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The infrared behavior of experimentally shock-loaded quartz was studied in the wavenumber region 1400 to 100 cm?1. In agreement with results of X-ray investigations reported in an earlier paper, the infrared studies indicate that solid-state (diaplectic or thetomorphic) SiO2-glass is formed upon release from shock pressures of about > 14.0 GPa; complete transformation occurs upon release from about 30.0 GPa. The structure of the solid-state glass must be quite different from that of fused SiO2. While fused silica is supposed to consist of small “crystallites,” or of a network of SiO4-tetrahedra groups of tridymite-like short-range order, the positions of the infrared absorption bands of the shock-produced solid-state quartz glass lie practically at the same wave numbers as crystalline quartz. We conclude that diaplectic quartz glass consists structurally of extremely small quartz-like “crystallites.” These crystallites are mutually linked in a disordered but structurally more open manner as in α-quartz. The formation of short-range ordered quartz-type solid-state SiO2 glass is explained by the decomposition of a sixfold coordinated stishovite-like high pressure phase upon pressure release at the relatively low shock temperatures (≤ 300°C at 30.0 GPa). The extremely short duration of the shock process may prevent the growth of the “quartz nuclei” to long-range ordered crystallites.  相似文献   

A combination of shock recovery experiments and numerical modeling of shock deformation in the low‐shock pressure range from 2.5 to 20 GPa for two dry sandstone types of different porosity, a completely water‐saturated sandstone, and a well‐indurated quartzite provides new insights into strongly heterogeneous distribution of different shock features. (1) For nonporous quartzo‐feldspathic rocks, the traditional classification scheme (Stöffler 1984 ) is suitable with slight changes in pressure calibration. (2) For water‐saturated quartzose rocks, a cataclastic texture (microbreccia) seems to be typical for the shock pressure range up to 20 GPa. This microbreccia does not show formation of PDFs but diaplectic quartz glass/SiO2 melt is formed at 20 GPa (~1 vol%). (3) For porous quartzose rocks, the following sequence of shock features is observed with progressive increase in shock pressure (1) crushing of pores, (2) intense fracturing of quartz grains, and (3) increasing formation of diaplectic quartz glass/SiO2 melt replacing fracturing. The formation of diaplectic quartz glass/SiO2 melt, together with SiO2 high‐pressure phases, is a continuous process that strongly depends on porosity. This experimental observation is confirmed by our concomitant numerical modeling. Recalibration of the shock classification scheme results in a porosity versus shock pressure diagram illustrating distinct boundaries for the different shock stages.  相似文献   

We determined the shock‐darkening pressure range in ordinary chondrites using the iSALE shock physics code. We simulated planar shock waves on a mesoscale in a sample layer at different nominal pressures. Iron and troilite grains were resolved in a porous olivine matrix in the sample layer. We used equations of state (Tillotson EoS and ANEOS) and basic strength and thermal properties to describe the material phases. We used Lagrangian tracers to record the peak shock pressures in each material unit. The post‐shock temperatures (and the fractions of the tracers experiencing temperatures above the melting point) for each material were estimated after the passage of the shock wave and after the reflections of the shock at grain boundaries in the heterogeneous materials. The results showed that shock‐darkening, associated with troilite melt and the onset of olivine melt, happened between 40 and 50 GPa with 52 GPa being the pressure at which all tracers in the troilite material reach the melting point. We demonstrate the difficulties of shock heating in iron and also the importance of porosity. Material impedances, grain shapes, and the porosity models available in the iSALE code are discussed. We also discuss possible not‐shock‐related triggers for iron melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact‐metamorphosed CaCO3‐bearing sandstones at the Haughton structure have been divided into 6 classes, based to a large extent on a previous classification developed for sandstones at Meteor Crater. Class 1a sandstones (<3 GPa) display crude shatter cones, but no other petrographic indications of shock. At pressures of 3 to 5.5 GPa (class 1b), porosity is destroyed and well‐developed shatter cones occur. Class 2 rocks display planar deformation features (PDFs) and are characterized by a “jigsaw” texture produced by rotation and shear at quartz grain boundaries. Calcite shows an increase in the density of mechanical twins and undergoes micro‐brecciation in class 1 and 2 sandstones. Class 3 samples display multiple sets of PDFs and widespread development of diaplectic glass, toasted quartz, and symplectic intergrowths of quartz, diaplectic glass, and coesite. Textural evidence, such as the intermingling of silicate glasses and calcite and the presence of flow textures, indicates that calcite in class 3 sandstones has undergone melting. This constrains the onset of melting of calcite in the Haughton sandstones to > 10 < 20 GPa. At higher pressures, the original texture of the sandstone is lost, which is associated with major development of vesicular SiO2 glass or lechatelierite. Class 5 rocks (>30 GPa) consist almost entirely of lechatelierite. A new class of shocked sandstones (class 6) consists of SiO2‐rich melt that recrystallized to microcrystalline quartz. Calcite within class 4 to 6 sandstones also underwent melting and is preserved as globules and euhedral crystals within SiO2 phases, demonstrating the importance of impact melting, and not decomposition, in these CaCO3‐bearing sandstones.  相似文献   

