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Abstract— We report here the petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of lunar meteorite Sayh al Uhaymir 300 (SaU 300). SaU 300 is dominated by a fine‐grained crystalline matrix surrounding mineral fragments (plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, and ilmenite) and lithic clasts (mainly feldspathic to noritic). Mare basalt and KREEPy rocks are absent. Glass melt veins and impact melts are present, indicating that the rock has been subjected to a second impact event. FeNi metal and troilite grains were observed in the matrix. Major element concentrations of SaU 300 (Al2O3 21.6 wt% and FeO 8.16 wt%) are very similar to those of two basalt‐bearing feldspathic regolith breccias: Calcalong Creek and Yamato (Y‐) 983885. However, the rare earth element (REE) abundances and pattern of SaU 300 resemble the patterns of feldspathic highlands meteorites (e.g., Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069 and Dar al Gani (DaG) 400), and the average lunar highlands crust. It has a relatively LREE‐enriched (7 to 10 x CI) pattern with a positive Eu anomaly (?11 x CI). Values of Fe/Mn ratios of olivine, pyroxene, and the bulk sample are essentially consistent with a lunar origin. SaU 300 also contains high siderophile abundances with a chondritic Ni/Ir ratio. SaU 300 has experienced moderate terrestrial weathering as its bulk Sr concentration is elevated compared to other lunar meteorites and Apollo and Luna samples. Mineral chemistry and trace element abundances of SaU 300 fall within the ranges of lunar feldspathic meteorites and FAN rocks. SaU 300 is a feldspathic impact‐melt breccia predominantly composed of feldspathic highlands rocks with a small amount of mafic component. With a bulk Mg# of 0.67, it is the most mafic of the feldspathic meteorites and represents a lunar surface composition distinct from any other known lunar meteorites. On the basis of its low Th concentration (0.46 ppm) and its lack of KREEPy and mare basaltic components, the source region of SaU 300 could have been within a highland terrain, a great distance from the Imbrium impact basin, probably on the far side of the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 150 meteorite was found on a gravel plateau, 43.3 km south of Ghaba, Oman, on October 8, 2002. Oxygen isotope (δ17O 2.78; δ18O 4.74), CRE age (?1.3 Ma), and noble gas studies confirm its Martian origin. SaU 150 is classified as an olivine‐phyric basalt, having a porphyritic texture with olivine macrocrysts set in a finer‐grained matrix of pigeonite and interstitial maskelynite, with minor augite, spinel, ilmenite, merrillite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and secondary (terrestrial) calcite and iron oxides. The bulk rock composition, in particular mg (68) [molar Mg/(Mg + Fe) x 100], Fe/Mn (37.9), and Na/Al (0.22), are characteristic of Martian meteorites. Based on mineral compositions, cooling rates determined from crystal morphology, and crystal size distribution, it is deduced that the parent magma formed in a steady‐state growth regime (magma chamber) that cooled at <°C/hr. Subsequent eruption as a thick lava flow or hypabyssal intrusion entrained a small fraction of xenocrystic olivine and gave rise to a magmatic foliation, with slow cooling allowing for near homogenization of igneous minerals. SaU 150 experienced an equilibration shock pressure of 33–45 GPa in a single impact event. Post‐shock heat gave rise to localized melting (?11 vol%). Larger volume melts remained fluid after pressure release and crystallized dendritic olivine and pyroxene with fractal dimensions of 1.80–1.89 and 1.89–1.95, respectively, at ‐ΔT >70–365 °C. SaU 150 is essentially identical to SaU 005/094, all representing samples of the same fall that are similar to, but distinct from, the DaG shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract— –Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 169 is a composite lunar meteorite from Oman that consists of polymict regolith breccia (8.44 ppm Th), adhering to impact‐melt breccia (IMB; 32.7 ppm Th). In this contribution we consider the regolith breccia portion of SaU 169, and demonstrate that it is composed of two generations representing two formation stages, labeled