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曹家元 《地质学报》2013,87(8):1179-1192
本文通过对雷州半岛北部屋山和下录泥炭沉积剖面,以及泉水河湖相沉积剖面沉积物有机质δ13C分析,重建了我国热带北部地区48~10cal ka BP期间的气候变化历史。通过与3个剖面的烧失量(LOI)、有机质含量(OM)、腐殖化度(HD)、低频磁化率(χlf)、干密度(DD)等气候代用指标的对比分析:δ13 Corg低值指示气候较为暖湿,东亚夏季风较强;δ13 Corg高值则指示气候较为冷干,东亚夏季风较弱。研究表明我国热带北部地区在48~28cal ka BP之间气候较为暖湿。在22cal ka BP(或20cal ka BP)左右,研究区域气候发生急剧变化,其中最干冷的阶段出现在18~16cal ka BP,反映了东亚夏季风的衰弱,可能与末次盛冰期(LGM)的到来有一定关系。12cal ka BP之后该区域气候又逐渐转为暖湿。在48~10cal ka BP之间,3个剖面δ13 Corg值的若干正偏方向的扰动则表明C4植被或者偏正的C3植被的扩张,这些千年尺度的正偏扰动可能与Heinrich事件以及格陵兰冰芯和葫芦洞石笋所检测出来的千年尺度的冷干事件有关。研究还发现,3个研究剖面的δ13 Corg记录反映的我国热带北部气候变化与南半球巴西石笋记录的南美季风变化呈反位相关系,这表明我国热带地区末次冰期的气候变化主要与太阳辐射的变化,以及受太阳辐射驱动的热带辐合带(ITCZ)的迁移有关。ITCZ的迁移可能会引起哈德莱环流经向上分布的不对称,进而改变经向上的水汽传输,使得南北半球低纬度地区气候变化相反。南半球高纬度地区也可能通过"推拉"机制影响到雷州半岛北部地区的气候变化。  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠北部边缘是人类活动与环境变化相互作用较为典型的区域,对其形成和演化历史的恢复重建有助于认识和理解区域人地关系。本文基于遥感解译、野外调查和室内分析,对乌兰布和沙漠北缘(磴口以西地区)十多个湖相地层出露点(包括3个典型剖面)进行了较为详细的地貌、沉积和年代学研究,获得了研究区湖泊退却最后阶段的地层记录。测年结果表明研究区大部分在9.315~7.375ka B.P.(10.64~8.06cal.ka B.P.)的时限内退出湖泊环境,局部(可能为河汊或湖湾)湖相沉积可延续至全新世中晚期。沉积研究表明,所观察到的湖相地层大体形成于42cal.ka B.P.以来的河口环境,但河流过程和湖泊过程的相对强弱存在明显的时空分异。剖面下部(约42cal.ka B.P.以来)沉积物相对较粗,推移质占主导,斜层理局部可见,反映波浪作用对沉积物的搬运沉积具有主导作用,湖水相对较深,有利于动力较强的波浪的形成;剖面上部(大约在全新世以来)沉积物普遍变细,以悬移质沉积为主,最后阶段均沉积具水平层理的"红胶泥",软体动物大量繁衍,指示晚期湖泊近岸区域水动力条件弱、湖水浅、坡降小,沉积过程以静水堆积为主导。空间分异特征反映了河口环境河流冲积过程与湖泊滨岸过程在不同位置的作用程度不同,主要与三角洲平原上分流河道的规模和持续时间,以及堆积区水下地形特征及其与河口的相对距离有关。基于地层记录和沉积环境分析,结合前人资料,本文认为研究区湖泊由深变浅直至消亡的过程主要与晋陕峡谷溯源侵蚀引起的河套古湖出口下切有关。  相似文献   

