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Recent developments in the uranium–lead (U–Pb) dating of speleothems have opened up new opportunities in palaeoclimate research. An important goal in this new frontier is to produce palaeoclimate records underpinned by precise and accurate age models, which together will increase the range of palaeoclimate questions that can be addressed by the speleothem research community. In this paper, we investigate the level of age-model precision that is achievable by applying high-resolution U–Pb dating of a stalagmite (CC8) from Corchia Cave (Italy) whose period of growth spans part of the Middle Pleistocene Transition (∼970–810 ka). Focussing largely on the periods encompassing three glacial terminations, we carried out age sampling of CC8 at a density similar to that performed in many studies of younger (i.e. U–Th-dated) speleothems. Using a combination of Tera–Wasserburg isochron and model age approaches, coupled with age-depth modelling, our results show that age-model uncertainties of ∼4 kyr are possible, equivalent to a precision of about 0.4%. At this level of precision palaeoclimate time series derived from speleothems of this age can be used to test hypotheses of orbital forcing.  相似文献   

The geochronology of cave deposits in the Cradle of Humankind UNESCO World Heritage Site in South Africa provides a timeframe essential for the interpretation of its fossils. The uranium-lead (U–Pb) and uranium-thorium disequilibrium (U/Th) dating of speleothems, mostly flowstones that underlie and blanket the fossil-bearing sediments, have been effective in this sense, but U–Pb is limited by the requirement of ∼1 ppm U concentrations and low common Pb contents, and U/Th has a c. 500 ka limit of applicability. Here we report age results for calcite-aragonite speleothems obtained using a new combined uranium-thorium-helium ((U,Th)–He) and U/Th dating routine. We reproduced within analytical uncertainty, the published U–Pb or U/Th ages for (a) flowstone in three drill core samples in the range 2000–3000 ka, (b) a flowstone hand sample taken at surface with an age of 1800 ka, and (c) five underground flowstone samples in the range 100–800 ka. Calcite retentivity for He under cave conditions is thus demonstrated. In the few cases where helium loss was observed in speleothems, only some of the subsamples were affected, and to varying degrees, suggesting loss by lattice damage not related to diagenetic processes, rather than volume diffusion. In the 100 to 800 ka range, the combined U/Th disequilibrium and (U,Th)–He method also yielded reliable values for initial (230Th/238U) and (234U/238U) activity ratios. Importantly, most subsamples had high initial (230Th/238U) values, ranging from 1.0 to 19.7, although having low Th/U ratios. This is probably due to incorporation of Fe–Mn oxides-hydroxides dust, on which 230Th was previously adsorbed. Such samples are mostly not dateable by U/Th without the additional input from the He analysis. If not detected and corrected for, such high initial (230Th/238U) values can lead to inaccurate U/Th and U–Pb ages. Our study shows that the incorporation of He analysis in U/Th dating has broad potential application, with four methods for calculating the ages, in carbonates from different environments where U-Pb or U/Th dating would not work.  相似文献   

U–Pb dating is increasingly used to date speleothems that are too old for precise U–Th disequilibrium dating; however there is little data that can independently validate its application to such material. This study presents U–Pb ages for speleothems from the Spannagel Cave in the Austrian Alps including a detailed comparison with U–Th ages from an unusually U–rich sample that yields precise ages by both methods. Sample SPA4 is a flowstone with three growth phases separated by distinct hiatuses. For the youngest growth phase the U–Pb and U–Th ages are 267 ± 1 ka and 267 ± 5 ka respectively; the middle growth phase is 291 ± 1 versus 295 ± 11 ka while for the oldest growth phase a single sub-sample, assuming the same initial Pb composition as for the younger phases, yields an age of 340 ± 2 ka compared to 353 ± 9 ka by U–Th. Correlation of these ages with the marine isotope stages confirms that these speleothems grew during glacial stages as suggested by previous work on the same sample. Sample SPA 15 has U–Th isotopic compositions indistinguishable from secular equilibrium; the U–Pb data on the main growth phase of this sample give an age of 551 ± 10 ka, whereas a single analysis from the oldest phase suggests it may be on the order of 40 ka older. This detailed comparison of U–Pb and U–Th ages provides important support for the potential validity of the U–Pb method in older samples beyond the range of U–Th.  相似文献   

