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设计并完成一个1∶30的大比例尺高陡反倾层状岩质边坡的振动台模型试验,坡体内部有6个软弱泥化夹层,研究在组合支护体系作用下EL Centro地震波和汶川-清屏地震波激振下泥化夹层含水量发生变化时边坡的加速度动力响应规律。试验结果表明:(1)坡面X、Z向加速度放大系数均具有非线性高程放大效应,但前者大于后者;(2)泥化夹层含水量的变化对坡面加速度放大效应影响显著,注水后X向减小而Z向增大;(3)支护体系作用下边坡临空面放大效应的现象受限制,预应力锚索抗滑桩以下边坡基本不存在加速度放大效应;边坡分级支护可有效降低X向加速度放大系数的高程增大效应,但对Z向会产生不利作用;(4)边坡的破坏模式为上部受软弱夹层滑动牵引而发生倾倒-拉裂变形,导致顶部框架梁有可能最先发生破坏,且破坏类型可能以绕坡顶为支点向坡体内侧转动,引起上部的锚索产生拔出破坏。 相似文献
在研究岩浆岩和变质岩特点的基础上,根据岩浆岩岩体结构体的大小、有无缓倾的结构面及岩浆岩散粒状边坡岩体的特征,将岩浆岩边坡岩体结构划分为4大类7个亚类;根据部分正变质岩边坡岩体结构与岩浆岩边坡岩体结构类似,部分副变质岩中发育的板理、千枚理、片理类似沉积岩中的层理,以及边坡岩体具有似层状岩体结构的特征,把变质岩边坡岩体的结构划分为5大类11个亚类。岩体结构的划分为边坡稳定性研究、边坡病害治理及其工程效果评价提供了依据。 相似文献
岩体结构面粗糙度系数的统计估测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于岩体结构面表面形态的各质异性、各向异性、非均一性和尺寸效应,本文提出粗糙度系数(JRC)的统计估测方法.根据11064条表面轮廓曲线的测量统计资料,提供16种典型岩体结构面3个方向的粗糙度系数经验值.本文的JRC经验值可直接用于岩体结构面的力学参数估算. 相似文献
结构面对于黑方台台塬斜坡变形破坏的影响研究成果较多,但以单方面研究为主,较少进行系统研究,因此通过对黑方台台塬结构面类型及其组合特征以及斜坡变形破坏类型和特征的分析可知:研究区结构面类型主要包括节理裂隙、层面、接触面、断层和临空面,结构面组合类型分2大类8小类,各类型具有自身的结构特征和分布特征;结构面及其组合对黑方台台塬斜坡变形破坏类型选择和空间分布选择控制效应明显,特别是对滑坡类型选择和空间分布的影响。 相似文献
结构面分布特征对隧道围岩变形影响的数值模拟分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
结构面对隧道围岩变形及稳定性起着决定性作用。运用三维离散元方法(3DEC)研究结构面分布特征,重点是结构面线密度1/λ、强度和倾角对隧道围岩变形的影响,总结了结构面分布与围岩变形特征的关系。结果表明,在结构面强度较低的情况下,结构面线密度对隧道变形的影响较大,其影响可分为两种情况:①λ≤0.2时,围岩的弯曲变形大于沿结构面的剪切变形,属于应力型大变形;②0.2〈λ≤0.4时,沿结构面的剪切变形大于围岩的弯曲变形,属于结构型大变形。结构面倾角主要影响围岩大变形发生的位置。将数值模拟结果与国内工程实例实测变形资料相对比,发现一致性较好。本研究结果对隧道支护结构的设计以及施工设计具有借鉴意义与指导作用。 相似文献
地震作用下含软弱夹层顺层岩质边坡表面放大效应研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
为了研究地震作用下含软弱夹层顺层岩质边坡表面的放大效应,借用FLAC3D软件,建立了含软弱夹层顺层岩质边坡动力分析数值模型;在合理考虑地震动输入、边界条件、网格划分与模型参数的基础上,分析了地震动峰值、频率、持时以及初动方向等因素影响下的边坡表面放大效应。研究结果表明:①地震动峰值、频率和初动方向对边坡表面放大效应的影响较显著,而地震动持时对边坡表面放大效应的影响微小;②随着地震动峰值的增加,放大效应由软弱夹层之上的坡面及坡顶面向坡肩点逐渐增大,坡肩点的放大效应最大;③当输入地震动频率小于边坡的自振频率时,边坡表面加速度放大倍数较小,且频率越小,放大倍数越小,当输入地震动频率大于边坡的自振频率时,边坡表面加速度放大倍数较大,且频率越大,放大倍数亦越大。 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTION An important goal of geomorphology is to understand the dynamics of landform evolution, and within geomorphology, the development of slopes has long been of great interest to modern and classical scholars (Gilbert, 1877; Davis, 1898; Penck, 1972; Bryan, 1940; Carson and Kirkby, 1972; Chorley et al., 1984; Abrahams et al., 1985; Selby, 1993). Accompanied with slope evolution, soil, water, and nutrients run off at the same time. All these earth surface processes have great… 相似文献
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with Mw7.9 occurred at Yingxiu County in Longmenshan thrust fault belt, southwest China, having triggered a huge amount of slope failures. This paper applied a detailed inventory with more than 190,000 slope failures and strong ground motion records of 187 seismic stations to analyze the qualitative and quantitative relations between slope failure distribution and seismic parameters. The results revealed that slope failure distribution was exponentially decreased with the increment of epicentral distance and distance from surface fault rupture; peak ground acceleration (PGA) on the hanging wall side was apparently larger than that on footwall side. Linear correlation between concentration of slope failures (LNC) and the percentage of the area affected by slope failure (LAP) and PGA was demonstrated by statistical analysis, which revealed that 0.18~0.21 g horizontal PGA was the threshold value of the occurrence of slope failure. Furthermore, this paper presented an empirical model for the attenuation relation of slope failure distribution. 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONThedrainagenetWorkisoneofimportantcomponentsinafluvialsyStem.Atypicalfluvialsystemiscomposedofthreezones,asSchumm(1977)pointedout,therunoffandsedimentyield,transportationandsettlingzones.Asearlyasinthemiddleofthiscent'Ury,Horton(1945)madeasignificantquantitativeexplanationtohydro-geomorphologyinadrainagenetworksystem,andderivednetworkstatisticslaws.Inthe1970'sSmart(1973)hadtopologicallystudiednetWorkstrUcture.Fromthe1980'sandonst'Udiesoffractalandfractionaldimensioninadra… 相似文献
