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The surface topography of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa is explored using the LIght Detection And Ranging instrument (LIDAR). The data confirm the presence of a rough highland and a smooth lowland. The highland is dominated by boulders, but also possesses topography associated with surface lineaments and broad surface facets. The boulders ensure that the roughness of the highlands over short distances is typically greater relative to most surfaces on 433 Eros. Over larger distances, Itokawa is always smoother than Eros possibly because of its smaller size and weak rubble-pile structure. The lowlands of Itokawa are very smooth, and are typically devoid of boulders. Some transitional regions midway between the highlands and lowlands also exist. In these areas, craters that retain their regolith fill possess flat floors and resemble “ponds” seen on 433 Eros. Analyses of surface elevation, imagery and a quantitative measure of surface roughness are consistent with regolith flowing downhill from the highlands to fill in the low areas of Itokawa, probably covering up any pre-existing rough terrain. Using this interpretation, we find a minimum 2.3±0.4 m thick layer of regolith in the lowlands, which, if spread evenly across the entire asteroid, corresponds to a 42±1 cm thick layer. It is very difficult to generate this amount of regolith with the population of craters seen on Itokawa. However, an Itokawa composed of several large masses may have retained this regolith during its formation. The presence of such large masses could account for the observed lineaments and what appear to be exposures of bedrock on the largest steep slope observed.  相似文献   

In March 2001, the Hayabusa spacecraft target, Asteroid 25143 Itokawa, made its final close approach to Earth prior to the spacecraft's launch. We carried out an extensive observing campaign from January to September 2001 to better characterize this near-Earth asteroid. Global physical properties of the surface of Itokawa were characterized by analyzing its photometric properties and behavior. Results included here capitalize on analysis of broadband photometric observations taken with a number of telescopes, instruments, and observers. We employed a Hapke model to estimate the surface roughness, single particle scattering albedo, single particle scattering characteristics, phase integral, and geometric and bond albedo. We find that this asteroid has a higher geometric albedo than average main belt S-class asteroids; this is consistent with results from other observers. The broadband colors of Itokawa further support evidence that this is an atypical S-class asteroid. Broadband colors show spectral characteristics more typically found on large-diameter main-belt asteroids believed to be space-weathered, suggesting the surface of this small diameter, near-Earth asteroid could likewise be space-weathered.  相似文献   

Abstract— We observed 25143 Itokawa, the target of Japan's Hayabusa (MUSES‐C) sample‐return mission, during its 2001 close approach at Arecibo on twelve dates during March 18‐April 9 and at Goldstone on nine dates during March 20‐April 2. We obtained delay‐Doppler images with range resolutions of 100 ns (15 m) at Arecibo and 125 ns (19 m) at Goldstone. Itokawa's average circular polarization ratio at 13 cm, 0.26 ± 0.04, is comparable to that of Eros, so its cm‐to‐m surface roughness probably is comparable to that on Eros. Itokawa's radar reflectivity and polarization properties indicate a near‐surface bulk density within 20% of 2.5 g cm?3. We present a preliminary estimate of Itokawa's shape, reconstructed from images with rather limited rotation‐phase coverage, using the method of Hudson (1993) and assuming the lightcurve‐derived spin period (12.132 hr) and pole direction (ecliptic long., lat. = 355°, ?84°) of Kaasalainen et al. (2003). The model can be described as a slightly asymmetrical, slightly flattened ellipsoid with extents along its principal axes of 548 times 312 times 276 m ± 10%. Itokawa's topography is very subdued compared to that of other asteroids for which spacecraft images or radar reconstructions are available. Similarly, gravitational slopes on our Itokawa model average only 9° and everywhere are less than 27°. The radar‐refined orbit allows accurate identification of Itokawa's close planetary approaches through 2170. If radar ranging planned for Itokawa's 2004 apparition succeeds, then tracking of Hayabusa during its 2005 rendezvous should reveal Yarkovsky perturbation of the asteroid's orbit.  相似文献   

