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Abstract— We report here the petrography, mineralogy, and geochemistry of lunar meteorite Sayh al Uhaymir 300 (SaU 300). SaU 300 is dominated by a fine‐grained crystalline matrix surrounding mineral fragments (plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine, and ilmenite) and lithic clasts (mainly feldspathic to noritic). Mare basalt and KREEPy rocks are absent. Glass melt veins and impact melts are present, indicating that the rock has been subjected to a second impact event. FeNi metal and troilite grains were observed in the matrix. Major element concentrations of SaU 300 (Al2O3 21.6 wt% and FeO 8.16 wt%) are very similar to those of two basalt‐bearing feldspathic regolith breccias: Calcalong Creek and Yamato (Y‐) 983885. However, the rare earth element (REE) abundances and pattern of SaU 300 resemble the patterns of feldspathic highlands meteorites (e.g., Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069 and Dar al Gani (DaG) 400), and the average lunar highlands crust. It has a relatively LREE‐enriched (7 to 10 x CI) pattern with a positive Eu anomaly (?11 x CI). Values of Fe/Mn ratios of olivine, pyroxene, and the bulk sample are essentially consistent with a lunar origin. SaU 300 also contains high siderophile abundances with a chondritic Ni/Ir ratio. SaU 300 has experienced moderate terrestrial weathering as its bulk Sr concentration is elevated compared to other lunar meteorites and Apollo and Luna samples. Mineral chemistry and trace element abundances of SaU 300 fall within the ranges of lunar feldspathic meteorites and FAN rocks. SaU 300 is a feldspathic impact‐melt breccia predominantly composed of feldspathic highlands rocks with a small amount of mafic component. With a bulk Mg# of 0.67, it is the most mafic of the feldspathic meteorites and represents a lunar surface composition distinct from any other known lunar meteorites. On the basis of its low Th concentration (0.46 ppm) and its lack of KREEPy and mare basaltic components, the source region of SaU 300 could have been within a highland terrain, a great distance from the Imbrium impact basin, probably on the far side of the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sayhal Uhaymir (SaU) 094 is a 223.3 g, partially crusted, strongly to very strongly shocked melanocratic olivine-porphyric rock of the shergottite group showing a microgabbroic texture. The rock consists of pyroxene (52.0–58.2 vol%)—dominantly prismatic pigeonite (En60–68Fs20–27Wo7–9) associated with minor augite (En46–49Fs15–16Wo28–31)—brown (shock-oxidized) olivine (Fo65–69; 22.1–31%), completely isotropic interstitial plagioclase glass (maskelynite; An50–64Or0.3-0.9; 8.6–13.0%), chromite and titanian magnesian chromite (0.9-1.0%), traces of ilmenite (Ilm80–86), pyrrhotite (Fe92–100; 0.1-0.2%), merrillite (<<0.1%), and pockets (4.8-6.7%) consisting of green basaltic to basaltic andesitic shock glass that is partially devitrified into a brown to black product along boundaries with the primary minerals. The average maximum dimensions of minerals are: olivine (1.5 mm), pyroxene (0.3 mm) and maskelynite (0.3 mm). Primary melt inclusions in olivine and chromite are common and account for 0.1-0.6% of the rock. X-ray tomography revealed that the specimen contains ˜0.4 vol% of shock-melt associated vesicles, up to 3 mm in size, which show a preferred orientation. Fluidization of the maskelynite, melting and recrystallization of pyroxene, olivine and pyrrhotite indicate shock stage S6. Minor terrestrial weathering resulted in calcite-veining and minor oxidation of sulfides. The meteorite is interpreted as paired with SaU 005/008/051. The modal composition is similar to Dar al Gani 476/489/670/735/876, with the exception that neither mesostasis nor titanomagnetite nor apatite are present and that all phases show little zonation. The restricted mineral composition, predominance of chromite among the oxides, and abundance of olivine indicate affinities to the lherzolitic shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 300 comprises a microcrystalline igneous matrix (grain size <10 μm), dominated by plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. Pyroxene geothermometry indicates that the matrix crystallized at ?1100 °C. The matrix encloses mineral and lithic clasts that record the effects of variable levels of shock. Mineral clasts include plagioclase, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, pigeonite, and olivine. Minor amounts of ilmenite, FeNi metal, chromite, and a silica phase are also present. A variety of lithic clast types are observed, including glassy impact melts, impact‐melt breccias, and metamorphosed impact melts. One clast of granulitic breccia was also