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Abstract— Magnetic properties of 26 (of 32) unpaired Martian meteorites (SNCs) are synthesized to further constrain the lithology carrying Martian magnetic crustal sources. Magnetic properties of ultramafic cumulates (i.e., Chassigny, Allan Hills [ALH] 84001) and lherzolitic shergottites (ALH 77005, Lewis Cliff [LEW] 88516) are one or two orders of magnitude too weak to account for the crustal magnetizations, assuming magnetization in an Earth‐like field. Nakhlites and some basaltic shergottites, which are the most magnetic SNCs, show the right intensity. Titanomagnetite is the magnetic carrier in the nakhlites (7 meteorites), whereas in most basaltic shergottites (11 meteorites) it is pyrrhotite. Dhofar (Dho) 378, Los Angeles, and NWA 480/1460 and 2046 are anomalous basaltic shergottites, as their magnetism is mainly due to titanomagnetite. Pyrrhotite should be among the candidate minerals for the magnetized Noachian crust.  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetic properties of samples of seven Martian meteorites (EET 79001, Zagami, Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, Chassigny and ALH 84001) have been investigated. All possess a weak, very stable primary natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and some have less stable secondary components. In some cases, the latter are associated with magnetic contamination of the samples, imparted since their recovery, and with viscous magnetization, acquired during exposure of the meteorites to the geomagnetic field since they fell. The magnetic properties are carried by a small content (<1%) of titanomagnetite and, in ALH 84001, possibly by magnetite as well. The most likely source of the primary NRM is a thermoremanent magnetization acquired when the meteorite material last cooled from a high temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. Current evidence is that this was 1.3 Ga ago for the nakhlites and Chassigny and 180 Ma for shergottites: the time of the last relevant cooling of ALH 84001 is not presently known. Preliminary estimates of the strength of the magnetizing field are in the range 0.5–5 üT, which is at least an order of magnitude greater than the present field. It is tentatively concluded that the magnetic field was generated by a dynamo process in a Martian core with appropriate structure and properties.  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigated the transfer of meteorites from Mars to Earth with a combined mineralogical and numerical approach. We used quantitative shock pressure barometry and thermodynamic calculations of post‐shock temperatures to constrain the pressure/temperature conditions for the ejection of Martian meteorites. The results show that shock pressures allowing the ejection of Martian meteorites range from 5 to 55 GPa, with corresponding post‐shock temperature elevations of 10 to about 1000 °C. With respect to shock pressures and post‐shock temperatures, an ejection of potentially viable organisms in Martian surface rocks seems possible. A calculation of the cooling time in space for the most highly shocked Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 was performed and yielded a best‐fit for a post‐shock temperature of 1000 °C and a meteoroid size of 0.4 to 0.6 m. The final burial depths of the sub‐volcanic to volcanic Martian rocks as indicated by textures and mineral compositions of meteorites are in good agreement with the postulated size of the potential source region for Martian meteorites during the impact of a small projectile (200 m), as defined by numerical modeling (Artemieva and Ivanov 2004). A comparison of shock pressures and ejection and terrestrial ages indicates that, on average, highly shocked fragments reach Earth‐crossing orbits faster than weakly shocked fragments. If climatic changes on Mars have a significant influence on the atmospheric pressure, they could account for the increase of recorded ejection events of Martian meteorites in the last 5 Ma.  相似文献   

The method for experimental research of physical and mechanical properties of stony meteorites is considered. Experimental data on the physical and mechanical properties of samples of three ordinary chondrites are reported. Ordinary chondrites are characterized by a well-defined three-dimensional (spatial) anisotropy of physical and mechanical properties, when a compression strength in one of the directions significantly exceeds that in the other two directions. A measured compression strength of ordinary chondrites is in the range from 105 to 203 MPa, while a tensile strength is in the range from 18 to 31 MPa. As follows from the available published data on the strength of carbonaceous chondrites, they are drastically different in properties from ordinary chondrites. The observed critical aerodynamic loads do not exceed a measured tensile strength value of ordinary chondrites, which is actually the upper limit restricting the maximum aerodynamic load for ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report data for 15 mainly volatile trace elements (Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Sb, Se, Te, Tl, U, Zn) by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) in whole-rock samples of five Martian meteorites that, with seven others studied earlier, complete the 12 member Martian meteorite suite. Nearly all of these elements exhibit highly variable compositional continua and are richer in the Martian suite compared with other basaltic meteorites. From cluster analysis, we find that the clustering of subtypes based on these elements is virtually identical to that based on contents of major refractory elements and mineralogic/petrographic character istics, which implies that each source region on Mars was closed to volatile transport. Martian meteorite data can be used to infer volatile element contents in that planet.  相似文献   

