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Wetlands play a very important role in ecosystems. Qixinghe Wetland is a nature reserve area in northeastern China. In this paper, diatom communities and environmental qualities were investigated at eight sites in Qixinghe Wetland. This study was to examine diatom species patterns in relation to environmental variables in wetlands, and to use diatoms as indicators to water quality in wetlands and wetland classification. Diatoms were sampled in summers and autumns in 2002 and 2004, during which 180 taxa were identified. Environmental variations in pH, temperature, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were measured. The seasonal composition and abundance of diatoms changed greatly during the study period. The relationship between diatoms and chemical water quality was estimated statistically. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with forward selection and Monte Carlo permutation tests revealed that all water environmental variables changed during the study period (P<0.05). Among all the parameters, variation in BOD among the sites was a very important determinant of species composition according to the CCA, and BOD decreased from 2002 to 2004. Our results suggest that the water quality had improved during the three-year period because of enhanced environmental protection with less human disturbance. We conclude that diatoms can be used to indicate water quality and habitat conditions in this wetland.  相似文献   

Diatoms are widely used to study past and present changes in the marine environment. Unimodal models are appropriate for exploring the relationship between environmental properties in Chinese inshore waters and fossil diatom species derived from modem surface sediments. The best-fit relationships between two multivariate datasets (diatom species and environmental variables) were identified using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), which is a constrained ordination technique. The absolute abundance of diatoms in the Chinese inshore waters ranged from 500 to 48 000 valves/g, and the average absolute abundance of all the 29 sites was l l 300 valves/g. 153 species and varieties of diatoms belonging to 42 genera in all were identified in the Chinese inshore waters. There were 28 dominant diatom species in all. According to the absolute abundance of the dominant species and the spatial distribution of the currents from the Chinese inshore waters, 12 diatom assemblages were distinguished from north to south, which reflected the different oceanographic conditions at the regional scale. Of the eight environmental variables considered, the most important environmental variable is winter sea surface salinity (WSS), which was also the only environmental variable with statistical significance. Therefore, it may be used to establish a transfer functions for the Chinese inshore waters in future paleoclimate studies.  相似文献   

In this study, the differences in annual rainstorm changes in the Second Songhua River Basin and the Nenjiang River basin and their causes were compared from the perspective of mountain effects. The following results were drawn: (1) Altitude effect is the primary factor leading to increased rainstorms in the southern source; (2) Slope effect primarily leads to differences of the weather systems in the two sources, and thus cause the difference of the rainstorms; (3) Slope effect is responsible for the greater fluctuation in the observed floods in the southern source. These landform differences eventually lead to the differences in the characteristics of floods in the southern and northern sources. Commensurability method was used to identify the period of rainstorms in the southern and northern sources. The results showed that although rainstorms do not appear at the same time in the two sources they are characteristic of a 10 years’ period in both areas. These results can serve as hydrological references for flood control and long-term flood disaster predictions.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton blooms occurring in the Jiangdong Reservoir of Jiulong River, Fujian Province, South China, are a potential source of contamination of the drinking water of Xiamen (Amoy) City. To understand the main factors governing phytoplankton composition and succession, we sampled phytoplankton and measured environmental parameters in the reservoir, weekly or biweekly from Jan. 2010 to Feb. 2012. We identified 123 species of phytoplankton from 7 phyla and 74 genera. The major phyla were Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cryptophyta, Cyanophyta, and Dinophyta. The main trend in the succession of phytoplankton was from prevalence of Cryptophyta-Bacillariophyta communities to those of Chlorophyta-Cyanophyta. High cell concentrations of Cryptophyta, predominantly Komma caudate, Cryptomonas marssonii, and Cryptomonas erosa, were present in winter, associated with low river discharge and cold water. Bacillariophyta, primarily Cyclotella meneghiniana, Aulacoseira granulata, and Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima, dominated in early spring, coinciding with high turbulence and low irradiance. During early summer and autumn, Chlorophyta, comprising Scenedesmus quadricauda, Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum, and Pandorina sp. were prevalent during conditions of warmer water temperatures and low turbulence. Cyanophyta, with dominance ofPseudanabaena mucicola, Merismopedia tenuissima and Raphidiopsis sp. increased throughout the summer, coinciding with higher water temperatures and lower nutrient concentrations. Dinophyta content was occasionally high during winter and summer. Peridiniopsis penardii (Dinophyta) bloomed during winter 2009, with a persistently high biomass recorded into early spring. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that phytoplankton communities were influenced by river discharge, irradiance, water temperature, and nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin. It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify the load, especially in modeling nonpoint source. In this study a revised model was established by integrating point and nonpoint sources into one-dimensional Streeter-Phelps (S-P) model on the basis of real-time hydrologic data and surface water quality monitoring data in the Jilin Reach of the Songhua River Basin. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH_3-N) loads were estimated. Results showed that COD loads of point source and nonpoint source were 134 958 t/yr and 86 209 t/yr, accounting for 61.02% and 38.98% of total loads, respectively. NH_3-N loads of point source and nonpoint source were 16 739 t/yr and 14 272 t/yr, accounting for 53.98% and 46.02%, respectively. Point source pollution was stronger than nonpoint source pollution in the study area at present. The water quality of upstream was better than that of downstream of the rivers and cities. It is indispensable to treat industrial wastewater and municipal sewage out of point sources, to adopt the best management practices to control diffuse pollutants from agricultural land and urban surface runoff in improving water quality of the Songhua River Basin. The revised S-P model can be successfully used to identify pollution source and quantify point source and nonpoint source loads by calibrating and validating.  相似文献   

