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The archaeological Shaliuheqiaodong site, located at the junction between the estuary of Shaliu River and the northeast bedrock terrace of Qinghai Lake, is one of the earliest Neolithic Age sites in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), which is critical for understanding patterns of prehistoric human inhabitation in the high plateau extreme environments. There are only two published radiocarbon ages by far for chronological control. Recently, a new section (Gangcha section) was found, with abundant charcoals and fish bones well-preserved in the matrix of aeolian sediments, providing a good opportunity for a combined study of luminescence and radiocarbon dating. In the current study, we obtained three luminescence ages on aeolian sediment, six radiocarbon ages (three on charcoals and three on fish bones). Our results showed that the luminescence ages (average of 3.2 ± 0.2 ka) are in agreement with charcoal radiocarbon ages (3165–3273 cal a BP) where applicable, and that the lake reservoir effect age of radiocarbon dating was approximately 0.3–0.7 cal ka BP and an average of 0.4 cal ka BP at ∼3.2 cal ka BP (age difference between that of charcoals and fish bones). The prehistoric residence in Qinghai Lake area seemed to be sequenced from 15 ka BP to 3.1 ka BP, based on our data and previously published data altogether. The obvious baked vestiges on the bones of fish and animals, as well as a number of artifacts, indicate that naked carps had become a food resource for prehistoric people at least since 3.2 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence River is an important drainage route for eastern North American fresh waters. Following Late Pleistocene deglaciation, several fluctuations in base level have fine-tuned the evolution of the ancestral St. Lawrence. These fluctuations are hereby dated using K-feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon. The accuracy of the individual IRSL dates was achieved by properly correcting for thermal transfer and anomalous fading. For each site investigated, widely used statistical approaches in equivalent dose data have been used to establish which age model, the central or the minimum model, would be appropriate to define the “true” depositional age. The chronology of the succession of regional lake levels is based on careful mapping and dating of the regional dunes, beaches and deltaic sediments. A relative time-space evolution history could be drawn, from ca. 8000 years BP to the present time period. Three major fluctuations are documented for the middle to late Holocene. An unexpected finding, from the ages cluster diagram, is that there have been times in the recent past (ca. 1000–4000 years BP) when the river level was lower or at the same elevation as today. The potential for K-feldspar IRSL to accurately date the Holocene lacustrine evolution is critical in the St. Lawrence River modern drainage basin, an environment that might be negatively impacted over the next century.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence of fine silt quartz was investigated to establish chronologies for lake sediments from the British Isles. Feldspar contamination and its potential effects on equivalent dose (De) determination were examined. A new feldspar contamination test based on the thermal quenching of quartz OSL and thermal assistance of feldspar OSL identified feldspar contamination in samples being treated for 20 min in 20% hydrofluoric acid. Feldspar component monitoring based on the post-IR OSL/OSL ratio was not sufficiently sensitive to monitor a feldspar component, but is a good indicator whether a standard SAR procedure can be applied successfully, despite the presence of feldspar. Based on these results we used a modified SAR protocol including a 100 s IRSL stimulation at 50 °C before OSL readout. This protocol could overcome any malign effects of feldspar even for a feldspar bearing polymineral sub-sample.  相似文献   

