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Physical properties(e.g., ejecta size and distribution) of impact craters are crucial and essential to understanding the ejecta excavation and deposition process, estimating rock breakdown rate, and revealing their evolution characteristics. However, whether these physical properties are scale-dependent and how they evolve in different radial regions needs further studies. In this study, we first investigated the physical properties and evolution of subkilometer(D ≤ 800 m) craters on lunar maria...  相似文献   

The Characteristics of Polygonal Impact Craters on Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polygonal impact craters (PICs) are craters whose shape in plan view is more or less angular instead of being circular or ellipsoidal. This type of craters are present and often common on the Moon, Mercury, Mars and several asteroids and icy moons and after the careful analysis we found on Venus 131 impact craters, which show at least two straight rim segments. This survey proves that there are polygonal impact craters on Venus and they may provide a good tool to analyse the properties of the planet’s surface/crust/lithosphere as well as the impact process itself. This study also collaborates our previous results, that PICs are not an anomaly among craters, but an integral part of all impact craters regardless of their size or environment. We compared the polygonal impact craters to “normal”-shaped craters by using different characteristics (diameter, altitude, geologic setting, morphologic class, floor reflectance, degradation stage, and wall terracing). It turned out that the smaller crater sizes favor the formation of straight rim segments, but otherwise these craters show similar characteristics to other craters. Our study also shows that there are regions where the straight segments of the crater rims most clearly follow the orientations of the dominant tectonic features of the area. Thus, the orientations of crater walls reflect–at least in some places–the local tectonics and zones of weakness also on Venus and could thus tell us about the directions and distributions of fractures or other zones of weakness in the crust.  相似文献   

Preliminary measurements of craters and boulders have been made in various locations on Eros from images acquired during the first nine months of NEAR Shoemaker's orbital mission, including the October 2000 low altitude flyover. (We offer some very preliminary, qualitative analysis of later LAF images and very high-resolution images obtained during NEAR's landing on 12 February 2001). Craters on Eros >100 m diameter closely resemble the saturated crater population of Ida; Eros is more heavily cratered than Gaspra but lacks the saturated giant craters of Mathilde. These craters and the other large-scale geological features were formed over a duration of very roughly 2 Gyr while Eros was in the main asteroid belt, between the time when its parent body was disrupted and Eros was injected into an Earth-approaching orbit (probably tens of Myr ago). Saturation equilibrium had been expected to shape Eros' crater population down to very small sizes, as on the lunar maria. However, craters <200 m diameter are instead progressively depleted toward smaller sizes and are a factor of ∼200 below empirical saturation at diameters of 4 m. Conversely, boulders and positive relief features (PRFs) rise rapidly in numbers (differential power-law index ∼−5) and those <10 m in size dominate the landscape at high resolutions. The pervasive boulders and minimal craters on Eros is radically different from the lunar surface at similar scales. This may be partly explained by a major depletion of meter-scale projectiles in the asteroid belt (due to the Yarkovsky Effect: Bell 2001), which thus form few small craters and destroy few boulders. Additionally, the small size and low gravity of Eros may result in redistribution or loss of ejecta due to seismic shaking, thus preferentially destroying small craters formed in such regolith. Possibly Eros has only a patchy, thin regolith of mobile fines; the smaller PRFs may then reflect exposures of fractured bedrock or piles of large ejecta blocks, which might further inhibit formation of craters <10 m in size. Eros may well have been largely detached dynamically and collisionally from the main asteroid belt for the past tens of Myr, in which case its cratering rate would have dropped by two orders of magnitude, perhaps enhancing the relative efficacy of other processes that would normally be negligible in competition with cratering. Such processes include thermal creep, electrostatic levitation and redistribution of fines, and space weathering (e.g., bombardment by micrometeorites and solar wind particles). Combined with other small-body responses to impact cratering (e.g., greater widespread distribution of bouldery ejecta), such processes may also help explain the unexpected small-scale character of geology on Eros. If there was a recent virtual hiatus in cratering of Eros (during which only craters <∼300 m diameter would be expected to have formed), space weathering may have reached maturity, thus explaining Eros' remarkable spectral homogeneity compared with Ida.  相似文献   

The problem of the chemical evolution of the system of Galactic planetary nebulae, starting with the early stage of development of the Galaxy, is investigated. The radial and vertical gradients of C, N, O, Ne, Ar, Cl, and S abundances are determined for different ages of the precursor stars of the nebulae. A statistically significant age dependence of the gradients is derived.  相似文献   