A logical and coherent account of U-Pb systematics is sketched out and its application to lunar basalt data is discussed. It is demonstrated that the concept (introduced by Tera and Wasserburg, [1]) that initial207Pb/206Pb may provide a new chronometer for early lunar evolution is superfluous, in that it provides no information not also yielded by the well-established concordia diagram. The essential redundancy of the207Pb/206Pb-238U/206Pb diagram vis-a-vis the concordia diagram is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Yumidong (Corn Cave) is a newly discovered Paleolithic site in the Three Gorges region of central China. Numerous Paleolithic artifacts have been excavated from the sedimentary deposits of the cave in association with faunal remains attributed to the Middle-Late Pleistocene Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna of southern China. To establish the chronology of the sedimentary sequence (>5 m thick), 14C dating was applied to bone and charcoal samples (n = 6); the U-series method was used to date in situ precipitated speleothems (n = 12), transported speleothem samples (n = 6) and 18 subsamples of a fossil tooth; and the coupled ESR/U-series method was used to date fossil teeth (n = 6). The derived dates were combined using a hierarchical Bayesian approach to generate a unified chronostratigraphy for the Yumidong sequence. In our Bayesian analyses, the 14C and coupled ESR/U-series dates were considered to provide direct age estimates for the target layers, while the U-series dates of the in situ precipitated speleothems and fossil tooth were used as minimum age constraints and those of the transported speleothem fragments as maximum age constraints. The Bayesian analyses provided robust time intervals for the archeological layers: L2-Upper (14–23 ka), L2-Lower (27–63 ka), L3 (106–171 ka), L4 (140–192 ka), L10 (157–229 ka), L11 (181–256 ka), and L12 (214–274 ka) with a probability of 95%, allowing the establishment of a ∼300 ka long geological and archeological history for the Yumidong site and placing it as a reference site for Paleolithic cultural evolution in the Three Gorges region from the late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The examination of speleothems in the Hajnóczy and Baradla caves (northeastern Hungary) allows estimating an upper limit for horizontal peak ground acceleration generated by paleoearthquakes. The density, the Young’s modulus and the tensile failure stress of the samples originating from a broken speleothem have been measured in a laboratory, whereas the natural frequency of intact speleothems was determined by in situ observations. The value of horizontal ground acceleration resulting in failure, the natural frequency and the inner friction coefficient of speleothems were assessed by theoretical calculations. The ages of the samples taken from a stalagmite 5.1 m in height (Baradla cave) have been determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis and alpha spectrometry. The measured ages fall between 140,000 and 70,000 years; therefore, we assume the speleothem has not been changed since the end of this time interval. According to our modeling results, this speleothem has not been excited by a horizontal acceleration higher than 0.05 g during the last 70,000 years.  相似文献   

