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建立了一个二维时变数值模式,模拟了浅水湖沼—陆面地区平流辐射雾形成、演变和消散的基本过程。结果表明,地面温度迅速下降是成雾前的一个重要特征;浅水湖沼地区充沛的水汽对平流辐射雾的形成极为有利;平流作用可使辐射雾呈爆发性发展;长短波辐射与湍流混合的共同作用是辐射雾生消的主要物理机制;成雾后在雾顶的稍下方有长波辐射冷却率的极大区,最大值为21×10-3oC/s(76oC/h)。模拟结果与观测事实基本一致。 相似文献
本文利用美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)和宾夕法尼亚州立大学联合研制的第5代中尺度气象模式系统MM5对珠江三角洲地区夏季出现的一次辐射雾过程进行了数值模拟研究。模拟的结果在辐射雾出现的时间以及辐射雾的高度方面都与实况十分相近。我们对辐射雾的形成机制也进行了分析和数值试验.结果表明.地面的长波辐射冷却促使辐射雾形成.而短波辐射的加热是辐射雾消散的主要原因。另外.增加模式的垂直分辨率以及改变珠江三角洲地区的下垫面类型都可以使模式模拟的辐射雾的结果有明显的改善。 相似文献
南京冬季辐射雾和平流辐射雾的化学特征差异 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用2006和2007年冬季南京雾外场试验中取得的雾水离子成分资料,分析了雾水化学组分特征,探讨了雾水酸度来源及辐射雾和平流辐射雾的化学特征差异。结果表明,南京冬季雾水中总离子浓度偏高,浓度最高的3种离子成份是SO^-24、NH^+4和Ca^2+,但雾水酸性不强,碱性离子成分的中和作用是pH值较高的原因。平流辐射雾中雾水离子总浓度约为辐射雾的2.2倍,平流辐射雾中浓度最高的阳离子为NH^+4,辐射雾中为Ca^2+。 相似文献
利用地面观测资料、秒级探空资料结合WRF中尺度数值模式,对2016年6月25—26日江苏南部地区一次影响范围广、持续时间长的罕见辐射雾过程进行了数值模拟分析。结果表明:(1)雾区范围和气象要素数值模拟结果与实况基本一致;(2)低层超薄超强逆温为此次夏季雾的形成、发展和维持提供了稳定条件;(3)成雾前江苏南部地区白天出现的降水是夜间浓雾形成的重要水汽来源;(4)夜间地表辐射冷却作用是浓雾形成的重要因素;地面风速稳定低于2 m·s^-1,有利于浓雾的维持;日出后随着短波辐射增强风速增大、稳定层结破坏促使浓雾减弱消散。 相似文献
北京地区一次辐射雾的数值模拟 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
利用非静力中尺度模式MM5V3对2006年11月20日北京地区的一次大雾天气过程进行了数值研究。模拟结果与极轨卫星监测图像以及十二通道微波辐射计观测资料的对比表明,模式对此次雾的模拟是比较成功的,尤其是在雾区的分布位置、雾的高度以及雾的维持时间等方面。针对不同的云物理方案、长波辐射项、短波辐射项以及模式的垂直分辨率进行了4组敏感性实验。结果表明,地面的长波辐射冷却促使辐射雾的形成,而短波辐射的加热是辐射雾消散的主要原因。另外,增加模式的垂直分辨率以及选取更加详细的云微物理方案可以使模式模拟的辐射雾的结果有明显的改善。 相似文献
2009年春季一次黄海海雾的观测分析及数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用5种观测资料和RAMS(regional atmospheric modeling system)模式对2009年5月2_5日发生在黄海海域的一次海雾过程进行了观测分析和数值模拟研究。结果表明:1)所取个例的整个生命过程受同一高压系统影响,该高压在海雾过程后期的形变促使海雾消散,这在以往的黄海海雾中较为罕见。2)黄海北部形似“7”的雾区形态的出现和演化与1~3℃气海温差的变化吻合,气海温差对海雾形成和演变的重要作用得到再次验证。3)RAMS模式具有一定的海雾数值模拟能力,得到的雾顶高度分布与卫星云图所显示的雾区形态吻合良好。 相似文献
Based on data of radiation fog events in Xuanen, Hubei province, 2010, this paper analyzes the microphysical process and evolution characteristics of radiation fogs with complicated substrate in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and compares them with findings in other areas. Results are as follows: radiation fog in Xuanen is evidently weaker in droplet number concentration and liquid water content than land fogs in other areas. Its liquid water content fluctuates obviously, 0.01g/ m3 with visibility of 1,000 meters, which is quite different from that in urban areas, but similar to the Nanling Mountains. Bi-modal droplet distribution is likely to occur in Xuanen mountain radiation fog (MRF) events. Statistical analysis shows that the observed droplet size distribution can be piecewise described well by the Gamma distribution. There is a positive correlation between liquid water content, fog droplet concentration and mean radius, especially in the development and dissipation stage. Condensation growth and droplet evaporation are major processes of Xuanen MRF. The dissipation time coincided with the time when the grass temperature reached the peak value, which indicated that dew evaporation is a key role in maintaining Xuanen MRF. In the early stage of dense fog’s growth, droplets with diameter of over 20 micrometers can be observed with visibility of 800-1,000m, which might be caused by the transportation of low cloud droplets to earth’s surface by turbulence. Big droplets in the initial stage correspond to higher water content, leading to the higher observed value of water content of Xuanen MRF. 相似文献
LIU Duanyang PU Meijuan YANG Jun ZHANG Guozheng YAN Wenlian LI Zihua 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2010,24(1):104-115
A persistent thick fog event occurred in Nanjing during 24-27 December 2006,and the bad visibility below 50 m lasted for more than 40 h.Microphysical characters and evolution of the fog event have been analyzed based on the continually observed data of drop-size distribution,number concentration,liquid water content(LWC),etc.,by an FM-100 fog particle spectrometer,as well as routine observations by an auto-weather station and a ZQZ-DN visibility meter during the fog episode.The results were compared with... 相似文献
