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U-Pb isotopic analyses of zircons from a distinctive suite of previously undated granulite facies metaplutonic rocks, here termed the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO), in Fiordland, southwest New Zealand, indicate synkinematic magmatic emplacement between 120 and 130 Ma ago. These rocks were previously interpreted as possibly being of Precambrian age. Initial Pb and Sr ratios are consistent with arc/subduction related magmagenesis with little or no involvement of ancient continental crust. Subsequent high pressure (>12 kb) metamorphism of the WFO may reflect a major collision event involving crustal thickening by overthrusting of a >15 km thick sequence. Metamorphism ceased 116 Ma ago based on206Pb/238U ages of zircon from a retrogressed granulite. U-Pb isotopic analysis of apatite, along with previously published Rb/Sr mineral ages, indicate that final uplift and cooling to <300–400° C was largely completed by 90 Ma. The average uplift rate during this period is inferred to have been in excess of 1 mm/yr.Unmetamorphosed gabbronorites of the Darran Complex in eastern Fiordland, inferred by some investigators to be the granulite protolith, yield concordant U/Pb zircon ages of 137±1 Ma. U-Pb ages of apatite, and previously published K/Ar mineral ages indicate that these rocks experienced a rapid and simple cooling history lasting only a few million years. The high-grade WFO and unmetamorphosed Darran Complex are now separated by a profound structural break. However, the ages and similarities in initial Pb and Sr isotopic ratios suggest that both suites are products of the same Early Cretaceous cycle of subduction-related magmatism. The timing of Early Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism, collision and resultant crustal thickening, and subsequent great uplift and erosion in Fiordland has important implications for terrane accretion and the evolution of relative plate motions along the New Zealand segment of the Gondwana margin.  相似文献   

On the basis of fluid inclusion evidence, pervasive influx of deep-seated CO2-rich fluids has been invoked to account for mid- to upper amphibolite facies (M2B) metamorphism on the island of Naxos (Cyclades, Greece). In this paper, mineral devolatilization and melt equilibria are used to constrain the composition of both syn- and post-peak-M2B fluids in the deepest exposed levels of the metamorphic complex. The results indicate that peak-M2B fluids were spatially and compositionally heterogeneous throughout the high-grade core of the complex, whereas post-peak-M2B fluids were generally water-rich. The observed heterogeneities in syn-M2B fluid composition are inconsistent with pervasive CO2-flushing models invoked by previous workers on the basis of fluid inclusion evidence. It is likely that few CO2-rich fluid inclusions on Naxos preserve fluids trapped under peak metamorphic conditions. It is suggested that many of these inclusions have behaved as chemically open systems during the intense deformation that accompanied the uplift of the metamorphic complex. A similar process may explain the occurrence of some CO2-rich fluid inclusions in granulite facies rocks.  相似文献   

Known eclogite occurrences in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt of SW Japan are dominantly in metagabbro bodies which have complex polyphase metamorphic histories. These bodies are generally described as tectonic blocks and their relationship to the Sanbagawa metamorphism is unclear. New findings of foliated eclogite in the Seba and Kotsu areas show that eclogite facies metamorphism is much more widespread than generally thought. Evidence that the foliated eclogite units originated as lavas or sediments implies that these units can be treated as a high-grade part of the subduction-related Sanbagawa metamorphism. Although separated by an along-strike distance of 80 km, the Seba and Kotsu eclogites have very similar garnet and omphacite compositions, suggesting that they were formed under similar metamorphic conditions. However, differences in the associated retrograde assemblages (epidote–amphibolite in the Seba unit and