A flight of marine terraces along the Cuban coast records Quaternary sea‐level highstands and a general slowly uplifting trend during the Pleistocene. U/Th dating of these limestone terraces is difficult because fossil reef corals have been affected by open system conditions. Terrace ages are thus often based on geological and geomorphological observations. In contrast, the minimum age of the terraces can be constrained by dating speleothems from coastal mixing (flank margin) caves formed during past sea‐level highstands and carving the marine limestones. Speleothems in Santa Catalina Cave have ages >360 ka and show various cycles of subaerial–subaqueous corrosion and speleothem growth. This suggests that the cave was carved during the MIS 11 sea‐level highstand or earlier. Some stalagmites grew during MIS 11 through MIS 8 and were submerged twice, once at the end of MIS 11 and then during MIS 9. Phreatic overgrowths (POS) covering the speleothems suggest anchialine conditions in the cave during MIS 5e. Their altitude at 16 m above present sea level indicates a late Pleistocene uplift rate of <0.1 mm/ka, but modelling also shows uplift to have been insignificant over a long timespan during the middle Pleistocene since the cave was carved. Our study shows that some flank margin caves in the region of Matanzas are older than commonly believed (i.e. MIS 11 rather than MIS 5). These caves not only can be preserved but are good markers of interglacial sea‐level highstands, more reliable than marine abrasion surfaces. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Speleothems are usually composed of thin layers of calcite (or aragonite). However, cemented detrital materials interlayered between laminae of speleothemic carbonate have been also observed in many caves. Flowstones comprising discontinuous carbonate layers form due to flowing water films, while flood events introduce fluviokarstic sediments in caves that, on occasion, are recorded as clayey layers inside flowstones and stalagmites. This record provides a potential means of understanding the frequency of palaeofloods using cave records. In this work, we investigate the origin of this type of detrital deposit in El Soplao Cave (Northern Spain). The age of the lowest aragonite layer of a flowstone reveals that the earliest flood period occurred before 500 ka, though most of the flowstone formed between 422 +69/‐43 ka and 400 +66/‐42 ka. This suggests that the cave was periodically affected by palaeoflood events that introduced detrital sediments from the surface as a result of occasional extreme rainfall events, especially at around 400 ka. The mineralogical data enable an evolutionary model for this flowstone to be generated based on the alternation of flood events with laminar flows and carbonate layers precipitation that can be extrapolated to other caves in which detrital sediments inside speleothems have been found. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Uranium-series dating is a critical tool in quaternary geochronology, including paleoclimate work, archaeology and geomorphology. Laser ablation (LA) methods are not as precise as most isotope dilution methods, but can be used to generate calendar ages rapidly, expanding the range of dating tools that can be applied to late Pleistocene carbonates. Here, existing LA methods are revisited for corals (cold- and warm-water) and speleothems spanning the last 343 thousand years (ka). Measurement of the required isotopes (238U, 234U, 230Th and 232Th) is achieved by coupling a laser system to a multi-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS) using a combination of a single central ion counter and an array of Faraday cups. Each sample analysis lasts for ∼4.3 min, and fifty samples can be measured in 12 h with an automated set up, after a day of sample preparation. The use of different standard materials and laser systems had no significant effect on method accuracy. Uncertainty on the measured (230Th/238U) activity ratios ranges from 5.4% to 7.6% for (230Th/238U) ratios equal to 0.7 and 0.1 respectively. Much of this uncertainty can be attributed to the heterogeneity of the standard material (230Th/238U) at the length scale of LA. A homogeneous standard material may therefore improve measurement uncertainty but is not a requirement for age-screening studies. The initial (234U/238U) of coral samples can be determined within ∼20‰, making it useful as a first indicator of open-system behaviour. For cold-water corals, success in determination of (232Th/238U) – which can affect final age accuracy – by LA depended strongly on sample heterogeneity. Age uncertainties (2 sigma) ranged from <0.8 ka at 0–10 ka, ∼1.5 ka at 20 ka to ∼15 ka at 125 ka. Thus, we have demonstrated that U-series dating by LA-MC-ICPMS can be usefully applied to a range of carbonate materials as a straightforward age-screening technique.  相似文献   

A 26-cm-long stalagmite (XY2) from Xinya Cave in northeastern Chongqing of China has been ICP-MS 230Th/U dated, showing a depositional hiatus at 2.3 cm depth from the top. The growth of the 2.3-26 cm interval determined by four dates was between 57 ka and 70 ka, with a linear growth rate of 0.023 mm/a.We have analyzed 190 samples for δ18O and δ13C, mostly in the 2.3-26 cm part. The δ18O and δ13C values between 57 ka and 70 ka reveal decadal-to-centennial climatic variability during the glacial interval of Marine Isotope Stage 4 (MIS4), exhibiting much higher resolution than that of the published Hulu and Dongge records during this interval. Speleothem δ18O in eastern China, including our study area can be used as a proxy of summer monsoon strength, with lighter values pointing to stronger summer monsoon and higher precipitation, and vice versa. Two decreases in the δ18O signature of XY2 record around 59.5 and 64.5 Ka are argued to correspond to the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events 17 and 18 respectively. The Heinrich event 6 (H6) can be identified in the record as a heavy δ18O peak around 60 ka, indicating significant weakening of the monsoon in Chongqing during the cold period.The XY2 δ18O record shows very rapid change toward to the interstadial condition of the D-O event, but more gradual change toward to the cold stadial condition. This phenomenon found in the Greenland ice core records is rarely observed so clearly in previously published speleothem records. According to SPECMAP δ18O record, the glacial maximum of MIS 4 was around 64.5 ka with the boundary of MIS 3/4 around 60 ka. Unlike the marine record, the speleothem record of XY2, China, exhibits much high frequency variations without an apparent glacial maximum during MIS 4. However, the timing of MIS 3/4 boundary seems to be around 60 ka when the H6 terminated, in agreement with the marine chronology.The growth period of sample XY2 during glacial times probably reflects a local karstic routing of water,rather than having climatic significance.  相似文献   