noted. A lunar origin for SaU 300 is supported by the composition of the plagioclase (average An95), the high Cr content in olivine, the lack of hydrous phases, and the Fe/Mn ratio of mafic minerals. Both matrix and clasts have been locally overprinted by shock veins and melt pockets. SaU 300 has previously been described as an anorthositic regolith breccia with basaltic components and a granulitic matrix, but we here interpret it to be a polymict crystalline impact‐melt breccia with an olivine‐rich anorthositic norite bulk composition. The varying shock states of the mineral and lithic clasts suggest that they were shocked to between 5–28 GPa (shock stages S1–S2) by impact events in target rocks prior to their inclusion in the matrix. Formation of the igneous matrix requires a minimum shock pressure of 60 GPa (shock stage >S4). The association of maskelynite with melt pockets and shock veins indicates a subsequent, local 28–45 GPa (shock stage S2–S3) excursion, which was probably responsible for lofting the sample from the lunar surface. Subsequent fracturing is attributed to atmospheric entry and probable breakup of the parent meteor.  相似文献   

We have investigated the H and Cl systematics in apatite from four brecciated lunar meteorites. In Northwest Africa (NWA) 4472, most of the apatites contain ~2000–6000 ppm H2O with δD between ?200 and 0‰, except for one grain isolated in the matrix, which contains ~6000 ppm H2O with δD of ~500–900‰. This low‐δD apatite contains ~2500–7500 ppm Cl associated with δ37Cl of ~15–20‰, while the high‐δD grain contains ~2500 ppm Cl with δ37Cl of ~7–15‰. In NWA 773, apatites in a first group contain ~700–2500 ppm H2O with δD values averaging around ~0 ± 100‰, while apatites in a second group contain ~5500–16500 ppm H2O with δD ~250 ± 50‰. In Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 169 and Kalahari (Kal) 009, apatites are similar in terms of their H2O contents (~600–3000 ppm) and δD values (?100 to 200‰). In SaU 169, apatites contain ~6000–10,000 ppm Cl, characterized by δ37Cl of ~5–12‰. Overall, most of the analyzed apatite grains have δD within the range reported for carbonaceous chondrites, similar to apatite analyzed in ancient (>3.9 Ga) lunar magmatic. One grain in NWA 4472 has H and Cl isotope compositions similar to apatite from mare basalts. With an age of 4.35 Ga, this grain could be a representative of the oldest known lunar volcanic activity. Finally, since numerous evolved clasts in NWA 773 formed through silicate liquid immiscibility, the apatite grains with extremely high H2O contents, reaching pure hydroxylapatite composition, could provide insights into the effects of such process on the evolution of volatiles in lunar magmas.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 150 meteorite was found on a gravel plateau, 43.3 km south of Ghaba, Oman, on October 8, 2002. Oxygen isotope (δ17O 2.78; δ18O 4.74), CRE age (?1.3 Ma), and noble gas studies confirm its Martian origin. SaU 150 is classified as an olivine‐phyric basalt, having a porphyritic texture with olivine macrocrysts set in a finer‐grained matrix of pigeonite and interstitial maskelynite, with minor augite, spinel, ilmenite, merrillite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and secondary (terrestrial) calcite and iron oxides. The bulk rock composition, in particular mg (68) [molar Mg/(Mg + Fe) x 100], Fe/Mn (37.9), and Na/Al (0.22), are characteristic of Martian meteorites. Based on mineral compositions, cooling rates determined from crystal morphology, and crystal size distribution, it is deduced that the parent magma formed in a steady‐state growth regime (magma chamber) that cooled at <°C/hr. Subsequent eruption as a thick lava flow or hypabyssal intrusion entrained a small fraction of xenocrystic olivine and gave rise to a magmatic foliation, with slow cooling allowing for near homogenization of igneous minerals. SaU 150 experienced an equilibration shock pressure of 33–45 GPa in a single impact event. Post‐shock heat gave rise to localized melting (?11 vol%). Larger volume melts remained fluid after pressure release and crystallized dendritic olivine and pyroxene with fractal dimensions of 1.80–1.89 and 1.89–1.95, respectively, at ‐ΔT >70–365 °C. SaU 150 is essentially identical to SaU 005/094, all representing samples of the same fall that are similar to, but distinct from, the DaG shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract– Lunar meteorite Northeast Africa (NEA) 001 is a feldspathic regolith breccia. This study presents the results of electron microprobe and LA‐ICP‐MS analyses of a section of NEA 001. We identify a range of lunar lithologies including feldspathic impact melt, ferroan noritic anorthosite and magnesian feldspathic clasts, and