A multi-term trial function technique is developed for studying the dynamic stability of isotropic relativistic star clusters by using the variational principle originated by Ipser and Thorne (1968). The technique is applied ton=4 polytropic clusters, and low-temperature isothermal clusters. These two types of cluster have pronounced core-halo structures and they have both proved difficult to analyse with single-term trial function methods. Then=4 polytropic clusters are proved to be dynamically unstable if their central redshifts are greater thanz c=0.412. This is quite close to the point on their sequence withz c=0.41, where their fractional binding energy peaks. Strong evidence is obtained that all isothermal clusters with no dispersion in the stellar rest mass become dynamically unstable near the region where their fractional binding energy peaks, and that none of these clusters is dynamically stable if their central redshift exceedsz c0.53.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we report the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations of the mineral assemblages and textures in shock‐induced melt veins from seven L chondrites of shock stages ranging from S3 to S6. The mineral assemblages combined with phase equilibrium data are used to constrain the crystallization pressures, which can be used to constrain shock pressure in some cases. Thick melt veins in the Tenham L6 chondrite contain majorite and magnesiowüstite in the center, and ringwoodite, akimotoite, vitrified silicate‐perovskite, and majorite in the edge of the vein, indicating crystallization pressure of ?25 GPa. However, very thin melt veins (5–30 μm wide) in Tenham contain glass, olivine, clinopyroxene, and ringwoodite, suggesting crystallization during transient low‐pressure excursions as the shock pressure equilibrated to a continuum level. Melt veins of Umbarger include ringwoodite, akimotoite, and clinopyroxene in the vein matrix, and Fe2SiO4‐spinel and stishovite in SiO2‐FeO‐rich melt, indicating a crystallization pressure of ?18 GPa. The silicate melt veins in Roy contain majorite plus ringwoodite, indicating pressure of ?20 GPa. Melt veins of Ramsdorf and Nakhon Pathon contain olivine and clinoenstatite, indicating pressure of less than 15 GPa. Melt veins of Kunashak and La Lande include albite and olivine, indicating crystallization at less than 2.5 GPa. Based upon the assemblages observed, crystallization of shock veins can occur before, during, or after pressure release. When the assemblage consists of high‐pressure minerals and that assemblage is constant across a larger melt vein or pocket, the crystallization pressure represents the equilibrium shock pressure.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report a previously undocumented set of high‐pressure minerals in shock‐induced melt veins of the Umbarger L6 chondrite. High‐pressure minerals were identified with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using selected area electron diffraction and energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy. Ringwoodite (Fa30), akimotoite (En11Fs89), and augite (En42Wo33Fs25) were found in the silicate matrix of the melt vein, representing the crystallization from a silicate melt during the shock pulse. Ringwoodite (Fa27) and hollandite‐structured plagioclase were also found as polycrystalline aggregates in the melt vein, representing solid state transformation or melting with subsequent crystallization of entrained host rock fragments in the vein. In addition, Fe2SiO4‐spinel (Fa66‐Fa99) and stishovite crystallized from a FeO‐SiO2‐rich zone in the melt vein, which formed by shock melting of FeO‐SiO2‐rich material that had been altered and metasomatized before shock. Based on the pressure stabilities of the high‐pressure minerals, ringwoodite, akimotoite, and Ca‐clinopyroxene, the melt vein crystallized at approximately 18 GPa. The Fe2SiO4‐spinel + stishovite assemblage in the FeO‐SiO2‐rich melts is consistent with crystallization of the melt vein matrix at the pressure up to 18 GPa. The crystallization pressure of ?18 GPa is much lower than the 45–90 GPa pressure one would conclude from the S6 shock effects in melt veins (Stöffler et al. 1991) and somewhat less than the 25–30 GPa inferred from S5 shock effects (Schmitt 2000) found in the bulk rock.  相似文献   