The Goldstone radar system was used at a wavelength of 12.6 cm to probe the Martian surface during the 1973 opposition. Measurements of range and reflected power were made at least weekly between July 12 and November 24. Surface cells isolated by the radar system were 8 km E-W × 110 km N-S. Altitudes were calculated from signal time delays measured relative to a triaxial ellipsoid and were combined with altitudes measured during the 1971 opposition. Contours of constant altitude were calculated at 200 m intervals between latitudes ?14° and ?22°. These contours are presented in conjunction with Mars charts derived from Mariner 9 television pictures. Reflected power was measured at angles of incidence between ?5° and +5°. These measurements were combined with those obtained during the 1971 opposition. Predictions of the reflected power versus the angle of incidence were calculated from the exponential surface model of Hagfors. The predictions were fit to the data in a least-squares sense, using a nonlinear iterative procedure, to yield estimates of surface roughness and reflectivity. The smoother regions exhibit a typical reflectivity of 8.2%. A tendency for the reflectivity to decrease with increasing roughness was observed.  相似文献   

We report direct measurements of thermal diffusivity and conductivity at room temperature for 38 meteorite samples of 36 different meteorites including mostly chondrites, and thus almost triple the number of meteorites for which thermal conductivity is directly measured. Additionally, we measured porosity for 34 of these samples. Thermal properties were measured using an optical infrared scanning method on samples of cm‐sizes with a flat, sawn surface. A database compiled from our measurements and literature data suggests that thermal diffusivities and conductivities at room temperature vary largely among samples even of the same petrologic and chemical type and overlap among, for example, different ordinary chondrite classes. Measured conductivities of ordinary chondrites vary from 0.4 to 5.1 W m?1 K?1. On average, enstatite chondrites show much higher values (2.33–5.51 W m?1 K?1) and carbonaceous chondrites lower values (0.5–2.55 W m?1 K?1). Mineral composition (silicates versus iron‐nickel) and porosity control conductivity. Porosity shows (linear) negative correlation with conductivity. Variable conductivity is attributed to heterogeneity in mineral composition and porosity by intra‐ and intergranular voids and cracks, which are important in the scale of typical meteorite samples. The effect of porosity may be even more significant for thermal properties than that of the metal content in chondrites.  相似文献   