several very‐low titanium (VLT) basalt clasts. The largest of these basalt clasts has a rare earth element (REE) pattern with light‐REE (LREE) depletion and a positive Euanomaly. This clast also exhibits low incompatible trace element (ITE) concentrations (e.g., <0.1 ppm Th, <0.5 ppm Sm), indicating that it has originated from a parent melt that did not assimilate KREEP material. Positive Eu‐anomalies and such low‐ITE concentrations are uncharacteristic of most basalts returned by the Apollo and Luna missions, and basaltic lunar meteorite samples. We suggest that these features are consistent with the VLT clasts crystallizing from a parent melt which was derived from early mantle cumulates that formed prior to the separation of plagioclase in the lunar magma ocean, as has previously been proposed for some other lunar VLT basalts. Feldspathic impact melts within the sample are found to be more mafic than estimations for the composition of the upper feldspathic lunar crust, suggesting that they may have melted and incorporated material from the lower lunar crust (possibly in large basin‐forming events). The generally feldspathic nature of the impact melt clasts, lack of a KREEP component, and the compositions of the basaltic clasts, leads us to suggest that the meteorite has been sourced from the Outer‐Feldspathic Highlands Terrane (FHT‐O), probably on the lunar farside and within about 1000 km of sources of both Low‐Ti and VLT basalts, the latter possibly existing as cryptomaria deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we report the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk compositions of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs), amoeboid olivine aggregate (AOA), and Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) in Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290 CH chondrite. Eighty‐two CAIs (0.1% of the section surface area) were found. They are hibonite‐rich (9%), grossite‐rich (18%), melilite ± spinel‐rich (48%), fassaite ± spinel‐rich (15%), and fassaite‐anorthite‐rich (10%) refractory inclusions. Most CAIs are rounded in shape and small in size (average = 40 μm). They are more refractory than those of other groups of chondrites. CAIs in SaU 290 might have experienced higher peak heating temperatures, which could be due to the formation region closer to the center of protoplanetary disk or have formed earlier than those of other groups of chondrites. In SaU 290, refractory inclusions with a layered texture could have formed by gas‐solid condensation from the solar nebula and those with an igneous texture could have crystallized from melt droplets or experienced subsequent melting of pre‐existing condensates from the solar nebula. One refractory inclusion represents an evaporation product of pre‐existing refractory solid on the basis of its layered texture and melting temperature of constituting minerals. Only one AOA is observed (75 μm across). It consists of olivine, Al‐diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel with a layered texture. CAIs and AOA show no significant low‐temperature aqueous alteration. ARCs in SaU 290 consist of diopside, forsterite, anorthite, Al‐enstatite, spinel, and mesostasis or glass. They can be divided into diopside‐rich, Al‐enstatite‐rich, glass‐rich, and anorthite‐rich chondrules. Bulk compositions of most ARCs are consistent with a mixture origin of CAIs and ferromagnesian chondrules. Anorthite and Al‐enstatite do not coexist in a given ARC, implying a kinetic effect on their formation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to point out that if the sinuous rilles on the Moon represent trenches in the mare ground in which they meander, the existence of a great number of individual boulders on their slopes - as discovered on the high-resolution photographs taken by US Lunar Orbiters 4 and 5 in 1967 - suggests that the solid substrate of the lunar globe is covered by broken-up debris produced by cosmic abrasion - and hereafter referred to as lunar regolith - of thickness comparable with the depth of the respective rilles - at least of those lacking flat floors; which is generally in the order of 200–300 m. This depth is much greater than that indicated previously by other methods possessing more limited depth in range; and need not apply uniformly all over the Moon. In point of fact, marial regions abounding in sinuous rilles may represent loci where the lunar regolith has developed its maximum depth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lunar meteorite Dar al Gani 262 (DG 262)—found in the Libyan part of the Sahara—is a mature, anorthositic regolith breccia with highland affinities. The origin from the Moon is undoubtedly indicated by its bulk chemical composition; radionuclide