A photometric analysis of the S-type Asteroid 25143 Itokawa is performed over multiple wavelengths ranging from 0.85 to 2.10 μm based on disk-resolved reflectance spectra obtained with the Hayabusa near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS). We derive the global photometric properties of Itokawa in terms of Hapke's photometric model. We find that Itokawa has a single-scatter albedo that is 35-40% less than that of Asteroid 433 Eros. Itokawa also has a single-particle phase function that is more strongly back-scattering than that of Eros. Despite its hummocky surface strewn with large boulders, Itokawa exhibits an opposition effect. However, the total amplitude of the opposition surge for Itokawa was estimated to be less than unity while Eros and other S-type asteroids have been found to have model values exceeding unity. The wavelength dependence of the opposition surge width reveals that coherent backscatter contributes to the opposition effect on Itokawa's surface. The photometric roughness of Itokawa is well constrained to a value of 26° ± 1° which is similar to Eros, suggesting that photometric roughness models the smallest surface roughness scale for which shadows exist.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present results from an observing campaign of 25143 Itokawa performed with the 2.2 m telescope of the University of Hawai'i between November 2000 and September 2001. The main goal of this paper is to determine the absolute magnitude H and the slope parameter G of the phase function with high accuracy for use in determining the geometric albedo of Itokawa. We found a value of H = 19.40 and a value of G = 0.21.  相似文献   

The Hayabusa mission to asteroid 25143, Itokawa, brought back 2000 small particles, which most closely resemble material found in LL4‐6 chondrites. We report an 40Ar/39Ar age of 1.3 ± 0.3 Ga for a sample of Itokawa consisting of three grains with a total mass of ~2 μg. This age is lower than the >4.0 Ga ages measured for 75% of LL chondrites but close to one for Y‐790964 and its pairs. The flat 40Ar/39Ar release spectrum of the sample suggests complete degassing 1.3 Ga ago. Recent solar heating in Itokawa's current orbit does not appear likely to have reset that age. Solar or impact heating 1.3 Ga ago could have done so. If impact heating was responsible, then the 1.3 Ga age sets an upper bound on the time at which the Itokawa rubble pile was assembled and suggests that rubble pile creation was an ongoing process in the inner solar system for at least the first 3 billion years of solar system history.  相似文献   

The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa is planed to reach the Asteroid Itokawa in September 2005, and to bring back some samples of its surface to Earth in 2007. We have studied the future possible evolution of this asteroid by integrating numerically over 100 Myr a set of 39 initially indistinguishable orbits (clones), obtained either by small variations of the nominal initial conditions, or by using different computers (introducing different round-off errors). The results indicate that an Earth impact of this 500-m-size asteroid is likely within a million years, which is only a factor of four larger than the average impact frequency of asteroids of this size. The mission Hayabusa may thus sample a good candidate for being among the next 500-m-size Earth impactors.  相似文献   

Hayabusa‐returned samples offer a unique perspective for understanding the link between asteroids and cosmomaterials available in the laboratory, and provide insights on the early stages of surface space weathering. This study characterizes the mineralogy and the extent of space weathering of the three Itokawa particles RA‐QD02‐0163, RA‐QD02‐0174, and RA‐QD02‐0213 provided by JAXA to our consortium. We report here a series of results based on nondestructive analyses through visible‐near‐infrared reflectance and Raman spectroscopy. Results were obtained on the raw particles, both in their original containers and deposited on diamond windows. Identification of the minerals, characterization of their elemental compositions, and measurements of their relative abundances were led through Raman spectroscopy in punctual and automatic mode. Reflectance spectra in the visible and near‐IR wavelengths constrain the mineralogy of the grains and allow direct comparison with the surface of Itokawa. The spectra reflect the extent of space weathering experienced by the three particles. Particle RA‐QD02‐0163 consists of a heterogeneous mixture of minerals: olivine (Fo76) dominates an assemblage with both Ca‐rich (En50, Wo50) and Ca‐poor (En85) pyroxenes. The elemental compositions of the silicates are consistent with those previously reported for distinct Hayabusa particles. Particles RA‐QD‐0174 and RA‐QD02‐0213 are solely composed of olivine, whose chemical composition is similar to that observed in RA‐QD02‐0163. It has been previously shown that the S‐type asteroid 25143 Itokawa is a breccia of poorly equilibrated LL4 and highly equilibrated LL5 and LL6 materials. The three particles studied here can be related to the least metamorphosed lithology (LL4) based on the high forsterite content of the olivine. Neither carbonaceous matter nor hydrated minerals were detected through Raman on the three allocated particles. The NIR‐VIS reflectance (incidence = 45°, light collection at e = 0°) spectra of the three particles, in particular the 1 μm band, are consistent with the presence of both olivine and pyroxene detected via Raman. The spectra of particles RA‐QD02‐0163 and RA‐QD02‐0213 are also fully compatible with the ground‐based observations of asteroid (25143) Itokawa in terms of both spectral features and slope. By contrast, particle RA‐QD02‐0174 has a similar 1 μm band depth but higher (redder) spectral slope than the surface of Itokawa. This probably reveals a variable extent of space weathering among the regolith particles. RA‐QD02‐0174 may contain a higher amount of nanophase metallic iron and nanophase FeS. Such phases are products by space weathering induced by solar wind, previously detected on other Itokawa particles.  相似文献   