Loess deposits distributed in southeastern China play an important role for paleoclimate reconstruction of the subtropical regions. These loess-paleosol deposits are mainly spread within the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as well as in the drainage area of the Huai River. The ages of loess paleosol sequences that are distributed along the Huai River are not well constrained. In this study, the standard single-aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) protocol and two elevated temperature post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence SAR protocols (pIRIR225 and pIRIR290) were applied on 4–11 μm quartz and polymineral fine grains, respectively, in order to obtain the first numerical luminescence chronology for a loess-paleosol sequence in northern Jiangsu Province. Our results show a good agreement between quartz SAR-OSL and polymineral pIRIR ages up to ~70 ka. These findings confirm that Xiashu loess accumulated during the Last Glaciation. For samples older than this, the ages increasingly deviate with depth. Fine quartz ages beyond 70 ka are interpreted as underestimates, as previous studies reported that quartz ages >70 ka from various sedimentary origins worldwide may underestimate even if they pass rejection criteria and dose recovery tests. On the other hand, the pIRIR ages are most likely overestimating the true depositional ages as indicated by the results of dose recovery tests, where a 30–60% overestimation of the recovered dose is reported for values larger than ~400 Gy. The overestimation of pIRIR protocols was also confirmed by the results obtained when large beta doses were added on top of the natural accrued dose. Moreover, our dating results suggest that L1/S1 transition (corresponding to MIS 5/4 boundary) occurred much higher in the stratigraphic sequence than may have been interpreted from the magnetic susceptibility enhancement. This inconsistency can be assigned to invalidity of magnetic susceptibility as a chronostratigraphical proxy due to ferrimagnetic minerals dissolution or transformation during paedogenesis processes in this humid subtropical region in the southeastern China.  相似文献   

Five Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene aeolian quartz samples from the coastal dune deposits of the Wilderness-Knysna area (South Africa) previously dated by OSL were selected for ESR dating. Samples were processed following the Multiple Centre approach and using the Multiple Aliquot Additive dose method. Aluminium (Al) and Titanium (Ti) signals were systematically measured in all samples.Our study shows that ESR results obtained for Middle Pleistocene to Holocene samples may be strongly impacted by (i) the presence of a significant high frequency noise in the ESR spectra acquired for the Ti signals and (ii) the choice of the fitting function employed. In particular, if not taken into account, very noisy spectra can lead to a significant overestimation of the true ESR intensity measured for the Ti–H signal. These sources of uncertainty are however not sufficient to remove the ESR age overestimations. Consequently, our results indicate that the Al and Ti ESR signals of these quartz samples have not been fully reset during their aeolian transport.While this work contributes to improve our understanding of the ESR method applied to quartz grains, and especially of the potential and limitations of the Ti signals, it also provides additional baseline data to illustrate the existing variability among quartz samples of different origins or sedimentary context. Our results are consistent with previous studies by confirming that the Ti–H signal shows the best potential for the evaluation of low dose values (<100 Gy for these samples), whereas it becomes inappropriate for the higher dose range, and the Ti–Li–H (option D sensu Duval and Guilarte, 2015) should be used instead.Beyond the methodological outcome, this ESR dating study also provides a useful addition to the existing chronology of the aeolian deposits in this region. In particular, new (and possibly) finite numerical age results were obtained for the two oldest samples, constraining the aeolianite landward barrier dune and the coversand formations to the MIS 10-8 and Pliocene, respectively.  相似文献   