Rotifer community structure was investigated in Yangcheng Lake in 2008. Dominant species and species diversity indices were determined and QB/T was used to assess water quality. The annual average density and biomass of the rotifers in Yangcheng Lake was 2 894 ± 1 006 ind./L and 12.47 ± 10.28 mg/L, respectively. The highest densities were observed in the western portion of the lake in March, but the highest biomass occurred in inflowing creeks in September. Within a year of monitoring in Yangcheng Lake, 93 species were identified and the dominant species were found to be Polyarthra trigla, Brachionus angularis, Keratella cochlearis, Keratella valga, Brachionus calyciflorus, and Filinia major. Of the species recorded, 75 were pollution indicator species. Density and biomass exhibited significant positive correlations with water temperature (R = 0.209, P = 0.003; R = 0.446, P = 0.000), but the peak density showed two lags in response to chl a. According to the Jaccard similarity index (SJ), the greatest similarity among dominant species occurred between creeks and the eastern part of the lake. The annual average Shannon-Wiener diversity index H’, Margalef richness index D and Pielou evenness index J were 1.96 ± 0.34, 1.61 ± 0.50 and 0.77 ± 0.10, respectively. In all four areas of Yangcheng Lake, β- mesosaprobic species comprised the largest share of pollution indicator species. These data suggest that Yangcheng Lake is mesosaprobic.  相似文献   

The distribution characteristics of methyl mercury in Rana chensinensis and water, sediment and soil in gold-mining areas of the upper reaches of the Songhua River, China were studied by field sampling and laboratory testing. The results show that the methyl mercury contents in water, sediment and soil in gold-mining areas are much higher than those in the control site, indicating that gold-mining activities intensify the methyl mercury pollution in the study area. Methyl mercury contents are in a descending order of sediment > soil > water in the environment, and in a descending order of brain > viscera > muscle > skin in Rana chensinensis. There are significant correlation between methyl mercury contents in Rana chensinensis and those in water and sediment. In particular, the methyl mercury content in the skin of Rana chensinensis is positively correlated with those in water and sediment in spring. Therefore, skin is one of main intake pathways for methyl mercury due to its high permeability.  相似文献   