epidote–blueschist in the Kotsu unit) suggest contrasting P – T  paths. In both units, the eclogite rocks occupy the highest structural level of the Sanbagawa belt and overlie rocks metamorphosed at lower pressure. The lower boundary to the eclogite units is therefore a major tectonic discontinuity locally decorated with lenses of exotic material. These features can help trace the boundary into other areas. The previously known outcrops of eclogite show enough similarities with the newly found areas to suggest that all the eclogite facies rocks in the Sanbagawa belt constitute a single nappe that lies at the highest structural levels of the orogen.  相似文献   

Numerous pollen records across the upper Tibetan Plateau indicate that in the early part of the mid-Holocene, Kobresia-rich high-alpine meadows invaded areas formerly dominated by alpine steppe vegetation rich in Artemisia. We examine climate, land-use, and CO2 concentration changes as potential drivers for this marked vegetation change. The climatic implications of these vegetational shifts are explored by applying a newly developed pollen-based moisture-balance transfer-function to fossil pollen spectra from Koucha Lake on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau (34.0°N; 97.2°E; 4540 m a.s.l.) and Xuguo Lake on the central Tibetan Plateau (31.97°N; 90.3°E; 4595 m a.s.l.), both located in the meadow-steppe transition zone. Reconstructed moisture-balances were markedly reduced (by ~150–180 mm) during the early mid-Holocene compared to the late-Holocene. These findings contradict most other records from the Indian monsoonal realm and also most non-pollen records from the Tibetan Plateau that indicate a rather wet early- and mid-Holocene. The extent and timing of anthropogenic land-use involving grazing by large herbivores on the upper Tibetan Plateau and its possible impacts on high-alpine vegetation are still mostly unknown due to the lack of relevant archaeological evidence. Arguments against a mainly anthropogenic origin of Kobresia high-alpine meadows are the discovery of the widespread expansion of obviously ‘natural’ Kobresia meadows on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau during the Lateglacial period indicating the natural origin of this vegetation type and the lack of any concurrence between modern human-driven vegetation shifts and the mid-Holocene compositional changes. Vegetation types are known to respond to atmospheric CO2 concentration changes, at least on glacial–interglacial scales. This assumption is confirmed by our sensitivity study where we model Tibetan vegetation at different CO2 concentrations of 375 (present-day), 260 (early Holocene), and 650 ppm (future scenario) using the BIOME4 global vegetation model. Previous experimental studies confirm that vegetation growing on dry and high sites is particularly sensitive to CO2 changes. Here we propose that the replacement of drought-resistant alpine steppes (that are well adapted to low CO2 concentrations) by mesic Kobresia meadows can, at least, be partly interpreted as a response to the increase of CO2 concentration since 7000 years ago due to fertilization and water-saving effects. Our hypothesis is corroborated by former CO2 fertilization experiments performed on various dry grasslands and by the strong recent expansion of high-alpine meadows documented by remote sensing studies in response to recent CO2 increases.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of micaschists in the north‐eastern part of the Saxothuringian Domain in the Central European Variscides is characterized by the early high‐pressure M1 assemblage with chloritoid in cores of large garnet porphyroblasts and a Grt–Chl–Phe–Qtz ± Pg M2 assemblage in the matrix. Minerals of the M1–M2 stage were overprinted by the low‐pressure M3 assemblage Ab–Chl–Ms–Qtz ± Ep. Samples with the best‐preserved M1–M2 mineralogy mostly appear in domains dominated by the earlier D1 deformation phase and are only weakly affected by subsequent D2 overprint. Thermodynamic modelling suggests that mineral assemblages record peak‐pressure conditions of ≥18–19 kbar at 460–520 °C (M1) followed by isothermal decompression 10.5–13.5 kbar (M2) and final decompression to <8.5 kbar and <480 °C (M3). The calculated peak P–T conditions indicate a high‐pressure/low‐temperature apparent thermal gradient of ~7–7.5 °C km?1. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry isotopic dating and electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite from the M1–M2 mineral assemblages give ages of 330 ± 10 and 328 ± 6 Ma, respectively, which are interpreted as the timing of a peak pressure to early decompression stage. The observed metamorphic record and timing of metamorphism in the studied metapelites show striking similarities with the evolution of the central and south‐western parts of the Saxothuringian Domain and suggest a common tectonic evolution along the entire eastern flank of the Saxothuringian Domain during the Devonian–Carboniferous periods.  相似文献   

魏春景  朱文萍 《岩石学报》2016,32(6):1611-1624
麻粒岩相岩石作为洞察下地壳的窗口一直备受重视。二十世纪九十年代以来麻粒岩研究的一个重要进展是利用变质相平衡的定量研究方法模拟岩石中所发生的深熔变质反应、熔体成分变化、及熔体丢失对变质矿物组合的影响等。本文利用KASH、NKASH和KFMASH等简单体系的相平衡关系,做出P-T投影图、组分共生图解和基于固定全岩成分的P-T视剖面图解,并结合有关实验岩石学结果,讨论了高温和超高温条件下变质泥质岩和杂砂岩中的变质熔融反应、矿物组合、全岩成分与P-T条件之间的相互关系。多数变质泥质岩和杂砂岩中饱和流体固相线熔融反应可利用NKASH体系中有水流体参与的熔融反应模拟,在没有外来流体注入时,这些反应可形成<3mol%熔体。在不同体系中白云母脱水熔融反应型式及其P-T条件不同,如在NKASH和KFMASH体系中模拟计算的白云母脱水熔融反应与相应的实验结果相似,分别控制了白云母分解熔融的温度下限和上限;白云母的分解温度会随着其中Fe、Mg和Ti含量的增加而升高,也随着共生斜长石中钙长石组分增加而升高,泥质岩中白云母脱水熔融可以形成~10mol%熔体。在KFMASH体系中黑云母脱水熔融反应表现为4条单变反应,其理论计算的温度比实验模拟的结果低一些。在NCKFMASH体系或实际岩石中黑云母脱水熔融反应为滑动反应,如NCKFMASH体系中黑云母从其开始熔融到最后消失在泥质岩中可跨越~100℃,在杂砂岩中可跨越30~50℃。黑云母的稳定温度随着镁值升高而升高,其稳定上限受钛影响更大,黑云母脱水熔融可以形成超过30mol%~40mol%熔体。KFMASH体系中的相平衡模拟表明以出现斜方辉石+夕线石和假蓝宝石为特征的超高温组合易于出现于富镁泥质岩中,而对正常成分泥质岩在达到1000℃的超高温条件下,主要出现石榴石+夕线石(即夕线榴),该组合在更高温度反应形成假蓝宝石+尖晶石。利用饱和水固相线反应和白云母与黑云母分解反应可以更好地限定不同的变质相。如中压和低压条件下低角闪岩相和高角闪岩相的界限可利用NKASH体系中有水流体和白云母参与的熔融反应和亚固相线条件下的白云母分解反应限定;实验确定的泥质岩中黑云母开始熔融与消失的反应可分别用于限定高角闪岩相与(正常)麻粒岩相的界限,以及(正常)麻粒岩相和超高温麻粒岩相的界限。因此,从矿物组合角度,正常麻粒岩相可限定在黑云母开始熔融到完全消失的温度范围,超高温麻粒岩相可限定在黑云母消失(有石英存在)之后的温度范围。  相似文献   

The geodynamic evolution of the early Paleozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt in North Qaidam, western China, is controversial due to ambiguous interpretations concerning the nature and ages of the eclogitic protoliths. Within this framework, we present new LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon ages from eclogites and their country rock gneisses from the Xitieshan terrane, located in the central part of the North Qaidam UHP metamorphic belt. Xitieshan terrane contains clearly different protolith characteristics of eclogites and as such provides a natural laboratory to investigate the geodynamic evolution of the North Qaidam UHP metamorphic terrane. LA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating of three phengite-bearing eclogites and two country rock gneiss samples from the Xitieshan terrane yielded 424–427 Ma and 917–920 Ma ages, respectively. The age of 424–427 Ma from eclogite probably reflects continental lithosphere subduction post-dating oceanic lithosphere subduction at ~ 440–460 Ma. The 0.91–0.92 Ga metamorphic ages from gneiss and associated metamorphic mineral assemblages are interpreted as evidence for the occurrence of a Grenville-age orogeny in the North Qaidam UHPM belt. Using internal microstructure, geochemistry and U–Pb ages of zircon in this study, combined with the petrological and geochemical investigations on the eclogites of previous literature’s data, three types of eclogitic protoliths are identified in the Xitieshan terrane i.e. 1) Subducted early Paleozoic oceanic crust (440–460 Ma), 2) Neoproterozoic oceanic crust material emplaced onto micro-continental fragments ahead of the main, early Paleozoic, collision event (440–420 Ma) and 3) Neoproterozoic mafic dikes intruded in continental fragments (rifted away from the former supercontinent Rodinia). These results demonstrate that the basement rocks of the North Qaidam terrane formed part of the former supercontinent Rodinia, attached to the Yangtze Craton and/or the Qinling microcontinent, and recorded a complex tectono-metamorphic evolution that involved Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic orogenies.  相似文献   