After the Salawusu and Shuidonggou sites, the Wulanmulun site found in 2011 is another important Paleolithic site in Ordos, China, due to its numerous stone artifacts and animal fossils. Here, we carry out a combined luminescence and radiocarbon dating of the site. The luminescence dating was done on coarse-grained quartz from 24 sediment samples using a single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. The radiocarbon dating was performed on ten charcoal samples and one bone sample using acid-base-acid (ABA) and acid–base-wet oxidation-stepped combustion (ABOx-SC) pretreatments. The results showed that: (i) although some samples show relative large (>20%) overdispersion in De distribution (small aliquots), the quartz grains are considered to be sufficiently bleached before burial; (ii) the quartz OSL ages of ∼4–65 ka obtained for the samples are generally stratigraphically consistent and reliable; (iii) the radiocarbon ages obtained using the ABA pretreatment procedure are much younger than the corresponding OSL ages, and the radiocarbon ages obtained using the ABOx-SC method are beyond or close to the laboratory background. The radiocarbon ages obtained using the ABA treatment were considered to be underestimated. This implication is that caution must be taken for dating Chinese Paleolithic (>25 ka) using the ABA pretreatment procedure on carbon samples. Finally, the cultural layers from the Wulanmulun site are deduced to be between 50 and 65 ka.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of perennially frozen loess was tested on quartz grains extracted from deposits associated with the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra in western Yukon Territory, Canada. OSL samples were obtained from ice-rich loess bracketing the Dawson tephra, while radiocarbon (14C) samples were collected from the bulk sediments directly underlying the tephra and from a ground-squirrel burrow 2.7 m below the tephra. Here we report the OSL characteristics and ages of the extracted quartz grains, as well as additional radiocarbon ages for samples described in Froese [2002. Age and significance of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra in eastern Beringia. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, 2137–2142; 2006. Seasonality of the late Pleistocene Dawson tephra and exceptional preservation of a buried riparian surface in central Yukon Territory, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 1542–1551]. We refine the time of Dawson tephra deposition to between 25,420±70 and 25,290±80 14C a BP. Bayesian analysis of constraining radiocarbon ages places the deposition of the Dawson tephra at between 30,433 and 30,032 cal a BP. Linear modulation (LM) OSL analysis of multi-grain aliquots of quartz showed that the initial part of the decay curve is dominated by a rapidly bleached (‘fast’) component; these samples, however, had relatively dim continuous wave (CW) OSL signals at the multi-grain aliquot (each composed of 80 grains) and single-grain scales of analysis. The single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol was applied to multi-grain aliquots and single grains to obtain equivalent dose (De) values for samples collected from below and above the Dawson tephra. The De values were examined graphically and numerically, the latter using the central age, minimum age, and finite mixture models. For multi-grain aliquots, the central age model gave weighted mean De values between 30 and 50 Gy, which greatly underestimated the expected De of 74–81 Gy for both samples studied. Possible reasons for these underestimations are discussed, and a solution proposed based on single-grain analysis. Measurements of single grains produced De values in agreement with the expected De, and yielded OSL ages of 28±5 and 30±4 ka for the samples taken from above and below the Dawson tephra, respectively. Examination of individual grains with differing luminescence behaviors showed that a significant number of the measured quartz grains exhibited anomalous luminescence properties that would have compromised the results obtained from multi-grain aliquots. We therefore recommend analysis of individual grains to overcome the age-shortfall from multi-grain analysis of these and similar samples of quartz.  相似文献   

The palaeo-shorelines around the lakes on the Tibetan Plateau can be used to reconstruct water level variations, which serve as sensitive indicators of hydroclimate change. Extensive studies have been carried out to constrain the Holocene lake level fluctuations by dating shorelines with a variety of methods (e.g., luminescence, 14C, 10Be and U–Th series). In comparison, the timing of the lake level variations during the last glacial and subsequent deglaciation periods has been rarely studied. The driving factors of such changes, therefore, remain elusive. In this study, we performed a detailed luminescence dating investigation on six samples taken from a nearshore sedimentary outcrop in the south of Selin Co basin. The post-IR IRSL signals measured at 225 °C (pIRIR225) on sand-sized K-feldspar grains demonstrated a generally good behavior and yielded reliable chronologies, while the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals of quartz showed systematical age underestimation, which was attributed to anomalous fading. Six pIRIR225 ages ranging from 15 to 10 ka suggested that the lake level of Selin Co during the last deglaciation reached up to 40–45 m high above the modern lake level. In view of the regional precipitation and temperature proxy records, we consider that the glacier meltwater supply has likely been the primary contributor to the lake highstands during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