concentrations; noble gas, N, and O isotopic compositions; and petrographic features. Dar al Gani 262 is a typical anorthositic highland breccia similar in mineralogy and chemical composition to Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069. About 52 vol% of the studied thin sections of Dar al Gani 262 consist of fine-grained(100 μm) constituents, and 48 vol% is mineral and lithic clasts and impact-melt veins. The most abundant clast types are feldspathic fine-grained to microporphyritic crystalline melt breccias (50.2 vol%; includes recrystallized melt breccias), whereas mafic crystalline melt breccias are extremely rare (1.4 vol%). Granulitic lithologies are 12.8 vol%, intragranularly recrystallized anorthosites and cataclastic anorthosites are 8.8 and 8.2 vol%, respectively, and (devitrified) glasses are 2.7 vol%. Impact-melt veins (5.5 vol% of the whole thin sections) cutting across the entire thin section were probably formed subsequent to the lithification process of the bulk rock at pressures below 20 GPa, because the bulk rock never experienced a higher peak shock pressure. Mafic crystalline melt breccias are very rare in Dar al Gani 262 and are similar in abundance to those in QUE 93069. The extremely low abundance of mafic components and the bulk composition may constrain possible areas of the Moon from which the breccia was derived. The source area of Dar al Gani 262 must be a highland terrain lacking significant mafic impact melts or mare components. On the basis of radionuclide activities, an irradiation position of DG 262 on the Moon at a depth of 55–85 g/cm3and a maximum transit time to Earth <0.15 Ma is suggested. Dar al Gani 262 contains high concentrations of solar-wind-implanted noble gases. The isotopic abundance ratio 40Ar/36Ar < 3 is characteristic of lunar soils. The terrestrial weathering of DG 262 is reflected by the occurrence of fractures filled with calcite and by high concentrations of Ca, Ba, Cs, Br, and As. There is also a large amount of terrestrial C and some N in the sample, which was released at low temperatures during stepped heating. High concentrations of Ni, Co, and Ir indicate a significant meteoritic component in the lunar surface regolith from which DG 262 was derived.  相似文献   

Results from particle-size distribution analyses of the lunar regolith (less than 1 mm) as sampled by Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 have been tested to see if they conform to Rosin's law, which has been found to describe crushed products of many kinds and sizes. In all the lunar examples the law appears to be followed closely. It is concluded that the lunar regolith is probably the result of crushing forces, most likely impacts on the lunar surface.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lunar meteorite QUE 93069 found in Antarctica is a mature, anorthitic regolith breccia with highland affinities that was ejected from the Moon <0.3 Ma ago. The frequency distribution of mineral and lithic clasts gives information about the nature of the regolith and subregolith basement near the ejection site as well as about the abundances of rock types shocked to different degrees prior to the breccia formation. Thin section QUE 93069,37 consists of 67.5 vol% fine-grained (<~130 μm) constituents and 32.5 vol% mineral and lithic clasts and an impact melt vein. The most abundant types of these clasts are intragranularly recrystallized anorthosites and plagioclases (together 26.3 vol%) and feldspathic fine-grained to microporphyritic crystalline melt breccias (21.9 vol%). Mafic crystalline melt breccias are extremely rare (1.3 vol%). Granulitic lithologies are 10.4 vol%, recrystallized feldspathic melt breccias are 15.0 vol%, and glasses are 3.5 vol%. The impact melt vein cutting across the entire thin section was probably formed subsequent to the lithification process of the bulk rock at pressures below 20 GPa, because the bulk rock never experienced a higher peak shock pressure. Lunar meteorite QUE 93069 has a higher abundance of clear glass, occurring within melt spherules, glassy fragments, and an impact melt vein than lunar meteorites ALHA81005, Y-791197, Y-82192/3, Y-86032, or MAC 88104/5. The high abundance of melt spherules indicates that this lunar meteorite contains the highest content of typical regolith components. Mafic crystalline melt breccias are much rarer in QUE 93069 than in all other lunar highland regolith breccias. The extremely low abundance of mafic components may constrain possible areas of the Moon, from which the breccia was derived. The source area of QUE 93069 must be a highland terrain lacking significant mafic impact melts or mare components.  相似文献   