Based on data from 22 sample plots and applying the Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA),this paper discusses the vegetation-environment relationships between the northern slope of Karlik Mountain and Naomaohu Basin,which is situated in the easternmost end of the Tianshan Mountains,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China.For the zonal vegetation,community diversity of mountain vegetation is higher than that of the desert vegetation due to environmental factors.The CCA ordination diagram revealed that the composition and distribution of vegetation types are mainly determined by altitude,soil pH and soil salt content.With increasing elevation,the soil pH and total salt content decrease but the contents of soil organic matter,soil water,total nitrogen and total phosphorus increase gradually.In the CCA ordination diagrams,the sample plots and main species can be divided into five types according to their adaptations to the environmental factors.Type I is composed of desert vegetation distributed on the low mountains,hills,plains and deserts below an elevation of 1900 m;type II is distributed in the mountain and desert ecotone with an elevation of 1900-2300 m,and includes steppe desert,desert steppe and wetland meadow;type III is very simply composed of only salinized meadow;type IV is distributed above an elevation of 2300 m,containing mountain steppe,meadow steppe,subalpine meadow and alpine meadow;type V only contains salinized meadow.The results show that with increasing elevation,species combination changes from the xerophytic shrubs,semi-shrubs and herbs distributed in the low altitude zone with arid climate to the cold-tolerant perennial herbs growing in the high altitudinal zone with cold climate.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheseasurfacemicrolayer (SM)withspecialphysical,chemicalandbiologicalproperties,hadbeenwelldescribedasasiteofintensiveaccumulationofdissolvedandparticulateorganicmat terinvolvingphytoplanktonandbacteria (Hardy,1 982 ) .Thisenvironmenthasgreatimpor…  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of a crustacean zooplankton community in Erhai Lake was investigated from May 2010 to April 2011. In total, 11 species were recorded, including six (6 genera) cladoceran and five (5 genera) copepod species. The crustacean zooplankton densities ranged from 24.3 to 155.4 ind./L. In winter and spring, the large-bodied cladoceran Daphnia galeata dominated the crustacean plankton community. In summer and autumn, when the colonial or filamentous algae dominated the phytoplankton communities, the small-bodied species (e.g. Bosminafatalis, Ceriodaphnia quadrangular, and Mesocyclops leuckarti) replaced the large-bodied ones. One-way ANOVA and redundancy analysis revealed that community structure was dependent upon total nitrogen, total phosphorus, water temperature, transparency, and the biomass of small algae. The variation in both phytoplankton structure and environmental variables were important factors in the seasonal succession of crustacean zooplankton structure in Erhai Lake.  相似文献   

The effects of marine environmental factors-temperature(T),dissolved oxygen(DO),salinity(S) and pH-on the oxidation-reduction potential(ORP) of natural seawater were studied in laboratory.The results show an indistinct relationship between these four factors and the ORP,but they did impact the ORP.Common mathematical methods were not applicable for describing the relationship.Therefore,a grey relational analysis(GRA) method was developed.The degrees of correlation were calculated according to GRA and the va...  相似文献   

The 454 sequencing method was used to detect bacterial diversity and community structure in the East China Sea. Overall, 149 067 optimized reads with an average length of 454 nucleotides were obtained from 17 seawater samples and five sediment samples sourced in May 2011. A total of 22 phyla, 34 classes, 74 orders, 146 families, and 333 genera were identified in this study. Some of them were detected for the first time from the East China Sea. The estimated richness and diversity indices were both higher in the sediment samples compared with in the seawater samples. All the samples were divided by their diversity indices into four regions. Similarity analysis showed that the seawater samples could be classified into six groups. The groups differed from each other and had unique community structure characteristics. It was found that different water masses in the sampling areas may have had some influence on the bacterial community structure. A canonical correspondence analysis revealed that seawater samples in different areas and at different depths were affected by different environmental parameters. This study will lay the foundation for future research on microbiology in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