Modelling of Late Quaternary paleoceanography and sedimentation in the northern North Atlantic (NNA) is achieved by coupling the ocean general circulation model SCINNA (Sensitivity and Circulation In the NNA) to the sedimentation models SENNA (Sedimentation In the NNA) and PATRINNA (PArticle Tracing In the NNA).SCINNA is based on the primitive equations with conservation of mass, momentum, energy, heat and salt. SENNA and PATRINNA are driven by temperature, salinity and velocity fields derived from SCINNA. The modelling includes three-dimensional circulation of the ocean, sediment transport in the water column and two-dimensional sedimentary processes in a thin bottom layer. SENNA calculates the erosion, transport and deposition of sediments, resulting in sedimentation patterns for specific time intervals. PATRINNA models the transport paths of single sediment grains corresponding to the ocean circulation.The NNA reacts in a highly sensitive manner to small forcing changes, as shown by our sensitivity experiments. From these experiments it is possible to model specific circulation regimes for glacial and interglacial periods, for melt water events and for the onset of glaciation. The different climatic stages in the circulation model produce different sediment patterns in the sedimentation models, which correspond closely to the sedimentary record.  相似文献   

High-resolution 2D seismic data from the western side of Dogger Bank (North Sea) has revealed that the glacigenic sediments of the Dogger Bank Formation record a complex history of sedimentation and penecontemporaneous, large-scale, ice-marginal to proglacial glacitectonism. The resulting complex assemblage of glacial landforms and sediments record the interplay between two separate ice masses revealing that Late Devensian ice sheet dynamics across Dogger Bank were far more complex than previously thought, involving the North Sea lobe of the British and Irish Ice Sheet, advancing from the west, interacting with the Dogger Bank lobe which expanded from the north. The active northward retreat of the Dogger Bank lobe resulted in the development of a complex assemblage of arcuate thrust-block moraines (≤ 15 km wide, > 30 km long) composed of highly folded and thrust sediments, separated by sedimentary basins and meltwater channels filled by outwash. The impact of the North Sea lobe was restricted to the western margin of Dogger Bank and led to deep-seated (100–150 m thick) glacitectonism in response to ice-push from the west. During the earlier expansion of the North Sea lobe, this thrust and fold complex initially occupied a frontal marginal position changing to a more lateral ice-marginal position as the ice sheet continued to expand to the south. The complex structural relationships between the two glacitectonic complexes indicates that these ice masses interacted along the western side of Dogger Bank, with the inundation of this area by ice probably occurring during the last glaciation when the ice sheets attained their maximum extents.  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘末次冰期最盛时期的湖侵及其原因   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
李栓科  李世杰 《冰川冻土》1991,13(4):299-306

Pre-Holocenelacustrine sediments from a small coastal lake on the TrueloveLowland, northeastern Devon Island,Nunavut Territory, Canada, indicatethat a viable terrestrial ecosystem existed prior to postglacialmarine inundation and subsequent isostatic emergence of thebasin. An AMS 14C age of 38 kaBP on the basal lacustrine unit provides a preliminarygeochronological framework. This find has directimplications for regional glacial history, becauseit argues against both the Late Wisconsinan glaciation ofcertain coastal lowlands on northern Devon Island,as well as the occupation of Jones Sound by an outlet of theInnuitian Ice Sheet between Devon and Ellesmere islands.  相似文献   