On the sub-kilometer S-type asteroid, 25143 Itokawa, some boulders on rough terrains seem to be exposed without any powdery material covering. Based on surface morphological features, there are two major types of boulders: one has rounded edges and corners (rounded boulders), while the other has angular edges and corners (angular boulders). The surface features of the rounded boulders suggest that they have hardness heterogeneity and that some may be breccias. The angular boulders appear to be more resistant to impact disruption than the rounded ones, which may be due to a difference in lithology. The major constituents of Itokawa may be LL chondrite-like brecciated lithology (rounded boulders) along with a remarkable number of boulders suggesting that lithology is atypical among LL chondrites (angular boulders). Some of both types of boulders contain intersecting and stepped planar foliations. Comparison with meteorite ALH76009 suggests that the planar foliations may be marks where rocks were torn apart. As lithified breccias cannot be formed on present-day sub-kilometer-sized Itokawa, it is reasonable that boulders with various lithologies on Itokawa were formed on its large ancestor(s). The rubble-pile structure of Itokawa suggested by its low density (∼1.9 g/cm3) indicates that boulders on Itokawa are reassembled fragments formed by catastrophic disruption of large ancestor(s).  相似文献   

We determined the morphologies and dimensions of possible impact craters on the surface of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa from images taken by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Circular depressions, circular features with flat floors or convex floors, and circular features with smooth surfaces were identified as possible craters. The survey identified 38 candidates with widely varying morphologies including rough, smooth and saddle-shaped floors, a lack of raised rims and fresh material exposures. The average depth/diameter ratio was 0.08±0.03: these craters are very shallow relative to craters observed on other asteroids. These shallow craters are a result of (1) target curvature influencing the cratering process, (2) raised rim not being generated by this process, and (3) fines infilling the craters. As many of the crater candidates have an unusual appearance, we used a classification scheme that reflects the likelihood of an observed candidate's formation by a hypervelocity impact. We considered a variety of alternative interpretations while developing this scheme, including inherited features from a proto-Itokawa, spall scars created by the disruption of the proto-Itokawa, spall scars following the formation of a large crater on Itokawa itself, and apparent depressions due to random arrangements of boulders. The size-frequency distribution of the crater candidates was close to the empirical saturation line at the largest diameter, and then decline with decreasing diameter.  相似文献   

We report the B abundances and isotopic ratios of two olivine grains from the S‐type asteroid Itokawa sampled by the Hayabusa spacecraft. Olivine grains from the Dar al Gani (DaG) 989 LL6 chondrite were used as a reference. Since we analyzed polished thin sections in both cases, we expect the contribution from the solar wind B (rich in 10B) to be minimal because the solar wind was implanted only within very thin layers of the grain surface. The Itokawa and DaG 989 olivine grains have homogeneous B abundances (~400 ppb) and 11B/10B ratios compatible with the terrestrial standard and bulk chondrites. The observed homogeneous B abundances and isotopic ratios of the Itokawa olivine grains are likely the result of thermal metamorphism which occurred in the parent asteroid of Itokawa, which had a similar composition as LL chondrites. The chondritic B isotopic ratios of the Itokawa samples suggest that they contain little cosmogenic B (from cosmic‐ray spallation reactions) rich in 10B. This observation is consistent with the short cosmic‐ray exposure ages of Itokawa samples inferred from the small concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne. If other Itokawa samples have little cosmogenic B as well, the enrichment in 10B found previously on the surface of another Itokawa particle (as opposed to the bulk grain study here) may be attributed to implanted solar wind B.  相似文献   