The shock compression curve (Hugoniot) of D2 has been controversial because the two data sets measured previously with a laser (L) and with pulsed currents (PC) differ substantially. Recently, Hugoniot points of D2 have been measured at shock pressures of 123, 109, 61, 54, and 28 GPa using hemispherically converging, explosively-driven systems (CS). The CS results are in good agreement with the PC data and the error bars of the CS-PC data are less than half those of the L data. The limiting compression obtained from the best fit to the CS-PC data is 4.30 ± 0.10 at 100 GPa. The CS-PC data are in good agreement with PIMC and DFT calculations, which is expected to be the case at higher shock temperatures and pressures, as well.  相似文献   

The Mars Exploration Rover Spirit investigated the igneous and alteration mineralogy and chemistry of Home Plate and its surrounding deposits. Here, we focus on using thermochemical modeling to understand the secondary alteration mineralogy at the Home Plate outcrop and surrounding Columbia Hills region in Gusev crater. At high temperatures (300 °C), magnetite occurs at very high W/R ratios, but the alteration assemblage is dominated by chlorite and serpentine over most of the W/R range. Quartz, epidote, and typical high‐T phases such as feldspar, pyroxene, and garnet occur at low W/R. At epithermal temperatures (150 °C), hematite occurs at very high W/R. A range of phyllosilicates, including kaolinite, nontronite, chlorite, and serpentine are precipitated at specific W/R. Amphibole, with garnet, feldspar, and pyroxene occur at low W/R. If the CO2 content of the system is high, the assemblage is dominated by carbonate with increasing amounts of an SiO2‐phase, kaolinite, carpholite, and chlorite with lower W/R. At temperatures of hydrous weathering (13 °C), the oxide phase is goethite, silicates are chlorite, nontronite, and talc, plus an SiO2‐phase. In the presence of CO2, the mineral assemblage at high W/R remains the same, and only at low W/R, i.e., with increasing salinity, carbonate precipitates. The geochemical gradients observed at Home Plate are attributed to short‐lived, initially high (300 °C) temperature, but fast cooling events, which are in agreement with our models and our interpretation of a multistage alteration scenario of Home Plate and Gusev in general. Alteration at various temperatures and during different geological processes within Gusev crater has two effects, both of which increase the habitability of the local environment: precipitation of hydrous sheet silicates, and formation of a brine, which might contain elements essential for life in diluted, easily accessible form.  相似文献   

Coesite and stishovite are high-pressure silica polymorphs known to have been formed at several terrestrial impact structures. They have been used to assess pressure and temperature conditions that deviate from equilibrium formation conditions. Here we investigate the effects of nonhydrostatic, dynamic stresses on the formation of high-pressure polymorphs and the amorphization of α-quartz at elevated temperatures. The obtained disequilibrium states are compared with those predicted by phase diagrams derived from static experiments under equilibrium conditions. We analyzed phase transformations starting with α-quartz in situ under dynamic loading utilizing a membrane-driven diamond anvil cell. Using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction, the phase transitions of SiO2 are identified up to 77.2 GPa and temperatures of 1160 K at compression rates ranging between 0.10 and 0.37 GPa s−1. Coesite starts forming above 760 K in the pressure range between 2 and 11 GPa. At 1000 K, coesite starts to transform to stishovite. This phase transition is not completed at 1160 K in the same pressure range. Therefore, the temperature initiates the phase transition from α-quartz to coesite, and the transition from coesite to stishovite. Below 1000 K and during compression, α-quartz becomes amorphous and partially converts to stishovite. This phase transition occurs between 25 and 35 GPa. Above 1000 K, no amorphization of α-quartz is observed. High temperature experiments reveal the strong thermal dependence of the formation of coesite and stishovite under nonhydrostatic and disequilibrium conditions.  相似文献   