One of the principal reasons why speleothems are recognised as important palaeoclimate archives is their suitability for accurate and precise uranium-series (U-series) age determination. Sampling speleothem sections for U-series dating is straightforward in most cases because visible growth layers are preserved. However, this is not always the case, and here we describe a sampling strategy whereby growth layers are resolved from trace-element images produced by laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). We apply this method to a section of an Italian subaqueous speleothem (CD3) that lacks persistent visible growth layering.Trace-element imaging revealed growth layers that are strongly non-planar in their geometry owing to the speleothem's pronounced euhedral crystal terminations. The most prominent trace-element layers were first digitized as x, y vector contours. We then interpolated these in the growth-axis direction to generate a series of contour lines at ∼250-μm increments. The coordinates of these contours were used to guide the sampling via a computerised micromilling lathe. This produced a total of 22 samples for U-series dating by multi-collector ICP-MS. The dating results returned ages in correct stratigraphic order within error. Close inspection of the U-series data and the derived depth–age model suggests that the main source of model-age uncertainty is unrelated to the contour sampling but instead more associated with how closely spaced the model ages are in time, i.e. the model age density. Comparisons between stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles derived from aliquots of the dating samples and two other stable isotope profiles from CD3 spanning the same time period compare very favourably. Taken together, this suggests that our trace-element contouring method provides a reliable means for extracting samples for dating (and other geochemical analyses), and can be applied to similar speleothems lacking visible growth layering.  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons from orthogneisses and amphibolite from the Central Zone of the Kunlun Orogen is reported in this paper. One orthogneiss sample has metamorphic zircons yielding weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 517.0 5.0/-6.0 Ma, and the other orthogneiss sample con- tains zircons with inherited magmatic cores giving three population 207Pb/206Pb ages of 955 Ma, 895 Ma and 657 Ma for the magmatic protolith, and metamorphic recrystallized rims with peak 206Pb/238U ages of 559 12/?17 Ma and 516 ± 13 Ma. The amphibolite yielded three populations of weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 482.0 10/?8.0 Ma, 516.2 ± 5.8 Ma and 549 ± 10 Ma for the metamorphic zircons. These dating results recorded the tectonothermal events that occurred in the early Paleozoic and the Pre- cambrian time. The records of the Cambrian magmatic-metamorphic event in the Qinling Orogen, the Altyn Tagh belt, north margin of the Qaidam Block and the Kunlun Orogen suggest that continental assembly probably occurred in the early evolutionary history of the Proto-Tethys.  相似文献   

