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西沙群岛考察史*   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
赵焕庭 《地理研究》1996,15(4):55-65
本文论述了西沙群岛被中国古人发现和开发利用、地名沿革、中国政府对其管辖和行使主权、古代对其自然的记述、近代和现代进行的科学考察等情况,是南海诸岛历史地理的管窥。  相似文献   

Sincel986,theIntngatedSurveyTeamtotheNanshaIslandsorgn1lizedbytheChineseAcademyofScienceshasbeenengnginginthesystematicsurveyandstudyongeophysics,marineenvironment,livingthingr,contnbutingfaCtorsoftheislandsandtheltistoricaldevelopmenintheNanshaIslandsand…  相似文献   

西沙群岛和南沙群岛土地名源流及其历史文化价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘南威  张争胜 《热带地理》2015,35(2):162-169
中国海南渔民在长期的渔业生产和航海实践过程中,以海南方言命名了西沙群岛和南沙群岛及其附近海域内的岛礁,这些土地名多以书面或口头形式记载于《更路簿》及相关图籍中。文章分析了西沙群岛和南沙群岛土地名产生的文化背景,阐述土地名是海南渔民对西沙群岛和南沙群岛岛礁的称谓,厘清了西沙群岛和南沙群岛具体岛屿、沙洲、暗礁、暗沙和暗滩等141处土地名的来源,从土地名与古地名的历史渊源论证了土地名起源于明朝初期。详细阐明了西沙群岛和南沙群岛土地名具有历史悠久、全面系统、乡土气息浓郁、分类科学和方便实用等特点。最后指出,土地名是由海南渔民创造的,保存了大量历代海南渔民耕耘和管理西沙、南沙群岛及其附近海域的文化信息,是西沙、南沙群岛及其附近海域主权属于中国的铁证。  相似文献   

Rayleigh-wave phase velocities are investigated in the period range 17–100 s by the two-station method over several paths covering most of French Polynesia. Our results confirm the validity of theoretical models obtained through regionalization of data pertaining to longer paths. They also exhibit a 2–3.5 per cent anisotropy, with the axis of maximum velocity oriented in the direction of spreading of the plate. Part of this anisotropy is, however, due to the presence of the Tuamotu archipelago; when this is removed, the remaining anisotropy (about 1.5 per cent) correlates with the present direction of spreading, indicating that a relaxation of the anisotropy has taken place since the East Pacific ridge jump. Finally, the presence of the Tuamotu Islands explains anomalous waveshapes for surface waves travelling in their vicinity, due to multipathing through their faster structure.  相似文献   

Development assistance agencies have long urged developing countries to adopt environmental management techniques used in industrialized countries. They have ascribed shortcomings in the way developing states use those techniques to insufficient training, environmental matters being poorly integrated into economic decision making, other institutional weaknesses and lack of capacity. These reductionist explanations ignore the influence that socio-political and economic factors may have on state environmental management. They afford only a limited understanding of environmental practice in the Fiji Islands, a South Pacific archipelago and republic. The attempts of Fijian chiefly élite to maintain their power base – achieved through political participation in the state and economic development activities as much as through maintaining the communal system – shape the state's environmental management practices. Those practices have far less rational and democratic bases than one would expect either from the underlying logic of the techniques used (such as environmental impact assessment, environmental planning and protected areas), or from the way those techniques are applied in western, industrialized countries.  相似文献   

万山群岛的旅游资源及其开发利用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
万山群岛是位于珠江口伶仃洋南侧的丘陵性群岛,是我国南疆著名的海防前线,山海风光绮丽,港湾风情多姿,气候温和,动植物资源丰富,人文景观别具一格。文中对万山群岛旅游资源及其特色进行了评价,从旅游开发背景、社会经济条件、旅游开发基础、可进入性和市场条件五方面分析其旅游资源开发条件,最后提出万山群岛旅游资源开发利用的对策。  相似文献   

Soil erosion in the Falkland Islands: an assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Observations and data concerning soil erosion on clay-rich, sand-rich and organic soil materials are reported for the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic, where soil erosion is both widespread and currently active, though rather uneven in its distribution. The most extensively eroded areas are located on coastal sand deposits and where sandy soils occur at inland sites. There is evidence that some erosion is natural and was initiated before the Islands were settled; other erosion is of more recent origin and can be associated with land management practices, principally grazing management, stocking rates, and the frequency and intensity of pasture burning. The impact of soil erosion on the agricultural economy of the Islands appears to be negligible and it is not perceived to be an important environmental issue. This lack of concern probably arises because the on-farm and off-farm costs of erosion have never been determined and there are no data relating to rates of erosion. It is suggested that a research programme be established aimed at monitoring erosion rates, assessing land use practices that initiate erosion, and assessing the costs of erosion. Furthermore, guidelines for soil conservation should be established. If pasture burning is to continue, a recommended code of practice should be drawn up. Given the importance of the sheep industry to the Falkland Islands, it is desirable that the grazing potential be maintained.  相似文献   