Hypervelocity collisions of solid bodies occur frequently in the solar system and affect rocks by shock waves and dynamic loading. A range of shock metamorphic effects and high‐pressure polymorphs in rock‐forming minerals are known from meteorites and terrestrial impact craters. Here, we investigate the formation of high‐pressure polymorphs of α‐quartz under dynamic and nonhydrostatic conditions and compare these disequilibrium states with those predicted by phase diagrams derived from static experiments under equilibrium conditions. We create highly dynamic conditions utilizing a mDAC and study the phase transformations in α‐quartz in situ by synchrotron powder X‐ray diffraction. Phase transitions of α‐quartz are studied at pressures up to 66.1 and different loading rates. At compression rates between 0.14 and 1.96 GPa s?1, experiments reveal that α‐quartz is amorphized and partially converted to stishovite between 20.7 GPa and 28.0 GPa. Therefore, coesite is not formed as would be expected from equilibrium conditions. With the increasing compression rate, a slight increase in the transition pressure occurs. The experiments show that dynamic compression causes an instantaneous formation of structures consisting only of SiO6 octahedra rather than the rearrangement of the SiO4 tetrahedra to form a coesite. Although shock compression rates are orders of magnitude faster, a similar mechanism could operate in impact events.  相似文献   

Abstract— Phase fields in which hibonite and silicate melt coexist with spinel, CaAl4O7, gehlenitic melilite, anorthite or corundum at 1 bar in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2 were determined. The hibonites contain up to 1.7 wt% SiO2. For TiO2, the experimentally determined partition coefficients between hibonite and coexisting melt, DHib/Li, vary from 0.8 to 2.1 and generally decrease with increasing TiO2 in the liquid. Based on Ti partitioning between hibonite and melt, bulk inclusion compositions and hibonite-saturated liquidus phase diagrams, the hibonite in hibonite-poor fluffy Type A inclusions from Allende and at least some hibonite from hibonite-rich inclusions is relict, although much of the hibonite from hibonite-glass spherules probably crystallized metastably from a melt Bulk compositions for all of these CAIs are consistent with an origin as melilite + hibonite + spinel + perovskite phase assemblages that were partially altered and in some cases partially or completely melted The duration of the melting event was sufficient to remove any Na introduced by the alteration process but frequently insufficient to dissolve all of the original hibonite. Simple thermochemical models developed for meteoritic melilite and hibonite solid solutions were used to obtain equilibration temperatures of hibonite-bearing phase assemblages with vapor. Referenced to 10?3 atm, hibonite + corundum + vapor equilibrated at ~1260 °C and hibonite + spinel ± melilite + vapor at 1215 ± 10 °C. If these temperatures reflect condensation in a cooling gas of solar composition, then hibonite ± corundum condensed first, followed by spinel and then melilite. The position of perovskite within this sequence is uncertain, but it probably began to condense before spinel. This sequence of phase appearances and relative temperatures is generally consistent with observed textures but differs from expectations based on classical condensation calculations in that equilibration temperatures are generally lower than predicted and melilite initially condenses with or even after spinel. Simple thermochemical models for the substitution of trace elements into the Ca site of meteoritic hibonites suggest that virtually all Eu is divalent in early condensate hibonites but that Eu2+/Eu3+ decreases by a factor of 20 or more during the course of condensation primarily because the ratio is proportional to the partial pressure of Al, which decreases dramatically as aluminous phases condense. The relative sizes of Eu and Yb anomalies in meteoritic hibonites and inclusions may be partly due to this effect  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied unshocked and experimentally (at 12, 25, and 28 GPa, with 25, 100, 450, and 750°C pre‐shock temperatures) shock‐metamorphosed Hospital Hill quartzite from South Africa using cathodoluminescence (CL) images and spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy to document systematic pressure or temperature‐related effects that could be used in shock barometry. In general, CL images of all samples show CL‐bright luminescent patchy areas and bands in otherwise nonluminescent quartz, as well as CL‐dark irregular fractures. Fluid inclusions appear dominant in CL images of the 25 GPa sample shocked at 750°C and of the 28 GPa sample shocked at 450°C. Only the optical image of our 28 GPa sample shocked at 25°C exhibits distinct planar deformation features (PDFs). Cathodoluminescence spectra of unshocked and experimentally shocked samples show broad bands in the near‐ultraviolet range and the visible light range at all shock stages, indicating the presence of defect centers on, e.g., SiO4 groups. No systematic change in the appearance of the CL images was obvious, but the CL spectra do show changes between the shock stages. The Raman spectra are characteristic for quartz in the unshocked and 12 GPa samples. In the 25 and 28 GPa samples, broad bands indicate the presence of glassy SiO2, while high‐pressure polymorphs are not detected. Apparently, some of the CL and Raman spectral properties can be used in shock barometry.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Raman spectrum of olivine contained in a chip of the Twin Sisters Peak dunite shocked to 22.2 GPa is essentially identical to the spectrum of unshocked olivine in this rock. The Raman spectra of a powder of the rock shocked to 20.1 GPa and of chips shocked to 59.5 GPa and 60.7 GPa show strong and broad low-frequency features with crests at 475 cm?1, 556 cm?1, and 572 cm?1, and strong as well as broad high-frequency features near 1100 cm?1. We conclude that these features are most likely due to the formation of “olivine glass” with a considerable degree of three-dimensional Si-O-Si linkage, having scattered domains of greatly variable grain size, internal structure, and, possibly, chemical composition. We cannot conclude with our results at hand whether olivine shocked to the highest pressures has not decomposed to very fine-grained MgO plus an SiO2-rich glass. We also conclude from our results that the structural changes are not likely to have formed in the laser beam of the measurement.  相似文献   