One of the principal scientific reasons for wanting to resume in situ exploration of the lunar surface is to gain access to the record it contains of early Solar System history. Part of this record will pertain to the galactic environment of the Solar System, including variations in the cosmic ray flux, energetic galactic events (e.g., supernovae and/or gamma-ray bursts), and passages of the Solar System through dense interstellar clouds. Much of this record is of astrobiological interest as these processes may have affected the evolution of life on Earth, and perhaps other Solar System bodies. We argue that this galactic record, as for that of more local Solar System processes also of astrobiological interest, will be best preserved in ancient, buried regolith (‘palaeoregolith’) deposits in the lunar near sub-surface. Locating and sampling such deposits will be an important objective of future lunar exploration activities.  相似文献   

Planetary nebulae (PNe) exist in a range of different morphologies, from very simple and symmetric round shells, to elliptical, bipolar, and even quadrupolar shapes. They present extremely complex ensembles of filaments, knots, ansae, and shell multiplicity. It is then overwhelmingly complicated to derive reasonable evolutionary paths to justify the observed shapes of PNe. The confrontation between the evolution of the shells and that of the central stars is needed to understand the origin of the morphological variety. We present some background and recent results on the correlations between PN morphology and PN nuclei (PNNi) evolution, including a study on the Magellanic Cloud PNe. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - In this review we consider the main rotation regimes that are inherent for planetary satellites of the Solar System, satellites of trans-Neptunian objects, and potential...  相似文献   

Using high-resolution Galileo images, we counted the number of craters (larger than 1 km) on two of Jupiter's satellites—Callisto (outside and inside the Asgard impact basin) and Ganymede (in the dark cratered Galileo region)—and classified these craters morphologically. Based on the degree of preservation of crater rims, three morphological classes, A, B, and C (from the most preserved to the most degraded), have been identified. The A : B : C ratios, equal, respectively, to 1 : 3 : 5, 1 : 3 : 7, and 1 : 2.5 : 6.5 for fragments of the territory outside and inside the Asgard basin and within Galileo Regio, indicate that these crater populations reached a considerably high degree of maturity. The degradation of kilometer-scale craters on Callisto proceeds by the narrowing of their rims and their disintegration into chains of knobs, probably due to the sublimation of ice that composes the rim material. Comparing the density of craters of different classes in the regions inside and outside Asgard shows that class A craters on the territories examined were formed after the event that formed this impact basin. Kilometer-scale craters on Ganymede degrade through the expansion and smoothing of their rims and the dissection of them by radial furrows. This implies the involvement in the crater destruction of a downslope movement triggered by the seismic activity that accompanied the formation of tectonic grooves. It is possible that ice sublimation also took part in the destruction of craters on Ganymede, but its effect was less prominent than the effect of downslope movements.  相似文献   

The impact cratering behavior of polycrystalline ice at a temperature of 259±3 K has been investigated by 16 impacts with 1-mm aluminum 2017 alloy spheres (density 2790 kg m−3) over the velocity range 1 to 7.3 km s−1 using a two-stage light-gas gun. Crater cross-sectional profiles and diameter, depth, and volume data are presented. It is found that there is no significant difference in power-law energy exponents for scaling of crater diameter and volume between these data and previous low-velocity (<1 km s−1) ice impact data. Dimensionless pi group scaling was also found to scale the data in a way which can be readily combined with earlier lower velocity data and data at a lower ice temperature.  相似文献   

This study integrates two different computer vision approaches, namely the circular Hough transform (CHT) and the determinant of Hessian (DoH), to detect automatically the largest number possible of craters of any size on the digital terrain model (DTM) generated by the Mars Global Surveyor mission. Specifically, application of the standard version of CHT to the DTM captured a great number of craters with diameter smaller than?~?50 km only, failing to capture larger craters. On the other hand, DoH was successful in detecting craters that were undetected by CHT, but its performance was deterred by the irregularity of the topographic surface encompassed: strongly undulated and inclined (trended) topographies hindered crater detection. When run on a de-trended DTM (and keeping the topology unaltered) DoH scored higher. Current results, although not optimal, encourage combined use of CHT and DoH for routine crater detection undertakings.  相似文献   

系外行星的探测是近年来炙手可热的话题,尤其是类地行星的探测.随着观测数据的不断积累,以及NASA的Kepler卫星的升空,越来越多的系外行星系统和类地行星被探测到,这将极大地丰富系外行星和系外行星系统的样本,为我们提供更多的素材,使我们对系外行星的形成、演化等过程有更加深刻的认识.  相似文献   

