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为解释Be/X射线双星波段联合观测结果,已发展了许多理论模型。在本文中简述这些Be/X射线双星理论模型的研究现状,包括枞两个正常的B型星组成的密近双星演化成为Be/X射线双星的演化模型,描述Be星气壳的物理模型,Be星和中子星的性质所决定的中子星吸积方式的吸积量及Be/X射线双星X射线源光变曲线的理论解释。  相似文献   

X射线双星中的回旋共振散射吸收特征(即回旋吸收线特征)是直接测量中子星磁场的工具。回旋吸收线表现为X射线能谱中多阶吸收特征。截至目前,已在30多颗源中探测到该现象,其能量范围为10-80 keV,对应的磁场强度范围为10^7-10^9 T。随着X射线探测技术的进步,回旋吸收线观测及理论研究也迅速发展,包括谐频和基频回旋吸收线能量之比、回旋吸收线形状的复杂性、回旋吸收线形态参数间的相关性、回旋吸收线能量与光度的关系、回旋吸收线的脉冲相位解析谱及回旋吸收线能量的长时标演化等。未来,人们将通过对回旋吸收线的研究,在探测高磁场中子星,以及在探究中子星磁场结构和吸积柱物理等方面取得更多成果。  相似文献   

观测表明, 黑洞双星的B型准周期振荡(Quasi-Periodic Oscillation, QPO)频率与幂律通量之间存在正相关性. 试图基于阿尔文波振荡模型定量解释该相关性. 标准薄吸积盘辐射通量极大值处的阿尔文波振荡产生QPO. 标准薄盘上的软光子与冕或喷流基部的热电子介质发生逆康普顿散射产生幂律通量. 通过吸积率的连续变化, 得到QPO频率与幂律通量关系的分析解和数值解. 模拟得到的相关性在合理的参数范围内与观测值相吻合. QPO频率与幂律通量的正相关性可以理解为, 较强的磁场导致较高的阿尔文波频率和较高的电子温度从而得到较高的幂律通量. 结果表明B型QPO可能与吸积盘或喷流中的环向磁场的活动有关.  相似文献   

Ⅰ型X射线暴(热核暴)是发生在小质量X射线中子星双星系统中X射线波段流量突然大幅度增加的一种高能现象.在热核闪模型下,此现象被认为主要由中子星表面热核不稳定燃烧主要引起的.典型X射线暴的光变曲线呈现快速上升(1~5 s)、e指数下降(10~100 s)的单峰结构.随着X射线暴样本的增加,在观测上出现了一类多峰结构的热核...  相似文献   

通过分析1997年2月27日和3月1日坚天座座X-1的两次空间数据观测。发现千赫兹QPO频率同X射线能谱有一定相关,其和赤类似于另一个X射线同源4U1605-52,讨论了分析结果对了解吸积及QPO产生过程的意义。  相似文献   

本文简略地叙述了低质量X射线双星中准周期振荡(QPO)现象的理论解释,对其中的差频模型(BFM)和它的一些发展作了较为详细的介绍。对模型中存在的问题和新观测赐予理论的启示,作了简要的陈述。  相似文献   

反常X射线脉冲星的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反常X射线脉冲星(Anomalous X-ra Pulsars,简称AXP)是一类特殊的X射线源。与X射线脉冲星(通常处于大质量X射线双星系统中)相比,它们具有以下特征:X射线谱较软、光度低页稳定(≈10^27-10^29J.s^-1)、自转周期集中在10s左右稳定增长、迄今没有找到它们的光学、红外、射电的对应体、有一些可能戌超新星遗迹成协等。由观测到的自转周期变化可以确定它们的自转能损不足以提供有X射线辐射。解释AXP能源机制的理论模型目前主要有两大类:在吸积模型中,AXP被认为具有正常磁场强度(≈10^8T)的中子量,物质吸积提供X射线辐射原能源,并造成中子星的自转变化;另一种观点认为AXP是具有超强磁场(≈10^10-10^11T)的中子量(即磁星),其辐射能源来自它们巨大的磁或残余的热能,观测到的自转周期及其变化被归因子中子星的磁偶极辐射和物质抛射。两种模型各有优缺点,但目前看来观测事实对磁星模型较为有利。为了进一步明确AXP的性质,提供解释它们能源机制的线索,在介绍AXP的基本观测特征和理论解释的基础上,还将AXP与射电脉冲星、特强磁场射电脉冲量、射电宁静脉冲星侯选体及软γ射线复现源分别进行了比较。  相似文献   

用径移主导吸积流模型(ADAF)不仅可以成功解释很多低吸积率天体的连续谱辐射,也可以说明X射线波段的谱线发射,而后者目前尚少有讨论。以黑洞X射线双星GX339-4处在低吸积率的宁静态情况为例,计算了它的铁线发射,表明在ADAF情况下的确可以产生足够强的可以在观测上检测的类氢和类氦铁Kα线。  相似文献   

We present a numerical analysis of the spin evolution of neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries, trying to explain the discrepancy in the spin period distribution between observations of millisecond pulsars and theoretical results. In our calculations, we take account of possible effects of radiation pressure and irradiation-induced instability on the structure of the disk, and the evolution of the mass transfer rate, respectively. We report the following results: (1) The radiation pressure in the accretion disk leads to a slight increase of spin periods, and the variation of mass transfer rate caused by the neutron star irradiation can shorten the spin-down phase of evolution. (2) The calculated results of the model combining radiation pressure and irradiation show that the accretion is strongly limited by the radiation pressure in the high mass transfer phase. (3) The accreted mass and fastness parameter can affect the number of systems in the equilibrium state.  相似文献   

