogous to the formation of Recent hardgrounds.  相似文献   

Deposition of the Gully Oolite was locally interrupted by emergence and a regionally extensive palaeosol is present at the top of the unit. Early diagenetic phases include isopachous, fibrous submarine cements, nonluminescent vadose cements, and mixing zone dolomite. Subsequent nonferroan phreatic cements are non- to dully luminescent and in restricted vertical intervals predate significant compaction. More usually, however, phreatic cements postdate extensive overpacking of allochems. Ooid isotopic composition (δ18O=-7·80° to -3·10° and δ13C = -2·38° to +3·28°) is similar to that of associated phreatic cements and the data suggest that the bulk of ooid stabilization and cementation occurred within meteoric groundwaters. The extensive allochem overpacking appears to have occurred during the first few tens of metres of burial and intergranular macroporosity was eliminated prior to deep burial. Fracturing of the Gully Oolite during the Hercynian Orogeny and subsequent post-orogenic uplift led to localized dolomitization, several generations of calcite veins, and the restricted occurrence of 18O depleted cements in inter- and intragranular microporosity. Some of the veins clearly relate to Triassic exhumation of the Carboniferous Limestone, but others may be related to post-Mesozoic uplift and erosion of South Wales. Fracture-associated dolomitization may have occurred within a large-scale post-orogenic groundwater system, with Mg2+ being supplied through the release of deeply buried diagenetic brines.  相似文献   

华北中元古代陆表海氧化还原条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文石海底沉淀是地球早期大气高CO2浓度、海洋贫氧条件下,CaCO3过饱和而直接沉淀于海底所形成的自生碳酸盐,可反映古海洋贫氧状态.对华北中元古界雾迷山组(ca 1.50~1.45 Ga)碳酸盐岩的研究发现:潮下带下部黑色纹层石由针状文石假晶等厚层与微生物席层交互堆叠而成;潮下带中部凝块石白云岩(A单元)主要由针状文石假...  相似文献   

W. J. MEYERS 《Sedimentology》1978,25(3):371-400
Calcite cements in Mississippian skeletal packstones and grainstones of southwestern New Mexico are dominated by echinoderm-syntaxial, inclusion-free calcites that can be divided into four major compositional zones (from oldest to youngest: zone 1, 2, 3, 5) based mainly on varying Fe11 and MnII contents. These compositional zones are interpreted as‘time stratigraphic’ units as indicated by petrographic evidence for age gaps between zones, and by consistency of their ages on a regional scale. As such, these cement zones can be correlated over most or all of the approximately 30,000 km2 of study area, based on similarity of age, number and sequence of major zones. The inclusion-free calcite cements comprise approximately 95% of the total cements, of which the pre-Pennsylvanian zones (zones 1, 2, 3) make up about 60%, and the post-Mississippian zone 5 makes up about 40% of the total cements. These cements are interpreted as meteoric phreatic on the basis of MnII and FeII content, crystal clarity, cement morphology, substrate selectivity, low Mg content, and absence of marine and vadose characteristics. In the southern part of the study area zone 2 contains significant amounts of meteoric-marine mixing-zone phreatic cements. These mixing-zone cements are identified by their similarity in morphology, luminescence and substrate selectivity to the inclusion-free meteoric phreatic cements, but contain microdolomite inclusions indicative of former high-Mg calcites. Their restriction to the south is interpreted to have resulted from relatively long residence time of the mixing zone in the south during zone 2 precipitation. Strictly marine subtidal and beachrock cements make up less than 1% of the total cements, and meteoric vadose cements are virtually absent. Regional distribution of the pre-Pennsylvanian cement zones suggests a model of cementation during a world-wide late Mississippian eustatic regression identified by Vail & Mitchum (1976). Specifically, pre-zone 1 and zone 1 meteoric phreatic cements formed during regression within a shallow oxygenated (?) groundwater system; zone 2 formed during the later part of the regression and during stillstand in a deep-seated, more extensive flow system; zone 3 formed during subsequent transgression in a shallow groundwater system. The post-Chester, pre-Pennsylvanian unconformity resulted mainly in microkarsting and weathering. The main difference, other. than scale, between this model and those derived from diagenetic studies of Quaternary limestones is that it implies that major cementation occurred during sea-level changes in cpeiric settings, rather than only during stillstands.  相似文献   