Clastic and chemogenic cave sediments were sampled and analyzed from Račiška pečina and Pečina v Borštu caves of southwestern Slovenia. Samples were subjected to both thermal and alternating field demagnetization; specimens belonging to the same sample of the same layer produce identical results. Unblocking temperatures of 540 to 560°C on average suggests magnetite as the principal carrier of magnetization. These directions also pass a reversals test indicating the demagnetization results are free of secondary overprints and have adequately averaged out paleosecular variation. Normally magnetized clays containing fauna belonging to the MN17 mammal biozone at a depth of ∼ 4 m in Račiška pecina cave indicate these clays were deposited at the beginning of the Olduvai subchron (1.95 Ma). Correlation with the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) indicates the base of the speleothems in Račiška pečina terminate in the upper part of subchron C2An.3n with numerous breaks in deposition, lasting up to 250 ka and more. Therefore rates of speleothem growth cannot be calculated. Fold tests on dome-like stalagmites of differing sizes and ages (Pleistocene, Pliocene) from the two caves indicate the domelike structures are primary.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a number of speleothem studies have used radiocarbon (14C) to address a range of palaeoclimate problems. These have included the use of the bomb pulse 14C to anchor chronologies over the last 60 years, the combination of U-Th and 14C measurements to improve the radiocarbon age-calibration curve, and linking atmospheric 14C variations with climate change. An issue with a number of these studies is how to constrain, or interpret, variations in the amount of radioactively dead carbon (i.e. the dead carbon fraction, or DCF) that reduces radiocarbon concentrations in speleothems. In this study, we use 14C, stable-isotopes, and trace-elements in a U-Th dated speleothem from Flores, Indonesia, to examine DCF variations and their relationship with above-cave climate over the late Holocene and modern era. A strong association between the DCF and hydrologically-controlled proxy data suggests that more dead carbon was being delivered to the speleothem during periods of higher cave recharge (i.e. lower δ18O, δ13C and Mg/Ca values), and hence stronger summer monsoon. To explore this relationship, we used a geochemical soil-karst model coupled with 14C measurements through the bomb pulse to disentangle the dominant components governing DCF variability in the speleothem. We find that the DCF is primarily controlled by limestone dissolution associated with changes in open- versus closed-system conditions, rather than kinetic fractionation and/or variations in the age spectrum of soil organic matter above the cave. Therefore, we infer that periods of higher rainfall resulted in a higher DCF because the system was in a more closed state, which inhibited carbon isotope exchange between the karst water dissolved inorganic carbon and soil-gas CO2, and ultimately led to a greater contribution of dead carbon from the bedrock.  相似文献   

Although vertebrate fossils are commonly abundant in museum palaeontological collections, they are only rarely accompanied by contextual data (e.g., stratigraphic and taphonomic information) that allow them to be placed independently into reliable temporal frameworks critical for testing significant evolutionary and extinction hypotheses. Moreover, where critical samples do exist in such collections, sampling for direct geochronological analyses becomes a significant concern, especially where such sampling is destructive in nature. Here we apply a direct fossil dating, micro-drilling sampling approach that minimises damage to and destruction of precious museum specimens. We carried out a systematic U–Th dating study (n = 28 ages) of an isolated museum specimen of the extinct Palorchestes azael (megafaunal ‘marsupial tapir’) originally collected in 1977 from Tea Tree Cave, Chillagoe, northeastern Australia. We obtained 21 U–Th ages and constructed 230Th-age profiles across three teeth exposed in cross-section, using micro-drilling and thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Individual sample masses were as little as 0.18 mg (U concentration 33–82 ppm), meaning that the sampling resulted in only minimal destruction of the specimen. The results show no evidence of U leaching, suggesting that the dates represent reliable minimum ages. For independent age control, we also dated calcite that had encrusted the sample (thus, providing a minimum age; n = 6) and an older calcite clast that had been reworked into the surrounding breccia at the time of burial (thus, providing a maximum age; n = 1). U–Th ages of the teeth are older than the calcite overgrowths and younger than the reworked calcite, consistent with their demonstrable relative age relationships. Collectively, the results unequivocally bracket the age of the fossil between 199.1 ± 8.9 ka and 137.4 ± 1.1 ka (2σ), adding another rare datum to inform the timing and geographic distribution of last occurrences of the species. The benefits of our dating approach of museum fossil specimens are threefold: 1) it is minimally destructive even compared with laser-ablation method; 2) the use of U vs. apparent age approach allows direct testing for potential U leaching as occasionally seen in fossil dating; and 3) the combination of fossil and associated speleothem dating provides the most robust means of securely bracketing the age of fossils that lack firm stratigraphic control.  相似文献   

We present here the results of a U–Th dating project at Qesem Cave, a Middle Pleistocene, late Lower Paleolithic site in Israel. It provides 54 new MC-ICP-MS U–Th ages for speleothems from the cave. The results indicate that human occupation started sometime between ~420 and 320 ka and ended between 220 and 194 ka. A survey of dates from culturally similar sites in the Levant indicates that the general range of ca. 400–ca. 200 ka is an appropriate estimate for the life span of the Acheulo-Yabrudian Cultural Complex (AYCC).  相似文献   

