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Abstract— We have studied 74 single presolar silicon carbide grains with sizes between 0.2 and 2.6 μm from the Murchison and Murray meteorites for Ba isotopic compositions using NanoSIMS. We also analyzed 7 SiC particles either consisting of sub‐micron‐size SiC grains or representing a morphologically and isotopically distinct subgroup. Of the 55 (likely) mainstream grains, originating from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, 32 had high enough Ba contents for isotopic analysis. For 26 of them, CsHx interferences were either negligible or could be corrected with confidence. They exhibit typical s‐process Ba isotopic patterns with slightly higher than solar 134Ba/136Ba and lower than solar 135,137,138Ba/136Ba ratios. Results are generally well explained in the context of neutron capture nucleosynthesis in low mass (1–3 M) AGB stars and provide constraints on AGB models, by reducing the needed 13C spread from factor of ~20 down to 2. Out of the 19 supernova X grains, three had sufficient concentrations for isotopic analysis. They tend to exhibit higher than solar 134Ba/136Ba and 138Ba/136Ba ratios, close to solar 137Ba/136Ba, and 135Ba/136Ba lower than solar but higher than in mainstream grains. This signature could indicate a mixture of n‐burst type Ba with either “normal Ba” more s‐process‐rich than solar, or normal Ba plus weak s‐process Ba. In the n‐burst component Cs may have to be separated from Ba at ~10 years after the SN explosion. Depending on predictions for its composition, another possibility is early separation (at ~1 year) coupled with addition of some unfractionated n‐burst matter. Abundances of trace elements (Sr, Zr, Cs, La, and Ce) analyzed along with Ba signify that implantation may have been an important process for their introduction.  相似文献   

Abstract— Presolar grains are small samples of stardust that can be found at low abundances in some of the most unaltered types of extraterrestrial materials. While earlier laboratory studies of stardust mainly focused on grain types that can be extracted from bulk meteorites by acid dissolution techniques, such as silicon carbide and graphite, recent analyses of presolar silicates rely on isotope imaging searches for locating these grains in situ. Since presolar silicates are generally less than a micrometer in diameter and represent at best only a few hundred ppm of their host materials (e.g., primitive meteorites or interplanetary dust particles), locating and studying these particles can be analytically challenging. Recently, we began using scanning Auger spectroscopy for the in situ elemental characterization of presolar silicate grains as a complement to NanoSIMS isotopic studies for obtaining spatially matched compositional data. Auger spectroscopy is a well‐established analytical technique for elemental characterizations in the material sciences, but has not been widely used in geological applications. We discuss the application of this technique to sub‐micrometer sized silicate grains and address practical issues such as sample preparation, measurement settings, spatial resolution, data processing, and elemental quantification.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report on the microstructure, crystallography, chemistry, and isotopic compositions of seven SiC X grains and two mainstream grains from the Murchison meteorite. TEM crystallographic analysis revealed that the X grains (approximately 3 μm) are composed of many small crystals (24–457 nm), while the similarly sized mainstream grains are composed of only a few crystals (0.5–1.7 μm). The difference in crystal size likely results from differences in their formation environments: the X grain crystals evidently formed under conditions of greater supersaturation and rapid growth compared to their mainstream counterparts. However, the same polytypes are observed in both mainstream and X grains. Six X grains and both mainstream grains are entirely the 3C‐SiC polytype and one X grain is an intergrowth of the 3C‐SiC and 2H‐SiC polytypes. EDXS measurements indicate relatively high Mg content in the X grains (≲5 atomic%), while Mg was undetectable in the mainstream grains. The high Mg content is probably from the decay of 26Al into 26Mg. Estimates of the 26Al/27Al ratios, which range from 0.44–0.67, were made from elemental Mg/Al ratios. This range is consistent with the 26Al/27Al ratios inferred from previous isotopic measurements of X grains. We also report the first direct observations of subgrains in X grains, including the first silicides [(Fe,Ni)nSim]. Diffraction data do not match any previously observed presolar phases, but are a good fit to silicides, which are predicted stable SN condensates. Eight subgrains with highly variable Ni/Fe ratios (0.12–1.60) were observed in two X grains.  相似文献   

