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Model calculations for laser action in Hei are carried out, when helium plasma is rapidly cooled by expansion. Results are presented for four transitions, two of which, 31 S21 P 0 (7281) and 31 D21 P 0 (6678), show strong population inversion. Available observational evidence for possible laser action in these two lines in Wolf-Rayet and emission-line stars is summarized and discussed.  相似文献   

Spectral and photoelectric (ubvy, H, H) observations of the Herbig Ae/Be star HD 259431 are reported. It is found that as its brightness fades, this star becomes bluer in the Paschen continuum and the intensity and equivalent width of the hydrogen emission lines increase. The spectral observations reveal significant variations in the intensity of the Mg II 4481 Å photospheric absorption line. A rise and fall in the luminosity by 0m.04 within a period of 5-7 minutes was recorded. Radical variations in the H lineshape ("double" "P Cyg") and flare activity are not only observed in this star, but also in a number of HAEBE stars. It is suggested that flare activity may initiate a change in the velocity gradient at the base of the wind and, thereby, induce "double P Cyg" or "P Cyg single" transitions. The nonradial pulsations of this star are also discussed.  相似文献   

From the growing observational evidence that binary / multiple star formation occurs prior to the pre-main sequence (Mathieu, 1992), it is clear that any theory of star formation MUST also explain binary formation. This paper details two formation mechanisms for binary / multiple stars, which occur simultaneously with protostar formation. The protostellar discs we form have masses 5 30M , diameters 200 4000 AU. The binaries / multiples have separations 400 7500 AU. The formation mechanisms were found by conducting numerical simulations of two cloud collisions, using SPH and Treecode gravity with up to 200,000 particles per calculation and a prescribed cooling equation of state.  相似文献   

In the case of oscillatory motion in the problem of three bodies it is shown that ast the mutual distances between particles cannot separate faster thanCt 2/3 whereC is some positive constant. As bounding functions of time exist for the other classifications of motion in the three body problem, it follows in general that the mutual distances between particles is 0(t) ast.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the optical continua of QSOs, BL Lac objects and the nuclei of Seyfert, N and normal galaxies arise due to incoherent synchrotron radiation from electrons and consequently the flux of radiation in the optical continua of these objects is given by the power law:F(v)v is examined. Following Kinman, spectral indices B–V and U–B in(B-V) and(U-B) colours as well as their average and difference have been defined and calculated for samples of 227 QSOs, 32 BL Lac objects and nuclei of 62 Seyfert, 12 N and 7 normal galaxies. Here has been assumed to be an estimate of the spectral index . On the other hand, has been regarded as a measure of departure from the power law. On the basis of this, the distributions of and in QSOs, BL Lac objects and the nuclei of Seyfert, N and normal galaxies have been studied. The value of depends mainly on the balance of the energy loss due to synchrotron radiation and the rate of replenishment of energy by injection of high energy electrons in the radiating region. The increase in the value of and therefore that of indicates that the activity in the object is slowing down and the object is growing older. Assuming that the QSOs, BL Lac objects and the nuclei of Seyfert, N and normal galaxies essentially represent different phases in the evolutionary sequence of extragalactic objects, we suggest that they may be arranged in the sequence: QSOsBL Lac objects Seyferts 1N galaxies Seyferts 2 Normal galaxies in the decreasing order of activity in the core or nuclei of these objects.On leave of absence from the Government Science College, Rajpur, M.P., India.  相似文献   

Introduction of the O+++H0O++H+ charge exchange rate suggested by Butler, Bender and Dalgarno leads to theoretical nebular models that differ from those previously computed in several important respects. Different elemental abundances, bluer central star energy distributions, and truncated (material limited) models are required. If the argon abundance is fixed from the 7135 [Ariii] line intensity, 4740 [Ariv] is invariably predicted to be much too strong. Better atomic parameters, together with improved charge exchange rates for other ions, and more accurate dielectronic recombination rates may alleviate the situation.  相似文献   

We emphasize the sharp distinctions between different one-body gravitational trajectories made by the ratio of time averagesR(t)E kin/E pot.R is calculated as a function of the eccentricity (e) and of the energy (E). Whent, independently ofe andE, R1/2 for closed orbits (this clearly illustrates the fulfillment of the virial theorem in classical mechanics); whereasR1, at any time, for open orbits.  相似文献   

A study of the expected intensities of the stronger solar neon-like ion emission lines, some not yet observed, is carried out to compare with the observational situation. The potential usefulness of the 2p 5 3s(3 P 2) - 2p 6 forbidden line as a density diagnostic is discussed and new electric quadrupole lines in the soft X-ray range are noted. Observability diagrams are presented as a convenient overview of the known and unobserved lines. The S vii resonance lines appear to have anomalous intensities.  相似文献   