A laterally extensive calcrete profile has been identified in the Late Asbian (Lower Carboniferous) shallow marine shelf limestones of the Llangollen area, North Wales. The upper surface of the profile is defined by a laterally discontinuous palaeokarstic surface and by laminated calcareous crusts which developed within the underlying limestone. The profile contains a unique series of early pore-filling vadose cements which only occur down to 1 m below the palaeokarstic surface. Cathodoluminescence reveals that these cements pre-date the late pore-filling meteoric phreatic cements which occur throughout local Asbian lithologies. A spar cement stratigraphy has been established for the calcrete profile. Subaerial vadose cements comprise two generations of non-luminescent cement, followed by a brightly luminescent generation which occasionally shows an acicular habit. This needle-fibre calcite represents the final stage of vadose cementation. Precipitation of vadose cements was contemporary with subaerial alteration and micritization of the limestone. Textures, visible only with cathodoluminescence, provide evidence of recurrent periods of fabric dissolution. The most extensive phase of dissolution occurred immediately after the precipitation of the non-luminescent subaerial vadose cements. Several different textures have been recorded, each reflecting the morphology of a partially dissolved substrate. Dissolution textures are generally confined to the walls of the larger pores and to early brecciation fractures. These probably acted as fluid pathways in the calcrete during early subaerial diagenesis. Much of the non-marine micrite in the calcrete profile appears as needle-fibre calcite under cathodoluminescence. This acicular calcite was probably formed in response to localized supersaturation of meteoric pore fluids caused by periods of near-surface evaporation. Since needle-fibre luminescence is strongly variable, these ambient conditions are not believed to have directly controlled the activator ion concentrations of cementing pore waters. Needle-fibre calcite is considered to be a cement precipitate which has almost completely recrystallized to micrite, probably during the late stages of subaerial diagenesis. Two generations of subaerial micrite which define a ‘micrite stratigraphy’, have been distinguished under cathodoluminescence. Reconstructing the diagenetic history of this ancient calcrete profile has revealed that subaerial alteration was multistaged, with many diagenetic processes acting simultaneously during a single phase of emergence.  相似文献   

Temperate shelf carbonates form in cool marine waters and have skeletal and mineralogical compositions which are different from their tropical counterparts. They commonly lack non-skeletal grains and are often composed of low- and high-magnesium calcite with subordinate aragonite. Many of the aragonitic components found in tropical carbonates, such as corals, ooids, blue-green algae and lime mud, are absent.

Temperate shelf carbonates undergo diagenesis in marine waters with lower carbonate saturation than do tropical carbonates, and are exposed to cool climates with moderate to low rainfall. Marine cementation is rare because of low carbonate saturations in the surrounding waters. However, aragonite and high-magnesium calcite cements have been reported forming under specialized conditions associated with biogenic precipitation, submarine methane and sulphate-reducing bacteria, and more commonly in the intertidal environment where evaporation has increased carbonate concentrations.

In Pleistocene and Tertiary temperate shelf carbonates from southeastern Australia, evidence of marine diagenesis is rare to absent. Diagenetic stabilization of aragonite and high-magnesium calcite has taken from 80,000 y to 1 My, or longer, during subaerial exposure. This is slower than rates reported from tropical climates. A general lack of aragonite in some facies within these temperate carbonates leads to a lack of secondary porosity and only sparse low-magnesium calcite cement, even after prolonged fresh-water diagenesis. However, with lengthy exposure and under the right climatic conditions, karstic solution and calcrete precipitation can occur.

In sequences containing siliciclastic clays, pyrite and glauconite, abundant iron is present in interstitial waters leading to the precipitation of ferroan calcite cements in the phreatic and shallow burial environments, and to the substitution of iron for magnesium in stabilizing high-magnesium calcite skeletal material.

A unique void-filling, micritic internal sediment occurs in discrete layers in many of the Tertiary temperate shelf carbonate sequences in southeastern Australia. This internal sediment is localized as a pore-filling material above permeability barriers such as fine-grained sediments or volcanics, and above paleo-water tables which formed during periods of subaerial exposure. It is a feature of the vadose zone and lithifies to form a dense micritic low-magnesium calcite cement with characteristic pink/brown coloration, often associated with erosion surfaces and nodule beds.