Dating of quartz by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) has been revolutionized with introduction of the test dose (TD) in development of a measurement sequence known as the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR), whereby a valid sensitivity correction for the luminescence signal is provided in the measurement cycle. However, the size of the TD used in the SAR protocol remains controversial. Previous studies show that the TD has little effect on the equivalent dose (De) for young samples in luminescence dating in which the applicability of different deposits varies greatly in different regions. However, detailed studies are lacking on how TD size affects SAR–OSL results of samples with a relatively high De range. In this study, typical loess samples with high De values (∼60 Gy–∼250 Gy) from the eastern Tibetan Plateau were selected to investigate the effects of variation in TD size on the quartz SAR–OSL protocol. Dose recovery tests show that a known dose could be recovered successfully by applying different TDs. Test dose size has an effect on shapes of regenerated dose–response curves (DRCs) and has different influences on Des and characteristic saturation doses for quartz samples with a high dose range. A TD size of 20%–30% De is a good compromise for Tibetan loess with De of ∼60–120 Gy in the quartz SAR protocol, and a TD size larger than 30% should be considered for samples with a larger De. The results of this study highlight the importance of TD size in the SAR–OSL protocol for quartz samples with a high dose range.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is a semi-enclosed continental shelf sea in northern China. Three transgression layers have been identified from the Late Quaternary strata in the western Bohai Sea and the coastal regions, which provide critical information on Late Quaternary sea-level fluctuations and landscape development. The three transgression layers were previously assigned to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 1 (transgression 1, T1), MIS 3 (T2) and MIS 5 (T3), respectively, mainly based on 14C dating. However, this chronological framework aroused an enigma that the regional sea level in MIS 3 was even higher than that of MIS 5, conflicting with the context of global sea-level pattern. In order to clarify this issue, here quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating (four samples) was used to constrain the T2 chronology of borehole TJC-1 from the western Bohai Sea. Radiocarbon samples (eight) of peaty sediments were also measured for reference and comparison. All the four OSL samples showed saturation ages of >80 ka, suggesting that the T2 layer should have formed at least in MIS 5, instead of in MIS 3. Radiocarbon ages in T2 should have been severely underestimated, with a saturation age range of 22–30 cal ka BP, similar to all the previous published radiocarbon ages. The renewed OSL chronological framework for Late Quaternary transgressions in the western Bohai Sea is in better compliance with the history of global sea-level change.  相似文献   

A suite of samples from an extensive aeolian sandscarp near Victoria Falls, Zambia was used to explore several different methods of calculating optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages that account for the effects of saturated quartz grains. Beta dose rate heterogeneity and early OSL signal saturation of the samples exacerbate the impact that saturated grains have on the equivalent dose (De) values calculated. Saturated grains that cannot calculate De values are often rejected but the minimum burial dose information they contain can have a significant impact on a sample's average De value. This study compares multiple techniques for combining luminescence measurements that enables inclusion of this data and their sensitivity to a criterion that rejects grains with early OSL signal saturation. The methods tested are found to have different advantages and disadvantages, but reasonable agreement between the De values they calculate suggests that including data from saturated grains makes a more significant difference to De values calculated than the specific method used to combine the data.  相似文献   

Relict (perched) lacustrine deltas around the perennially ice-covered lakes in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica, imply that these lakes were up to 40 times larger in area than at present since the last glacial maximum (LGM). These deltas have been used to constrain ice-margin positions in Taylor Valley, and the boundaries of the proposed LGM ice-damned Glacial Lake Washburn. The timing of these high lake levels has depended on 14C chronologies of algal layers within relict lacustrine deltas. To provide additional geochronometric data for the post-LGM lake-level history, we applied photon-stimulated-luminescence (PSL) sediment dating to polymineral fine silt and sand-size quartz from 7 perched-delta and 3 active-delta sites of different elevations along 3 major meltwater streams entering Lake Fryxell. Our PSL dating of 4 quartz-sand samples from core tops in the seasonal ice-free moat of Lake Fryxell (elevation ∼18 m a.s.l.) and two core-top moat samples from the seasonal moat of Lake Vanda in nearby Wright Valley establish that adequate PSL clock zeroing (by daylight) occurs in regional, modern shoreline deposits. Minimum-age micro-hole PSL results from the moats are consistently near 100 a. Minimum-age micro-hole age estimates for the deltas range from ∼50 to 100 a near the present lake level up to 13.4 ± 1.3 ka at 240 m. These are systematically younger than the comparable, reservoir-uncorrected, 14C ages that range from 7 ka (cal yr BP) to 13 ka (cal yr BP) near lake level up to 20 ka (cal yr BP) at 220–240 m elevation. Our results indicate the occurrence of a dramatic discrepancy between PSL minimum-age and 14C age estimates that is presently unresolved.  相似文献   