A model for radon diffusion through the lunar regolith is proposed in which the atom migrates by random walk. The regolith is represented by a system of randomly oriented baffles in which the mean distanced which the atom travels between two collisions takes on the role of a mean free path. The effective mean time between two collisions depends on two entities: the actual mean time-of-flight and the mean sticking time on grain surfaces for one collision. The latter depends strongly on the temperature and the heat of adsorption of radon on regolith materials. Bothd (mean free path) as well asQ (heat of adsorption) are either poorly known or unknown for the lunar regolith; hence these quantities are treated as free parameters. Because of the greatly different mean lifetimes against radioactive decay of219Rn,220Rn, and222Rn, the regolith acts as a powerful filter for these species.222Rn escape is significant (32%) even ford = 1µ,Q = 7.0 kcal/mole and a regolith depth of 4 m. Calculations of radon escape from a 4 m thick regolith, usingd = 1, 10 and 80µ andQ = 4.0, 5.2 and 7.0 kcal/mole show that the222Rn/220Rn escape ratio can be as small as 7.7 and as large as, or larger than 47. The small value of 7.7 is of particular interest, because it is nearly equal to the escape ratio inferred by Turkevichet al. from their Surveyor 5 results.  相似文献   

Abstract– The ion microprobe is the only technique capable of determining high‐precision stable isotope ratios in individual tiny extraterrestrial particles (≤100 μm in diameter), but these small samples present special analytical challenges. We produced a new sample holder disk with multiple holes (three holes and seven holes), in which epoxy disks containing a single unknown sample and a standard grain are cast and polished. Performance tests for oxygen two‐isotope analyses using San Carlos olivine standard grains show that the new multiple‐hole disks allow accurate analysis of tiny particles if the particles are located within the 500 μm and 1 mm radius of the center of holes for seven‐hole and three‐hole disks, respectively. Using the new seven‐hole disk, oxygen three‐isotope ratios of eight magnesian cryptocrystalline chondrules (approximately 100 μm in diameter) from the Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290 CH chondrite were analyzed by ion microprobe at the University of Wisconsin. Five out of eight chondrules have nearly identical oxygen isotope ratios (Δ17O = ?2.2 ± 0.6‰; 2SD), which is consistent with those of magnesian cryptocrystalline chondrules in CH/CB and CB chondrites, suggesting a genetic relationship, i.e., formation by a common (possibly impact) heating event. The other three chondrules have distinct oxygen isotope ratios (Δ17O values from ?6.4‰ to +2.2‰). Given that similar variation in Δ17O values was observed in type I porphyritic chondrules in a CH/CB chondrite, the three chondrules may have formed in the solar nebula, similar to the type I porphyritic chondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract— Knowledge of regolith depth structure is important for a variety of studies of the Moon and other bodies such as Mercury and asteroids. Lunar regolith depths have been estimated using morphological techniques (i.e., Quaide and Oberbeck 1968; Shoemaker and Morris 1969), crater counting techniques (Shoemaker et al. 1969), and seismic studies (i.e., Watkins and Kovach 1973; Cooper et al. 1974). These diverse methods provide good first order estimates of regolith depths across large distances (tens to hundreds of kilometers), but may not clearly elucidate the variability of regolith depth locally (100 m to km scale). In order to better constrain the regional average depth and local variability of the regolith, we investigate several techniques. First, we find that the apparent equilibrium diameter of a crater population increases with an increasing solar incidence angle, and this affects the inferred regolith depth by increasing the range of predicted depths (from ~7–15 m depth at 100 m equilibrium diameter to ~8–40 m at 300 m equilibrium diameter). Second, we examine the frequency and distribution of blocky craters in selected lunar mare areas and find a range of regolith depths (8–31 m) that compares favorably with results from the equilibrium diameter method (8–33 m) for areas of similar age (~2.5 billion years). Finally, we examine the utility of using Clementine optical maturity parameter images (Lucey et al. 2000) to determine regolith depth. The resolution of Clementine images (100 m/pixel) prohibits determination of absolute depths, but this method has the potential to give relative depths, and if higher resolution spectral data were available could yield absolute depths.