The Martian meteorites record a wide diversity of environments, processes, and ages. Much work has been done to decipher potential mantle sources for Martian magmas and their interactions with crustal and surface environments. Chlorine isotopes provide a unique opportunity to assess interactions between Martian mantle‐derived magmas and the crust. We have measured the Cl‐isotopic composition of 17 samples that span the range of known ages, Martian environments, and mantle reservoirs. The 37Cl of the Martian mantle, as represented by the olivine‐phyric shergottites, NWA 2737 (chassignite), and Shergotty (basaltic shergottite), has a low value of approximately ?3.8‰. This value is lower than that of all other planetary bodies measured thus far. The Martian crust, as represented by regolith breccia NWA 7034, is variably enriched in the heavy isotope of Cl. This enrichment is reflective of preferential loss of 35Cl to space. Most basaltic shergottites (less Shergotty), nakhlites, Chassigny, and Allan Hills 84001 lie on a continuum between the Martian mantle and crust. This intermediate range is explained by mechanical mixing through impact, fluid interaction, and assimilation‐fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Several controversies are associated with the age and origin of the shergottite meteorites, a suite of basaltic samples from Mars. Here, it will be argued that (1) the shergottites have a young igneous age, ≤600 Myr, (2) their parent magmas were relatively dry, (3) the range of initial isotopic compositions in shergottites is most likely due to assimilation of crustal materials by mantle‐derived basaltic magmas, and (4) the intercumulus liquid compositions of shergottites such as Shergotty and Zagami are relatively well constrained.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic abundances of the noble gases were measured in the following Martian meteorites: two shock glass inclusions from Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001, shock vein glass from Shergotty and Yamato (Y) 793605, and whole-rock samples of Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201. These glass samples, when combined with literature data on a separate single glass inclusion from EET 79001 and a glass vein from Zagami, permit examination in greater detail of the isotopic composition of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe trapped from the Martian atmosphere. The isotopic composition of Martian Ne, if actually present in these glasses, remains poorly defined. The 40Ar/36Ar ratio of trapped Martian atmospheric Ar is probably considerably lower than the nominal ratio of 3000 measured by Viking, and data on impact glasses suggest a value of ~1900. The atmospheric 36Ar/38Ar ratio is ≤4.0. Martian atmospheric Kr may be enriched in lighter isotopes by ~0.5%/amu compared to both solar-wind Kr and to the Martian composition previously reported. The isotopic composition of Xe in these glasses agrees with that previously reported in the literature. The Martian atmospheric 36Ar/132Xe and 84Kr/132Xe elemental ratios are higher than those reported by Viking by factors of ~2.5–1.6 (depending on the 40Ar/36Ar ratio adopted) and ~1.8, respectively, and are discussed in a separate paper. Cosmogenic gases indicate space exposure ages of 2.7 ± 0.6 Ma for QUE 94201 and Shergotty and 14 ± 1 Ma for ALH 84001. Small amounts of 21Ne produced by energetic solar protons may be present in QUE 94201 but are not present in ALH 84001 or Y-793605. The space exposure age for Y-793605 is 4.9 ± 0.6 Ma and appears to be distinctly older than the ages for basaltic shergottites. However, uncertainties in cosmogenic production rates still makes somewhat uncertain the number of Martian impact events required to produce the exposure ages of Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of meteorites: New measurements and analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C.P. Opeil  D.T. Britt 《Icarus》2010,208(1):449-6159
We have measured the thermal conductivity at low temperatures (5-300 K) of six meteorites representing a range of compositions, including the ordinary chondrites Cronstad (H5) and Lumpkin (L6), the enstatite chondrite Abee (E4), the carbonaceous chondrites NWA 5515 (CK4 find) and Cold Bokkeveld (CM2), and the iron meteorite Campo del Cielo (IAB find). All measurements were made using a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System, Thermal Transport Option (TTO) on samples cut into regular parallelepipeds of ∼2-6 mm dimension. The iron meteorite conductivity increases roughly linearly from 15 W m−1 K−1 at 100 K to 27 W m−1 K−1 at 300 K, comparable to typical values for metallic iron. By contrast, the conductivities of all the stony samples except Abee appear to be controlled by the inhomogeneous nature of the meteorite fabric, resulting in values that are much lower than those of pure minerals and which vary only slightly with temperature above 100 K. The L and CK sample conductivities above 100 K are both about 1.5 W m−1 K−1, that of the H is 1.9 W m−1 K−1, and that of the CM sample is 0.5 W m−1 K−1; by contrast the literature value at 300 K for serpentine is 2.5 W m−1 K−1 and those of enstatite and olivine range from 4.5 to 5 W m−1 K−1 (which is comparable to the Abee value). These measurements are among the first direct measurements of thermal conductivity for meteorites. The results compare well with previous estimates for meteorites, where conductivity was derived from diffusivity measurements and modeled heat capacities; our new values are of a higher precision and cover a wider range of temperatures and meteorite types. If the rocky material that makes up asteroids and provides the dust to comets, Kuiper Belt objects, and icy satellites has the same low thermal conductivities as the ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites measured here, this would significantly change models of their thermal evolution. These values would also lower their thermal inertia, thus affecting the Yarkovsky and YORP evolution of orbits and spin for solid objects; however, in this case the effect would not be as great, as thermal inertia only varies as the square root of the conductivity and, for most asteroids, is controlled by the dusty nature of asteroidal surfaces rather than the conductivity of the material itself.  相似文献   