通过对福建九龙江下游NW向断裂带断层上覆地层的切割关系、断裂两侧第四纪等时地貌面的差异性变化、浅层地震勘探、断层两侧钻孔探测等资料分析,研究了断裂第四纪以来的活动特征及断裂构造的组合特征.结果表明:(1)郭坑—江东桥断裂(F1)、珠坑断裂(F3)、金峰—大帽山断裂(F7)为早第四纪(Q1-2)断裂;岱山岩—珩坑断裂(F6)的观音山—古湖段为早第四纪(Q1-2)断裂、古湖—洪塘段为晚更新世活动断裂;覆船山—康山断裂(F4)、九龙江(西溪)断裂(F5)为晚更新世早期活动断裂,海沧—钱屿断裂(F2)为晚更新世活动断裂.(2)郭坑—江东桥断裂和金峰—大帽山断裂将本区切割成3个地块,形成了小田坑山地垒、漳州地堑、锅尖山地垒的构造组合形式.漳州地堑再被覆船山—康山断裂和岱山岩—珩坑断裂切割成3个地块,又形成了较小的圆山地垒、九龙江西溪河谷地堑、马鞍山地垒的构造组合形式. 相似文献
A. Joshi 《Journal of Seismology》2000,4(2):143-160
The rupture plane for an earthquake has been modelledby using the semi empirical technique of Midorikawa(1993). This technique estimates ground accelerationby modelling the rupture process during an earthquake.Modifications in this technique have been made for itsapplication to the Indian region. This has been tested forthe Uttarkashi earthquake of 20th Oct, 1991, India, whichwas well recorded at thirteen stations of installedstrong motion array in this region. After testingseveral possible rupture models, a final model has beenselected and peak ground acceleration due to thismodel is simulated at thirteen different stations.Dependency of methodology on model parameters, e.g.dip and mode of rupture propagation have also beenstudied in detail.Using this technique synthetic isoseismal maps wereprepared by converting peak ground acceleration intoMMI scale. Dependency of rupture models on syntheticisoseismals has also been studied in detail. Usingthis method, peak ground acceleration for the Laturearthquake of Sept 30, 1993 has been obtained atvarious places within meisoseismal area. Synthetic andfield intensity was compared at various well-knownsites. Since the region was not covered by anyinstrumental array during Latur earthquake, thesimulated peak ground accelerations are expected toserve basis of design criteria in this region. 相似文献
A rocking podium structure is a class of structures consisting of a superstructure placed on top of a rigid slab supported by free‐standing columns. The free‐standing columns respond to sufficiently strong ground motion excitation by uplifting and rocking. Uplift works as a mechanical fuse that limits the forces transmitted to the superstructure, while rocking enables large lateral displacements. Such ‘soft‐story’ system runs counter to the modern seismic design philosophy but has been used to construct several hundred buildings in countries of the former USSR following Polyakov's rule‐of‐thumb guidelines: (i) that the superstructure behave as a rigid body and (ii) that the maximum lateral displacement of the rocking podium frame be estimated using elastic earthquake displacement response spectra. The objectives of this paper are to present a dynamic model for analysis of the in‐plane seismic response of rocking podium structures and to investigate if Polyakov's rule‐of‐thumb guidelines are adequate for the design of such structures. Examination of the rocking podium structure response to analytical pulse and recorded ground motion excitations shows that the rocking podium structures are stable and that Polyakov's rule‐of‐thumb guidelines produce generally conservative designs. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The dynamic motions and stabilities of a single-degree-of-freedom elastic system controlled by different friction laws are compared. The system consists of a sliding block connected to an elastic spring, driven at a constant velocity. The friction laws are a laboratory-inferred friction law called the rate-and-state-dependent friction law, proposed by Dieterich and Ruina, and a simple friction law described by dynamic and static frictions. We further extend the solution to a one-dimensional mass-spring model which is an analog of a fault controlled by the rate-and-state-dependent friction law. This model predicts non uniform slip and stress drop along the rupture length of a heterogeneous fault. This result