By studying color variations between young and old asteroid families we find evidence for processes that modify colors of asteroids over time. We show that colors of aging surfaces of S-type asteroids become increasingly ‘redder’ and measure the rate of these spectral changes. We estimate that the mean spectral slope between 0.35 and 0.9 μm increases with time t (given in My) as ≈0.01 μm−1×log10t. This empirical fit is valid only for 2.5?t?3000 My (the time interval where we have data) and for the mean spectral slope determined from wide-wavelength filter photometry obtained by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We also find that Gy-old terrains of S-type asteroids reflect about 15% more light at ∼1-μm wavelengths than an ∼5-My-old S-type asteroid surface when the flux is normalized by the reflected light at 0.55 μm. We attribute these effects to space weathering. This result has important implications for asteroid geology and the origin of meteorites that reach the Earth. Our results also suggest that surfaces of C-type asteroids exhibit color alterations opposite to those of the S-type asteroids.  相似文献   

In this study, the three‐dimensional (3‐D) microstructure of 48 Itokawa regolith particles was examined by synchrotron microtomography at SPring‐8 during the preliminary examination of Hayabusa samples. Moreover, the 3‐D microstructure of particles collected from two LL6 chondrites (Ensisheim and Kilabo meteorites) and an LL5 chondrite (Tuxtuac meteorite) was investigated by the same method for comparison. The modal abundances of minerals, especially olivine, bulk density, porosity, and grain size are similar in all samples, including voids and cracks. These results show that the Itokawa particles, which are surface materials from the S‐type asteroid Itokawa, are consistent with the LL chondrite materials in terms of not only elemental and isotopic composition of the minerals but also 3‐D microstructure. However, we could not determine whether the Itokawa particles are purely LL5, LL6, or a mixture of the two. No difference between the particles collected from Rooms A and B of the sample chamber, corresponding to the sampling sequence of the spacecraft's second and first touchdowns, respectively, was detected because of the statistically small amount of particles from Room B.  相似文献   

Mark Willman  Robert Jedicke 《Icarus》2008,195(2):663-673
We have obtained moderate S/N (∼85) spectra at a realized resolution of R∼100 for 11 members of the Iannini family, until recently the youngest known family at under 5 million years of age [Nesvorný, D., Bottke, W.F., Levison, H.F., Dones, L., 2003. Astrophys. J. 591, 486-497, 720-771]. The spectra were acquired using the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager in its low-resolution prism mode on the Keck II telescope. The family members belong to the S-complex of asteroids with perhaps some K class members. The Iannini family members' average spectral slope, defined as the slope of the best-fit line constrained to pivot about 1 at 550 nm, is (0.30±0.04)/μm, matching the (0.26±0.03)/μm reported by Jedicke et al. [Jedicke, R., Nesvorný, D., Whiteley, R.J., Ivezi?, ?., Juri?, M., 2004. Nature 429, 275-277] using SDSS [Ivezi?, ?., Juri?, M., Lupton, R.H., Tabachnik, S., Quinn, T., 2002. In: Tyson, J.A., Wolff, S. (Eds.), Survey and Other Telescope Technologies and Discoveries. In: Proc. SPIE, vol. 4836. SPIE, Bellingham, pp. 98-103] color photometry. Using our spectra for this family as well as new observations of Karin family members [Vernazza, P., Birlan, M., Rossi, A., Dotto, E., Nesvorný, D., Brunetto, R., Fornasier, S., Fulchignoni, M., Renner, S., 2006. Astron. Astrophys. 460, 945-951] and new classifications of some older families we have revised the space weathering rate of S-complex asteroids originally determined by Jedicke et al. [Jedicke, R., Nesvorný, D., Whiteley, R.J., Ivezi?, ?., Juri?, M., 2004. Nature 429, 275-277]. Following Jedicke et al. [Jedicke, R., Nesvorný, D., Whiteley, R.J., Ivezi?, ?., Juri?, M., 2004. Nature 429, 275-277] we parameterize the space weathering rate of the principal component color of the spectrum (PC1), which is correlated with the spectral slope, as PC1(t)=PC1(0)+ΔPC1[1−exp−α(t/τ)]. Our revised rate suggests that the characteristic time scale for space weathering is τ=570±220 Myr and that new S-complex clusters will have an initial color of PC1(0)=0.31±0.04. The revised time scale is in better agreement with lab measurements and our measurements support the use of space weathering as a dating method. Under the assumption that all the spectra should be identical, since the members all derive from the same parent body and are presumably covered with similar regolith, we combined them to obtain a high-S/N composite spectrum for the family. The combined spectrum is within the S-complex.  相似文献   