We present first results of three‐dimensional numerical simulations of the non‐magnetic solar chromosphere, computed with the radiation hydrodynamics code CO5BOLD. Acoustic waves which are excited at the top of the convection zone propagate upwards into the chromosphere where the waves steepen into shocks. The interaction of the waves leads to the formation of complex structures which evolve on short time scales. Consequently, the model chromosphere is highly dynamical, inhomogeneous, and thermally bifurcated.  相似文献   

Abstract— The N-isotopic composition of acid-resistant residues of three low petrologic type ordinary chondrites (Adrar 003, LL3.2; Inman, L3.4; Tieschitz, H3.6) and an enstatite chondrite (Indarch, EH4) have been measured by static mass spectrometry. All of these samples have been shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to contain silicon nitride (Si3N4), and no other nitrides were detected in any of the residues (Lee et al., 1995). Stepped combustion has demonstrated the presence of at least two components with low C/N ratios, which have been interpreted as Si3N4. The most abundant component, common to all the meteorites studied, released during combustion at temperatures >1150 °C, may have formed during metamorphism of the meteorite's parent body. In addition, the ordinary chondrites Tieschitz and Inman show evidence for a second component of Si3N4 that is less stable to combustion than the first and is enriched in 15N. The unusual N-isotope signature suggests that this second type of Si3N4 may constitute a new type of interstellar grain. A comparison of the isotope and microscope data suggests that the >1150 °C component can be related to nierite (α-Si3N4) and the less stable component to β-Si3N4.  相似文献   

Abstract— Methods of synchrotron X‐ray computed microtomography (XRCMT) are described, which allow nondestructive, high spatial and contrast resolution imaging of the density structures of meteorites and their components in three dimensions. Images of bulk chondrites (to one cubic centimeter in size) reveal compound chondrules, chondrule/matrix volumetric ratios, metal and sulfide distribution, petrofabrics, and 3‐D chondrule and calcium‐aluminum inclusion (CAI) sizes and shapes. Images of separated chondrules and CAIs reveal void spaces, mineral intergrowth textures, and the true locations of crystal rims and cores, at resolutions to <8 cubic micron/volume element. Images of achondrites reveal mineral fabrics and crystal zoning. Lunar glass spherules can be searched for phenocrysts bearing deeply sourced melt inclusions. A companion DVD and URL contain images for classroom and research use. Numerical techniques for quantification of X‐ray computed microtomography (XRCMT) data and its potential applications are discussed. Three‐dimensional X‐ray images of meteorites provide a way to discover components of interest and to precisely slice samples to expose these components with minimal damage and loss of material. Three‐dimensional studies of petrographic features (size, shape, texture, and modal abundance) of chondrites and their components, as well as other meteorites, have definite advantages over standard 2‐D studies using randomly sliced thin sections.  相似文献   

Abstract— –We present data from TEM and NanoSIMS investigations of Murchison (CM2) KFC1 presolar graphites. TEM examinations of graphite ultramicrotome sections reveal varying degrees of graphite disorder, leading to distinctions between well‐graphitized onions, more turbostratic platy graphites, and the most disordered cauliflower graphites. Aside from their larger size, platy graphites are roughly similar in isotopic composition and in internal grain properties to the well‐graphitized onions. Most carbide‐containing platy graphites exhibit large s‐process element enrichments (∼200× solar Mo/Ti ratios), suggesting origins predominantly in AGB carbon stars. The C isotopic distribution of platy graphites is similar to onions, with representatives in both 12C‐depleted (5 < 12C/13C < 40) and 12C‐enriched groups (100 < 12C/13C < 350) and a pronounced gap in the 40 < 12C/13C < 75 region that contains 75% of mainstream SiCs. The large 12C enrichments combined with the extreme s‐process element enrichments suggest formation in an environment inhomogeneously enriched in the nucleosynthetic products of thermal pulses in AGB stars. In contrast, numerous scaly cauliflower graphites show 18O enrichments and lack s‐process‐enriched carbides, suggesting a SN origin, as was the case for many Murchison KE3 SN graphites. The more turbostratic graphites (platy and scaly) are on average larger than onions, likely resulting from formation in a gas with higher C number density. Oxygen content increases progressively with increasing degree of graphite disorder, which can stabilize these grains against further graphitization and may be a reflection of higher O/C ratios in their formation environments.  相似文献   