琉球群岛相关称谓的地理意义与政治属性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史上承载琉球王国的琉球群岛是一个独立的地理单元。"琉球群岛"这一传统称谓具有特殊的政治属性。但是长期以来,中国对琉球群岛的地缘战略意义认识不足,学术界,特别是以区域研究为特色的地理学界,对有关琉球群岛基础研究积累部分缺失,导致中国对于琉球群岛相关称谓的认识模糊混乱。运用历史文献研究法、定性分析法等区域地理学传统的研究方法和虚拟地球空间定位与GIS技术,从琉球群岛相关称谓的历史演变分析入手,对"西南群岛"、"萨南群岛"、"冲绳群岛"等相关称谓的地理学意义及其政治属性进行了考证。研究发现,近代日本吞并琉球群岛后,采用偷梁换柱的办法在岛屿命名上"去琉球化",推广使用"西南群岛"、"萨南群岛"、"冲绳群岛"等相关称谓,企图消除"琉球群岛"的政治属性,肢解琉球群岛,抹煞琉球群岛传统历史,在琉球群岛法律地位认识的问题上制造混乱,诱导国际社会承认日本对琉球群岛的"主权"。正确认识琉球群岛地理单元的特殊性,坚持使用"琉球群岛"这一传统称谓,对于中国维护钓鱼岛主权和东海海洋权益以及今后涉及琉球问题的对外交涉具有十分重要战略意义。  相似文献   

南沙岛礁及周边港口可达性评价模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
石伟  苏奋振  周成虎  吴文周 《地理学报》2014,69(10):1510-1520
中国的南沙群岛位于南海南部,岛礁星罗棋布,但受到岛礁自身面积及其他自然条件的限制,自持力和承载能力都较差,需要外界的持续补给才能维持大量人口的活动。南沙岛礁远离大陆,分布于被称为“危险地带”的珊瑚礁丛中,补给受到很大影响。目前,南沙群岛的岛礁部分被菲律宾、越南和马来西亚等国非法侵占,这些被其他国家非法控制的岛屿和沙洲的控制态势对其周边的海域产生一定的控制,并且将对通过的船舶产生较大的影响。针对南沙岛礁补给困难和控制态势复杂的现状,本文从南沙岛礁的自然条件和控制态势入手,提出了一种基于最小累积成本距离和加权Voronoi图的综合可达性指数,通过建立水深与航行成本的分级对应关系,构建了南沙岛礁及周边港口可达性评价模型,计算了南沙23个岛礁和周边国家9个重要港口之间的综合可达性指数,通过分析南沙主要岛礁和周边国家重要港口之间的综合可达性的优劣,可以为中国在南沙建设补给和中转基地选址提供决策参考。可以为中国开发和管理南沙群岛、制定海洋发展战略提供依据。  相似文献   

朱海天 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2344-2354
依据多种历史资料,介绍南沙群岛地名的变迁过程,对中国“更路薄”中的渔民俗称以及中国政府于1935年、1947年和1983年三次公布的南沙岛礁地名进行统计,分析渔民俗称和标准地名对维护中国领土和主权完整的重要意义,梳理了各套地名系统中的专名体系和通名体系,对地名语源进行探讨,研究各地名系统之间的演进过程,总结了各自的优点与缺憾。针对现用标准地名提出以下建议:① 有计划地公布部分资料中已有记载岛礁的标准地名;② 对大型环礁细部、新生沙洲和新建大型人工岛进行命名以利于维护主权和保障航行安全;③ 对于现用标准地名中的部分外来语源地名可恢复其渔民俗称;④ 对于存疑岛礁应尽快核实确认以去疑存真。  相似文献   

The Virgin Islands and Whiting basins in the Northeast Caribbean are deep, structurally controlled depocentres partially bound by shallow‐water carbonate platforms. Closed basins such as these are thought to document earthquake and hurricane events through the accumulation of event layers such as debris flow and turbidity current deposits and the internal deformation of deposited material. Event layers in the Virgin Islands and Whiting basins are predominantly thin and discontinuous, containing varying amounts of reef‐ and slope‐derived material. Three turbidites/sandy intervals in the upper 2 m of sediment in the eastern Virgin Islands Basin were deposited between ca. 2000 and 13 600 years ago, but do not extend across the basin. In the central and western Virgin Islands Basin, a structureless clay‐rich interval is interpreted to be a unifite. Within the Whiting Basin, several discontinuous turbidites and other sand‐rich intervals are primarily deposited in base of slope fans. The youngest of these turbidites is ca. 2600 years old. Sediment accumulation in these basins is low (<0.1 mm year?1) for basin adjacent to carbonate platform, possibly due to limited sediment input during highstand sea‐level conditions, sediment trapping and/or cohesive basin walls. We find no evidence of recent sediment transport (turbidites or debris flows) or sediment deformation that can be attributed to the ca. M7.2 1867 Virgin Islands earthquake whose epicentre was located on the north wall of the Virgin Islands Basin or to recent hurricanes that have impacted the region. The lack of significant appreciable pebble or greater size carbonate material in any of the available cores suggests that submarine landslide and basin‐wide blocky debris flows have not been a significant mechanism of basin margin modification in the last several thousand years. Thus, basins such as those described here may be poor recorders of past natural hazards, but may provide a long‐term record of past oceanographic conditions in ocean passages.  相似文献   