is very different from some earlier modelings based on the simple friction law and a slip weakening friction law. In those earlier modelings the stress and slip functions become smoother with time along the length of the fault rupture, owing to the interactions between fault segments during slip. Because of this smoothing process the number of small events will decrease with time, and the universilly observed stationary magnitude-frequency relation cannot be explained. The interaction between a fault segment and its neighboring segments can be measured when the post-slip stress on this segment is compared with the stress on an identical segment (represented by a block in this modeling) without neighboring segments. If the post-slip stress of the former is much higher than that of the latter, strong interaction exists; if the two are close, only weak interaction exists. The interaction is determined by the relative motion between fault segments and the time duration of interaction. Our new modeling with the rate-and-state-dependent friction law appears to show no such smoothing effect and provides a physical mechanism for the roughening process in the difference between the fault strength and stress that is necessary to explain the observed stationary magnitude-frequency relation. The noninstantaneous healing predicted by the rate-and-state-dependent friction law may be repsonsible for the recurring nonuniform slip and stress drop, and may be explained by the reduction of interaction among fault segments due to the low frictional strength during the fault stopping. The very low friction during slip stopping allows much longer times than does the higher friction due to instantaneous healing for the fault segments to adjust their motions from an upper-limit slip velocity to almost rest. According to newton's second law, a process with fixed masses and constant velocity changes involves low forces and weak interactions if it is accomplished in a long time period, and vice versa. Our modeling also indicates that the existence of strong patches with higher effective stress on a fault is needed for the occurrence of major events. The creeping section of a fault, such as the one along the San Andreas fault in central California, on the other hand, can be simulated with the rate-and-state-dependent friction law by certain model parameters, which, however, must not include strong patches. In this case small earthquakes and aseismic creep relieve the accumulating strain without any large events. 相似文献
基于神经网络的结构地震反应仿真 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
提出了基于神经网络的结构地震反应仿真方法,探讨了仿真基本步骤中样本集的准备、目标函数的选取、网络拓扑结构的构建、隐层神经元数目的确定、训练方法的选择以及提高泛化精度的措施等若干实际问题,并通过算例分析验证了本方法的可行性。 相似文献
Three active earth-slide slopes of Tertiary mudstone were investigated: Slope 1 has an angle of 17 ?4°, Slope 2 of 12.9°, and Slope 3 of 11.6°. Infinite slope analysis indicated that the instability of these three slopes can be well explained by using the residual strength parameters of earth-slide soils near the sliding surface in conjunction with the highest ground water table. The residual angle of shearing resistance, ø'r, plays an important role in the determination of slope angle because it differs greatly among slopes. Mineralogical studies and X-ray diffraction analyses were performed for the clay minerals included in the slope material. The results showed that illite and chlorite were found in Slope 1, and also in Slopes 2 and 3 together with interstratified illite/montmorillonite and montmorillonite. The degree of weathering is progressive in order of Slopes 1, 2 and 3. The alteration of clay minerals by weathering causes the reduction in ø'r -values, i.e., 19.4° in Slope 1 (steep, less weathered) and 12.1-9.2° in Slopes 2 and 3 (gentle, much more weathered). This result indicates that the degree of weathering has a great influence on the value of ø'r, which in turn determines the slope angle. 相似文献