We report the development of a novel method to nondestructively identify presolar silicon carbide (SiC) grains with high initial 26Al/27Al ratios (>0.01) and extreme 13C‐enrichments (12C/13C ≤ 10) by backscattered electron‐energy dispersive X‐ray (EDX) and micro‐Raman analyses. Our survey of a large number of presolar SiC demonstrates that (1) ~80% of core‐collapse supernova and putative nova SiC can be identified by quantitative EDX and Raman analyses with >70% confidence; (2) ~90% of presolar SiC are predominantly 3C‐SiC, as indicated by their Raman transverse optical (TO) peak position and width; (3) presolar 3C‐SiC with 12C/13C ≤ 10 show lower Raman TO phonon frequencies compared to mainstream 3C‐SiC. The downward shifted phonon frequencies of the 13C‐enriched SiC with concomitant peak broadening are a natural consequence of isotope substitution. 13C‐enriched SiC can therefore be identified by micro‐Raman analysis; (4) larger shifts in the Raman TO peak position and width indicate deviations from the ideal 3C structure, including rare polytypes. Coordinated transmission electron microscopy analysis of one X and one mainstream SiC grain found them to be of 6H and 15R polytypes, respectively; (5) our correlated Raman and NanoSIMS study of mainstream SiC shows that high nitrogen content is a dominant factor in causing mainstream SiC Raman peak broadening without significant peak shifts; and (6) we found that the SiC condensation conditions in different stellar sites are astonishingly similar, except for X grains, which often condensed more rapidly and at higher atmospheric densities and temperatures, resulting in a higher fraction of grains with much downward shifted and broadened Raman TO peaks.  相似文献   

Results from kinematic solar dynamo models employing α ‐effect and turbulent pumping from local convection calculations are presented. We estimate the magnitude of these effects to be around 2–3 m s–1, having scaled the local quantities with the convective velocity at the bottom of the convection zone from a solar mixing‐length model. Rotation profile of the Sun as obtained from helioseismology is applied in the models; we also investigate the effects of the observed surface shear layer on the dynamo solutions. With these choices of the small‐ and large‐scale velocity fields, we obtain estimate of the ratio of the two induction effects, C α /C Ω ≈ 10–3, which we keep fixed in all models. We also include a one‐cell meridional circulation pattern having a magnitude of 10–20 m s–1 near the surface and 1–2 m s–1 at the bottom of the convection zone. The model essentially represents a distributed turbulent dynamo, as the α ‐effect is nonzero throughout the convection zone, although it concentrates near the bottom of the convection zone obtaining a maximum around 30° of latitude. Turbulent pumping of the mean fields is predominantly down‐ and equatorward. The anisotropies in the turbulent diffusivity are neglected apart from the fact that the diffusivity is significantly reduced in the overshoot region. We find that, when all these effects are included in the model, it is possible to correctly reproduce many features of the solar activity cycle, namely the correct equatorward migration at low latitudes and the polar branch at high latitudes, and the observed negative sign of B r B ϕ . Although the activity clearly shifts towards the equator in comparison to previous models due to the combined action of the α ‐effect peaking at midlatitudes, meridional circulation and latitudinal pumping, most of the activity still occurs at too high latitudes (between 5° … 60°). Other problems include the relatively narrow parameter space within which the preferred solution is dipolar (A0), and the somewhat too short cycle lengths of the solar‐type solutions. The role of the surface shear layer is found to be important only in the case where the α ‐effect has an appreciable magnitude near the surface. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— We report major element ratios determined for the S‐class asteroid 433 Eros using remote‐sensing x‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy with the near‐Earth asteroid rendezvous Shoemaker x‐ray spectrometer (XRS). Data analysis techniques and systematic errors are described in detail. Data acquired during five solar flares and during two extended “quiet Sun” periods are presented; these results sample a representative portion of the asteroid's surface. Although systematic uncertainties are potentially large, the most internally consistent and plausible interpretation of the data is that Eros has primitive Mg/Si, Al/Si, Ca/Si and Fe/Si ratios, closely similar to H or R chondrites. Global differentiation of the asteroid is ruled out. The S/Si ratio is much lower than that of chondrites, probably reflecting impact‐induced volatilization and/or photo‐ or ion‐induced sputtering of sulfur at the surface of the asteroid. An alternative explanation for the low S/Si ratio is that it reflects a limited degree of melting with loss of an FeS‐rich partial melt. Size‐sorting processes could lead to segregation of Fe‐Ni metal from silicates within the regolith of Eros; this could indicate that the Fe/Si ratios determined by the x‐ray spectrometer are not representative of the bulk Eros composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigate heterogeneous nucleation and growth of graphite on precondensed TiC grains in the gas outflows from carbon‐rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars employing a newly‐derived heterogeneous nucleation rate taking into account of the chemical reactions at condensation. Competition between heterogeneous and homogeneous nucleations and growths of graphite is investigated to reveal the formation conditions of the TiC core‐graphite mantle spherules found in the Murchison meteorite. It is shown that no homogeneous graphite grain condenses whenever TiC condenses prior to graphite in the plausible ranges of the stellar parameters. Heterogeneous condensation of graphite occurs on the surfaces of growing TiC grains, and prevents the TiC cores from reaching the sizes realized if all available Ti atoms were incorporated into TiC grains. The physical conditions at the formation sites of the TiC core‐graphite mantle spherules observed in the Murchison meteorite are expressed by the relation 0.2 < n?0.1 (M5/ζ)?1/2L41/4 < 0.7, where v0.1 is the gas outflow velocity at the formation site in units of 0.1 km s?1, M5 the mass loss rate in 10?5 M⊙ year?1, L4 the stellar luminosity in 104 L⊙, and M/ζ is the effective mass loss rate taking account of non‐spherical symmetry of the gas outflows. The total gas pressures Pc at the formation sites for the effective mass loss rates M/ζ = 10?5‐10?3 M⊙ year?1 correspond to 0.01 < Pc < 0.9 dyn cm?2, implying that the observed TiC core‐graphite mantle spherules are formed not only at the superwind stage but also at the earlier stage of low mass loss rates. The constraint on the C/O abundance ratio, 1 < ? ? 1.03, is imposed to reproduce the observed sizes of the TiC cores. The derived upper limit of the C/O ratio is lower than the values estimated from the calculations without taking into account of heterogeneous condensation of graphite, and is close to the lower end of the C/O ratios inferred from the astronomical observations of carbon‐rich AGB stars. Brief discussion is given on other types of graphite spherules.  相似文献   