Dolomite is uncommon in the southeastern Australian temperate shelf carbonates. It forms associated with preferential fluid pathways or mixing zones. Ferroan dolomite forms in siliciclastic clay-rich carbonates in the shallow burial environment. The ubiquitous fine, evaporite-related dolomite so common in tropical carbonates is absent.  相似文献   

Two oolites in the Dinantian (Mississippian/Lower Carboniferous) of Glamorgan, SW Britain, were deposited in similar depositional environments but have contrasting diagenetic histories. The Brofiscin and Gully Oolites occur in the upper parts of shallowing-upward sequences, formed through strandplain progradation and sand shoal and barrier growth upon a southward-dipping carbonate ramp. The Brofiscin Oolite is characterized by a first-generation cement of equant calcite spar, preferentially located at grain-contacts and forming non-isopachous fringes around grains, interpreted as meteoric vadose and phreatic in origin. Isopachous fibrous calcite fringes of marine origin are rather rare and occur only at a few horizons. Burial compaction was not important and porosity was occluded by poikilotopic calcite spar. Fitted grain-grain contacts locally occur and could be the result of near-surface vadose dissolution-compaction. Syntaxial overgrowths on echinoderm debris are common. Pre-compaction overgrowths are cloudy (inclusion-rich) and probably of meteoric origin, and post-compaction overgrowths are inclusion-free. By contrast, the Gully Oolite has little first-generation cement. However, marine fibrous calcite is common in oolitic intraclasts, as isopachous fringes of acicular calcite crystals closely associated with peloidal internal sediment; and early equant, drusy calcite spar occurs in the uppermost part of the Gully, beneath a prominent palaeokarst where pedogenic cements also occur. The major feature of Gully diagenesis is burial compaction, resulting in extensive grain-grain dissolution and microstylolitic grain contacts, and post-compaction poikilotopic spar occluded remaining porosity. The Brofiscin Oolite is pervasively dolomitized up-dip but the Gully Oolite for the most part only contains scattered pre-compaction dolomite rhombs and late veins of baroque dolomite, with less pervasive dolomitization. The difference in diagenetic style of the two Dinantian oolites is attributed to prevailing climate. The paucity of early meteoric cements in the Gully is a result of an arid climate, and this is supported by the nature of the capping palaeokarst. The abundant meteoric cements in the Brofiscin reflect a more humid climate, and effective meteoric recharge also resulted in up-dip pervasive mixing-zone dolomitization. The style of early diagenesis in these two oolites exerted a major control on the later burial diagenesis: in the Brofiscin, the early cements inhibited grain-grain dissolution and pressure solution, while these processes operated extensively in the Gully Oolite. Thus, prevailing climate can influence a limestone's diagenetic history from near-surface through into deep burial.  相似文献   

贵州紫云县猴场镇扁平村的上石炭统叶状藻礁及其周边灰岩中广泛发育大量的各类胶结物。通过对胶结物的形态、结构和阴极发光特征以及胶结物间的接触关系的研究,可以确定成岩作用的先后并识别成岩环境。浅海海底同生成岩阶段大的孔隙中形成等厚环边针状胶结物、葡萄状胶结物,小的孔隙里形成微晶胶结物。早成岩阶段形成微亮晶和斑块状亮晶方解石胶结物和放射纤维扇状胶结物,表生成岩阶段的溶蚀作用和胶结作用强烈,胶结物类型有斑块状或等粒的方解石胶结物和等厚环壁柱状胶结物,等厚环壁柱状胶结物在所有胶结物中体积是较大的。早期胶结作用使叶状藻礁灰岩孔隙度大为降低。中、晚成岩阶段,孔隙被等厚环壁刃状胶结物和晶簇或斑块状亮晶方解石所充填,有些先成的胶结物被热液改造。后生作用阶段发生的主要是构造破裂作用,其中少数裂隙被红褐色含Fe2O3微晶层和晶体粉砂及渗流豆粒充填。叶状藻礁灰岩的孔隙在晚成岩阶段前或中被胶结而之后没有创造出大且连通的孔隙,是它没能成为油气储集层的原因之一。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地南翼山地区新近系储层类型主要为湖相碳酸盐岩.用碳、氧同位素和流体包裹体方法研究湖相碳酸盐岩的形成环境结果表明,碳酸盐岩总体形成于高盐度环境,局部地区浅层样品在成岩过程中遭受过大气淡水的改造.根据孔隙充填胶结物中流体包裹体的均一温度,推断胶结物形成于储层深埋阶段,随后地层发生抬升,导致现今较低深度的包裹体样品具有较高的均一温度.  相似文献   