During the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China,urban agglomeration in river basin areas raises the problems of over-use of water resources and pollution of the water environment.Related research in China has mainly focused on the conflicts among economic growth,urban expansion and water resource shortages within admin-istrative boundaries.However,water environments are much more dependent on their physical boundaries than their administrative boundaries.Consistent with the nature of water environment,this study aims at analyzing coordination relationships between urban development and water environment changes within physical river basin boundaries.We chose the Shayinghe River Basin,China,as our case study area which is facing serious challenges related to water en-vironment protection.Then we classified 35 county-level administrative units into upstream,midstream and down-stream regions based on their physical characteristics;analyzed the coordination degree of urban agglomeration using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method;and constructed cooperative models using the Linear Programming (LP function) to simulate four scenarios of the coordination relationship be-tween urban population increase and water environment protection based on existing water resources and water pollu-tion data.The results show that the present coordinative situation in Shayinghe River Basin is not sustainable.In gen-eral,more than 50% administrative units are in the bad coordinative situation.In particular,the downstream region is under worse condition than the upstream and midstream regions.Cooperative models in scenario analyses indicate that the population scale set in existing urban master plannings is not coordinated with the water environment protection.To reach the goal of regional sustainable development,the total population needs to be controlled such that it will re-main at 4.5×10 7 or below by 2020 given the capacity of water environment.  相似文献   

Seasonal netzplankton samples from stations in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary were collected from May, 2004 to February, 2005. The dominant species and their contribution to the total zooplankton abundance were determined. Moreover, the relationship between the salinity and abundance was studied with stepwise linear regression. During the whole year, the salinity was positively correlated with the abundance, while the temperature, negatively. Linear regression analysis showed also a high positive correlation with salinity for total abundance in August and November, while in February and May, no obvious relations were found. The most abundant community was composed of neritic and brackish-water species. The North Passage (NP) (salinity <5) was greatly diluted by freshwater while the North Branch (NB) was brackish water with salinity range of 12–28. Consequently, clear decline in abundance of zooplankton was along the estuarine haloclines from the maximum in the area of high salinity to the minimum in the limnetic zone. Total zooplankton abundance and biomass were lower in NP than the NB in all seasons. In short, the salinity influenced the abundance of each species of zooplankton, and ultimately determined the total abundance of zooplankton. Furthermore, a winter peak in the abundance existed, which might be caused by the flourishing of Sinocalanus sinensis, a widely distributed species in the Changjiang Estuary.  相似文献   

The Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is one of the most developed Extended Metropolitan Regions (EMR) in China.With the rapid urbanization,the agglomeration of population and industries has emerged,which has led to dramatic changes of spatial structure and land use in this region.With data of high resolution TM remote sensing images and Google Earth maps,this paper identified and analyzed the spatial pattern of the Zhujiang River Delta EMR using Envy and ArcGIS tools.It was found that 1) the industrial land uses were expanding substantially,particularly on the bank sides of the Zhujiang River estuary;2) large-scale housing developments were concentrated in the fringe of metropolitan areas such as those of Guangzhou and Shenzhen;3) a regional transportation network with the spatial pattern of ″1 circle +2 pieces + 3 axes″ had significantly affected the location choice of manufacture enterprises.At the same time,both highly specialized land use and severely mixed land use patterns were identified.As a consequence of the latter,land use efficiency of the whole EMR areas was reduced.Moreover,ecologic and environmental problems were severe.Based on the above analysis,suggestions were given from the viewpoint of spatial safety,land use efficiency,and the reorganization of spatial structure in the Zhujiang River Delta EMR.  相似文献   

For the Pinang River, originating in the western highlands of Penang Island, the nature, sources and extent of pollution were studied. The river water samples collected at five selected sites were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters, namely temperature, DO, BOD, COD, SS, pH, ammoniac nitrogen (AN), and conductance. Long-term data of rainfall and temperature were analyzed to determine the seasonal variations of the streamflow.The streamflow during the dry season is extremely low compared to the wet season, thus concentrations of contaminants derived from point pollution source increase due to lack of rainfall and runoff events. On the contrary, in the predominantly urban and agricultural catchments, non-point pollution source increases during rainy season through seepage and runoff. Effects of seasonal variations consequently deterrnine the quantity and quality of the water parameters.The Jelutong River, the Dondang River and the Air Itam River carry the seepage from widely urban and residential areas to the main Pinang River systems. Water quality of the Pinang River at different points assessed by the water quality indices was compared. According to the quality indices during the study period, water quality in the upper reaches of the river is medium to good. It dwindled in the plains, due to the seepage from urban areas and discharges from the industrial and agricultural lands.  相似文献   