The Eger Complex in the northwestern Bohemian Massif consists mainly of amphibolite facies granitic gneisses containing a subordinate volume of felsic granulites. Microstructural changes and modelling of metamorphic conditions for both rock types suggest a short‐lived static heating from ~760 to ~850 °C at a constant pressure of ~16 kbar, which led to the partial granulitization of the granitoid rocks. Detailed study of the protolith zircon modifications and modelling of the Zr re‐distribution during the transition from amphibolite to granulite facies suggests that the development of c. 340 Ma old zircon rims in the granulite facies sample is the result of recrystallization of older (c. 475 Ma) protolith zircon. This study suggests that the partial granulitization is a result of a short exposure of the Eger Complex metagranitoids to a temperature of ~850 °C at the base of an arc/fore‐arc domain and their subsequent rapid exhumation during the Lower Carboniferous collision along the western margin of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metamorphic rocks have been discovered from the Bizan area of eastern Shikoku, Sambagawa metamorphic belt. The eclogitic jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists occur as lenticular or sheet‐like bodies in the pelitic schist matrix, with the peak mineral assemblage of garnet + glaucophane + jadeite + phengite + quartz. The jadeitic clinopyroxene (XJd 0.46–0.75) is found exclusively as inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet. The eclogite metamorphism is characterized by prograde development from epidote–blueschist to eclogite facies. Metamorphic P–T conditions estimated using pseudosection modelling are 580–600 °C and 18–20 kbar for eclogite facies. Compared with common mafic eclogites, the jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists have low CaO (4.4–4.5 wt%) and MgO (2.1–2.3 wt%) bulk‐rock compositions. The P–T– pseudosections show that low XCa bulk‐rock compositions favour the appearance of jadeite instead of omphacite under eclogite facies conditions. This is a unique example of low XCa bulk‐rock composition triggered to form jadeite at eclogite facies conditions. Two significant types of eclogitic metamorphism have been distinguished in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, that is, a low‐T type and subsequent high‐T type eclogitic metamorphic events. The jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists experienced low‐T type eclogite facies metamorphism, and the P–T path is similar to lawsonite‐bearing eclogites recently reported from the Kotsu area in eastern Shikoku. During subduction of the oceanic plate (Izanagi plate), the hangingwall cooled gradually, and the geothermal gradient along the subduction zone progressively decreased and formed low‐T type eclogitic metamorphic rocks. A subsequent warm subduction event associated with an approaching spreading ridge caused the high‐T type eclogitic metamorphism within a single subduction zone.  相似文献   

A complete Barrovian sequence ranging from unmetamorphosed shales to sillimanite–K-feldspar zone metapelitic gneisses crops out in a region extending from the Hudson River in south-eastern New York state, USA, to the high-grade core of the Taconic range in western Connecticut. NNE-trending subparallel biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite and sillimanite–K-feldspar isograds have been identified, although the assignment of Barrovian zones in the high-grade rocks is complicated by the appearance of fibrolitic sillimanite at the kyanite isograd. Thermobarometric results and reaction textures are used to characterize the metamorphic history of the sequence. Pressure–temperature estimates indicate maximum metamorphic conditions of 475 °C, c. 3–4 kbar in the garnet zone to >720 °C, c. 5–6 kbar in the highest grade rocks exposed. Some samples in the kyanite zone record anomalous (low) peak conditions because garnet composition has been modified by fluid-assisted reactions. There is abundant petrographic and mineral chemical information indicating that the sequence (with the possible exception of the granulite facies zone) was infiltrated by a water-rich fluid after garnet growth was nearly completed. The truncation of fluid inclusion trails