Results fromCMT 1T2 1T2 broad-band and DDO intermediate-band photometry are presented for G and K giants in the old open clusters NGC. 2482, NGC 3680, and IC 4651. Two independent photometric criteria have been used to separate red field stars from the physical members of the clusters. Recent calibrations of the DDO andCMT 1T2 systems have been used to derive reddening, distance moduli, metallicities, effective temperatures, and surface gravities. Rough estimates of masses have also been made. The giants of NGC 2482 and IC 4651 have CN strengths nearly identical to the Hyades giants, while those of NGC 3680 are slightly richer in CN than the nearby K giants.CMT1T2 abundance analysis in NGC 2482 and NGC 3680 yield [Fe/H]MT = - 0.1 ± 0.1 as derived from the iron lines, while abundances derived from the CNO - contaminated (C - M) index are 0.4 dex higher. BothCMT 1T2 and DDO data support the conclusion that 1C 4651, with [Fe/H] = + 0.2 ± 0.1, is on the metalrich side of the distribution of intermediate and old open clusters. Finally, the mass results suggest that the clump stars in NGC 3680 and. IC 4651 could have undergone mass loss before reaching their helium core burning phase of evolution. Supported in part by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET) of Argentina. Visiting astronomer of Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory supported by the National Science Foundation under contract No. AST 74-04128.  相似文献   

Abstract— It is proposed that the chondrules in enstatite chondrites formed near the Sun from rain‐like supercooled liquid silicate droplets and condensed Fe‐Ni alloys in thermodynamic equilibrium with a slowly cooling nebula. FeO formed and dissolved in the droplets in an initial stage when the nucleation of iron was blocked, and was later mostly reduced to unalloyed Fe. At high temperatures, the silicate droplets contained high concentrations of the less volatile components CaO and Al2O3. At somewhat lower temperatures the equilibrium MgO content of the droplets was relatively high. As cooling progressed, some droplets gravitated toward the Sun, and moved in other directions, depleting the region in CaO, Al2O3, and MgO and accounting for the relatively low observed CaO/SiO2, Al2O3/SiO2, and MgO/SiO2 ratios in enstatite chondrites. At approximately 1400 K, the remaining supercooled silicate droplets crystallized to form MgSiO3 (enstatite) with small amounts of olivine and a high‐SiO2 liquid phase which became the mesostases. The high enstatite content is the result of the supercooled chondrules crystallizing at a relatively low temperature and relatively high total pressure. Finally, FeS formed at temperatures below 680 K by reaction of the condensed Fe with H2S. All calculations were performed with the evaluated optimized thermodynamic databases of the FactSage thermodynamic computer system. The thermodynamic properties of compounds and solutions in these databases were optimized completely independently of any meteoritic data. Agreement of the model with observed bulk and phase compositions of enstatite chondrules is very good and is generally within experimental error limits for all components and phases.  相似文献   