The sector of the northern Antarctic Peninsula between the Tula and Shackleton Fracture Zones provides evidence for the subduction of south-east Pacific oceanic crust under Antarctic continental crust during Late Mesozoic through Miocene times. The pre-subduction depositional history of this sector includes the formation of a marine siliciclastic turbidite wedge (?Permian-Triassic) deposited in a marginal basin setting. It was folded and thrust retroarc before the Middle Jurassic to form the Trinity accretion foldbelt, which extended for several hundred kilometres along the Pacific margin of Gondwanaland. The foldbelt was deeply eroded and levelled under subaerial conditions, then unconformably covered either by Middle-Upper Jurassic alluvial to lacustrine deposits (in the north) or by Early Cretaceous basic lavas (in the south). The subduction-related magmatism, in the form of acidic effusions and intrusions, began in the northern Antarctic Peninsula during Middle Jurassic times and continued as predominantly basic lavas and agglomerates intruded by basic, intermediate and acidic plutons, and by a succession of dykes, during the Early to Late Cretaceous. Thus the inner magmatic are of the northern Antarctic Peninsula (northern Graham Land-Trinity Peninsula) was formed. An outward (north-westerly) migration of centres of magmatic activity with time (Cretaceous-Tertiary) towards the subduction trench, coupled with a northeastward shift of these centres along the Arc's length due to the counterclockwise rotation of Antarctica, produced the outer magmatic arc of the South Shetland Islands. Slight folding of Late Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic suites occurred at several stages of subduction. Stronger folding and retroarc thrusting appeared locally as a result of the collision of the Aluk Ridge-Antarctic Peninsula during the Mid-Miocene. The latest plate tectonic event was the opening of the Bransfield Rift (Oligocene-Recent) as a spreading back-arc basin, associated with terrestrial and submarine volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The Jiaodong Peninsula is a key region for researching the interaction between the North and South China Plates. Tectonic relationships between collision, exhumation of ultra-high-pressure (UHP) slabs, strike-slip faulting and gold mineralization, are still ambiguous. The eastern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula (Eastern Jiaodong), which includes Triassic intrusions and is less affected by the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, is a key area to examine exhumation dynamics in detail. Systematic field mapping and zircon U–Pb dating of Triassic intrusions establishes that: (1) The UHP wedge in the eastern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula can be divided into the lateral and frontal ramps of a thrust and nappe system. Dating of samples from Donglinghou (244.7 ± 4.2 Ma) and Qingyutan (233.8 ± 8.1 Ma) areas indicates that the collision happened at or before the Middle Triassic. (2) Postcollisional extension intrusions including the Shidao granitoid (216.2 ± 2.4 Ma), and the Chengshantou granitoid (cut by a dolerite dyke dated at 210.5 ± 1.0 Ma), generally strike NE and occurred in a metamorphic core complex below the Upper Jiashan-Xiangshui detachment (U-JSXS). (3) Regional faults in the Jiaodong Peninsula exploited syncollisional foliations of the UHP wedge, which resulted in faults dipping towards the NW and SE. The reactivation of the Lower Jiashan-Xiangshui shear zone (L-JSXS) and its overprinting upon the Tan-Lu fault system may have caused another major episode of exhumation of the syncollisional wedge, and could have been responsible for an extensional environment that favored gold mineralization.  相似文献   

During the latter part of the last (Otira) glaciation the forest cover of New Zealand was much reduced. It has frequently been postulated, however, that diverse mixed forest communities survived in the far north of North Island. Pollen diagrams and radiocarbon dates from two last glacial and postglacial (Aranuian) sits on the Aupouri Peninsula in the far north of New Zealand are compared with other published palynological and plant macrofossil evidence from the region. Mixed kauri/podocarp/angiosperm forest was present at times during the late Otiran (and Aranuian) and no evidence was found for substantial loss of forest. However, radiocarbon samples from one site, at least, seem to have been contaminated with young carbon; this introduces uncertainty into the chronology established at that site. Possibly nondeposition or erosion has obscured part or all of the late Otiran record at all the sites studied so that very much reduced forest cover at that time cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

M.Kuhle把青藏高原外缘山地的山麓泥石洪流堆积误认为冰碛,推算出高原上末次冰期雪线普遍比今降低1100-1500m,已低于高原平均高度,以此推断在青藏高原形成了统一大冰盖。本文根据中国学者大量的研究事实和确凿的冰川作用遗迹,重建冰期雪线分布高度,提出了“分散的山地冰川”的观点,并从古气候学和高原构造隆升等方面分析了原因,以此论证了“大冰盖说”的主观性。  相似文献   

The geological events happened since the beginning of the building of theraised coral reefs may be summarized as follows: 1. The period of the formation of raised coral reefs seems to coincidewith the last interglacial stage, at least in Asia. This will be termed the"Tateyama Reef Stage." In this period it was not the climate of the wholeworld, but the location of latitude that was different from that of present.Latitudes of places in Asia were about 5 degrees nearer to the equator than theyare now. The...  相似文献   