II and III. The regolith breccia also contains the following clasts: Ti‐poor to Ti‐rich basalts, gabbros to granulites, and incorporated regolith breccias. The average SaU 169 regolith breccia bulk composition lies within the range of Apollo 12 and 14 soil and regolith breccias, with the closest correspondence being with that of Apollo 14, but Sc contents indicate a higher portion of mare basalts. This is supported by relations between Sm‐Al2O3, FeO‐Cr2O3‐TiO2, Sm/Eu and Th‐K2O. The composition can best be modeled as a mixture of high‐K KREEP, mare basalt and norite/troctolite, consistent with the rareness of anorthositic rocks. The largest KREEP breccia clast in the regolith is identical in its chemical composition and total REE content to the incompatible trace‐element (ITE)‐ rich high‐K KREEP rocks of the Apollo 14 landing site, pointing to a similar source. In contrast to Apollo 14 soil, SaU 169 IMB and SaU 169 KREEP breccia clast, the SaU 169 regolith is not depleted in K/Th, indicating a low contribution of high‐Th IMB such as the SaU 169 main lithology in the regolith. The data presented here indicate the SaU 169 regolith breccia is from the lunar front side, and has a strong Procellarum KREEP Terrane signature.  相似文献   

Abstract— Northwest Africa 482 (NWA 482) is a crystalline impact‐melt breccia from the Moon with highlands affinities. The recrystallized matrix and the clast population are both highly anorthositic. Clasts are all related to the ferroan anorthosite suite, and include isolated plagioclase crystals and lithic anorthosites, troctolites, and spinel troctolites. Potassium‐, rare‐earth‐element‐, and phosphorus‐bearing (KREEP) and mare lithologies are both absent, constraining the source area of this meteorite to a highland terrain with little to no KREEP component, most likely on the far side of the Moon. Glass is present in shock veins cutting through the sample and in several large melt pockets, indicating a second impact event. There are two separate events recorded in the 40Ar‐39Ar system: one at ~3750 Ma, which completely reset the K‐Ar system, and one at ?2400 Ma, which caused only partial degassing. These events could represent, respectively, crystallization of the impact‐melt breccia and later formation of the glass, or the formation of the glass and a later thermal event. The terrestrial age of the meteorite is 8.6 ± 1.3 ka. This age corresponds well with the modest amount of weathering in the rock, in the form of secondary phyllosilicates and carbonates. Based on terrestrial age and location, lithology, and chemistry, NWA 482 is unique among known lunar meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sayhal Uhaymir (SaU) 094 is a 223.3 g, partially crusted, strongly to very strongly shocked melanocratic olivine-porphyric rock of the shergottite group showing a microgabbroic texture. The rock consists of pyroxene (52.0–58.2 vol%)—dominantly prismatic pigeonite (En60–68Fs20–27Wo7–9) associated with minor augite (En46–49Fs15–16Wo28–31)—brown (shock-oxidized) olivine (Fo65–69; 22.1–31%), completely isotropic interstitial plagioclase glass (maskelynite; An50–64Or0.3-0.9; 8.6–13.0%), chromite and titanian magnesian chromite (0.9-1.0%), traces of ilmenite (Ilm80–86), pyrrhotite (Fe92–100; 0.1-0.2%), merrillite (<<0.1%), and pockets (4.8-6.7%) consisting of green basaltic to basaltic andesitic shock glass that is partially devitrified into a brown to black product along boundaries with the primary minerals. The average maximum dimensions of minerals are: olivine (1.5 mm), pyroxene (0.3 mm) and maskelynite (0.3 mm). Primary melt inclusions in olivine and chromite are common and account for 0.1-0.6% of the rock. X-ray tomography revealed that the specimen contains ˜0.4 vol% of shock-melt associated vesicles, up to 3 mm in size, which show a preferred orientation. Fluidization of the maskelynite, melting and recrystallization of pyroxene, olivine and pyrrhotite indicate shock stage S6. Minor terrestrial weathering resulted in calcite-veining and minor oxidation of sulfides. The meteorite is interpreted as paired with SaU 005/008/051. The modal composition is similar to Dar al Gani 476/489/670/735/876, with the exception that neither mesostasis nor titanomagnetite nor apatite are present and that all phases show little zonation. The restricted mineral composition, predominance of chromite among the oxides, and abundance of olivine indicate affinities to the lherzolitic shergottites.  相似文献   