Merrillite is a ubiquitous accessory phase in a variety of Martian meteorite lithologies. The Martian merrillites exhibit a positive correlation between Mg# and Na and a negative correlation between Mg# and both Mn and vacancies in the octahedral Na‐site. Their REE patterns are varied and range from LREE‐depleted to LREE‐enriched. The dominant cation substitutions in the Martian merrillites are Fe2+VI Mg‐site?Mg2+VI Mg‐site and Ca2+VI Na‐site +  □VI Na‐site?2Na+VI Na‐site. The REE substitution into the 8‐fold coordinated Ca‐site is accommodated by the coupled substitution CaVIII Ca‐site + (Na)VI Na‐site ?(Y3+ + REE3+)VIII Ca‐site + □VI Na‐site. The REE substitution is significantly more prevalent in lunar merrillite and can be used as a “fingerprint” to distinguish lunar from Martian meteorites. The substitution of OH? (whitlockite) and/or F? (bobdownsite) for O2? on one of the phosphate tetrahedrons appears to be rather insignificant. The correlations among Na, Mg#, Mn, and Na‐site vacancies are linked to the premerrillite crystallization history of the melt and the crystal chemical behavior of the Mg‐ and Na‐sites. The former reflects the sequence and extent of plagioclase and pyroxene crystallization. The differences in REE pattern shapes among the merrillites reflect source regions for the Martian basalts and the shapes are not greatly perturbed by the crystallization history. The occurrence of merrillite does not imply low‐volatile component in the Martian magmas. However, the low whitlockite and bobdownsite contents suggest that these samples were not altered by hydrothermal fluids and therefore not reset owing to aqueous fluid interactions. Consequently, the young ages of the shergottites are probably true igneous crystallization ages.  相似文献   

The SPICAM instrument onboard Mars Express has successfully performed two Martian years (MY 27 and MY28) of observations. Water ice cloud optical depths spatial and temporal distribution was retrieved from nadir measurements in the wavelength range 300–320 nm. During the northern spring the cloud hazes complex distribution was monitored. The clouds in the southern hemisphere formed a zonal belt in the latitude range 30–60°S. The edge of the retreating north polar hood merged with the northern tropical clouds in the range 250–350°E. The development of the aphelion cloud belt (ACB) started with the weak hazes formation (cloud optical thickness 0.1–0.3) in the equatorial region. At the end of the northern spring, the ACB cloud optical thickness reached already values of 0.3–1. The ACB decay in the end of the northern summer was accompanied with a presence of clouds in the north mid-latitudes. The expanded north polar hood merged with the north mid-latitude clouds in the eastern hemisphere. The interannual comparison indicates a decrease in cloud activity immediately after a strong dust storm in southern summer of MY28. The strong dust storms of the MY28 may also be a reason of the observed north polar hood edge shifting northward by 5°.  相似文献   