We construct a standard thin disk model taking into account the pressure from both gas and radiation, the opacity contributed by both electron scattering and absorption, and the gravity from both a central object and a disk. A simple and powerful technique for solving the non-linear equations is presented. Through a numerical algorithm for the two equationl for, , , all the disk quantities are expressed as the analytical function of, , . We also discuss the solutions in the limit cases 0, 1 and the parameter range of the linear approximation. From the numerical solutions and limit analyses, we found that it is not necessary to include the self-gravity of the disk.  相似文献   

Conclusions In the Newtonian case we have obtained an isotropic self-consistent distribution of gravitationally interacting point masses which satisfies the transport equation without collisions, and the gravitational equation for an arbitrary powerfunction density distribution =r–s, s<3.For =r–2 the analogous self-consistent solution was obtained for the anisotropic distribution function both in Newtonian and GTR cases.The GTR solutions with =r–2 have central redshifts which increase without limit in accordance with the law 1+zr–1/ as we approach the center. In the isotropic case, they appear to be stable when the mean velocities are much less than the velocity of light u<0.2c, >21.The hydrodynamic GTR solution was found for a perfect gas at constant temperature (but variable T=T(g00)1/2) which also has z for r0.We should like to thank K. Thorne, L. Hazin, and M. Podurets for valuable discussions. K. Thorne was particularly helpful in supplying unpublished results on circular orbits obtained by American authors.Astrofizika, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 223–234, 1969  相似文献   

It is shown that, for the scalar-tensor cosmology (STC) by Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD), in general anisotropic solution the oscillatory mixmaster regime near the singularity will be destroyed by the scalar source-free field and replaced by monotonousV 3-collapse into the point or into the line and plane (only in caseG0) even in the presence of the primordial source-free electromagnetic (EM) field.  相似文献   

Macrospicules have been observed in H and He i D3, on the disk and above the limb. In 1975, a rate of 1400 (A day)–1 is inferred, and the ratio of equatorial to polar rates 2. D3 intensities are a few × 10–3 of the disk center, and do not decrease in coronal holes. The ratio of H to D3 intensities is 10. The integral number of macrospicules with D3 intensity I 0 is proportional to I 0 –1.  相似文献   

Using the IRAM interferometer we have observed four carbon stars (U Cam, CIT6, Y CVn, IRC+40540) in the HCN(J=1 0) and CN(N=1 0) lines. Here we present some results for CIT6 and U Cam.  相似文献   

An idea is developed that the vacuum in the gravitational field acquires properties of an elastic medium described by a definite tension ik . The vacuum is stated to also participate in the formation of the space-time metric, together with the usual matter. So, the matter, vacuum and metric form a complex unity determined by the solution of the field equations. The vacuum may prove to play an essential role in the extremely strong fields existing in superdense celestial bodies. The tensor ik is not to be identified with the pseudo-tensor of the energy-momentum of the gravitational field the idea of which is preserved.The problem of vacuum is investigated in the case of the central symmetry static field. A number of properties of the tensor ik is found using the symmetry of the field and comparison with the post-Newton limit. The external and internal problems, as well as the procedure of joining the solutions on the surface of a celestial body, have been formulated. The stellar surface is determined in the usual way:P(r) = 0 whereP is the matter pressure. The theory includes three dimensionless parametersa=p/,b=p / (,p, p are the density of the vacuum energy and of its pressures in the radial and transverse directions) and determining the vacuum elastic properties. Generally speaking, they depend on the valueP/c2 in the stellar centre where is the mass density. From general physical considerations it is shown that 0 1 + lim P (l/q). The field equations are solved for the simple version of the theoryb=–a. There are solutions corresponding to superdense celestial bodies with masses considerably exceeding that of the Sun.  相似文献   

A new version of the theory of pulsar radio emission is developed for the case of a coaxial rotator. It is based on the electric field that we established [G. S. Sahakian, Astrofizika, 37, 97 (1994)] for the radiation channel (the channel of open magnetic field lines) and on convenient approximations for the electron energy obtained in [G. S. Sahakian and É. S. Chubarian, Astrofizika, 37, 255 (1994)]. It is shown that, owing to the emission of photons of curvature radiation by particles, e e+c', and photon annihilation, c e+e in the lower part of the radiation channel, a special region (the magnetic funnel) is formed in which vigorous cascade multiplication of particles occurs. The height of the magnetic funnel is h 6R0.2, where R is the radius of the neutron star and is its angular rotation rate. As a result of supersaturation of the plasma density in the magnetic funnel, a discharge occurs after each time intervalt5·10–7–0.8B 12 –1.4 R 6 –0.2 , i.e., the longitudinal electric field disappears (B is the magnetic induction in the star). During the active radiative processes in the magnetic funnel, two main fluxes of particles with high ultrarelativistic energies are formed: an upward flux of electrons and a positron flux falling onto the star's magnetic cap. These fluxes are accompanied by narrow strips of positron and electron fluxes, respectively, of considerably lower energy, which are fairly powerful, coherent radio sources. The pulsar's radio luminosity is calculated to be L7.4·10223.8 30 3 R 6 –2 erg/sec, where =BR 3/2 is the star's magnetic moment. Comparing this result with observations, we conclude that the magnetic moment and hence the mass of the neutron star evidently must be considerably smaller, on the average, for fast pulsars than for slow ones. It is shown that the magnetic moment of the neutron star can be determined from the intervals between micropulses in the pulse profiles. The problem of the origin of the macrostructure of the radio pulse is discussed.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 141–185, January – March, 1995.  相似文献   