in garnet by rim growth or recrystallization, however, indicates that metamorphic reactions involving garnet continued subsequent to initial infiltration. The presence of these textures in some zones of a well-constrained Barrovian sequence allows determination of the timing of fluid infiltration relative to the P–T paths. Thermobarometric results obtained using garnet compositions at the boundary between fluid–inclusion-rich and inclusion-free regions of the garnet are interpreted to represent peak metamorphic conditions, whereas rim compositions record slightly lower pressures and temperatures. Assuming that garnet grew during a single metamorphic event, infiltration must have occurred at or slightly after the peak of metamorphism, i.e. 4–5 kbar and a temperature of c. 525–550 °C for staurolite and kyanite zone rocks.  相似文献   

Summary Retrograde eclogites and serpentinites from the Hochgr?ssen massif, Styria, are parts of the Speik complex in the Austroalpine basement nappes of the Eastern Alps. They are in tectonic contact with pre-Alpine gneisses, amphibolites, and Permo-Triassic quartz phyllites (Rannach Series). The eclogites are derived from ocean-floor basalts with affinities to mid-ocean ridge and back-arc basin basalts. Fresh eclogites are rare and contain omphacite with a maximum of 39 mol% jadeite content, garnet (Py15–19) and amphibole. Retrograde eclogites consist of amphibole and symplectites of Na-poor clinopyroxene (5–8 mol% Jd) + albite ± amphibole. Amphiboles are classified as edenite, pargasite, tschermakite, magnesiohornblende and actinolite. In relatively fresh eclogite, edenite is a common amphibole and texturally coexists with omphacite and garnet. An average temperature of 700 °C was obtained for eclogite facies metamorphism using garnet-pyroxene thermometry. A minimum pressure of 1.5 GPa is indicated by the maximum jadeite content in omphacite. Thermobarometric calculations using the TWEEQ program for amphibole in textural equilibrium with omphacite and garnet give pressures of 1.8–2.2 GPa at 700 °C. The equilibrium assemblage of Na-poor clinopyroxene, albite, amphibole and zoisite in the symplectites gives a pressure of about 0.6–0.8 GPa at 590–640 °C. 40Ar/39Ar radiometric dating of edenitic amphibole in textural equilibrium with omphacite gave a plateau age of 397.3 ± 7.8 Ma, and probably indicates retrograde cooling through the closure temperature for amphibole (∼500 °C). The age of the high-pressure metamorphism thus must be pre-Variscan and points to one of the earliest metamorphic events in the Austroalpine nappes known to date. Received June 11, 2000; revised version accepted January 2, 2001  相似文献   

The northeast (NE) Honshu arc was formed by three major volcano-tectonic events resulting from Late Cenozoic orogenic movement: continental margin volcanism (before 21?Ma), seafloor basaltic lava flows and subsequent bimodal volcanism accompanied by back-arc rifting (21 to 14?Ma), and felsic volcanism related to island arc uplift (12 to 2?Ma). Eight petrotectonic domains, parallel to the NE Honshu arc, were formed as a result of the eastward migration of volcanic activity with time. Major Kuroko volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are located within the eastern marginal rift zone (Kuroko rift) that formed in the final period of back-arc rifting (16 to 14?Ma). Volcanic activity in the NE Honshu arc is divided into six volcanic stages. The eruption volumes of volcanic rocks have gradually decreased from 4,600?km3 (per 1?my for a 200-km-long section along the arc) of basaltic lava flows in the back-arc spreading stage to 1,000?C2,000?km3 of bimodal hyaloclastites in the back-arc rift stage, and about 200?km3 of felsic pumice eruptions in the island arc stage. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed at the time of abrupt decrease in the eruption volume and change in the mode of occurrence of the volcanic rocks during the final period of back-arc rifting. In the area of the Kuroko rift, felsic volcanism changed from aphyric or weakly plagioclase phyric (before 14?Ma), to quartz and plagioclase phyric with minor clinopyroxene (12 to 8?Ma), to hornblende phyric (after 8?Ma), and hornblende and biotite phyric (after 4?Ma). The Kuroko VMS deposits are closely related to the aphyric rhyolitic activity before 14?Ma. The rhyolite was generated at a relatively high temperature from a highly differentiated part of felsic magma seated at a relatively great depth and contains higher Nb, Ce, and Y contents than the post-Kuroko felsic volcanism. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed within a specific tectonic setting, at a specific period, and associated with a particular volcanism of the arc evolution process. Therefore, detailed study of the evolutional process from rift opening to island arc tectonics is very important for the exploration of Kuroko-type VMS deposits.  相似文献   

邱华宁 《地质学报》2009,83(8):1118-1124
高空间分辨率紫外激光显微探针40Ar–39Ar定年技术在钾矿物环带、次生加大边、多世代矿物和难分选矿物之年代学研究中发挥越来越重要的作用。本文利用该技术成功测定了南大别山朱家冲退变质榴辉岩之石榴子石环外的角闪石 “绿眼圈” 年龄为217 ± 3 Ma, 石榴子石环内的多硅白云母年龄265 ± 3 Ma, 环外的钠云母年龄223 ± 4 Ma。榴闪岩基质激光阶段加热40Ar–39Ar分析, 获得高温阶段坪年龄为230 Ma。多硅白云母年龄可能指示朱家冲榴辉岩超高压变质作用发生在265 Ma之前;基质年龄代表了退变质作用峰期发生于230 Ma;而217 Ma角闪石 “绿眼圈” 为榴闪岩退变质作用晚期产物。这些40Ar–39Ar年龄印证了岩石薄片观察的矿物结晶顺序。  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Mount Daniel Complex (MDC) in northern Fiordland, New Zealand was emplaced as a 50 m-thick dyke and sheet complex into an active shear zone at the base of a Cordilleran magmatic arc. It was emplaced below the 20–25 km-thick, 125.3?±?1.3 Ma old Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO) and is characterized by metre-scale sheets of sodic, low and high Sr/Y diorites and granites. 119.3?±?1.2 Ma old, pre-MDC lattice dykes and 117.4?±?3.1 Ma late-MDC lattice dykes constrain the age of the MDC itself. Most dykes were isoclinally folded as they intruded, but crystallised within this deep-crustal, magma-transfer zone as the terrain cooled and was buried from 25 to 50 km (9–14 kbar), based on published P-T estimated from the surrounding country rocks. Zircon grains formed under these magmatic/granulite facies metamorphic conditions were initially characterized by conservatively assigning zircons with oscillatory zoning as igneous and featureless rims as metamorphic, representing 54% of the analysed grains. Further petrological assignment involved additional parameters such as age, morphology, Th/U ratios, REE patterns and Ti-in-zircon temperature estimates. Using this integrative approach, assignment of analysed grains to metamorphic or igneous groupings improved to 98%. A striking feature of the MDC is that only?~?2% of all igneous zircon grains reflect emplacement, so that the zircon cargo was almost entirely inherited, even in dioritic magmas. Metamorphic zircons of MDC show a cooler temperature range of 740–640 °C, reflects the moderate ambient temperature of the lower crust during MDC emplacement. The MDC also provides a cautionary tale: in the absence of robust field and microstructural relations, the igneous-zoned zircon population at 122.1?±?1.3 Ma, derived mostly from inherited zircons of the WFO, would be meaningless in terms of actual magmatic emplacement age of MDC, where the latter is further obscured by younger (ca. 114 Ma) metamorphic overgrowths. Thus, our integrative approach provides the opportunity to discriminate between igneous and metamorphic zircon within deep-crustal complexes. Also, without the tight field relations at Mt Daniel, the scatter beyond a statistically coherent group might be ascribed to the presence of “antecrysts”, but it is clear that the WFO solidified before the MDC was emplaced, and these older “igneous” grains are inherited. The bimodal age range of inherited igneous grains, dominated by ~?125 Ma and 350–320 Ma age clusters, indicate that the adjacent WFO and a Carboniferous metaigneous basement were the main sources of the MDC magmas. Mafic lenses, stretched and highly attenuated into wisps within the MDC and dominated by ~?124 Ma inherited zircons, are considered to be entrained restitic material from the WFO. A comparison with lower- and upper-crustal, high Sr/Y metaluminous granites elsewhere in Fiordland shows that zircon inheritance is common in the deep crust, near the source region, but generally much less so in coeval, shallow magma chambers (plutons). This