We suggest that the mass of four compact stars SAX J1808.4-3658, KS 1731-260, SAX J1750.8-2900 and IGR J17191-2821 can be determined from the difference in the observed kiloHertz quasi periodic oscillations (kHz QPO-s) of these stars. The stellar radius is very close to the marginally stable orbit Rms as predicted by Einstein’s general relativity. It may be noted that the first of these stars was suggested to be a strange star more than a decade back by Li et al. (1999a) from the unique millisecond X-ray pulsations with an accurate determination of its rotation period. It showed kHz QPO-s eight years back and so far it is the only set that has been observed. This is the first time we give an estimate of the mass of the star and of three other compact stars in low-mass X-ray binaries using their observed kHz QPO-s.  相似文献   

Several AGN and black hole X-ray binaries show a clear very broad iron line, which is strong evidence that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Detailed analysis of these objects shows that the emission line is not significantly affected by absorption and that the source variability is principally due to variation in amplitude of a power-law. Underlying this is a much less variable, relativistically-smeared, reflection-dominated, component which carries the imprint of strong gravity at a few gravitational radii. The strong gravitational light bending in these regions then explains the power-law variability as due to changes in height of the primary X-ray source above the disc. The reflection component, in particular its variability and the profile of the iron line, enables us to study the innermost regions around an accreting, spinning, black hole.  相似文献   

The kHz quasi‐periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been detected by the RXTE satellite in about thirty neutron stars (NSs) in low mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs), which are usually interpreted to be related to the Keplerian motions in the orbit close to NS surface where the accreted matter is sucked onto the star. Based on the MHD Alfvén wave oscillation model and the relativistic precession model for the neutron star (NS) kHz QPOs, estimations of mass M and radius R of some NSs are given, which can give clues to evaluate the models. Furthermore, comparisons with theoretical MR relations by stellar equations of state (EOSs) are presented (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using the recently published data of twin kHz quasi‐period oscillations (QPOs) in neutron stars of low‐mass X‐ray binaries (LMXBs), we study the different profiles between bright Z sources and less luminous Atoll sources. The quality factors of upper kHz QPOs show a narrow distribution both for Z sources and Atoll sources, which concentrate at 7.98 and 9.75, respectively. The quality factors of lower kHz QPOs show a narrow distribution for Z sources and a broader distribution for Atoll sources, which concentrate at 5.25 and 86.22, respectively. In order to investigate the relation between the quality factor and the peak frequency of kHz QPOs, we fit the data with power‐law, linear, and exponential functions, respectively. There is an obvious trend that the quality factors increase with the peak frequencies both for upper and lower QPOs. The implications of our results are discussed (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

通过几十年的观测研究, 黑洞X射线双星(X-Ray Binary, XRB)部分特征被揭示. 然而, 吸积盘结构尚不确定. 黑洞XRB功率密度谱的截断频率与准周期振荡(Quasi Periodic Oscillation, QPO)的相关性质(W-K关系)可以限制吸积盘结构. 利用慧眼-HXMT (Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope)观测到的5个黑洞XRB的数据, 对黑洞XRB的W-K关系进行了研究, 结果表明在慧眼-HXMT观测的3个探测器能段中W-K关系成立. 此外在MAXI J1535-571之中存在截断频率和吸积盘内半径的相关关系, 这和截断的吸积盘结构一致. 如果观测到的功率密度谱来自质量吸积率的扰动传播, 可以推测吸积盘内半径接近最内圆形稳定轨道, 此黑洞可能是高自旋系统.  相似文献   

At luminosities below a few percent of Eddington, accreting black holes switch to a hard spectral state which is very different from the soft blackbody-like spectral state that is found at higher luminosities. The hard state is well-described by a two-temperature, optically thin, geometrically thick, advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) in which the ions are extremely hot (up to 1012 K near the black hole), the electrons are also hot (∼109−10.5 K), and thermal Comptonization dominates the X-ray emission. The radiative efficiency of an ADAF decreases rapidly with decreasing mass accretion rate, becoming extremely low when a source reaches quiescence. ADAFs are expected to have strong outflows, which may explain why relativistic jets are often inferred from the radio emission of these sources. It has been suggested that most of the X-ray emission also comes from a jet, but this is less well established.  相似文献   

We here investigate the possibility that the ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray (UHECR) events observed above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) limit are mostly protons accelerated in reconnection sites just above the magnetosphere of newborn millisecond pulsars that are originated by accretion-induced collapse (AIC). We formulate the requirements for the acceleration mechanism and show that AIC pulsars with surface magnetic fields 1012 G/=10(20) eV. Because the expected rate of AIC sources in our Galaxy is very small ( approximately 10(-5) yr(-1)), the corresponding contribution to the flux of UHECRs is negligible and the total flux is given by the integrated contribution from AIC sources produced by the distribution of galaxies located within the distance that is unaffected by the GZK cutoff ( approximately 50 Mpc). We find that reconnection should convert a fraction xi greater, similar0.1 of magnetic energy into UHECRs in order to reproduce the observed flux.  相似文献   

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