I give an interpretation of a result of Simpsonet al. (1988) on the variation with kinetic energyT i of the mean pathlengthX m (T i ) of the galactic cosmic rays (CGRs) in the range 0.1T i 10.0 GeV nucl–1. I argue that the data onX m (T i ) may be interpreted in terms of a model of GCR diffusion on the one-dimensional Alfvén-wave turbulence, having a cutoff in the spectrum at frequencies h , where h is the proton gyrofrequency. The cutoff results in changing of the character of variation of the GCR diffusion coefficientD(T i )T a in the rangeT i 1 GeV nucl–1 towards some more complicated variation at 0.1T i 1.0 GeV nucl–1 due to the peculiarities of the pitch-angle scattering at 900.  相似文献   

A one-zone model for the late time SN II energized by the radioactive decay56Ni–56Co–56Fe is presented. The model succeeds in reproducing for the late time evolution of H and [Oi] 6300 emission lines in SN1970g for the reasonable set of parameters: mass of ejecta 4M , boundary velocityv 0=4000 km s–1 and amount of56NiM Ni=0.02M . However, a one-zone model does not account for the late time continuum. In the case of SN1980k the radioactive model fits H and [Oi] 6300 emissions att250 day satisfactory but fails at very late time, e.g.,t=670 day when the predicted value of the ratioL(H)/L(6300) is two orders of magnitude smaller than the observed one. We suggest that the strong H emission in SN1980k on the 670th day is due to the interaction of the supernova envelope with the pre-SN wind. The radioactive model for the late time SN II predicts strong Mgii 2800 line and detectable Hei 10830 line in emission and absorption.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of energetic particle motion in the interplanetary medium is carried out using HEOS-2 magnetometer data in order to computeD(), the pitch angle diffusion coefficient, where is cosine of pitch angle defined with respect to the local field. WhileD() exceeds that given by quasi-linear theory near 90° pitch angle, it is significantly less at higher values of , leading to a parallel transport coefficient in good accord with that given by experimental studies of solar proton propagation. In particular, =0.031 AU at a particle magnetic rigidity of 455 MV, while experimental results range from 0.05 to 0.07 AU (+100%, –50%) in this rigidity region. Furthermore, observed approximately -dependent solar proton pitch angle distributions are consistent with the computed findingD()/(1 – 2)2 ~ constant.The validity of various analytical corrections to quasi-linear theory as 0 are also investigated numerically.  相似文献   

The coefficients of correlation between spectroscopic data published by Yamashita (1967) and others for carbon stars and the statistical population indices calculated for these stars at the Toru Observatory are calculated (Table II). The intensity estimates of Cai 4227 Å, Nai D lines, the C13/C12 ratio, then=n(Li/Ca) index, as well as CN and probably C2 bands are higher in population I carbon stars. The CH(G) band and probably hydrogen (H, H, H) lines as well as Baii 4554 and 4934 Å lines are stronger in population II carbon stars. The photoelectric colour indices, corrected for interstellar reddening do not show significant population effects. They can be used as spectral type equivalents. For a population criterion the CH/CN intensity ratio is proposed.  相似文献   

Profiles of the H and K lines of Mgii and the K line of Ca ii are computed using a two-level atom for five model atmospheres distinguished from each other mainly by the location of the temperature minimum. In the five models the temperature minimum and the chromospheric temperature are adjusted to give best agreement between computed and observed profiles. The parameters and r 0 are prescribed as functions of from a density model of the atmosphere. By comparing computed and observed profiles of the K3, K2 and inner K1 components of the lines we determine both the approximate depth variation of D and the best of the temperature models. We find that the Doppler width increases rapidly with height in the chromosphere beginning from a value of 1.6 km/sec at 0 10–2. This latter value corresponds closely to the thermal velocity of Mg atoms in the upper photosphere. The preferred temperature model is one for which the temperature minimum occurs near 0( 2800) 10–4–10–5 with a value T min 4200 ° and which has a temperatu near 7000 ° at 0 = 10–6 where K2 is formed. The intensity in K3 is determined largely by d D/d in the K2 and K3 regions.  相似文献   

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