We have carried out global three‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the star‐disc interaction region around a young solar‐type star. The magnetic field is generated and maintained by dynamos in the star as well as in the disc. The developing mass flows possess non‐periodic time‐variable azimuthal structure and are controlled by the nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields. Since the stellar field drives a strong stellar wind, accretion is anti‐correlated with the stellar field strength and disc matter is spiraling onto the star at low latitudes, both contrary to the generally assumed accretion picture. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— We report measurements of K isotope ratios in 28 Semarkona chondrules with a wide range of petrologic types and bulk compositions as well as the compositions of CPX‐mesostasis pairs in 17 type I Semarkona chondrules, including two chondrules with radial alkali zonation and 19 type II chondrules. Despite the wide range in K/Al ratios, no systematic variations in K isotopic compositions were found. Semarkona chondrules do not record a simple history of Rayleigh‐type loss of K. Experimentally determined evaporation rates suggest that considerable alkali evaporation would have occurred during chondrule formation. Nevertheless, based on Na CPX‐mesostasis distribution coefficients, the alkali contents of the cores of most chondrules in Semarkona were probably established at the time of final crystallization. However, Na CPX‐mesostasis distribution coefficients also show that alkali zonation in type I Semarkona chondrules was produced by entry of alkalis after solidification, probably during parent body alteration. This alkali metasomatism may have gone to completion in some chondrules. Our preferred explanation for the lack of systematic isotopic enrichments, even in alkali depleted type I chondrule cores, is that they exchanged with the ambient gas as they cooled.  相似文献   

We describe a project for the measurement of elemental composition of the primary cosmic radiation to be performed by a space observatory orbiting around the Moon. The absence of atmosphere and the low intrinsic magnetic field of the Moon give access to the very low energy component of the cosmic radiation, allowing the search for rare events.The quest for antinuclei, the determination of the lunar lepton albedo and the abundance measurement of galactic radioactive clocks (Be10, C14, Al26) are the major tasks of the ANTARES apparatus (ANTimatter Assessment RESearch).We report details of the instrument design, the expected performance for single detectors, their capability to accomplish the proposed measurements and the characteristics of the space mission.  相似文献   