We have extended our earlier work on space weathering of the youngest S-complex asteroid families to include results from asteroid clusters with ages <106 years and to newly identified asteroid pairs with ages <5 × 105 years. We have identified three S-complex asteroid clusters amongst the set of clusters with ages in the range 105-6 years—(1270) Datura, (21509) Lucascavin and (16598) 1992 YC2. The average color of the objects in these clusters agrees with the color predicted by the space weathering model of Willman et al. (Willman, M., Jedicke, R., Nesvorný, D., Moskovitz, N., Ivezi?, Z., Fevig, R. [2008]. Icarus 195, 663-673). SDSS five-filter photometry of the members of the very young asteroid pairs with ages <105 years was used to determine their taxonomic classification. Their types are consistent with the background population near each object. The average color of the S-complex pairs is PC1 = 0.49 ± 0.03, over 5σ redder than predicted by Willman et al. (Willman, M., Jedicke, R., Nesvorný, D., Moskovitz, N., Ivezi?, Z., Fevig, R. [2008]. Icarus 195, 663-673). This may indicate that the most likely pair formation mechanism is a gentle separation due to YORP spin-up leaving much of the aged and reddened surface undisturbed. If this is the case then our color measurement allows us to set an upper limit of ∼64% on the amount of surface disturbed in the separation process. Using pre-existing color data and our new results for the youngest S-complex asteroid clusters we have extended our space weather model to explicitly include the effects of regolith gardening and fit separate weathering and gardening characteristic time scales of τw = 960 ± 160 Myr and τg = 2000 ± 290 Myr respectively. The first principal component color for fresh S-complex material is PC1 = 0.37 ± 0.01 while the maximum amount of local reddening is ΔPC1 = 0.33 ± 0.06. Our first-ever determination of the gardening time is in stark contrast to our calculated gardening time of τg ∼ 270 Myr based on main belt impact rates and reasonable assumptions about crater and ejecta blanket sizes. A possible resolution for the discrepancy is through a ‘honeycomb’ mechanism in which the surface regolith structure absorbs small impactors without producing significant ejecta. This mechanism could also account for the paucity of small craters on (433) Eros.  相似文献   

Laboratory impact experiments have found that the shape of fragments over a broad size range is distributed around the mean value of the axial ratio 2:√2:1, which is independent of a wide range of experimental conditions. We report the shape statistics of boulders with size of 0.1-30 m on the surface of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa based on high-resolution images obtained by the Hayabusa spacecraft in order to investigate whether their shape distribution is similar to the distribution obtained for fragments (smaller than 0.1 m) in laboratory impact experiments. We also investigated the shapes of boulders with size of 0.1-150 m on Asteroid 433 Eros using a few arbitrary selected images by the NEAR spacecraft, in order to compare those with the shapes on Asteroid Itokawa. In addition, the shapes of small- and fast-rotating asteroids (diameter <200 m and rotation period <1 h), which are natural fragments from past impact events among asteroids, were inferred from archived light curve data taken by ground-based telescopes. The results show that the shape distributions of laboratory fragments are similar to those of the boulders on Eros and of the small- and fast-rotating asteroids, but are different from those on Itokawa. However, we propose that the apparent difference between the boulders of Itokawa and the laboratory fragments is due to the migration of boulders. Therefore, we suggest that the shape distributions of the boulders ranging from 0.1 to 150 m in size and the small- and fast-rotating asteroids are similar to those obtained for the fragments generated in laboratory impact experiments.  相似文献   