Abar al' Uj (AaU) 012 is a clast‐rich, vesicular impact‐melt (IM) breccia, composed of lithic and mineral clasts set in a very fine‐grained and well‐crystallized matrix. It is a typical feldspathic lunar meteorite, most likely originating from the lunar farside. Bulk composition (31.0 wt% Al2O3, 3.85 wt% FeO) is close to the mean of feldspathic lunar meteorites and Apollo FAN‐suite rocks. The low concentration of incompatible trace elements (0.39 ppm Th, 0.13 ppm U) reflects the absence of a significant KREEP component. Plagioclase is highly anorthitic with a mean of An96.9Ab3.0Or0.1. Bulk rock Mg# is 63 and molar FeO/MnO is 76. The terrestrial age of the meteorite is 33.4 ± 5.2 kyr. AaU 012 contains a ~1.4 × 1.5 mm2 exotic clast different from the lithic clast population which is dominated by clasts of anorthosite breccias. Bulk composition and presence of relatively large vesicles indicate that the clast was most probably formed by an impact into a precursor having nonmare igneous origin most likely related to the rare alkali‐suite rocks. The IM clast is mainly composed of clinopyroxenes, contains a significant amount of cristobalite (9.0 vol%), and has a microcrystalline mesostasis. Although the clast shows similarities in texture and modal mineral abundances with some Apollo pigeonite basalts, it has lower FeO and higher SiO2 than any mare basalt. It also has higher FeO and lower Al2O3 than rocks from the FAN‐ or Mg‐suite. Its lower Mg# (59) compared to Mg‐suite rocks also excludes a relationship with these types of lunar material.  相似文献   

Abstract— The low modal abundances of relict chondrules (1.8 vol%) and of coarse (i.e., ≥200 μm‐size) isolated mafic silicate grains (1.8 vol%) in Spade relative to mean H6 chondrites (11.4 and 9.8 vol%, respectively) show Spade to be a rock that has experienced a significant degree of melting. Various petrographic features (e.g., chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, chromite veinlets, silicate darkening) indicate that melting was caused by shock. Plagioclase was melted during the shock event and flowed so that it partially to completely surrounded nearby mafic silicate grains. During crystallization, plagioclase developed igneous zoning. Low‐Ca pyroxene that crystallized from the melt (or equilibrated with the melt at high temperatures) acquired relatively high amounts of CaO. Metallic Fe‐Ni cooled rapidly below the Fe‐Ni solvus and transformed into martensite. Subsequent reheating of the rock caused transformation of martensite into abundant duplex plessite. Ambiguities exist in the shock stage assignment of Spade. The extensive silicate darkening, the occurrence of chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, and the impact‐melted characteristics of Spade are consistent with shock stage S6. Low shock (stage S2) is indicated by the undulose extinction and lack of planar fractures in olivine. This suggests that Spade reached a maximum prior shock level equivalent to stage S6 and then experienced post‐shock annealing (probably to stage S1). These events were followed by a less intense impact that produced the undulose extinction in the olivine, characteristic of shock stage S2. Annealing could have occurred if Spade were emplaced near impact melts beneath the crater floor or deposited in close proximity to hot debris within an ejecta blanket. Spade firmly establishes the case for post‐shock annealing. This may have been a common process on OC asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— Portales Valley (PV) is an unusual metal‐veined meteorite that has been classified as an H6 chondrite. It has been regarded either as an annealed impact melt breccia, as a primitive achondrite, or as a meteorite with affinities to silicated iron meteorites. We studied the petrology of PV using a variety of geochemical‐mineralogical techniques. Our results suggest that PV is the first well‐documented metallic‐melt meteorite breccia. Mineral‐chemical and other data suggest that the protolith to PV was an H chondrite. The composition of FeNi metal in PV is somewhat fractionated compared to H chondrites and