滇西北山地末次冰期冰川发育及其基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张威  刘蓓蓓 《冰川冻土》2014,36(1):30-37
对滇西北海拔4 000~4 500 m 山地的第四纪冰川发育和平衡线高度进行了研究. 结果表明: 古冰川发育主要依托海拔4 000~4 300 m的夷平面,早中期发育小型的冰帽以及流入四周谷地的山谷冰川,晚期主要发育规模较小的冰斗冰川. 冰川主要发育期为末次冰期,古冰川平衡线、山体最高峰以及夷平面的高度显示,冰川发育所依托的夷平面在末次冰期时超过古平衡线,二者差值为50~400 m,为冰川发生提供了良好的地形与地势条件. 冰川规模演化表明,滇西北地区多处山地MIS 3中期的冰川规模大于末次冰盛期(LGM),可能与MIS 3中期较强南亚季风带来较丰富的降水有关. 古气候研究资料以及研究区的冰期系列表明,滇西北海拔4 000~4 500 m山地末次冰期的冰川作用是构造和气候相耦合的结果.  相似文献   

胶东地块东部变质岩锆石U-Pb定年和氧同位素研究   总被引:18,自引:10,他引:18  
对胶东地块东部高压-超高压变质岩作了系统的锆石U-Ph定年和矿物氧同位素分析,结果对这些变质岩的原岩性质提供了制约。研究得到:(1)区域花岗片麻岩及岩浆锆石普遍不同程度地亏损~(18)O,3个片庥岩样品中岩浆核锆石U-Pb年龄分别为723±36Ma、738±17Ma和744±63Ma,低δ~(18)O值(-0.42~4.14‰)岩浆核锆石说明其原岩为新元古代低δ~(18)O值岩浆岩,石英-石榴石氧同位素温度及少量印支期变质锆石的出现,指示片麻岩与榴辉岩曾经共同经历了印支期超高压变质作用;(2)花岗片麻岩中的榴辉岩原岩年龄有两种,一种是新元古代,其U-Ph年龄为806±79Ma。另一种是古元古代晚期,其 U-Pb年龄为1838±41Ma。这2个榴辉岩的超高压变质年龄分别为229±3Ma和242±21Ma。多数榴辉岩中的变质增生或变质重结晶锆石也具有低δ~(18)O值特征(0.22~3.4‰),指示在榴辉宕相变质作用之前,这些榴辉岩原岩为低δ~(18)O值蚀变岩或低δ~(18)O值基性岩浆岩;(3)大理岩中榴辉岩变质增生锆石δ~(18)O值高达15.9‰,U-Pb年龄为229±4Ma,指示在榴辉岩相变质作用之前,榴辉岩原岩与大理岩一样具有高δ~(18)O值;(4)斜长角闪岩的原岩U-Pb年龄为1719±18Ma,与同时期榴辉岩原岩一起构成扬子板块北缘新元古代岩浆侵位时的裂谷肩部围岩,在三叠纪大陆碰撞时同样受到变质改造。  相似文献   

During the Itkillik Glaciation the Brooks Range supported an extensive mountain-glacier complex that extended for 750 km between 141° and 158°W longitude. Individual ice streams and piedmont lobes flowed as much as 50 km beyond the north and south margins of the range. Glaciers in the southern Brooks Range were longer than those farther north because of a southerly precipitation source, whereas those in the central and eastern part of the range were larger than glaciers at the extremities of the mountain system because of higher and more-extensive accumulation areas. Glacier equilibrium-line altitudes (ELAs) at the time of greatest advance were depressed 600 ± 100 m below present levels, whereas during a less-extensive late-glacial readvance (Alapah Mountain) ELA depression was about 300 ± 30 m. Radiocarbon dates indicate that Itkillik drift correlates with Late Wisconsin drift along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and with drift of Cordilleran glaciers in southern Alaska and the western conterminous United States deposited during the last glaciation. Itkillik I moraines represent the maximum ice advance under cold full-glacial conditions between about 24,000 and 17,000 14C y. a. Itkillik II sediments, probably deposited close to 14,000 y. a., are characterized by abundant outwash and ice-contact stratified drift implying a milder climate than that of the Itkillik I phase. Alapah Mountain moraines at the heads of valleys draining high-altitude (≥1800 m) source areas record a possible late Itkillik readvance that is not yet closely dated. Itkillik glaciers may have largely disappeared from Brooks Range valleys by the beginning of the Holocene.  相似文献   