In the present paper, we describe the genetic mechanism that causes the precipitation of raft cones in caves. These speleothems usually form in a hydrothermal and epiphreatic environment where dripwater, dripping repeatedly over the same spot, sinks calcite rafts that were floating on the water surface of a cave pool. In particular, the paper describes a new variety of raft cones that were recently discovered in the Paradise Chamber of the Sima de la Higuera Cave (Murcia, south‐eastern Spain) based on their morphological and morphometric characteristics. These speleothems, dubbed ‘double‐tower cones’, have a notch in the middle and look like two cones, one superimposed over the other. The genetic mechanism that gave rise to the double‐tower cones must include an intermediate stage of rapid calcite raft precipitation, caused by a drop in the water table and by changes in cave ventilation leading to greater carbon dioxide (CO2) degassing and evaporation over the surface of the thermal lake where these speleothems formed. Calcite rafts were deposited in Paradise Chamber, completely covering many of the cones. Later, conditions for slower calcite raft precipitation were restored and some of the cones continued to grow at the same points. When the water table finally fell below the level of Paradise Chamber, the tower cones became exposed, as the incongruent deposits of calcite rafts were dissolved and mobilized to lower cave levels. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Leads in basaltic suites from seven oceanic islands form linear arrays on206Pb/204Pb versus207Pb/204Pb diagrams. These arrays are more reasonably interpreted as secondary isochrons than as mixing lines, because of their systematic relationship. Separate two-stage histories calculated for the leads from each island indicate that the source materials for the magmas were derived from a single primary reservoir with present238U/204Pb of 7.91 ± 0.04 by secondary enrichment in U/Pb at different times from 2.5 to 1 Ga ago. This is confirmed by a plot of isochron slope versus intercept, on which the points describing each island's Pb-Pb array all lie very near a single straight line. The isochrons for the Canary Islands and Hawaii, at least, are significantly different. The208Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb relationships are less coherent. The lead isotopic characteristics are consistent with a model in which lead in the oceanic island magmas is derived from ancient subducted oceanic crust. In particular, this explains the close relationship between lead in mid-ocean ridge and oceanic island basalts without invoking mixing.  相似文献   

RbSr and Pb isotopic data are reported for some of the Karroo volcanics from Swaziland. Linear arrays of Karroo data are found in the RbSr and Pb/Pb isochron diagrams. Certain of these linear arrays, if interpreted as isochrons, give ages considerably in excess of the age normally accepted for the Karroo and must be interpreted as “erupted isochrons”. It is argued that these “erupted isochrons” represent mixing lines resulting from contamination of mantle-derived magma by continental crust. It is unlikely that the RbSr “erupted isochron” has any age significance because the Rb/Sr ratios were probably fractionated at the time or eruption, both during the contamination event and during subsequent fractionation. “Erupted isochrons” in the Pb/Pb isochron diagram are much more likely to have time significance because relatively recent U/Pb fractionation events do not significantly affect the Pb isotopic compositions. The Pb/Pb “erupted isochron” has an apparent age of 3260 ± 60 m y. This age is very similar to that of the Kaapvaal craton on which the volcanics rest and it is argued that the “erupted isochron” approximately dates the formation of the Kaapvaal craton.Six Pb isotope analyses of separated feldspar crystals are also reported. Three of these were demonstrably out of isotopic equilibrium with the magma at the time of eruption. This shows that isotopic heterogeneities on the scale of a few millimetres may be preserved between crystals and their host magma.The nature of the crust which contaminated the magma is considered and it seems most likely that the magma was contaminated by heterogeneous crust of uniform age.  相似文献   

The choice of the ESR signal in the dating of speleothems is still debated. Among the peaks observed in speleothem ESR spectra, the most frequently signals used for the determination of the palaeodoses are the peaks at g=2.0007 (h3 line), g=2.0040 (Broad Line) and g=2.0057 (h1 line).

In order to determine the better analytical way to obtain reproducible DE values from these three ESR signals, successive additional annealing treatments ranging from 60–300 °C were performed on several samples of a stalagmitic floor from the Mousterian site of the Caverna delle Fate (Liguria, Italy), also dated by U-series between 90 and130 ka. The results confirm that DE values can be obtained from h3 and BL signals without annealing, while the h1 signal requires a thermal pre-treatment, to obtain the maximum intensity of this line. Then, on our samples, the DEvalues derived for the three lines are equivalent. It gives, hence, the opportunity to obtain data when the g=2.0007 line cannot be used.  相似文献   

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