All results, achieved up to now, show the long term stability of our planetary system, although, especially the inner solar system is chaotic, due to some specific secular resonances. We study, by means of numerical integrations, the dynamical evolution of the planetary system where we concentrate on the stability of motion of the terrestrial planets Venus, Earth and Mars. Our model consists of a simplified planetary system with the inner planets Venus, Earth and Mars as well as Jupiter and Saturn. A mass factor was introduced to uniformly change the masses of the terrestrial planets; Jupiter and Saturn were involved in the system with their actual masses. We integrated the equations of motion with a Lie-integration method for a time interval of 107 years. It turned out that when 220 < < 245 and > 250 the system became unstable due to the strong interactions between the planets. We discuss the model planetary systems for small mass-factors 0.5 10 and large ones 160 270 with the aid of several different numerical tools. These results can be applied to recently discovered exoplanetary systems, which configuration is comparable to our own.  相似文献   

Using the images of Callisto's surface acquired at 15-km resolution by the Galileo spacecraft during its C21 orbit, we studied the morphology of craters with diameters of less than 1–2 km and knobs. By analogy with other regions of Callisto that have been studied, these craters and knobs are thought to be formed by the sublimation degradation of the rims of larger craters that are also present in the region under study. The small craters closely resemble similar-sized lunar craters and, by analogy with the latter, are also divided into morphological classes. The depths of 42 craters of different morphological classes are estimated using shadow lengths visible in the craters. The fractions of the craters of different classes in the subpopulation are determined as a function of the crater diameter. Evidence has been obtained that larger craters degrade at a slower rate than smaller ones. The mean thickness of the mantle of dark material (40 m) is estimated from the sizes of the craters ejecting the blocks of the basement ice material. The shape of the knob shadows shows that the knobs are heights of mostly conical form with slopes whose steepness is close to the angle of repose. Analysis has shown that the observed landforms and material units of the region under investigation have been formed during two successive stages of the geologic history of Callisto. Large craters, knobs, and the mantle of dark material were formed mostly at the end of the period of heavy meteorite bombardment. The leading processes of this period are impact cratering, the sublimation of Callisto's crustal ice with the accumulation of residual non-icy material, and downslope mass movement. The next stage, which continues until the present time, involved the formation of the subpopulation of small (<1–2 km) craters. This formation was accompanied by the impact reworking of the upper portion of the dark mantle. The key processes occurring at this stage are impact cratering and downslope mass movement. The mean intensity of resurfacing at this stage is much lower than at the preceding stage.  相似文献   

The paper considers morphology of craters, smooth surfaces, and flows as well as signatures of layering observed on nuclei of Borrelly, Wild 2, and Tempel 1. In our analysis, we emphasize the role of the so-called planation process, which involves avalanche-type flows and can be responsible for the formation of flow-like features, smooth terrains, terraces, and flat floors of some craters observed on cometary nuclei. In agreement with some other researchers (e.g., Belton, 2006), we suggest that in the thicker layers on Tempel 1 and in some features on Borrelly and Wild 2, we may see elements of the comet primordial structure. We also see more and less degraded impact craters formed early in the comet history in distant parts of the Solar System and landforms formed very recently during comet visits to the inner part of the Solar System. The recent resurfacing processes certainly changed the nucleus surface materials, possibly enhancing the sublimation of volatile species, so it should be taken into account in interpretations of the Deep Impact results and in selecting study areas when the Rosetta spacecraft will approach its target comet.  相似文献   

第19太阳周内6.5年中的1119个≥2-级太阳耀斑,相对于木星和金星的日面经度观测分布为Pj(L)和Pv(L).五种理论分布假设为:(1)均匀随机分布;(2)均匀随机十横向潮汐力分布;(3)均匀随机十竖向潮汐力分布;(4)均匀随机十潮汐力模量分布;(5)均匀随机十横向潮汐力和竖向潮汐力分布.观测和理论分布的X2拟合优度检验表明:在较严格的显著性水平上(α<0.01),五种理论分布假设都能接受;但到α≈0.35(木星)和α≈0.175(金星);则拒绝第1种假设,而应接受第2-5种假设,尤以第5种理论分布假设为佳.Pj和Pv中难于避免许多重要干扰但仍可检测出.所以,行星潮汐影响太阳因素;故其中,可检测的行星潮汐成分只能较小;活动,仍是种显著的效应.  相似文献   

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