varies between coarse vein and silicate‐rich portions. It is best modeled as having formed by partial melting at temperatures of ?940–1150 °C, with incomplete separation of solid from liquid metal. Solid metal concentrated in the coarse vein areas and S‐bearing liquid metal concentrated in the silicate‐rich areas, possibly as a result of a surface energy effect. Both carbon and phosphorus must have been scavenged from large volumes and concentrated in metallic liquid. Graphite nodules formed by crystallization from this liquid, whereas phosphate formed by reaction between P‐bearing metal and clinopyroxene components, depleting clinopyroxene throughout much of the meteorite and growing coarse phosphate at metal‐silicate interfaces. Some phosphate probably crystallized from P‐bearing liquids, but most probably formed by solid‐state reaction at ?975‐725 °C. Phosphate‐forming and FeO‐reduction reactions were widespread in PV and entailed a change in the mineralogy of the stony portion on a large scale. Portales Valley experienced protracted annealing from supersolidus to subsolidus temperatures, probably by cooling at depth within its parent body, but the main differences between PV and H chondrites arose because maximum temperatures were higher in PV. A combination of a relatively weak shock event and elevated pre‐shock temperatures probably produced the vein‐and‐breccia texture, with endogenic heating being the main heat source for melting, and with stress waves from an impact event being an essential trigger for mobilizing metal. Portales Valley is best classified as an H7 metallic‐melt breccia of shock stage S1. The meteorite is transitional between more primitive (chondritic) and evolved (achondrite, iron) meteorite types and offers clues as to how differentiation could have occurred in some asteroidal bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied 42 impact‐melt clasts from lunar feldspathic regolith breccias MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88105, Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069, Dar al Gani (DaG) 262, and DaG 400 for texture, chemical composition, and/or chronology. Although the textures are similar to the impactmelt clasts identified in mafic Apollo and Luna samples, the meteorite clasts are chemically distinct from them, having lower Fe, Ti, K, and P, thus representing previously unsampled impacts. The 40Ar‐39Ar ages on 31 of the impact melts, the first ages on impact‐melt samples from outside the region of the Apollo and Luna sampling sites, range from ~4 to ~2.5 Ga. We interpret these samples to have been created in at least six, and possibly nine or more, different impact events. One inferred impact event may be consistent with the Apollo impact‐melt rock age cluster at 3.9 Ga, but the meteorite impact‐melt clasts with this age are different in chemistry from the Apollo samples, suggesting that the mechanism responsible for the 3.9 Ga peak in lunar impact‐melt clast ages is a lunar‐wide phenomenon. No meteorite impact melts have ages more than 1s? older than 4.0 Ga. This observation is consistent with, but does not require, a lunar cataclysm.  相似文献   

Abstract— Glass-rich separates were prepared from a sample of the basaltic lunar meteorite EET87521 rich in dark glass. Noble gas isotopic abundances and 26Al and 10Be activities were measured to find out whether shock effects associated with lunar launch helped to assemble these phases. Similar 10Be and 26Al activities indicate that all materials in EET87521 had a common exposure history in the last few million years before launch. However, the glass contains much higher concentrations of trapped gases and records a much longer cosmic-ray exposure, 100 Ma–150 Ma, in the lunar regolith than does the bulk sample. The different histories show that the glass existed long before the ejection of EET87521. The trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 1.6 ± 0.1 implies that the lunar exposure that produced most of the stable cosmogenic noble gases began 500 Ma ago. Cosmogenic and trapped noble gas components correlate strongly in various temperature-release fractions and phases of EET87521, which is probably because the glass contains most of the gas. The trapped solar ratios, 20Ne/22Ne = 12.68 ± 0.20 and 36Ar/38Ar = 5.24 ± 0.05 can be understood as resulting from a mixture consisting of ~60% solar wind and 40% solar energetic particles (SEP). All EET87521 phases show a 40K-40Ar gas retention age of ~3300 Ma, which is in the range of typical lunar mare basalts.