With the IAP/LASG GOALS model,the heavy rainfall of the summer of 1999 in the Yangtze River valley is simulated with observational sea surface temperature (SST).Comparing the simulations of 1999 with the corresponding ones of 1998 and the sensitivity experiments with different sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) at different ocean regions,the relationships between the floods in the Yangtze River valley and the SSTA in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are studied.The results show that the positive SSTAin the tropical Indian Ocean are a major contributor to the heavy rainfall and may be a very important index to predict the heavy rainfall over the Yangtze River valley in the summer.The simulations also show that the relationships between the SSTA in the tropical eastern Pacific and the heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River valley are very complicated,and the heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River valley can occur in both a decaying and an intensifying El Ninio event and also in a La Nina event.However,the different SSTA of different periods in the above three cases play different parts. 相似文献
Numerical Simulation of the 1999 Yangtze River Valley Heavy Rainfall Including Sensitivity Experiments with Different SSTA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
With the IAP/LASG GOALS model, the heavy rainfall of the summer of 1999 in the Yangtze River valley is simulated with observational sea surface temperature (SST). Comparing the simulations of 1999 with the corresponding ones of 1998 and the sensitivity experiments with different sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) at different ocean regions, the relationships between the floods in the Yangtze River valley and the SSTA in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are studied. The results show that the positive SSTA in the tropical Indian Ocean are a major contributor to the heavy rainfall and may be a very important index to predict the heavy rainfall over the Yangtze River valley in the summer. The simulations also show that the relationships between the SSTA in the tropical eastern Pacific and the heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River valley are very complicated, and the heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River valley can occur in both a decaying and an intensifying E1 Nino event and also in a La Nifia event. However, the different SSTA of different periods in the above three cases play different partd. 相似文献
贵州山区一次锋面雾的数值模拟及形成条件诊断分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用中尺度模式系统WRF对2008-02-20—21贵州山区出现的一次锋面大雾进行了数值模拟研究,模拟大雾出现的区域与实况比较一致。利用数值模拟的高分辨率产品对锋面雾的形成条件进行了分析,结果表明:WRF模式对此次大雾的发生区域以及生成过程具有较好的数值模拟能力;贵州处在南支槽前西南气流控制下,中低层偏南气流强盛,为大雾的发生提供了有利的背景;静止锋的稳定维持和贴地逆温层的存在是雾发生的关键因素。 相似文献
利用2010年12月在湖北宣恩观测山地雾获得的边界层廓线、雾滴谱、能见度资料,分析了该地雾过程的边界层特征及其生消过程。结果表明:1)宣恩山地雾主要由夜间辐射冷却引起,且能见度多在200 m以上;垂直发展深厚,成熟时厚度达到400~600 m。2)夜间风场主要由山风环流控制,风向多为东南风;入夜及雾生前期,地面风速不超过0.5 m/s,雾消前增大至2.0 m/s左右。3)雾生前观测到\"C\"字型温度层结,中下层气温降温率在0.3~1.0℃/(100 m)之间;结合该时段近地层露点温度逆温,离地200 m左右率先饱和成云;雾消时低空相对湿度依然保持较大值,重新变为空中雾层。4)雾前1~2 h地面及植被表明温度显著上升,个别升温率达1℃/h,对应时段地面相对湿度达到饱和,与其他地区有明显区别,对预报宣恩山地雾有积极意义。 相似文献
利用CODAS实况融合海温和FY-4A温度廓线资料协同同化的方法,尝试改进WRF模式在黄渤海区域的海雾数值模拟效果。分析结果显示,高时空分辨率的CODAS海温显著改善了WRF模式对黄渤海区域海雾模拟性能,模拟雾区范围及强度相比FNL海温模拟结果更接近实况。通过分析雾区各类要素相对海温变化的敏感度,明确了2m气温及比湿,以及海气界面感热、潜热和水汽通量与海温呈现不同程度的正相关,而液态水含量则与海温呈显著负相关。同时,协同同化FY-4A廓线资料可优化WRF模式边界层内湿度及风速垂直分布,改善雾区水汽输送及液态水含量。FY-4A廓线资料和CODAS海温的协同同化能更好地模拟出雾区气象要素的中尺度分布特征,表明高精度和高分辨率的海洋实况资料有利于改善黄渤海区域海雾数值模拟效果。 相似文献