Lake sediments, in which abundant, continuous and high resolved signals are preserved, have the potential to recover the history of terrestrial environmental variation. The value of such paleo-environment signals depends firstly on tying them to accurate …  相似文献   


青藏高原大部分湖泊近年来持续扩张,湖泊水位和水量明显增加.冰川消融是流域水量平衡和水循环的重要影响因素,直接导致湖泊水量变化.由于缺乏大范围的冰川质量平衡观测结果,青藏高原冰川消融对湖泊水量变化的影响仍存在较大争议.本文选择青藏高原内流区的色林错流域区(水系编号5Z2)作为研究对象,利用SRTM DEM和TanDEM-X双站InSAR数据,精确估算该流域三个主要冰川区(普若岗日、格拉丹东和西念青唐古拉)2000-2012年的冰川质量平衡,依次为:-0.020±0.030、-0.128±0.049、-0.143±0.032 m·w.e.·a-1.并据此采用面积加权法准确推估出5Z2流域的冰川质量变化为:-0.166±0.021 Gt·a-1.综合ICESat和Cryosat-2卫星测高数据,计算该流域2003-2012年湖泊水量变化速率(3.006±0.202 Gt·a-1),并定量评估冰川质量变化对5Z2流域湖泊水量增加的贡献为:5.52%±1.07%,因此在青藏高原色林错流域区,冰川消融不是导致21世纪初期湖泊水位上升的主要因素.


近40a西藏羊卓雍错湖泊面积变化遥感分析   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
羊卓雍错(以下简称羊湖)作为西藏高原三大圣湖之一和藏南重要的高原特色风景旅游景区,其具体面积众说纷纭.本文利用遥感和地理信息空间分析方法对1972-2010年羊湖面积变化进行了系统研究,并结合流域气象站资料对其原因进行初步分析.结果表明,1972-2010年湖泊平均面积为643.98 km2.1972-2010年羊湖面积呈波动式减少趋势,其中,1970s平均面积为658.78 km2,之后至1999年面积显著减少;1980s面积为636.55 km2;1990s为635.06 km2;1999-2004年面积有所增加;2004-2010年持续缩小,减幅为8.59 km2/a.湖泊空间变化特点是除了空母错和珍错两个小湖面积变化较小之外,羊湖整体面积呈现萎缩态势,其中东部嘎马林曲入口附近退缩程度最大,达1.62 km.流域气象站资料分析表明,湖泊面积和降水的变化波动存在显著耦合关系,降水变化是羊湖面积变化的主要原因;其次,流域蒸发量的明显增加,特别是2004年来连续较高的蒸发量是导致近期面积显著减少的重要原因,气温的升高进一步加剧了这一过程.羊湖的面积变化基本反映了西藏高原南部半干早季风气候区以降水补给为主的高原内陆湖泊对气候变化的响应.  相似文献   