Abstract– In situ secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses of 32S, 33S, and 34S in iron‐nickel sulfide grains in two CI1 chondrites and six CM chondrites were performed. The results show a wider range of both enrichment and depletion in δ34S relative to troilite from the Canyon Diablo meteorite (CDT) than has been observed in previous studies. All data points lie within error of a single mass dependent fractionation line. Sulfides from CI1 chondrites show δ34SCDT from ?0.7 to 6.8‰, while sulfide grains in the CM1 chondrite are generally depleted in heavy sulfur relative to CDT (δ34S from ?2.9 to 1.8‰). CM2 chondrites contain sulfide grains that show enrichment and depletion in 34S (δ34SCDT from ?7.0 to 6.8‰). Sulfates forming from sulfide grains during aqueous alteration on the chondrite parent body are suggested to concentrate light sulfur, leaving the remaining sulfide grains enriched in the heavy isotopes of sulfur. The average degree of enrichment in 34S in CM chondrite sulfides is broadly consistent with previously suggested alteration sequences.  相似文献   

The petrologic and oxygen isotopic characteristics of calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) in CO chondrites were further constrained by studying CAIs from six primitive CO3.0‐3.1 chondrites, including two Antarctic meteorites (DOM 08006 and MIL 090010), three hot desert meteorites (NWA 10493, NWA 10498, and NWA 7892), and the Colony meteorite. The CAIs can be divided into hibonite‐bearing inclusions (spinel‐hibonite spherules, monomineralic grains, hibonite‐pyroxene microspherules, and irregular/nodular objects), grossite‐bearing inclusions (monomineralic grains, grossite‐melilite microspherules, and irregular/nodular objects), melilite‐rich inclusions (fluffy Type A, compact type A, monomineralic grains, and igneous fragments), spinel‐pyroxene inclusions (fluffy objects resembling fine‐grained spinel‐rich inclusions in CV chondrites and nodular/banded objects resembling those in CM chondrites), and pyroxene‐anorthite inclusions. They are typically small (98.4 ± 54.4 µm, 1SD) and comprise 1.54 ± 0.43 (1SD) area% of the host chondrites. Melilite in the hot desert and Colony meteorites was extensively replaced by a hydrated Ca‐Al‐silicate during terrestrial weathering and converted melilite‐rich inclusions into spinel‐pyroxene inclusions. The CAI populations of the weathered COs are very similar to those in CM chondrites, suggesting that complete replacement of melilite by terrestrial weathering, and possibly parent body aqueous alteration, would make the CO CAIs CM‐like, supporting the hypothesis that CO and CM chondrites derive from similar nebular materials. Within the CO3.0‐3.1 chondrites, asteroidal alteration significantly resets oxygen isotopic compositions of CAIs in CO3.1 chondrites (?17O: ?25 to ?2‰) but left those in CO3.0‐3.05 chondrites mostly unchanged (?17O: ?25 to ?20‰), further supporting the model whereby thermal metamorphism became evident in CO chondrites of petrologic type ≥3.1. The resistance of CAI minerals to oxygen isotope exchange during thermal metamorphism follows in the order: melilite + grossite < hibonite + anorthite < spinel + diopside + forsterite. Meanwhile, terrestrial weathering destroys melilite without changing the chemical and isotopic compositions of melilite and other CAI minerals.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope exchange experiments between tens of nanometer‐sized amorphous enstatite grains and water vapor were carried out under a condition of protoplanetary disk‐like low water vapor pressure in order to investigate the survivability of distinct oxygen isotope signatures of presolar silicate grains in the protosolar disk. Oxygen isotope exchange between amorphous enstatite and water vapor proceeded at 923–1003 K and 0.3 Pa of water vapor through diffusive isotope exchange in the amorphous structure. The rate of diffusive isotope exchange is given by D (m2 s–1) = (5.0 ± 0.2) × 10–21 exp[–161.3 ± 1.7 (kJ mol–1) R–1 (1/T–1/1200)]. The activation energy for the diffusive isotope exchange for amorphous enstatite is the same as that for amorphous forsterite within the analytical uncertainties, but the isotope exchange rate is ~30 times slower in amorphous enstatite because of the difference in frequency factor of the reaction. The reaction kinetics indicates that 0.1–1 μm‐sized presolar amorphous silicate dust with enstatite and forsterite compositions would avoid oxygen isotope exchange with protosolar disk water vapor only if they were kept at temperatures below ~500–650 K within the lifetime of the disk gas.  相似文献   