The pressure-corrected hourly counting rate data of four neutron monitor stations have been employed to study the variation of cosmic ray diurnal anisotropy for a period of about 50 years (1955–2003). These neutron monitors, at Oulu ( R c = 0.78 GV), Deep River ( R c = 1.07 GV), Climax ( R c = 2.99 GV), and Huancayo ( R c = 12.91 GV) are well distributed on the earth over different latitudes and their data have been analyzed. The amplitude of the diurnal anisotropy varies with a period of one solar cycle (∼11 years), while the phase varies with a period of two solar cycles (∼22 years). In addition to its variation on year-to-year basis, the average diurnal amplitude and phase has also been calculated by grouping the days for each solar cycle, viz. 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. As a result of these groupings over solar cycles, no significant change in the diurnal vectors (amplitude as well as phase) from one cycle to other has been observed. Data were analyzed by arranging them into groups on the basis of the polarity of the solar polar magnetic field and consequently on the basis of polarity states of the heliosphere ( A > 0 and A < 0). Difference in time of maximum of diurnal anisotropy (shift to earlier hours) is observed during A < 0 (1970s, 1990s) polarity states as compared to anisotropy observed during A > 0 (1960s, 1980s). This shift in phase of diurnal anisotropy appears to be related to change in preferential entry of cosmic ray particles (via the helioequatorial plane or via solar poles) into the heliosphere due to switch of the heliosphere from one physical/magnetic state to another following the solar polar field reversal.  相似文献   

We calculated equilibrium chemical composition of a mixture of meteoritic vapor and air during fireball events, i.e. during penetration of large meteoroids into terrestrial atmosphere. Different types of fireballs were considered, and calculations were performed for wide ranges of temperatures and pressures. Chemical composition at the quenching point was estimated by comparison of hydrodynamic and chemical reaction time scales. For the typical fireball temperatures of 4000-5000 K, most elements are expected to be in the form of atoms and ions. Notable exceptions are Si and C, which are expected to be mainly in the form of SiO and CO. Other molecules abundant at these temperatures are N2 and NO. Metal monoxides are most abundant at 2000-2500 K and are formed during the cooling phase. Conditions for formation of other molecules such as , CN, C2 and OH were also considered. The composition of freshly ablated meteoroid material was studied using the MAGMA code.  相似文献   

An equation of state is considered that, in superdense nuclear matter, results in a phase transition of the first kind from the nucleon state to the quark state with a transition parameter > 3/2 ( = Q /( N + P 0/c 2)). A calculation of the integrated parameters of superdense stars on the basis of this equation of state shows that on the stable branch of the dependence of stellar mass on central pressure (dM/dP c > 0), in the low-mass range, following the formation of a tooth-shaped break (M = 0.08 M , R = 200 km) due to quark formation, a new local maximum with M max = 0.082 M and R = 1251 km is also formed. The mass and radius of the quark core of such a star turn out to be M core = 0.005 M and R core = 1.7 km, respectively. Mass accretion in this model can result in two successive transitions to a neutron star with a quark core, with energy release like supernova outbursts.  相似文献   

Martian magmas are thought to be rich in chlorine compared with their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we experimentally investigate the effect of chlorine on liquidus depression and near‐liquidus crystallization of olivine‐phyric shergottite NWA 6234 and compare these results with previous experimental results on the effect of chlorine on near‐liquidus crystallization of the surface basalts Humphrey and Fastball. Previous experimental results showed that the change in liquidus temperature is dependent on the bulk composition of the basalt. The effect of chlorine on liquidus depression is greater for lower SiO2 and higher Al2O3 magmas than for higher SiO2 and lower Al2O3 magmas. The bulk composition for this study has lower Al2O3 and higher FeO contents than previous work; therefore, we provide additional constraints on the effect of the bulk composition on the influence of chlorine on near‐liquidus crystallization. High pressure and temperature crystallization experiments were performed at 1 GPa on a synthetic basalt, of the bulk composition of NWA 6234, with 0–4 wt% Cl added to the sample as AgCl. The results are consistent with previous notions that with increasing wt% Cl in the melt, the crystallization temperature decreases. Importantly, our results have a liquidus depression ?T (°C) from added chlorine that is consistent with the difference in bulk composition and suggest a dependence on both the bulk Al2O3 and FeO content. Our results suggest that the addition of chlorine to the Martian mantle may lower magma genesis temperatures and potentially aid in the petrogenesis of Martian magmas.  相似文献   

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