Sedimentary gaps are a major obstacle in the reconstruction of a carbonate platform's history. In order to improve the understanding of the early diagenesis and the succession of events occurring during the formation of discontinuity surfaces in limestones, secondary ion mass spectrometry was used for the first time to measure the δ 18O and δ 13C signatures of 11 early cement and fabric stages in several discontinuity surfaces from the Jurassic carbonate platform of the Paris Basin, France. Pendant cements show a high variability in δ 18O, which was impossible to detect by the less precise microdrilling method. The morphology of a given cement can be produced in various environments, and dogtooth cements especially can precipitate in marine phreatic and meteoric phreatic to vadose environments. Marine dogtooth cements and micritic microbially induced fabrics precipitated directly as low‐magnesium calcite in marine waters, as attested to by the preservation of their initial δ 18O and δ 13C signals. Five discontinuity types are recognized based on high‐resolution geochemical analyses, and their palaeoenvironmental history can be reconstructed. Two exposure surfaces with non‐ferroan pendant or meniscus cements formed in the oxidizing vadose zone. A hardground displays marine fibrous cements and non‐ferroan dogtooth cements that formed in a subtidal environment in oxidizing water. Two composite surfaces have undergone both marine and subaerial lithification. Composite surface 1 displays non‐luminescent ferroan dogtooth cements that precipitated in reduced conditions in seawater, followed by brown‐luminescent dogtooth cements characteristic of a meteoric phreatic environment. Composite surface 2 exhibits microbially induced fabrics that formed in marine water with abundant organic matter. The latter discontinuity, initially formed in a subtidal environment, was subsequently exposed to meteoric conditions, as evidenced by ferroan geopetal cements. A high‐resolution ion microprobe study is essential to precisely document the successive diagenetic environments that have affected carbonate rocks and discontinuities with a polygenic and intricate history.  相似文献   

The Berriasian Rupelo Formation of the W Cameros Basin consists of a 2–200 m thickness of marginal and open lacustrine carbonate and associated deposits. Open lacustrine facies contain a non-marine biota with abundant charophytes (both stems and gyrogonites), ostracods, gastropods and rare vertebrates. Carbonate production was mainly biogenic. The associated marginal lacustrine (‘palustrine’) facies show strong indications of subaerial exposure and exhibit a wide variety of pedogenic fabrics. Silicified evaporites found near to the top of the sequence reflect a short hypersaline phase in the lake history. The succession was laid down in a low gradient, shallow lake complex characterized by wide fluctuations of the shoreline. Carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses from the carbonates show non-marine values with ranges of δ13 from ? 7 to ? 11‰and δ18 from ? 3 to ? 7.5‰. Differences in the isotopic composition of open lacustrine carbonates are consistent with sedimentary evidence of variation in organic productivity within the lake. Analyses from the entire sample suite plot on a linear trend; isotopic compositions become lighter with increasing evidence of pedogenic modification. This suggests progressive vadose zone diagenesis and influence of meteoric waters rich in soil-derived CO2. The stable isotope data thus support evidence from petrography and facies relations that ‘palustrine’limestones form through pedogenic modification of lake carbonates.  相似文献   

The Nolichucky Formation (0–300 m thick) formed on the Cambrian pericratonic shelf in a shallow intrashelf basin bordered along strike and toward the regional shelf edge by shallow water carbonates and by nearshore clastics toward the craton. Lateral facies changes from shallow basinal rocks to peritidal carbonates suggest that the intrashelf basin was bordered by a gently sloping carbonate ramp. Peritidal facies of the regional shelf are cyclic, upward-shallowing stromatolitic carbonates. These grade toward the intrashelf basin into shallow ramp, cross-bedded, ooid and oncolitic, intraclast grain-stones that pass downslope into deeper ramp, subwave base, ribbon carbonates and thin limestone conglomerate. Ribbon limestones are layers and lenses of trilobite packstone, parallel and wave-ripple-laminated, quartzose calcisiltite, and lime mudstone arranged in storm-generated, fining upward sequences (1–5 cm thick) that may be burrowed. Shallow basin facies are storm generated, upward coarsening and upward fining sequences of green, calcareous shale with open marine biota; parallel to hummocky laminated calcareous siltstone; and intraformational flat pebble conglomerate. There are also rare debris-flow paraconglomerate (10–60 cm thick) and shaly packstone/wackestone with trace fossils, glauconite horizons and erosional surfaces/hardgrounds. A 15-m thick tongue of cyclic carbonates within the shale package contains subtidal digitate algal bioherms which developed during a period of shoaling in the basin. Understanding the Nolichucky facies within a ramp to intrashelf basin model provides a framework for understanding similar facies which are widely distributed in the Lower Palaeozoic elsewhere. The study demonstrates the widespread effects of storm processes on pericratonic shelf sedimentation. Finally, recognition of shallow basins located on pericratonic shelves is important because such basins influence the distribution of facies and reservoir rocks, whose trends may be unrelated to regional shelf-edge trends.  相似文献   

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