Cluster chondrites are characterized by close‐fit textures of deformed and indented chondrules, taken as evidence for hot chondrule accretion (Metzler 2012 ). We investigated seven cluster chondrite clasts from six brecciated LL3 chondrites and measured their bulk oxygen isotopic and chemical composition, including REE, Zr, and Hf. The same parameters were measured in situ on 93 chondrules and 4 interchondrule matrix areas. The CI‐normalized REE patterns of the clasts are flat, showing LL‐chondritic concentrations. The mean chemical compositions of chondrules in clasts and other LL chondrites are indistinguishable and we conclude that cluster chondrite chondrules are representative of the normal LL chondrule population. Type II chondrules are depleted in MgO, Al2O3 and refractory lithophiles (REE, Zr, Hf) by factors between 0.65 and 0.79 compared to type I chondrules. The chondrule REE patterns are basically flat with slight LREE < HREE fractionations. Many chondrules exhibit negative Eu anomalies while matrix shows a complementary pattern. Chondrules scatter along a correlation line with a slope of 0.63 in the oxygen 3‐isotope diagram, interpreted as the result of O‐isotope exchange between chondrule melts and 18O‐rich nebular components. In one clast, a distinct anticorrelation between chondrule size and δ18O is found, which may indicate a more intense oxygen isotope exchange by smaller chondrules. In some clasts the δ18O values of type I chondrules are correlated with concentrations of SiO2 and MnO and anticorrelated with MgO, possibly due to the admixture of a SiO2‐ and MnO‐rich component to chondrule melts during oxygen isotope exchange. Two chondrules with negative anomalies in Sm, Eu, and Yb were found and may relate their precursors to refractory material known from group III CAIs. Furthermore, three chondrules with strong LREE > HREE and Zr/Hf fractionations were detected, whose formation history remains to be explained.  相似文献   

Gamma‐ray bursts (GRBs) are one of the most luminous events in the Universe. In addition, the Universe itself is almost transparent to γ ‐rays, making GRBs detectable up to very high redshifts. As a result, GRBs are very suitable to probe the cosmological parameters. This work shows the potential of long‐duration GRBs for measuring the cosmological parameters ΩM and ΩΛ by comparing the observed log N ‐log P distribution with the theoretical one. Provided that the GRBs rate and luminosity function are well determined, the best values and 1σ confidence intervals obtained are ΩM = 0.22+0.05–0.03 and ΩΛ = 1.06+0.05–0.10. Finally, a set of simulations show the ability of the method to measure ΩM and ΩΛ (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We carried out Fe isotopic analyses on 21 O‐rich presolar grains from the Acfer 094 ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite. Presolar grains were identified on the basis of oxygen isotopic ratios, and elemental compositions were measured by Auger spectroscopy. The Fe isotopic measurements were carried out by analyzing the Fe isotopes as negative secondary oxides with the NanoSIMS to take advantage of the higher spatial resolution of the Cs+ primary ion beam. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for measuring both 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe. The ion yield for FeO is significantly lower than for Fe+, but this is not a serious limitation for presolar silicate grains with Fe as a major element. Most of the grains analyzed are ferromagnesian silicates, but we also measured four oxide grains. Iron contents are high in all of the grains, ranging from 10 to 40 atom%. Three of the grains belong to oxygen isotope Group 4. All of them have 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe ratios that are solar within errors, consistent with an origin in the outer zones of a Type II supernova, as indicated by their oxygen isotopic compositions. The remaining grains belong to oxygen isotope Group 1, with origins in low‐mass AGB stars. The majority of these also have solar 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe ratios. However, four grains are depleted in 57Fe; one is also slightly depleted in 54Fe. Current AGB models predict excesses in 57Fe with 54Fe/56Fe ratios that largely reflect the metallicity of the parent star. While the solar 57Fe/56Fe ratios are consistent with formation of the grains in early third dredge‐up episodes, these models cannot account for the grains with 57Fe depletions. Comparison with galactic evolution models suggests formation of these grains from stars with significantly subsolar metallicity; however, these models also predict large depletions in 54Fe, which are not observed in the grains. Thus, the isotopic compositions of these grains remain unexplained.  相似文献   

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