Dust depositions are critical archives for understanding interior aridification and westerly climatic changes in Central Asia. Accurate and reliable dating of loess is very important for interpreting and correlating environmental records. There remains a disparity between luminescence ages and radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary loess from the Ili Basin in Central Asia. In this study, we establish a closely spaced quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronology for the 20.5-m-thick Nilka loess section in the Ili Basin. Based on OSL ages, two intervals of higher mass accumulation rate occurred at 49–43 ka and 24–14 ka. We further compare these OSL ages with 23 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C ages of bulk organic matter. The results indicate that the OSL and radiocarbon ages agree well for ages younger than ca. 25 14C cal ka BP. However, beyond 30 cal ka BP, there is no consistent increase in AMS 14C age with depth, while the OSL ages continue to increase. These differences confirm the observation that the AMS 14C ages obtained using conventional acid–base–acid (ABA) pretreatment are severely underestimated in other terrestrial deposits in Central Asia, which could be due to 2–4% modern carbon contamination. However, OSL dating is applicable for constructing an accurate chronology beyond 30 cal ka BP. We suggest caution when interpreting paleoenvironmental changes based on radiocarbon ages older than 25 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

青藏高原湖泊古今变化的遥感分析—以达则错为例   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
青藏高原湖泊受人类活动干扰较少,主要受气候变化导致的冰川融化和蒸发的影响,是气候变化直观敏感的反映区。因此,研究青藏高原湖泊变化对区域以至全球气候、环境变化的研究具有深远意义。本文在遥感影像的基础上发展了综合指数计算与空间分异的现存湖迭代提取方法,对影像数据上的湖泊进行动态监测;并结合DEM数据发展了半自动化的古岸线提取方法,进而分析古湖泊的变化,二者相结合直观全面地反映出了青藏高原湖泊的古今变化情况。并以达则错湖为例进行提取,分析了其近25年以来以及大湖期以来的缩减情况  相似文献   

It is generally considered that four-times ice age happened during the Quaternary epoch on the Tibetan Plateau. However, the research on the chronology of the four-times ice age is far from enough. The Shaluli Mountain on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau is an ideal place for plaeo-glacier study, because there are abundant Quaternary glacial remains there. This paper discusses the ages of the Quaternary glaciations, based on the exposure dating of roche moutonnée, moraines and gla- cial erosion surfaces using in situ cosmogenic isotopes 10Be. It is found that the exposure age of the roche moutonnée at Tuershan is 15 ka, corresponding to Stage 2 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope, suggesting that the roche moutonnée at Tuershan is formed in the last glacial maximum. The expo- sure age of glacial erosion surface at Laolinkou is 130―160 ka, corresponding to Stage 6 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope. The oldest end moraine at Kuzhaori may form at 421―766 kaBP, corre- sponding to Stages 12―18 of the deep-sea oxygen isotope. In accordance with the climate charac- teristic of stages 12,14,16 and 18 reflected by the deep-sea oxygen isotope, polar ice cores and loess sequence, the oldest end moraine at Kuzhaori may form at stage 12 or stage 16, the latter is more possible.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change have a substantial influence on the extremely vulnerable hydrologic environment of the Tibetan Plateau. The estimation of alpine inland lake water storage variations is essential to modeling the alpine hydrologic process and evaluating water resources. Due to a lack of historical hydrologic observations in this remote and inaccessible region, such estimations also fill a gap in studies on the continuous inter‐annual and seasonal changes in the inland lake water budget. Using Lake Siling Co as a case study, we derived a time‐series of lake surface extents from MODIS imagery, and scarce lake water level data from the satellite altimetry of two sensors (ICESat/GLAS and ENVISAT RA‐2) between 2001 and 2011. Then, based on the fact that the rise in lake water levels is tightly dependent on the expansion of the lake extent, we established an empirical model to simulate a continuous lake water level dataset corresponding to the lake area data during the lake's unfreezing period. Consequently, from three dimensions, the lake surface area, water level and water storage variations consistently revealed that Lake Siling Co exhibited a dramatic trend to expand, particularly from 2001 to 2006. Based on the statistical model and lake area measurements from Landsat images since 1972, the extrapolated lake water level and water storage indicate that the lake has maintained a continual expansion process and that the cumulative water storage variations during 1999–2011 account for 66.84% of the total lake water budget (26.87 km3) from 1972 to 2011. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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