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 10986 is a new mingled lunar meteorite found in 2015 in Western Sahara. This impact melt breccia contains abundant impact melt glass and clasts as large as 0.75 mm. Clasts are predominantly plagioclase and pyroxene‐rich and represent both highland and basalt lithologies. Highland lithologies include troctolites, gabbronorites, anorthositic norites, and troctolitic anorthosites. Basalt lithologies include crystalline clasts with large zoned pyroxenes representing very low titanium to low titanium basalts. In situ geochemical analysis of minerals within clasts indicates that they represent ferroan anorthosite, Mg‐suite, and gabbronorite lithologies as defined by the Apollo sample collection. Clasts representing magnesian anorthosite, or “gap” lithologies, are prevalent in this meteorite. Whole rock and in situ impact glass measurements indicate low incompatible trace element concentrations. Basalt clasts also have low incompatible trace element concentrations and lack evolved KREEP mineralogy although pyroxferroite grains are present. The juxtaposition of evolved, basaltic clasts without KREEP signatures and highland lithologies suggests that these basaltic clasts may represent cryptomare. The lithologies found in NWA 10986 offer a unique and possibly a complete cross section view of the Moon sourced outside of the Procellarum KREEP Terrane.  相似文献   

Three masses of the Chelyabinsk meteorite have been studied with a wide range of analytical techniques to understand the mineralogical variation and thermal history of the Chelyabinsk parent body. The samples exhibit little to no postentry oxidation via Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopy indicating their fresh character, but despite the rapid collection and care of handling some low levels of terrestrial contamination did nonetheless result. Detailed studies show three distinct lithologies, indicative of a genomict breccia. A light‐colored lithology is LL5 material that has experienced thermal metamorphism and subsequent shock at levels near S4. The second lithology is a shock‐darkened LL5 material in which the darkening is caused by melt and metal‐troilite veins along grain boundaries. The third lithology is an impact melt breccia that formed at high temperatures (~1600 °C), and it experienced rapid cooling and degassing of S2 gas. Portions of light and dark lithologies from Chel‐101, and the impact melt breccias (Chel‐102 and Chel‐103) were prepared and analyzed for Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, and Ar‐Ar dating. When combined with results from other studies and chronometers, at least eight impact events (e.g., ~4.53 Ga, ~4.45 Ga, ~3.73 Ga, ~2.81 Ga, ~1.46 Ga, ~852 Ma, ~312 Ma, and ~27 Ma) are clearly identified for Chelyabinsk, indicating a complex history of impacts and heating events. Finally, noble gases yield young cosmic ray exposure ages, near 1 Ma. These young ages, together with the absence of measurable cosmogenic derived Sm and Cr, indicate that Chelyabinsk may have been derived from a recent breakup event on an NEO of LL chondrite composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we report the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk compositions of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs), amoeboid olivine aggregate (AOA), and Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) in Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290 CH chondrite. Eighty‐two CAIs (0.1% of the section surface area) were found. They are hibonite‐rich (9%), grossite‐rich (18%), melilite ± spinel‐rich (48%), fassaite ± spinel‐rich (15%), and fassaite‐anorthite‐rich (10%) refractory inclusions. Most CAIs are rounded in shape and small in size (average = 40 μm). They are more refractory than those of other groups of chondrites. CAIs in SaU 290 might have experienced higher peak heating temperatures, which could be due to the formation region closer to the center of protoplanetary disk or have formed earlier than those of other groups of