This review is intended to summarize the current observations of reduced carbon in Martian meteorites, differentiating between terrestrial contamination and carbon that is indigenous to Mars. Indeed, the identification of Martian organic matter is among the highest priority targets for robotic spacecraft missions in the next decade, including the Mars Science Laboratory and Mars 2020. Organic carbon compounds are essential building blocks of terrestrial life, so the occurrence and origin (biotic or abiotic) of organic compounds on Mars is of great significance; however, not all forms of reduced carbon are conducive to biological systems. This paper discusses the significance of reduced organic carbon (including methane) in Martian geological and astrobiological systems. Specifically, it summarizes current thinking on the nature, sources, and sinks of Martian organic carbon, a key component to Martian habitability. Based on this compilation, reduced organic carbon on Mars, including detections of methane in the Martian atmosphere, is best described through a combination of abiotic organic synthesis on Mars and infall of extraterrestrial carbonaceous material. Although conclusive signs of Martian life have yet to be revealed, we have developed a strategy for life detection on Mars that can be utilized in future life‐detection studies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zagami and Nakhla are achondrites and belong to the Shergotty-Nakhla-Chassigny (SNC) meteorite group. It is generally accepted that Mars is their parent body. Mineralogical and chemical analyses have revealed that the major mineral phases of these two meteorites are pyroxene, olivine, maskelynite, and plagioclase. In this work, near-infrared biconical reflectance measurements were performed on sawed surfaces of chips from Zagami and Nakhla. Spectra obtained with an analytical spot diameter on the order of the mineral grain size reflect the heterogeneous distribution of different mineral phases. The characteristic absorption bands of the pyroxenes are numerically evaluated in terms of the modified Gaussian model. Spectra with overlapping absorption features are resolved into the basic absorption bands. From these results, it can be estimated what kind of clinopyroxenes belong to the investigated mineral assemblages. As a result, the major clinopyroxene phase in Nakhla is Ca-rich augite, whereas in Zagami both Ca-rich and Ca-poor pyroxenes are present. By means of such a procedure, laboratory spectra of minerals become more informative and may help in discussing Martian remote sensing data in the near-infrared region.  相似文献   

The distribution of shock melts in four shergottites, having both vein and pocket geometry, has been defined and the conductive cooling time over the range 2500 °C to 900 °C calculated. Isolated 1 mm2 pockets cool in 1.17 s and cooling times increase with pocket area. An isolated vein 1 × 7 mm in Northwest Africa (NWA) 4797 cools to 900 °C in 4.5 s. Interference between thermal haloes of closely spaced shock melts decreases the thermal gradient, extending cooling times by a factor of 1.4 to 100. This is long enough to allow differential diffusion of Ar and Xe from the melt. Small pockets (1 mm2) lose 2.2% Ar and 5.2% Xe during cooling, resulting in a small change in the Ar/Xe ratio of the dissolved gas over that originally trapped. With longer cooling times there is significant fractionation of Xe from Ar and the Ar/Xe ratio increases rapidly. The largest pockets show less variation of Ar/Xe and likely preserve the original trapped gas composition. Considering all of the model calculations, even the smallest isolated pockets have cooling times greater than the duration of the pressure pulse, i.e., >0.01 s. The crystallization products of these shock melts will be unrelated to the peak shock pressure experienced by the meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa (NWA) 4797 is an ultramafic Martian meteorite composed of olivine (40.3 vol%), pigeonite (22.2%), augite (11.9%), plagioclase (9.1%), vesicles (1.6%), and a shock vein (10.3%). Minor phases include chromite (3.4%), merrillite (0.8%), and magmatic inclusions (0.4%). Olivine and pyroxene compositions range from Fo66–72,En58–74Fs19–28Wo6–15, and En46–60Fs14–22Wo34–40, respectively. The rock is texturally similar to “lherzolitic” shergottites. The oxygen fugacity was QFM?2.9 near the liquidus, increasing to QFM?1.7 as crystallization proceeded. Shock effects in olivine and pyroxene include strong mosaicism, grain boundary melting, local recrystallization, and pervasive fracturing. Shock heating has completely melted and vesiculated igneous plagioclase, which upon cooling has quench‐crystallized plagioclase microlites in glass. A mm‐size shock melt vein transects the rock, containing phosphoran olivine (Fo69–79), pyroxene (En44–51Fs14–18Wo30–42), and chromite in a groundmass of alkali‐rich glass containing iron sulfide spheres. Trace element analysis reveals that (1) REE in plagioclase and the shock melt vein mimics the whole rock pattern; and (2) the reconstructed NWA 4797 whole rock is slightly enriched in LREE relative to other intermediate ultramafic shergottites, attributable to local mobilization of melt by shock. The shock melt vein represents bulk melting of NWA 4797 injected during pressure release. Calculated oxygen fugacity for NWA 4797 indicates that oxygen fugacity is decoupled from incompatible element concentrations. This is attributed to subsolidus re‐equilibration. We propose an alternative nomenclature for “lherzolitic” shergottites that removes genetic connotations. NWA 4797 is classified as an ultramafic poikilitic shergottite with intermediate trace element characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the spectral reflectance of Martian meteorites from 0.3‐2.6 microns for the purpose of cataloguing spectra and the association of their spectral properties with mineralogy and petrology. We fit the spectra to a series of overlapping, modified Gaussian absorptions using least squares fitting. The results are validated against established relationships between photon interactions with mineral chemistry and the band parameters. These resultant band parameters can be used to constrain interpretations of Martian reflectance spectra in the search for the source region of meteorites from Mars. The limitations of the fitting method are discussed.  相似文献   