Particulate matter was collected in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean, an area characterized by a shallow and intense oxygen minimum zone, in order to investigate the geochemistry of particulate organic matter in the ocean. Sinking, large particles and suspended, small particles were analyzed for sterols, 3-ketosteroids, 3-methoxy-steroids and sterenes. Vertical fluxes of steroid classes in sinking particles and concentrations of steroids in suspended particles decreased rapidly below the euphotic zone consistent with upper ocean sources and deep water decomposition. Significant compositional changes were observed with increasing depth and as a function of particle size. Sinking particles were enriched in C27-Sterols but deficient in C28 and C29-sterols compared to the suspended particles. Suspended particles, especially in the oxygen minimum zone, were enriched in steroidal ketones and sterenes compared to sinking particles. Steroid distributions suggest that the oxygen minimum zone is the site of active “diagenetic” transformations, most likely microbially-mediated, of stenols to steroidal ketones, stanols and sterenes. These transformations occur preferentially in suspended particles relative to sinking particles.  相似文献   

邹建军  石学法 《地学前缘》2017,24(4):141-151
北太平洋中层水(NPIW)作为全球海洋经向翻转环流的一个重要组成部分,在区域海洋环境和全球气候变化中扮演着重要角色。本研究对NPIW演化及其对气候变化的影响最新进展进行了评述。认为NPIW形成及通风演化对全球气候变化响应十分敏感。而且高纬气候信号通过这一“海洋通道”传递到北太平洋低纬海域。另一方面,东亚夏季风通过影响黑龙江进入鄂霍次克海的径流量,从而对NPIW的形成和水团组成产生影响。在千年尺度,NPIW通风过程与大西洋经向翻转流(AMOC)呈反相位变化,这与AMOC千年尺度震荡所引发的北太洋海表温、盐变化相关。与NPIW相关的物理过程和生物过程可能是触发冰期大气CO2浓度变化的一个重要机制。  相似文献   

Three generations of tourmaline have been identified in propylite in the Vetka porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit of the Chukchi Peninsula of Russia. Tourmaline-I is characterized by its Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) value, which ranges from 0.33 to 0.49. Tourmaline-II, which crystallizes at a lower temperature, overgrowing tourmaline-I or occurring as isolated crystals, is distinguished by a higher Fetot/(Fetot + Mg), which varies from 0.46 to 0.72. The Fetot/(Fetot + Mg) ratio in tourmaline-III, which overgrows tourmaline-II is lower (0.35–0.49), and is identical to that of the first tourmaline generation. This is probably caused by the beginning of sulfide deposition. Tourmalines in the deposit characterized by complex isomorphic substitutions can be attributed to the intermediate members of the dravite—“hydroxy-uvite”-“oxy-uvite” and schorl-“hydroxy-feruvite”-“oxy-feruvite” series. Tourmaline starts to crystallize at temperatures above 340°C. The fluid responsible for the tourmaline deposition was magmatic, with a significant admixture of meteoric water (δ18OH 2O = −0.85 to −0.75‰). The high Fe3+/Fetot ratio (0.50) indicates high oxygen activity when the tourmaline precipitated. It has been established that the isomorphic substitution Fetot → Al is typomorphic of tourmalines from porphyry copper deposits worldwide.  相似文献   

The finding of wolframoixiolite with inclusions of niobian ferberite is described from zinnwaldite granite and ongonite of the Severny pluton of the Chukchi Peninsula. The optical, morphological, and chemical properties of minerals are characterized and compared with their analogues from other regions. The petrologic and mineragenic index implications of the minerals are discussed with allowance for our contemporary mineralogical knowledge on W-bearing Ta-Nb minerals.  相似文献   

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