chondrites. In SaU 290, refractory inclusions with a layered texture could have formed by gas‐solid condensation from the solar nebula and those with an igneous texture could have crystallized from melt droplets or experienced subsequent melting of pre‐existing condensates from the solar nebula. One refractory inclusion represents an evaporation product of pre‐existing refractory solid on the basis of its layered texture and melting temperature of constituting minerals. Only one AOA is observed (75 μm across). It consists of olivine, Al‐diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel with a layered texture. CAIs and AOA show no significant low‐temperature aqueous alteration. ARCs in SaU 290 consist of diopside, forsterite, anorthite, Al‐enstatite, spinel, and mesostasis or glass. They can be divided into diopside‐rich, Al‐enstatite‐rich, glass‐rich, and anorthite‐rich chondrules. Bulk compositions of most ARCs are consistent with a mixture origin of CAIs and ferromagnesian chondrules. Anorthite and Al‐enstatite do not coexist in a given ARC, implying a kinetic effect on their formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— –Literature data show that, among EH chondrites, the Abee impact‐melt breccia exhibits unusual mineralogical characteristics. These include very low MnO in enstatite (<0.04 wt%), higher Mn in troilite (0.24 wt%) and oldhamite (0.36 wt%) than in EH4 Indarch and EH3 Kota‐Kota (which are not impact‐melt breccias), low Mn in keilite (3.6–4.3 wt%), high modal abundances of keilite (11.2 wt%) and silica (~7 wt%, but ranging up to 16 wt% in some regions), low modal abundances of total silicates (58.8 wt%) and troilite (5.8 wt%), and the presence of acicular grains of the amphibole, fluor‐richterite. These features result from Abee's complex history of shock melting and crystallization. Impact heating was responsible for the loss of MnO from enstatite and the concomitant sulfidation of Mn. Troilite and oldhamite grains that crystallized from the impact melt acquired relatively high Mn contents. Abundant keilite and silica also crystallized from the melt; these phases (along with metallic Fe) were produced at the expense of enstatite, niningerite and troilite. Melting of the latter two phases produced a S‐rich liquid with higher Fe/Mg and Fe/Mn ratios than in the original niningerite, allowing the crystallization of keilite. Prior to impact melting, F was distributed throughout Abee, perhaps in part adsorbed onto grain surfaces; after impact melting, most of the F that was not volatilized was incorporated into crystallizing grains of fluor‐richterite. Other EH‐chondrite impact‐melt breccias and impact‐melt rocks exhibit some of these mineralogical features and must have experienced broadly similar thermal histories.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dar al Gani 476, the 13th martian meteorite, was recovered from the Sahara in 1998. It is a basaltic shergottitic rock composed of olivine megacrysts reaching 5 mm (24 vol%) set in a finegrained groundmass of pyroxene (59 vol%) and maskelynitized plagioclase (12 vol%) with minor amounts of accessory phases (spinel, merrillite, ilmenite). Dar al Gani 476 is similar to lithology A of Elephant Moraine A79001 (EETA79001) in petrography and mineralogy, but is distinct in several aspects. Low‐Ca pyroxenes in the Dar al Gani 476 groundmass are more magnesian (En76Fs21 Wo3~En58Fs30Wo12) than those in lithology A of EETA79001 (En73Fs22Wo5~En45Fs43Wo12), rather similar to pyroxenes in lherzolitic martian meteorites (En76Fs21 Wo3~En63Fs22Wo15). Dar al Gani 476 olivine is less magnesian and shows a narrower compositional range (Fo76‐58) than EETA79001 olivine (Fo81‐53), and is also similar to olivines in lherzolitic martian meteorites (Fo74‐65). The orthopyroxene‐olivine‐chromite xenolith typical in the lithology A of EETA79001 is absent in Dar al Gani 476. It seems that Dar al Gani 476 crystallized from a slightly more primitive mafic magma than lithology A of EETA79001 and several phases (olivine, pyroxene, chromite, and ilmenite) in Dar al Gani 476 may have petrogenetic similarities to those of lherzolitic martian meteorites. Olivine megacrysts in Dar al Gani 476 are in disequilibrium with the bulk composition. The presence of fractured olivine grains in which the