To understand the responses of a freshwater ecosystem to the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), phytoplankton was monitored in the tributaries of the TGR area. From August 2010 to July 2011, algal species composition, abundance, chlorophyll a and other environmental parameters were investigated in the Gaolan River, which is a tributary of Xiangxi River. Thirty-one algal genera from seven phyla were identified. Results show that the lowest concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) were 0.06 mg/L and 1.08 mg/L, respectively. The values of TP and TN exceeded the threshold concentration of the eutrophic state suggested for freshwater bodies. In the Gaolan River, the succession of phytoplankton showed clear seasonal characteristics. Different dominant species were observed among seasons under the control of environment factors. In spring and summer, the dominant species were Nitzschia sp. and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs, the limiting nutrient was NO 3 ? -N, and the key environmental factor for phytoplankton population succession was water temperature (WT). In autumn and winter, the dominant species were A. flos-aquae and Chlorella sp., the limiting nutrient was PO 4 3? -P, and the key environmental factors were transparency and WT. This study illustrates the influence of physical and chemical factors on phytoplankton seasonal succession in a tributary of TGR since the downstream regions of Xiangxi River and Gaolan River became reservoirs after impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. We suggest that this activity has significantly affected water quality in the dam area.  相似文献   

Using neutron activation analysis method we determined contents of rare-earth and radioactive elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Cs, Rb, Sb, Sc, Sr, Ba, U, Th) in source water system of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, which is mainly composed of the Tuotuo River, the Chumaer River, and the Buqu River. The contents of these elements in the unflltered water have a great variation and a close correlation with the water turbidity. The contents of these elements in filtered water only have a little variation and are lower than those in the unflltered water. The variations in contents of these elements in sediments are also very little. These elements in the unifiltered water are in geometric distribution, except Sc. Most of the elements in sediments are in arithmetic distribution, but Cs, Sb, Th, are in deviation distribution. The contents of most of these elements in the river source area correspond to the contents of fresh water of the earth. Most of these elements have a little variation in their c  相似文献   

利用GRACE/GRACE-FO数据对长江流域2003~2021年期间发生的干旱事件进行定量分析,以探究卫星重力监测区域性干旱的可行性。采用3个机构发布的5种GRACE/GRACE-FO数据产品(CSR_SH、JPL_SH、GFZ_SH、CSR_M、JPL_M)反演长江流域陆地水储量异常(TWSA),计算陆地水储量亏损(WSD)和水储量亏损指数(WSDI),结合气象干旱数据(SPI、SPEI、scPDSI)对5种数据产品的结果进行比较,并对2003~2021年长江流域干旱事件进行分析。结果表明,不同机构发布的GRACE/GRACE-FO数据产品对长江流域干旱事件严重等级的划分具有一定差异;WSDI与6个月时间尺度的SPEI相关性最高,相关系数为0.66,与scPDSI相关系数最低为0.54,降水是影响长江流域陆地水储量变化的重要因素;长江流域最严重的干旱事件发生在2019年夏秋季,干旱强度为2.31,持续10个月,水储量累计亏损达到415 Gt,此次干旱事件的WSDI空间分布图显示2019-09干旱最为严重,出现极端干旱区域。WSDI可反映长江流域干旱分布的时空变化,可在监测全球和大尺度区域干旱方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

利用2002-08~2016-12 GRACE数据扣除泄漏影响得到的长江流域陆地水储量(TWS)变化,分析其时空变化特征和趋势。结果表明,在此期间长江流域TWS增速为0.13±0.12 cm/a;TWS变化大的区域,如泄漏改正后三峡库区TWS变化由约10 mm/a变为15~20 mm/a,并呈现更大的空间异质性。利用多种气象数据,从气候变化和人类活动角度深入研究长江流域水循环变化。结果表明,降水量与TWS变化在时间和空间上都具有较高的相关性,TWS变化延迟1~2个月;上游源头处温度是影响TWS变化的主导因素,温度升高加速了上游高山冰川融化,使TWS具有增长趋势;三峡工程的蓄水也导致TWS变化;ENSO是长江流域TWS变化的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

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