贾国强 《极地研究》1990,2(2):81-85
1986年3月30日至12月25日为期271天的冬季地震观测中,中国南极长城站地震台共记录到各种震动3000余次,其中大部分为长城湾冰层破裂产生的微震,4次为南设得兰群岛邻近海域中的浅源地震以及5月7日阿留申群岛发生的8.1级地震和4月14日南桑韦奇群岛发生的6.4级地震。冰震与构造地震具有明显的差异。1986年11月16日的地震记录为分析冰震与构造地震的区别提供了很好的例证。冰震具有初动尖锐、频率高和衰减快的特征。根据初动和波型很容易将冰震与构造地震区分开。  相似文献   

西沙群岛海岛旅游资源综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以旅游资源系统田野调查成果为基础,运用李悦铮等建立的海岛旅游资源综合评价体系,结合南海岛屿实际情况,对西沙群岛海岛旅游资源进行综合评价。在总目标层、评价综合层、评价项目层和评价因子层4个评价层次选取58项指标;采用李克特五级量表法对评价指标进行标准量化;用准主成分分析法为各指标赋予权重;并通过制定评分等级标准与确定评价指标权重以建立综合评价模型。结果显示,西沙群岛海岛旅游资源评价体系总目标层指标得分为3.088分,表明西沙群岛海岛旅游资源整体评价为中等。同时显示,西沙群岛海岛旅游资源之资源条件好、区域条件中等、区位特征条件差;其自然资源条件良好,热带海岛特征突出;其环境条件制约明显;西沙群岛旅游资源优势和劣势并存,且都很突出。  相似文献   

Summary. The far-field displacement amplitude spectra of 14 earthquakes from Iran, Fiji Islands, Tonga—Kermadec Islands, and South America were obtained using the long-period P and 5-wave records of the WWSSN stations. Despite recent improvements in theories of the seismic-source mechanism there is continuing doubt concerning the interpretation of the observed seismic spectrum. Although the dislocation model has been adopted by many investigators, and in particular Brune's model is widely used, there has often not been satisfactory evidence in the observed spectral data to justify this. Generally speaking, however, the spectral structures obtained in the present work have a form closely similar to those calculated by Brune and Savage, and it is shown that anomalies in the observed amplitude spectral structure are most likely due to noise and propagation effects.  相似文献   

Would the Hand that Rocks the Cradle Dare to Rock the Boat?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Solomon Islands it has been assumed that the educated, urban-based minority of women will push for change for women. In fact, these women's voices have been quietened and it is to rural areas that we must turn if we wish to witness a movement for change amongst women. There is a new form of feminism stirring in the villages.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):363-369

The Ryukyu Islands occupy a strategic geographical location in the Far East. On May 15, 1972, their administration reverted from the United States, which had controlled them since 1945, to Japan. The geographic aspects of this notably peaceful change in sovereignty merits understanding. Diversified in character, the Rynkyu Islands have been undergoing significant economic and social change and development since 1945; in the immediate future the American military presence will continue to exercise a profound economic influence.  相似文献   

赵焕庭  袁家义 《热带地理》1995,15(2):128-137
本文论述了南沙群岛海底地形、海底沉积物、区域地质、珊瑚礁地质地貌和区域古海洋。  相似文献   

刘耕年 《极地研究》1991,3(1):22-29
西南极南设得兰群岛乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛土壤化学分析表明土壤中存在着一定的化学风化作用。相对于母质,土壤中的SiO_2、Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3、FeO、MgO,GaO和Na_2O淋失,K_2O、H_2O~+、H_2O~-、TiO_2和P_2O_5富集。土壤中SiO_2/Al_2O_3的平均值为4.71,属弱风化壳类型。硅铝比反映出成土作用时间越长,土壤的风化程度越高,化学风化作用大于南极大陆边缘和内部。Al_2O_3在南极的淋失率大于SiO_2,使较老土壤剖面由下向上硅铝比增大。土壤的化学性质很大程度上取决于母质。南极强烈的冻融扰动作用破坏了土壤分层。土壤中存在着较强的水合作用。  相似文献   

本文报导了我国首次南极洲和南大洋考察队,在南设得兰群岛和比斯科群岛及其附近系列的浮游多毛类动物8种,隶5属4科,有4种是南设得兰群岛首次报告,两种为南极特有种,对每种的分类异名、形态及地理分布均有描述.  相似文献   

对南极菲尔德斯半岛3种裂齿藓属植物的形态特征进行了描述,讨论了种间的差异。并用扫描电子显微镜详细观察了裂齿藓属植物孢子体的形态结构。  相似文献   

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