most Mg‐rich parts are in contact with the groundmass suggests that little diffusive modification of original olivine compositions occurred during cooling. This observation enabled us to estimate the cooling rates of Dar al Gani 476 and EETA79001 olivines, giving similar cooling rates of 0.03‐3 °C/h for Dar al Gani 476 and 0.05‐5 °C/h for EETA79001. This suggests that they were cooled near the surface (burial depth shallower than about 3 m at most), probably in lava flows during crystallization of groundmass. As is proposed for lithology A of EETA79001, it may be possible to consider that Dar al Gani 476 has an impact melt origin, a mixture of martian lherzolite and other martian rock (Queen Alexandra Range 94201, nakhlites?).  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa 4859 (NWA 4859) is a meteorite of LL chondrite parentage that shows unusual igneous features and contains widely distributed pentlandite. The most obvious unusual feature is a high proportion of large (≤3 cm diameter) igneous‐textured enclaves (LITEs), interpreted as shock melts that were intruded into an LL chondrite host. One such LITE appears to have been produced by whole rock melting of LL chondrite, initial rapid partial crystallization, and subsequent slow cooling of the residual melt in the host to produce a differentiated object. Other unusual features include mm‐sized “overgrowth objects,” fine‐grained plagioclase‐rich bands, and coarse troilite (≤7 mm across) grains. All these features are interpreted as having crystallized from melts produced by a single transient shock event, followed by slow cooling. A subsequent shock event of moderate (S3) intensity produced veining and transformed some of the pyroxene into the clinoenstatite polytype. Pentlandite (together with associated troilite) in NWA 4859 probably formed by the breakdown of a monosulfide precursor phase at low temperature (≤230 °C) following the second shock event. NWA 4859 is interpreted to be an unusual impact‐melt breccia that contains shock melt which crystallized in different forms at depth within the parent body.  相似文献   

We have investigated the H and Cl systematics in apatite from four brecciated lunar meteorites. In Northwest Africa (NWA) 4472, most of the apatites contain ~2000–6000 ppm H2O with δD between ?200 and 0‰, except for one grain isolated in the matrix, which contains ~6000 ppm H2O with δD of ~500–900‰. This low‐δD apatite contains ~2500–7500 ppm Cl associated with δ37Cl of ~15–20‰, while the high‐δD grain contains ~2500 ppm Cl with δ37Cl of ~7–15‰. In NWA 773, apatites in a first group contain ~700–2500 ppm H2O with δD values averaging around ~0 ± 100‰, while apatites in a second group contain ~5500–16500 ppm H2O with δD ~250 ± 50‰. In Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 169 and Kalahari (Kal) 009, apatites are similar in terms of their H2O contents (~600–3000 ppm) and δD values (?100 to 200‰). In SaU 169, apatites contain ~6000–10,000 ppm Cl, characterized by δ37Cl of ~5–12‰. Overall, most of the analyzed apatite grains have δD within the range reported for carbonaceous chondrites, similar to apatite analyzed in ancient (>3.9 Ga) lunar magmatic. One grain in NWA 4472 has H and Cl isotope compositions similar to apatite from mare basalts. With an age of 4.35 Ga, this grain could be a representative of the oldest known lunar volcanic activity. Finally, since numerous evolved clasts in NWA 773 formed through silicate liquid immiscibility, the apatite grains with extremely high H2O contents, reaching pure hydroxylapatite composition, could provide insights into the effects of such process on the evolution of volatiles in lunar magmas.  相似文献   

Abstract— Found during the 2004 U.S. Antarctic Search for Meteorites season, LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 04841 represents an addition to the LaPaz lunar basalts suite and brings the total mass collected to 1.93 kg. The presence of FeNi grains, troilite, and the anorthositic composition of plagioclase are evidence for the lunar origin of this meteorite. Pyroxene and olivine Mn/Fe values plot along the trend set for lunar basalts. Analyses of chromite grains provide a V/(Al + Cr) ratio of 1.33 ± 13, translating to an fO2 one log unit below the IW buffer, in accordance with previous fO2 estimates for lunar basalts. Application of the Zr‐cooling speedometer, for ilmenite and ulvöspinel pairs, gives a cooling rate of 5.2 °C/day, matching previous estimates of cooling rates for the LaPaz lunar meteorites and Apollo mare basalts. Mineral modes and chemistries, as well as trace‐element patterns, provide compelling evidence for pairing of this meteorite to others in the LaPaz lunar basalt suite.  相似文献   