is consistent with previous modelling on rapid zircon dissolution rates and high Zr saturation concentrations in metaluminous magmas. Accordingly, unless unusual circumstances exist, such as MDC preservation in the deep crust, low temperatures of magma generation, or rapid emplacement and crystallization at higher structural levels, information on zircon inheritance in upper crustal, Cordilleran plutons is lost during zircon dissolution, along with information on the age, nature and variety of the source material. The observation that dioritic magmas can form at these low temperatures (<?750 °C) also suggests that the petrogenesis of mafic rocks in the arc root might need to be re-assessed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the failure mechanisms which caused the Eaux-Bonnes landslide. The geological investigations carried out on the slope of the landslide showed that the sliding mass was cut by numerous faults. The factors controlling the landslide failure were complex, and it is known that neither earthquakes nor heavy precipitation could have triggered the disruption. The groundwater within the solid rock mass has been surveyed, because significant precipitation events during the 2 years preceding the beginning of the paroxysmal phase of the landslide could have led to an increase in pore water pressure along these fractures, thereby triggering the landslide. In order to achieve a full understanding of the failure mechanism, and to identify the origin of the groundwater, a hydrogeochemical survey was carried out over a period of 1 year. The results reveal the existence of high sulphate concentrations in the groundwater originating in springs located at the bottom of the landslide. The sulphate concentrations are correlated with high calcium concentrations, and clearly indicate the presence of gypsum in the vicinity of the lower reaches of the landslide. The presence of gypsum in this area of the Pyrenees suggests that deep groundwater played a role in triggering the landslide.  相似文献   

The Gangdese magmatic arc, southeastern Tibet, was built by mantle‐derived magma accretion and juvenile crustal growth during the Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic northward subduction of the Neo‐Tethyan oceanic slab beneath the Eurasian continent. The petrological and geochronological data reveal that the lower crust of the southeastern Gangdese arc experienced Oligocene reworking by metamorphism, anatexis and magmatism after the India and Asia collision. The post‐collisional metamorphic and migmatitic rocks formed at 34–26 Ma and 28–26 Ma respectively. Meta‐granitoids have protolith ages of 65–38 Ma. Inherited detrital zircon from metasedimentary rocks has highly variable ages ranging from 2708 to 37 Ma. These rocks underwent post‐collisional amphibolite facies metamorphism and coeval anatexis under P–T conditions of ~710–760 °C and ~12 kbar with geothermal gradients of 18–20 °C km ? 1, indicating a distinct crustal thickening process. Crustal shortening, thickening and possible subduction erosion due to the continental collision and ongoing convergence resulted in high‐P metamorphic and anatectic reworking of the magmatic and sedimentary rocks of the deep Gangdese arc. This study provides a typical example of the reworking of juvenile and ancient continental crust during active collisional orogeny.  相似文献   

Following ultrahigh temperature granulite metamorphism at ∼1 Ga, the Eastern Ghats Province of India was intruded by the Koraput Alkaline Complex, and was subsequently re-metamorphosed in the granulite facies in the mid-Neoproterozoic time. Fluid inclusion studies were conducted on silica undersaturated alkali gabbro and syenites in the complex, and a pre-metamorphic pegmatitic granite dyke that intrudes it. High density (1.02–1.05 g/cc), pseudo-secondary pure CO2 inclusions are restricted to metamorphic garnets within the gabbro and quartz within the granite, whereas moderate (∼0.92–0.95 g/cc) and low density (∼0.75 g/cc) secondary inclusions occur in garnet, magmatic clinopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende and quartz. The isochores calculated for high density pseudo-secondary