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Calcalong Creek lunar meteorite is a polymict breccia that contains clasts of both highlands and mare affinity. Reported here is a compilation of major, minor, and trace element data for bulk, clast, and matrix samples determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Petrographic information and results of electron microprobe analyses are included. The relationship of Calcalong Creek to lunar terranes, especially the Procellarum KREEP Terrane and Feldspathic Highlands Terrane, is established by the abundance of thorium, incompatible elements and their KREEP‐like CI chondrite normalized pattern, FeO, and TiO2. The highlands component is associated with Apollo 15 KREEP basalt but represents a variant of the KREEP‐derived material widely found on the moon. Sources of Calcalong Creek's mare basalt components may be related to low‐titanium (LT) and very low‐titanium (VLT) basalts seen in other lunar meteorites but do not sample the same source. The content of some components of Calcalong Creek are found to display similarities to the composition of the South Pole‐Aitken Terrane. What appear to be VLT relationships could represent new high aluminum, low titanium basalt types.  相似文献   

Based upon our characterization of three separate stones by electron and X‐ray beam analyses, computed X‐ray microtomography, Raman microspectrometry, and visible‐IR spectrometry, Sutter's Mill is a unique regolith breccia consisting mainly of various CM lithologies. Most samples resemble existing available CM2 chondrites, consisting of chondrules and calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) set within phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix (mainly serpentine), pyrrhotite, pentlandite, tochilinite, and variable amounts of Ca‐Mg‐Fe carbonates. Some lithologies have witnessed sufficient thermal metamorphism to transform phyllosilicates into fine‐grained olivine, tochilinite into troilite, and destroy carbonates. One finely comminuted lithology contains xenolithic materials (enstatite, Fe‐Cr phosphides) suggesting impact of a reduced asteroid (E or M class) onto the main Sutter's Mill parent asteroid, which was probably a C class asteroid. One can use Sutter's Mill to help predict what will be found on the surfaces of C class asteroids such as Ceres and the target asteroids of the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 sample return missions (which will visit predominantly primitive asteroids). C class asteroid regolith may well contain a mixture of hydrated and thermally dehydrated indigenous materials as well as a significant admixture of exogenous material would be essential to the successful interpretation of mineralogical and bulk compositional data.  相似文献   

The processes of movement and turnover of the lunar regolith are described by a Monte Carlo model, which includes the effects of collisions by particles from 10?7 g to 1010 g. The movement of material by the direct cratering process is the dominant mode, but slumping is also included for angles exceeding the static angle of repose. Using a group of interrelated computer programs a large number of properties are calculated, including topography, formation of layers, depth of the disturbed layer, nuclear track distributions, cosmogenic nuclides and others. In the most complex program, the history of a 36 point square array is followed for times up to 4 × 108 yr. As expected the histories generated are complex and exhibit great variety. Because a crater covers much less area than its ejecta blanket, there is a tendency for the height change at a test point to exhibit the ‘gambler's ruin’ phenomenon: periods of slow accumulation followed by sudden excavation. In general the agreement with experiment and observation seems good. Two areas of disagreement stand out. First, the calculated surface is rougher than that observed. This problem is understood, and will not occur in a newer version of the model. Second, the observed bombardment ages, of the order of 4 × 108 yr, are shorter than expected (by perhaps a factor of 5). We cannot accept Fireman's (1974) explanation; this remains an important puzzle.  相似文献   

We performed the first global survey of lunar regolith depths using Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) data and the crater morphology method for determining regolith depth. We find that on both the lunar farside and in the nearside, non-mare regions, the regolith depth is twice as deep as it is within the lunar maria. Our data compare favorably with previous studies where such data exist. We also find that regolith depth correlates well with density of large craters (>20 km diameter). This result is consistent with the gradual formation of regolith by rock fracture during impact events.  相似文献   

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