This study advances curve-fitting modeling of absorption bands of reflectance spectra and applies this new model to spectra of Martian meteorites ALH 84001 and EETA 79001 and data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). This study also details a recently introduced automated parameter initialization technique. We assess the performance of this automated procedure by comparing it to the currently available initialization method and perform a sensitivity analysis of the fit results to variation in initial guesses. We explore the issues related to the removal of the continuum, offer guidelines for continuum removal when modeling the absorptions and explore different continuum-removal techniques. We further evaluate the suitability of curve fitting techniques using Gaussians/Modified Gaussians to decompose spectra into individual end-member bands. We show that nonlinear least squares techniques such as the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm achieve comparable results to the MGM model (Sunshine and Pieters, 1993, Sunshine et al., 1990) for meteorite spectra. Finally we use Gaussian modeling to fit CRISM spectra of pyroxene and olivine-rich terrains on Mars. Analysis of CRISM spectra of two regions show that the pyroxene-dominated rock spectra measured at Juventae Chasma were modeled well with low Ca pyroxene, while the pyroxene-rich spectra acquired at Libya Montes required both low-Ca and high-Ca pyroxene for a good fit.  相似文献   

Abstract— Carbon and nitrogen distributions in iron meteorites, their concentrations in various phases, and their isotopic compositions in certain phases were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Taenite (and its decomposition products) is the main carrier of C, except for IAB iron meteorites, where graphite and/or carbide (cohenite) may be the main carrier. Taenite is also the main carrier of N in most iron meteorites unless nitrides (carlsbergite CrN or roaldite (Fe, Ni)4N) are present. Carbon and N distributions in taenite are well correlated unless carbides and/or nitrides are exsolved. There seem to be three types of C and N distributions within taenite. (1) These elements are enriched at the center of taenite (convex type). (2) They are enriched at the edge of taenite (concave type). (3) They are enriched near but some distance away from the edge of taenite (complex type). The first case (1) is explained as equilibrium distribution of C and N in Fe-Ni alloy with M-shape Ni concentration profile. The second case (2) seems to be best explained as diffusion controlled C and N distributions. In the third case (3), the interior of taenite has been transformed to the α phase (kamacite or martensite). Carbon and N were expelled from the α phase and enriched near the inner border of the remaining γ phase. Such differences in the C and N distributions in taenite may reflect different cooling rates of iron meteorites. Nitrogen concentrations in taenite are quite high approaching 1 wt% in some iron meteorites. Nitride (carlsbergite and roaldite) is present in meteorites with high N concentrations in taenite, which suggests that the nitride was formed due to supersaturation of the metallic phases with N. The same tendency is generally observed for C (i.e., high C concentrations in taenite correlate with the presence of carbide and/or graphite). Concentrations of C and N in kamacite are generally below detection limits. Isotopic compositions of C and N in taenite can be measured with a precision of several permil. Isotopic analysis in kamacite in most iron meteorites is not possible because of the low concentrations. The C isotopic compositions seem to be somewhat fractionated among various phases, reflecting closure of C transport at low temperatures. A remarkable isotopic anomaly was observed for the Mundrabilla (IIICD anomalous) meteorite. Nitrogen isotopic compositions of taenite measured by SIMS agree very well with those of the bulk samples measured by conventional mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

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