We present results of a ground-based observational study of the Hayabusa mission target near-Earth Asteroid (25143) Itokawa. Our data consist of BVRI-filter CCD photometry and low resolution CCD spectroscopy, from which the asteroid's rotation period, axial ratio, broadband colors, and taxonomic classification are derived. Analysis of the R-filter lightcurve data shows a synodic rotation period of 12.12±0.02 h, consistent with results from other observers. We observed a maximum peak-to-peak amplitude of 1.05 magnitudes, which—depending on the taxonomic class assumed when correcting for phase angle effects—implies a minimum axial ratio of 2.14. The shape of the rotation lightcurves varies considerably between data sets due to the changing viewing geometry. The lightcurve data from this study has been included in the shape model analysis of Kaasalainen et al. (2003 Astron. Astrophys, 405, L29-L32) and the Hapke analysis of Lederer et al. (2005 Icarus 173,153-165). Color variations were also observed, with the interpolated color indices at lightcurve midpoint being: (B-V)=0.94±0.05, (V-R)=0.40±0.06, and (V-I)=0.74±0.07. Our low resolution Palomar spectra from March 2001 covered a wavelength range of 0.3-1.0 μm. We measured a spectral slope of 9.3±0.3%/100 nm between 0.55-0.70 μm and a deep 1 μm absorption (equivalent ECAS color: w-x=−0.111±0.003, v-x=0.031±0.003). Comparison of our spectra with published ECAS data from Zellner et al. (1985 Icarus 61, 355-416) indicates that this object is most likely of Q- or S-type, similar to ordinary chondrite meteorites. Our data are more consistent with a Q-type body when both the spectroscopic data and the available BVRI photometry are taken into account.  相似文献   

Space weathering and the interpretation of asteroid reflectance spectra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michael J. Gaffey 《Icarus》2010,209(2):564-574
Lunar-style space weathering is well understood, but cannot be extended to asteroids in general. The two best studied Asteroids (433 Eros and 243 Ida) exhibit quite different space weathering styles, and neither exhibits lunar-style space weathering. It must be concluded that at this time the diversity and mechanisms of asteroid space weathering are poorly understood. This introduces a significant unconstrained variable into the problem of analyzing asteroid spectral data. The sensitivity of asteroid surface material characterizations to space weathering effects - whatever their nature - is strongly dependent upon the choice of remote sensing methodology. The effects of space weathering on some methodologies such as curve matching are potentially devastating and at the present time essentially unmitigated. On other methodologies such as parametric analysis (e.g., analyses based on band centers and band area ratios) the effects are minimal. By choosing the appropriate methodology(ies) applied to high quality spectral data, robust characterizations of asteroid surface mineralogy can be obtained almost irrespective of space weathering. This permits sophisticated assessments of the geologic history of the asteroid parent bodies and of their relationships to the meteorites. Investigations of the diversity of space weathering processes on asteroid surfaces should be a fruitful area for future efforts.  相似文献   

Vesta’s crater sizes that are based on images returned from the Dawn probe orbiting the asteroid 4 Vesta are compared with sizes of spots on its surface derived from hydrosilicate equivalent widths and asteroid color indices B-V and V-R observed spectrophotometrically on earth using a spectral-frequency method. The sizes of craters and spots at the asteroid poles prove to correspond to the sizes of spots that are assumed to be located at latitudes of 40°...45° N and S. Comparative results for the crater sizes ranging from 10 to 100 km are tabulated. We conclude that crater sizes on asteroid surfaces can be determined using the spectral-frequency method.  相似文献   

We report the first successful ground-based observations of any asteroid at submillimeter wave-lengths. Observations of the asteroid 10 Hygiea at 370 and 770 μm are combined with observations in the near and thermal infrared (2.2, 10.6, and 21 μm) to study the thermal properties of Hygiea's regolith. The “standard” (nonrotating) thermal model is consistent with the entire data set, although a rotating thermophysical model with a “lunarlike” thermal inertia cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

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