inclusions pass very close to the peak metamorphic window (∼8 kbar, 750 °C), and are interpreted to represent the fluid present during peak metamorphism that was entrapped by the growing garnet. Microscopic round inclusions of undigested, relict calcite in garnet suggest that the CO2 present during metamorphism of the complex was internally derived through carbonate breakdown. Pure to low salinity (0.00–10.1 wt% NaCl equivalent) aqueous intra-/intergranular inclusions showing unimodal normal distribution of final ice-melting temperature (Tm) and temperature of homogenization (Th) are present only in quartz within the granite. These represent re-equilibrated inclusions within the quartz host that were entrapped at the metamorphic peak. Rare, chemically precipitated graphite along the walls of carbonic inclusions is interpreted as a post-entrapment reaction product formed during decompression. The fluid inclusion evidence is consistent with rapid exhumation of a thickened lower crust following the mid-Neoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphic event. The study suggests that mantle CO2, transported by alkaline magma into the crust, was locked up within carbonates and released during granulite metamorphism.  相似文献   

Metamorphic equilibration requires chemical communication between minerals and may be inhibited through sluggish volume diffusion and or slow rates of dissolution in a fluid phase. Relatively slow diffusion and the perceived robust nature of chemical growth zoning may preclude garnet porphyroblasts from readily participating in low‐temperature amphibolite facies metamorphic reactions. Garnet is widely assumed to be a reactant in staurolite‐isograd reactions, and the evidence for this has been assessed in the Late Proterozoic Dalradian pelitic schists of the Scottish Highlands. The 3D imaging of garnet porphyroblasts in staurolite‐bearing schists reveals a good crystal shape and little evidence of marginal dissolution; however, there is also lack of evidence for the involvement of either chlorite or chloritoid in the reaction. Staurolite forms directly adjacent to the garnet, and its nucleation is strongly associated with deformation of the muscovite‐rich fabrics around the porphyroblasts. “Cloudy” fluid inclusion‐rich garnet forms in both marginal and internal parts of the garnet porphyroblast and is linked both to the production of staurolite and to the introduction of abundant quartz inclusions within the garnet. Such cloudy garnet typically has a Mg‐rich, Mn‐poor composition and is interpreted to have formed during a coupled dissolution–reprecipitation process, triggered by a local influx of fluid. All garnet in the muscovite‐bearing schists present in this area is potentially reactive, irrespective of the garnet composition, but very few of the schists contain staurolite. The staurolite‐producing reaction appears to be substantially overstepped during the relatively high‐pressure Barrovian regional metamorphism reflecting the limited permeability of the schists in peak metamorphic conditions. Fluid influx and hence reaction progress appear to be strongly controlled by subtle differences in deformation history. The remaining garnet fails to achieve chemical equilibrium during the reaction creating distinctive patchy compositional zoning. Such zoning in metamorphic garnet created during coupled dissolution–reprecipitation reactions may be difficult to recognize in higher grade pelites due to subsequent diffusive re‐equilibration. Fundamental assumptions about metamorphic processes are questioned by the lack of chemical equilibrium during this reaction and the restricted permeability of the regional metamorphic pelitic schists. In addition, the partial loss of prograde chemical and textural information from the garnet porphyroblasts cautions against their routine use as a reliable monitor of metamorphic history. However, the partial re‐equilibration of the porphyroblasts during coupled dissolution–reprecipitation opens possibilities of mapping reaction progress in garnet as a means of assessing fluid access during peak metamorphic conditions.  相似文献   

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