Crystallization from the molten state has been an important process for the formation of rocks on the Moon; the phenomenon of fractional crystallization is therefore discussed. The principal chemical and mineralogical features of the Apollo 11, 12 and 14 basaltic crystalline rocks are described, and an account is given of other rock types and minerals which are represented among the coarser particles in the lunar soils. A comparison is made between the chemical compositions (major, minor and trace element concentrations) of rocks and soils.Based upon the above data, one possible model for the outer shell of the Moon is presented, which consists of an outer layer of Al-rich rocks underlain by a layer which is more ferromagnesian in character. Partial melting of the latter was probably responsible for the extrusion of lavas at the surface which spread to form the basalts (Apollo 11 and 12) of the non-circular maria. The Apollo 14 (Fra Mauro) basalts are relatively enriched in potassium, rare earth elements, zirconium, phosphorus and certain other elements and may derive from partial melting of the more aluminous upper layer.The separation of the outer Moon into two layers could have occurred through gravity-aided fractional crystallization at an early stage (first few hundred m yr) in lunar history.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September 1971.  相似文献   

Abstract— Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94281, a lunar meteorite recently discovered in Antarctica, is a glassy-matrix, clast-rich regolith breccia containing a mixture of mafic, volcanic-glass and gabbroic constituents and a diverse set of highland constituents. In thin section, the clast assemblage is dominated by coarse mineral debris from a shallow intrusive or hypabyssal setting, or from deep within a thick mare flow. Abundant coarse-grained pyroxene clasts have fine-scale exsolution lamellae and compositions similar to pyroxenes of known lunar very-low-Ti (VLT) basalts and other lunar meteorites of basaltic composition. Pyroxene compositions follow Fe-enrichment extending to hedenbergite, which is associated with fayalite and cristobalite, indicating slow cooling. We refer to the protolith of the crystalline VLT component as VLT gabbro. Fragments of pyroclastic glasses that have high Fe and low Ti concentrations, similar to the pyroclastic green glasses known from Apollo samples, are common. Lithic clasts include abundant subrounded, glassy to cryptocrystalline, aluminous (~17–30 wt% Al2O3) KREEP-poor melt breccias of highland origin and a variety of other feldspathic impactites. On the basis of composition of our subsamples, QUE 94281 consists of ~54 wt% mafic or “mare” components and 46 wt% feldspathic or “highland” components. The bulk composition of QUE 94281 is similar to that of Yamato (Y) 793274, but QUE 94281 has slightly greater concentrations of some siderophile elements and slightly lower concentrations of those elements contributed mainly by mafic constituents. Differences in siderophile element concentrations are consistent with longer surface exposure of QUE 94281. Minor differences in trace element variations of subsamples of the two meteorites suggest subtle differences in the composition of their highland constituents. Nonetheless, the overall similarity of compositions supports the possibility that they were ejected from the same source region on the Moon. The crystalline VLT component of QUE 94281 differs from those known from Apollo 17 and Luna 24 VLT lithologies and from that of basaltic breccia Elephant Moraine (EET) 87521. The VLT-gabbro component and the ferroan VLT volcanic glasses in QUE 94281 have compositions that may be petrogenetically related by derivation from a common picritic parent composition, represented by an ultramafic glass found in QUE 94281.  相似文献   

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